An Awakened Heart

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Jul 29, 2011


An Awakened Heart


Daniel Running Water

Chapter Ten

List of characters:

Strong Bear 48 Chief of the Choctaw

Yellow Hawk 40 Married to Strong Bear

Hawk and Shadow 24 Twin sons of Strong Bear and Yellow Hawk

Abe aka Walking Tall 48 Married to Swift Sparrow

Swift Sparrow 49 Best Friend of Strong Bear

Roaring Thunder 68 Yellow Hawk's father and retired chief

Kyle aka Golden Hawk 40 Married to Roaring Thunder

Spotted Wolf 48 Shaman (doctor) for the Choctaw

Flaming Arrow 23 Married to Hawk

Moon Dancing. 23 Married to Shadow

Moon Shadow 8 son of Shadow and Moon Dancing

Chapter Ten

It was a dark time for the world, with all of Europe involved in a great war. America's long-standing policy of isolationism left the United States reluctant to involve itself with what was popularly perceived, among the American public, as a European war.

Early in 1917, Germany resumed its policy of unrestricted submarine warfare. This, combined with public indignation over the Zimmermann telegram, led to a final break of relations with the Central Powers. After further U-boat attacks on American merchant ships, President Woodrow Wilson requested that Congress declare war on Germany, which it did on April 6, 1917

The House approved the war resolution as did the Senate. Wilson hoped a separate peace could be achieved with Austria-Hungary; however, when it kept its loyalty to Germany, the US declared war on Austria-Hungary in December 1917.

Although the American contribution to the war was important, particularly in terms of the threat posed by an increasing US infantry presence in Europe, the United States was never formally a member of the Entente, but an "Associated Power". Significant numbers of American troops only arrived in Europe in the summer of 1918.

Germany calculated that it would be some time before large numbers of American troops could be sent to Europe, and that, in any event, the U-boat offensive would prevent their arrival. Still, the United States had been in a state of full military-related production, aiding the Entente for quite some time, and had also loaned the Allied powers vast sums of money.

For these reasons, the Germans had made the decision to resume unrestricted submarine warfare, despite the threat of U.S. intervention, gambling that they would win the war before America could make an impact on the battlefield.

The United States Navy sent a battleship group to Scapa Flow to join with the British Grand Fleet, a number of destroyers to Queenstown, Ireland and several submarines to the Azores and to Bantry Bay, Ireland to help guard convoys. Several regiments of U.S. Marines were also dispatched to France. However, it would be some time before the United States would be able to contribute significant manpower to the Western and Italian fronts.

The British and French wanted the United States to send its infantry to reinforce their troops already on the battle lines. Indeed, throughout the war, the American forces were short of their own artillery, aviation, and engineering units. However, General John J. Pershing, American Expeditionary Force (AEF) commander, resisted breaking up American units and using them as reinforcements for British Empire and French units. Without experience in this type of warfare, Pershing ordered the use of frontal assaults, which had been discarded by that time by British Empire and French commanders as too costly in lives of their troops. As a result, the AEF suffered a very high rate of casualties in its operations in the summer and fall of 1918.

Montana 1917

Having just buried Chief Roaring Thunder, Golden Hawk turned his attention to an active role of seeking the seat of Senator from Montana. Golden Hawk campaigned vigorously for the seat and won it by a narrow margin because of the Indian vote.

Although the American Indian would not be given the right to vote in most states until 1924, Montana let the Native American vote as a way to ensure peace. It was this vote that gave Golden Hawk the seat of Senator as well as a voice in Congress to speak for those people that he held precious to him. He had united the different tribes which gave them great power when fully united and no longer warring with each other.

"Make your people proud, Golden Hawk," Strong Bear said as he and those close to Golden Hawk gathered at the train depot to see him off on his trip to Washington.

"I will my chief and I shall miss all of you dearly," he said thickly, his voice filled with emotion.

He gave hugs to all and with tear filled eyes before he boarded the train. Standing on the platform of the caboose, he waved at his love ones until they could no longer be seen and then went to his private car.

"So you're the new senator that will be representing us in Washington," the conductor said, shaking Golden Hawk's hand.

"Yes sir that's me," he proudly said and then went forward to his private car.

One of the privileges of being a senator was having your own car when traveling by train. Although not his taste in decor, he had assumed the car from the previous senator and left it pretty much as it was.

The car was rich with Mahogany paneling and richly upholstered furniture. It also had a four poster bed that until now, was not something that Golden Hawk was accustomed to sleeping on, having spent his years married to Roaring Thunder sleeping on pelts and blankets.

Golden Hawk sat back in an overstuffed chair and looked out the window as the country side rolled by and soon fell asleep. A sudden knock on the door caused Golden Hawk to jump from his sleep and look out of the window.

He had somehow dosed off and never noticed when the train had stopped to pick up other passengers along the way.

"Come in," he said and then gasped when the most handsome man he'd ever seen stepped into the room.

Dressed in a full set of buckskins, Jacob Running Water stepped into the car and closed the door behind him. His long, silky black hair hung mid-way down his back. His looks were classic Indian, except for his eyes, which were green, as green as the first grass of spring and they totally captivated Golden Hawk.

"How may I help you young man?" Golden Hawk asked, his thought telling him silently just how he would like to assist him, especially when he let his gaze drift to the young man's loin and he saw how magnificently he was endowed.

"Are you Senator Cooper, sir?" he asked standing tall and proud.

"I am, and just who might you be?" Golden Hawk replied after a lengthy pause, still not use to using his white name and standing to meet the man who was now offering his hand in friendship.

"I'm your assistant sir, Jacob, Jacob Running Water," he said, surprising the senator.

"My assistant, I was not aware that I had been assigned an assistant already," he said. "I was told that I would be choosing my staff once I arrived in Washington," he said and looked suspiciously at this handsome man.

Jacob grew quiet and moved nervously from side to side as he contemplated his next remark. Knowing how all Indians took pride in telling the truth, he gave way to honesty rather than deceit.

"I'm sorry sir, I lied when I said that I was your assistant. But I have a good reason sir, for I have followed your campaign and I embraced your thoughts as if they were my very own thoughts that you were saying as you campaigned across Montana."

"Sit down ah..."

"Jacob sir, but my people call me Running Water and it's my white mother that gave me the name Jacob."

"So which do you prefer, because I too was called Golden Hawk by my people once I embraced the Choctaw people, but for purposes that you can identify with, I now go by my white name of Kyle Cooper," he confided.

"Yes sir, I can most definitely identify with you. Even though I am Sioux and white, I was raised as a white. You see my father died when I was six and my mother went back to live with her parents after."

"I see, so tell me Jacob, I'll call you that because I assume that is what you were called after you rejoined the white community," he said and Jacob nodded. "You see Jacob I am new to Washington and I haven't yet decided whether or not I will need an assistant."

"Oh but you will sir, for you will be terribly overburdened with work."

"Really, and just how do you know this young man, for you don't seem the type or of age to have been in the political arena?"

"I just graduated from Harvard this past May where I majored in political science."

"My word, Harvard, now it's my turn to be impressed," Kyle said, smiling warmly at him. "If you will pardon my asking this, but just how did a man or half-breed as most whites would call you, get into such a prestigious school?" he asked, noticing how Jacob cringed at the name `half-breed'.

"My mother's father was once the headmaster there, so he got me into the school sir," he proudly said, choosing to ignore the name.

"Was it hard for you...being redskin, to get along with the white students?"

"Yes sir and I was called many names because of my skin's color, including half-breed. But I did not let that deter me in my studies and I finished tops in my class sir. I can say that I proudly beat out all of the white students with my grades."

"So tell me son, why do you feel that I need you as an assistant?"

"Well I did my practicum in Washington as part of my schooling, and it was there that I worked for Senator Smith as his assistant, keeping his schedule straight, making sure that he was where he was suppose to be and on time sir. I was also in charge of scheduling his appointments so that he wasn't spread to thin with his time. He was quite old and he needed his times of rest so that he was not overtaxed, bodily."

"As this is my first time in Washington, I had no idea as to what would be expected of me," Golden Hawk said.

"If I am not being to forward sir, might I suggest something?" he asked and Kyle nodded. "You might want to use your white name exclusively, or else you may find yourself running up against a brick wall so to speak," he suggested.

"I am quite proud of my Choctaw name, but I do see what you mean. I guess it would be best if I used Kyle instead of Golden Hawk."

"I would suggest that you use Kyle," he paused, "that is unless everyone knows of your association with the Choctaw. Although my name is Running Water in Sioux and Jacob was my white name given me, I go by Jacob Mathews, Mathews was my mother's maiden name."

"Well with this all being said, I welcome you to my team as my executive assistant, Jacob," Kyle said shaking hands with the lad. "Now tell me young man, just how old are you?"

"I am twenty-two, sir," he said.

"My but you are young for having such knowledge Jacob. Also, when we are alone together, would you please call me Kyle, I find that sir is way to old sounding... not that I am a young man any longer."

"Why you can't be more than thirty-five...Jacob." He said, flattering Kyle.

"I am forty, young man, but today you make me feel twenty," he said chuckling, his eyes raking over Jacob's well toned body. "Now tell me, how are you traveling? Do you have a private car also?"

"Who me... I can hardly afford the club car, much less a car as plush as this Kyle. I am traveling like most of the others on board, sitting up in the front club cars until we arrive in Washington."

Kyle looked to his bed and saw that it could easily accommodate two men and his mind, now driven by desire, came up with an idea.

"May I offer you a proposition Jacob," the young man nodded, "seeing how I have this large private car and a bed that can easily accommodate both of us for sleeping? Would you like to share it with me and that way we can get better acquainted before arriving in Washington?"

"I could not impose on you like that Kyle, but I do thank you," he said and when he gazed at the large bed, he blushed, for he too wish to better know this man that he had followed politically.

"Nonsense, I have all this and to tell you the truth, I am use to sleeping on a bed of pelts and blankets," they both laughed heartily and Jacob, who also desired more with this man, agreed to share the quarters with Kyle.

"Now tell me Jacob, what is your intake on this war that is raging over in Europe?"

"Personally, I cannot see how we as a nation can continue our isolationist stand for much longer. We are sending goods to support our allies as well as building up troops over there."

"I was not aware that we were sending troops to Europe," he said in shock of how little he knew of the world and its goings on. "But surely President Wilson does not wish to become involved in a war, seeing how our own civil war is not that far behind us."

"I do see President Wilson asking Congress to declare war against Austria and Hungary before the year's end sir...err Kyle. I don't see how he cannot, what with our current showing of support to our allies there."

"Really, the year's end...that soon huh?" he said kneading his brow.

"Shall I get that for you senator?" Jacob asked when a knock on the door interrupted their conversation, Kyle nodded.

"I have come to take the Senator Cooper's order for dinner sir," a black porter said.

"Do come in young man," Kyle called out, surprising the man with his addressing him so politely.

"Yes'sa," he politely said and entered the car, carrying a menu in his hand and handing it to Kyle. Kyle moved to the sofa and motioned for Jacob to sit beside him so that they both could read the menu. Being that close to each other, it ignited a spark between them, causing Jacob to move away some. Kyle noticed how quickly Jacob moved and he wondered what he would be like when it came time for bed, seeing how he was accustomed to sleeping naked.

"I'll have the roast chicken with potatoes and gravy. I would also like a side of green beans if I may," he said and handed the menu to Jacob so he could order.

"I'll have a ham sandwich," he said, noticing the prices and knowing just how little money he had.

"A ham sandwich...he'll have the same dinner as I am ah...Jackson," he said, reading the man's nametag.

"Yes'sa and thank you sa," he said taking the menu and leaving the car.

"Kyle please, I would prefer a ham sandwich," Jacob argued.

"Now Jacob, I heard you gasp when you saw the prices. I also figured out from our previous conversation that your means are quite I correct to assume this young man?"

"Yes sir...I mean Kyle," Jacob mumbled lowering his head, embarrassed by his lack of funds.

"Now don't you worry about money, my mother and grandfather left me quite well off when they died. Having lived most of my years as an Indian, I have not had much use for the money," he told the lad, resting his hand on Jacob's thigh.

The heat from his hand burned clear to Jacob's loin, arousing him in ways that he'd never known before.

"Even so Kyle, I would feel like a kept man if I allowed you to pay my way on this trip," he said shuffling uncomfortably on the seat.

"Then let's look at it as a fringe benefit to your position as my executive assistant," Jacob smiled and nodded in agreement.

Dinner arrived within the hour and once eaten, Kyle and Jacob spent the rest of their time discussing politics and where to live once they arrived in Washington.

"I don't know about you young man, but this man is exhausted. Between campaigning and then preparing for this trip, I have not gotten a good night's sleep in almost six months," he said rising and heading to the bed.

"I'm tired's been a long day for me also. I was up before dawn so I could be at the depot when the train arrived."

Standing on each side of the bed, the two men looked at each other nervously, each waiting for the other to begin undressing.

"I sleep naked Kyle," Jacob blurted out, a blush covering his cheeks as he looked at Kyle.

"As do I Jacob. How about I soften the light so that it will be easier for both of us to undress?"

"Thank you Kyle," Jacob said and turned his back to Kyle after Kyle lowered the wick on the kerosene lamp.

Kyle could not help it; he had to see Jacob's naked body. With Roaring Thunder's failing health, it had been over three years since they had had sex together, other than with his own hand. Now being so close to his handsome young man, gave Kyle a stir in his groin that he'd not felt for years.

Both naked, they scurried under the blankets and suddenly their asses touched, sending that spark of electricity coursing through them. Exhausted from the day's travel, they both fell asleep, their backs to each other and both struggling with their feelings.

Jacob woke just before sunrise and noticed how Kyle was snuggled against him. Jacob could feel Kyle's cock as it pressed tightly against the crack of his ass. So he pushed back against it, grinding his ass to Kyle's cock and he heard Kyle start to moan. Jacob turned and saw Kyle looking at him, but the look upon his face, said that he was not amused by his actions.

"Are you trying to start something kid, because I do not think it wise to do this? It has been way to long since I have had sex and if you continue I will not be held accountable for my actions."

"I know of the love that you shared with Roaring Thunder, and I am of the same mind," Jacob confided, snuggling closer to Kyle.

"How, for other than those of our village, we were careful of our love amongst the white community."

"My mother heard through some soldiers at Fort Powell about Strong Bear and Yellow Hawk. She was also told about Roaring Thunder and his lover who was the grandson of the colonel that once commanded the fort."

"Really, for we were not aware that the soldiers knew of my secret affair with the chief, because we were always careful when and where we showed each other our love."

"Well from what I understand, and this is pure hearsay, a soldier once came across you and Roaring Thunder in the loft of the stable," Jacob said, reminding Kyle of the many times when Roaring Thunder came to see Kyle's grandfather, they would sneak off to the stable to make love.

"Well yes, we often shared our romantic interludes in the loft, but we were always certain that no one was around. Just as I am sure that you might think this is right Jacob, but it can only lead to heartache and trouble for us," Kyle told him.

"I can't help it; I am in love with you Kyle." Jacob gave him a kiss that was so strong that it left no room for doubt as to where Jacob stood on his feelings.

Kyle's need to experience love again caused him to passionately embrace Jacob and kiss him hard and long. He poured into his kiss all the love and emotion that he had once felt for Roaring Thunder and was, at this moment, feeling for Jacob.

Jacob felt Kyle's passion and emotion, and it touched his soul deeply. He could not believe that a man as manly and strong as Kyle could feel such passion so deep within him for a man. He broke his kiss and stared into Kyle's eyes, and he saw his reflection in them, and in that reflection he saw the love that Kyle was feeling. He only hoped that it was for him.

"I love you Kyle." Jacob said, pushing back a stray lock of hair from his brow and then kissed the spot.

"Jacob, how can that be so, we only met yesterday?

"I never believed in love at first sight, but lying here with you and having followed your campaign, I am certain that I am in love with you."

"Just stop and think about us Jacob, why I'm nearly old enough to be your father," Kyle said, sitting up and turning his back to the man as he sat on the side of the bed, his face resting buried in his hands.

Moving over closer to Kyle, Jacob softly ran his hand up and down Kyle's back. Jacob moved to his knees and began nuzzling Kyle's neck, blowing softly into his ear before he gently nibbled it. Easing his hands around to Kyle's broad chest, Jacob kneaded his chest and then pinched Kyle's nipples until Kyle could take no more.

Kyle stood up and turned, his eyes now locked with those of Jacob as he forced the young man back down onto his back, covering Jacob's body with his own.

"Right or wrong Jacob, and I am most sure that it's the latter, I am not going to withhold my love any longer." Kyle affectionately told him and he kissed him hard, bordering on violent, as he slipped his tongue into Jacob's mouth.

Kyle ran his hands over Jacob's muscular chest and abs, before he took him in his arms. Jacob never felt so loved and secure as he did at that moment with Kyle's arms around him. He felt warm and desired, but the best thing was, he felt loved. He brought his arms up around Kyle's neck and held him closer. Kyle pulled Jacob tighter to him before he kissed his shoulder and then nibbled on his ear.

"Oh my God," Jacob whispered, "This feels so good and right Kyle." Kyle was turned on, and he knew it was because of Jacob's hard body and his lust for him.

Kyle sat up quickly, his knees straddling the man's hips as he took a few moments to allow his senses to take in the handsomeness of this man that was looking up at him and then he kissed Jacob passionately. Jacob sat up, moved to Kyle's side and took his cock into his hand and leaned down, licking the pre-cum oozing from it.

"Do you want me to stop Jacob?" Kyle asked as he looked into Jacob's watering eyes. "Because Jacob, once I take this big beautiful cock into my mouth, I am going to suck it and make your wildest dreams come true." Kyle said looking down at Jacob, who was mesmerized as he looked up at Kyle.

"No Kyle ...oh God please don't stop," was all that Jacob could say as he fought his urge to cum, while Kyle kissed him once again.

Jacob was very close to coming and Kyle hadn't even begun to suck his cock yet. Kyle saw how nervous Jacob was also, because he recognized the look from that first time with Roaring Thunder, wondering if what they were about to embark on was right. He had seen it in Roaring Thunder's eyes just before they had changed their friendship, from friends to lovers.

Once they broke their kiss, Kyle kissed and sucked hard on Jacob's neck, leaving his mark, before he kissed his way down to Jacob's erect nipples. He licked and nibbled on them, sending passion filled sensations coursing through Jacob's body, which caused Jacob to moan in utter delight.

As Kyle teased them, he knew that it had been a long time since even he had been pleased in such a way, but Kyle wanted nothing more than to please Jacob, for his pleasure would come from pleasuring this Adonis. He slowly kissed his way down to Jacob's manhood and enveloped it fully with his mouth with one gulp, causing Jacob's hip to urgently thrust upward.

Jacob's cock was buried down Kyle's throat as he sucked it zealously.

"Mmmmm," Kyle moaned as he drank in the aroma of Jacob's scent, his nose nestled in his soft pubic hair. It was the heady scent of a man's man and it intoxicated Kyle. Kyle savored its sweet aroma, as one would a fine wine, intoxicating him deeply.

"Mmmmm," Kyle moaned again, as his senses filled with the scent of his lover and he became drunk with lust.

"Please slow down Kyle." Jacob moaned, barely audible as he wrestled to gain control over his looming climax.

Kyle dropped Jacob's manhood to admire its beauty and he noticed how fat and long it was, much larger than Roaring Thunder's. Before he lowered his mouth back on it, he extended his tongue and ran it around the sensitive head, which caused Kyle to groan out in pleasure.

"Please Kyle, slow down, you have me so close and I really don't want to come just yet," he moaned.

Kyle dropped Jacob's cock from his mouth and sucked his balls, but it was too little too late for Jacob to hold back.

"Damn it Kyle...just suck me I'm coming," he moaned with total abandonment, unable to hold back his climax any longer.

Kyle quickly enveloped Jacob's cock with his mouth and brought his lover to an ultimate climax. Jacob spewed his sperm down Kyle's throat, his hands firmly holding Kyle to his groin. Jacob shot more and more of his seed, thrusting upward faster and deeper, until he had surrendered it all to his lover, releasing his hold and breathing raggedly.

"Damn, that was one hell of a blowjob." Jacob moaned in satisfaction, riding out the tide of his orgasm.

Kyle didn't respond nor wait for more from Jacob, but instead he lifted Jacob's legs unto his shoulders as he licked and nibbled his way to Kyle's hidden treasure, teasing his rosebud with his tongue. He invaded his rosebud with his tongue and made love to it until Jacob was thrashing about in ecstasy, insane from the pleasure that Kyle was giving him, sending him into a sexual frenzy.

"Fuck me Kyle... fuck your man," he yelled, unable to control the passion that now coursed through his body. "I need to feel your cock deep within me Kyle."

Sitting up and looking at Jacob with bewilderment in his eyes, Kyle questioned this new word...fuck.

"What is this word that you used...fuck, for I have never heard of such a word," he questioned.

"It appeared in John Ash's 1775 dictionary defining what we are about to do Kyle, make love. Although its use is considered vulgar and degrading, it simply means to have intercourse," he explained causing Kyle to blush.

"I would much rather think that I am going to make love to you, instead of fucking you, Jacob."

"Make love or fuck me, I really don't care what its called as long as you do it to me my love," he adamantly said, pulling Kyle's mouth to his in a frantic, torrid kiss of passion and lust.

Kyle returned the kiss and moved down to Jacob's cock and once again took in his mouth. Jacob knew that Kyle was making another memory, but now it was with him, instead of reliving his memories of Roaring Thunder.

Kyle wanted Jacob to experience lovemaking with him, so he purposed in his mind to give him every pleasure that Roaring Thunder had given him over the years. Kyle's seductive attention to Jacob's flaccid manhood soon had rising quickly to its full glory. Jacob arched his back in complete surrender and let out a moan so deep, that the vibrations reverberated through his cock to Kyle.

After a long while, Kyle could feel Jacob's imminent climax, as his cock began to swell once again and throb. Kyle relinquished his hold on Jacob's cock, because he wanted this time to last as long as possible for Jacob. Slowly he kissed and licked his way back up to Kyle's lips were he lingered, their lips joining and their tongues doing the dance of love, while their hearts played the music to which they danced to.

Kyle broke their kiss and reached to the nightstand for the some ointment that he had brought; he lubed Kyle's ass and then his own anxious cock. Kyle paused looking down at Kyle, "are you sure that you want me to do this," he asked, his eyes filled with his need.

"I've never been surer sweetheart," Jacob replied and then with their lips meeting, Kyle slowly slid his cock into his lover's rosebud. Kyle buried it fully into Jacob's hot, tight sheath and then paused.

"Oh my God Kyle," Jacob cried out as Kyle fully impaled him with his throbbing cock. "Wait...don't move until I get accustomed to having you in me, for this is my first time doing such a thing," he gasped as beads of sweat formed on his brow and his breathing became more ragged as intense pain coursed through him.

Feeling his muscles relaxing and impaled on Kyle's hard cock, Jacob's eyes rolled back as Kyle began to make love to him, moving rhythmically slow. When Kyle felt his lover relax, he moved more urgently as his own need to release became great. When Kyle felt his cock glide effortlessly in and out of Jacob's ass, his mind drifted back to the many times spent in the arms of Roaring Thunder, the chief's manhood pounding his heat.

Jacob laid there and watched the man who was making love to him and his eyes filled up with tears. Kyle had found them a rhythm that had them moving as one and as their eyes met and seeing his tears, Kyle lowered his mouth down and kissed him tenderly and long.

Kyle slowly made love to his lover for some time, but when his own climax became imminent and he could no longer prolong it, he increased his rhythm, taking urgent, deep plunging strokes, as Jacob's hips rose up to meet Kyle's downward thrusts. Locked in love's embrace, Kyle's eyes never left Jacob's gaze as their tide of love quickly enveloped them, they moved feverishly in unison, each seeking paradise from the other and yet seeking to find it together.

Kyle had the look of a man in love in his eyes and his hands roamed feverishly over Jacob's sweat covered body. If ever two men could be one, it was they, as their love flowed through their eyes and their locked bodies, their rhythm carrying them closer to their paradise.

"Oh Kyle I'm coming again...fuck me!" Jacob howled as he grabbed Kyle by the hips, his fingers digging into the firmness of Kyle's ass and thrusting up to get more of Kyle's cock in him.

"So am I Jacob...oh God, so am I," Kyle moaned as he vehemently pounded Jacob's warm velvet sheath, his rhythm now controlling his body. Kyle felt his sperm churning for release in his balls and rose rapidly as is it too, sought to escape.

Kyle moaned, his eyes closed, and he surrendered to his climax. He was pounding his lover's heat harder, deeper, and no longer in control of his own body's movements.

"Aaaagggghhhhh damn...take my seed," Kyle howled as his cock shot forth its seed deep into Jacob's hard, muscular ass.

"That's it baby...fuck me and give me your seed," Jacob howled as he eagerly thrust upward, their movements controlled totally by their rhythm.

They both climaxed together and there was such an explosion of passion that was so intense that they shouted in ecstasy, while their senses filled with the power of their lovemaking, giving to each their all. They kissed in a tight embrace for what seemed an eternity, their hearts beating as one, while their rhythm carried them away on the tide of love's afterglow.

When their tide finally ebbed, they laid there gazing into each other's eyes, their bodies still joined together in love's embrace. They were each gasping for air when Kyle was the first to see what they were creating between them, and again, his thoughts of their age difference still haunted him.

"I should not have allowed this Jacob." Kyle said to him, as the difference of their ages washed over him. "I am much too old for you Jacob; you deserve a man that is closer to your age."

"Kyle, I wouldn't be here with you if I wanted someone closer to my age. So let's not worry about our age difference any longer. I love you Kyle and I have never experienced such lovemaking as I have with you today. I know our age difference bothers you, but I want you to be my mine always, Kyle."

"I'll admit that I too am falling in love with you and also I know that you feel that you are in love with me, but damn it Jacob, how could we ever make this work in Washington, for you of all people know how those gossip mongers are?"

"Darling look at me, don't let our age difference, or what those gossip hounds might say, bother or worry you. Let me take care of them and let yourself handle what you need to do as senator."

"But your family, what would they think about us, for surely we cannot hide what we are considering from their eyes? Surely your mother will see that we are in love," Kyle worried, rolling off of Jacob and then pulling him into his arms.

"As for my mother and that matter our friends, well they can either accept the fact that we are in love or not, I really don't care Kyle. Mother will be fine with us and I think that she might even suspect that I prefer men to women. I sense it whenever she talks to me about finding someone to share my life with. She keeps saying that she sees me in a relationship that is not conventional or what most would accept as normal."

"Oh God Jacob, I hope that she never finds out about Roaring Thunder and I especially the relationship that we had together. It could destroy my career as well as any that you may seek in the future," he worried.

"We'll be careful as to how we act in public so that no one raises an eyebrow of suspicion. Mother is not one to gossip nor would she tell others if it meant bringing ruin or hardship to her son."

"Can that truly be done, keep our relationship private and behind closed doors, because when you are near me Jacob, all that I want to do is, to grab, touch and kiss you, you move me that much?

"Yes Kyle, it can truly be done and we will both need to exercise control." He paused momentarily as his thoughts gathered. "So what do we do now Kyle," Jacob asked, because he knew they were in love.

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked.

"About us, do we live separately or find a place where we can live together?"

"I had not given that a thought Jacob, what do you propose?"

"I think that if we were to take a private residence in say...Alexandria, Virginia, which is very close to Washington, we just might be able to live happily and away from the eyes of those that seek gossip."

"I shall leave finding us a residence up to you then, because I have a room reserved at the Willard," he said.

"I haven't been able to locate a room yet and assumed that I would have to take one at the YMCA," he said.

"I'll arrange for us to have adjoining rooms at my hotel. After all, as senator I will need my personal assistance close by," he said laughing.

"Again Kyle, please take the cost from my salary," Jacob urged, Kyle nodded.

Kyle became quiet and was trying to find reasons why they shouldn't be together, rather than why they should. "I really enjoyed this very much with you and I know that you did also sweetheart, but I'm afraid, more for you than myself."

"I won't lie and tell you Kyle that I'm not also afraid and that I don't want this to continue, because I am and I do sweetheart. I have been in love with you for quite some time, as I said, having followed your rise in the political arena since its inception, but I was afraid to come to you and tell you. Kyle...I want us to be happy and I feel that my happiness lies with you darling, as does yours with me."

"But wouldn't you be happier with someone that can give you all the energy and love that you deserve, and not some old man that cannot keep up with a man of your age?"

Jacob knew that Kyle was searching for a reason to push him aside and it infuriated him.

"Listen Kyle, if this does happen between us... well then fine. But," he paused and drew in a deep breath. "I will not allow us to continue bickering over our age difference Kyle. I love you and I want us to move forward, toward being husbands," Jacob said, causing Kyle to gasp as Jacob moved up with his mouth and kissed Kyle heatedly. "Now as for the energy needed to keep up with a man of my age, damn Kyle, you just made love to me like a man that was half your age. You totally exhausted me sweetheart... totally exhausted me."

"Alright Jacob, I surrender, but only because I am in love with you," Kyle said, tossing aside his insecurity about their age difference. "We will just have to find a place where we can live together so that we don't arouse the attention of those that would seek to destroy our careers."

Jacob nodded in agreement and then they once again, kissed long and deep, sealing their love. They got up and dressed, knowing that soon the train's steward would be arriving with the menu for breakfast. So they began their day, and their new relationship with a kiss, knowing that what they had shared was something very special and worthy to be built upon.

"Father, my I have council with you," Hawk asked, stepping into his Strong Bear's lodge.

"Ay-uh my son, you know that you never have to ask me this...just come and talk with your father," he said and then his mind wondered if he may be having problems with Flaming Arrow. "Are you and Flaming Arrow not happy with your marriage...are their problems?"

"Gah-ween, for we are very happy father, but this is something else that I wish to speak about," he said, his face showing his concern about how to approach Strong Bear.

"I can see much worry in your eyes my son, why is this so?"

"Father, I am enlisting in the army of the United States, because Flaming Arrow has been drafted," he blurted out, causing Strong Bear to gasp from the shock of his words.

"Gah-ween my son, for no Choctaw has ever served as a blue coat to the great chief in Washington," Strong Bear said, rising and going to a window.

Yellow Hawk came up behind Strong Bear, having given Hawk a knowing glance and wrapped his arms around his husband.

"My love, won't you please sit and listen to what our son has to say, before you dismiss him as if he were but one of your warriors whom you disagree with?" Yellow Hawk asked softly, laying his head against the broad, muscular back of Strong Bear.

Strong Bear turned, looked at Yellow Hawk first, kissed him and then nodded and smiled before turning his attention back to Hawk.

"What is this thing that you call a draft?" he inquired.

"The draft includes all men from ages 21-30 in America father," he told him. "Do Walking Tall and Swift Sparrow agree with this...this draft that you say is taking Flaming Arrow from you?"

"Gah-ween, but Walking Tall says that his son has no choice in the matter. When such a notice calls a young man to serve, then he must serve. That is why I wish to serve with him father, so that I can be there beside him to protect him," he reasoned with his father.

"Ay-uh my son, I too know what it is to worry about someone you love and want to always be there to protect them, but..." he paused giving Yellow Hawk another glance. "But you are next in line to be chief and I don't see how you going will allow you to stay with Flaming Arrow?"

"Golden Hawk has promised that he will get us assigned to Washington together, father. As the new senator from Montana, he said that he'll use his political influence to ascertain our service in Washington." He too paused, because he knew how his next statement would be received by his father. "As for being the next in line to be chief, father, I am giving my place to Shadow," he glance nervously to both his fathers when he heard them gasp.

"Gah-ween," Strong Bear shouted, rising angrily to stand. "You are my first born and you are the next in line to be chief," he adamantly stated and then hurried from his lodge, leaving Hawk standing bewildered and angered also.

"My son, let what you have said to your father sink in, I am sure that with my prodding, he'll see that Shadow is just as capable of being chief as you are," Yellow Hawk said, embracing his son warmly.

He left Strong Bear's lodge and Hawk felt that he had injured his father beyond fixing by his words.

To be continued...

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