An Awakened Heart

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Jun 30, 2011


An Awakened Heart


Daniel Running Water

Sequel to a Heart's Legacy

Chapter One

Wyoming 1893

Strong Bear sat on a butte overlooking the village that he had established in a peaceful valley that was now home to his people. He had wrestled long and hard with his father Hawk, over whether to take his people to Arizona after he had had a dream about his people being forced unto a reservation. Then one night another dream came to him, showing him this beautiful land called Wyoming.

"Ay-uh, Strong Bear was wise to listen to his inner voice and move his people here to Wyoming," he said aloud, smiling as his eyes drifted slowly over the landscape.

His attention was drawn to a sudden movement along the Green River below him. A young brave of about sixteen winters had just dismounted his horse and was leading him to the water.

Strong Bear watched the handsome brave and noticed how muscular he was, with his broad shoulders, strong muscular arms and legs, a chest that was well defined and abs that appeared sculpted of stone and rippled. His face was classic Indian, strong jaw, long straight nose, with high firm cheek bones and midnight black eyes. His coal black hair reached half way down his back and was held back by a beaded headband.

He wore just a brief loincloth which did not hide much of the youth's strong body. His bow was across his shoulder and he had a quiver of arrows on his back, he was a warrior Strong Bear surmised and not a mere brave. Not since the death of his precious White Deer, had Strong Bear felt such a stirring in his heart for another as he was feeling now for this young warrior.

Wanting a closer look, Strong Bear moved closer to the edge where his view would be lest obstructed.

"Ay-uh, this young warrior is very handsome and one that Strong Bear must surely get to know," he whispered as his eyes took in the beauty of the young lad.

Yellow Hawk tied his horse to a low limb and walked toward the water, the heat of the day drew him to the water like the light of a fire drew a moth. He looked around him for signs of others before he placed his thumbs into the waistband of his loincloth and drew it down his muscular legs until it fell of its own accord to the ground. He stepped from it, kicked it aside, and then removed his beaded moccasins from his feet and stepped into the coolness of the water, diving head long into the water.

From his concealment, Strong Bear watched the young warrior's muscular body disappear beneath the water, a sudden stirring occurring in his groin. It had been many moons since he had felt something like this for another man ... for he had not felt this, not since White Deer had stirred his sexual hunger for a man.

"He is a very strong warrior to swim against the river's currents," Strong Bear whispered, watching the young man as he swam against the current as if it were nothing but ordinary water.

After many minutes, the young warrior swam to shore and walked from the water, his body glistening in the rays of the sun. Strong Bear's heart raced as his eyes took in the beauty of the young man's body. Even shrunken from the coldness of the water, the warrior's manhood hung a good seven inches which proved to Strong Bear how endowed this warrior was.

"Ay-uh, Yellow Hawk thinks that this strange warrior has seen enough of his body," Yellow Hawk said, smiling smugly as he slipped his loincloth on and once he gathered up his bow and arrow, mounted his trusted steed and rode away, leaving Strong Bear wondering who he was.

Yes, Yellow Hawk had also seen the handsome warrior that spied on him from the butte. He too was intrigued by this warrior's handsome looks and strong, muscular body, having seen him several times as he bathed in the river. But Yellow Hawk had always kept his presence a secret, fearing how this proud warrior would take him if he knew his secret. Yellow Hawk knew that this warrior shared the same `two spirits' and yet he was apprehensive to share his secret with him.

Daniel, I suggest you put a disclaimer at the beginning that the reader should read the entire series first to understand all the characters. Hell, I read them all but had to go back to remember who Abe is.

"Where have you been Strong Bear," Abe asked, once he found him sitting alone beside his lodge fire, having returned from the butte.

"I had much thinking to do Walking there something that you wish to counsel with me about?" Strong Bear said, calling Abe by the Indian name that he gave him.

"Ay-uh my friend, I just came from the fort and there was talk about many whites having been killed by Indians," he said. "And from what I heard, they are pointing fingers at your people because they are new to the area," Abe added.

"We are a peace loving people Walking Tall, we seek to live in peace with the white eyes," Strong Bear said, quickly rising to his feet with much anger in his eyes.

"I said that to those at the trading post, but I was accused of being an injun lover," he said. "Even Spotted Wolf and Jonah have been having trouble with the whites, seeing how Spotted Wolf is Indian," Abe said.

"Our Shaman is old and hasn't many more winters left, maybe it would be best if Spotted Wolf came here and took over as our people's Shaman," Strong Bear suggested, remembering how their Shaman seemed to forget much about his healing craft.

Proud Buffalo also seemed to forget many of those in the village that were familiar to him, but he found them, at times, to be strangers.

"I suggested that, but what about Jonah, he's a doctor also and you know he loves his doctoring," Abe said.

"He can help Spotted Wolf, but only a Choctaw can be a Shaman," Strong Bear said, his arms crossed firmly across his muscled chest. "If he wishes to continue his doctoring, it must be as Spotted Wolf's assistant.

When Strong Bear stood tall and proud and as stoic as he was, it was then that Abe was so taken by the man. He found it hard to resist his charm and handsomeness.

"I must go, I just wanted to tell you what is being said at the trading post, Strong Bear," Abe said, rising and standing before his friend.

"Thank you my friend," Strong Bear said, taking Abe into his arms and hugging him warmly, their eyes meeting and holding for what seemed an eternity as their lips slowly drifted closer.

"Don't Strong Bear...I don't think I could resist your kiss without wanting to take it further," Abe said, stepping slowly away and leaving the chief's lodge.

Abe and Caleb have been less than lovers ever since their arrival in Wyoming. Caleb seemed to be coming up with excuses each night why he was not in the mood for making love, and even when they did make love, it seemed that Caleb's heart was not in it. But it was just this very morning that Caleb's lack of commitment to their relationship had finally come to an end of them. Abe patted his shirt pocket, feeling the paper that was folded inside it.

Abe mounted his horse and gave a kick to its flanks, causing the horse to ride off at a slow trot. Abe only wished that when he got back to his cabin that he would find Caleb there waiting for him, and not having moved out like his letter had said. Once he was clear of the village, Abe pulled Caleb's letter from his pocket and with tear filled eyes he reread it.

Dear Abe,

I am so sorry to have to write this letter to you, but so many times I have tried to say the words to you. Each time that I tried, they seem to get stuck in my throat, so I have written them down for you to read.

I am leaving you for another man, Running Water, one of Strong Bear's warriors. He and I fell in love long before we moved to Wyoming. I am so sorry to hurt you Abe and its not you, it's me that changed in our love.

Please forgive me Abe.


"Forgive you Caleb...yes, I forgive you, how can I not forgive you when I left you alone so many nights when I was out on hunting parties or trapping to earn a living? You are young and needed a man to love and warm your bed at night and I failed you my sweet boy," Abe said, lowering his head and crying hard as he tucked the note away. "I just hope that Running Water makes you happy my love," he said, kicking the horse's flanks once again and riding off.

The next morning, Strong Bear called his warriors into their counsel lodge, to discuss what Abe had shared with him.

"I have called this counsel because we are being accused, as a people, of killing many white eyes," Strong Bear said, shifting his eyes around the counsel lodge at the eyes of his warriors.

His warriors grumbled loudly at his words and Strong Bear held up his hand to quiet them.

"I too hear feel your pain over these lies and I shall ride with Walking Tall to Fort Powell to share counsel with the ruling colonel there," he told them.

"Gah-ween my chief...what if the colonel decides to arrest you," Running Water said, standing up and voicing his opposition to Strong Bear's decision.

"My friend, the colonel would not think that a guilty man would willingly come in and surrender if he were guilty. This is why Strong Bear shall go to him before he comes with many blue coats looking for Strong Bear," he reasoned.

"Ay-uh, but I still fear for your life my chief and friend," Running Water said, sitting back down beside his chief.

"Strong Bear's mind is made up and now I go to pray to our Great Spirit in the sky for peace of mind and for goodwill between Strong Bear and the colonel," he said as he stood to go.

"Shall I go with you my chief," Running Water asked.

"Gah-ween my friend, I leave our people in your hands until I return," Strong Bear said.

He stepped from the counsel lodge and a brave was waiting with his horse, which he quickly mounted and rode away.

He rode it to the butte that he found solace on and also where he had seen that handsome young warrior swimming in the river. Tying his horse to a low limb so he could feed on the grass, Strong Bear climbed to the butte to pray. He was there for several minutes praying when he heard a twig snap, but didn't turn around immediately. Instead he kept on praying as if he didn't hear the twig snap and kept his ears alert for whomever it was walking toward him as his hand slowly drifted down to his knife, which was tied to his thigh.

Strong Bear could feel the burning of someone's eyes on his back as he knelt in prayer and just when he could feel the breath of that someone, he suddenly turned and dropped them to the ground, covering their body with his and holding his knife to the warrior's throat.

"You approach Chief Strong Bear like a snake approaches its victim, silently and with killing on your mind," he said, looking down into the soft warm eyes of the young warrior that he had seen the day before swimming in the river.

"I do not wish to harm you...and I did not know that you were a great chief," he said, looking up into Strong Bear's eyes, his arms pinned over his head by Strong Bear's hand, and yet he did not strive to struggle.

Yellow Hawk's breath was shallow and his heart raced as his body lay beneath Strong Bear's, the warmth saturating from Strong Bear's body was filling his very soul.

"Why is it young warrior that you do not struggle against this chief," Strong Bear asked, his mouth but a whisper away from Yellow Hawk's.

"I am in awe of your power, and that you're very handsome my chief," Yellow Hawk said softly, his eyes still locked with those of Strong Bear. "If I were to tell you that I was of two spirits, would you throw me from this butte," he asked.

"Strong Bear would not throw such a brave young warrior from this butte for such an admission but rather he would do this," he whispered and then lowered his mouth and kissed Yellow Hawk heatedly.

Releasing Yellow Hawk's wrists, Yellow Hawk wrapped them around Strong Bear's neck and leaned into the kiss. Yellow Hawk opened his lips and their tongues met and danced together, as their kiss lengthened and deepened.

"By what name does this handsome warrior go," Strong Bear asked, his voice thick with desire.

"Yellow Hawk, son of Roaring Thunder, Chief of the Choctaw Fox clan," Yellow Hawk said, still gasping for air from the kiss. "I am sixteen winters old and already a mighty warrior in my people's eyes," he boasted proudly.

"I am Chief Strong Bear of the Choctaw Turtle clan, we moved here from the Oklahoma Territory four moons ago," he said. "I have planned to come to your village and speak with your father to seek counsel about this lie that it's the Choctaw people which are killing white eyes."

"Ay-uh, my father too has heard this lie and wishes to seek counsel with you," Yellow Hawk said. "I fear that it's the renegade Sioux, Black Feather, along with those outlaw white eyes led by Josh Temple," Yellow Hawk offered.

"Do you know who is colonel at Fort Powell," Strong Bear asked, still lying on top of Yellow Hawk, their hardened manhood pressing against each other.

"Ay-uh, that would be Colonel Seth Parker, a good and fair man," he said but his demeanor changed, alerting Strong Bear. "Beware of his right hand man, Lieutenant Cal Williams, he's very evil and speaks with a forked tongue."

"Will Chief Strong Bear let Yellow Hawk up or do we explore where this could lead us," Strong Bear asked, grinding his groin against that of the warrior.

"Unless you wish to have whoever is climbing the path to see us in this position, I would suggest that we seek a better position Strong Bear." Yellow Hawk said, thankful to whoever was approaching them for having saved him from disclosing his secret.

They both scrambled to sit and faced one another, just as Running Water came into view. He paused momentarily, his dark eyes drawn to Yellow Hawk, wondering why he would be there with his chief and friend.

"My chief, I saw another horse that I did not recognize tied beside yours and I worried that you were in danger," Running Water said, still gazing at Yellow Hawk with distrust in his eyes.

"Strong Bear is having counsel with a warrior from the Fox clan of the Choctaw," he said, giving a smug smile to Yellow Hawk before turning his gaze back to Running Water.

"Forgive me my chief," Running Water said, lowering his head in shame for having interrupted his chief. He slowly backed away, disappearing into the thicket from which he had just walked from.

"You are a fast thinker Strong Bear," Yellow Hawk said. "I shall tell my father to expect you today," he added and stood, stepping closer and into Strong Bear's embrace as their lips paused but a breath away from each other.

"I do not know where this shall lead us Yellow Hawk, but you have awakened my heart that I have long thought dead," Strong Bear said, pulling the warrior to him and kissing him heatedly.

"How can it lead us any where but to heart ache my chief, for we are two men with two separate destinies. You are a great chief and I am a son destined to be chief someday, so how can we find love together," he asked, still clinging to Strong Bear.

"I shall pray to the Great Spirit for answers, that he may open a way for us to be of one heart...of one soul, Yellow Hawk," Strong Bear said, breaking their hold. "Go now to your father and tell him that I come in peace to have a counsel with him and his warriors with my warriors," Strong Bear said.

"Ay-uh," Yellow Hawk said and started away, turned and rushed into Strong Bear's arms once again, their lips meeting is love's kiss.

Yellow Hawk broke the kiss and ran away, glancing over his shoulder just before he stepped into the forest, disappearing from Strong Bear's sight.

"Forgive me White Deer, forgive me for taking another love into my heart," Strong Bear whispered and gasped when he felt a gentle breeze caress his cheek as White Deer use to do.

With tears in his eyes, Strong Bear looked up into the heavens, knowing that his precious White Deer had given him his blessing to give his heart to another.

"You shall always be my best love, White Deer," he sighed and hurried away from the butte.

Strong Bear, along with Abe and Strong Bear's warriors rode into the village of the Fox clan of the Choctaw, their weapons lowered in peace, all eyes of the people on warriors that rode into the village. Chief Roaring Thunder stood before the counsel lodge with his son Yellow Hawk on his right side and his warriors flanking them, their weapons also lowered in peace.

"Welcome to the village of the Choctaw Fox clan, Chief Strong Bear," Roaring Thunder said, his arm extended toward Strong Bear.

"I accept your welcome mighty chief, Roaring Thunder," Strong Bear said, accepting his arm, grasping it warmly, their eyes locking in friendship.

Strong Bear glanced over at Yellow Hawk and could not help but smile, his heart skipping a beat to see his love interest standing there smiling back at him.

"I see that you have made notice of my son, Yellow Hawk," Roaring Thunder said, bringing forth his son and Yellow Hawk offered his arm in friendship to Strong Bear.

It took much control for them not to embrace each other when they grasped their arms in friendship, for they wanted to embrace and kiss one another.

"I see that you bring a white eye with you, do you allow white eyes to sit in counsel with you?" Roaring Thunder asked with much concern in his voice as he looked at Abe.

"Walking Tall and I go back to our days when my people lived in Mississippi, Roaring Thunder. He is of Choctaw heart and soul," Strong Bear said, bringing Abe forward.

"It's a pleasure to meet and serve you Chief Roaring Thunder," Abe said humbly, extending his arm in peace and friendship to the chief.

Roaring Thunder looked long and hard into Abe's eyes and then took Abe's arm in friendship, knowing that Strong Bear allowed him to be with him because he must trust him.

"Come, we shall smoke first and then have counsel about these lies that white eyes are spreading about us Choctaws," Roaring Thunder said, leading the way into counsel lodge.

"If my father asks you to spend the night, please say yes and stay Strong Bear," Yellow Hawk whispered, but Abe heard every word that was said, wondering what was going on between them.

"Ay-uh my love," Abe heard Strong Bear whisper back and entered the lodge with them, now knowing that Strong Bear was in love again.

"Why you son of a gun, you finally fell in love again, well it's about time," he thought, glancing over at Yellow Hawk. "Quite the handsome young lad too," he mentally added.

Inside the counsel lodge, the chiefs spoke about the lies that were being spread about the killing having been caused by the Choctaw and how a counsel was needed with the colonel at Fort Powell. They also spoke about the Sioux renegade, Black Feather, as well as how he had aligned himself with the white eyes, Josh Temple.

"Do you think this Colonel Parker will listen to Strong Bear and Roaring Thunder," Abe asked, concerned now for both chiefs.

"Colonel Powell is a man of much heart toward the people of red skin," Roaring Thunder said, his eyes watching how his son and Strong Bear kept smiling at each other. "He will listen, especially to Roaring Thunder because he knows me much longer," he said proudly.

Unable to let their glances and smiles slip from his mind, Roaring Thunder turned abruptly to Strong Bear.

"Why do you look at my son as though you know him before this first meeting," he asked Strong Bear, his curiosity finally getting the best of him.

"I admire much the future chief of the Fox clan," Strong Bear quickly replied, which was not a lie in itself. "I see a strong leader in your son...for you have raised him well to fill your moccasins someday."

"Ay-uh, he shall make a great chief when his father rides to the great hereafter," Roaring Thunder said proudly, wondering if this chief knew of Yellow Hawk's secret.

They continued their talks and soon food was brought by Roaring Thunder's wife. Everyone ate and many of the warriors from both villages danced well into the evening. Looking up through the smoke hole, Roaring Thunder could see the moon and stars.

"It is late my friend, surely you would accept my invitation to stay the night at my village and tomorrow we leave together for Fort Powell," Roaring Thunder said, Yellow Hawk's heart pounding with anticipation of what could happen later if he stayed.

"Ay-uh my friend," Strong Bear said, rising together with Roaring Thunder and walking from the lodge, along with Abe and Yellow Hawk. "I feel it is safer if we stay and then ride on together when the sun rises. We need to put to rest these lies before we find war coming to our villages."

"I agree and my son shall show you to a lodge that is used for special guests," Roaring Thunder said, giving his wife a smile as she left, knowing that she went to warm his own bed. "My wife goes to warm my blankets, did you bring a special someone to warm yours," he asked.

"Gah-ween, but soon I hope to have that special someone that will not only warm my blankets but also my heart," he said and quickly cast his eyes at Yellow Hawk, but did not remove them fast enough so that Abe did not see.

"Then until sunrise my friend," Roaring Thunder said, shaking hands in the traditional Choctaw way first, he left Strong Bear with Yellow Hawk.

"Come, I shall show you to your lodge Strong Bear," Yellow Hawk said and led the way, followed by Strong Bear and Abe.

Once Abe saw where he would be sleeping, he graciously bowed out for a spell.

"I need to stretch my legs and walk, so I'm going to go for a walk down by the river. I should be gone for about quite some time," he said, giving Strong Bear a wink.

"Thank you my friend," Strong Bear said, knowing that now Abe had figured out just what Yellow Hawk meant to him.

"Your white friend leaves us alone..." he begins to say, but Strong Bear pulls the young warrior into his arms, crushing their hard bodies together and capturing his mouth with his own in a kiss that spoke of a love that was strong and endless.

"I love you Yellow Hawk, and my body aches for you," Strong Bear whispered against his lips.

"Ay-uh my heart, as does mine for you," he replied as he reached to remove the warrior's loincloth.

Yellow Hawk stood back, his hands holding his loincloth in place.

"You are so handsome Yellow Hawk, you make this chief's heart come alive once again, so why do you pull away and deny me your love?" Strong Bear whispered thickly, running his fingers through the warrior's hair as he pulled him close to him once again, his lips softly brushing Yellow Hawk's with a kiss.

"There is much I wish to tell you before we make love, but I fear that once you know my secret, your love for me shall wane," Yellow Hawk whispered back, letting his tongue trace the outline of Strong Bear's lips before entering the chief's mouth.

A shiver of ecstasy ran through Yellow Hawk when Strong Bear slid his lips down the contour of his neck, stopping to kiss the hollow of his throat, all the while his hand moved down the lad's body to rest at the tautness of a nipple, awakening sensuous feelings never known before to Yellow Hawk.

Yellow Hawk inhaled a quick breath and tossed his head back when Strong Bear's mouth captured his nipple and first suckling on it and then nibbling it. Never had or woman, given him such pleasure as this man was now giving him with his mouth. Yellow Hawk's breath was stolen away with a deep gasp of shock when Strong Bear's hands grasped his ass in a sensual way and his finger penetrated his most private place, sending a surging pain coursing through him at the first entry before he felt the most pleasant of pleasures when Strong Bear found and began rubbing his prostate.

"Ay-uh...what is that which you have found," Yellow Hawk said, pressing his backside back against Strong Bear's finger.

"It is your hidden love nut that the Great Spirit placed inside to give you great pleasure when he that was made for you... enters," Strong Bear whispered against the Yellow Hawk's ear, placing another finger into the heat of the warrior.

"I can feel it surging all the way into my groin," Yellow Hawk moaned, grinding his ass against Strong Bear's hand, needing more of his touch, and yet forgetting momentarily about his secret.

Strong Bear added a third finger in preparation, eager to share lovemaking with this warrior that he had fallen hopelessly in love with.

Strong Bear knew that Yellow Hawk loved him; why else would he allow such intimacy between them? Both of their hearts were being awoken to love and its passion. He also knew that from this night forward that Yellow Hawk would not...could not; turn neither his back, nor his heart from him.

Removing his fingers when he knew that Yellow Hawk was ready, Strong Bear stepped away and smiling down at the young man, seductively looked at Yellow Hawk.

"Remove my clothes," he commanded the young warrior.

Yellow Hawk knelt before the mighty chief and placed his fingers in the waistband of his loincloth and drew it slowly down his muscular legs, discarding it once he had it free from the chief's body. One by one he removed Strong Bear's moccasins and these too he discarded and looked up at Strong Bear with desire in his eyes.

"Show me how much you want this mighty chief," Strong Bear groaned, placing his fingers in Yellow Hawk's hair and urging his head forward.

Yellow Hawk had never touched another man's anatomy before, much less placed it in his mouth, but he wanted to please his lover so he reached up and grasped Strong Bear's hard, throbbing length and pulled back the skin which covered the head and began licking the purple head.

Strong Bear moaned in delight, urging Yellow Hawk to move further down on his manhood. Yellow Hawk closed his eyes as his mouth opened and allowed his lover's shaft to move slowly into the wet warmth of his mouth. He closed his mouth around the shaft, wrapping his lips tightly around its hardness before he withdrew slowly, causing Strong Bear to moan and to push Yellow Hawk back down onto his shaft. Soon Yellow Hawk knew what his lover wanted of him and he was moving gracefully up and down on the shaft as if he had been doing this most frequently.

"Enough," Strong Bear moaned, not wishing to lose his seed this way, he stepped away from the warrior and eased him to his feet.

"Did I not please my lover," Yellow Hawk asked, his face showing his disappointment.

"You pleased Strong Bear too much, but he does not wish to give his seed in such a way," Strong Bear said, capturing Yellow Hawk's mouth with his in a lustful kiss. "Strong Bear wishes to hold you for a while," he whispered, allowing his urgency the time needed to calm down.

Yellow Hawk's mouth met Strong Bear's in a feverish kiss and all time stood still for the lovers as Strong Bear lowered Yellow Hawk down to the bed of pelts and blankets, knowing that now was the time for them to make love.

Strong Bear's hand moved to Yellow Hawk's loincloth and began to pull it down his muscular body. Knowing that his secret would be revealed when his body lay naked and exposed to Strong Bear's eyes, Yellow Hawk's hands grabbed his loincloth and held it in place.

"Gah-ween my chief...I am not yet ready to take our love to the next step and make love together," he lied, wanting nothing more than to feel the strength of Strong Bear's shaft deep inside him.

Strong Bear's body covered Yellow Hawk's body, using his knee to spread the boy's legs so that his manhood could rest against Yellow Hawk's thigh.

"Strong Bear can feel your apprehension," he said, taking Yellow Hawk's unwillingness to make love as fear. "The first time that I enter you, you shall feel pain, but soon it shall pass and intense pleasure shall follow," Strong Bear explained, warning Yellow Hawk before hand.

"I am a mighty warrior and I am able to withstand all pain," Yellow Hawk firmly stated, but in his heart he doubted that once his secret was known by Strong Bear, he would not desire him, much less love him.

"Please Strong Bear...allow me time before we do this, for we have only just met and I wish to know you better," he asked, seeing the disappointment in his lover's eyes. "Let me bring you much pleasure with my mouth," he suggested and reluctantly, Strong Bear rolled away from the young warrior and onto his back.

" can pleasure me my love."

Yellow Hawk knelt between Strong Bear's legs and lowered his mouth down to the man's hardness, savoring the taste of his lover as his manhood slid across his tongue and down his throat.

Slowly and methodically, Yellow Hawk moved his mouth on his lover's manhood. He knew that he was giving much pleasure to Strong Bear, because he could hear his groans of ecstasy as Yellow Hawk quickened his rhythm on the chief's manhood, his hand gripping tightly and moving over it as his mouth moved on his hardness.

"My need to release cannot be held back...take the seed of my loins," Strong Bear moaned out, his hips rising rapidly as his seed rose from his balls.

Holding the boy's head to his groin, Strong Bear spewed his seed across the boy's tongue and down his throat, both men moaning as Yellow Hawk drank all that he was offered, Strong Bear's hips rapidly rising and falling as he shot his seed.

"Aieee," Strong Bear yelled, no longer concerned over who may hear, spewing his seed into his lover's mouth.

"At least someone is getting it," Abe said sadly, tossing a stone into the river and remembering how it used to be with Caleb.

"Walking Tall cannot sleep," a warrior said, surprising Abe, and causing him to jump by his sudden appearance.

"I...I didn't mean to disturb you with my presence..." Abe said. "My chief is entertaining so I am here until it is safe to return to the lodge," he said.

"I am Swift Sparrow, Roaring Thunder's most trusted friend and warrior," he said, offering Abe his hand in friendship. "Your chief entertains Roaring Thunder's son, Yellow Hawk," he added, causing a shocked expression to cross Abe's face.

"I do not know who..." Abe lied but Swift Sparrow raised his hand to Abe's lips to quiet him.

"There is no need to lie to me; I know this because it is my job to protect not only my chief but also his son. I followed his son and heard the words that were spoken between your chief and Yellow Hawk. They are in love and what is between their hearts is not of concern to this warrior. Only his safety is of my concern," he said, motioning to the soft bed of moss. "Sit, we talk until you can return to your lodge," he added and took a seat beside Abe.

"It has been many moons since Strong Bear's heart has awoken to love," Abe said. "His one and only love died in a tornado that took not only his life but also Strong Bear's heart that day."

"Ay-uh, I too know the pain of loosing one's heart to death. I lost my love too when hunting many moons ago when he was killed by that evil Josh Temple," he said, his eyes splashing with tears.

"I'm sorry for your loss Swift Sparrow," Abe said, resting his hand on the warrior's shoulder and remembering Caleb again.

"Do you have a love to warm your blankets Walking Tall?" he asked, looking deep into Abe's eyes.

"Gah-ween, I once did, but he gave his heart to another. I was not enough to hold his love, his youth wished to experience more of this kind of love," causing the warrior to draw in a sharp breath, for it was the worse of all humiliations for ones lover to spurn one's love for another.

"I am sorry for your humiliation and disgrace, for it must be hard to live with such shame."

"Not really, he was really too young to settle down and I should have known better, but I fell in love anyways," Abe said, turning his face to hide his tears. "You see Swift Sparrow; he was but sixteen winters old and I was his first lover and hoped that I would have been his last."

Abe turned his face from the handsome warrior, not wishing him to see the tears that he shed.

Swift Sparrow reached up and placed a hand to Abe's face and turned it so that their eyes could meet. "Do not cast your eyes from mine in shame Walking Tall as if you have something to be ashamed of in your tears," he said softly.

Abe shrugged his shoulders gently out of fear, because if he spoke he was afraid that he would lose it completely and cry like a baby before this warrior and completely shame himself. Swift Sparrow felt Abe's pain and stood, pulling Abe to his feet. Once the two were standing, Swift Eagle embraced Abe tightly, gazed but a moment into the man's eyes and then their mouths met in an all consuming kiss.

Within moments, they were naked and the two men were on the bed of moss, tossing and turning as if they had been lovers forever. First Swift Sparrow was on top and then Abe was, before Swift Eagle came to finally rest on top of Abe.

"Do you give yourself to this warrior without reservations," Swift Sparrow asked, gazing down into Abe's eyes that were glazed over with lust.

"Just take me damn it, before we both come to our senses," Abe said and then pulled the handsome warrior's mouth down to his in a heated and eager kiss.

Abe wrapped his legs around Swift Sparrow's waist and the warrior with a firm and mighty thrust, entered Abe's sheath. Abe tossed his head back and arched his back as he gave himself over to the pain and then the ecstasy that was shortly to follow.

Swift Sparrow lifted his body up with his arms, his thrusts urgent and methodical. Abe's hips rose to meet Swift Sparrow's pelvis as it descended, driving his manhood deeper and harder into his heat, their mouths locked together in a torrent of kisses.

Abe's fingers dug into the flesh of Swift Sparrow's ass, pulling his body closer ... his cock deeper, while Swift Sparrow's mouth bit and sucked feverishly on Abe's taut nipples.

"More Swift Sparrow...harder...deeper," Abe cried out, his hips rising faster and faster to meet the thrusts that were urgently pounding Swift Sparrow's manhood deeply into his Abe's tortured heat.

"The one that chose to toss you away was the loser," Swift Sparrow gasped out. "Never has Swift Sparrow had a lover that can match his fire as you Walking Tall," he added, his hands finding and grabbing Abe's ass, pulling his body closer, molding their bodies together as one, their thrusts becoming feverish as they moved ever closer to their edge.

"I'm close my handsome warrior...I am so very, very close," Abe moaned, his seed quickly rising as if it was coming from the very core of his being.

"Aieee...Swift Sparrow is there also," he crowed out and thrust one last time deep into Abe's heat, stopped, and then spewed his, two and three large blasts before resuming his rapid thrusts of ecstasy.

Abe shot his seed between their entwined bodies while Swift Sparrow filled his burning heat with his seed. A love between them was forming that would soon prove to withstand the winds of time as well as the difference of their skin color and cultures.

All too soon the two men were lying side by side gasping for air and their hearts racing. They turned toward each other to kiss but all they could do was laugh, having found the situation so funny.

"Do you believe in love at first sight," Abe asked.

"Gah-ween, not until I met you and we shared this did I...could I believe that such a thing could exist," Swift Sparrow said, lying on his side, running a finger around the brown nub on Abe's chest.

"Same here Swift Sparrow, for you alone have given me a reason to live and love again," he said, taking the man's hand and kissing the palm before placing it over his heart. "This is where I am keeping you always, deep in my heart Swift Sparrow," he said and leaned up and covered him before kissing the warrior heatedly.

With the renewed life returning to his manhood, Abe parted Swift Sparrow's legs, and then thrust his manhood into the warrior's heat.

Swift Sparrow moaned out in pain as Abe's length penetrated deeper, impaling the warrior.

"Have you not ever been made love to," Abe asked, seeing how his entry had caused a painful expression to center in Swift Sparrow's eyes.

" are the first," he said, now feeling the joy of ecstasy spreading throughout his body.

"As you were for me," Abe replied and lowered his mouth down to Swift Sparrow's in an all consuming kiss.

Methodically, Abe thrust his hardness in and out of Swift Sparrow. Swift Sparrow wrapped his muscular legs around Abe's waist and met his thrusts with his own. Abe thrust down and Swift Sparrow rose to meet each thrust, both men reeling in the bliss that soon brought about their second climax.

Exhausted and kissing heatedly, neither paid attention to the world around them, for they were in a world all their own as they rode the tide of their afterglow.

A soft cough soon alerted the men that they were no longer alone and they separated, both of them embarrassed by Strong Bear's sudden appearance.

"I came to tell you that you can return to the lodge and here I find you in another warrior's arms," Strong Bear said, laughing heartily at Abe's face as he blushed to be caught naked and in this compromising position.

Abe pulled his shrunken manhood from Swift Sparrow's heat and stood up.

"Strong Bear...I thought that you and Yellow Hawk would be still going at it with your lovemaking," Abe said, causing Strong Bear to give a shocked look, causing Strong Bear's eyes to look over at Roaring Thunder's most trusted warrior.

"Do not worry about me," Swift Sparrow said, rising and pulling on his loincloth. "I followed Yellow Hawk to your lodge and heard your conversation. I know of the love that you two share and I shall keep it our secret," he added.

"Strong Bear thanks you Swift Sparrow, but then you also know that I shall speak tomorrow with Roaring Thunder for Yellow Hawk's hand in marriage," he said.

A quick concern over what Strong Bear had said, soon shown in Swift Sparrow's eyes, wondering if Yellow Hawk had shared his secret with him.

"Is it because I am of a different clan that you look at me thusly?"

"Gah-ween, but first speak to Yellow Hawk and learn of his secret before asking for his hand in marriage.

"Secret...for he has not spoken of a secret," a confused Strong Bear said.

"That's because I fear of losing your love forever," Yellow Hawk said as he stepped from the shadows of trees and into the soft light of the moon, causing Strong Bear to turn on a heel and gaze into his eyes.

"Know this, my happiness, for nothing could take the love that I feel for you away," Strong Bear said, pulling his love interest into his strong arms.

"Come with me and we shall talk," Yellow Hawk said, taking Strong Bear by the hand and leading him back to the lodge that had been appointed to Strong Bear.

"My son...why are you and this chief walking together," Roaring Thunder asked, noticing how quickly they stepped apart with Yellow Hawk pulling his hand from Strong Bear's.

"Father...I thought that you and mother would be sleeping by now," Yellow Hawk gasped out, pulling his hand from Strong Bear's.

"I could say the same about you and Strong Bear," he replied, seeing in their eyes what no words had yet spoken about their love for each other.

"It was Strong Bear, Chief Roaring Thunder, I wished to take a walk," he said, knowing that it was not a lie because he had gone looking for Abe.

"Come my son, it is late and at sunrise we ride to the white eyes fort for counsel with," Roaring Thunder said, waiting for Yellow Hawk to join him.

"Pleasant sleep Strong Bear," Yellow Hawk said reluctantly and walked away with his father.

Together they walked and talked as they headed for Yellow Hawk's lodge.

"Have you told him of your secret; for I can see the love that is between you, your eyes betray that which is in your hearts."

"Gah-ween father, for I was about to...but you came first," Yellow Hawk said, watching his father's eyes to see if he approved of their love.

"That I would not do, for he would not look kindly on you Yellow Hawk for deceiving him. Love him in secret but do not share your secret just yet. What if he rejects your love after hearing your secret...that would bring about the worse of all shame to you," he told him, watching Abe as he pulled his own loincloth on.

"I thought that all men accepted this fact," Yellow Hawk said, looking intently into his father's eyes.

"Only those whose skin is red openly accept it my son. Get to know this powerful chief before you surrender not only your heart but your secret also."

"Ay-uh my father, for again you have proven how wise you are to your son," Yellow Hawk said, hugging his father warmly before he stepped into his own lodge.

To be continued...

There you go my readers. Chapter one of the next saga of An Awakened Heart, I do hope that you enjoy it.

I wish to take this moment to ask you readers to take a moment and let me know if you are even reading this story. Only a few of you have responded to my earlier stories, Captured Heart and A Heart's Legacy. It would be nice to know who is reading the story and how, if at all, it is affecting you as a reader.

We don't get paid to write it and our only joy is hearing from you. Also, contrary to what most of you might think, we do not get flooded with emails from readers. We are lucky if we get three or four at the very most per story, and that is usually from those readers that have followed our career as a writer. So please, take a moment and drop me a quick email and tell me how you feel about what you read.

Thank you,


Next: Chapter 2

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