An Attractive Toy

By Kieran McMullan

Published on Aug 21, 2022



Please enjoy this story of a man named Danny who has been kidnapped by a Mafia boss with the intention of getting used for the night by his captive. And please donate to the archive!


Danny is man enough to admit that he's a little scared out of his mind right now. Four men in ski masks dragged him off the street and threw him into the back of a van without a word. They stripped him down to his boxers, blindfolded him, cuffed his wrists to a fixture on the side of the van, and then drove somewhere. In his panicked state, Danny hadn't been able to make guesses in his head about which direction they went, or where they eventually ended up, but by the time light is flashing behind his eyelids, he's far too terrified to care.

"Is this good enough for you, Boss?" a voice asks, and Danny feels his blood go cold. "He's the best we could come up with on such short notice." There's an air of annoyance hidden in the words, Danny notes. "So? What do you think?"

"He's perfect. Uncuff him immediately," another voice says, and this one does things to Danny's stomach. "I can only apologize for how frightened you must feel right now," the male voice adds, sounding genuinely sorry.

Danny stills his beating heart then, swallowing as the strip of fabric is taken off of his face, and blinks a few times to correct his vision. He spots the blonde guy working on getting him out of his binds for a single moment, and then settles them on the gorgeous man standing outside the van. This must be the Boss character. Danny doesn't say anything, allowing his hands to be set free. He stands and shifts from foot to foot awkwardly, feeling exposed as the Boss runs his eyes all over him.

"What do you want from me?" he finally hears himself ask, feeling exasperated as the attractive stranger rakes his eyes over his form. Danny kind of wants to return the favour, but the beautiful, tall man is wearing a suit Danny could only ever dream of affording, on top of other layers that are in the way of his purview. "Why am I here?"

"My name is Victor," he says, holding out a hand as Danny approaches the exit of the van. Danny stares at it like it insulted his mother, stepping down on his own. "The I'm not a girl type. Got it," Victor notes, with a grin.

Danny scowls at him. "No. I was just kidnapped and thrown in a van. I'm not keen on letting my guard down again," he replies, hoping he's masking his fear well. "Are you going to answer my questions?" "Not here. In there." Victor gestures to the cabin to the right of them. "I'll be straight with you once we're in there."

Curiosity seems to be getting the better of him, because Danny follows this complete, admittedly stunning stranger to the cabin, letting the door shut behind him and everything. As he takes in the layout, making mental notes about what he could use as a weapon to defend himself if he needs one, he doesn't notice that Victor is now on his knees in front of him, nosing his crotch.

Um, what?

"I don't have time to date, meet someone at a bar, take them back to my place and sate my libido, Danny. That's where you come in," Victor informs him, talking to his traitorous cock, which starts fattening just from Victor staring at it with this unabashed look of hunger. "More importantly, where this comes in."

"My dick?" Danny asks, voice slightly strained. "I don't understand."

"I need to get fucked. And I need to suck a nice cock." Victor grasps his hips and licks over the large bulge. "Your cock is the perfect size and shape to suit my needs. You're also easy on the eyes. But if you weren't, I would have just had them put a bag over your head," Victor adds, mouthing Danny's rapidly hardening cock. "So you're here to let me suck your cock and pound my throat until it hurts to speak, and then fuck my ass until it's all swollen, raw, used, messy, and filled with your hot release." Danny's eyes steam up during Victor's admission, cock fully erect now and breaths catching in his throat.

"So I'm a toy?"

"Yes. A very attractive toy," Victor says honestly, sucking Danny through the fabric. "With a nice dick. A pretty dick, even."

"How are you saying all of this so casually?" Danny almost sounds impressed. "You're like a walking erotica."

"Do you need to know about my lexicon before you let me suck your cock?" There's amusement in Victor's tone, shaded with thick arousal. "Because I could sound off a few complex words straight into your dick if that will please you. I'll do anything you want me to do for you, Danny. That's how this works."

"How what works?" He doesn't stop Victor from pulling his briefs down, hard cock trapped under Victor's chin. "Who are you?"

"I can't tell you that. Yet. Maybe later, if I want to keep you around." Fear spikes through Danny, and Victor seems to pick up on it, voice softening as he slides his cheek along Danny's cock, the hint of stubble making his toes curl. "I'm not going to hurt you. In fact, if you tell me to take you back to where you were right now, I will. I'd just ask that you keep this to yourself."

"Give me a reason to," Danny finds himself saying, cupping Victor's cheek without realising it. "I can't deny that you're attractive, dude."

"Great. So can I suck your cock now?" The tone is almost pleading, a ghost of a tongue swiping over the tip of Danny's cock making him weak in his knees. "You'll probably enjoy it--I mean, I'm pretty damn good at this, not to pat myself on the back--"

"While patting yourself on the back."

"Right. But anyway, I'm not gonna do anything until you say yes," Victor replies, smiling up at him. It stirs something inside Danny, a raw, primal need to own this man with everything he has. "Or, even better, instead of saying yes, you ram your cock down my throat and use me like a fleshlight."

"God, that mouth," Danny moans, both hands cupping Victor's cheeks now. He looks hot as anything on his knees for Danny. "Just tell me why you need this."

Victor stills for a second, looking like he's not sure he wants to reveal that little tidbit. Danny's kind of hoping he does, and he bites back a smile moments later when Victor opens his mouth to reply.

"I have a very busy life, Danny. A life that doesn't afford me much time to do this. I just don't want to think about work or anything related to it... I just want to let go, let someone else be in charge for a night. Can you understand that?"

As far as kidnappings go, Danny supposes that it could be worse. An attractive man is asking Danny to let him suck his cock and also wants Danny to fuck him. There really isn't a reason for him to say no to this. Victor is a mystery, but he doesn't seem to be a threat to him, so he presents two fingers at Victor's mouth, prodding against those sinful lips until Victor catches on and takes them in, sucking eagerly, eyes sliding shut as Danny bears down on his tongue.

"So you're the big boss who secretly likes to submit to someone on the weekends, is what I'm getting from you," Danny says casually, fear replaced with arousal. He thrusts his fingers in and out of Victor's mouth, not stopping until a wet sound develops inside the warmth. "Wow, you're real hungry for it, ain't ya?"

Victor nods with Danny's fingers in his mouth, peeling out of his suit jacket and working on the buttons on his shirt. Danny watches him, catching the last button popping open, revealing a muscular chest and toned abs. Well, that's certainly a bonus.

Extracting his fingers takes more willpower than Danny possesses, moving his hand to tangle his slick digits in Victor's hair and guide him to his leaking crown. "You want this in your mouth?"

"God, yes. Please," Victor replies, lathing his tongue over the slick head. "Danny, please."

A shot of something wonderful ripples through Danny, then. Seeing this man--this clearly powerful man kneeling at his feet and staring at his cock like it's the cure to world hunger is doing things to him.

"Suck," he instructs, and Victor wastes no time engulfing him, taking him all the way into his throat without any lead-up, nose flirting with the blonde curls around his crotch, his balls bumping Victor's chin. The heat of Victor's lips and throat closing around him has Danny's hips snapping forward, a vibration singing along his cock as Victor gags on the weight of it, tipping his head back and relaxing his throat.

Danny trains his eyes on Victor's Adam's apple sliding as he pulls his hips back, not stopping until his cock slips from Victor's mouth. Victor goes to chase him, Danny's hand on his head stopping him. He takes his cock in his hand and rubs the head over Victor's moist lips, keening at the sensation.

Biting his lip, Danny nudges Victor down with his hand until he's on his back, and moves around him until his knees are planted just above Victor's head, holding his dick against eager, full lips. A satisfied sound comes out of Victor's mouth, jaw falling open to accept Danny's rigid girth, and he goes along with it, thrusting his cock all the way down Victor's throat, balls resting on the bridge of his nose. Victor gags on his cock again but he seems thrilled with it, hips coming off the floor as Danny starts fucking his throat in earnest, kicking his briefs off at some point to spread his legs wider, stretching Victor's throat out.

When he feels himself getting close, he pulls out, pre-come and saliva dripping over Victor's face.

"Get naked."

Victor's eyes darken, clothes removed from his form in hardly any time at all, a now naked Victor back in position, eyes pleading with Danny to continue. He does, grinding his teeth and pumping his cock in and out of wet heat, pausing with the tip at Victor's parted lips, and then sliding all the way in, Victor's head rising off the floor to take in that little bit more, moaning ravenously as Danny's heavy balls smack him.

"Want me to come down your throat?" Danny places a hand on the side of Victor's neck, feeling his cock nestled in the moist channel, mesmerised by how well this man takes him. Danny's not small, and he's not thin either, so it's a pleasant surprise when anyone can take him down their throat. The man he's currently stretching out isn't anything to sneeze at, either, and Danny's mouth waters at the idea of getting to taste it; longer than Danny, but not as thick, he notes absently. Victor takes all of him without even trying, breathing in through his nose, strengthening his neck out to halt Danny's retreat with his lips, powerful hands reaching back to settle on his hips, stilling him.

Danny has never been more aroused in his entire existence, body going rigid when Victor slaps hands down on his thighs, grip tight as he pulls him forward, gagging on Danny's mass with each second that passes, throat closing around him, tongue trying to curl around the width of his cock. Danny is losing it, breaths coming out short and staggered, hips stuttering as Victor swallows again and again, humming around his cock like he could do this all day.

And he probably could.

"Fuck... Dude, I'm gonna come," he grits out, watching that throat bob as his cock pulses inside it, the warmth encasing him and that tongue not letting up on tasting every part of him drains him of his orgasm.

Victor doesn't seem to be done with him, dragging himself back with the heels of his feet to suckle and lick Danny's cockhead, pushing forward a moment later to follow the wilting length, not stopping until his head is between Danny's legs, his limp cock pointing down into Victor's hot mouth.

"Fuck, man. You really like my cock in your mouth." It's not a question, but Victor hums around him again, head lifting up and down to suck Danny's soft cock, lips stretching out to press on his balls. "You want to keep going until I get hard again?" Victor moans his response. "Spread your legs, then. I'm gonna get you ready for my dick." Danny has never seen someone both spread and bring their legs up as fast as Victor just did, bearing his ass to a funky-looking portrait on the right side of the cabin.

Danny bends forward, ignoring the strain of his spine as he gets his hands around the meat of Victor's thighs and hauls him back, bending that immaculate form until Victor's tight, puckered hole is within reach of Danny's tongue. Victor moans around his soft cock, lowering his knees to his shoulders, helping to keep himself up and open for Danny's ministrations, still somehow managing to raise and lower his head from that awkward angle--Danny can't help being impressed, again.

The sight of Victor's asshole closing around nothing makes Danny's throat go dry, tongue begging him for a taste, and, well, Victor is offering himself so blatantly, so it would be rude not to. Danny licks his lips and dips his body, spreading Victor's ass even wider as he dives in for a quick swipe, the earthy tingle on his tongue inundating him with an egregious hunger, cock starting to harden in the abode of Victor's mouth while he sucks and licks the man's entrance, rubbing one finger loosely around the crease. He blows directly into it, thrusting his tongue inside the moment Victor opens up in retaliation. Hardening his tongue into a sharp point, Danny bursts through the tight ring of muscle, using his thumbs to keep Victor open and accessible.

He retreats then, stroking a finger over Victor's hole in earnest, tapping it congenially until there's a small splash, courtesy of his saliva. Danny goes back in then, sucking on Victor's rim and circling his tip patiently, the warmth of his breath in between licks provoking Victor to open and close around his tongue, small mewls emitted beneath him, Victor's throat dragging him further into his channel. Danny groans against Victor's tight crease, lavishing it with long swipes of his tongue, hard curls that dip just inside, dragged-out licks starting from the wide flat of his tongue until the tip is flirting with the crease.

Victor must be enjoying what Danny is doing because he won't stop moaning around Danny's cock in his mouth, head rising and falling as if on a mission, fingers digging into the meat of his own thighs as he keeps himself raised, whole body quivering when Danny spanks his hole with two fingers, upping it to three after five intermittent pulses and using two thumbs to hold Victor open, stabbing his tongue inside one, two, three times and then unhooking his thumbs, laying a short, opened mouth kiss that has Victor fluttering around his lips and whining from between Danny's knees.

Whether Victor's getting off on being dominated, Danny has no idea. He's not spanking him because he's been a bad man or whatever, but Danny figured out pretty quickly just from rimming the man that it's been a while and the vibrations from the not quite painful taps will help with that. Evidently, it's doing something as Danny slides two fingers in with ease, and they haven't even used lube yet. They should probably use lube. Yeah, that's a good idea. He should ask before his cock decides to take full control.

"Do you have lube in here? And, condoms?"

The warmth around Danny's cock disappears and Victor clenches around his finger.

"You don't want to fuck me bare?" Victor asks, sounding disappointed. Which is weird. This guy did kidnap him after all, and Danny shouldn't care that he's disappointed. "I can go get my test results if it'll make you feel better," he adds, clearly disapproving of this development. Look, Danny may be a little--completely--on board with fucking this man until he doesn't sit right the next day, but he has to protect himself. And maybe even Victor. Danny hasn't been tested since he last had sex--which was two days ago, if anyone was wondering, or cared.

Danny speaks to Victor's open hole as he periodically sinks two fingers inside him in quick, short bursts, impossibly turned on by the small crease stilling before sealing up around nothing, "Dude, I'm not gonna lie, I would love to fuck you bare, but I don't know if I'm clean."

Victor laughs, somehow turning Danny's stomach in a good way, which he ignores vehemently.

"I kidnapped you and you want to honor my sexual health?"

"Look, man, you don't seem like a bad person. You clearly have power and standing or I wouldn't be here, but I don't feel threatened by you. And, truth be told, if I saw you at the bar, or, God forbid, on Grindr, this is where I would have wanted us to eventually end up," Danny admits, face feeling slightly too warm for his tastes, so he distracts himself by pushing a third finger into Victor's hole, laying them over each other inside to stretch Victor right. "If you were a complete asshole, maybe I wouldn't care."

"You're the first one that has," Victor mumbles after a few moments, cupping Danny's balls and dragging his tongue from the tip of Danny's cock to the low curve. Danny shudders, balls drawing up. "I tracked down the last person you had sex with, had them screened, and then sent them on their way. You're clean. And if you're not, I have enough money to make any problem I might face go away, so don't worry about me."

Danny backed away from him then, ignoring the whine of protest as he retreated until his back hit wood, heart beating wildly in his chest. "How long have you been watching me? Planning this?!" And an answer as to why his cock hasn't wilted from the shock would also be helpful.

Victor doesn't seem at all bothered talking in that position, and Danny tries really, really hard not to zero in on that wet, twitching pucker.

"I haven't been watching you. I hadn't seen you until the doors to the van opened. But you fit my requirements for this type of deal," Victor starts, cock throbbing against his abs, and dammit Danny really wants to see it go off like a rocket. His voice is a little croaky as he continues, and Danny immediately feels his cock jump in response to it from the implications, "When I say I, I'm talking about my people as well, since they're family. My people got Harrison Wheeler tested after they spotted you on the train to visit Tommy Neugert... You look like you didn't know his name."

Danny didn't, but he's not admitting to that. Also, is mentioning Tommy a scare tactic? Bristling, Danny straightens his back and squares his shoulders, ready to give Victor a piece of his mind, when Victor rolls over onto his front and crawls towards him, which effectively robs him of his words.

"I'm not going to hurt your friend." Victor stops when his lips are flirting with Danny's balls, and Danny doesn't have it in him to deny those sinful lips closing around a stretch of the swollen skin. "I'm not going to hurt you, either." At this, he licks and suckles on each of Danny's throbbing balls, releasing them with an obscene pop. "All I want is for you to fuck me." Victor holds Danny's cock reverently, smoothing his hand up and down the length of it, agonizingly beautiful ever-changing eyes locking on his own shamrock green as he takes the crown into his mouth and suckles, a line of spittle breaking as he says his next words, "Then I'll take you back to where we found you and it'll be like it never happened."

Danny swallows then. "You're a bit of a slut, y'know?"

Victor's responding laugh makes his cock twitch.

"You're not wrong. That's why these are rare for me."

"How often do you do it?" Danny's not at all sure why he's asking, or why he feels something vile crawling up his throat at the thought of Victor being this way with anyone else.

"As often as I can," he answers vaguely, standing up and curling his hand around Danny's cock, proceeding to walk back towards the bed. Danny only follows because Victor is holding his dick and resisting would actually hurt, and he does not make a frustrated sound when Victor releases him to drop back onto the bed, pulling his knees back to his shoulders again. Danny's cock salutes him, pulsing out pre-come a moment later when the tip is poised at Victor's spit-slick hole. "You haven't lost interest," he notes.

Danny scowls at him. "Have you seen you?"

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now, can we end all this talking and get to the good part?"

Victor's tone is bordering on needy, and Danny can't say that he hates it.

"Not without lube."

"Dude, I can take it. Seriously. Just fuck me," Victor gripes, thrusting his ass back to catch Danny's crown, but he denies him. "Fine. It's in that drawer. Please hurry up."

Danny scrambles to get it, lubes himself up and squirts a hefty amount onto Victor's hole, and then slots himself all the way inside, body tensing up at the ease at which Victor just took him all the way to the base.

"Fuck! Oh, god, yes. Fuck me!"

It's slow, at first--almost tentative. Danny wants to feel every clutch of Victor's inner walls around his cock as he pulls back out of him, bottom lip trapped between his teeth from the sensations.

He can't help cataloging Victor's reactions to the slow press in that follows, his channel acclimating to Danny's girth with a seemingly practised ease, the tight snatch of his entrance pushing out before swallowing around him in earnest. This clearly isn't Victor's first rodeo. A spark of determination sets off in Danny, then, the challenger in him wanting to give Victor something to remember.

"Oh my God... Danny! So good... Fuck--don't stop!"

Danny didn't plan on it, fucking into Victor with short, shallow thrusts that pelt his balls on the seam of Victor's ass, the man's neck eking out, begging to be bitten, and Danny can't seem to stop himself from pitching forward to do that, snagging a strip of skin between his teeth, pumping his hips as he draws the blood up to the skin, licking and sucking the mark moments later.

He grabs Victor's wrists then and pins them above his head, angling his body to push deeper into that tight, addictive heat that flexes rhythmically with each thrust in, as if desperately trying to keep Danny nestled within for eternity, which doesn't actually sound too bad. His eyes track Victor's pecks bouncing from the power of his thrusts, rising on the balls of his feet to push even deeper, bottom lip stinging from the pressure of his teeth, eyes squeezing shut as Victor's hole squeezes deliciously around him again and again.

Danny shakes his head then, releasing Victor's wrists to get his legs up and over his shoulders, bending Victor in half and fucking down into him, watching that long, thick cock slap against his belly with each snap of his hips. It's beautiful, leaking from the slit in earnest, hard and angry.

Without thinking, Danny grabs it with one hand and wrenches it back so he can get his mouth on it, sucking the head in as he slows his thrusts, dragging them out, hips angling back and then inclining forward at a snail's pace, Victor's mouth hanging open as he moans openly, eyes drawn to where their groins meet.

The angle is too awkward and his back protests far too much for Danny to ignore, so he lets Victor fall from his mouth and leans forward to kiss him instead. Victor's surprised gasp is swallowed by Danny's lips moving against his, coaxing them to part so he can thrust his tongue inside, getting a taste of him as he fucks down into Victor's channel, drinking up all of the soft moans. He slides his tongue across Victor's, adding his own moans into the kiss as he uses his hands to turn Victor's head, tilting his head back for a better angle, pushing in deeper at the same time his cock bottoms out again.

Victor falls apart beneath him, body going limp, arms coming up to wrap around Danny's neck, ass lifting off the bed to meet his thrusts--how he managed to do that from his position, Danny doesn't have a single clue, but he's not complaining, lips smacking together as he fucks Victor with renewed vigour, bitten off gasps flying between them, Danny's teeth sinking into Victor's lip when he feels his orgasm approaching.

Victor squeezes around him, harder this time, lips chasing his when he pulls away, whining at the loss, and Danny can't seem to stop himself from going back in, melding their lips together, letting Victor taste his mouth as well as he cranes his neck, thumbs flirting with Victor's jaw, witnessing the way it works around the kiss, strong and true--Danny could definitely get used to it under different circumstances.

He breaks the kiss this time for real, eyes squeezing shut so tight they crinkle all over, Victor's hands holding his head, panting against his lips, crying out his name as Danny's thrusts pick up more speed, balls pounding his taint from the force.

"Shit... Oh shit, fuck! Danny!"

Danny hates how much of a thrill he gets out of hearing this man scream his name, determined then to get him there, leaning back to stand off the bed, using his grip on Victor's thighs to drag his ass to the edge. He bends his knees so that he's level with Victor's ass and then fucks into him hard and fast, Victor moaning unintelligibly with each buck of his hips, screaming for more.

And he gives it to him. He gives it to him with short, hard, powerful thrusts that knock the air out of his lungs, sweat coating both of their bodies, sliding down Danny's hairline passed the curve of his nose. His breathing is ragged, his throat dry from exhaustion and in desperate need of water, but he pushes through it, watching his cock disappear inside Victor's channel with primal satisfaction.

"You gonna come?" he asks, taking in a deep breath before fucking in earnest.

Victor arches his back off the bed, leg muscles tensing on Danny's shoulders.

"God yes. Just tell me when."

Finding out that this powerful man has been waiting for Danny to tell him to come has him in all kinds of knots, stomach flipping, throat now drier than the Sahara. He waits until he feels his cock pulsing, the little zip of oh god yes running along the length of his cock, and then snaps his hips once, twice, three times, ordering Victor to come on the fourth.

"Fuck! Oh fuck, Danny!" Victor groans, keeping his hands by his sides as his cock pulses and coats his chest, neck, chin, shoulders, and cheeks in his own cum. Danny keens at the sight of it, fucking into him for a few more beats, and then follows him over, snapping off a string of curses as he fills Victor's channel, thick, potent release spilling out of the gaps in the crease as Danny's cock swells and drains, swells and drains and then throbs uncontrollably inside Victor for a good twenty seconds.

Victor is smiling when Danny finally gets his breath back, looking completely pleased with the events of the day. Danny can't help the smugness seeping into the grin that he returns at that.

"I'll have to buy my people something nice after this," Victor says, placing his hands on Danny's hips when he makes to let his softening cock slip free. "Stay, please. We're not done yet."

"You really like being filled, don't you?" Danny observes, and he's not being an ass about it.

"I do," Victor admits shamelessly. "Like I said, I don't get this much in my day-to-day. But if I had it my way, I would spend most of my time like this. At least, a realistic amount of time. I'm not delusional."

"But I'm not hard anymore."

"You will be," Victor replies airily, flexing around him, and Danny's cock twitches in response. "See? It won't be long now before you're filling me out again. "

"So how many more rounds before I get to go home?"

Danny's not entirely sure, but he thinks he sees sadness in Victor's eyes. "At least two. Five, if you can swing it."

"Jesus. You're an animal." Danny bends and kisses Victor, confused by his own actions. "I'm not into the whole treating someone like shit thing, even if it is their kink."

"I don't want to be treated like shit. I don't mind being used, but I'm not an object," Victor says sternly, running his thumb across Danny's bottom lip. "I just really like cock," he states simply, shrugging his shoulders. "In either hole."

"That's better, I guess," Danny adds, nibbling on Victor's lips. "I wouldn't be opposed to doing this again, y'know."

Victor frowns at him.

"Really? I kidnapped you."

"And you turned out to be a fantastic lay," Danny supplies with a shrug of his own, bending to lick a strip of Victor's cum off his cheek. He shudders at the taste, looking forward to when he can get a mouthful of it. "So fantastic, in fact, that I'm not even opposed to being taken off the streets again to get a chance to fuck you."

Beneath him, Victor squirms, making a face.

"You kiss me. It's weird."

"No one else has kissed you?" Danny denies the jealousy in his voice. "Why not?"

"Because I kidnap them," Victor says slowly, like he's talking to a very small child. And Danny is not a child. And he's certainly not small. "Most of them stay for one round and then leave immediately after--which you are welcome to do, by the way."

"I figured you're not the hold someone against their will type." Danny feels himself start to harden in Victor's ass. "I don't think my dick would forgive me if I bailed now," he adds, thrusting to prove his point, and Victor moans brilliantly. "Do you mind me kissing you?"

Victor frowns again.

"Have you seen you?"

"Touche," Danny drones, but he's certainly amused as he starts grinding his cock into Victor. "Five rounds, you said? I can probably squeeze out four. Five might be the end of me."

"You're a very good man to admit your flaws," Victor teases, squeezing around him. "I'll take whatever you can give me."

Danny grins wolfishly and laps up another sample of cum, off Victor's chest this time. "Let's see if we can't do something about those plans to have you swollen, red, messy, raw, and filled with my hot release."


When it's all over and he's being driven back to where he was abducted from the street, Danny can't help thinking about an alternate scenario where he and Victor met at a bar, their eyes met, they smiled at each other, chatted the night away and ended up having raunchy, orgasmic sex on their first night in each other's arms.

He sighs, cock stinging between his legs from the number of times he's come tonight, shoulders aching from keeping Victor's strong legs on his shoulders, hips sore from the constant gyrations, groin groaning in protest from Victor fucking down onto him with that bodacious ass of his.

Danny's sad that it's over. This is the most exciting night of his life, and now he's... miserable. Bereft, almost. He wants to go back to the cabin and crawl into that bed with Victor in his arms... But that's not going to happen, is it? No, now it's back to his boring life where he's nothing but a pencil pusher.


Maybe... Just maybe... He'll see him again one day.

He's dropped off about an hour later, legs barely holding him up as he makes his way to his car, head smacking on the steering wheel the moment he seats himself. He allows himself to rest there for a couple of moments, fumbling with his keys as he gets them in the ignition, startled a moment later by the tapping of knuckles on his window.

Turning towards the sound, Danny raises his eyebrows when he sees the blonde man that didn't even bother to address him by name all those hours ago.

"What?" he says through the glass, suddenly pissed. The man knocks again, seeming really annoyed, and Danny sighs before rolling down his window. "What?"

"The boss said to give you this," the man snaps, throwing a phone at him, which he just about manages to catch. Danny glares at him, but the man rolls his eyes like he's the one being a dick. "Answer it when it rings. Goodnight," the man adds, and then stalks off in the other direction, muttering under his breath about being an errand boy.

Danny stares at the phone like it's about to turn into some poorly designed horror flick monster and eat him alive, tentatively powering it on and swiping to unlock it. He looks at the contacts list and notices that it holds a single number in it.


"Answer when it rings? What is he talking about?..." Danny groans in frustration, about to throw the phone out the window before a twist in his gut tells him to keep on to it, for now.

It can't hurt, right?



Thank you for reading! Can't wait to hear your thoughts. What would you like to see Danny and Victor get up to? ;)

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