An Asian Escapade

Published on May 6, 2022


An Asian Escapade Chapter 6

This story features sexual activities between men in various ages and races. If you are not interested or if these practices disgust you, stop reading immediately. The characters and events are all made up and are just product of my imagination.. The names of the characters do not refer to anyone in real life. If such names exist, it is only a coincidence.

Nota bene: Read at your own risk!

Nam Ji Ho- 23 year-old businessman with a great swimmer's body
Jinyoung- 19 year-old delinquent who had been part of a group of thieves
Inspector Park Woojin- a beefy hunk who is a cop in his early 30s
Officer Lee Kiwook- 22 year-old hot new cop
Kang Min Seok- 23 year-old staff who works in Ji Ho's company.

An Asian Escapade: Chapter 6

by Shadow Peeper

Ji Ho's pants and underwear were now around his ankles. The whole length of his cock was inside the young officer's mouth. He rewarded the cop's sucking with moans of pleasure. The young cop was a pro. It was definitely not his first, Ji Ho thought. His hands on the cop's head were not necessary to guide him.

Ji Ho only opened his eyes when he was startled by a pair of arms that suddenly encircled his waist from the back. He could feel the hot breath of the person behind him forming droplets of sweat on the back of his neck. He turned his head to see Inspector Park smiling at him.

"Mr. Nam, what can you say about my boy's talent?" Inspector Park licked his earlobe.Officer Lee sucked him harder making Ji Ho answer Inspector Park's question with a moan. The older cop chuckled and hugged him closer to his great muscular chest. He nuzzled his head at the young entrepreneur's neck. He traced Ji Ho's jawline with his tongue. He loved the taste of his skin. Ji Ho leaned his head backward at the inspector's shoulder and surrendered to his touches. It gave the cop more access to his sweet neck. Ji Ho can't imagine how submissive he looked within the man's arms. In his relationship with Jinyoung, he was definitely the top. Even though he would give Jinyoung his virginity, he was still the dominant between the two of them. But, to the man behind him, he felt so submitting. He wanted to be his boy. He turned to look at the manly cop, and their eyes met. Ji Ho did not need to communicate with words to tell the cop his submission. The eyes of the inspector told him he was now his boy.

They kissed like Ji Ho had never been experienced. Their tongues did not need to fight for there was already a winner. The cop's mouth invaded the farthest part of Ji Ho's mouth. Ji Ho caressed his man's strong and muscular arms tracing every muscle and vein. He can't believe how small and lanky his arms looked against the beefy cop.

Inspector Park moved his hands to open the buttons of his clothing. Ji Ho's hands still held onto the arms of the cop as he open the flies. The cop smiled at the young man's affection. After loosening the buttons, he removed the boy's tie. When he finally removed all his piece of clothing, he wandered his hands on Ji Ho's smooth muscular body. All this time, Ji Ho's hands never left the arms of the inspector feeling every movement of the bulging muscles.

The cop tweaked Ji Ho's nipple while gently biting on his shoulder. Inspector Park moved his hands all over the younger's body more sensually. Ji Ho wanted to kiss him so bad, but the cop was busy licking his sweaty neck.

"Yes. Suck him Kiwook. You like his cock, huh? Suck him faggot." Inspector Park pushed the younger cop's mouth further into Ji Ho's length. The younger cop gagged around Ji Ho's cock while the older one kept kissing Ji Ho's body. Ji Ho was loving the feeling.

"Stand up, Kiwook," Inspector Park barked an order. Kiwook gave Ji Ho's cock a final suck and left it with a slop. He stood up immediately following his senior's order. The young cop's face was messy. His eyes were teary and his lips swollen. A mixture of saliva and Ji Ho's pre-cum dribbled on his chin and on the sides of his cheeks. But still, he looked cute like Jinyoung.

The inspector unlocked his arms around Ji Ho and said, "Someone might see us here. You would not want that Mr. Nam, would you?"

Ji Ho hasn't even think about it because he was lost with the pleasure that the cops were giving him. The authoritative cop went inside a stall.

"Come," he said at the two of them. Ji Ho and Kiwook followed him obediently. The stall was big enough to contain the three of them. When they were all inside, the inspector locked the door. They were so closed to each other that Ji Ho could smell the two hot cops. Ji Ho hung his clothes on the hooks on their side of the door. He was so turned on with the idea of having his first threesome that his raging hard seven-inch cock continued leaking pre-cum. A drop of pre-cum dribbled in his piss-slit. The inspector collected it with his index finger and brought it to his mouth.

"Yum," the cop said licking his finger. "No wonder my boy, Kiwook, loved sucking you."

Ji Ho's cock twitched as Inspector Park called Kiwook his boy. He wanted the hot cop to call him that too. Kiwook was now naked too. The mess on his face was starting to dry.

"Kiss," ordered Inspector Park. Ji Ho does not know whom he was ordering. He turned to asked him, but Kiwook's lips smack him. The young cop's was rock hard too. Their rods rubbed against each other as they kiss.

"Clean him up, Mr. Nam. Lick his messy face," the inspector whispered at Ji Ho's ears.

Ji Ho did as he was told because he had been wanting to do it since they went inside. He sucked Kiwook's cheeks and chin. He placed his hands on Ji Ho's body and wandered it on every part. Kiwook was loving it who was moaning in return. The older cop placed each of his hands on each of his boys' butt while the two boys kiss passionately. He played with Ji Ho's ass cheeks with his right hand and Kiwook's with his left.

Ji Ho kissed Kiwook the way he kissed Jinyoung. He was doing to Kiwook's body what he always does with his boyfriend. He tweaked his nipples while biting on his neck. Then, like he does with Jinyoung, he placed his hands on Kiwook's armpit. But Kiwook's armpits were not smooth like Jinyoung's. He has short but thick armpit hairs. Ji Ho played with his sweaty pits loving the feeling of the armpit hair.

Inspector Park smiled as he had witnessed Ji Ho's fetish. He went behind Kiwook and raised the younger's arms above his head. When Ji Ho had the view of the hairy and sweaty armpit, he dove directly to it. He went first on the right and buried his nose on the stringy hair. He inhaled the slightly musky and boyish scent of the young cop's armpit. He licked it and played the hair with his tongue. Kiwook tasted salty because of sweat. He did just the same to Kiwook's left armpit. When he was done, they kissed again.

"Come sit here, Mr. Nam," the inspector invited him to sit at the closed toilet. When he had sat, Kiwook was already kneeling on the floor below him. He swallowed Ji Ho's cock once again. In front of him stood Inspector Park. The cop opened his legs wide so he was directly above Kiwook and his crotch was facing Ji Ho. The cop opened his pants and freed his 7.5" inch hard uncut cock. The cop's ember was very thick. It was Ji Ho's first time to see an uncut cock. The cock hit Ji Ho's nose. He pulled back the foreskin, and he sucked the head immediately.

"Good, boy," Inspector Park patted his head. "You like my cock, Mr. Nam?"

"Mmmmm," Ji Ho moaned at the tool.

He bobbed his head like a good sucker. He traveled his hands on the cop's still clothed chest and rubbed it. Inspector Park removed his uniform for him. He revealed a body with bulging muscles and perfect abs. His body was a lot more defined than Ji Ho who just got his body shaped by swimming. Inspector's body showed the hard labor and training of being a cop. He placed his hands on the opposite walls of the stall showing his armpits' few thick hair. Ji Ho reached it and caressed both with his hands. He sucked deeper on the cop's member. He had easily swallowed six inches because it was the size of Jinyoung's cock. He had never sucked bigger cock before. He was so turned on by sucking another man's cock. Kiwook was doing a good job below him. He's bringing him near to his climax.

Ji Ho bucked his hips against Kiwook's mouth as he unloads deep inside the young cop's mouth. Kiwook milked him and did not release his cock until no cum was left.

"You tasted so good, Mr. Nam." Kiwook smiled at him with swollen lips. "I can't get enough of you."

Inspector Park pulled his cock out of Ji Ho's mouth, and Ji Ho let go reluctantly. The inspector kissed his now standing junior. He explored the younger's mouth to taste Ji Ho's remnants of cum. The inspector went behind Kiwook and offered the younger's cock to Ji Ho. Ji Ho sucked on Kiwook's member and easily deep throated it. Kiwook was moaning but not just because of Ji Ho's sucking, also because his senior had entered him at the back. Ji Ho gagged when the inspector thrust inside Kiwook, pushing Kiwook's member deeper into Ji Ho's mouth. Kiwook was moaning with the double pleasure he was experiencing.

The door of the comfort room suddenly opened. The inspector continued fucking Kiwook but covering his junior's mouth to avoid noise. Ji Ho could hear voices in the comfort room. He guessed that two of the staffs were inside. One of them entered the stall beside them. Ji Ho was turned on by the situation. His cock began to get hard again. He sucked on Kiwook quicker.

"I'm near to cumming," Kiwook whispered to his senior.

"Don't cum on his mouth. Just spread it all over his body," the inspector whispered back. Then, he kissed the sweaty younger cop.

"I'll head out first, Seok Min,* the other staff said.

"Alright," the staff in the stall beside them said. Then, the door to the comfort room closed.

Ji Ho's member became rock hard in hearing a voice so close to them. When the guy beside them flushed his toilet, Kiwook pulled his cock from Ji Ho's mouth and aimed it on his body.

"Ahhh," Kiwook moaned loudly. The guy-next-door surely heard it.

Kiwook's hot load hit Ji Ho's right nipple, chest and collarbone. He waited for the guy beside them to go out, but he did not.

"Fuck!" Now, it's the inspector who shouted. He pulled out immediately from Kiwook and aimed his big cock on Ji Ho. The inspector shot five times. Two hit Ji Ho's armpit and the rest added to the cum on his check and stomach. His body was now dripping with hot cum. Below him, Ji Ho could see the side of the staff's shoe beside them.

The inspector whispered Kiwook to go out first because the staffs might be looking for them now. Kiwook got dressed and kissed Ji Ho passionately before exiting the stall and the comfort room.

Ji Ho stood up from the toilet. When it's only the two of them, the inspector grinned at him.

"Inspector Park, don't call me Mr. Nam," Ji Ho whispered. "There's a staff in the stall beside us, he would recognize me."

"Don't worry, I'm not planning on calling you that after this," Inspector Park whispered back. "And you too, stop calling me Inspector Park. Outside, you can just call me Woojin, but, if we are doing it, you need to call me Sir. Do you understand?"

"Yes," whispered Ji Ho.

"Yes, what?" Woojin asked loudly. "Answer louder!"

Ji Ho's heart was beating fast and loud.

"Yes, Sir," he answered.

"Good boy. I've marked you with my seed, so you are my boy now," Woojin said spreading the come on Ji Ho's chest and body with his right hand. "Now, you have my come on your armpits, chest, shoulder and all around your body. You would smell like cum all day. You're hard again, do you love my come, my boy?"

"Yes, Sir. I love your cum," Ji Ho tried to change his voice a little, so the staff would not recognize him. Woojin chuckled at this.

Woojin kissed him noisily. He was obviously doing it to tease the staff beside them. He bit at his neck hard, and Ji Ho moaned loudly. Ji Ho roamed his hands on Woojin's magnificent chest. His hard rod was aching.

"Do you want me to jack you off?" Woojin said loudly again, wrapping his hand on Ji Ho's

"Oh. Yes, Sir, please," Ji Ho pleaded.

Woojin sat on the closed toilet, and he motioned for Ji Ho to sit on his lap.

"Sit on my lap, my boy," he said loudly then grinned. Ji Ho sat obediently.

Woojin gripped his cock and stroked him immediately. Ji Ho moaned. He did not try to resist it anymore. Woojin peck at his back. He place Ji Ho's left arm around his neck. Then, Ji Ho's armpit was exposed to him. Ji Ho has numerable thin armpit hairs. It was almost invisible. Woojin sniffed it, and he buried his nose on the boy's sweaty pit. But, he did not suck and lick so his and Kiwook's cum would remain on his new boy.

Ji Ho met each of Woojin's stroke with a thrust. It was not so long before he cummed. His load hit the door and the majority landed on the floor. Woojin's hand had received some of it too.

"Now, cleaned it up my boy. Clean up your mess," Woojin ordered licking his hand.

Ji Ho licked the door clean, and when he went to the floor, he could see that the staff was still there. He was surely jacking off. When he was about to lick the large pool of cum on the floor, Woojin stopped him. He fetched Ji Ho's underwear and wiped the floor with it.

When all was cleaned, Woojin dressed Ji Ho. He buttoned his shirt again. Woojin started to dress too. He told Ji Ho not to wear his cum soaked brief, so he wore his pants directly. Then, Woojin wore him his coat. He kissed Ji Ho on the lips one more time then said, "I'll call you when I want to see you again."

He fished the business card in Ji Ho's pocket and put it in his own. He retrieved Ji Ho's briefs and passed it under them to the stall where the staff was.

"Sir!" Ji Ho protested.

"Take it. It was my boy's gift for you," Woojin said at the staff beside them. The staff did not answer. He was afraid to be recognized too.

"On the day after tomorrow, I would fuck your ass here. At the same time and same stall," Woojin told Ji Ho.

"Sir, I can't," Ji Ho said not wanting to break his promise to Jinyoung. "I have promised to give my virginity to my boyfriend on my birthday."

"Oh. Is your boyfriend that young thief?" Woojin now whispered.

"Yes, Sir."

"Alright, then. But, after your birthday, you'll be my slut," Woojin said loudly grinning. "We will still meet the day after tomorrow. We could do other stuffs too."

With that, Woojin left first. Ji Ho looked on the space under the stall to see if the staff was still there. The staff was already standing, and went out of the stall quickly. He washed his hands and left the comfort room. Ji Ho felt relieved. He finally went out of the stall and checked himself on the mirror.

His hair was not so messy. His clothes were not disarranged. Woojin wore it to him perfectly. Only his lips looked a little bit swollen. But, no one would think it was because of sucking. He smelled himself and only a slight trace of cum could be smelled. He washed his face and hands.

He was about to go out when he thought about checking the stall which the staff used. When he entered, his underwear was not there. The staff brought it with him. Then, he noticed a drop of cum on the floor. He stepped inside and closed the door. There, on the door, were three droplets of cum dripping downwards.

Ji Ho licked each upward. This cum tasted differently than Jinyoung's. It was sweet still but a lot more salty. Ji Ho smiled. It would taste better from the source, he thought.

Next: Chapter 7

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