An Asian Escapade

Published on May 2, 2022


An Asian Escapade Chapter 1

This story features sexual activities between men in various ages and races. If you are not interested or if these practices disgust you, stop reading immediately. The characters and events are all made up and are just product of my imagination.. The names of the characters do not refer to anyone in real life. If such names exist, it is only a coincidence.

Nota bene: Read at your own risk!

Nam Ji Ho- 23 year-old businessman with a great swimmer's body
Jinyoung- 19 year-old delinquent who had been part of a group of thieves
Inspector Park Woojin- a beefy hunk who is a cop in his early 30s
Officer Lee Kiwook- 22 year-old hot new cop
Kang Min Seok- 23 year-old staff who works in Ji Ho's company.

An Asian Escapade: Chapter 1

Mr. Nam is the newly promoted executive director of a big company in Seoul. He has money--a lot of it. He stands at 6' 0 with a swimmer's body. He had been in the swimming team during his younger years, and he is quite popular with the girls.

"Why don't you get yourself an assistant?" President Kim told him one day.

"I will get one when I need it. But for now, I think I can still handle."

Mr. Nam is now on his way to his office. When he arrived in front of the building, a young guy running out of the building knocked him down.

"I'm sorry, hyung," the young guy said.

The guy looks so young and scared. He kept glancing back at the building.

"There he is. The thief!" the security guard shouted.

The guy started to run again, but this time the cops arrived and caught him.

"Are you alright Mr. Nam?" the workers of the company assisted the young entrepreneur. "That guy was one of the thieves who planned to steal in our company. Luckily, we were able to stop them, but he was the only one caught. He is the one who hacked our security systems."

The cops brought the kid to the police station, and Mr. Nam went to his office.

Today, he has lot of works to do and meetings to attend. He is now thinking again of hiring a personal assistant. Then, the young rogue came to his mind.

"Mr. Nam, the police would like to talk to you about the case earlier," a staff told him.

"Alright. Let them in."

Two policemen entered his office to interview him. One introduced himself as Police Inspector Park. He's in his early 30's and very tall, standing about 6' 2". The cop is a hunk with muscles bulging against his uniform. The other cop was younger and looked new to the police department. His senior introduced him as Officer Lee.

Mr. Nam reported no goods stolen. While asking him questions, he noticed the younger cop kept glancing at him and adjusting his package. Shortly, the police went back to the station. The businessman requested to see the rogue, so he came with them.

He later told them that he would not file a charge upon the kid. At first, the police dissented his desire to free him, but money settled them. One of the police brought out the young rogue. He looked confused and at the same time, scared to be out so quickly.

The rogue is about 5' 10" with a very small face. Mr. Nam guessed him to be older than 18 because the cops had imprisoned him. But he looked younger.

"I am Nam Ji Ho, the executive director of the company you robbed." Ji Ho showed him his business card. "Come with me."

The young guy followed him uneasily. "Are you gonna kill me?"

"Don't talk yet."

They went inside a costly restaurant. Ji Ho gave him the menu.

"You must be hungry. Order anything."

"Please, hyung. Don't kill me. I will do whatever you want," the guy pleaded. "Or you could just send me to jail forever."

Ji Ho looked at him in the eyes. "Why do you think I will kill you?"

The guy won't look at him. "I'm sorry I robbed your company."

"What's your name?"



"18 but I'm turning 19 soon.

"Now, Jinyoung. I heard you are quite smart," Ji Ho said still looking at the nervous kid. "Have you finished high school?"


"Are you studying in college?"

"N-No. I'm not studying anymore."

"Alright. I want you to be my assistant," Ji Ho declared.

Jinyoung now looked at him straight in the eyes checking if Ji Ho is serious with the sudden announcement. When Ji Ho did not laugh or take it back, he said, "Why me?"

Ji Ho thought for a bit. "I just think you can be trusted."

"I just robbed your company."

"You didn't want to do it, did you?"

"I didn't want to, but I have no way to live," Jinyoung said less nervous.

"I want you to cut ties with those criminals you have conspired with," Ji Ho said.

"They have kicked me out already earlier and abandoned me to run from the police," Jinyoung said. "But still, I don't know how to work as an assistant."

"You told me earlier you would do anything for me, right? I want you to be my assistant. It's easy. You just need to be present with me all the time and follow my orders. I think I can use some of your tech savvy too. Waiter, get everything in the menu."

They didn't talk for a while. When the costly foods arrived, Ji Ho said, "Eat up. You're thin."

Jinyoung ate a lot having not eaten all day, so all the foods did not go to waste. He had never eaten such delicious food before and he liked it very much. Ji Ho is busy in his laptop. Jinyoung then concluded that Ji Ho has no desire of killing him anyway so he ate at ease.

"Where do you live?" Ji Ho asked when they went out of the restaurant.

"I-I have nowhere to live now. I used to live under one of the thieves' roof. I grew up in an orphanage until I became too old for it."

Ji Ho let him live in the condo unit beside him. He gave him clothes and formal wears to wear during work.

"Thank you, hyu--" Jinyoung cut himself. If he would work for Ji Ho, he should call him Mr. Nam, he thought. "Thank you, Mr. Nam, for everything and for uhh trusting me."

"Never mind. Now take a rest and don't be late tomorrow. I want you ready at seven in the morning." And with that, Ji Ho left to his own unit.

More to come! I would like to hear from you. This is my first story in Nifty, so I am looking forward to your feedbacks, positive or negative. You can contact me at

Next: Chapter 2

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