An Apartment for College

By Jason Smith

Published on Mar 2, 2021


This story & those that follow are completely fictional. Any likeness is purely coincidental. More parts to come soon.

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We spend the rest of the day hanging out, watching tv, playing video games, cooking lunch - all in our underwear. I have to admit, the more I sat there, 'exposed' in just my boxer briefs, the more comfortable it got. It was almost like I had forgotten that we didn't do this every day. Which was probably good, because it seemed that this would be the norm from now on. Once I realized that no one else was worried or weirded out, or even paying that much attention to me, I started to not think about it. It was more comfortable, truly. Not having to be covered up by baggy shorts and t-shirts, especially with it still being in the heat of summer. Our A/C ran constantly but never seemed to get to the ideal temperature. The more clothes we had to wear, the hotter we were. So sitting in the living room, A/C running on full blast & the ceiling fan rotating so fast that I thought the screws would come loose eventually, no clothes other than our underwear to cover our dicks and balls; this really was the perfect scenario.

The regular dick nudges, ball readjusting, hand under the waistband, continued throughout the day. No one seeming to notice, other than me. I noticed every one. I would always make sure not to make it obvious, not turning my head too quick, not stiffening up making my muscles rigid. I would let my eyes glance over, never lingering for too long. Sometimes, I would turn to face them, making some remark about the show, or just a generic statement to allow myself to take them in fully; again, just for a few seconds at a time. No one seemed to notice. At least, I don't think so. As far as I could tell, I was doing a good job. I would also readjust myself, occasionally having to unstick my sack from my leg, and also adding a few more dick nudges than I normally would, just to 'fit in.' After my first boner accident of the morning, my dick seemed to be under control. I think this was also from getting more comfortable and not being so shocked at the whole situation.

After lunch we had taken turns playing each other in video games tournament style, one versus another, the other two guys cheering them on. It lasted several rounds, the smack talk growing each round. The two not playing would take sides and try to give advice in the middle of them quickly pressing buttons trying to beat the other. The smack talk not only coming from the ones playing but the onlookers, trying to mess up the others enough to let the player they had chosen to win. It had gotten so intense towards the end of the tournament that we ended up sitting on the coffee table to play so that we could be closer to the tv screen. We played triple elimination so that the tournament would last longer. Ethan was the first player eliminated (no surprise) & Ben followed quickly after. I was in the lead (again, no surprise) but Logan was doing surprisingly well.

Ethan had taken on Logan's side because I was the one to eliminate him, and Ben took my side because he usually did. He said it was because 'Roomies got to stick together'. It came down to a final elimination game. A tie-breaker. Whoever won this last game would win the whole tournament. Ethan and Ben kept up the cheering and smack talk. I laughed as the insults were getting more and more ridiculous. I felt someone walk up behind me and suddenly felt Ben's hands on my shoulders. He began pressing and massaging them, making small circles with his thumbs. His face was immediately right next to mine, whispering things like, 'You've got this bud' & 'You've been training your whole life for this'. He was acting like a boxing coach right before the final round of a big match, trying to hype me up. His lips so close to my ear that I could feel his breath on my ear and neck. I chuckled as I knew this was all in good fun and just us guys having fun. I looked over to see that Ethan had copied Ben and was doing the same 'coaching' to Logan. Ben's hands released my shoulders as he told me to raise up my hands. He reached his arms over my shoulders, around my neck, and started massaging my hands, paying special attention to my thumbs, with me laughing the entire time.

Ben and Ethan finally had their laughs and said it was time for us to throw down. The game was intense, back and forth, neck and neck. We both came so close to victory but soon the tide shifted and the other came close. This happened several times, but bets were still on me as I was the video game wizard. I finally thought I had it in the bag, when Ethan yelled at Logan to watch out, giving him the help he needed to avoid my attack. My miss has caused a vulnerability and he took the opportunity to attack at the most important time. Almost as quickly as it had started, he had defeated me. My mouth dropped to the floor, not believing that I had been beaten, but also equally as happy that I had true competition for the first time in a while. I was happy for him and I knew he was thrilled to have finally beaten me.

Logan jumped up off the coffee table & yelled, "HELL YEAH!" and quickly turned facing the boys and yelled it again, arms thrust into the air, face pointed towards the ceiling.

We all laughed at how excited he was and then Ethan laughed even harder and said, "Damn Logan! Better be careful before you put Will's eye out!" and fell into laughter again, Ben joining him.

I wasn't sure what he was talking about, looking at Ethan, when he pointed towards Logan's waist. Sure enough, he was pretty close to putting my eye out. Logan's entire dick was hard, not semi, but rock hard and pointing towards the left, directly towards my face as I still sat on the coffee table. Ethan & Ben were still dying with laughter, I joined in too, and once Logan realized what we were all pointing at, he dropped the controller and fell back onto the couch laughing hysterically, his hands covering his face. Not covering his face out of embarrassment, but just because he was laughing too hard.

Ben said in-between laughs, "I mean, I know the game got your adrenaline going, but damn!" and we all fell back into laughter.

As the laughter died down, Logan finally moved his hands from his face, red from laughing so hard, and said, "It must be around 4:00 then."

I looked at my phone to check the time. Sure enough, it was 4:02.

"How'd you know that?" I asked.

He chuckled again and said, "Around 4:00 is usually my... alone time." As he said this, he bounced his eyebrows emphasizing the words, and at the exact same time, his dick bounced inside his boxer briefs, in perfect rhythm with his eyebrows. This, of course, made us all fall back into an uproar of laughter.

Logan stood up, hands on his hips, "And if you fellas don't mind, I think I'm going to go celebrate my victory in my room."

As he finished the sentence, he used his thumb to flick down on his bulge, once again making his dick bounce inside his boxer briefs.

"As you should Champ!" called Ben, motioning towards him with both hands as to bow down to him, all of us still laughing loudly.

Sure enough, Logan walked straight to his bedroom and we heard the 'click' of the doorknob locking. That was the most attention we, as a group, had paid attention to anyone's dick in particular, or the most we've talked about any of us jacking off. It was funny, it was laid-back, and interestingly enough wasn't that awkward. He seemed pretty confident about it when talking about what he was about to do that it wasn't weird. This made me kind of want to test the waters.

"So, I'm guessing that wasn't Logan's cum covered towel in the bathroom then," I said.

Even as I said it, my heart picked up speed and I could feel a little buzz in my cheeks. Ben's eyes got a bit wider and he snickered as he looked at Ethan. It didn't phase him.

"Oops, my bad. I thought I threw it out of the way."

We all laughed a bit more, Ben almost spitting out a drink of water.

"Hey! Sometimes you just gotta take care of business!" Ethan continued, "and this morning, after my shower.. well.. I needed to.. relax a bit." He shrugged as he said the last part.

"Totally understand man," Ben responded, and I agreed to fit in (and because it was true.)

"The shower's been my best friend lately, if ya know what I mean," Ben said, chuckling.

I had to stop my eyes from instantly growing wider and looking surprised. So it was true. Ben was in fact jacking off, and was also doing it in the shower like I was. We were both shooting our loads down the same drain. Then I thought about all the times I took showers almost directly after him. Could I have been unknowingly standing in his dried cum. The thought sent a shiver up my back.

"And apparently it's been the same for Will over here."

I looked up out of my thoughts to see both guys looking at me after what Ben had just said.

I stammered, "Why do you say that?"

"Well, I'm just assuming. I mean, I haven't seen you wack off since we moved in. I'm assuming you're doing it in the shower... Unless you're just waiting for me to fall asleep."

I could feel my face starting to blush. "Yeah, got to do it in the shower," I muttered.

Ethan chimed in, "Yeah, I don't blame you. Sucks since y'all are sharing a room. No privacy. That's why I didn't agree to it." He laughed through the last of his words.

"Yeah I knew you two fuckers wouldn't agree to it. That's why I asked Will. And we really don't mind. Do we bud?" Ben asked.

"Nah. Really, it hasn't been that big of a deal," I answered.

The conversation changed shortly after to classes starting soon. Then Ethan & Ben talked about baseball practices also soon to start (they had both made the college team and were pumped.) They agreed to go on a run together for a few miles. We didn't see Logan again until dinnertime when he emerged from his room in a new pair of boxer briefs and messy hair. He had fallen asleep after blowing what he called 'a nice ass load.' We had laughed and Ben has fist bumped him, asking first if he had washed his hands after he got done, which he had. I had cooked dinner for all of us and we once again sat at the coffee table eating together, watching another action movie. The day grew dark and turned into night and we all eventually made our way to our own rooms.

Me and Ben made it into our room and both laid on our own beds looking at our phones, scrolling through social media, watching funny videos and then showing the other. After a good while Ben got up to brush his teeth. I waited for him to finish so I could go brush mine. When he finished and walked out he was already reaching for his waistband to pull them down. I immediately stood up and didn't wait to see him naked once again. But it didn't matter. He flung them down to his ankles releasing his dick as I walked past. My eyes couldn't be controlled no matter how hard I tried to keep them straight ahead towards the bathroom. My eyes caught sight for only a second, and then I continued into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Luckily the quick glance only made my dick quiver but not get hard. I made sure to take an extra second brushing to allow Ben time to get in bed and covered up so his nakedness wouldn't temp my dick.

No such luck, however. I walked out of the bathroom only to see Ben sprawled across his bed, still naked, and not covered at all. His phone in front of his face, the other hand behind his head, right leg bent at the knee, & left leg outstretched. I, once again, couldn't control my eyes. I let them have a quick glance and then turned them to my bed. I was still in my underwear so there was no need to undress or anything. I lifted my comforter and climbed in. I pick up my phone again to give my eyes something to do besides search for his cock. But then Ben lifts his head.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked, still not bothering to cover himself.


"Is that how you normally sleep? Like if you were home, not sharing a room.."

"Umm, you mean in my underwear?" I almost stuttered.

"Yeah. I'm just curious."

"Uh.. Yeah. It's how I've always slept. I used to sleep in a shirt too, but realized that it was better without," I answered.

"Wait. So you've never even tried sleeping naked?" He seemed a little surprised.


"Dude. You have to try it. It's so freeing. Remember how much better it felt after you started sleeping without your shirt? Imagine how it'll feel for the rest of your body."

I could feel my cheeks start getting hot. He was still uncovered as we were talking, his dick now laying across his thigh as he's turned towards me. It baffles me how he's just so nonchalant about being naked. To have his dick on display. I mean, he had nothing to worry about or be ashamed about. He was in good shape. He had a nice sized dick. He was thick with muscles. If I had his body, I'd probably show it off too. I had a feeling he was going to push the issue, and while I figured he was probably right (it probably did feel freeing and possibly even better) I just wasn't sure if I was comfortable doing it right now.

"Hmm. You're probably right," I say, "I might have to try it out one night," hoping the would deflect the current situation. It didn't.

"Just do it bro. Trust me. It feels great."

He seemed insistent. And knowing Ben for as long as I did, I knew that while he's laid back, if he sets his mind to something and becomes insistent, he doesn't let it go easily.

He doesn't turn over, the deflection doesn't work, and I know there's only one way for the situation to change so the attention isn't all on me. So, I begin to slide my hand under the covers to pull down my underwear. I only get one thumb hooked under my waistband when I hear him.

"No, no dude. You have to stand up."

"What? Why?" I ask. Now I'm nervous and my heart starts to quicken.

"Trust me. You have to get the full experience. If you just slide them off now, it won't feel the same. You're already under the covers and it won't have the same effect."

"Seriously?.." I still have my thumb in the waistband of my boxer briefs.

"I'm serious dude. You gotta stand up, slide 'em off and let the air hit your dick and balls, and THEN lay down & cover up. Totally different sensation."

I'm starting to wonder if this whole thing is a joke. If one of the other guys put him up to it. What his motive is. I lay there for a moment waiting to maybe hear him eventually say, Ha! Kidding! But he never does. His face doesn't change other than him raising his eyebrows as if saying 'well. get to it!' Again, I realize that he's not going to let it go. I try to hype myself up. 'Just do it,' I tell myself. I think back to my thoughts of him having been in locker rooms and showers with guys all throughout school. He's seen tons of others guys' junk. It's not gonna be a big deal. He has shown his several times. Hell, he's showing it right now. We're just friends. It's fine. Don't make it weird.

I kind of huff & sigh to make it sound like I'm annoyed, which I am a little bit. But to be completely honest, even though it's uncomfortable, it's exciting. Just to be naked around someone else, even if it is another guy, especially one that's so comfortable, and even more so, my best friend.

I unhook my thumb from my waistband and instead grab the top of my comforter & throw it back. I think it's probably because of the nerves of the whole situation, but luckily I'm not hard. I think it would have been weird(er) if I was going to do this while I was hard. I throw my legs over to the side of the bed and stand up. Ben is smiling. Quickly through my head I go through the options. I could either just pull them down and get back in the bed quickly, or I could turn around and pull them down. That way he wouldn't actually see my dick, just my ass. But if I do the latter, then it's still going to be weird trying to hide my dick all the time. If it's out in the open now, it won't be a big deal from here on out. All of this is flying through my head in milliseconds. Before I can think about it too much more, I feel my hands going for my waistband almost as if they have a mind of their own.

My hands tug on the elastic and they quickly slide down to my ankles. My dick is officially out in the open. I pull one foot out of the leg holes of my boxer briefs and, while they are still around my right ankle, promptly kick to sling them across the room. I'm a grow-er, not a show-er, and I'm soft. But with it being as warm as it is in the house, I have plenty to show & I'm not too embarrassed about the size. My ballsack is also hanging a bit low, trying to regulate the temperature of my balls.

I finally look Ben in the face while having both hands out in front, palms up as if gesturing to him 'there-happy?' I do this with pursed lips, again to make it seem like this is a hassle and not that I'm at all enjoying it. Ben laughs at my gesture and smiles showing all of his teeth, all white and very straight. I plop back down on my bed, feeling my dick flop around between my legs, and pull my legs back under the comforter and pull it up to my chest. The comforter slowly falls down around me, letting the air rush out of the top near my chest. Finally, the whole comforter rests on top of me, lightly touching every part of me.

"Oh... wow..." I say.

"SEE! I told you!" Ben exclaims. "Doesn't that feel so much better?"

"Yeah, it does. It really does." I chuckle and he does too.

"Well there ya go. Now you can be even more comfortable."

I laid there looking up at the ceiling, enjoying the feeling of being completely naked under the covers, the softness of my comforter gently caressing my entire body, especially if I made even the smallest movements. I'm not even paying any attention to Ben anymore, but them I hear him say..

"And plus, now I've got the answer to the question I've had for years."

I quickly turn my head back towards him to meet his eyes. My mind scrolling through all the things that he could say to embarrass me.

"What question?" I ask.

Ben snickers, "If the carpet matched the drapes."

I was confused. "What??"

"I had always wondered if since you had red hair if your pubes were red too." He snickered again & I join him.

My pubes are in fact red, just like my hair. I keep it trimmed fairly short, but you can surely see the light dusting of reddish-orange hair around my dick and balls.

"Yeah? You've been wondering that for years?" I ask him through a laugh.

"Well, ever since I started growing pubic hair. Haha. I mean when mine came in so dark just like my hair, I wondered if yours would match your hair or if yours would be dark like mine."

I was feeling more comfortable by the second. And since he had already seen me completely naked, what was the difference in seeing me again? So I flipped back the comforter to show my dick and pubes to him once again.

"Well, yes. It matches pretty perfectly."

I could see him look down between my legs to get another look at my junk. This made me kind of tingle inside, not only knowing but seeing him looking directly at my dick. I ran my hand down through my pubes and you could hear the scratching noise as I did so.

Ben chuckled again, "I've never seen red pubes before."

"Never?" I ask.

"Nah," he replies, "everyone on the team all had dark pubes. Except for a couple of guys who were blonde. They had blonde pubes."

I have covered myself back up now and turn on my side to face Ben, leaning up on my elbow. He is doing the same, facing me, still uncovered, still with his dick showing.

"So you've seen everyone on the team's pubes?" I asked.

"Yeah. In the showers after practice."

"Is that how you're so comfortable?.. From being around other guys in the locker room?" I ask.

"Well yeah, " he answered. "I mean it was a little weird at first. But after the first couple of times of being naked in front of other people, you don't really think about it. You're just trying to get into the shower quickly so you can grab a shower head and don't have to wait around for someone to get done."

"Ah," I say, "I guess that makes sense."

"Yeah, that's why this doesn't bother me anymore," he said, gesturing with his hand to his dick. "And that's why I wanted to ease you into it. First with the underwear and now sleeping naked."

I could feel my eyes get a little bigger as I listened to him.

"I just know how much easier it is, and how free you feel when you can just let your dick and balls out. So, now you can. I mean, if it really is comfortable to you too."

I smiled, knowing now that he was right all along. It would be a bit easier. And it definitely felt better.

"Yeah. It really does. You're right." I say.

"Hell yeah. There you go." he said, smiling back at me.

I twisted back over and laid on my back, looking up to the ceiling. I could see him do the same. And another thought entered my head.

"Wait.. So you've seen Ethan naked too?" I asked.

"Yeah dude," he said, "Did you know he was uncut?!"

I quickly turned my head back to him. "What?!"

"Yeah bro, you'll have to get him to show you one day."

I laid back and got comfortable in my bed, naked and feeling at ease finally, and thought with the way things are going, I actually probably would end up seeing Ethan's uncut dick. Probably sooner than I ever imagined.

Next: Chapter 5

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