An Amazing Evening

By Suzannah

Published on Jun 10, 1997



Just before he tidied his desk and locked up for the evening, Goff Humboldt made a secure call to a woman he had never met.

"Is everything set for tonight?" he enquired, slightly nervously.

"Yes, sir, you are expected at 7pm for a five hour session. We have prepared the program for you, as per your earlier instructions." Her voice was impersonal and professional, slightly aloof perhaps.

"Good. Has the payment reached you?" He had made elaborate plans to avoid his money being traced back to him.

"Yes sir. It's all in order."

He closed the connection promptly and left the room, waving to his PA as he left the main office. "You shouldn't be here Susan. Go home!" She smiled at him but kept working anyway. He left quickly, feeling slightly awkward. He had become used to feeling awkward, particularly in the presence of attractive women. He made his way quickly to the elevator, feeling relieved as he reached the anonymity of the street. He waved a taxi to a halt and got in, and rapidly gave instructions to the driver.

He wasn't taken to his destination immediately. He still felt the need for caution, even though he was sure no-one who knew him knew about his secret. The humiliation of being discovered would be too much for him to bear stoically, and sometimes he became deeply afraid that he would be found out. But even so, things had reached the stage where he had to continue, and the weekly journeys had become part of his routine. So he made his way to a metro station, catching a train to the next stop, then he walked a couple of blocks and caught a bus to a hotel nearby. He booked in, paying cash, and went to his room to change into more comfortable clothing. He hung his work suit in the wardrobe and left to walk the final few blocks to his destination.

The building was in a warehouse district, and he often thought of it as a warehouse for human bodies. He had once tried to calculate how many people rested within its walls, but he could never be sure if it was just a few dozen or many hundreds. In truth, he didn't want to know and didn't really care. He felt nervous now, like a man about to approach a tart for sex. He entered the dimly-lit foyer of the building.

Behind the counter was the usual dark-haired boy smoking an unpleasantly pungent cigarette. He was looking through the pages of a pornographic magazine and seemed oblivious of the older man as he approached the counter.

"Good evening." He felt uneasy with the greeting, but couldn't think of another opening.

"Yeah, hi. What number?"

He placed the magazine in open view on the counter: its open pages depicted lurid scenes of group sex.

"'s...I think it's 1043a. Yes, that's it, thank you."

"Sure. Hang on a second." The boy spoke a few words into a chin microphone and waited for the computer to confirm the booking. "Which program was it you wanted?"

"Five four six."

"Yeah, that checks out. Payment made in advance. OK, if you could follow Irene she'll show you the ropes. Through the door at the end."


Irene, a teenager in a denim jacket, looked more like a young man than a woman, with close-cropped hair and a tattoo on her face. She stood holding open the steel-armoured door at the end of the corridor, completely motionless and impassive as Goff approached past a broken vending machine and rows of steel lockers. He tried smiling at her as he went through the door, but she made a point of ignoring him and let the door close with a crash. She swaggered off down the corridor with the older man puffing to keep up with her.

They passed some twenty or thirty doors on either side of the corridor before entering a room about two metres by three with a narrow bed in it. The bed had straps for the arms, feet and chest, and a number of wires and leads at various points, particularly where the head would rest. Irene busied herself with the equipment as Goff pulled himself on to the bed. He lay waiting for about three minutes as lights started to shine from the apparatus on all sides, and a faint humming became audible. Finally, Irene fastened the straps and started attaching the wires to parts of his scalp and body. Then, he was surprised that she smiled at him, and said, with a distinctly mischievous look, "There, now I've got you exactly where I want you."

He smiled back at her as the needle slid effortlessly into his arm and he lost consciousness.

Suzannah's evening had started badly. She'd had a row with her boyfriend and broken a favourite vase (a present from her mother) in the process. He had left her in a rage, presumably to drink himself stupid like he usually did. As usual, the argument had been about her dancing. She liked it at the club, enjoyed what she did and didn't feel at all ashamed. "Why should I?" she had protested. "It's good money and everyone likes what I do. The other girls are real friends and the punters aren't at all bad. Just lonely old men and lads out for a good time, mostly. You should come along," she lifted her chin defiantly. "You might enjoy it."

But he hadn't listened. He never did. He was attractive enough, she had often told herself, but terminally thick, surfing around on testosterone most of the time. The sex wasn't particularly good anymore, either, especially if he was drunk--which was often. So he had left in a rage and she had arrived at the club late.

"Suzie, Suzie, Suzie! Where the hell have you been? You've got five minutes to get fixed and get on that stage. Now move it!"

The owner was a short fat man who smoked smelly cigars and sweated even when it was cold. She smiled thinly at him and went into the dressing room. The other girls were nearly ready, applying the last touches of eye-makeup or adjusting their costumes, and she wasn't even clean yet.

"Hi Suzie. We thought we'd lost you for a minute."

"Oh, Eileen, help me please! I'm a mess!" She dropped her shoulder bag and coat on the floor and started brushing her hair.

"Hey, let me. You make yourself look pretty and I'll do that." Eileen, a startling brunette with laser-like blue eyes took the brush from Suzannah's hand and gently pushed her into a seat.

"Thanks. You're a pal." She started cleaning her face with cream and applying a foundation layer, as Eileen expertly trussed her hair and fixed the ostrich-feather head-dress into position. A few moments later she was wearing the same uniform as the others, sequined body-stocking, high shoes and extravagant garters. She swung her hips to the beat of the music from the stage as they lined up behind the curtain. Ray, an attractive young man whom Suzannah was more than a little attracted to, stepped onto the stage to announce them. She went into auto-pilot and followed the others out as the music struck up and the audience applauded vigorously. She started to feel good again.

They performed two encore numbers, as usual, then went back to the dressing room to slump in the chairs or where they fell on piles of clothing, exhausted and sweaty after their exertions. Eileen immediately removed her clothes and went to the shower-room, where soon she was joined by the others. Suzannah just sat, slumped on a large wicker basket near the door, breathless and unable to move but feeling pleased with her performance. Everything had been perfect, she had moved like an angel.

"So, Suzie. Who's the mystery man, then?" Judy had mischief in her voice and it sparkled in her eyes.

"What 'mystery man?' What are you talking about?"

"Oh! Don't try to pretend you didn't notice him! We certainly did, didn't we everyone?" Murmurs of assent and appreciative intakes of breath emerged from the steam-filled showers. "Near the front row." She pursed her lips and looked intently at the roof, recalling the details.

"He was tall." (Ooohs and aahs from the showers.) "Dark," (More appreciation) "and lean and muscular!" One or two of the girls pretended to swoon. "But most importantly of all...he didn't take his eyes off you for one second during the whole bloody performance! And you didn't notice him? That's criminal. I'm ashamed of you girl."

"Well, I guess I'm just too dedicated to my art to notice irrelevancies like that." She closed her eyes and rested her head on the wall.

"Heinous! It's your moral responsibility to notice him. And lust, woman, lust!" Judy emerged from the shower and wrapped a towel around her slender body. "C'mon. Get dressed and we'll go and get a drink from the bar. I'll point him out to you. Don't forget your white stick."

Suzannah took her time in the shower, feeling the sweat and exertion falling from her with the streams of hot water. Judy was growing more and more impatient and eventually went into the corridor and turned the valve that cut off the showers. "Come on! He might escape."

"OK, OK. Just a few more moments." She pulled on a white T-shirt and short black skirt, no tights and high black shoes. She knew she always looked best when she dressed simply. Her hair was still wet from the showers, but that was refreshing after the dancing. Judy took her by the hand and led her away up the corridor, parody of a parent dragging a reluctant child behind her.

They made their way to the bar, and sat at the end where they could command a view of the entire club. Eileen bought the drinks and surreptitiously pointed out a young man, perhaps in his early twenties, sitting on his own at a table near the door.

"See, over there. Isn't he gorgeous?" Suzannah thought so too, but wasn't going to admit it just like that. He was tastefully dressed in a loose jacket and light trousers, with dark hair and finely wrought features. He looked sexy and intelligent, that oh-so-rare combination of virtues.

"Well, I guess so, in an immature sort of way. He's two young for you, though."

"Bitch! He is drop-down-dead utterly gorgeous. Well, that's fine by me. If you don't want him, I'll keep him to myself."

She stood up, smoothed her tight dress against her body and moved towards him like a snake approaching its prey, all curves and smoothness. She stood next to his table with her hands on her hips and waited to be noticed--no attempt at subtlety. After a few moments he looked up and beamed a surprised smile at her. Suzannah was suddenly transfixed. She decided to change her mind, and started to cross the floor towards him. This is so unlike me! she thought. I can't afford to do something like this! But she went anyway, and sat down at the vacant chair. Judy shot her a warning glance over her buck's fizz.

"Well, hi! So this is Judy and you are?"

"Suzannah. Are you going to buy me a drink? I'm really thirsty."

"You must be, after that amazing performance you gave tonight. You were really something! Errr...both of you, really fantastic." He looked slightly, boyishly embarassed for a moment, then asked "So, what'll it be? Another buck's for Judy and..?"

"No, no I'd better not stay. I've just remembered I've got to meet someone in a couple of minutes. Silly me!" Judy shot her friend a venomous look, then rose and moved towards the door.

"Oh, sure. OK. Maybe we could get together some other night?" He seemed a little crest-fallen, in a polite sort of way, but there was no real feeling in his voice.

"I really hope so. I really do. See you again. Goodnight Suzie darling."

"She seems a little annoyed. Was it something I said?" Suzie smiled at him, "Never mind. Why not buy me that drink? I'd love a Rusty Nail, with plenty of ice."

They embraced outside her flat, a kind of accident borne of alcohol and high-spirits, but an accident they both welcomed. She invited him in, feeling a little nervous that her boyfriend would return, or was already there, even though he usually stayed out all night after an argument. She thought of offering him a drink, but she soon felt herself being pressed against his muscular body once more, his hands slowly caressing her back and shoulders, his tongue exploring her lips and tongue. She returned the kiss as she guided him towards the bedroom, thrilling to the unaccustomed pleasure of gentle passion.

She pushed him on to the edge of the unmade bed, rubbing her hands down his firm chest and lower to his flat stomach, then undoing the large, heavy buckle that secured his belt. She could feel his erection growing under his clothing as she undid his trousers and slid them down his legs, her hands taking their time across his buttocks and down the inside of his thighs. Excitement made her hands and lips tremble as he pulled her towards him again, easily removing her short skirt and panties as the passion welled up inside her. Soon, they were both naked and writhing in a passionate embrace, their breathing heavy and kisses long and sensual.

Once more she pushed him down onto the bed, and ran her tongue through the hairs on his chest, around his nipple, across his belly and down towards his enlarged penis. Her tongue began to caress the hot, purple head of his twitching member as her hands cupped his balls and began kneading them, feeling his body tense in response. Soon, she had taken his glans inside her mouth, and was tasting the saltiness of him as she took the head deeper into her mouth, almost to her throat. He started to moan quietly, then more urgently as she drew back slightly and took his foreskin between her teeth, her tongue caressing the small fold of flesh. She drew the skin into her mouth and sucked firmly as his cries became louder and more insistent, his penis stiffening and twitching as she drew him relentlessly in. Then, he cried with exultation as his hot juices exploded in her mouth, his body thrashing violently as she controlled the orgasm perfectly, making it last as long as possible. Gradually, she felt his climax subside and she released his now-limp member, feeling him slump lifeless onto the bed.

She rose to her feet and looked at what she had done to this beautiful young man, wondering if he would have the strength to continue. For the moment, he was out for the count and so she decided to revive him. Making sure that he was watching her, she slid her hand down towards her wet pussy and began caressing her lips, at first slowly and gently but then more rapidly, her fingers sliding deeper and deeper as she became more and more excited. As the electric thrills pulsed across her body, she could see his erection growing again, his eyes transfixed upon her lean young body as she drove herself towards an orgasm. Unable to restrain himself, he reached forwards and caught her by the wrist, drawing her down to straddle his hips.

Taking her firmly by each wrist, he guided her downwards and onto his penis, her wet lips being nudged by the enormous head. She cried out as, with a single, effortless movement he entered into her, lifting her up as his thick, heavy tool filled her and began stroking in and out with a powerful rhythm. She began to lose all control, thrusting her body downwards as his hips rose to meet her, unrelentingly firm and powerful. Suzannah was close to an overwhelming climax when, suddenly, he withdrew and lowered her perspiration-soaked body to the sheets. He caressed her thighs with his tongue and gradually drew closer to her clitoris, running his tongue around it in tight, delicious circles and causing her excitement to rise once more. His tongue flicked around her swollen lips, caressing across and around and into them as she finally achieved a shuddering climax, screaming and pulling his face closer into her hips as she ground the last moments of ecstasy from his practised tongue and lips.

Finally, she too was left limp and motionless on the bed, trying to catch her breath and feeling her heart thumping in her chest, her breasts heaving as he started to massage her body. He was not finished yet, covering her and kissing her full on the lips once more, his strong, lean form pressing against her, imprisoning her on the bed. Just as she felt his enormous penis enter her once more, she gasped with shock and surprise as he whispered into her ear: "There, now I've got you exactly where I want you."

She moaned and wriggled.


Goff emerged from the drug-induced sleep with the usual blinding headache and a dry throat. The clothes he wore were soaked with sweat, and his body weak and trembling. He had never before experienced anything so intense, and he lay motionless for a very long time. It wasn't the program he had asked for, and he speculated about taking action against the establishment's proprietors, but eventually gave up the idea. It would attract attention, and he might be exposed in the press. He knew he could not endure such disaster.

After a while, he heard the door opening and closing, then felt the warmth of a young woman's body against his arm as the restraining straps were loosened. He kept his eyes shut, but could tell she had just showered by the pleasantly damp smell in the confined room. Eventually, she left; he heard the sound of her heavy boots as she walked down the long, echoing corridor. When he was quite sure she had gone, he let himself down from the bed, gingerly feeling for the floor with his toes. He sat in the chair in the corner and put on his shoes and jacket, then made his way to the door he had entered the building by. The boy who had been there earlier had been replaced by a much older woman, who smiled pleasantly at him as he passed by.

"I hope everything was acceptable, sir. An enjoyable evening?"

The enquiry surprised him: she was obviously new here.

"Yes," he said. "It was a fantastic evening." He shuddered involuntarily. "Absolutely fantastic."

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