An Act of Kindness

By Charles Cox

Published on Jul 27, 2018


Pedro couldnt get him out of his mind. He couldnt believe kids could be so cruel. He worried about him. No. It was more than that. Everytime he thought of him smile, his heart beat a little faster. Pedro liked big guys. Boy was he ever Pedros type. He liked 300+ guys. There was just something about a guy with a big, plump ass that jiggled when you fucked him! Pedro was 5'6, short, spiked black hair, brown eyes and moderate good looks. His body was lean and muscular. One thing he was most proud of was his cock. It was long and thick, curving over his low hanging balls. He laid in bed at night thinking of him and what he looked like naked. He didnt know how or when but he had to see him again.

The next day he went into work to get his paycheck and decided to have lunch down in the food court. He was riding the escalator down when he spotted him. He was seated at one of the rod iron tables drinkinhg coffee and reading. Pedro headed twords him.

"Hi!" he looked up and smiled.

"Can I join you?" he nodded.

Pedro pulled a chair out and sat.

"Thanks for standing up for me the other day". Pedro frowned.

Im just sorry you had to go through that!" he shrugged.

"Im used to it." Pedro nodded.

"I never got your name by the way". He smiled.

"Stephen". Pedro held out his hand.

When Stephen took it, he noticed his hand was smooth and his fingers were long.

"Id like to take you to dinner tonight. You know, to say thanks". Pedro smiled.

You dont have to!" Stephen nodded.

"I know but I want to". Pedro smiled and nodded.

Stephen took almost two hours to get ready. He had never really been on a date before...but this wasnt a date he reminded himself.

"Dont expect too much" his brain said. "Your just taking him out to dinner to say thank you. Nothing more."

He showered, chose a dark polo shirt, cotton dress pants and loafers. He frowned as he stood infront of his full length mirror.

"All I need now is a stoggie and a beer and Im my father!" he exclaimed. He sighed, grabbed his keys and headed out.

When he got to the restraunt, he noticed Pedro hadnt shown up yet.

"Thats ok! Hes probably just running late".

Five, ten, fifteen minutes went by and he still hadnt shown. Stephen ordered three cokes with ice. When an hour went by, Stephens heart sank. He had been stood up!

"I knew it was too good to be true!" he thought sadly. He paid for his drinks, stopped at a local deli for a sandwich and went home.

To Be Continued...

Sorry guys, I do love a good cliffhanger lol! Cue the dramatic organ music Will Pedro get the chance to apologize for standing Stephen up? Will Stephen forgive him? Find out in part 3! And as always, please support Nifty!

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