Amys unexpected Life change


Published on Sep 14, 2024


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When I woke-up, John was standing at the side of the bed with his robe open. He handed me a cup of coffee and said he wanted a blowjob and pushed his cock towards me. I slid out of bed, onto my knees and began to lick his shaft and caress his balls. He quickly became rock hard and I could feel his ball sack tighten. He began, fucking my mouth slowly at first but then faster and more forcibly. Grabbing the back of my head, he started ramming his cock into the back of my throat. I began to gag, which only made John go faster and harder. I knew he was about to blow his load, when he moaned, "swallow every drop", and his cum stated erupting into my throat and up my nose. When John saw cum starting to run out of my nose he again told me not to waste it. I sucked in through my nose, hard, to get all the cum back into my throat and swallowed it. I licked John clean, sat back and opened my mouth so he could see I wasted nothing. "My god you are an absolute slut, that was gross, but I am glad that you did as you were told." As he turned and walked to the shower he informed me that he was bringing his golf buddies back to the house for lunch after their round of golf, before they went to Ryan's baseball game. He said they would be home around noon. Looking at the clock, I knew I wouldn't be able to go to the store after coming home from Claire's. So I threw on an old sweatshirt, a pair of running shorts and a ball cap and headed out to the store. The store was about 15 mins away, so I figured if I could masturbate on the way to the store and home and it would count as one of my sessions for the day.

When I got in the car, I slid my shorts down and off one leg, backed out of the driveway and headed to the store. The feeling of the cool leather seats on my butt felt great and my hand found its way to my cunt. I was surprised at how much stubble I had in just 24hrs. I would have to be quick to get home to prepare for Claire's. The sensation of rubbing my clit while I drove was fantastic. I was really getting horny and had to stop multiple times so as not to climax. When I got to the store and went to put my shorts back on, I realized how wet the seat was from my playing. Ugh, my shorts were sticking to my legs and you could tell they were wet. I didn't have any idea on how to dry myself, so I pulled my hat a little lower on my head, took a deep breath and headed into the store. It was a typical Saturday morning with all the Mom's from the neighborhood out shopping. Luckily, I didn't see anyone I knew, so I hurriedly grabbed a cart and went as fast as I could to grab stuff for hamburgers, chips, and a few beers for lunch. I could feel the eyes on me as I was waiting in the checkout line. When I got to the cashier, a young kid, said hello with the biggest smile on his face and asked me if I was Ryan's mom. I said yes and tried to make small talk as he checked me out, literally. I paid and was thinking that I had made it through unscathed, when I saw John's friend Greg's, wife coming towards me waving. Of course her hair was done and she was wearing a nice outfit and super cute sandals. "Oh, Hi Karen, how are you?".

"I'm good Amy, how are you? Looks like you had the same idea as me, get the shopping done early."

"yeah, I didn't think it would be this busy or I would have put on a little make-up", smiled and tried to laugh.

"Amy, I would want you to do the same for me, so don't get offended, but you have something right here on your face", and Karen proceeded to point to her nostril. As my hand went to my face I could feel the crust of dried cum under my nose, "Oh, thank you and sorry, my nose has been running all morning, I think its allergies" Karen handed me a tissue from her purse while she was saying "it looks like you spilled something on yourself as well." "yes, my water bottle spilled getting out of the car, its just been one of those mornings I guess". The thought of Karen asking me about cum on my face and my love juice running down my leg was turning me on. I wanted to stick my hands in my pants and feel the wetness, but instead just I relished my humiliation and how much I would use these thoughts in my training sessions later today. OMG she really is a Karen. If she only knew that her son was fucking me last night, in the park.

To break the uncomfortable silence, I said "I guess I will see your Greg later, John mentioned that they were all swinging by the house after golf before going to the boys game". Greg, was Karen husband and Greg Jr. Dad.

"Oh yes, Greg mentioned that, he seemed excited, sounded like you were planning something special.. Are you going to the game this afternoon?" I said I was planning on going to the game but I had a bunch of stuff I needed to get done before hand. "Nothing special for Lunch, but I know John wants to impress his friends, so I will try my best to make it special" I said as I walked away, hoping she could see my shorts stuck to my ass. I couldn't wait to get to the car, ripping off my shorts and edging all the way home.

When I got back to the house, there was a car in the driveway, it was Sally's friend Penny. Feeling incredibly turned on, I stripped out of my cloths in the garage and walked into the house nude. WTF no time like the present, I thought. I could hear Sally and Penny talking in the living room and went about putting away the groceries. "Mom is that you?" When I responded I could hear them get up and head for the kitchen, as they came into the room I heard Sally say are your ready. As I turned around, Sally said "Ta-Da, meet my mom the sex slave" It made me blush and wet all at the same time.

"Hello Penny, its good to see you again" "You too, Mrs. Davis, wow you are a really hot Mom" "Thank you, sweetie, when your in the house you can call me Amy" "I'm assuming that Sally has given you a bit of background on my new lifestyle" "She did! I have to admit it sounds crazy, I heard you fucked Ryan and his friends last night at the park, is that true" "well, eh, yes, it is true, I would just ask that, what you see and/or hear things happening in this house and with me if you would please keep it to yourself, I would appreciate it." "its OK", Sally chimed in, "Penny was just telling me that all the kids knew "Claire's, sorry Mrs. Stevens, previous sex slave, Alexandra". Well that explains the checker at the Grocery store, I thought to myself. "That's right Mrs. Davis, we all knew about Alex, she was really nice, her kids were older then me, they knew my sisters really well" "I never got to see her naked, but my sisters would tell me all about the pool parties they would go to where Alex was always naked" "I'm so happy that you are Mrs. Stevens new sex slave. Now that I am 18 I have a ton of questions for you, if that's alright?" "Of course Penny, you can ask me anything you want, but I have to be at Claire's in 30 mins, could we talk later" "Absolutely Mrs. Davis, maybe I can spend the night tonight, if that's all right" "Its alright by me, as long as you Mother doesn't mind, now I have got to get ready, tell your mother to call me to confirm your staying over" "Mom, what do you have to do to get ready, your already naked?" "Well, em, I have to shower, shave my body and give myself an enema. I have to do that everyday before I go see Claire" "why an enema, gross!" "Well, honey, my entire body belongs to Claire and if she wants to do anything anally to me, she wants me clean." Both of their Jaws about hit the floor, which made me smile. I turned and started to head up stairs when I heard both girls whispering to each other. Then Sally asked if they could watch. "well, yes you can if your want, but I have to hurry" They giggled and followed me to the bathroom. I got the enema bag ready and hung it from the shower curtain rail. I got into the shower and bent over so that the girls has a great view of my ass and inserted the tube, I moaned a little for effect.

I then quickly washed my hair leaning back against the shower wall to spread my legs a bit wider so they got a good view of my body as I ran my hands over it with soap. I turned off the shower and spread shaving cream all over my crotch and began shaving myself. every time I looked up I could see Sally and Penny's eyes fixated on my fingers working on shaving my cunt. I turned the shower back on and rinsed off taking extra time to play with my nipples and clit. I hopped out of the shower, pulled the tube out of my ass and emptied my bowels into the toilet. One more quick rinse and I was done.

Both girls just stared at me. I walked over and told them they could feel how smooth my pussy was if they wanted. Penny wasted no time and was running her fingers across my pelvis. I told her should could go inside me if she wanted. Before I could finish the sentence, I felt two fingers plunge into my hole. "OMG. Mrs Davis, I mean Amy, you are so smooth and wet." "Well that's because I keep myself at a heightened level of arouse, I edge for twenty minutes, five times a day." "OMG how many orgasms' do you have each day" "Well, Penny that's just it. I can pleasure myself for twenty minutes, but I can only cum when my Mistress or one of my owners tells me I can. I haven't had an organism in nearly a week." "Owners? How many owners do you have?" "well, I have one mistress Claire. She has assigned John as an owner, he can do whatever he likes to me whenever he wants. Claire makes the rules at her house and John makes the rules here. John has made Sally and Ryan owners, again, only while in this house. He has also said that any friends of the kids, that they select are owners, but again only when they are visiting our, I mean John's house. "Sally, am I an owner" Penny blurted out so fast it made us all laugh. Here feel how wet your Mom's vagina is?" "Honey, you can call it my cunt, pussy or box if you want, you don't have to be polite and say vagina" "Cool, Sally come check out your mom's cunt" Sally replied "no, not now she is in a hurry and I can check it out anytime I want". With that, Sally slapped my ass hard and the girls got up and started to walk out. When they were at the door Penny stopped, turned and said "can we fuck you tonight, if I am staying over". I walked over, took her face in my hands and said "As many times as you would like" and kissed her slipping my tongue quickly into her mouth. Both girls just stood there stunned. I quickly dried my hair, brushed my teeth and pulled my hair back into a pony tail. A quick look in the mirror, and with the exception of the red hand print on my bum, I thought I looked pretty good. I grabbed a small bottle of lube that i got at the store and headed to Claire's

I walked naked across the yard to Claire's thinking to myself, I am really starting to enjoy this.

When I went in the back door at Claire's, there was a note on the table and I could here voices in the other room. The note said, I didn't need to bother with coffee that once I had my uniform on to come out to the sun poach off the kitchen. A little lube on the butt plug and it slipped right in. I put on my collar and leash and headed for the sun porch. There we three women on the porch; Claire, a women close to my age and a girl that was clearly younger that Sally.

"Oh, good your right on time. Amy, I would like to introduce you to my daughter Paige and my granddaughter Jill." I said hello "Well mother she is lovely, I can see why you spent so much money on the search. She seems a little older than Alex, but has a very nice fit body. I love her perky tits and nipples. Oh and I love her pouty pussy and how her clit is playing peekaboo between her Labia Majora. Turn around and bend over Amy." "Wow, that's a great hand print", Jill called out. "Who gave you that?" "My daughter, she had one of her friends over and we were talking. As I was leaving she slapped my ass." "So, you daughter seems to be enjoying the new you" "Yes, Mistress, the entire family seems to be enjoying my new lifestyle"

"Dear, please spread your cheeks so we can get a good view of you. As I was turning to bend over when Paige called out for me to be sure to pull my Labia Majora wide so we can get a good view. "See Jill, see how there is a bit of browning on the Labia Minora, that's a function of to much rubbing or intercourse. You will see that a lot in sluts and whores that are addicted to sex. Amy, have you used a lot of dildos without lube over your lifetime?" "Em, no not really, I don't think so. I typically use my fingers, but I do like playing with myself, I have for years, Mistress" "Oh, Mom, she is well trained. To be that forth right and open about her personal sex habits" "Grandma, can I touch her" "Of course dear, you can do whatever you want to her" I blurt out "but" and was cut off immediately. "Amy, I thought we discussed this the other day regarding Walter. Anyone in my house, can do what they want with you whenever they want. You will have to be disciplined for that out burst. 10 swats with my paddle, before you go home today. Now apologize to Jill." "Jill I am sorry for my disrespect, I would be happy if you played with me whenever you liked" "Thank you Amy, apology accepted" Jill then proceeded to finger my pussy while I was bent over. I could feel her small fingers stimulating my clit and playing with my pussy lips. "Grandma, why does her Labia Majora look so swollen?" "well dear, as part of her training she has to play with her pussy right up to the point of having an orgasm, but to stop just short of having an orgasm. By doing this she is building up her tolerance. This will mean that she is a fantastic sex slave, she will be able to last longer than anyone she services, ensuring that they receive the best orgasm. You see with a slave, its not really about their pleasure, its about yours. But only certain types of people make good sluts as predisposed to having sex whenever then can and/or in Amy's case loving to be exposed and sexually humiliated" Paige chimed in, "So how is the training going?" "Amy, you can stand up and turn around. How is the training goin my dear?" "I think it is going well, I can now go for over 5 minutes, before I have to stop" "Great dear, perhaps you can do a training session now so we can observer you" "Yes, Mistress" and with that I laid down on the floor, spread my legs and started fingering my hole with one hand while teasing my clit with the other." "Now see honey how she is using both hands. That is what a slut does. It does give more pleasure but all that rubbing starts to discolor the Labia Minora. You should always just play with our clit when your playing with yourself or have Amy use her tongue as it is much less abrasive".

Listening to them talk about as if I wasn't there was so degrading, I loved it, my pussy juice was running down my ass checks and I am sure leaving a mark on Claire's rug. I had to stop and start so many times, I lost count. i was so lost in my own pleasure that their discussion became a low groan of nose, I couldn't actually hear what they were talking about and i didn't care. Jill's eyes were locked on me the whole time. Finally, I heard Claire say well done Amy and when I looked up she said that I had completed the twenty minutes. When she asked what should be my reward, I heard Jill say, "How about letting her eat my pussy!" Claire immediately agreed and told Jill she should take me out by the pool to play, while she and Paige finished there discussion. Jill took me by the hand and took me out to the backyard. She had me lay on the grass by the pool as she started to undress. She asked me to play with my clit and pinch my boobs while I watched get undressed. She told me that she was going to be a freshmen next fall and that she was on the JV volleyball team that sally and Penny helped out with. When she pulled her shirt off, I could see that she had only the smallest of boobs, not even A cup, with tiny little eraser nipples. When she saw me staring at them she said, "I wish mine were as big as Sally's".

"Oh have you had sex with Sally I asked" "Oh no, I don't even think she knows my name, but I love watching her in the locker room. She loves to walk around naked all the time"

When Jill pulled off her yoga pants, she had just a couple of pubic hairs on the loveliest pussy i have seen since I was a kid. Jill walked over and stood over my face and lowered herself on to my mouth. She was already wet and started grinding on my face. She told me that she loved my body and was looking forward to playing with me more. Looking up into that angelic face with my tongue buried in her pussy was driving me wild. Her hands slid down into my cunt. It was everything I could do to concentrate on licking her pussy and blocking out what she was doing to my cunt. I had to make her cum fast before I had an orgasm. I used my fingers to roll back her hood and flicked the end of my tongue as fast as I could on her fully exposed clit. That did it, within a minute or two Jill was grinding hard on my face while a monster orgasm took over her tiny body.

I heard Paige, calling from the backdoor that they were going and for Jill to hurry up and finish. Jill got dressed and took my hand and lead me back to the sun poach. "Did you enjoy that, my darling", Claire asked Jill. "Yes Grandma, she is fantastic, I am going to come visit every Saturday". Jill then slapped my ass hard and told me she would see me next week at the party.

Once Paige and Jill left, Claire informed me that she would not be home on Sunday, so I had the day off. "There are a few errands that I want you to run in the next few days", and with that she handed me a credit card that had my name on it. "Amy, this card is for you, you are only to use it on items that I tell you to get. Do you understand?" "Yes, Mistress" "Now, I want you to go shopping tomorrow and pick up a few things, When you go shopping you need to be dressed in as little as possible. I want people to be able to see your nipples through you shirt and a skirt or shorts that barely cover your ass. You can not wear a bra or underwear. Understand? I want the folks of Bakersfield to see the slut you are becoming." "yes Mistress" She then gave me a list of stores and what to buy at each. The list ran from Micro-bikinis and Lingerie to butt plugs and dildos. Last on the list was a tattoo and piercing shop. For that one she just gave me an envelope and told me to ask for Jessica. She told me I was free to go, be sure to clean my uniform and leave it in the mudroom by the backdoor and she would see me on Monday.

To be continued.

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