Amys Beginning

By amy dancer

Published on Sep 26, 2008


On the Saturday, Nicky and me were going shopping, so I decided on wearing a simple dungaree shorts, with a tee shirt, and trainers. I was looking for clothes I could wear next week to work, just simple stuff, not too tarty, totally unlike the new me! In the end, I only brought normal clothes, and decided they would be ok. Michael was in town with his parents, and we bumped into them, I was introduced as a friend from school. I was really worried about his parents though, I've met them loads of times, but they never recognised me. I didn't want that to happen, at least not in town. They'll find out when I go round there at some point, so it can wait till then I guess.

Michael dumped his parents and hung with us instead. "I can't believe you're really going through with this!" he said. I pointed out it was no big deal, just clothes, but he told me there was a bet on to see how far I would really take it, if I would go on a date.

"Nina did say at the disco that you should, just to get the whole experience." Nicky said

"Then she should have made it part of the bet then!" I replied.

We went back to Nicky's after and Michael got a shock, as Lee was in the kitchen having just got up, he was only wearing boxer shorts, and when he saw me he walked over and kissed me. I thought his eyes were about to fall out, but Nicky grabbed him and took him to her room. I could feel Lee tenting his shorts against me, and I had to have a feel.

"Did you have a good time last night?" "Of course." I replied, and he kissed me again. By now I had my hand in his shorts.

"Did you dance with any boys?" He was jealous!

I knelt down and took him in my mouth, then looked up at him. "Just one, but nothing happened." Then got back to sucking his cock. I'd wanted to do this last night with Dave, but didn't think he would have gone for it, but I couldn't help thinking about Dave looking at me as I sucked him.

Lee didn't last long, but at least I got a mouthful, and he had to rush to play football, so I went to Nicky's room.

Michael was looking a bit shocked when I walked in, so I guess Nicky had told him everything. I looked at her and she nodded to say yes, she has, so I asked Mike, "Are we still friends?"

He never said anything, and Nicky poked him with her elbow. "Yes, of course, I was just surprised when he kissed you, and you let him. You should have said mate." I gave him a hug. He tried to pull away a bit, but he did hug me back. I guess Nicky must have glared at him.

We chatted for about a hour, and then Nicky's parents came home, wanting to take her shopping, so Mike and me went back to mine. He had relaxed quite a bit by now, and he knew that I'd given a hand job and blow jobs to Lee, and even been on dates with him, and I think he was seeing me as Amy now, as he didn't need to be reminded to call me that anymore.

In my room he went straight to the PS3, but I took my new clothes out to hang up. I thought it was time to tease him a bit, I stripped off my dungarees, and t shirt and stood in front of him, in just bra and panties, pink, and showed him my new clothes. I slipped on a white sleeveless top shirt with Girl written in sparkly pink on it, then slipped on a mini tartan skirt.

"So what do you think?" I asked him. I already knew he'd been watching me in the mirror, and trying to hide it.

"Ok." Was all he said. Well then. Time to push him if he's going to be like that.

"No, come on, tell me what you think. Do I look good? Does it suit me?"

He looked a lot closer this time, and I gave him a twirl, letting the pleated skirt rise a little, then I sat next to him, and crossed my legs.

"Ok, you look good in it." He was really uncomfortable, but I was enjoying it.

"What about my legs?"

"They're good." And his voice cracked a little. I looked at his trousers and he was starting to move in there.

"Does it bother you that I've sucked cock?"

Now he didn't know where to look and he shifted a little, trying to get comfortable.

"Or how about that that I have had sex with a guy this week?" His eyes went wide. "Nicky doesn't know about that, so please don't tell her." He nodded, and I patted his leg. "Our little secret."

He tried to concentrate on the game, but I could see his mind was elsewhere. I knew what I was thinking was wrong, but I wanted to do this. Could I seduce a boy who knows. I was more worried what Nicky would do if she found out, but I knew with his erection he wouldn't tell her.

"So has Nicky told you why she doesn't like giving head?" I asked him. He shook his head. "She thinks she won't like the taste." Still he was saying nothing, but he'd also stopped trying to hide his erection. Mmmm. "Have you ever had a blow job?" he shook his head, and I reached out and put my hand on his cock. "Would you like one?"

Well, he never said no, so I knelt in font of him, and undid his flies, and pulled his trousers down. He never took his eyes of the screen, so taking him in my hand I started to stroke him, then raised up and straddled him. He looked me in the eye as I was stroking his cock, then I kissed him and he put his tongue in my mouth, so I knelt down and started to kiss his cock, thinking it was only a little smaller than Lee's as I took him in my mouth. He took a deep intake of breath as I swallowed all that I could and I could feel he was already close to cumming, so I stroked with my hand and bobbed my head up and down and he came. I let it all fill my mouth, and looked up at him. He looked at me with a big smile on his face, and I let him see that I swallowed it all.

I pushed him onto his back on the bed, more to try and stop him running away, and I straddled him. "Yum." Was all I said, and he smiled.

"That was amazing." I reached for a can of coke to take a drink as I didn't think he'd want to kiss me otherwise, then I laid on top of him and kissed him. "Anytime." I said, and kissed him again, and we started to get passionate again. I could already feel him getting hard, and I wanted to tell him I'm not surprised Nicky likes sex with him, but didn't want him to think of her, only me.

He rolled me onto my back and got his legs between mine as he kissed me. I wanted him in me. Badly. I opened my bedside table top drawer and took out the lube, and started to put it on him as he started to pull my knickers down, slowly. I'd never had sex without them on and was a bit scared but still I lifted my hips and raised my legs so he could do it. It felt so sensual I wouldn't have stopped him if Nicky walked in right then, just told her to watch. When he got to my ankles, I pulled one foot through then spread my legs wide, leaving them over my right ankle, as I reached for his cock and guided him into me. He slid in so easily as he kissed me, and started to slowly thrust in me, ever so slowly, all the in, all the way out. He wasn't fucking me, he was making love to me, and I loved him at that moment in time. It was so slow and so wonderful I could feel my orgasm start to rise, but so different from any I'd had in the past, it was so much deeper, so much better, as I felt myself grab his cock when he was deep in me and I came. Not like my normal cum, but it felt like I imagine a woman would feel. I kissed him deeply.

"Thank you." I said. He smiled at me and told me it was his turn, and he started to speed up, still making love, but this time for him, and that's when I saw my door open, to see my Mum standing there looking at me on my back with my knickers round my ankle and Mike deep in me. Mike hadn't heard her and was still pumping when mum said, "Just to let you know Amy, there's a boy called Dave downstairs waiting for you."

Mike froze with his cock deep in me and my hands on his bum holding him there. "Ok, we'll be down in minute." And she left.

I kissed Mike. "Well don't stop." And I kissed him again as he carried on.

I went downstairs to see Dave, surprised he'd come round after last night, thinking maybe it's a further part of his dare. I'd put a thong on, and could feel Mike's cum leaking into them. He was going to sneak out while I talked to Dave, and Mum helped him out. When she came back in the room she did give me a look, but didn't seem angry. I walked over to Dave and gave him a hug. "Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked. He explained he wanted to thank me for not showing him up last night, and looked really embarrassed, I think because of mum, and she left us alone. I told him not to worry about it, "I enjoyed it. I wish the dance had lasted longer though." He went bright red.

He told me that his friends wound him up about dancing with me, but, and he blushed, "I enjoyed it too." I told him I felt how much he enjoyed it. Then gave him another hug pressing against him. "You're enjoying this too aren't you?" And he blushed again, so I gave him a kiss, just a peck on the lips.

He looked shocked but was still enjoying it, so I kissed him again, thinking can I get a third load of cum in mouth in one day, and maybe more?

"I've never done this before." He told me. Is this still part of the dare I asked him and he said no, just him. I told him to wait here for a minute, and I went to see mum in the kitchen.

She just smiled and raised he eyebrows at me. I asked if I could take him Jules room, and quickly explained about last night at the disco. She said I could, but no sex. I gave her hug and took Dave upstairs. I took sex to mean anal, not head.

Dave explained that he'd been thinking about me a lot, and I told him I had about him as well, but not when I was. He also told me he felt a bit weird, but as he didn't really know Andy, he felt no problem thinking of Amy as all girl. He'd even told his friends he didn't mind dancing with me. I kissed him again, and had to have a feel of what had been pressed up against me. No wonder I could feel it, it was Huge with a capital H, and I wanted him in me. I knew mum would walk in, and Jules walking in would be worse, so I kept my hand over his clothes, not in them.

But it was no good. I asked him he lived far away, and would we be alone there, not hiding what I wanted.

"Just round the corner, and yes." He said. I ran to my room, grabbed my handbag and we left, telling mum we're going out for a bit and would be back later. I've never walked so fast in heels in my short experience, but I walked as quick as I could.

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