Amys Beginning

By amy dancer

Published on Jul 24, 2007


On Wednesday walking home from school with Nicky, Michel and Dave, my mobile went. I looked at who was calling. Lee. I shot a quick look at Nicky and she guessed who it was, I answered.

"Hi!" I said. "Hey babe, want to go see a film tonight?" He asked me. Nicky was smiling at me, but I didn't really want to talk in any detail. I was also scared that if we went out, I would want to have him in me, deep in me.

But I wanted to see him.

"Ok, sounds good." I replied. "Cool, pick you up at seven?" he asked.

"Ok." and I hung up. It would have been embarrassing if I'd have talked for longer. I told my friends it was my mum asking what I wanted for dinner, they believed me, but they didn't have a reason not to, other than Nicky.

Lee rang the bell and I walked to the door, kissing mum night, and promising not to be late. I was wearing a pair of white very tight pedal pusher jeans (if I wore a skirt I`d want him in me for sure), a bardot jumper top off the shoulders in pink (very girly) and a pair of black stilettos, by far the highest and pointiest shoes I've worn so far. I loved how they made my legs looked, but Mum and Jules had warned me my feet and legs will ache.

I opened the door and he smiled. "Ready?"

"Not yet" I told him, putting my arms round his neck and giving him a kiss. "I am now." and with a quick shouted bye over my shoulder, we were on our way. He took my hand and led me to his car.

At the cinema after buying the tickets, Lee popped to the toilet, leaving me standing there by my self. I suddenly felt very self conscience as all the men seemed to be looking over.

"Hi Amy." someone called. I looked around, feeling very scared, it wasn't Lee's voice, but then I saw them. It was John. He had a big grin on his face and was with a friend, who looked me up and down.

"Hey John. My boyfriend's in the toilet." I was really scarred about what he would say, or even what he had said to his friend.

"No worries, just wanted to say hi, and how much I enjoyed last night." He told me. His friend looked at him.

"This is the girl?" He asked him. I was really embarrassed, this guy knew my secret, what would he say? John put my mind at rest with a small shake of his head to me. His friend thinks I'm a girl. Hell, I'm starting to think I'm a girl, after all I just said I had a boyfriend.

"This is my mate Daryl." He leant towards me, "I said you give great head. You do by the way." Well, everyone likes a good review! "Can we do it again?" He asked.

Now every girl likes to be asked, and having only just really discovered sex, I wanted a lot more, but Sarah is my friend. I gave John a coy smile, "Only if Sarah texts me a yes tonight." and then I saw Lee walking over, so I walked a couple of steps to him and put my arms through his and gave him a kiss.

"This is my boyfriend Lee, Lee this is Sarah's boyfriend John and his friend." I felt Lee swell with pride when I said he was my boyfriend. They said hello's then john said to me. "I'll get Sarah to text you." and he smiled. I felt spoiled for choice, Lee on my arm, and another guy who wanted me. I could even see he had a semi on, and it was nice to know it was for me.

We were all going to watch the same film, so it was my turn for the toilet, plus I wanted to touch up my lip gloss so I made sure I really put it into my hips, then we went to our seats. Lee was really funny, he made sure he sitting between me and the other two.

My Man!

The film was a comedy, but I was a bit bored by it. I wanted to make out with Lee, but he wanted to watch the film. Right! We'll see about that. I put my hand on his leg and stroked it slowly, working my way to his cock which was already getting hard. I squeezed it and leant over to kiss him, and saw that John was watching. Right, lets see how far I can take this. I stopped kissing Lee and told him to watch the film, but my hand never stopped.

I undid his jeans and put my hand in, using my fingers to rub the pre cum already leaking over the head. I loved it. John was trying really hard not to watch, and Daryl couldn't see a thing. I leant over and pulled his cock out and licked it. This time John stopped pretending he wasn't watching.

It was really uncomfortable leaning over the arms of the chair, so I took Lee's jacket and put it on the floor then knelt in front of him, held his legs apart and licked his length. Lee closed his eyes, so I looked at john and blew him a kiss as I took Lee into my mouth. I kept the noise down, no slurping noises. I didn't really want to be kicked out or worse, arrested for doing this, but I was getting into it and my lust got me carried away.

At Lee made the most noise when he came! He moaned a bit to loud, so I decided to stay down here for a bit, just running his cum around in me mouth. I looked up and Lee had a smile on his face, and so did John. Daryl had his mouth wide open, so I guess he must have seen. I opened my mouth and showed Lee's cum to them, then swallowed it all. Licked his cock one more time, then put it away and did up his jeans for him.

I was going to get back up, but decided to stay there, with my head in his lap. It felt nice. With one of my hands, I put it on John's leg, making sure Lee couldn't see, stroking him. John moved his popcorn to make sure lee couldn't see and I started to stroke and squeeze him. I know Daryl saw.

Before to long I knew I had to get up, so I moved back to my seat, and whispered in Lee's ear that I needed to sort out my make up. He nodded and kissed me on the lips, not open mouth, but at least he kissed me.

In the toilet I opened my bag for my lip gloss and checked my phone. There was a message from Sarah.

`So long as its just sex and not luv, no probs. Have fun with him. XxXx.' mmmm.

Leaving the toilet, I passed a couple of girls from school as they went in. They didn't recognise me, but they looked at me. As I walked across the tile floor back to the screen, I loved the sound my heels made on the tiles, click, click, click. I could really get used to these shoes, but I knew it would take more time for that, my feet were already starting to ache.

As I took my seat, Lee puts his hand on my bum and stroked it as I sat down. I like him.

I leant across to John, "Sarah text'd me. She said ok about tomorrow." He smiled.

Lee was dropping me off home, and we'd already made out a lot in a car park, and I swallowed him some more. He really wanted to fuck me, but I needed to speak to Nicky about that, as I really wanted him to as well. We even dry humped at one point. God he's sexy and I want him. I kissed him bye and got out the car, really working it as I walked to the door. I looked over my shoulder and he was watching me. Good.

Thursday after school I almost ran home. The last lesson I hadn't really been thinking, all I wanted was sex. John had already sent me a message to say to meet him at his house like last time, and Sarah had been texting me all day as well about it. We'd decided it was ok until I start sleeping with Lee, or it's not fair on any of us, and that the reason I was happy to be fucked by him was because I couldn't be by Lee.

Once in I had a quick repeat of Tuesday with Sarah to get ready, but this time my sister had got home. She called to her room and I went in wearing my pink lingerie, explaining that I couldn't stay for long. Julie handed me a box and told me to open it. I had no idea what it was, but when I took the packaging off, I knew. It was the breast forms. They looked kinda weird, but a quick read explained how they were used, then a touch of glue to hold them in place. Thankfully Julie had even got the glue solvent to take them off! I took the chick fillets out and the bra off and we had a go.

It took a couple of attempts to get the placing right, but the difference was amazing. They looked and felt real inside the bra, and by using them to push my own skin and muscle, they gave me a real cleavage. It was all me. I looked at Julie and said, "I can wear more tops now! I was really excited about that. I gave her a quick kiss and ran back to my room, feeling my breasts bounce as I did so. This is soooo cool!

I knocked on John's door, feeling really excited. I was going to get laid! John opened the door and I kissed him, feeling his hands run over my body and I pushed against him, feeling him get hard. He hand went up my skirt and onto my bum and his fingers lifted up the back of my thong.

We broke the kiss and I kept myself pushed against his hardening cock as he looked at my cleavage. His over hand ran up my side and felt my breast. And his fingers traced across my skin. "I like these." and he kissed them.

"Let me look at you." and I stepped back. I was wearing my pink lingerie again, I just loved the colour, and a pair of pink slouch boots borrow from Julie. A Black and white check pleated mini skirt and a white thin see though spaghetti strap vest. The red jacket was already on the floor, so John picked it up and led me upstairs. When we went into his room, Daryl was in there. I stopped surprised.

"He was really turned on yesterday and was hoping you would blow him as well, or at least let him watch." John said. I was a bit annoyed, but then thought, why not! John fucked me without even knowing, maybe this will happen too. I looked at John and before I even said a word told me that he had already explained that I was shy and didn't like getting naked in front of men.

I gave John a kiss, then knelt in front of Daryl. I was going to enjoy this. I started to stroke him, and really tease him, as I lifted the vest over my head and shook my hair out, trying to be really sexy for them both. I undid his jeans, and chipped my nail varnish on the zip, but when I saw his cock, I stopped thinking about that. I stroked his cock in my hand, and breathed in the smell of him. As I gave it a little kiss, really lightly on the tip, and pulled away with a line of pre cum from his cock to my lips. I looked at him and licked my lips, then him, from bottom to tip, really slowly.

I ran my tongue over the tip of his dick then took him into my mouth, just a little, so I could work my tongue some more, then I slowly lowered myself down him.

"Fuck, you're good." He told me, so I sucked in as much as I could and he moaned and closed his eyes, I looked over my shoulder to see what John was up to and he was stroking his own cock watching me, so I smiled at him, letting my teeth gently touch Daryl's cock as my tongue worked the tip.

I went back to the cock in my mouth when I felt my skirt be lifted up, and placed on my back. Mmmm I thought, what's happening here? As John gently pulled my thong to one side. Perhaps I shouldn't have left my bag by my knees when I knelt down slightly open showing the lube! But then again, I was enjoying his hand on my bum, and the coldness of the lube as he put some against me.

With Daryl's cock in my mouth, I felt John's cock touch against me and him push and the pop as he went in. He entered me slowly enough for me to love every second and he never stopped, not till he was all the way in. I had to remind myself I had a cock in my mouth to put some attention to, so I got back to sucking and licking, while John was fucking me.

It was so hard to concentrate on one or the other, the cock in my mouth was fantastic and the one in my ass was even better. Why does cock have to feel and taste so good! I would be pushing back against John then remember the taste of the one in my mouth. In the end I decided the best thing to do was to just let John get on with it, and really enjoy the new cock in my mouth.

John started to get harder and faster and I knew he was about to cum when he pulled me back hard and put every last bit of him in me and I felt him expand in me and fill me. The warmth and twitching in me. I went back to the cock but john pulled me away and stood up with his cock in me still. I was looking at Daryl's hard cock sticking up, and I felt desperate to get it back between my lips, while John twitched hi cock inside me and stroked my tits. every time his fingers touched the skin of the cleavage, I pushed back against him.

"Can I fuck her?" Daryl asked. John looked at me for the answer and I kissed him then looked back to Daryl. "Lay on your back." I told him and he kicked his jeans off, pulled off his t shirt and laid back. I walked off John's cock and felt it just slide out as I step away, and I pushed back before it was all the way out so he was back in me. I kissed him again, then walked over to Daryl. Thank god I've still got my skirt on, I thought as I straddled him, and held his cock upright. I felt some of John's cum leak out so I knew I had to be quick.

I lowered myself onto hid cock, and pushed down. This felt so different, I was in control of depth and position and it felt really good. I put my hands on his shoulders and started to rise up on me knees, slowly, then back down. And again. And again. And again.

I found the right spot for me and made sure I used his cock to ride it. Getting faster and faster, up and down, his hands on my legs and waist up the skirt, over my bum, up and across my tits as I rode him. I sat upright and rocked back and forward and in circles. I liked that a lot, and did that as well, sometimes I tried to do both, but then my lust for him took over and I just rode him hard, up and down, up and down, and his breathing got more shallow so I got harder and faster.

He moaned loudly and I knew he was Cumming so I sat down hard on him with his hands on my hips pulling me onto him as he tried to raise his hips. He twitched in me, once, twice, three times, more. And I laid against him, not wanting him to pull out. I kissed him for the first time and sat up.

"So, have you ever had a blow job from a girl, then fucked her before she kissed you?" I felt like such a tart. A cock whore.

"Never." He breathed. I guess he really enjoyed it. John gave me kiss while Daryl's cock was still in me. John had a wicked smile on his face.

"Here mate, what do think of her then?" He asked Daryl. He looked at me and I moved a little on his cock. Just a little.

"I think she's pretty fit and a good fuck!" I smiled and leant down to give him a kiss.

"Would you fuck her again?" Daryl looked at him like he was stupid. "Of course!"

John smiled at me and I guessed what was coming, so I pushed down to get as much of him in me as possible. This might be my last chance.

"Even though she's a boy?" John said. At that moment Daryl's hands were on my tits.

"Yeah right." he said, and a good point to. They felt real. John puts his hand under my skirt and pulled the front of my thong to one side. My little cock fell out and laid on Daryl's stomach. His eyes went wide and he lifted the front of my skirt up to look.

"Jesus!" Was all he said. I could see he was shocked, but he hadn't thrown me of, and his cock was still in me. Still quite hard in fact. John gave me a kiss, then took my hand and put it on his hardening cock. I started to play with it running my hand up and down it, then John Lent in to kiss me.

"You're right mate," John said to Daryl. "She's pretty fit and a good fuck!" and john kissed me and Daryl's hands ran along my legs.

I had to get up early on Friday to make sure I was ready when Nicky turned up. I had a bath and made sure there were no stray hairs on my legs or anywhere else. My bum felt sore but I had been fucked good and proper yesterday. Before I left them, I decided to use one of the tampons just to be on the safe side (I'd done some reading on the internet about anal and I was pleased that I had). It felt really strange as I walked home, with the string hanging out of the thong and tickling my leg every now and then, but it made me feel even more feminine than I already did.

When I got out the bath, Nicky had already arrived and we quickly chatted about what would happen. She was going to put her costume on here. It was my old cub uniform. It would be really tight on here, but it would look really funny! She even borrowed my rugby kit for P.E. We both got dressed in my room and just chatted away. She was impressed with the breast forms. For today I decided to go for black lingerie. The boy shorts with a lace tie up at the back and the matching bra. On went my sisters old white school blouse with the short sleeves. It was really fitted and I have to say I really like that about girl clothes. They just fit better. Next was a pair of black patterned hold up stockings, and a black pleated a line skirt. It came down to just above the knee when standing, finished off with a simple pair of heels about 2 and half inch high with a strap that buckled across the front.

I'd already done my hair, so we had a chat about my make up, do we go for what most girls wear, eyeliner and mascara or do we do more? We decided to go for more, after all, this was meant to be fancy dress. Nicky made sure I didn't go over the top and do night time going out make up, we just made sure it was smart dressy. Just what I would need next week she said. I clipped on the hoop earrings and we were ready. Her in the cubs outfit and me as a girl.

Julie came in to see how we looked and just said that we both looked sexy and we just giggled at that. A spray of perfume for us both and we were ready to go to school.

We walked up to the gate and no one noticed it was me, they just thought I was girl who had forgot what today was. We stood in the queue and then Michel saw Nicky. He came over to her and he laughed at her costume, but he looked very closely at the way her tit's stood out in the jumper. I said hello to him and he just looked at me said hi, then went back to talking to Nicky. Me and Nicky had a giggle fit at that.

"Michel, it's me, Andy!" I said. He did a double take.

"Jesus, I'd never have known!" And then he laughed in surprise. He wanted to know how much of this I was wearing, and I gave the story me and Nicky had prepared. I was wearing a mixture of hers and my sisters clothes but I was wearing everything. Nicky pointed out she was even wearing a pair of her brothers boxers, and I was jealous of that. I like what's normally in his pants!

Me and Nicky paid our 2 pounds and as we walked along to classes by this time everyone seemed to know who I was and what I was doing. It felt like every boy I walked past tried to lift my skirt to have a look, so I was walking along trying to hold my skirt down. They'd seen I was wearing stockings, but not my lacy boy shorts. In the end I'd had enough.

"Ok, listen to me. If I let you see my knickers, will you all stop trying to lift my skirt!" I shouted, well, said very loud. There were murmurs as the general consensus was sought and the decision came back yes, they would, so they crowded round, and I lifted my skirt and did a twirl, then dropped my skirt.

"Satisfied?" I asked and walked away with Nicky and Michel. After we got past the crowd, Michel looked at me,

"So where's your dick?" he asked. I gave him a look, then smiled. "In my best Amy voice, I said, "Michel, I don't have a dick, I'm a girl today." and with that me and Nicky went into the girls toilets.

There were 3 other girls in there and they'd heard about me by now and we all had a chat, I went into a stall, had a pee, came out and touched up my make up. We explained that Nicky had helped me and taught me what I needed. I even explained how it was all tucked away when they asked about that as well, and we all walked out together.

Outside was my P.E. teacher, and he didn't look happy with me. "What do you think you're doing going into the girls toilets?"

Me and Nicky looked at each other. We'd been prepared for this, and before I said anything Nicky spoke up. "Sir under the gender recognition act Andi can use female toilets if he is in that role and if no females object." Then Nicky said really loudly, "Does anyone object to my new girl friend using the girls toilets?" Lots of we don't mind came back and the teacher looked very unhappy, so I smiled my best coy smile at him.

"I am a girl today sir, honest." and I batted my eyelids at him and smiled at him from under my hair. He didn't look happy, but he did walk away.

I was a girl at school.

My first 2 lessons were just like you would expect for the last day of term, being given homework, reminded to revise for the coming exams, and the girls were treating me just like a girl, the boys seemed to be keeping there distance, but that was ok. I did catch them trying to look up my skirt and see my stockings every now and then, but then I had already flashed to them all.

It was my lesson coming up that I wasn't really looking forward to. P.E.

I made sure I got there slightly early so I could get changed before anyone else got there. Of course by the time I got there, I wasn't alone in the changing room. There were two other boys there, both of them nerdy types trying to make sure they didn't get picked on. Me, I just wanted to get my knickers off and changed for the same reason. I looked at them and put my bag down, opened it up and looked at the sports kit Nicky had prepared for me. Ok. I put my hands up my skirt, keeping my back to the boys, but couldn't help but think of the last time I had my back turned to two boys. I wondered if any of their cum was still in me, as I lowered the boy shorts down my legs. I couldn't help it, I did it slowly and as sexily as I could without being obvious. I dropped them in the bag and took out the first item. I stepped into the white bikini bottoms and pulled them under my skirt, making sure I was nice and smooth. Then I undid the zip and let my skirt fall to the floor, sat down and took of my shoes, then the stockings. I pulled on the lycra shorts, and they were more like hot pants in baby blue. A very snug fit.

Hanging up my skirt on the hook, I took of the tie and blouse hanging them with the skirt. I started to hear voices and quickly pulled on the matching top, which showed off most of stomach. I sat down and pulled on a pair of trainer socks and then the trainers with the pink detailing. And there I was a gym babe!

The school hard case walked in with his little gang, saw me sitting there in all my gym babe-ness and said, "Shit, missed the strip show!" and they all laughed. I wanted to ask if he would have liked that, but common sense kicked in, so I just sat quietly. No one really wanted to talk to me in case someone else thought they were gay, and I could understand and live with that. Michel was in another lesson. Nicky would be getting changed right now, and at least with her I could talk, but the girls toilets and girls changing room are very different things.

The teachers called us out and told us to hurry up, so we made out way to the gym. My friendly teacher from earlier looked at me and asked what I was doing. "P.E. sir." What did he think I was doing?

"You know what you said earlier?" I nodded. "Well, Girls class is over there if you want to be a girl today." All the boys laughed, so I shrugged and walked over to the girls. To be honest, I didn't want to break a nail. They may only be stick on's, but I didn't have any spares here. So joined in with the girls, and learnt how to play Netball. I was expecting to be good at it because of basket ball, but boy was I wrong. Not being able to move with the ball, only allowed in certain parts of the court. It was the steepest learning curve I've ever been on. But more than that, I enjoyed it.

I also learnt a really good lesson, the girls got to finish earlier than the boys so we could do out hair and make up. So I got back to the changing room first, picked up my towel and the shower cap Julie gave me and had the quickest shower of my life, as my tits were glued on. I ran back, dried off quickly and put the bra and boy shorts on, then sat down with the towel over me as they all the boys came back from there lesson. A few remarks were made about missing the strip show again, but I just pretended to dry my hair. They stripped off and made there way to the showers. I looked, and was pleased that none of them were as big as Lee, John or Daryl, but then none of them were hard.

With them all next door, I put my stockings on and then my shoes to keep my feet dry, and was going to get dressed and run out to do my make up in the girls toilet, but then thought, why? They know I'm really a boy, they wanted to see me strip, lets do the next best thing for them. Fuck em. I stood up in my lingerie and stockings and picked up my hair brush, make up and walked into the shower area for the mirrors. I walked past them all standing there waiting to get in the showers and those that were all say me.

They couldn't miss it as it went quiet and all you could here was the water and my heels.

I smiled and worked it. Some one said "Prick tease." so I stopped and looked at the back of me heels down the back of my leg. They want me to tease, I'll tease.

"These shoes, they take some getting used to the way they make you walk." and I swayed my hips as I walked to the mirror, brushing my hair, but thankfully it didn't need much work. I leant over the sink to do my make up, and I knew I teased them. Hardly a word was said as I did my eyes, and my lips. I could see them all watching me, and a few towels being held in front of them. I couldn't see into the showers, but I could guess there may have been a few uncomfortable ones in there as well. I walked back along, still working it when the hard case walked out.

With a hard on. He looked at me. "Look at what you've done." He said to me. I looked at him and no way was I going to look at it. I'd looked once and everyone saw that. He wasn't being threatening, as I knew there was no way he would have asked for anything, he just wanted to try and embarrass me, but I didn't want to say anything in case it got worse.

But me being me, I couldn't help but think about the two hard cocks I'd had last night. I walked away and then the teacher started shouting telling everyone to hurry up. He walked into the changing room as I walked in the other end from the showers. Ok, so I am a tease. "Hello sir." I said as I started to put my blouse on first. He didn't know where to look and he walked out as I continued to get dressed.

As I walked out of the changing room, I saw one of the girls was looking out and motioned me over so I went to see what she wanted. Her name's Vicky and I knew her from my class, but never spoken to her before. I stopped in front of the door as she went in, then the door opened and she looked at me a bit confused. "Well come in then!" All I could think was all that time walking past and trying to see in, and now I'm being invited as I stepped in.

There were girls everywhere, but all dressed at least in their underwear. I saw Nicky and Vicky led me over to her. The girls looked at me, but none seemed to mind me being there, and no one stopped talking like in a bad film. Just like all of today, they just seemed to accept me. "You played really well today, you should join our school team." Vicky said.

I laughed but she looked hurt, she was serious. "I don't think that would go down well, besides, it's just for today." I told her.

"Shame." And then she went to pick up her bag. Suzy walked in, and she was just wearing her normal clothes, and smiled at me. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and then the 3 of us went of to our usual lunch spot, we even linked arms as girls do. Vicky and a few of the other girls came over and we all just chatted. They wanted to know what I was wearing to the disco tonight in the school hall, and I when I said jeans, they said no, we're all wearing dresses, you have to as well.

I played along and said I would and they made me promise. "You don't really think I can do that do you?" I asked. There were so many answers it would be hard to fit them all on here, but they seemed to want me to do it. "You're not going to take the piss out of me are you?" And they said they wouldn't, but my sister had already warned me to be careful with how bitchy girls can be.

I was about to find out.

"So you finding it hard to be a girl?" Nina asked me. I just shrugged, "It's that hard, it's just clothes really and remembering to sit with my legs together." I knew it was more, but what could I say?

"So you'll dress up tonight as well?" She asked. I could hear the challenge in her voice, and thought sod it, I'll show her.

"Yeah, it'll be fun, go out on a high as they say." I told her.

Me and my big mouth. She smiled slyly. "Bet you couldn't do it for a week?" I had to think before I said anything. "Do you mean next week?" I asked her. It was the holiday, so who would know,

"No, how about a week at school as a girl, no lets make it more real, so you have to get used to shaving your legs, and wearing the uncomfortable shoes, boys trying to look up your skirt, making sure your hair and make up looks good. Lets make it four weeks next term as a girl, so you have to have the whole girl experience." She laid the gauntlet down big time.

"For what?" I asked. She said she'd buy me 4 PS3 games. I had to think about it.

"New." I told her. "Deal." she said. I asked for her terms, and it was simple, girls clothes for a 4 weeks, including when not at school. At home I could wear lounging about stuff, but if out, and I would have to do stuff with them, I had to wear girl clothes. I looked at Nicky, if I didn`t make it a week, I had to give her a lap dance as a girl! "Will you speak to my mum with me?" Nicky nodded, but I could see she was a bit excited about it.

I looked back at Nina. "And if I do it, you have to do a streak as well."

Nina smiled. "Deal."

The rest of the day was pretty much as normal, apart from drama. Mr Knowles gave me a look and a smile. I walked home with Nicky and Michel and we went to Nicky's first.

"I can't believe you agreed to that!" Michel said. I told him it was no big deal, just clothes I said, as I flapped my skirt at him with a small flash of stockings.

"You saw how it was today, no one really cared. Ok it was a fancy dress day, but I was in the girls toilets and changing room with them and they didn't care."

"You were in the girls changing room? Did you see anything?" He asked. I gave him a look and thought, right, time for him to get used to me being a girl.

"Only all us girls of course. But mainly I was talking to Nicky as she got dressed." and I poked my tongue out at him then started to giggle. Nicky gave me a kiss on the cheek as she said by, she'd already told me it was the only chance the two of them had to have sex without having to worry about someone coming home, so I continued on my way home.

When I got in, mum was already home, she'd left work early, telling her boss that she was going to pick up Amy for next week, but really she was worried about me getting hurt at school. I told her all about the next 4 weeks, 5 if you include working, and she just said only if I was ok about it. I Pointed out that so far in the last week, I've spent as much time as a girl, as I have a boy, and that I've been on dates with my boyfriend! She looked at me one more time. "Be careful." she said.

I took that to mean she was ok about it, then she asked me about my day, and I explained what happened, how at first no one recognised me. I looked her in the eye.

"It's really cool being a girl." I told her. Mum patted my knee and said, "I've always thought so." And got up to work out what to do for dinner.

I went to my room to work out what I should wear tonight, and tried on pretty much every thing I had at least twice. I just couldn't decide. I heard Julie come home and go to her room, so I walked in to hers, just wearing my lingerie, she was really startled as I walked in, but then just carried on getting undressed. I explained to her about next term at school, and that I couldn't decide what to wear. She pointed to her wardrobe and just told me to help myself, as she pulled on a pair of shorts and vest. I had a look and saw what I wanted. I held it up and she nodded. She said "You'll need to borrow the shoes that go with it." and she bent down and handed them to me.

I was sitting on my bed, feeling quite nervous when the bell went. It was Nicky and Suzy. I picked up my jacket and walked downstairs. Mum wasn't impressed with what I was wearing, so I just shouted a bye to her as I opened the door. Julie had helped me with my make up, showing me how to give my eyes a more smoky look. I loved it!

Suzy's eyes went wide when she saw, and I shrugged the jacket on. I was wearing a black jumper dress, off the shoulders. Julie had lent me a bra with the clear straps so they didn't show and it was very tight. It really showed my figure, and was so short that when I sat down, if I didn't cross my legs, you could see my thong. The jacket was a simple short red leather one. On my feet I wore a pair of strappy sandals, with a 3 inch heel.

"I can't believe how great you look!" Suzy said. "Every boy there will be staring at you all night!" I smiled at her, "Yeah, but not for the right reasons!" and we all just giggled as we walked back to school. Nicky was wearing a denim dress with a bustier top and Suzy was wearing a skirt as short as my dress, so at least I hadn't picked the wrong clothes. I was starting to get the hang of it I think!

We walked into the drama studio and ran over to the other girls, jumping up and down to see each other and we all talked in that excited way that girls do, and hugged each other. I had to keep remembering to pull my dress down, as I felt it rise up a couple of times, exposing me to all. I sneaked a look round the room, and saw that a lot of people were looking our way and realised they were looking at me.

Before I got to say a word, Nicky, Suzy and the girls pulled me on to the dance floor. Thanks god I'd already been clubbing or I'd have fallen over in these heels and everyone would see everything.

Unfortunately they did when we all raised our arms in the air. I knew it had happened but didn't bother to pull it down straight away, as far too many boys were looking at me, and it was fun!

Later on in the dance, the girls had all been asked by boys for a dance, and none of them were brave enough o ask me, to be fair, none of them really interested me. I had 2 very hot guys who had already fucked me a lot, and a boyfriend who I just loved to suck. Still, it would have been nice to be asked for a dance.

I was lost in my own little world thinking about last night when Mr Knowles talked to me. I didn't even realise he was standing next to me.

"Hi Andy. Is that what I should call you?" He asked. I looked at him not sure for a minute. It's not like he hasn't seen me dressed like this before. "No, it's Amy. I've already told all the girls to start calling me that." I told him.

"Is that for when you start coming to school like this?" and he motioned how I dressed. I was surprised. I'd asked mum to write a letter to say they had to call me Amy and that I would be a girl, but I knew she hadn't done it yet. He saw that I was surprised.

"Word gets round quick." That's true enough. "So no one's asked you to dance?" I shook my head. "I would ask, but I'm supposed to make sure no one gets silly here." I smiled at him and said thanks.

"I bet I get asked before the nights over." I said. "They keep pointing at me and pushing with their shoulders. Someone will take the dare." I looked up coyly at Mr Knowles. "They'll regret it if they think they can embarrass me when they try and touch me up." He smiled and shifted a bit.

"I bet. Anyway, I need to do the rounds." And he walked off. Just like I expected, one of the boys walked over to me. He was one of the hard case from the shower friends, but one of the more sane ones.

"Wanna dance?" He asked. Well this could be fun. "ok." and I took his hand for him to lead me to floor, but he pulled it away. I stopped dead and just stood there looking at him. He walked on for a bit, then realised I wasn't with him. He walked back and I held out my hand, and he took it and led me to the dance floor.

"What's your name?" I asked him as we started dancing. "Dave." he said.

"Hi Dave, I'm Amy." He looked surprised I said that. "It's easier, especially for the next few weeks." Then we just danced. I did flirt with him while dancing, and made sure he saw my but cheeks when I raised my arms and bent over a little, and that was when the song changed to a slow one. I stood up straight, faced him and pulled my dress down.

"What now?" I asked him. I saw him swallow and step closer. So the bet was a slow dance. I put my arms around his neck and leant against him. I could feel he was a little hard against me and I could see he was a little embarrassed about it. Sod it, I'm the one in the dress here, why should he be embarrassed? I pushed against him a little, just enough to tease him, so he knew I knew, but not like I wanted him to fuck me. I was starting to though, he is cute.

"I guess you saw me in the showers then?" I asked and he mumbled a yes, he was in the line while I did my make up. I pushed against him a little with my hips.

"Did this happen?" and he nodded. Now he was embarrassed. "Ok, so what was the bet, just dance with me, or grab my bum? Feel my tits?" I asked him. I felt his fingers twitch on my hips. "Just do it ok." I told him. "Put you hands on my bum if you want." and his hands started to move round slowly until his was cupping both cheeks. I could feel him getting harder and I pressed against it as best I could.

I looked up into his eyes. "I would walk away, but I don't want people to see that you're enjoying it." I said.

"I'm not." he said, but his hands never moved away, although his fingers were now on the flesh of my bum. My dress had risen up when I'd put my arms around his neck. I realised that everyone behind me could see my thong again. I pushed against him.

"This says otherwise." I told him. "But don't worry, so am I." And I smiled at him. By now we were near the side, and I managed to break away from him and keep him covered from his friends as we sat down. I never crossed my legs, and he looked. I handed him a bottle of water, "Don't worry, I won't say anything." I told him. And he relaxed and then we just chatted for the rest of the song. I saw the girls break away from their dances and head to the toilet, and Suzy called me over with a wave so I went to join them.

I thanked Dave for the dance, then after about three steps walked back to him. And picked up my bag, as I did so I took my phone out to check it. "I did enjoy the dance." He looked at me as he stood up. He'd calmed down by now, but I could see on his face he liked it too. I quickly told him where I live. Then trotted of to join the girls.

I'm really going to enjoy the next few weeks.

Next: Chapter 7

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