Amys Beginning

By amy dancer

Published on Jul 12, 2007


I walked home from school glad the day was over. Not much really happened just the usual school stuff, I got out of P.E. easily enough, managed to avoid talking to Mr Knowles. He saw me and just nodded at me, so I guess I have nothing to worry about there. Of course when people asked about my weekend, I just lied!

When I got in I went to my room, and started to get out of my school uniform, and put on the first pair of shorts I could find. Hmm. Must be one of Julie's that she gave me, never mind. I put a tee shirt on and just saw myself out the corner of my eye in the mirror.

The shorts were short and showed my boxers and the tee shirt despite being black was tight and must be hers as well. I couldn't bothered to look for my clothes, so I just dropped the shorts, replaced my boxers with one thongs I'd bought. It's not like it's a big deal anymore. The bell rang and no way was I going to answer dressed as I was, so decided to stay upstairs and ignore it, when I heard the letter box open and Sarah shout.

"Am.Andi I know you're in."

At least she's already seen me dressed up in her clothes, so I went down and let her in.

"Where's Julie?" I couldn't see her anywhere.

She told me it was me she'd come to see, so we went into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of cans. I couldn't think of any reason she would want to talk to me. I could see she was nervous to talk to me, but decided to just let her come round to it.

"Those are my shorts I gave you." She said. I gave her a little twirl. "they suit you, even with the thong showing." Now that embarrassed me. She told me that Julie had told her all about my date. OK, so this will be girl talk. I filled in some of the gaps and corrected her on some things, then she blurted out,

"Can I ask you a favour?" I was confused, but ok about it, so I nodded.

"I know Julie gave you a dildo and you've used it. Did you like it?" I told her I did.

"Would you like to try a real one?" Being stupid I just replied, "A real what?"

She gave me a look when I realised what she meant and we both started giggling.

I told her I'd been thinking about it, but couldn't see a way of doing it without telling Lee who I really was, or without him finding out. That's when she told me her idea, she was thinking about it after seeing me with cum on my chin.

Sarah told me about her boyfriend wanted to try anal but she'd tried it before and didn't like it. She wanted to know if I would with him. She'd be there, and she could keep his hands away from me, and if I just pulled my knickers to one side and left my bra on, she reckoned we could get away with it. It tool me about a second to decide.

"When?" I said.

Sarah smiled and asked if I could tomorrow as she had no classes in the afternoon. That worked out well for me, I had a free period for last lesson so I could get home and get changed. We agreed not to tell Julie as Sarah didn't want her thinking she was pimping me out.

She left as she knew Julie would be home soon and neither of us fancied explaining why she here, so I thought I'd go on the net and see what was what. I never heard Julie come in but she made me jump when she said, "Hello sis, nice shirt." and she sat on the seat with me. "Let me show you what I saw on here last night." And she closed the site I was looking at and went onto e-bay, typed in a search before I could see what it was. And fake boobs came up on the screen. "Breast Forms." she said.

I looked at them surprised how real some of them looked. She pointed to a pair. "you can pay me back later." I had no idea what she was on about so she told me she bought a pair for me last night, and they should arrive by the end of the week. I wasn't sure. Did I really want to do this? Of course I did, I'd just agreed to sex with Sarah's boyfriend.

The next day at school I told Nicky about the breast forms, and she couldn't wait to see them. She wanted ask more but Michel came along and asked if we'd heard about Friday? It was the last day for half term and we all had a week of, but the teachers had decided if we paid two pound to charity as we came in the gate we could go without school uniform for the day or where fancy dress and just pay a pound. Michel was well pleased, and was saying about some were going to come in as clowns and just take the micky all day.

Nicky looked at me and smiled and I think I'd just become a mind reader! As Michel turned around to tell she quickly said, "I'll call you tonight to talk." Then Michel turned back to us and that was that. I guess Amy was going to school!

I walked home as quickly as I could. Sarah was waiting for. As we went in I told her I'd shaved again that morning so I was smooth., but she told me to get in the shower anyway. While I was waiting for the water to heat up, she came in a told me what she was going to do.

I walked back into my room, having never felt this clean before after her showing me how to a very basic enema using the shower head. In my room, she'd laid out some clothes for me, including the pink bra and thong. I started to get dressed but she stopped me and suggested I use the dildo for a bit, just to help, so I went back to the bathroom and put it in me.

"Don't use it for too long!" Sarah called out. I'm glad she did as I was starting to enjoy it too much. I just hope the real thing feels this good at least.

Back in my room I started to get dressed, on with the underwear, we were worried about the chicken fillets falling out, so having got fingers stuck together years before with super glue, I had some solvent for it, so a little touch of glue and they stayed in place. I did my nails as Sarah sorted out my hair, then I did my own make up.

I stood up and looked in the mirror. A 32b, size 8 (uk sizes) brunette babe was looking back wearing a pleated denim skirt, my boots - of course - and a white vest top. Even I thought I looked good! Sarah put some perfume on me, and then put the lube in my bag as she handed it to me.

"Ready?" She asked. Taking a deep breath I replied. "Very." All of it done in 30 minutes.

Sarah rang her boyfriends John's door and he opened it, surprised to see me there. "I've a surprise for you today." and we went in, as John closed the door, Sarah gave him a full on kiss, then turned to me. "This is Amy." and she pulled me closer to john and stepped away from him. "She's your surprise." And with her eyes told me to kiss him, so I did.

He was so different to Lee, a better kisser but the he is a year older, and god was he good looking. I'd have been happy just kissing him but he stopped and asked Sarah what was going on, but she took his hand and led him upstairs, and I followed. Sarah explained to him that he could have me anally but my underwear was to stay on. A big smile came over his face. "I've wanted to do this for so long." he said looking at me. I could see the lust in his eyes.

In his room Sarah started to undress and he kiss me, pulling the vest over my head, stroking my tits, then his hands went to the zip on my skirt and undid it. I wanted him so badly, so I started to undo his shirt, Julie was naked by now, and I couldn't help looking at her, wishing that my tits were real and looked like hers, but right now I had other stuff to do, Julie pulled John onto the bed and kissed him, so I undid his Jeans and pulled them down. He was hard already and I took him into my mouth while I had the chance, but I had to stop to carry on undressing him. I decided I liked undressing men.

Once he was naked I climbed onto the bed with them and kissed his face, chest, stomach, but Sarah was going down on him, so I decided to join her, both of us taking turns. John pulled my skirt down and ran his hands over my bum, along my legs, and then between my legs. For a second I was scared but he never noticed a thing and I was pulled in tight, thankful I wasn't that big. Sarah took the lube out of my bag and started to spread it over his cock, and he just moaned. I knew what I had to do next.

Getting on all fours I kissed him I pulled my thong to one side. "I'm ready." He got behind me as Sarah moved out of the way and his cock touched me. I felt the coldness of the lube and the heat of his cock and he pushed against me and I just relaxed so he could enter and pushed back a little.

The head of his cock popped into me and he stopped. I just gasped. "Is this your first time?" he asked as his hands just stroked my back and stomach. I nodded too taken up with lust. I was pleased I'd used the dildo for a bit to stretch me as I felt him push slowly into me. I pushed back onto him then felt him get past the muscles and he just slid the rest of the way in. I felt the hair of his pubes against my bum, I must have had all 7 inches in me.

"God this feels good!" was all I could say as he started to pump really slowly into me, getting faster and faster until he was pounding away at me. I knew it would be over quickly, he was pulling me back onto his cock with his hands and I LOVED IT! This was better than sucking cock I thought as I felt him push into me and hold his cock as deep in me as he could get. I felt his cock swell and twitch in me, then a new warmness inside as he came.

It had only lasted 2 minutes but I was drenched in sweat as we both lowered ourselves to the bed, with laying on top of me, still twitching inside me.

I looked at him, and he kissed me. "I've been wanting to try that for a long time." and he kissed me again then climbed off, pulling out as slow as he could. "That was amazing" I told him. I wanted to say he could do that anytime he wanted but he is Sarah's boyfriend so I couldn't.

John laid on the bed and Sarah cuddled up to him which was all I wanted to do, so I thought, `why not?' and did as well. He looked at Sarah and thanked her. He looked at me and I kissed him and thanked him and ran my hand down to his now softer cock.

"And thank you too" I said and we just laughed. I kept my hand on his cock as I was far to happy to do anything else , then I felt some of his cum run out of me, so I quickly re arranged my thong. I was so turned on, and still surprised I hadn't got hard, but felt that my own little cock had leaked loads of pre cum, way more than when sucking cock.

Sarah smiled at us both. "I've got another surprise for you John." We both looked at her. "Amy is Julie's little sister." He looked at me.

"I thought she had a brother?" he asked. But he saw the scared look on my face and clicked. I thought he might try and kick the shit out of me, but at least I had my hand on his balls so I could at least stop him from hurting me. He looked at me closely.

"You're make a pretty girl." which made me blush. I blushed even more when he kissed me. "and you're a good lay too." which made me smile so I kissed him.

"You don't mind?" I asked, sounding just like a girl.

"Why should I? You look like I girl and I had you like a girl. It's not like I'm going to treat you any other way." he told me, then gave me a kiss to prove it. I remembered I had my hand on his cock, mainly as it twitched in my hand and started to get hard again.

Sarah said it was her turn and she laid on her back and I got to watch them have sex and them kiss as he came in her. When he climbed off I knew I was going to suck on his dick so I could taste his cum, and I felt him get soft in me and Sarah wiped herself of as his cum ran out of her. I knew how that felt.

We were all laying there when I came back up from him. "I wish I could have done that." I told them and they John asked what I meant. He had a good point as technically we had just done it. "I mean on my back kissing you at the same time." Sarah looked at him.

"Do you think you have another in you?" she asked John.

He looked at us both, and I tried to do a sexy pose. "give me a minute." He said. I guess it worked.

John went to get us all a drink and came back with some cokes and he asked about me. I told him all about Friday and the weekend. He was surprised that I looked so convincing after just a few days, so I kissed him for that.

I told him all about Lee and how he doesn't know anything and about what was happening at school on Friday.

"So let me get this straight, you're going in to your last day at school as a girl? If you wear what you're wearing today, all the boys will be after you!" He's so sweet.

"No, I'm wearing fancy dress, so I'm wearing school uniform, but a girls instead." It sounded so stupid when I said it out loud, but at the same time it would be fun, just have to make sure I avoid Mr Knowles.

John said, "You'll be very sexy." He kissed me and I felt something brush my leg. He was hard again and I wanted him. I wanted him in me. This time Sarah handed me the lube and I put it on him. He started to kiss my stomach and that was soooo good and his hands ran along my legs.

I sat up to kiss him and put the lube on him as he knelt between my legs. I loved how he felt with the lube on, all silky as he moved towards me, and start to lay down. I reached down and pulled my thong aside and guided him into me. His tongue entered my mouth as his cock slid into me.

He laid on top of me, holding himself up with one hand and caressing my leg with the other as he thrust slowly into me. I raised my hips to meet him as he thrust and caressed me, my hands were on his bum, pulling him into me. I raised a leg and wrapped it around him as he thrust so slowly.

We were having sex. We were making love and I never wanted this to stop. I had to put my foot back down as he was getting faster and I needed to keep up with him. I watched his face as he came inside me. He collapsed on top of me, and I didn't mind the weight of him. He kept twitching inside me and I wrapped both legs around him.

"You look so happy." He told me, then kissed me.

"You can do that anytime you want." I said and kissed him back.

"Ahem" Sarah said. We both looked at her, with him still inside me. "You're not stealing my boyfriend." She smiled at us and we laughed with his cock moving inside me as he did. "You can borrow him, but only when I say so."

I made a sad face to John, so he kissed me and I couldn't help but smile. He pulled out of me and laid down between us and he played with Sarah tits. I was really jealous of her tits.

"Wish I had a pair like yours." I said out loud, and they looked at me. I could see Sarah was thinking about something.

"Do you mean that?" she asked me, and I just nodded. Sarah got up and went to her bag, and handed me a box. "It's my pill, they should help."

I didn't understand what she meant. "Your pill? What do you mean?"

"My birth control pill. It's hormones. I can get some more."

I looked at her and had to think about this. "Will they work?"

"Maybe. You Won't know unless you try."

I took 2 out and swallowed them with some coke. "You're only meant to take one a day!" She said.

"But I need tits for Friday!". And we giggled.

"Don't tell your sister I gave them to you, she'll kill me." I leant over John and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then a big snog with John.

I made my own was back home, feeling pretty good about myself when my phone rang. It was Nicky. We chatted about Friday and she thought my idea of school uniform was better than just going as girl. I told her about the breast forms and we hoped they would be here in time for Friday, if not I was stuck with the fillets. At least they gave some shape.

As I walked in I could hear mum in the living talking to someone so I tried to sneak past to get changed, but mum poked her head round the door.

"Oh! Hi Amy. Come in." I really hoped it was Julie in there, but it wasn't. It was her boss.

"This is Mr Peters, who I work for." I caught the look from her eye she gave me. "This is my niece, Amy. She's come to see Julie."

I was really nervous. I'd only met him once about a year ago, but I prayed he wouldn't recognise me. "Hi." I said.

"I just came round to ask your aunt a favour, but Julie can't do it." He said. I had no idea what he was talking about. "I was hoping she could cover for my receptionist for half term."

Mum explained that the woman was looking after her kids and he wanted to Julie to fill in for her like she had in the past. He looked at me and I prayed he wasn't going to ask.

"Are you on your break next week? Maybe you could fill in." At least mum would save me.

"Amy lives a bit away from here." Mum Said.

I've no idea where it came from, but I heard myself say, "But I could stay here for the break and Andi could stay at mine."

Mum gave me a look asking if I was sure, so I gave her a little nod, then smiled at Mr Peters. He looked really happy and stood up and hugged my mum.

He looked really relieved and came and shook my hand. "Thanks Amy, you're really doing me a favour. I don't like temps, you can never trust them."

He thanked us both several times and left. Mum sat down with a big sigh and looked at me, so I sat down opposite her. I was expecting a lecture.

"You'll need to borrow some of your sisters work clothes. And make sure you work hard." She stood up. "What do you want for dinner?" so I followed her to the kitchen.

As we prepared dinner, Julie came home, not batting an eyelid to see Amy there. I thought now would be a good time to explain about Friday.

Mum looked at me and said, "Does this mean I'll have my niece here from Thursday?" I bit my lip and nodded. Julie looked back and forth between us.


Next: Chapter 6

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