Amys Beginning

By amy dancer

Published on Jul 4, 2007


I was walking to see Nicky, I'd called her to say I was on my way and I was bringing her clothes back, folded up in her bag. Julie made me fold them, normally I would have just stuffed them in. As I walked to her door, I really wondered how she would react to me, and I was hoping that Lee wasn't there, but a part of me wanted to see him. Maybe he is my boyfriend?

Nicky open the door, and I'd been rehearsing this moment in my head.

"Taa Daa!" I said, and did a little pose. Nicky's mouth dropped open in surprise. Not surprising really, she wasn't expecting to see Amy. I was wearing a white denim mini, a pink vee neck tee shirt and a bolero jacket, with a pair of black ballet pumps, all courtesy of Julie. Nicky had even played about with my hair, and somehow managed to make it look like a Victoria Beckham style, where she has it short and sort of over one eye.

"My god!" She said, then gave me a hug and kissed my cheek, "come in." so in we went. We went to her room, and I told her about what happened, how I got home, then we all went for a meal, then spent the evening chatting with Julie, how I then shaved my legs, agreed to spend the weekend as Amy and so, all as Nicky sorted out her clothes. I hoped she didn't she the mark on the skirt, but she did. I was worried about what she was going to say, but all she did was raise an eyebrow, and said no more as I carried on with what happened.

Nicky sat down on the bed with me. "So Lee told me what happened!" I just blushed. She must hate me. "He really likes you, said that you kiss really well."

"Really?" I couldn't help myself. Maybe I did like him, or maybe it was just that he was the person to like me, even if he does think I'm a girl!

"Of course, he never told me more than that." She smiled at me. "So who's cum is it on my skirt?" I blushed and hid my face.

"You can keep it, I don't think I'll wear it again, not knowing my brother's cum on it. Beside I don't really wear it anymore, it is a bit mumsy." She said.

"Huh, is that why you let me wear it?" I was joking with her.

"No, it's just not really fashion anymore is it."

Nicky told me that if she'd realised my legs look as good as they do, she would have given me a shorter skirt to wear, but I pointed out, even though they aren't that hairy, my legs did need a shave. She wanted to know where else I'd shaved, and I showed her under my arms, and lifted the skirt, and showed her where Julie had insisted I shave my bikini line as well. I pulled the top of my panties down, and showed her the Brazilian. I had a story all set for p.e. at school, about playing truth or dare, and it was a dare. I told about how Julie gave me a pair of chicken fillets to use instead of the condoms and how they gave me a bit of a cleavage, and she was really impressed with that.

"They even feel more real." she told me after the obligatory feel, and she let me compare. It didn't even feel like I was groping her, more like when I was kid and we used to try and see how has the biggest biceps.

We went to the kitchen to get a drink and Lee walked in, wearing just a pair of shorts having just woken up. All bed head and everything, but I still went all girly around him. Nicky told him we were going shopping when he asked what we were up to today, then she was meeting Michel at 4 to get something to eat before they went out tonight. I wasn't up for a date, so I said I was going out with my sister, although I was only going to stay in. Nicky went to grab her bag, and Lee looked at me.

"I enjoyed yesterday." he said then drank some orange juice straight from the carton.

"Me too." He moved closer to me. "We can do it again if you like?" he ask me.

I nodded, and he put his arms around me, and kissed me. I could taste the orange juice as my tongue entered his mouth.

Julie coughed, so I gave him another kiss, and said I'd call him, I didn't want him to have my number. This was just a bit of fun. I walked over to Nicky and she handed me my jacket and bag and we left. She wanted to know how far I was prepared to go, and I said I'm just having fun, it's nothing serious. Besides, I said, I'm straight.

We spent the day shopping, something I'd never enjoyed, but this was different. We weren't really buying stuff, just trying stuff on. I tried on just about every type of girls clothes there are. Jeans, trousers, long skirts, mini skirts, micro skirts (I loved the way they made my legs look), every type of top from big jumpers to halter tops. I tried on sandals, court shoes, boots from ankle to knee even some trainers. We had lunch in a cafe and a coffee in one of those places where there are more types of coffee than there are shoes in the world.

I realised as the day went on, I was getting more into the role of being a girl, and not one person looked twice, not even the woman who walked into my changing room when all I was wearing was my bra and panties.

We spent ages looking at makeup, and I even got some advice from the sales girl. That was cool!

As we were walking back from lunch, I saw this dress in a window, it was a denim tunic dress, short sleeves, and mini length, and I knew, I just knew. I dragged Nicky in, found it on the rack, and queued to try it on. I came out of the room, carrying it rather than let Nicky see me wearing, walked past the woman who tool all the clothes back and went to pay. Nicky's eye's went wide, but in the queue to pay, helped me pick a necklace and bracelet to go with it. I felt really happy. Now I understand retail therapy.

As we walked out, Nicky looked at me and just said one thing. "Shoes." So we went to buy some. After trying on about 10 pairs, I settled for a black pair of knee high boots with a 2 and half inch heel. Now I was getting into buying stuff, I also bought a Pink bra and panties and a white bra and panties, then in a fit of shopping, I also bought a 3 pack of thongs, pink, white, black with "Babe" written in silver on the front.

Nicky had to go home to meet Michel so I got the bus with my new things, never expecting to wear them, but as Nicky said, girls buy stuff all the time they will never wear. As I sat in the bus, I wondered what Lee would think of my new clothes and smiled to myself.

At home, no one was in, I just dropped my bags in my room and put the telly on for a bit. Mum and Julie got in about 6, and neither said a thing about me being dressed in Julie's clothes still, beside, we had to help mum do dinner. As we ate they asked about my day and I told them all about it, leaving out about kissing Lee. When we'd cleared the table, they made me show m y things, so I got the bags, but they meant I was to try them on. I went to leave, But Julie said we're all girls together so I changed right there.

Mum was surprised at my cleavage and when Julie explained about me thinking chicken fillets were fillets of real chicken, she laughed so hard I thought she was going wet herself! When Mum had clamed down, she said I looked very pretty, and commented on my hair for the first time, "Very posh spice!" she said, as the door bell went. Julie went to get it as I picked up the discarded clothes, and shoved them into the nearest bag.

Julie walked in with her best friend from college, Sarah. Thankfully she never recognised me. Julie looked at mum and asked if I could go out with them both tonight, and to say I was scared was an understatement. I looked at mum to rescue me, but she looked at us both, then back at Julie and said, "don't let her drink too much." And with that Julie grabbed my hand excitedly and pulled me to her room with Sarah.

Sarah had bought a bag of clothes with her and we then spent some time all trying on different clothes. It was so different to when I would go out with the boys but then we could never get into clubs no matter how we tried.

While Sarah went to the bathroom, Julie had me change into my pink lingerie, she said if I changed in front of her, then Sarah might as well, and would freak when she found out about me.

After about an hour of trying on clothes and doing make up ( I was getting the hang of eyeliner and mascara by now) I was back in my denim dress and boots, but with clip on hoop earrings, (as I wasn't allowed to get my ears pierced yet), and painting our nails and we were just sitting chatting when Sarah said, "I can't believe you only did this for the first time yesterday Andy?" she said.

I was about to answer when fear grabbed me and I stood up to run out, but Sarah took hold of my wrist. "It's ok." she said. "I won't tell anyone." And Julie explained how she'd told her today at work, and all that had happened last night. If I hadn't been dressed they would have talked me into it to go out, not thinking that mum would go for it. Julie wanted my version, and I told her everything, even about Lee, but when her eyes went wide when said I kissed him back, I knew that Julie hadn't told her that. So I told her about me giving him a hand job and then kissing him today as well.

I was really feeling one of the girls, and more so when they started to give me advice about how to tease men. By now it was about 8 and time to go out, so we went down stairs to order a cab and then mum gave Julie a lecture about me and drink, about us girls being careful, cut short when the cab arrived.

I was expecting this to be a short night, I'd never really been in a pub before, and I knew they wanted to go clubbing as well, but none of us was old enough to drink. (UK laws for any American readers mean you can drink at 18)

The cab pulled up outside a pub, one I'd been wanting to go to forever it seemed like, and we just walked past the bouncer and they never even asked for I.D., they just opened the door for us, and I felt their eyes looking us up and down. We pushed our way to the bar through the crowd, with Julie and Sarah saying hi to people and I felt at least 2 guys feel my bum as I walked past. I really didn't know what to do, and then Julie gave me a drink. "You're only having 2 in here then one in the club. I can't let you get drunk." I nodded in agreement. I didn't want to get drunk either!

I was introduced as one of Julie's cousins, and then spent the next hour being chatted up by some of her college friends, even flirting with them. In the ladies, Julie told me to be careful as they would all try and fuck me if the y could, and they all thought I was older until she told them I was 15. I made a mental note to keep my legs together.

As we left the ladies I heard my name being called and saw Lee walking over. Sarah asked me if it was who she thought it was, but I never got to answer, mainly because I had his tongue in my mouth. So there I was, in the busiest pub in town, Kissing my friends brother, dressed in my new/only dress, pressing against him. Lee went to get me drink, and Sarah told me I should just enjoy myself on my first girls night out.

I was.

We left the pub to go to the club at about 10, and we walked there. Julie and Sarah stopped to grab a bag of chips (French fires), on the way, and I walked on with Lee, with his arm around me, saying we'd meet them in the queue or inside. I was really enjoying myself with his arm around my waist, having the odd feel of my bum, and a kiss here and there, when Lee guided me into an alleyway. I could have said no, but I didn't.

Just in the narrow alleyway, in the shadows, we kissed. I could feel his hard on pressing against me, and I put my hand on it, stroking it. Kissing him and enjoying his hands running over me, he even squeezed my tits. His hands came up to my shoulders hold me tight to him, and then I felt a slight pressure pushing me down. Not hard or insistent, just if you want to kind of pressure.

Did I want to? Did I know how to? It took less time than it takes to read that for the feeling of lust and passion I had right now to answer for me.

I sank down slowly. I was now face to face with his groin, as I reached out and undid his flies. I looked up at him, and he was smiling, as I reached in and pulled him out. I had to undo his belt and trousers so I could. I squatted there, and looked as him as I stroked his dick. My knees were starting to ache and my legs were wide apart. I looked down and my pink panties were in clear sight, but nothing looked unusual for a girl. I asked him for his jacket to kneel on and he shrugged it off quickly, so I put it down and knelt there, just looking at his cock, it was a cock now as I knew what I was about to do.

"I've never done this before either." I told him. "Just use your hand and kiss it if you want to." So that's what I did. I used my hand slowly as I got up the nerve to kiss it.

I leant in slowly, and kissed the tip. As I pulled back I looked at him, and he was smiling and I had a line of his pre cum from my lips to his cock. I licked my lips and it was nice, so I licked it off the head of his cock, then thought, well, you come this far, and I licked the whole head, running my tongue around it then opened my mouth and took him in.

It felt enormous in my mouth, as I licked him and held him in my mouth. I'd seen enough internet porn to know what do, so I just copied them. I took as much in my mouth as I could, sucking as I did so playing with his balls at the same time.

I started to bob up and down on him, using my hand as well, sometimes just using my mouth, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes licking him He started to move backwards and forwards in my mouth as I was moving up and down on him. I guessed he was getting close to cumming and I wasn't sure what to do. I knew I didn't want cum on my face or dress before going to the club, so I was going to stand up and kiss him and just finish with my hand, but then he started to cum in my mouth.

I was more surprised that it was hot than anything else, and knew I couldn't stop now, so cum in my mouth he did. I just swallowed not being sure what else to do, and it wasn't so bad. In fact when he stopped cumming and I'd swallowed it all, I was licking as much as I could off him, licking him clean. I looked up at him.

"That was fantastic!" He said. I could only think of one thing to say, and it was the truth. "Yummy." I slowly stroked him as he got softer then I put his cock away, and did his trousers up, then I stood to face him leaning in to kiss him, but he pulled his face away. I thought he now he'd got what he wanted he wasn't interested. "Sorry hun, I don't want to taste cum. I'll kiss you once you had something to drink." I was hurt, but what could I say?

He took my hand and led me out the alley, then put his arm around me and we walked on to the club. When we got there we could see Julie and Sarah in the queue so we just walked to them. Julie said she thought we were inside, But Sarah's eyes went wide and pointed to her mouth. I had no idea what she was talking about, so she whispered in my ear, "You've got cum on your chin."

I put my hand to it and it was there, I didn't realise some had run out my mouth, so I wiped it up and into my mouth, and Julie saw me do it too. I just smiled at them, and put my arm around Lee. I hoped my eyes said what I wanted to say to them. `so what if I sucked his cock?'

Not long after we were in the club, and we just danced and had fun. Of course, me and Lee kissed and danced, right up to I got in the cab to go home.

My first 24 hours as a girl had been the best 24 hours of my life so far, and it included a girls night out, my first sexual experience, and I suppose, my first boyfriend!

Next: Chapter 4

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