Amys Beginning

By amy dancer

Published on Jun 20, 2007


We ran up the stairs, giggling, well, giggling like schoolgirls! We went straight into Nicky's room and jumped onto the bed.

"Oh my god! I can't believe you did that!" Nicky giggled.

"I know, he just came onto to me, and I was so scarred I didn't know what to do, then he leant in and kissed me, and well, you saw the rest."

She looked me in the eye and asked, and I knew what was coming next. "Did you like it?" I bit my lip and lowered my face, not sure what to say. I wasn't sure myself. I'd never been kissed before, and it wasn't how I planned it. But I did know one thing, He was kissing me, and I responded. I looked up at her and smiled.

"A bit." Nicky squealed in excitement, and I got caught up in it. "Ok, yes I did, so what!" She asked me what I was going to do now, not only did I have to go to his room to see him, but what was I going to do to leave? I'm not sure what scared me more, did I want to go into Lee's room, knowing it would mean another make session, or the fact that I would have to leave here, dressed as girl?

We talked about what I should do, should I go in. When I told her he had a hard on pressing against me, she just put her hands over her ears and "la la la'd" to shut me up. I could understand, I once walked in on my sister making out and it was gross! We decided that yes I would go in, and then we would leave. I would carry me still very wet clothes in one of her pink sports bag, with some make up remover. We'd try to find somewhere where I could either change into my wet things, or if it came to it, she'd come in, distract my sister or mum if they were in, and I'd run upstairs to get changed. It was plane and the best we could come up with.

Nicky asked me if I was ready. I nodded. "Wish me luck." and I stood up, straightened my skirt, made sure my boobs were secure and walked out her room, along the landing, and knocked on Lee's door.

"Come in." I took a deep breath and turned the handle.

We walked left Nicky's and walked along the street. I'd never felt so self conscious in my life. The thin sweater didn't really keep the cold out and my boobs were now bouncing. She suggested I fold my arms, and that gave a bit more support, but now the handbag she'd insisted I carry was bouncing on my hip. And as for the boots, on the carpet and the wooden floor in her house, well it wasn't so bad, but now I thought I was going to die. I could feel every small stone through the thin soles, and there was no softness like my shoes.

"Now you know why girls are always complaining about our shoes." She told me, and I made a mental note to never moan to any of my limited girl friends when they go on about it. Nicky just kept chatting to me, and before long I had calmed down a bit, and was even enjoying it. Until we saw some boys on the other side of the road. Nicky just told me to ignore them, they'll say something but that's just what boys are. I saw that they'd seen us, and one by one they turned to look at us, saying things to each other and I didn't need to guess what they would be saying.

"Show us your tits!" one called out and they all laughed, and Nicky bless her knew what to say to help keep me together.

"Don't worry about it, the only pair they've ever seen is on Page 3!" I laughed a bit at that, but not too much, I didn't want to get their attention. Just after we'd walked past them, I knew they weren't going to say anything else as the same one called out, "Dykes!" and I relaxed. But I really shouldn't have, as now we were at the end of my road, and we walked down it, and up to my door. Nicky wanted me to come round tomorrow, but I wasn't sure, but she looked so upset that I promised I would come round, but only if her brother wasn't there. That was a road I really didn't want to go down. I waved Nicky Bye and took my keys out of my handbag, opened the door and walked in, kicking the door shut behind me.

"Good, you're home." my mum called out. And I froze. I realised I was still dressed, and no way to run back out. "Come in here, we need to talk."

Oh my god, she saw me through the window. I didn't know what to do, but knew better than trying to run, I just had to go in, so I opened the bag and pulled out some of my wet clothes and walked in, to see my mum and older sister sitting there. There mouths dropped open when they saw me. Taking a deep breath,

"IwentroundtoNicky'stodosomerevisioandgotsoakedintherain,see,andratherthansitthere WetshesuggestedthatIwearsomeofherclothesandonethingledtoanotherandshesaidimayas wellgothewholewayasyou'vegottowalkhome." I was very scared.

Mum looked at me, nodded, and said "Makes sense. Sit down, I need to tell you something." My sister smiled at me, but not a happy smile, more a concerned one. I sat in the armchair, not wanting to sit to close to either dressed as I was, and crossed my legs like Nicky said I should. My sister, Julie, who's 2 years older than me at 17 smiled at that and raised an eyebrow at me.

Mum went on, "Your dad called me and wants to know if either of you want to see him?" I hadn't seen him in five years since he left, and had no real interest in seeing him now, and told so. "Your sister said the same. I'll let him know tomorrow." and then she asked more about how I got into this mess, so I showed her my clothes, and they both noticed my boxers, so yes I told them I was wearing panties, and explained that I was tucked back, with water filled condoms for boobs.

"So what colour?" Julie asked. I think I must have blushed the same colour as my lingerie when I told her. Julie thought it was very funny and really looked like the Cheshire cat, but then she knew what was coming.

"I can't be bothered to cook tonight, so I've booked a table at a restaurant." I stood up, saying I'd go and get changed, but Mum said I didn't have time, I was already late, I was about to say, you try walking in these boots and skirt, when I realised there really wasn't much point. I tried everything, saying I wasn't hungry, would rather have a sandwich, would rather jump off a cliff than go out wearing this, when she pointed out, I already had, and tough luck, you're coming. She told Julie to lend me a jacket and she came back with a pink one for me, pointing out, "It's important to coordinate!" And they pushed me to the door, outside and we walked to the car.

"I always used to want a sister when we were growing up."

"Ha ha." and Mum unlocked the car and we got in. She looked at me, "Andy, I don't think we can call you that, what should we call you?"

I wasn't sure if I should say it, but I thought it would make life simpler if I did. "Amy, that's what Nicky suggested."

Mum looked at me and nodded. "Amy, I like it." Julie looked round from the front seat and smiled. "Very girly, just like the pink." so I poked my tongue out at her. Mum told us girls to behave, and I blushed again. I opened up my handbag and had a proper look at what Nicky had put in it. She'd put some makeup in, but I didn't know what. There was the lip gloss I was wearing, and some mascara and eyeliner. A purse which she'd emptied my wallet into it, with my condom, bought in a fit of hope a year before. My phone was in the bag, some tissues and also 2 tampons, and a note from Nicky. "In case I forget, all girls carry some just in case. X"

I hoped Julie wouldn't see them, so made sure the note was with it as well.

We pulled up at a one of the many chains of restaurants all over the UK, got out and walked in. I started to pay attention to how Julie was moving, and tried to copy her. When I got out the car, I swung both legs out at the same time, and when I walked I tried to swing my hips a bit more., crossing my feet a bit as I walked, with my arms folded. Mum looked over her shoulder at me, and smiled. "You look ok honey, don't worry, no one will realise. Just copy Julie."

Unfortunately she heard this, put a hand on a hip, and really camped it up, swaying her hips as much as she could, so I walked up next to her and did the same. She looked at me and laughed, put her arm through mine and then we both just walked along, normally. I'd never felt so close to Julie as I did then. We walked in, still giggling away, and we were shown to out table. I watched Julie sit down, and smooth her skirt as she sat, but didn't cross her legs under the table, and sat in the booth next to her, with mum opposite.

I ordered the same as Julie, so I could copy how she ate, I was too scared of someone working out I was a boy, or worse, seeing someone we knew. Mum got a phone call, and Julie looked at me, then at mum, and said to her, "We're going to the toilet, back in a mo." And she motioned me along the seat. I shock my head. I needed to go, but was prepared to explode my kidneys. Julie leant to me, and said quietly. "Girls go together, it would seem strange." so I knew I had to, so I stood up. As we walked there, she put her arm through mine again and whispered to me, "and remember to sit down." and led me into the ladies.

I was so scared, but thankfully it was empty. Julie went into a stall, and I did the same. I pulled up my skirt and my knickers down, and sat. I felt relived. "Nice knickers." Julie said, so I pulled my legs away from her stall. "Leave me alone, this is a nightmare this day." I told her.

I heard Julie flush and stand up, and I realised there was no way I could shake, so I wiped myself, pulled my knickers up, making sure I was tucked, smoothed out my skirt and went out. Julie was at the mirror, touching up her makeup. So I stood next to her, put my bag next to hers, opened it and took out the lip gloss, looked at her in the mirror and out some on.

"That shade really suits you." She told me. I told her it was Nicky that picked it, along with the rest. Julie looked in my bag to see, and pulled a tampon out, held it up and look at me. I reached in and handed her the note. "you should get rid of this, you never know who might go in your bag." and she through the note away. She had a quick look at my face, said my eye make up was ok, and we went back to the car.

After that the meal was pretty normal, I even enjoyed it more, not wolfing my food down, taking smaller bites and chatting while eating. It was nice. When I was asked what I was doing tomorrow, and I told them I was going to Nicky's, they both asked at the same time, "Like that?" I said it was unlikely, and they asked if I liked it. Julie offered to lend me some clothes if I wanted to, but I didn't want to commit.

Soon after we went home, and Julie asked me to come up to her room, normally a place I would never be allowed. I Knelt on her bed as she sat down. Mum was downstairs catching up on the soaps she'd recorded, and I guessed Julie wanted to talk more.

"So come on Sis, what really happened?" So I told her, how I got changed, about my semi on and how Nicky spotted it, how she thought it would be fun, how scared I was of her mum coming home.

She looked at me and said, "if it had been me, I'd have been more scared of Lee coming home, he tried it on with me once." And I knew I was blushing, and I knew she saw it.

"He did didn't he! Come on, you've got to tell me." So I did, I told her about how he put his hand on mine, how he kissed me, and how I kissed him back, and how I could feel his hard on pressing against me.

"Did you press against it?" I nodded. "Did you like it?" I shrugged, but knew my blush was giving me away. She smiled at me, and said, "it's ok sis, I like it too." And then she started to giggle, and it set me off.

"So what happened next?" she asked. And I told that he asked me to come to his room. Her eyes went wide. "Did you go?" and I nodded. "Well?" So I told her.

"I knocked on the door and he told me to come in, so a deep breath and I did. He was laying on his bed, with his hands in his boxers playing with himself. I could see he was hard and he just smiled at me and told me to come over, so I did and then he patted the bed next to him. I sat down, and he pulled me down and kissed me, and I just wanted to be kissed. He ran his hand along my legs, over my hips, across my tits and up to my face, all the while his over hand was stroking away.

"I had his tongue in my mouth as his hand worked it's way back down my body the same way, and I was worried that he would realise my boobs weren't real, but he never noticed."

Julie asked me, "Did you wish you could feel it for real?" I nodded, then went on.

"His hand worked it way onto my leg, and he started to stroke it, and before I knew what was happening, his hand was halfway up my thigh, and working his way between my legs"

"Typical man!" Julie said.

"So I pushed my knees together to stop him. He broke off the kiss and looked at me, and I said the first thing that came to mind, `It's my period' and that stopped him. He kissed me again, and put his hand on mine. I didn't even realise it was on his chest, I was just enjoying the kiss so much, and keeping it there, he started to slide it along his stomach. His other hand was busy feeling up my bum under the skirt. I felt our hands go under his boxers and I just froze.

"I looked at him and told him I'd never done this before, which was true in way.."

"You'd never done it someone else you mean?"

"Of course. So anyway, he said just relax and with his hand he put mine on his dick. It felt so weird, not at all like mine, and bigger as well. Keeping his hand over mine, he started to use me to stroke his dick, then he slowly took his hand away and I carried on, looked at him and kissed him hard."

Julie looked at me closely. "Did you like it?"

"Yes. I stopped and took my hand out and he looked so disappointed, so I smiled and started to pull the boxers off, and he lifted his hips to help me. I kept my eyes on it as I pulled them down, then went back to kissing and stroking him.

"I wanted to make him cum. So I got a little faster and with my other hand I played with his balls. That felt really weird, and it was hard to kiss him and do it at the same time, so I soon stopped it. Kissing is too nice. So he started to find it hard to kiss me, and his breathing got faster, so I got faster and then he came.

"He shot much higher than me, and it landed on his stomach, on my hand, I got a little on my skirt," I showed her the mark, "just here. But I kept wanking him, and kissed him again. I told him to stay there, went to the bathroom and came back with some tissue to clean him and me up."

Julie look quite excited. "My little sister has a boyfriend!"

"I do not have a boyfriend!"

"Then what do you call that?" She had a point. "Anyway, it doesn't matter, I'll be taking these clothes back tomorrow and that will be it."

"Oh come on, you enjoyed it, it's Saturday tomorrow, enjoy the weekend as Amy, you can borrow my clothes."

I looked at her not really sure, but the idea seemed kinda fun. No one had realised I wasn't a girl.


Julie told me to strip to my underwear, so she could have a good look at me, and when she saw I didn't want to strip in front of her, strip down to hers and said, "Girls do this all the time, don't be such a sissy." We looked at each other at that, and both laughed.

I stripped down, she looked at me and took me to the bathroom, and started to run a bath, and put bubble bath in it.

"Time for you to shave." She told me.

Next: Chapter 3

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