Amys Beginning

By amy dancer

Published on Jun 11, 2007


I was going round to my friend Nicky's house when it happened. It was March and I was going to her house to do some studying for an exam, and I'd left her boyfriend at Steve's playing the PS2 as I couldn't put it off any longer. It was a nice day so I was only wearing a tee shirt and hoody and I was more than half way to hers it started to rain. Well, it is England! By the time I rang her bell 10 minutes later I was soaked through, even the hood didn't help. Everything I was wearing was soaked.

She opened the door and laughed at me, which didn't cheer me up at all.

"Oh my god, you're soaked!"

I told her I'd may as well go home.

"No come in, it's still raining and at least I can give you a towel".

So in I went, kicking of my shoes to avoid her mum's wrath. She told me to go to the bathroom, and hang my clothes up to dry, and gave me a towel on the way. I felt truly miserable as I walked out with the pink towel wrapped around my waist as I walked to her room. Nicky gave me a smile and laughed again.

"It's not funny", but I started to laugh as well. I asked her when her mum was back as I didn't want her to walk in and think the worst.

"She's not back for at least an hour, but you'd better borrow some clothes." and with that we walked off to her brothers room, but he'd locked the door. I knew he would have, but you never know till you check. He had some really cool games but never let us borrow them, not even when he was there to watch us.

I walked back to the bathroom, to get my clothes to go home, it seemed the best thing. Not only for her mum, but also if Michel her boyfriend turned up. Nicky looked at me, smiled and beckoned me with her finger. "Come on, I've got an idea so you can stay." and she disappeared back into her room, so I followed. As I walked back into her room, she handed me a jeans skirt.

"no way".

"go on, only us two will know and we can still study, then if my mum comes home, as least she'll know we're being good." I could see her logic, but even so, girls clothes!

I made her turn her back as I dropped the towel and stepped into the skirt. As I did up the zip she turned round and looked as me. "nice legs. I wasn't sure if you were my size but you fit perfectly." I'd always hated being slim, but for once it wasn't such a bad thing. My parents kept telling me that I should have my growth spurt by the time I 16, but it's only a few months away now, so I was getting concerned. In PE It's a nightmare, I hate playing football or rugby. I much prefer when we play Badminton, but it doesn't happen often enough.

Nicky handed my a pair of her pants. "Here, you'll need these as well." "I do not need to wear your knickers!" but I already had them in my hands. Much softer than my shorts. Nicky looked at me and I did stroke them with my thumb. Couldn't help it. I also couldn't help but think of Steve, we all knew how much he fancied her.

"You know, Steve would do anything to get in your knickers!" and I laughed, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Well, you're going to have to get into mine." I could see she was serious and we did need to study, so I stepped into them, pulling them up my legs. "This is the second pink thing I've worn today." I said as I pulled them up, then straightened my skirt.

My skirt! I couldn't believe I thought of it that way.

"Well, lets see them?" she said with a smile on her face. I flashed my knickers at her, well her knickers but it was funny. She came over and ruffled my hair.

"urgh, you need to dry that." so I picked up the towel. "no, that'll take too long, sit down at my dresser" like any girls, it was covered in make, hair stuff , perfume, and like any boy, I had no idea what was what. I was still looking at it all when she started to brush my hair. It's not long, but it's not short either. "you've got lovely thick hair, I wish mine was more like yours." Nicky's hair is long blonde, and she was telling me all about how she's always trying to give it more volume. But I wasn't really listening. I was getting more attention from a girl than I'd ever had, and I was getting hard. I am only 15 after all!

"I need to use the toilet." I told her, and got trying to keep my back to her and almost ran to the bathroom. I didn't want her to think I was getting off on wearing her clothes.

Once in there I locked the door, pulled my skirt up, and took the her panties off. There was no way I was going to have a wank. The best thing I could think of was putting my wet clothes back on and leaving, when there was a knock on the door. "are you okay in there?" she asked.

"Yeah, I just need to go." I told her.

"Put some cold water on it, that will make it go down." she told me.

I was embarrassed to death. Here I was, in her bathroom, with her skirt on, her panties round one ankle and hard on holding her skirt round my waist.

"What do you mean?" I thought I'd try and bluff it out.

" I saw in the mirror when you stood up. It's ok. Can I come in?" well my hard on was deflating rapidly now.

"No way."

"Are you having a wank?" oh my god, what does she think I am.


"Then let me in!"

There seemed no point in trying to avoid it, I pulled the skirt down, and unlocked the door. She walked in and looked me up and down, but her eyes stayed on my feet. I looked down and her pink panties were still round one ankle. I looked at her embarrassed and told her it was because of the attention on my hair.

"Look, pull your panties back up, but this time pull everything back. That might help.", so I did, once she'd turned her back. Although I turned my back to her. I pulled my dick back as far as I could, and remembered a trick I'd picked up from doing some martial arts a year ago. I held one of my balls and pushed it back in, then the other one. Then pulled my dick back again, and pulled the pants up. I looked down and was pretty smooth. It would past muster I was sure.

"My god, look at this!" Nicky turned round and her mouth fell open. "where'd it go?" she said. I told her what I'd done and she had me turn around so she could look.

"If I didn't know better..." she looked at me as I pulled my skirt down, and it hung smoothly on me. "Come on, lets finish drying your hair." and she took my hand and led me back to her room. This time there were no problems. We just chatted as she brushed my hair. "I don't know how you feel about this, but lets have some fun. If you want to."

I looked at her not sure what she meant. I was pretty sure she didn't mean sex. "Let me do your hair properly." she said.

"ok." I had an idea what she might want to do, and I thought it would be fun. She put the pink towel over the mirror on her dresser, then changed how she was brushing my hair. She put some mousse on it, and blow dried it.

It was weird, totally unlike anything I'd ever experienced. It went on for about 10 minutes, then she had me stand up so she could have a good look at me, then walked back to her dresser, opened a drawer and took out a pink bra to match the panties. Nicky just looked at me and held it out.

I looked at her, thinking to myself, if I take this, she'll go the whole hog, make up and everything. Did I really want to go that far? Would she tell anyone? I reached out for the bra.

"Our secret?"

She smiled. "Of course! Who'd believe me. And anyway, Michel will think we slept together and I don't want that."

I was relieved as I tried to work out how to put the bra on. I put my arms through the straps and reached behind my back to do it up.

"it's easier to do it at the front, then spin it round" she said, buy by then I'd done it. "it was easier than I thought" I said.

"you must be a natural!" but she was laughing as she said it. "shut up! So what are we going to put in it?" I asked. She went back to her dresser and opened a drawer and reached in to the back and pulled out two condoms. "Water." and it was back to the bathroom to fill them and get the sizes right, which was much harder than it sounds. So with the bra filled, and the extra weight and bounce felt really weird we go back to her room again, and then on goes a top, and she sat me down to try on make up.

I let her do it, as I had no idea of what each thing was. "thank god we don't need to pluck your eyes brows." she said. I was thanking him as well.

She pulled my eyelids this way and that, and it felt really greasy on me. "That'll fade, and it'll just feel normal in no time."

Normal had long since gone out the window as far as I could see. After about ten minutes, she seemed happy with it, then picked out a pair of shoes for me. A simple pair of black court shoes she told me would be fine, and she got me to try them on. They were tight, but not too bad, but she said all girls have uncomfortable shoes, so get used to it. She made me stand up and walk up and down. I thought I was going to break my neck! The heels weren't any higher than what she was wearing, but I felt so much taller. I walked but my feet kept slapping down so she told me to try walking as if on tip toes, and then it was easy.

"See, it's not so hard is it?" I looked at her, then she told me to sit down but keep my legs together. Wearing the skirt I didn't want to do it any other way. When sitting down I'd already noticed it was above my knees.

She went back over to her shoes, and handed me a pair of knee high boots, "go on. Try them on." They felt much better than the shoes, at least I had the illusion of support while wearing them.

"Ok, I think you're ready, stand up there." and she pointed to a spot on the floor then walked over to her wardrobe. "ready?" I nodded, and she opened her wardrobe to show me the full length mirror.

Oh. My. God.

There was no doubt that there was a girl looking back at me in the mirror.

It was still me, you could sort of see me in there, but not overly so. The girl looking back at me was rearing black knee high boots, a dark blue jean skirt which cam just over the knee, a black long sleeve sweater.

Nicky had done my hair into a sort of bob style, and given it more volume, and the make up was perfect. Not too much, just the right amount. I walked up to the mirror, and just put my hand to my face. I was stunned. I couldn't take my eyes off me, I was turning and looking at myself in the mirror, looking myself up and down. There was no doubt about it, I looked like a girl.

"do you like it?" she asked me. I looked at her, speechless. I couldn't think what to say, so I walked over and gave her kiss on the cheek, like a girl would. That's what I thought, and it made sense.

"I'll tell you one thing though," I said looking at her. She looked nervous for a minute. "I could really do with something to drink." A big smile broke out on her face. "you are such a lousy host!" and she hugged me.

So went downstairs into the kitchen and Nicky put the kettle on to make coffee.

"I'll tell you one thing Nic, these clothes are more comfortable than I would have thought. I mean the skirt feels much better than I would have hoped for, and the underwear and top, so much softer than anything I normally wear."

"See, girls get to wear all the best clothes. In the summer, you get turned away from places if you wear shorts or a vest, but we can wear them and go anywhere. No one complains."

We sat on the stools in the kitchen drinking our coffee's and just chatting, and I noticed she was talking to me totally differently. I asked her why. "It's `cos you're a girl, this is how girls talk to each other." I thought about it for a minute. "I think I prefer it." She looked at me, a bit shocked.

"Not being a girl, I mean how you're talking to me."

"I do too". she said. "You can be my new girlfriend."

And then we heard the door open. We looked at each not sure what to do, and I was very scared. We heard someone walking heavily along the corridor.

"It's my brother. Don't worry, he'll never know." and with that Lee walked in.

Lee just sorted of nodded at Nicky, he's 2 years older than her at 17, has his own car and is at sixth form college. He went to the fridge, took out a coke, and drank from it. He looked at Nicky who was just staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" he said to her, then noticed me for the first time. "Oh, Sorry! Didn't mean to interrupt your girly talk!" Then he walked out, looking me up and down, then smiled at me. Without thinking I smiled back, and then he was gone.

Me and Nicky looked at each other and laughed. Nicky leant close to me and said in my ear. "He fancies you!" Gross! But then he came back in, and sat down on one of the stools, with us.

"So what was so funny?" he asked. I was scared to answer, afraid of my voice. But Nicky saved me. "Nothing, just girl stuff." I was getting really nervous again. Lee looked at me. "so what's your name?" I looked at Nicky, but she just nodded to tell me to answer, to I took a sip of coffee, looked him the eye and said the first name I could think of that began with the same letter as mine.


"Cool. You go to school with Nicky then?" I nodded. As he started to ask me more questions about myself, where I lived, what I was studying at school and so on. I was as truthful as I dared, but I realised he really didn't know who I was, but then, I've only ever seen him once. He even asked me what my favourite music was, and that was hard. I stuck with sugababes. I realised he was chatting me up, and I have to admit it was fun. I knew a lot of girls liked him from what I'd heard when he still went to the same school.

All of Nicky's girlfriends fancied him, and I had to think about that. I was now one of her girlfriends, does that mean I have to pretend to fancy him? It was a lot to think about.

Lee stood up, and said he had to go to the bathroom. I knew he fancied me then, otherwise he would have said going for a slash, when I remembered my wet clothes were in there. I looked at Nicky and she knew what I was thinking.

"Stay here a bit longer. I'm enjoying talking to you, please?" I couldn't believe how I sounded when I said it. Nicky was walking to the door, while he paused and smiled at me.

"I really need to go" he said. "Please?" I begged, but he could still beat Nicky to the door, so I put my hand on his. He looked at me and smiled, so I batted my eyelashes at him.

"Ok, but I do have to go." and he sat back down. We could hear Nicky walking up the stairs. "She must be giving us a little space." And then he held my hand, lifted it off the breakfast bar and let out hands fall onto my lap.

"So when will your mum be home?" I needed to try and slow this down, as he was stroking my leg with his thumb.

"She called me and said she'd be about an hour late, so we have plenty of time." and I realised I'd said the wrong thing. I was praying for Nicky to come back as I was too far out of my depth. I needed girly advice.

Lee told me I was pretty and had great legs, then he let go of my hand, and started stroking my face. "Nice lips too. Very kissable." I could see where this was going, and very scared, then he leant towards me and kissed me. Really gently on the lips.

"Very kissable indeed." And then he kissed me again. I didn't know what to do, and it never even crossed my mind that I could say no. And it never crossed it when I felt my lips open to kiss him back, or when his tongue went into my mouth, and it was no where near my mind when I put my tongue in his mouth and kissed him back. I was enjoying it too much. It was my first real kiss, and a real shame that it was with a boy!

I've no idea how long we kissed for, or how long Nicky was standing there, all I know is that there was a cough and we broke the kiss. I looked at Nicky, expecting her to be really angry, but she was smiling.

"Lee, can I have my friend back please? We need to do some revision."

"Sure, so long as you promise that before she goes, she comes and sees me for at ten minutes?"

Nicky looked at him, then at me. "Ok, just give her back." I stood, up to leave and he did to, then he pulled me in for a really deep kiss, just to annoy his sister, but I felt something to. I could feel it pressing against me and I knew I had done that. How did that make me feel? Not only had I just kissed a boy, but I had his hard on against me, as he held it against me. He wanted me to know he had one. We broke the kiss, but he kept held of me.

"Don't forget to come back and see me." he smiled at me when he said it. I looked at Nicky, then back at Lee. "I won't." Then I did something that surprised me. I kissed him. As I walked away from him to Nicky, he ran his hand over my bum. I looked at Nicky as he did it, then we both almost ran to her room.

Next: Chapter 2

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