Amy and Pam

By Addie Q

Published on Sep 25, 2006



Please note, the following story has graphic sexual content. If you are younger than 18, please do not read any further. Copy write by the author, March 2006

High School / Lesbian story.


Title: Amy-and-Pam

This moment, this very moment felt so strange.

I was on my bed with a stupid catalog. I was feeling so empty and lost. The night was so quiet. For some reason, right at that moment I felt that my life was changing. I had one foot in the life of a girl, but the other was stepping toward womanhood.

The catalog was for underwear. I know this sounds silly, but the life-change could be summed up in this simple catalog. Up until that point, I never worried - or cared - about such stuff. But now I needed these things. On a purely pragmatic level, I needed a new bra. All my old bras were too small. This was part of growing up - and it was both scary and wonderful.

It was late, and when I heard my phone ring I was surprised anyone would call me at this hour.

It was Amy. I was immediately excited to hear her voice.

She said, "Pam, are you still awake, you haven't gone to bed?"

"No," I answered. "I'm awake - and so happy to hear your voice!"

She was home from her father's house, where she had been living since her parents divorce last summer. Now she was back in her mom's house, right across the street. I had talked to her a lot while she was away. And I knew she was going to be back home soon, but I didn't realize that she was back already.

Our phone conversation was short, all she told me she wanted to see me - right away.

"Oh Pam - Is it okay if I come over?"

I replied, "Yes Amy, please c'mon over."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes - Please come over, please. My parents are away so there's no one to wake up. Plus, I really wanna see you!"

She said thank you, and then I hung up the phone.

Something was wrong - I could hear it in her voice. I worried about Amy so much.

We had always been really close, and it had been hard on me - on both of us really - since she had been away. I missed talking to her, and hanging out. Ours was such a strong and close friendship.

But still, I truly worried about her. There was something so unbelievably sensitive about her. Sometimes it made her seem so naive.

But this same thing - this vulnerability, made her who she was. It allowed her to be lovely and kind.

I sat on my bed and waited. I was nervous and concerned.

It was just a minute before I heard the door downstairs. She didn't bother to knock, she just walked in, and came upstairs to my room.

As soon as she walked into my room, I could see how sad she looked.

We hugged and said an awkward hello. I was so happy to see her, but at the same time - I was distressed to see her looking so worried.

We actually just stared at each other for a moment. She had on a simple whit t-shirt and a pair of nylon running shorts.

We tried to make a little small talk. She asked what I had been doing sitting up so late.

I was a little embarrassed because it seemed so dumb, but I told her anyway, "Well, I was looking for a new bra."

"Really?" Amy answered.

"Well, Yeah - I mean, I don't fit my old bra's anymore. Now they're all too small for me."

Then Amy said, "Oh Pam, I'm so jealous..."

"What do you mean?"

Amy replied, "Oh c'mon - remember last summer? When we both wore those bikinis?"

And then I laughed, I knew exactly what she meant. We had actually had a long talk about our breasts, and how they were impossibly small for our age, and we lamented that we may NEVER get any bigger.

Amy said, "I still don't need a bra, I'm just so tiny it wouldn't do anything."

And I said, "Well, now I need a bra, a lot has happened since last summer."

With that, Amy smiled - but at the same time she seemed so sad. I couldn't figure out what she was thinking, but I could tell that something was really bothering her.

I felt a little awkward with the silence, and I finally said, "Now - with my bigger chest, I get more attention from boys."

I immediately regretted saying that. I know how sensitive Amy is about her body and especially about boys.

"Oh god, Amy - I didn't mean anything by that..."

She answered with a faint smile, "It's okay, I just - I mean - it's just..."

"What is it? You can tell me."

And after a long pause she asked, "Could you, I mean - right now you are wearing that sweater, but I would - I mean - if you could..."

I knew what she wanted, and I interrupted.

"Amy, don't worry - I'll show you..."

And I sat up and took off my big blue sweater. It was baggy and thick, and now it was off, and had on a plain white bra. I set the sweater on the edge of the bed.

I said, "They aren't really that big, but they are bigger than they were the last time you were home. I can't believe what's happened in a year."

Amy didn't say anything.

I went on, "Now, even this bra is too small - see?"

Then I sat up even more, so she could more easily see my breasts.

Amy was sitting on the bed with me. And, right then she gave me a happy little smile, and any nervousness I felt just disappeared.

And - I actually wanted Amy to see. And now - with my big sweater off, all I was wearing was my bra, and an old silk skirt. I didn't have on stockings or shoes.

Amy looked at me, right at my chest. She didn't say anything, but her expression was thoughtful and kind.

I finally said, "They are obviously bigger than they were, and to be honest - I ma still not really comfortable with them."

Amy said, "Pam, they look perfectly lovely."

It felt so nice to hear her say that.

I said, "Thank you."

Then I lay back down on the bed again. The house was warm and it felt good to have that big sweater off. Amy sat close to me, at the edge of the bed.

We sat there silent for a little while, I knew she needed to talk.

Finally, I asked, "Amy, I can tell something is upsetting you. If you want to talk - I'm here for you, okay."

And she said, "Oh Pam, I don't know..."

I asked, "What's wrong?"

She said she had a boyfriend, but they broke up, and it was all so sad and terrible.

I said, "I understand..."

Amy said, "I am so mixed-up about everything."

Then, she started to cry.

I reached up and gave her a hug. We sat up together for a while, she wasn't crying hard, but she seemed so confused.

"I don't understand why I'm like this..."

"Amy - it's okay, Life is confusing - especially stuff about boys, and especially about sex, and growing up and all the emotions around this"

"But you seem so confident and normal."

"Oh Amy, I'm human too - sometimes I feel so mixed up. Especially about sex. I can be an emotional mess a lot of the time."

She actually seemed really surprised to hear me say that.

Amy said, "Really?"

"Yes really," At this point Amy seemed to be done with her crying, and I lay back down on the pillow and said, "Come here Amy,"

And she lay down and snuggled in close to me, hugging me.

She asked, "Do you really get mixed up too?"

"Oh god, of course!"

And then she said, "Oh - Bobby and I broke up, and the whole thing has been so hard for me."

"What happened?"

Amy carefully said, "Well - Bobby was really pressuring me to have - well, to have sex. And, well you know that I'm just so worried about getting pregnant, but he really wouldn't stop trying."

I said, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, it's okay - I wanna tell you - really..."

"Okay..." I whispered.

She went on to tell me some details, and there was something so sad in the story. Bobby sounded so uncaring, and so unworthy of Amy. She was having a hard tome telling me this, and I could tell it was difficult.

I said, "I'm listening. It's okay..."

Amy went on, "Well, at a certain point, we would. Well - I would only let things go so far."

"How far?"

"Well - He and I would both be naked..."

"Really?" I interrupted.

"Yeah, and we..."

I interrupted, "What was that like, I mean seeing him naked?"

"Oh - it was actually really nice."

I felt funny asking Amy all of these intimate details, she was so young - we both were.

But, I was asking from a real place of curiosity, and I felt - I don't know, I guess I felt honored that she would share these things.

I said, "Amy, I've never seen a boy - I mean, I've only heard about how a boy can get hard."

Then Amy carefully described exactly what Bobby looked like naked, she described as best as she could what his erection looked like, how big it was, what it felt like and - most of all - how it made her feel.

I was asking a lot of questions and I know she tried to answer them as honestly and calmly as I could.

"Oh god Amy, it sounds so - I don't know, so scary." I said.

"Yes - It was really scary."

"I don't know what I would do..." I whispered.

"Bobby would totally insist on doing some things..." And Amy trailed off.

"What? Like what things" I asked.

Amy looked nervous and didn't answer.

I cautiously asked, "What happened?"

"He made me have orgasm?"

I was astounded. I stammered, "R-really... He did - really?"

"Yes, just once."

I was so shocked. Amy was so young and innocent. I had no idea she would go that far with a boyfriend. But - I don't know - it sounded so mean, it seems like Bobby was taking advantage of Amy. I had known her for so long, and I know how naive she can be. How much she just wants to be loved, and it all just felt so unhealthy.

Amy went on, "Here's how we would end up - I mean, this is as far we would go."

"Tell me..."

"We were both be naked - and I was sitting on top of him, and he would rub me."

"Rub, like how?"

"He would - Oh god, it was my - He would rub - with his hand - my vagina, and he would press hard on my clitoris."

"Really?" I asked.

She carefully explained how she was sitting, it was on his lap. He was insistent that she stay still, and he would just rub with the palm of his hand.

I interrupted, "Amy, it sounds sort of awkward."

"It was - but - Oh god, it felt so good."

"Amy, it sounds so - I don't know, I can't imagine..." I said.

Amy continued talking. "This happened, just the other night. We were doing this thing, what I explained, I was sitting right on him, and he was rubbing, and it felt really amazing. And..."


"He had his other hand, it was touching my..."

"Tell me - please..." I must have sounded like I was begging.

Amy quietly said, "He was touching my - my bottom..."

"He was, how?"

"Oh god Pam, he was touching my little butt hole."

"You mean it - Your anus. He was?"

"Yes." And she said in a way I didn't know how to take.

I asked, "Did it feel good?"

"YES!" she exclaimed.

"Amy, it's okay - that sounds nice, really..."

"He wanted to put his finger in it, he tried to..." Amy said.

"Did you let him?"

"NO!" she said, in a way that sounded so emotional.

"Amy, it's okay - I understand, everything you're telling me sounds so INTENSE. And at the same time, it sounds like it must have felt so good."

Amy said, "It was, it got so intense."

I said, "I understand, really I do."

"But then - finally - I..."

"What happened?"

She slowly answered, "His rubbing, on my front, on my clitoris - It was enough that I had an orgasm."

I gasped, "You did?"

"Yes - I - I finally came, and..."

"Tell me," I begged excitedly.

"I - I came - I had an orgasm - and Oh god, it was really powerful - I mean, it was so intense that I..." and Amy trailed off.

"Amy - what?"

"When I actually came, when I had my orgasm - I squirted all over him..."


"At the same moment I came, I kind of squirted out this stream warm liquid."

"You squirted - I don't understand?" I asked,

"I squirted all over him, It was so weird, I mean I came and squirted at the same time and it was a total surprise to me."

"Was it like peeing?" I asked.

"It was - I don't know, it was different."

"How much did you - I don't understand"

"I squirted out a stream of liquid, I don't know how much - but it really seemed like a lot. Yes, it was a lot like peeing, but it wasn't..." she said.

"Amy - oh my god!"

"It was a lot - I mean, enough that it got all over everything - he got really wet."

"Was it - did it feel good?"

"Oh god, YES - it felt SO good."

"It sounds great..." I said excitedly.

Amy spoke slowly, "It was so intense - it felt SO good - But...."

And then she started to cry.

"Amy - what's wrong?" Amy hugged me tight. And I hugged her too.

Amy took a few deep breaths and tried to collect herself.

She continued, "Then he - oh god, Bobby said that I peed on him, and he got really mad at me..."

"Oh Amy..."

"I didn't know what was happening - he got mad - it felt SO good, and then he got mad at me - it was..."

"Oh Amy - I'm sorry."

"I was so ashamed..." And then she really started to cry.

"No Amy - don't feel bad, it sounds beautiful."

She pressed her head into my shoulder, and I just let her cry.

I whispered, "Amy, it sounds so beautiful."

"Really?" Amy said as she cried.

"Yes - it sounds like it must have been wonderful for you - I'm totally jealous, it sounds so beautiful."

"But - but - he said I peed all over him?"

"My god - Amy, you had a climax - and it was somehow so beautiful, that you could squirt from it. Oh Amy - it sounds so wonderful..."

"But..." Amy said as she cried.

"Amy, you can NOT feel bad about yourself - it sounds so wonderful. - And I'm glad you broke up with him - he sounds horrible."

She cried for a little while, and it felt so wonderful to hold her, to know I was being helpful.

As she cried, I whispered, "I hate Bobby for being mean to you. I think that he should have been happy for you - it sounds like it could have been beautiful. I hate him."

Amy mumbled, "I hate Bobby too."

"He doesn't understand you!"

"But..." Amy whispered.

"He was should have felt so lucky to have you squirt like that - he should have been happy."

She whispered, "Oh, Amy - thank you."

I hugged little Amy tight, and squeezed her for a few minutes.

Then she whispered, in a haunted and frightened way, "I was so happy, I mean - when I finally came, I mean, I really wanted it so bad, and I - I..." And her words faded away.

"It's Okay, you can tell me..." I said as supportive as I could.

"When I finally came, the feeling was so awesome, Oh my god, the feeling of squirting was so intense - and so wonderful - I was SO happy - I was so incredibly happy..."

"I understand."

"But Bobby - when Bobby was touching my bottom, with his finger - I was - so - so ashamed..."

"It's okay." I whispered.

"I wanted him to push it in - into my anus - I wanted it so bad."

Then Amy started to tremble, I could feel her shaking in my arms.

Amy then said, "And then he got so mad at me - and I felt so ashamed!"

I held Amy tight - but I couldn't say anything. All I could do was hug her.

And then she started crying, loud and hard on my shoulder. And she really held on to me tight, in an intense and desperate way.

The way she was hugging me - squeezing me - I could hardly move. She had her arms wrapped around my middle, and her face was pressed against the bare skin of my shoulder. He legs were wrapped around my middle.

I put my lips right up to her ear and quietly said, "It's okay Amy - it's okay baby..."

I tried to be as supportive and as reassuring as I could.

Amy was hugging me tight. And then she really started sobbing hard. I was so worried, I mean - I wanted to help. I wanted to some how calm her down.

I whispered, "Oh Amy, it's all right."

All this time - She was squeezing me really hard.

All I could do was let her cry. It went on for a long time minutes, and she had to release something, to liberate herself from some emotional demons. And I was so glad that I was there to help. I couldn't do much, but I carefully rubbed he back and stroked her short hair.

And I would whisper little things like, "Oh Baby - it's all okay."

Then - little by little, she calmed down and eventually stopped crying. She had released a lot with that crying, and now instead of squeezing me, it was as if she melted into me.

I whispered, "Just relax - don't worry - Just let it all go..."

Now everything changed - It was so calm and tranquil. Amy was quiet and still, and I was still gently rubbing her back and neck and hair. Her breathing had calmed, and I was sure she was asleep. I wasn't really tired, and I felt like this moment - this experience of such closeness was so meaningful.

She was all wrapped around me, her arms and her legs. She was warm and at peace.

I whispered, "Just relax - don't worry - relax..."

We lay like this for a long time, maybe a half an hour.

During this time, my mind was flooded. I thought to myself about Amy and all this talk about such an intimate experience, and my awkward attempts to help. Was I too honest? I didn't feel that way. Amy seemed so appreciative, and I loved to talk with her - and I did it in a way that I thought she wanted, like it was helpful.

I worried about Amy's story, it was obviously so emotional for her.

I lay there and I thought about what she had just told me. The experience was understandably really intense for Amy, and she is so vulnerable. And I know Amy really wants to love somebody, and to be loved.

And now that she told me this story - about something SO intimate, did talking help her?

Was she more confused?

What was I doing? Was I helping? I don't know - could I help her?

Hearing Amy tell that story, it sounded so sad.

I guess I understood about how she felt when Bobby wanted to put his finger up inside her anus. I didn't know why, but I really thought that this was exciting. But I know why she felt that way - it was just, I don't know? Too forbidden.

Poor Amy was in such an awkward place with someone as insensitive as Bobby.

And - Oh god, I was so thunderstruck when she told how she squirted at the moment of her orgasm. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I guess I had heard stories about woman who would release a lot of fluid, and I had even heard it could squirt. But to hear it from Amy was just too much. It sounded SO exciting, but she was all confused, and I could tell she was so deeply hurt.

But laying together was so quiet, and I knew it was helpful.

The moment was so beautiful and sensitive. She was wrapped around me with her legs pressed tight around my hips. I had missed Amy so much while I was away at school, and right then I finally realized how close were really were.

She was so still and I was wondering if she had fallen asleep. I didn't want to say anything, and if she was asleep, I didn't want to wake her.

Then - at some point, Amy shifted a little, in a sleepy way. But, and I wasn't sure, but - and I know this sounds so odd, but it felt like Amy was pressing her crotch against me.

Yes - she was, she had on those thin nylon running shorts, and she had her groin pressed hard against my hip.

I feel funny confessing this, but it felt really nice. It was warm, and it just felt so good.

Then, in a very subtle motion - I thought I felt her rub herself - her groin - right against my hip.

Did it happen?

Did I feel it?

Why should I be so worried about it, maybe she just moved a little in her sleep?

But still - I was almost afraid to breath. I was afraid to stop caressing her, but it felt almost too intense, so I rubbed her neck as slow and calm as I could.

Oh god, she was sleeping - maybe? Did I just imagine it?

Then, it happened again - ever so slightly - I felt Amy pressing herself, her warm little groin, against my hip, against my skirt. It was slow and it seemed deliberate.

What was happening? I thought that - yes - this time, I really felt it.

Maybe this should have seemed awkward or strange, but what I was feeling was a wonderful closeness - and it was exciting and beautiful. Amy was warm and snugly, all wrapped around me.

I mean, this was little Amy, my best and closest friend. And something about it just felt so good.

I tried to stay calm, and I was trying to perceive if she did it again.

I waited a long time, and then it happened again. This time there was no mistaking it. She pressed he self - her crotch - right against my hip. I wanted to let her know this didn't frighten me, that I thought was nice, that it felt good. But I was too emotional to say anything - so I just let it all happen.

She did it again, smooth and steady. And again.

Her motions were as slow as her breathing, maybe slower. And all the while, I was carefully stroking her back and neck. I lay there drinking it all in - it was so pleasant.

Little by little - the gentle movement of her hips was becoming more noticeable.

It was a strange thing, this game of pretend. I mean, Amy was acting like she was asleep, but I knew that she wasn't. At the same time, I didn't want to let on to her that I knew, but I did know. It was so odd, and so intimate.

I could tell my heart was beating faster. Amy had her head on my shoulder, and I thought that she must be able to feel my heart pounding.

Then there was one firm push, and this one was hard enough to be unmistakable. It was a sexual and deliberate humping movement right onto my hip. It was so strong, I think it surprised Amy more than me, because right then, she froze.

Oh no, I thought - was she scared?

I wanted more. But I didn't want to do anything to frighten her.

What could I do? I kept on rubbing the bare skin on her back, as kind and gentle as I possibly could. I was trying, through my fingertips, to be as tender and comforting as I could.

But Amy was lying there totally still.

I slowly let my fingertips move down to low part of her back, to the bare skin between her t-shirt and her running shorts. I rubbed the cool skin there with the tips of my fingers, and it made Amy shudder, almost like I was tickling her - for that one second - it seemed like she was shivering with ecstasy.

Then she made another slow humping push into my hip with her groin.

I couldn't help it, I softly went, "Mmmmmm..."

With that, with my little noise, her humping got a lot more willful and deliberate. There was no pretending now. Her pelvis was grinding in a firm and smooth rhythm.

It felt magical.

This went on for a long time, Amy gently humping my side, right near my hip, and all the while I ran my fingertips along her bare back above her shorts.

Oh my god - it was so wonderful and even with the strong humping motions, it was somehow really tender.

Amy was building in intensity, it was becoming forceful and dramatic. I was really shocked at how sexual it was - and at the same time so - I don't know - so adorable.

And then, Amy stopped.

What happened? I was worried this beautiful thing may end.

I slowly and gently gave Amy a little hug - it wasn't much just a small reassuring cuddle.

Then, Amy took a deep breath and shifted a little. In a very deliberate way she began to move, she was slow and cautious. She slid her knee from my hip, across my tummy.

I let her move, until she was right on top of me. Her knees were positioned on both sides of me, squeezing against my ribs, and her nylon running shorts pressing into my belly. Now her head was against my neck and she held me in a warm embrace.

I couldn't help myself, I gave her a big hug.

Oh my god, this was my dearest friend, and she had always been SO nice to me. I felt SO CLOSE right then. I didn't say anything, but I desperately wanted to tell her how much she had meant to me. How much I cared about her.

We lay there for a minute. Amy was right on top of me, with her crotch firm against me, right against my tummy.

She was rubbing just a moment before - and it felt so nice, but now she was completely still. Was she scared? Why did she stop? I was all mixed up and worried. What was happening?

I wanted so badly to tell her how I was feeling, how nice this was...

And then - I couldn't help it - I carefully arched my back and pushed my belly up into her shorts.

All I had on was my bra and my skirt. My tummy was bare and the sensation of my skin against the thin fabric of her shorts felt so gratifying.

Amy must have felt it, I know she did.

I waited just a moment, and I did it again - gently, but it was right in between her legs, right into her crotch.

She stayed so still. Should I stop? What was happening? I couldn't help my self, I had to try.

I got up the nerve, and I dramatically arched my back and pressed my belly really hard up into her crotch. And, at the same moment, I let out a little gasp of satisfaction.

That was all it took. Almost immediately she moved her groin right against my tummy.

She went on, and started humping in a rhythm. Her peaceful motions felt firm and soothing, and I was hypnotized by the warm pressure against my bare skin.

I carefully lifted the back of her t-shirt, just to be able to feel more of her smooth skin.

Then I let both hands gently move down to her shorts, and I actually touched her round plump bottom. It felt so wonderful, the smooth nylon of her shorts, and the steady sensual humping of her hips.

I was astounded at what was happening. It felt overwhelmingly glorious. But the focal point everything - all of it, was all on Amy's gently pumping hips.

We both held each other tight, and both of us were rocking, meeting each other with this delicate rhythm. We must have gone on like this, swaying and pumping, for 15 wonderful minutes. Oh god, it was so delicious.

Amy's head was so close to my face, I could smell her hair and hear her deep breathing.

And then I heard Amy say something, it was quiet - just a hush. I didn't know what it was.

I whispered, "Amy, what did you say?"

And with her head still buried in against my shoulder, she whispered, "Is it all right that I'm doing this?"

She sounded so worried.

I answered, "Oh yes, baby - it's really nice."

Amy said, "Are you sure?"

And - as compassionate as I could, I said, "Yes - I'm sure."

She whimpered, "Really?"

I whispered, "Yes, it feels good - I like it."

"I like it too"

"Amy - Please, don't stop." I begged.

With that, Amy changed her tempo. Things got harder and faster. She began to aggressively hump my belly in strong steady motions.

And she started breathing louder.

I had both hands on her bottom, and instead of just lightly touching, I actually squeezed.

Then Amy whispered, "I love you."

As soon as she said it I felt warm tears brimming up in my eyes. In a shaky voice I said, "Oh Amy - I love you too."

Oh god, I can't let her know I'm crying - that was all I could think.

Then Amy sat up, and looked right at me, and saw my tears. She looked so concerned, and she said, "Oh Pam - should I stop?"

I stammered out, "Oh no, Amy - No... Don't stop - This feels so good."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes - don't stop - please don't stop - I'm happy - I don't know why I'm crying, I'm so happy..." And I squeezed her tightly as I said this.

"I'm happy too, this feels good," Amy said.

I said, "Keep going."

And she started to rub even harder, it was steady and firm. But now she was sitting up and looking down at me. Amy's motions with her hips were getting more sensual, and so was her breathing.

Seeing Amy - seeing her looking so happy felt wonderful.

I stopped crying and smiled at her.

I was so emotional, and Amy looked so intent, that I cautiously asked, "Amy - do you think you can come?"

"What?" She acted really surprised, and she slowed down.

"Don't stop..." I said.

"You mean it? I could come - like this?" Amy asked.

"Yes - you're doing really good - I think you should try."


"Yes, really - I think you can. I want you to..."

"Pam - I don't know..."

"You're doing so good." I whispered.

"I am?" she asked with her little girl voice.

"Oh God - Yes, baby, you're doing wonderful."

"Okay, I'll try - I'm not sure what to do." She said.

"Let me help..."

And I started to rock a little to meet her pumping hips. I would arch my belly up into her shorts. I put both hands firmly on her hips - pulling and guiding with each thrust.

Then I moved my hands around to her shorts, to her butt cheeks, holding her plump bottom snug in my hands. I would try and work her hips by pulling against her bottom - to make the motions even faster - and more dramatic. She looked so wonderful and serious.

Together, we found a smooth and strong rhythm.

Amy asked, "Is this okay?"

I told her, "Yes, this is good, you're doing great."

She awkwardly asked, "What can - I mean, what else can I do?"

"Lets try going just a little faster, I can help - Okay?"

"I'll try..."

We worked at this for a few minutes and Amy was getting progressively faster and faster. She moved so she was sitting a little more upright, so she could look at me as I lay on the bed.

Amy gasped, "Oh god - Pam..."

She pushed harder and faster. It went on in heaving physical motions, until she was getting really frenzied - it was amazing.

I was only wearing a bra, and I felt so - well, I felt so pretty right then - And seeing Amy be so bold, the feeling was astounding.

I let out a happy, "Oh Amy - YES!"

And with that, something shifted, she went REALLY fast, and started to gasp quick breaths.

It was totally thrilling.

With me on my back, and only my bra on, my breasts started bouncing dramatically with each thrust of Amy's hips. The way she was positioned, sitting upright - she was looking right at me. She was intently watching the motions of my bounding chest.

I quietly said, "Yes, Amy - Yes..."

It felt like she was trying to get my breasts to move, like she was rocking her hips just to see them bounce.

Both my hands were on Amy's bottom, and that pose, the way my arms were positioned, they seemed to squeeze my breasts together. At some point, I let go of her bottom, and let my arms lay out to the sides. My chest was instantly "liberated" and - even in my tight white bra - my breasts were free to bounce in a way that was more exaggerated.

It was obvious Amy was ecstatic at what she was seeing.

And matching Amy's strong rhythm, each pumping thrust, I whimpered out an ecstatic, "Yes - Yes - Yes..."

I moved just a little, positioning myself in a way that my chest would wiggle even more. I let myself rock in so they would bound wildly. And Amy immediately responded by thrusting even harder.

'YES - YES - YES..."

She was going so fast that her nylon shorts felt like they might burn my tummy - I'm not kidding, she was exploding with this crazy energy.

Then she abruptly stopped, and tried to collect herself. She was literally shaking with emotion.

"Amy - Oh god, that was really good - you were doing so good."

She panted, "I was? That was - Oh god - too intense..."

She was working to calm her breathing down, so it seemed like it was hard for her to talk. I kept my hands on Amy's bottom, and let her relax a little. I was smiling and joyous.

Amy seemed lost, like she was hypnotized.

Amy was looking down at me now. She was sitting on my belly, her shorts were all bunched up and her t-shirt seemed impossibly tight, and her nipples were prominent and beautiful.

She was breathing hard with her mouth open, and here eyes were wide. She looked like she was confused, like she couldn't really comprehend what was happening.

But then, looking at her, I realized she was focused entirely on my breasts.

I was breathing hard too. And my deep breaths were making my chest move - and my breasts were jiggling with each inhalation. Amy was focused with wide eyes.

I whispered, "Oh Amy - it felt wonderful."

After a moment she replied, "Yes. It felt SO good."

I looked down at myself. And I could see that my nipples were incredibly hard, they were jutting up against the white fabric of my bra. And it was obvious Amy was utterly entranced.

She was looking so intently - directly at my breasts - she was bewitched. My nipples were so hard right then, and my bra, it was just a plain white thing - but it seemed, right then, to be the most beautiful bra in the world - I felt so exhilarated.

I whispered, "Amy, you're looking at my bra..."

She said, "Oh god, I'm sorry - I - I..."

I interrupted, "No - Amy, it's okay - it's okay..."

She turned away from me, and she looked ashamed.

"Oh no - Amy, please, it's okay - Please, I want you to look."

She whispered a nervous, "But, it's so..."

I begged, "Amy - PLEASE..."

And she turned back, and said, "Really? Are you sure?"

And I said, "Please - Amy, please..."

Then she looked right at me. Right at my bra, with my nipples so defined against the tight white fabric.

"Pam - oh god, I don't know what's happening."

"Amy - it's okay - this is wonderful."

And then, I inhaled as deeply as I could - and arched my back, and doing this made my breasts rise up. And this rising motion seemed to hypnotize Amy.

I whispered, "It's okay, please Amy..."

I did it again, I inhaled and let my breasts jiggle - and Amy acted so joyous.

And then - I did it affair, and Amy actually made a happy little gasping noise.

I started to tremble, it was so emotional.

Then I said, "Amy, I feel SO good."

All Amy could do was stare at my breasts, at my bra and my hard nipples.

Amy whispered, "Pam - You look, so beautiful."

"I'm happy right now, I mean - This is just, oh god - Last summer we talked about our breasts, on the beach that day - do you remember?"

"I remember..." And her intense gaze never strayed from my breasts.

I continued, "And - We were both so flat and so worried about ourselves, remember? I mean, it just felt like we would NEVER grow up."

"I know."

"You were the ONLY person I ever talked to about my - my - Oh god, about how scared I was. About my body - and about our bodies."

Amy smiled and whispered, "I've missed you so much..."

I didn't know what else to say. But it felt so exciting to let Amy stare at me, at my simple bra - and my incredibly hard nipples.

"It's okay baby," I whispered, my voice trembled with emotion.

Amy stammered, "Pam, it's just so - it's all so - I'm so happy..."

Then she did it, she reached down and touched me, and she carefully put her fingertips on my bra.

I whimpered out, "Oh god - Oh god..."

It was the most gently and kind thing I had ever felt. She was smiling and concentrating. She traced the outline of my bra with her tiny fingers, and my breathing got deeper, and my breasts giggled with each inhalation. This lasted a long time, perhaps a few minutes.

Amy whispered, "So beautiful..."

Then, like it was meant to happen - I carefully reached around to my back. I undid the clasp of my bra. And immediately Amy put her hands to her mouth in an expression of awe.

"Pam - Oh my god - Pam..." She stammered.

I moved my arms to get the bra all the way off, I was slow and deliberate.

"Pam - please, I want to help..." she whispered.

And she carefully pulled it over my arms. My breasts were now totally uncovered, and Amy looked joyous. My nipples were very firm.

I lay my arms out on the bed, palms up.

I was so excited for Amy, and it was unbelievably thrilling for me too. I was breathing hard from the emotion, and I was purposely making my chest rise with each inhalation, and my breasts would jiggle and move. I could see the effect on Amy.

I just lay there, with my arms outstretched, looking at her, and the perfectly adoring look on her face.

Then, her hips began to grind into my belly. She moved down toward my legs, and began to hump my thin silk skirt.

And then suddenly - Oh god, she was kissing my breasts.

And then she kissed my hard nipples - and then the kissing turned to sucking - and all the while she was pumping her groin against my leg - against my skirt.

Pam was lost - sucking hard and loud, with a magical inner truth, like it was perfectly honest - like she was a baby - - like she was in heaven - like the connection between us was eternal.

"Oh my god..." I mumbled.

She was lost in some heavenly place, hugging and humping and sucking - it was miraculous.

Pam was sucking and whimpering, like a little baby. And she was sucking hard too - her whole body was thrusting and sucking. It went on and on for a long time.

It was too much - the sensations were almost too wonderful.

"Pam," I gasped, "Sit up, please."

And she sat up, and looked at me.

She looked insatiably happy.

I lay there unmoving.

I looked up at her, at her tight white t-shirt, and I was electrified at how beautiful her tiny breasts, and her prominent nipples looked under the fabric.

Then - finally, I reached up and touched her wonderfully cute little belly button, her tummy was showing below her shirt. I rubbed it and wiggled my finger in it, and Amy giggled.

Then - I slid both hands under the tight fabric and held onto her - I could feel her ribs.

Amy stopped moving, and I could feel her breathing.

I started to move my hands up, under her shirt, towards her chest. Amy was frozen in anticipation, her big eyes watching me.

I stammered, "Oh god..."

She whispered, "Pam..."

And then I pushed my hands up a little deeper into her tight white shirt.

I carefully moved my hands higher, and she whispered, "Yes - yes - yes..."

I lifted her tight shirt, and she helped - and then it was off.

"Oh god, Amy..." I gasped.

She looked amazing, her skin was so pale, and she had freckles all across her chest and shoulders. And her breasts were small and delicate. Her nipples were hard and tiny.

I said, "Amy - You look so perfect - so beautiful."

Then she started to make a few dramatic humping motions on my bare belly.

She whispered, "This rubbing feels SO good."

Watching Amy thrust like that, and with our shirts off, I felt so amazingly turned-on.

In a panting voice, I said, "Amy - I think - it will feel better for you - if we take your shorts off."

She stopped her rubbing, and she had a very solemn look on her face.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes - I think so."

And then she quietly said, "Okay."

She got off of my belly and sat next to me, and suddenly - except for our breathing - we were both perfectly still.

And then - in a strangely resigned way, she removed her shorts. And then she sat there, wearing only her little white panties. She looked at me with a meek expression. I don't think she really knew what she should do next.

In a tiny little voice she asked, "Is it okay if I leave my panties on?"

I answered, "Please - take them off."

Amy asked, "Really - Are you sure?"

I whispered, "Amy, Please - it will feel SO good."

Amy smiled and in an obedient way, she took off her panties.

Oh my god - she was completely naked - she sat with her arms wrapped around her knees - she so looked small - she looked so absolutely perfect.

She smiled nervously and then stammered, "I feel so funny - being naked like this."

I wasn't sure what to say. I replied, "Amy - You look absolutely beautiful."

"But..." and she trailed off.

Then without thinking or worrying - I pulled my skirt down and my panties off, and I lay there naked.

Amy stared wide-eyed and silent.

I said, "Amy - Oh god, I needed to do that..."

She smiled, her big beautiful eyes were looking at me with such a tenderness and submissive expression.

She stared at me, and I let her look. I lay there watching her. I could tell she was excited to see me, like this - with all my clothes off.

"Come here Amy," and I patted my belly, where she had been sitting, "You were doing such a good job before."

Then, very cautiously, she climbed back on me - and straddled my belly.

Oh my god - She barely had any pubic hair, just a delicate amount - like a little girl. Her vagina was plump and moist. It was all centered - in full view, above my belly button. It was unbelievably lovely.

I sat up a little to see better - and whispered, "Amy - oh dear god, Amy - you are so beautiful."

We sat there for a minute, frozen in that pose.

Then, she did this thing that absolutely shocked me.

She sat up on her knees, and moved her plump and pink little vagina toward me, so I could see it even better. And it was lovely and moist.

In a strangely submissive voice, she said, "Is it wet? It feels all wet."

"Amy - it's wet, I can see that it's beautiful and wet."

And she held that pose, naked on her knees, arching her hips toward me - with her lovely vagina just inches from my face.

She whispered, "Pam, I feel so wet..."

And now, she sat back down onto me and began to hump against my belly again - in firm and deliberate stokes. The sensation of her warm skin against me was so powerful and so erotic - Oh god, I was astonished. I had never imagined such a wonderful feeling. She kept rubbing along my tummy, it went on and on - slowly building.

Amy kept rubbing, it went on for a few minutes, and little by little, she was getting faster.

I asked, "How does this feel?"

"It's - it's nice." Amy answered smiling.

"Good - I'm glad."

"Oh my god - Pam, it feels really good."

"You're doing SO good."

This went on for a few minutes, and Amy's gentle thrusting became more physical and more sexual.

She whispered, "I love you so much..."

And then and she went back to humping my smooth tummy. I put my hands on her back and held her tightly.

Her face was against my neck, I whispered in her ear, "Amy - your doing so good..."

Then, she was kissing my neck. The kisses were tender and filled with love.

As quietly and as softly as I could, I whispered in her ear, "Amy - do you think that - can you try and squirt?"

"What?" She replied.

"Please - Can you squirt on me, like you did on Bobby?"

"Oh god - I - I don't know if..."

"Don't worry - I won't be angry - I want you to."

I wanted this for Amy - it felt just wonderful. I wanted so dearly to please her.

She whispered, "Are you sure?"

I happily said, "Yes, Amy - I want you to..."

Then Amy looked at me with such kindness.

She rubbed firm and steady, the sensation of Amy's moist vagina against my smooth tummy was utterly amazing.

"Oh god - yes, baby - it's wonderful," I said.

I reached to the nightstand and got a bottle of apricot scented oil. And as soon as Amy saw it in my hand, she asked what it was.

I said, "I think this will feel nice - is it okay?"

"Yes - okay..." she said in a submissive voice.

I undid the cap, and she squirmed back up onto my belly and arched her pelvis and moved her groin to me.

I poured a thin stream of the oil onto her - right on her pale little area of delicate pubic hair. Amy kind of squealed with excitement as a puddle formed between her legs - against my skin - as my belly button filled up.

I set the bottle on the nightstand, and left the cap off.

Amy looked down at the thick warm puddle, and as soon as she pressed her hips into it she exclaimed, "Oh god, Pam - it's magical!"

We were both flooded with the delicious sweet smell of the apricot oil. And Amy was visibly joyous at the sensation.

Suddenly, everything - every motion was velvety smooth. Amy's thrusting was friction's and delicious.

"This, oh my god - this feels SO good."

She was rubbing harder, in smooth sexual motions.

"Amy - try going faster." I commanded.

"Okay..." Amy gasped.

And then she was thrusting herself in a kind of panic, it was silky smooth across the oily surface of my torso.

She moved along my belly, in big slippery motions. And she kept getting higher toward my chest. Eventually, she was slapping her oily pink vagina against my breasts.

It made this delicious noise, over and over, as her tiny little vagina hit my full oily breasts. I was getting lost in the noise and the intensity.

"Yes - Amy - it'll happen."

Amy stammered, "This oil - oh my god - I love it..."

With that, I reached to the nightstand and poured the rest of the bottle - the whole thing - on my belly and across my breasts.

Amy gasped, "Pam - thank you..."

She inched higher - on her knees - up to my oil soaked breasts - pressing her slippery vagina against the smooth pale skin - and rubbed herself against me in a way I can only describe as joyous.

"Oh my god Amy - I want you to squirt - please..." I gasped.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes - Please try - I want it SO bad..."

With that, Amy moaned out loudly and then she pressed the thick lips of her vagina hard against my firm oily breast. She rubbed herself right up near my nipple, and she held onto my breasts with desperate little hands.

"Pam, your nipple is so hard, and I can feel it - it feels so good against my - my..." Amy stammered.

"Amy - it's so beautiful."

"Is - is it okay if, can I - can I rub against - your - nipple?"

"Oh god YES!" I gasped.

She gripped my oily breast harder - she pushed her sopping vagina snug against my hard nipple - her knees were pushed firm into my armpits. And she rubbed hard, I could see it ALL so clearly.

"Amy - yes - Please, it's okay to squirt on me - please..."

"I'm not sure if..."

"Please try - PLEASE!" I gasped.

This went on for - oh my god - about 5 minutes - building with each firm push - The slippery apricot oil was splashing - and my nipple felt hard and electric - sliding hot and smooth against Amy's slippery open vagina.

I could see her - and her plump little clitoris - swollen and awash in oil - rubbing against my hard erect nipple. The way I was laying, it was so close to my face - I could see EVERYTHING.

I put my hands on her bottom, and tried to guide her motions, but it was so slippery and oily all I could do was hold on and let my hands slide on her smooth oily skin.

Amy whispered, "I wanna come - I wanna come..."

I looked up at her and begged, "Squirt on me - Please - It's okay - please try and squirt - PLEASE..."

She stammered, "I'll try..."

I put my hands on her butt, and it was all smeared with oil. And with Amy's dramatic thrusting, I tried my best to hold on, but it was so oily, and so slippery.

I wrapped my fingers into her crack, and without realizing it - my oily fingertips touched Amy's anus.

She immediately let out a passionate, "Oh god - Oh god..."

Her pumping groin was now getting faster, and she was shivering with passion. I put my oily finger firm against her tight little anus. Everything felt slippery and wonderful.

Amy gasped out, "Pam, oh god - Please..."

And then she stopped her thrusting, she just froze. And she looked at me - directly at me - and her expression was so bewildered.

I traced a little circle with my fingertip against her oily anus.

I whispered, "Baby, you are doing so good - so good."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

And then Amy backed up, pushing the tiny pucker of her oily anus firm against my index finger.

"Oh god," She stammered nervously.

She was motionless right then, but I could feel her body quiver as she pressed herself back onto my oily finger.

I said, "Yes Baby - you are doing great."

And then she looked right at me, and she pushed her little anus firm against my finger, she had to push hard, and I let it slide into her - it was so oily and so tight.

Instantly Amy started to shake, she closed her eyes and she stammered out, "I love you - I love you..."

And I pushed my finger in, just a little deeper.

Amy cried out, "I love you - Pam, I love you..."

All I could do was pant, "Oh god - I love you too!"

She was shivering against me, all in that puddle of warm oil. Her position, with her knees tight against my ribs, and her sopping vagina pressed against my erect nipple - and now I had my finger sliding oily and deep into her snug little anus. She was ecstatic.

And I said, "Amy, you're almost there - do you think you can squirt on me?"

She answered with a passionate, "YES!"

And I pulled my oily finger in and out as smooth as I could.

She was possessed, and stammered, "I love you - I love you - I love you..." Over and over, it was beautiful.

And then she trembled. She shook as if in a spasm. Her hips shivering against my oily breast.

Her cries of "I love you," were changing, to a fast passionate moaning.

"Yes - yes..." I exclaimed.

It was happening, Amy screamed out my name. She was loosing herself in a delicious climax, and she squeezed my breasts with so much emotion - her tight anus wrapped snug around my oily finger - her slippery swollen vagina pressed hard and throbbing against my nipple - I thought I would cry.

It happened fast. Suddenly Amy sat up and arched her back - it was involuntary - she couldn't help it. An orgasm was ripping through her.

Her hips were shivering, and my finger was still in my bottom.

She gasped, "I love you!"

And then suddenly my breast felt warm and wet - Oh god, she was squirting from my vagina.

"Yes!" I squealed.

Amy was pumping out hot liquid - a strong clear stream appeared - squirting down on my breasts - for just a few glorious seconds, splashing all over everything.

"Oh god - YES!" Amy exclaimed.

She was spraying all over my wet and oily chest.

The waves moved thru Amy and she gasped and trembled. She whimpered like a baby

Amy convulsed in that pose, her groin was shivering and splashing.

It was exactly like she was peeing - and it was warm - and a puddle formed on me - between my breasts, it ran down toward my neck, and down my belly...

Slowly it subsided. She looked down at me, still in the throws of the orgasm.

"Amy - I love you so much..." I said.

And Amy stared - with eyes wide.

She stayed upright, on her knees, breathing hard. And my chest was damp and glistening. My nipples were unbelievably hard.

I was frozen, and I was staring at Amy - at her wet vagina. We stayed like that for a full minute, her heavy breathing slowly settling down.

Then, Amy moved just a little, and I said, "No, its still dripping - hold still, you're still dripping."

Amy whispered, "I think there is more."

"What?" I asked.

"I'm gunna squirt again."

I gasped out, "Oh please, yes- yes..."

And she held still, and I could see she was trying to push - desperately trying to squeeze anything more out.

I whispered, "I wanna see..."

And I moved down, so my face was right under her sopping and plump vaginal lips.

I leaned in and kissed her - firm on her dripping vagina.

She whispered, "Oh god - YES..."

And I kept my lips on her wet shivering opening.

She whispered, "I love you..."

I licked and sucked and kissed - and then she tensed and pushed - and a final delicate squirt happened.

A small amount more splashed out - hot and clean - directly onto my waiting lips, and it dripped down my cheeks. It was hot and delicious.

Oh my god - it was beautiful.

Eventually she settled down, and melted into me, hugging my oily torso and me.

Amy squeezed me, she was still panting, and we lay together for a few minutes.

Finally, I whispered, "Amy - you did it!"

"Oh Pam..."

"Amy - you did it!" I exclaimed. "Oh my god - I saw it - You squirted - It was so beautiful!"

"Pam - that felt so good..." Amy said to me, still panting and out of breath.

"Oh Amy - you did so good - I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you," she sounded so grateful.

"Oh baby, you are so welcome!"

"Thank you," Amy whispered.

"Oh God - it was beautiful - all of it."

I was gasping and satisfied, looking at Amy and her happy expression.

Amy stammered, Thank you - thank you..."

"Oh god Pam!"

"Amy - I love you..."

"I love you too - So much!"

I sank down into an embrace. We hugged so tight, it was desperate and so real - I felt so alive. I felt joyous, and the wetness and our oily bodies fit so perfectly, my beautiful little friend.

We were made for just this moment.

Note: This text is a slight variation on some previous writings. The story Abby-and-Me as well as Little-Sister-Penny have some similar passages.

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