Amy and Martine

By amy dancer

Published on Sep 29, 2008


I spent the night at Martine's, people at work knew I'd got dressed at hers, so I agreed it with the other girls that they would pretend they didn't know Amy was going to work on Thursday. I didn't spend the night with Mike, he was already asleep, plus I'd already got laid that night, and I needed to think about it. I enjoyed cock in me a lot, but was I gay? As I feel asleep, I came to a decision, when I was Amy, I'm a girl, and a girl that likes guys.

In the morning, I did wake up Mike with a blow job, and he got another just before he left for work, mainly as I was now fully dressed for work, and I wanted to go in with cum in my stomach. I was dressed in pink lingerie, thong of course, with black stockings and a pink suspender belt, borrowed from Martine, a black pencil skirt, above the knee, but long enough to cover my stockings, and a light red blouse, a little bit of ruffles on it, and the front open to show my cleavage. I was feeling proud of my bobs now, and I wanted them to be seen, if only a little.

We got a taxi to work, as the story would be we'd over slept and I none of my clothes at hers, so by the time I was dressed to go and get changed, it would be too late, so I just dressed as Amy.

Walking into the building was a very scary moment, but no one said a thing as no one noticed. Not until we got out the lift at our floor, and when Vicky said how pleased she was to see Amy again, did people realise it was me. Martine was explaining it while I chatted to Vicky and then Claire came over and they walked me to my desk. There was a lots of eyes on me, but I didn't care a bit. I sat at my desk and Jacky looked at me and her eyes went wide.

"Hi." I said.

"Andy?" She asked. Claire quickly told her about last night, not the sex thank god, and about getting up late and so. Jacky looked at me and smiled.

"Well, you look good." And with that we got on with our day. Jacky explained it to the other member of our little team, Hayley, and there were no problems.

At lunch time I went for a drink with them both, and we were just three office girls in the pub, we sat in the corner, giggled and chatted. I did tell them the whole story, about my boobs, the first day, and then about the hand job and blow job to Mike.

"Did you like it?" Jacky asked. I told her I did, it felt a bit weird at first, but it was good.

"One of my friends went to that stripper show last night. She text me there was a lot of cock sucking that went on." Hayley said. I blushed, and they both saw it, then we giggled, and I told them about me on the stage, and then what happened in the toilet.

"And they walked in on you?" they both said. "As he was cumming in me." And I giggled. "He was my first."

I told them about this morning, and that I wanted to walk in with cum in me.

"That's no big deal, I do that most days." Jacky said, and we all giggled about it and swapped tips on how we suck cock.

The rest of the day was just like any other day at work, apart from when I was in the rest area, having a coffee. I noticed a couple of the guys were looking at my legs, and I realised they could see I was wearing stockings. I couldn't help it, I stroked my legs and skirt. At quarter to five I remember that there would someone outside waiting for me, so I'd better make myself look pretty for him. I went to the ladies, and I wasn't alone in there touching up my makeup. Guess I'm not the only one being met. Claire smiled at me and mouthed, `Good luck' to me.

I knew when I walked out the door, I would be seen being met by a man, and no one would look at me the same.

Bill was waiting for me, and rather touchingly, he had a rose as well. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and he walked me to his car. I tried really hard not to look over my shoulders at everyone, and as I slid in his car, that's when I looked. Lots were looking and trying not to look. I told Bill it was my first day at work like this, that's why they're looking. "Better give them a show then." He said, and he really kissed me, and slid his hand up my skirt. Now my stockings were on full show, with his hand stroking the inside of my thigh.

Bill suggested going for a drink, but the kissing had made me too horny to think about drinking anything else other than him, so I said lets go back to yours and fuck. As we walked to his front door I had my hand in his trousers stroking his cock, and when he shut the door behind us, I was on my knees, sucking him. I needed his cock, but got a surprise when another door opened and John who I sucked on stage walked out and I could hear a toilet flushing. "Hello again." He said and went into another room.

I looked up at Bill with his cock in my mouth. "My flat mate." He said, and he picked me up and led to his bedroom so I could finish what I started. He laid back on the bed and I climbed up next to him, kissed him and then went back to sucking him. Kissing his cock, licking it and sucking on it till I got my reward. "Yummy." I said as I swallowed.

I really like sucking cock I decided, as I stood up and stripped down to my thong, and boots. I picked up my handbag and walked to the toilet. I had to pop into see John, "Hi. Sorry I never said anything earlier, but my mouth was full." And I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

In the toilet, I took the lube from my bag, and put some in me. I was ready to get laid again, in fact I was aching to have him in me. I walked into Bill's room, and he was laying there, stroking his cock hard again for me as I laid next to him and took over, while kissing him. He rolled me onto my back and never stopped kissing me. He knelt up and ran his hands over my body, my boobs and my hips. He took hold of my thong to pull it down, but I reached out to stop him. He leant forward, kiss me and said, "It's ok." Then slid them down my legs. I raised my hips for him and then my legs, as he lifted the thong over my boots. "These can stay on though." He said and kissed me again. I put some lube on him, then guided him into me. This time he entered me in one go all the way in, and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. It felt so good, me laying on my back with him between my legs, slowly stroking in and out of me. All the way, then all the way out.

It was so slow and so intense, the feel of him in me, and his body against mine. My own little dick, still not hard, but I was so aroused by him. "This is so much better than last night." I told him, and he said he could hardly believe I'd never done it before. I told him neither could I as he started to get faster. I knew he getting close to cumming and so was I.

He pushed deep into me, deeper than he'd ever been as I felt him swell in me, then I felt him cum in me, as I kissed him. I didn't love him, but I had said. "I love you." And I kissed him hard, and then he shocked me, "I love you too."

He pulled out of me and we laid next to each other, just getting our breaths back, and I felt a little trickle of his cum leak out, so I squeezed myself together to keep it in.

We stayed there for a bit, then got dressed. I told him it was funny watching him get dressed after watching him strip the night before, but as he watched me get dressed he got hard again, a lump growing in his jeans which I couldn't help but stroke, but he stopped me pointing out he wanted to buy me dinner, so out we went, even though I pointed out to him I had what I wanted to eat.

After our meal we went to the cinema, and I gave him a hand job, watching his cum in the darkness land on the girls in front jacket hanging over the back of her chair, so we left before the film ended, both laughing. But I wanted him to fuck me again, and this time we were caught by John, as I was riding Bill on the sofa, with my skirt round my waist and my thong pulled to one side, but not hanging out of it. I was tempted to pull it aside to let him see where his flatmates cock was, but thought better of it. Shame. I did tell Bill after I wished he'd have got his cock out so I could have sucked it as well, but he told me they only share girls at a strip night, not elsewhere. Double shame.

Bill dropped me at Martine's, as I wanted to talk to her, but she was in bed with Steve, so Mike let me in. I explained about my date, and told him the truth. That it was more an awakening, than a date. "I wish I'd been your first." he said and gave me a very tender kiss. "Me too." I said, and was surprised it was the truth. I felt really close to him, and told him so. We kissed for a bit and did sleep in the same bed, but didn't have sex, even though he was very hard. I didn't want him to think he had to enter me with another man's cum in me, so we just kissed and cuddled, a little bit of fondling but that was all as we feel asleep in each others arms. I think I'm starting to fall in love with him.

In the morning I woke up to a nice surprise, Mike was kissing me awake. "That's nice." I told him. He said he'd been kissing me for 10 minutes. We shared a shower, but I kept my thong on, I didn't want him to freak, but he slid it down my legs, and even kissed my little dick. Well, I had to thank him for that, and I crouched down and took his very hard cock in my mouth, which is how Steve found us when he walked in, and saw us through the glass doors. He said sorry and walked out. I looked down, and was thankful he couldn't have seen all of me, and told Mike that. "So?" Was all he said.

After he came and we finished our shower, we wrapped towels around our waists and waked back to his room, and could hear what sounded like Martine and Steve at it. I smiled at him, then decided I had to walk in on her. Mike shook his head and went to his room as I opened Martine's door and walked in. Steve was laying back on the bed, and sat up straight away, but Martine, bless her, carried on suck his cock. I sat next to him on the bed, and lifted her hair out the way so I could see. She came up for air and said Hi.

"Can I borrow a skirt and top for today?" I asked her. "Sure." She said and went back to sucking. "Thanks, back in a minute." And went back to Mikes room, took my spare thong from my handbag, put it on then went back wearing just that. She was still sucking away as I went in her wardrobe, but I felt a little naughty, so I closed her door, and knelt down next to her. "Can I try?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled with her eyes. "Sure." She said, and still holding his cock, held it out to me. I am such a slut I thought as I started sucking on it, as Martine said to him, "Ever had a threesome before?" to Steve.

I walked back into Mikes room, with a short black skirt and a Black sleeveless top over my arm to see him wearing just boxers. I gave him a kiss, pushed him back onto his bed, and reached for my handbag and lube. As I was outing some on him I said, "Would you like to fuck me?" As I lowered myself onto him.

I think I like being a girl.

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