Amy and Martine

By amy dancer

Published on Mar 15, 2008


It was a nice day and I didn't want to go to work, so I took a sickie. I sent a Text message to one of friends at work to let her know I wouldn't be in, and she replied to say she was off to and to go round, so I pulled my jeans on and a baggy tee shirt and was on my way. Martine buzzed me in and up the stairs to her flat on the third floor. As I walked into her flat, she called out, "I'd thought we'd go down the beach so I hope you have some trunks with you."

I hate the beach, as despite being 25, I'm just too slim, among other problems. You see I have Gynaecomastia, man boobs. I always strap them down to hide them and wear baggy tops. They started growing when I was about 14, and I was too embarrassed to go to the doctors until I was about 20, and they found out I had a hormone imbalance, hence I'm slim, and to be honest, look a bit feminine. It was my first real girlfriend who made me see the doctor. I had a choice, go on testosterone and maybe they would go, maybe not, and then I would need surgery, and to be honest, I'd got used to strapping them down, and just not going swimming.

Martine didn't know any of this, so I tried to talk her out of going, but she really wanted to. When I lied and said I nearly drowned as a kid, she just said we'll only sunbathe.

I looked her in the eye and said, "Can you keep a secret?"

"Oh course I can, you know it!" She replied.

So I lifted my tee shirt off over my head, and showed her my bandages. "What did you do?" She asked me, so I took started to undo the bandage and she saw my boobs. The first time I've ever showed anyone other than my ex, and doctors.

Her eyes went wide. "My god, are you a girl?" So I told her all of the above as I reached out for my tee shirt. "Can I keep looking at them?" And I nodded as I told my story. I felt embarrassed and told her so, so she took her bikini top off. I told her hers were bigger and she said she was a C cup, and I was about an A maybe a B cup. When I told her I had no idea, she took me into her bedroom and opened up her lingerie draw and hand me a bra, "Try this." I just looked at her blankly. "Go on, it's only us here." I was still unsure and then she clinched it. "If you try it on, I won't as you to go to the beach again." I put my arms through the straps but couldn't reach the back, so showed me how to put a bra on, back to front, pull it round put the straps on. Simple.

It fit, but was still a bit loose so she adjusted the straps. Well too things I noticed as I looked down, first I had a cleavage, and secondly, I felt comfortable. I cupped my breasts, surprised at how much nicer it felt to have them supported rather than squashed.

"My sister left that here when she last stayed, so you can have it if you want." She smiled at me. I walked over to the mirror to look and knew I was going to keep it, just to wear at home.

"So what about that cup of tea you never offered me then?" I said and went to walk into the living room, but she took hold of my arm and asked if I shaved my armpits.

"It's never grown." I told her, knowing the next question.

"And elsewhere?" she asked. I just looked at her. "Come on then, strip, lets have a look. Well, she was wearing a bra and bikini bottoms, and she dropped them.

I sat on here bed taking of my trainers, then my jeans, then my boxers. Well, I know I'm a healthy average 5 inches, but without hair it looks more.

"You've got great legs and a nice figure." I knew this was how she talks to other girls, and I was hoping that she wasn't thinking of me as one. Although I used to fancy her, she's a girl friend, not a potential girlfriend, I'd rather she thought of me as a guy. I've had men hit on me in the past thinking I'm a girl, and it's just embarrassing as I'm always afraid they'd try and beat me up thinking I'm the one trying it on. "Come on, lets have some tea, and she put her bikini bottoms on, and handed me a pair of her panties. "You're not wearing a bra and boxers, you'd just look stupid." And I could see her point.

As I pulled them up, I realised that even though I'm slim, I'm a bit bigger than her as they were quite tight. I pulled everything back and they felt snug, men's pants never feel this way. So I followed her into the kitchen and we just chatted. All the usual stuff, bitching about work and so on. Then she surprised me. "You know we need to get you some proper fitting bras."

I told her there's no way I'm going into marks and sparks and ask to be sized up. "No, there's that lingerie shop just up the road, they'll do it." Again I told her no way, but she said I should go as a girl!

"Come on, you're slim, you'll fit in my clothes." And she was up and back to the bedroom. I followed her to say no, but she threw a pair of her jeans to me saying they'll be tight, but I should be able to get them on. Martine is a size 8 (these are UK sizes) and I'm just a little bit bigger than her so I guess that makes me a 10. I had to lay on the bed to do the zip up but they did fit, just. Then handed me a pair of her ballet pumps, and I slipped them on, surprised that they fit. She told me she was a size 5 shoe, so I guess my man's size 7 is a woman's five.

"Now make up." And she had me sit at her make up table in front of the mirror. And she showed me how to put make up on, doing most of mine as I really wasn't very good with the eyeliner. Then some mascara and I could do that, finally a bit of lip gloss. 20 minutes later I was looking more like a girl than ever. There was no doubt there was a girl looking back at me. It was still me, but less so. A more feminine me I suppose.

She played with my hair, which isn't long, but not short either and gave me a sort of posh spice look when she had short hair, except I was blonde.

We went back to the kitchen and I was still unsure about it all. Then the bell went. Not the intercom but the door. I panicked. "Don't worry, it's probably just the post man, been buzzed in", and she went to the door. Seconds later she was back, still in her bikini, but with a man in toe. "It's the gasman to read the meter." She told me.

He looked me up and down in my jeans and bra and said hello. I said hi back, biting my lip, and he bent down to read the meter under the sink, said thanks and Martine showed him out. When she came back she was smiling, "See, he thought you were a girl, even when you spoke you sounded like a girl. And you looked so cute biting your lip like that, it was perfect!"

"Ok, so I can pass as girl." She took my hand and we went back to her room, and she pulled a short skirt on, and handed me a V neck tee shirt, as she put one on herself. Garbing her bag, she looked at me, then picked up a handbag and put the eyeliner and mascara I was wearing with the lip gloss in it.

"Where's your wallet?" She asked and I pointed to my jeans as she emptied it into a purse and put it in the bag. "Here's your handbag, no girl leaves home without one."

Then she took my hand and led me to the door. I took a deep breath and walked out with her. She took my hand and looked at, "It'll be ok, trust me."

We walked up the road about half a mile to the local high road, and she kept chatting to me to try and keep my nerves down, not help by walking past some builders who looked us up and down. "Just ignore them. Oh, and get used to it." She smiled at me, and I had to laugh.

Crossing the road to the shop, she told me to just think like a girl. There's lots of pretty stuff in there and I should look at lots of it, hold it up to me in the mirror and so on. I was ready. If nothing else at least I would feel more comfortable with a proper fitting bra. I'd already decided in my head to buy at least 3.

I'd never been in a place like it before, Martine went straight to the woman in there and said I needed a bra fitting, and the woman asked me name, "Amy." It was the first name that came to me, plus it was the similar to my real name, Andy. It made life simple.

She led me into the fitting room and asked me to take my bra off. This time it didn't feel as embarrassing as before with Martine. Maybe because she thought I was a girl. Anyway, she measured me and asked what size I thought I was. I knew the bra was a B cup, but I had to guess on the rest. "34B." I told her.

"Well, that's almost right, you're half way between an A and B cup. You'd find it more comfortable to wear a padded 34B." So that was it, I knew how big my boobs were after all these years.

She went to the shop and came back with a bra, black, lacy and a little see through, but not padded and she handed it to me. This time I knew what to do, but still felt a little nervous. I have never, and I mean never worn something that fitted me so well, was so comfortable and sexy as it before. I kept cupping myself and looking at myself in the mirror. I have to say I fell in love with that bra.

"I guess you like it then?" She asked me, and I went out to the shop to show Martine. Her eyes almost popped out of her head, I had a real cleavage, and she could see I was excited about it.

"I have to buy this!" I told her.

"Then you'll need matching pants as well." And she handed me the thong that went with it. Well, to cut a long story short, I brought 5 sets of matching lingerie. Just as I about to pay, Martine slipped some packets of stockings on the counter as well. "You can't buy lingerie like that and not get stockings!" I had to laugh, if nothing else she could have them.

We walked back to hers, and this time as I went past the builders, well, I felt more confident, I'd been half naked with a woman who thought I was one as well. Back at Martine's, she made me model the lingerie for her, and I loved everything. I knew she was a bit bored, and didn't want to stay in all day, so I suggested we go out for some food.

"Food, how about we go shopping!"

I wasn't really up for the idea, I'd been shopping with her before in our lunch break and knew she could be a nightmare. Well, it wasn't it was fun. We went into loads of shops, trying on clothes, I wore I don't know how many skirts and dresses, and when Martine brought a skirt, I brought one to. I was so please my debit card only had my initial on it and not my first name. The skirt was a simple short-ish denim one. And as we left the shop, she asked me when I will wear it. I knew it was a challenge, so I said, "Well, I don't know about you, but I need the toilet." Which was true,

Well, the ladies was a whole new experience for me, cleaner, smelt nicer, more chatty, and a much nicer place. I went into a stall, and thought I'd better sit down to go. Wiped myself and pulled my thong back up. Then I had a real surprise, the woman in the next stall spoke to me. "Don't suppose you have a tampon I can borrow?" She asked.

I was so surprised, this would never happen in the gents, not the tampon bit, but the talking bit. "No sorry." I replied.

"Damn." And I heard her pulling lots of tissues out.

I kicked my shoes off, pulled my jeans off, and put the skirt on. Remember' I told myself, legs together', and walked out. Martine was at the mirror, touching up her make up, so I thought I should do the same. The woman in the next stall came out, went to the tampon machine, smiled at me, brought one and went back to her stall. "I hate it when that happens." She called out as we left.

"You need to get some to carry just in case." Martine said to me, and we both laughed. We went into a shoe shop next and I tried on my first pair of heels, not so hard to walk in as I expected, it's just like walking on tip toe. Martine brought a pair, and I tried on a pair of boots, knee high, pointy toe and 3 inch heels. I brought them, mainly as Martine loved them, so I really got them for her.

As we walked past a shop, I stopped to look at a dress in the window, "I've got to try that on." And we went in. The dress was a sort of rusty brown, with a couple of swirly stripes in orange, red and blue running up it with an uneven hem. A very light material it almost felt like I wasn't wearing it. It would look better without a bra, as it only had spaghetti straps. I brought it.

When we got back to hers, her flat mate was home, Mike. I'd met him before, but he didn't recognise me, not surprising really, so we both decided to carry on with me being Amy. We went to her room, and I tried on the boots, wore them about for a bit, she tried them, and I put the dress on, but without the bra, and with the boots. "You should show Mike, it'll be funny." So I walked out to him as he was watching TV.

"What do you think?" I asked him. He looked me up and down and I spun around.

"It suits you." And I could see what he was thinking.

Martine came out then in her new outfit to show him, and we were just two giggling girls, messing about. "We're going out for a drink tonight, wanna come?" She asked him.

"Yeah, alright." He said.

Back in her room, I told her I wasn't happy about a night out, but she said it'll be fun, a nice way to round of the day, then when we get back, we'll tell him it's me.

Now that sounded fun! He'd always looked down on me I thought, as I wasn't a big fan of football, and probably thought I was gay!

We changed into shorts and vest tops and just chilled out, talking loads, and Martine played around teaching me how to do make up as she said I would really need to know how to tonight. I have to say when my eyes had the smoky look I thought it looked great. She spent time telling me how to act as a girl, how to sit, stand, even getting in and out of cars, how to eat, while we had a take away, and before long it felt as easy and natural for me as anything. We both took turns having a shower and I walked past mike with a towel wrapped around me and nothing on under it. I was really scared he would see my dick, but the towel covered everything. Then it was time to have fun at Mike's expense. On with the sexy lingerie, stockings and boots. Then carrying the three outfits that I said I couldn't decide on, I stood in front of him trying them on. Well, I knew the effect it was having on him, and Martine was trying really hard not to laugh. It was so much fun! In the end, I settled on a simple black mini skirt which when I sat down showed my stocking tops if I wasn't careful, with a red low cut sleeveless top. Some jewellery borrowed from Martine. Some fake nails stuck on and I was ready. Martine had on the sixties version on the little black dress, but it had two white stripes down the side. And boots as well.

We went to call a cab as we knew Mike was ready, we could hear him playing computer games. He looked us both up and down, "I'm going to make so many guys jealous tonight with you two!" I knew what he meant.

I looked at Martine and smiled, "Hang on I need to change." She looked at me wondering what I was on about and mike looked at me thinking, `Here we go again!' I walked to him and asked, "Can you undo my bra?" and I turned my back to him. Without lifting my top, he undid the clasp, and I slipped a strap out of my top and over my arm, then pulled the other strap out the other side and handed him my still warm bra.

"Thanks." And walked to the door with Martine.

It has to go down as one of the best nights out of my life. For a change when guys chatted me up, it didn't bother me. I really did look like a girl. I even had a tampon in my handbag just in case. I had loads of drink brought for me, danced with both guys and girls, hand my bum felt a couple of times (which was nice), and one guy even copped a feel on the dance floor (which was sort of nice).

And after we got back and told Mike, well, he was okay about it, asked questions, I told him I wasn't gay, this was my first time, but admitted that it was the first time my boobs had felt normal. I slept in the same bed as Martine, but nothing happened, it would have been weird it have to be honest.

The next day when we woke up, Mike had already gone to work, and I had to get back to my flat to go as well. Martine called me Amy once at work, but no one was around to hear it, so no problems, but we did agree to go out that night as well, after all it was a Friday, but this time it would just be a girls night out.

This time I wore the rusty brown dress, still with the boots, one of my thongs and of course, no bra. Martine wore a white mini skirt and a black top, and she went braless as well.

"I'm so jealous of your boobs!" I told her. "I can't believe I said that!"

"I know, I was thinking that too." She said.

"Yours are so much nicer." And I touched them, not in a feeling her up way, but in a I like them way, "So much bigger than mine." And I put my other hand on one of mine. She reached out and felt mine.

"Well I think yours' are cute, and at least they won't be around your knees when you're fifty." And we giggled.

In the first bar we were in, well, we had a couple of guys hit on us, they were friendly, good looking, quite funny, and Martine was flirting with one. Big time. I knew I could either just be friendly with him, or flirt as well. Not really knowing how to handle the situation of a guy coming on to, I thought I would just be friendly. Laughing at his jokes, not moving away when he put his arm around me, or even when he hugged me. In the ladies, Martine told me he fancied me, and that she was going to get of with hers. She pointed out I was flirting with him and that I should be careful. I promised I would be.

Well, we decided to go to a club, and as it was only about a mile away we would walk. Martine had already told me she was going to make out with hers when we got to a small park on the way, and I had to be careful. Well...

As we were walking, he held my hand, then put his arm around me. Martine and her guy were already kissing a bit, he had his hand on her bum every now and then, and they stopped and sat on a bench, and really started making out. Me and my guy walked on a bit and sat on the next bench to wait for them, but he turned to me and kissed me. I was so surprised my mouth opened and he put his tongue in my mouth. Before I knew I was kissing him back, and his hands were on my legs, stroking them.

I have to say I was enjoying it a lot. I hooked a leg over his and his hand went right up my dress to my bum, stroking it. I was stroking his chest with my hand and other arm around his back, pulling me closer to him. His hand went up to my boobs, and he squeezed the right one, then back down to my bum, and he tried to have a feel of what's not there. I pulled away for a second. "It's my period." And he kept his hands away from then on. Although he did have a bit of a feel along the front at one point, but never realised.

We heard some murmers from the others and looked over. Martine was on her knees, giving him a blow job, and my guy took my hand and put it on his very hard cock. I'd never felt one before, other than mine, and he was much bigger then me. I stroked it through his trousers while kissing him, then he took his hands of my boob and undid his zip.

It was now or never. This was the point to stop, but I didn't. I knew I wouldn't go down on him, but I had a hand I could use. So I took his cock out, and started to wank him off while kissing him. It wasn't too bad, in fact I quite liked it. It was very different from making out with a girl although my experience is of only 2 girls, it was like I was submissive to his will, he wanted to cum, and he wanted me to do it for him. His body was hard like, well, like a man. I knew he was liking it as his hands weren't doing so much on me anymore as he got closer and closer. I was rubbing my leg on his as my hand started to get faster. He had almost stopped kissing me as he got closer. I looked over to Martine, still on her knees, and she was looking at me. She gave me a wink and we both got back to business.

Hs breathing started to get quicker and so did my hand then he came, all over my leg, he spurted 3 or four big spurts, then slowed down, still cumming, but not as hard. I wiped the cum from his cock onto my leg.

"That was great." He said, and kissed me as his friend came in Martine's mouth. I already knew she liked to swallow as she'd told me that in the past, she liked she taste she'd said. Ok, I had cum on my hand as well. Let's try it.

Not bad.

I put his cock away for him as Martine and her guy came over. I gave mine a kiss, then stood up.

"Come on, lets go to the club." She said and I took her arm and we walked along and in front of them.

"Did you like it? The taste?" She asked me quietly.

I smiled at her, "Yes, and I liked the feel as well."

"Now you know why I like cock so much." And we both giggled. There was a queue for the club, but our guys knew the bouncers so we got straight in. When we got in the club, they had some backlight's on, the UV ones, and all the cum on leg and the bit on hand showed up really bright! I should have been embarrassed but to be honest, I wasn't.

I was really happy.

That night I slept in Martine's bed again, but still nothing happened, she just told me all I needed to know about cock. How to tease a guy and what they like. There were things I hadn't even thought about for me, let alone to another guy.

The next day neither of us needed to work, so we just had a simple girly day, painting our nails and so on. Mike was about for some of it, and he was really cool, it seemed that he preferred me being a girl, he could accept that. We told him about our night out, and Martine blabbed about me giving a hand job. "I would have been happy to get one from you as well!" He said, which surprised us all.

Martine was making eyes at me after he said it. Did it mean he fancied me or just the thought of me as a girl? I wanted to ask her, but her phone went and she told me it was her guy from last night, Steve. Him and my guy wanted to take us both out that night, but she walked away to talk to him in her room. Phone sex I guess. Mike looked at me, "You do look really good, you know. You make a much better girl."

"Thanks." I said. I meant it. I wasn't sure what I should do next, so I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. It seemed the right thing to do. He blushed and it made me blush as well.

"Sorry, I just wanted to thank you, that's all." I said.

Martine came back in, looked as us both and said, "Right, tonight. They want to take us both out, which for you would mean sex, so that's a no really isn't it. So I told him you had a boyfriend, and we'd double date, so.." And she looked at Mike, then sat down next to him, "Miiikkkeeee, would you be her date for tonight?"

Mike wasn't really sure, I could see that, but Martine has this way of getting what she wants from men.

So three hours later, there we were all dressed up, waiting for Steve to arrive. At Martine's suggestion, me and mike had been practising being a couple, holding hands, arms round each other. She made him hug me and put his hands on my bum and pull me close to him with my arms round his neck. "Ok, now kiss, no tongues, just a lips."

I'm not sure who was the most embarrassed, me or him. We did it though. And yes, we did use a bit of tongue. Not much just a little. If you've seen Cruel Intentions where the two girls kiss, well it was like that. She told us we'd easily pass as a couple. Mike was concerned if his mates saw us, as he would have to explain me as his girlfriend and just say it a new thing.

When Steve arrived, I was nervous all over again, but Mike whispered in my ear not to be, I looked good. He was dressed casual, just jeans and a shirt, me, I was done to the nines, a white denim mini, my boots of course (I really do love them), and a black corset top which pushes up my boobs nicely. Martine was wearing Jeans and Pink corset top, and pink high heels.

Steve drove and we went to a marina complex for drinks. The night passed normally just a simple date really. Mike was really good, holding my hand, or having his arm around me holding me close. In the bar, when we were sitting next to each other, he placed a hand on my leg, really naturally, and I didn't even notice it was there until he started to stroke my leg with his thumb. I don't think he knew he was doing it, but Martine saw it and smiled at me. We had the usual girlie chats in the toilets, Martine really liked Steve and I admitted Mike was being really good to me. I could almost fancy him I said.

Anyway, Steve drove us home, and Martine invited him in. I realised I may have a problem, either go home as a girl, or sleep on the sofa, but that was taken away from me when Martine and Steve started making out on it. Mike was the perfect gentleman. He took my hand and said to the other two, "We're going to bed, see you in the morning." And he led me to his room. I was scared, not about being with him, but about the state of his room! I'd seen it in the past and it was a mess, so you can imagine my surprise when he led me in and it was clean! Even clean sheets and no porn in site! He closed the door behind him and said to me, "Don't worry, I'll sleep on the floor."

"Don't be silly, it's your bed, I'll sleep on the floor." I told him.

He held both my hands and replied, "No girl is sleeping on the floor in my room." I hugged him to say thanks,

"We can both sleep in the bed." And with that I started to undo the hooks on the corset. Mike turned his back, but I turned him back round, telling him he's seen them before as I dropped it on the floor. Then I undid the skirt and let it drop, all the time looking him in the eye. I walked backwards to the bed and sat down, slowly unzipping the boots and kicking them away. I stood up again and walked round the bed, moved back the quilt, and slid both legs under the covers. I was in his bed, wearing nothing more than a thong. I looked up at him, aware I'd given him a bit of a show.

"I always wear a thong in bed. Your turn." And I smiled at him.

"Bitch!" He said, smiling.

And with that he started to unbutton his shirt. I was surprised that I admired his chest, it was very shapely and had just a little chest hair on it, with the hair leading up from his groin to his belly button. He kicked of his shoes and pulled his trousers off, taking his socks with them and walked round to the other side of the bed and got in. I turned to face him, laying on my side.

"I'm normally naked in bed." He said.

"So get them off then." And to my surprise he did. He dropped them out the side of the bed and we laid side by side, looking at each other, just looking at each other. I leaned closer to him, and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Good night." And I turned over to go to sleep, a big smile on my face. I knew he had a semi on when he walked to the bed, and I knew I had caused it.

I woke up during the night, and Mike was spooning me. The flat was quiet, and I couldn't work out what had woken me. Mike's arm was draped over me, pulling me close to him, and I realised what had woken me. It was his erection pressing against my bum. I wanted to know if he was awake or not, so I pushed back against him. He didn't pull away or push back, so I figured he was asleep. I could either move away, or stay where I was and go back to sleep.

Well, I didn't choose either. I lifted up my leg to open them, and reached between them to feel him. I wasn't easy as I didn't want to wake him, but by moving slowly, I managed to get his cock between my legs, pushing up against me. I lowered my leg and trapped his dick there. I reached down and felt the tip of his cock, sticking out in front of me, then took his hand and put it on my boob, ready to settle down back to sleep. This will give a shock when he wakes up I thought.

"That feels nice." He said. I jumped upright, sitting up in bed.

"You're awake." I said, a little unnecessarily I thought, pulling the covers up to cover my boobs.

He put a hand on my leg and stroked it. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I woke up just now spooning you with a hard on and was afraid to move in case I woke you."

I was still a little shocked at being caught feeling him up and making him feel me up. He sat up and pulled me close to him. "Don't worry." And he kissed me on my cheek, then closer to my lips, then my lips, then I kissed him back. Hard.

He started to kiss my neck and down to my boobs, and god it felt good. I was so turned on, I thought I would cum just from him kissing my nipples, licking them and sucking them. But I wasn't hard, and I couldn't understand that. He was though, and I moved my hand along his leg and held him, knowing this time that he knew I was holding his cock, and this time I got to feel its full length. I was starting to understand why Martine said she loves cock, it just feels so good in the hand. His hand ran up my leg and I laid back on the bad, as it went to where my pussy should have been. His hand cupped me as he tongue probed my mouth and I sucked on it.

I thought I was in heaven. His hand went up to my boobs, and started to stroke them.

"I love these boobs." He told me.

"I wish they were bigger."

He took my face in his hands and looked me in the eye. "I think they're wonderful." And he kissed me. I rolled him onto his back as my lust for him seemed to get the better of me, and started to kiss my way down his chest. I knew where I was going, I was going to do what Martine did last night, and probably just now. It looked so big, just there in my hand. I looked up at Mike and could see how much he wanted it. The pre cum was already leaking as I kissed the tip. My first cock. I licked the tip, then down the whole length, getting the taste and feel of it, so hard and yet so soft at the same time I thought as I opened my mouth and took him in.

I knew he wanted it, but so did I. I think I wanted it more than him, I hadn't had sex for months, and this wasn't what I thought I wanted before, but now, I knew nothing would do, other than him cumming in my mouth. I wanted to do it to thank him for being so nice to me, for letting me sleep in his bed, for making me feel this good about how I looked for the first time. But more than anything, I wanted to do it for me.

And I hoped he would let me do it again. He started to breath deeper and I knew he was getting close, so I used my hand as well as my mouth. He cock seemed to get bigger in my mouth, it was swelling before he cums. The first spurt hit the back of my throat and I was surprised it was hot, but I loved it, the taste and feel as I swallowed it, then the next spurt, and the next, and the next. I looked up at him, and he was smiling at me, with his cock in my mouth still, starting to get soft. I laid my head on his lap as he got softer in my mouth.

"That was great." He said.

I smiled at him, and keeping his cock in my mouth said, "I like it too." I took him out my mouth and moved up him, keeping a hand on his cock, as he closed his eyes, content. I saw he was going to go to sleep, as he put his arm around me, as he dozed off. I needed the toilet so I got out of bed, smiling at him, and opened the door. Martine was outside with her ear to the door, totally naked.

I shushed her and we went to the bathroom. "Did I just hear what I thought I heard?" She asked me, and I told her. She sat on the loo and had a pee, explaining that she got up to go, and heard us. I was so excited, she had to tell me to keep the noise down. We chatted about me giving head and what she'd been up to, even having anal, telling me, "You should try it", Explaining how to make yourself clean to get fucked. Well, I was thinking about it while giving head I told her, but I wasn't quite ready for it yet I told her while having a pee and wiping myself.

We both went back to, well, our partners and to sleep.

In the morning I woke up to find Mike looking at me. I was worried he would freak out at what we had done, but needn't have been, as he kissed me, and one thing led to another and I was sucking his cock again under the duvet. I think Martine had been listening at the door again, as just as Mike started to cum in my mouth, she walked in. I wasn't going to move, I was loving the cock and cum breakfast, and Mike couldn't have moved if he wanted to. Martine sat on the bed and told us that Steve had already left, and all the while Mike was cumming in my mouth.

I came up from under the covers, looked at them both, and swallowed his cum.

"Hiya." I said.

Mike had to go to work on Saturday, and Martine was going to visit her parents later that day so I went home, and for the rest of the weekend, spent it half as a girl, and half as a man, and sometimes somewhere in between, so never caught up with Martine until Monday at work. She was chatting to a couple of other girls in the kitchen, and turned and looked at me, then back to Claire and said, "So you're sure it's ok to bring my friend Amy tonight?"

When I got back to my desk, she sent me an email saying I was going to an Ann Summers party that night at Claire's.

Which is why at seven that evening I got out a taxi with Martine at Claire's house, knowing it would be all girls from work. I was wearing clothes that Martine had selected for me as they had to see girl from the moment I walked in, and not Andy from work in drag. I had jeans on, very tight and a low cut crop top with a push up bra to show my boobs, and a pair of fuck me heels on. For all I knew I could be the first guy to go to one of these, and I'd always wondered what they got up to.

Well, Claire opened the door, kissed me hello and in we went, I was given a glass of wine and we just chatted like girls do. We'd come up with a back story for Amy and I was accepted as a girl. I was worried about later on, as once the Ann Summers woman had left, we were going to tell the others. Claire led us to the living room and Vicky, Sue, Judy and Helen were already here. I spent half an hour `getting to know them' and they told me stuff about their life's they would never dream of telling me normally, until the party started. Well, not to let any guys into any of the secrets from these parties, vibrators and dildos were talked about and handed round (you test them by putting it on the tip of your nose) and sexy underwear was tried on by all, even me. Thankfully, you had to keep your own knickers on under them, but I loved the sexy air stewardess outfit, and bought one.

By nine the woman had left and we were sitting around chatting, when Martine bought up the subject of me, that is Andy.

"What do you think of him then?" she asked them. It turns out they think I'm nice, not like the other blokes in the office, but not boyfriend material as I look to much like a girl.

"So you think he looks like a girl then?" I asked, and they all said yes.

"Good," Martine said, "As he's here." And she looked at me. Jaws hit the floor, and I was really embarrassed, but Martine explained everything, I had my boobs felt by all, told them about my night in the park giving a hand job while she gave a blow job, but I didn't want them to know about me and Mike. I didn't know where I stood on that yet.

"So do you like men then?" Claire asked.

"Not really, it was just a way to stop him from finding out and beating me up." I replied.

"What did you do with his cum?"

"It was on my leg when we got to the club."

"Did you like it?" Vicky asked.

"It was fun. And it didn't feel too bad in my hand, and I supposed I should say I was pleased to make him so turned on that he came."

I had more questions like this, but I realised they were thinking of me as a girl. I had a great night.

The next day at work, I was asked as soon as I got in if I really went to the party as girl. Well you know what they say about us girls, we can't keep a secret. So I told people about it, was honest about having boobs and felt relaxed about having them. I wasn't worried about people touching my back and feeling the strapping anymore. Sue came up to me and said that they thought I should have a real girls night out, and they were having one on Wednesday and did I want to go. There were a couple of blokes about when I was asked, and they'd been a bit weird to me since everyone found out, so I didn't even need to think about it.


So that's how I found myself on Wednesday at six round Claire's trying on outfits with Martine, Vicky and Sue. At 7.30 we got a cab to the night out, and that's when they told me where we're going. "We're taking to see some strippers!" And told the cab driver to turn up the music, well six girls singing in a cab, nothing new there, but it was so much fun, me in a little black strapless dress, having to keep pulling it up to stop my boobs coming out. When we got to the social club, there were some girls queuing outside and we joined in.

I learnt more about the night, the strippers went all the way, and walked about with hard on's. So inside, we got a drink and a table. The show started at eight and I was really nervous. The atmosphere was really intense, loads of girls, loud music and it was great, so much better than a boys night out.

The music changed and the first guy come out, did his routine and we were all chanting, "off, off, off." Our table was near the front and the guy sat on Martine's lap, grinding his groin at her, then he was away, and the trousers came off to cheers. He danced about in his thong, then wiped it off and he was massive! Hanging there swinging about, then he walked to a girl at the next table, took her hand and put it on his cock, and got her to stroke it as he got hard. She was stroking his cock, and I looked at the other girls with me, all screaming with laughter and shock. They weren't expecting it either, then the stripper walked to out table, took Claire's hand and she was wanking him. He walked over to a table and came back with a can of cream, squirted it on the end of his cock and offered it to Sue, but she shocked her head and he offered it to me. "suck it, suck it." Was being chanted, and I did. I took him in my mouth and sucked him.

I looked out the corner of my eye and the girls jaws were on the floor again, but he walked away and his cock left my mouth. I wiped the cream away and looked at them laughing.

"I can't believe I did that!"

Claire put her arm round me and said, "you're one of the girls now!" and so the evening continued. Sometimes the strippers were with us, sometimes we just watched, but always we cheered and jeered, I got to suck 3 cocks, but only for a little bit.

At about half nine, some girls got pulled up to the stage and one of the strippers took my hand and led me up as well. He lined the four of us up on our knees facing the audience and stuck his cock in out mouth in turn. Another stripper took me and laid me on my back and did press up over me, dipping his cock in my mouth, and sticking his head between my legs. He even kissed me while down there, but I told him it my period. He told me not to worry, but every time he went down after that, he kissed me.

I looked over to another girl and the stripper had taken her knickers off and was licking her out. My stripper then stood up, took my over to a chair and sat down, got me to kneel in front of him and I gave him a blow job, while the other strippers got other girls up and continued with the show. I stopped paying attention as my stripper was telling me if I wanted to just blow him to do it. So I did.

He had a microphone and was telling everyone how good I was, that my mouth was really hot when I realised he was going to cum in my mouth, in front of everyone. Now that was hot. I was played with his balls, used my hand on his shaft, licking his cock and sucking. He asked me if I was enjoying myself, and put the microphone to my face. I heard the sound of me sucking fill the room as I "mmmm" to him and the room burst out laughing. It wasn't long after that he filled my mouth with his come, and asked if I was going to swallow.

I stood up, looked out, put the mic to my mouth, swallowed and said, "Always." And got a round of applause.

Back at the table the girls asked if I really did suck him off and I just smiled and nodded. Martine, Claire and Sue went to get some more drinks, and I wanted to be alone for a minute. I'd just sucked a guy off in front of a room full of girls, and I was worried about how the girls would feel about it, so I went to the ladies. Well there was a queue as always, so I snuck into the gents and went into a cubicle. As I was about to shut the door, I saw one of the strippers in the mirror come out another cubicle and walk to the sinks. I shut the door and looked at the toilet. It had a bag of clothes on it, and I realised it was their changing room. Well, I needed to go so I did. I walked out to wash my hands and smiled at the stripper. "Hi." I said.


He was putting baby oil on his chest. I was a bit embarrassed as I couldn't remember if I'd had him in my mouth or not, and I smiled to myself thinking how could I not remember if I'd sucked his cock!

"John was lucky, I'd wish it had been me you'd suck off on the stage." He said. I looked at him and he was stroking his cock, his very hard cock.

"Thanks, you never know, I might go back on the stage." And I took hold of his cock. I knew I was on very dodgy ground, just the two of us in here, but I was enjoying myself to much. I moved closer to him, I really wanted to kiss him. I knew he was so hot! It wasn't just that the other girls had said he was the best looking stripper, I knew he was, and here we were alone, with his cock in my hand. He leant down and kissed me.

"Am I going to spoil you for going out there?" I asked.

"No, I've had a Viagra." And he kissed me and picked me up and put me on the table top between the sinks. He opened my legs and kept kissing me as he pulled my dress down. My hand had never left his cock, stroking it softly as he kissed my boobs.

"I'd love to fuck you." He said as he kissed my neck. My head was back and I knew I was close to letting him. I pulled his face to me and I kissed him as his hands worked there way along my legs, stroking the inside of my thighs. My nipples were on fire, sticking out erect, but not my own dick. I was so turned on.

"No you wouldn't." I told him. I knew it couldn't last with him, but I didn't want to spoil it.

"Why?" He said and his hand was now stroking the front of my thong, little circle just above where my cock was tucked, on my mons. He thought he was just above my pussy, but I didn't have one to give him. I was going to tell him it was my period, but I never got that far, as his hand went lower and cupped me. I didn't know he knew or not, but he was still kissing my neck.

"I want you to fuck me, but I know you won't." And I kissed him again. "I'm really a guy." And kissed him again.

"Really?" He asked kissing my neck.

"God your cock is so nice." And I kissed him while he was having a closer feel of me.

"You are, aren't you." He said and kissed me. OK, so he's not running away, not kicking the shit out of me. And now he's kissing my boobs. "I want to fuck you." He said again. I leant back and looked at him.

"You'll be my first." And kissed him. He picked me up and put me on the floor, rubbing my nipples, I was on fire, needing him. He lifted my dress around my waist and turned me round and I saw him in the mirror pick up the baby oil. He pulled my thong aside and dribbled it down the crack of my bum.

Martine must have known this was going to happen, but probably with Mike, not some nameless stripper as she shown me how to clean myself. I saw him put the baby oil on his cock, and I reached back for it, guiding it to my hole. He rubbed it up and down over it, then pushed slowly forward as I pushed back to him. I needed him in me.

He held my hips and pulled me back as he started to enter me. God he was big, yes I knew it was going to hurt, but I needed him in me. I wanted him to cum in me.

He entered me and it took my breath away. He held it in me as I got used to the size of him. It hurt, but it was a good hurt. I felt my self relax a little as he pushed in and I pushed back. I felt him pass the ring of muscle and he slid all the way into me. I reached between my legs and felt his balls, and to where he became me. It felt wonderful. He slowly started to stroke into me, just short strokes as I got used it. I turned my head and we kissed. I was kissing the man who had his cock in me, his hard cock stretching and filling me. He started to get faster and longer strokes and now there was no pain, just sheer pleasure as his cock stroked in and out of me.

I knew I wanted more of this, not just him, but any other man that wanted to be in me, so long as he was hot and had a gorgeous cock to put in me. My heels were clicking on the floor as he thrust into me.

"You feel so good in me." I told him and kissed him.

"And you said I didn't want to fuck you." He said as he thrust as deep into me as he could get. I rolled my hips around on his cock, loving the feel of him in me. He started to get faster and I pushed back harder on to him. I knew he was getting close and I wanted his cum in me.

The door opened and Martine, Vicky, Claire and Sue walked in to see me bent over the sinks with my dress round my waist and a naked stripper fucking me. I looked at them but didn't care as I was starting to cum. I'd never even got hard but was having the best orgasm of my life as he started to cum in me.

"Yes, oh god, your cock feels great in me, I'm cumming!" I said and kissed him. Jaws were on the floor for the third time in one night. We slowed down, coming down from out high. He was doing long slow strokes into me, and I've seen enough porn to know they could see his cock entering me. And he stopped all the way in me and we got our breath back.

"Hi, sorry, I got caught up in something." I said to them. "Oh yeah, these are my friends, Martine, Vicky, Sue and Claire." I told him. He picked me up and carried me over to them, my boobs bouncing as he walked, and his cock still Viagra hard in me.

"Hi, I'm Bill." He said. The girls said hi to him. I gave him another kiss.

"He's my first." I told them. I caught a look of myself in the mirror, and I had that just fucked look, my make up was a mess, and my boobs were sweaty. He looked in the mirror and said, "You look hot." And kissed me. "I need to get ready and cleaned up." And he lowered me to the floor, and pulled out of me, but I pushed back to keep him in. I didn't want him out of me. He laughed and kissed me again. "Later. I promise." And pulled out. I adjusted my thong, and felt some cum run out as I pulled my dress back up and smoothed it out.

Bill was wiping himself down, and cleaning his cock off as I opened my hand bag to repair my make up. The girls were looking at him and me. "He's got a lovely cock hasn't he?" I said. Martine and Claire went into a cubicle each and Sue and Vicky touched up their make up as well.

"Was that really your first time?" She asked me.

"Yeah, and I couldn't have asked for a better start tonight could I?" I told her. "Thanks for tonight, it's like Martine and now you girls have made me feel better for how I look."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "We're going back to the bar, I really need a drink." And the three of us went to the bar. My legs still felt a little shaky after my fuck. I told her I had never had such a strong orgasm before. It was so amazingly strong. Martine and Claire came back, both smiling.

"We've got news for you." Martine said.

"He wants to see you again, but he won't have time tonight when the shows over, so he's picking you up from work tomorrow." Claire told me.

"But what about work, I can't go as Amy!" I said. But Martine and Claire were both smiling and when I looked at the others.

"Why not? You said you like how you feel." Vicky said.

"But what about..." And I realised I didn't care one bit. Having a date after work would be fun.

"Yeah, why not. I'm a girl after all!" I said.

Next: Chapter 2

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