Amore on the Isle of Amphora by pufff TG/species

By ten.asu@zyxwv

Published on Oct 24, 2000



Amore on the Isle of Amphora

Pan played his pipe in a high rolling pitch that twittered through the forest on the edge of beach where Aegean waters bathed the shore. To some of the inhabitants of the area the sound was delightful and melodius and charming. A few others had secret knowledge of its true meaning and were anxious not to discuss it.

Most of those who lived here on the island of Amphora were humans recently arriving as survivors of a series of ship wrecks and new to this isle of many secrets. They were fortunate not only in surviving but in finding plentiful orchards and gardens already growing and magically tended by unknown creatures,or so the story goes. The humans totaled less than fifty of varying ages and they tended to live in some caves near the beach where pan now played.

The original inhabitants, the satyrs and the centaurs were wise and magical and lovers of life and pleasure. They new that humans fought wars and experienced diseases and could be generally unhappy so they devised a plan. They had enjoyed eons of the joys of the isle and each others company. They could be and often were intimate with each other passionate orgies with whom ever was in the mood, they cared not if their partner was centaur or satyr, female or male, relation or not. They only saw the beauty of the personality and felt the stirring of their blood.

Prong, a sinewously muscled young centaur, lurked in a darkend end of a path in the forest one morning. He spied a willowy satyr boy named Pum. Pum had caught Prong's eye several times lately. It seemed that even tho he was a boy, his movements, his voice and his bearing were becoming distinctly femmi. He'd even taken to wearing the sash made of grape vines that amorous centaur girls wear to allure their mates, but only when he thought no one was looking. Pum was an eyeful to Prong. His legs tho covered near the hoof with fur, turned smooth and well defined and were a delight to look upon as they ascended to the strong supple thighs and buns that were so sweet. Prong could feel his blood coursing into his phallus and swished his tail in a way that gave erotic feelings to his derierre. Prong was hearing the pipes of Pan and knew what to do.

Then he watched as Pum, still unaware of his being watched, drew his fingers lightly across his chest and caused his femmi little boy breasts to swell with each new breath to a size still smaller than the females hed seen but touchingly erotic none the less. Prong was shocked at what he witnessed next. From the angle that he viewed Pum, he hadn't seen his back. Satyrs of Pum's age have no tails and most don't even in adult hood. But the young vixen pulled on a tail that looked like a centaurs tail and pulled it out of his tight puckered hole and laid it down under a bush as if to hide it. Then he strode with a definate swish in his hips that made Prong sigh deeply. Prong new the feelings going on in Pum's mind for he had experienced them and new that Pum was arroused and wanted to play the loving game.

Prong laid in wait for a few more seconds and Pum sashayed closer. At the first scent of the lithe young mincing satyr, Prong nearly swooned. Then as the heat rose with in him he lept as a powerful deer mightand landed on the path next to Pum. Pum, so surprized was he by this stirring display, but still in his femmi persona, cried out in a sweet falsetto," How you shock me you virile animal, what deeds do you plan for poor me, a child and soft and unable to flee from such a fine speciman as you?"

Prong answered by grabbing his shoulder and drawing the sensuous boy toward his heated body, one hand just above his buns and one hand still on his shoulder and a second later a centaur's mouth tasting of a sweet satyrs lips and tongue. "Your pansy boy antics have attracted me and I find your appearence pleasing, your walk enticing and the aroma of your body intoxicating. See the effect you have on my phallus." Prong stated with more calm than he felt.

Pum was truly in shock now as the prehensile snake between centaur's four legs swung and throbbed and glistened. Prong stole another kiss. Meanwhile in Pums mind the attraction to this strong, lusty centaur was overcomming any ideas about resisting and he reached out to caress the well muscled flesh that capivated him.

"I know your secret about how you wear your false tail and lust for a lovers tenderloin in your bottom you naughty boy." Prong whispered in between kisses and intimate fondles.

"I am shocked at your knowledge of me and my desires and can only hope that you satisfy yourself with me and keep my secret."

With out committing to any thing Prong maneuvered Pum into a position that allowed him to penetrate the naughty boys bumhole and teach him a lesson. Prongs fore legs entwined the youths lower limbs enjoying the sensation of his naked flesh. Unknown to many is the abilities that centaurs have with their phallus'. They can, without loosing any passion, cause it to become thinner for accomidating penetration. It has prehesile abilities also much like ones tongue does, it can move about as a controlled muscule. This certainly had something too do with the peace that existed on the Ilse of Amphora at that time.

Prong reinflated his phallus slowly in Pum's posterior. So Picture this, a centaur tail erect, rear hips thrusting gently but firmly, front legs entwined around his willing victims legs, his throbbing pleasure shaft gliding in and out of the satyrs sweet ,moist, tightness, and prongs hands around the front of Pum's chest manipulating his nipples and breasts in a way that is only slightly less distracting than having his buns streched so profoundly. Pum is essentially suspended off the ground with the hot blooded Prong exploring his insides and kissing his nectared mouth.

Pum struggled, tho Prong couldn't tell if it was because he was scared or because his feet couldn't touch the ground. But the sensation on his male member in the boys moist bottom was having an effect and Prong's prong was dancing and writhing uncontrollably. For a second he was truly worried about the safety of his loverboy. Then Prong's left hand strayed downward toward the boyfriends exposed and pert love muscle. He reach back a little farther and gathered some of the precious bodily fluids being generated by their incredible friction and slathered Pum's prong with the moist glistening dew and manipulated the youth into spasms of ecstacy and that inturn arroused Prong beyond belief.

Prong was more aware for a time of trying to arrouse Pum to a state of climax and It was a surprise to him to learn oneof the anatomical secrets of the satyrs. When they begin to cum,their sphincter muscle, the very one now around Prongs engorged Throbbing phallus, constricts, almost violently somewould say. Pum's buns were now milking the nectar of the naked savage centaur's loins. He took in splash after oozing splash and held it there, and the centaur's ramrod, with a determination only matched by Prong's seduction of Pum in the first place.

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