Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Apr 30, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 9


Over the last 15 days it was nonstop concerts. Eleven to be exact. From Italy we went to do two concerts in Peking then one in Shanghai, China; then off to Tokyo for two more. From there we went to Sydney, Australia for two concerts then we went to Auckland, New Zealand for one no-special staged concert. After that we went up to Seoul, South Korea.

It was in Seoul during the last song of the second concert in the Olympic stadium where it went all bad crazy. Jason was singing Now and Forever to me on stage. The crowd was going crazy. It had been decided that Jason would end every concert since Italy's concert with him singing Now and Forever to me on stage.

Like I said the fans were over the top for a few seconds as I came out. They quieted down. When Jason started singing. That and a low hum coming from the audience was all that could be heard. The lighting had gone low in the stadium. It was mostly lit by pen flashlights or lighters. Looking out in the audience was still unnerving to me. I was not used to it yet. I loved the sight though it looked like stars moving back and forth.

Jason was standing beside me. His arm was around my waist and his head leaned against my shoulder. I heard fire crackers go off high up in the seats. I heard Jason's voice crack at the end of a note he was holding. I felt a sting in my side. I felt Jason laying me down on the stage. All I could think was, why was he laying me down here on the stage. I looked up at him and saw his arm was bleeding. I went to move my hand and that's when it all disappeared.

Washington DC.


"Mr. President, I am sorry to disturb your lunch but there is a call you should take from President Park. I t's urgent." Said Chief of Staff McDonough.

He got up from the table and went to the oval office. The president took a deep breath. Every time he got an urgent call especially from South Korea, he was worried that North Korea crossed the line. With a sigh he picked up the phone.

"President Obama. Hello president Park. How are things over there?" According to his estimate it's after one in the morning in Seoul.

"I am sure Mr. President that you realize this is not a social call."

"Considering it's after One in the morning there I am positive it's not. So what's going on?" Said President Obama.

"You'll be wanting to turn on the news in a few minutes. I wanted to give a warning call first. There was an assignation attempt here on Jason Chris at the end of his concert."

He sat back for a moment. He had met the young man several times. He was an impressive person. He had a keen mind and great amount of talent. He remembered calling him America's living national treasure. He pulled the phone back to his ear.

"I am sorry for the moment there. How is he?"

"He will be fine he took a hit in the shoulder. His friend on stage took two hits one in the side and the other a flesh wound in the thigh. It was a lone sniper. From what I understand the fans that were near the sniper attacked him before he could escape. He is custody. I am having Mr. Chris and Mr. Dawson transferred to Allgood Army Hospital at the U.S. army base as we speak."

"Thank you Madam President. I appreciate that."

"It was either that or have the fans tear apart the local hospital. He is very popular here. I also felt that military security might be needed to protect him from any other attempts."

"I agree. I think I better prepare for a statement from here madam president. Thank you for calling me. Hopefully someday soon we will actually talk about something that's not based in tragedy."

"Hopefully Mr. President. Good bye for now." Said President park before hanging up.

The President walked back to the presidential apartments and sat next to his wife. He turned on the TV. This action along with him sitting there after lunch was unusual. She turned to him to say something to that fact when the program on the television was interrupted.

"We interrupt this program with a special news bulletin. I am Chris Cuomo reporting. We have just learned of a possible assignation attempt against entertainer Jason Chris. Mark Kline in Seoul will bring us up to date shortly. This is what we have at this hour. Pop star Jason Chris while performing was shot along with another member of his group. The extent of their injuries are not know yet."

The reporter when on to talk more about Jason Chris and his troubled relationship and the gossip surrounding the poor kid. Apparently talking out of his ass. For all that he could tell the young man was clean cut and drug free. According to the secret service security the boy's clearance is better than my own. He thought to himself.

"Mr. President we just got word that the assignation attempt on Mr. Chris is being claimed by ISIL." Said Chief of Staff McDonough.

"Why attack a kid like him. He never did anything to warrant an attack other than to be popular."

"Their statement reads as follows. ISIL takes full credit for the attempt in destroying the National American Living Treasure. The next time we will destroy the living treasure and all American treasures."

"Well there's only one thing to do have all his future concert dates canceled."

"Mr. President, I don't think that's a good idea?" said McDonough.

"I agree Barak. He may not be a political figure but he is better known than most of politicians. If he gets angry and I am sure he will. He could easily speak out against your having canceled the concerts." Said the First Lady.

"Yes also canceling the concert tours is giving them what they want." Said McDonough before nodding towards the TV where the anchor was turning over his report to Seoul Korea.

That you Chris Cuomo, Mark Kline reporting from outside of Allgood Army Hospital. We have just learned that Jason Chris received a gunshot wound to the shoulder and his boyfriend Cody Dawson took a hit the leg and stomach. He was operated on immediately and is in recovery as we speak. We are waiting for the Doctor to come out and make a statement as we speak." The reporter continued to talk about the fans and well-wishers setting up visuals around the Olympic stadium.

"Mr. president since they consider him a national treasure. We are with rights to protect national interests, treasures by using secret service and military personnel." Said Chief of Staff.

"Do it."

The authorization was given for the medical officer to speak to the public. This particular time it came down from the Whitehouse itself. To give out all information other tan personal information regarding the care and recovery of Dawson and Chris.

"Mr. Jason Chris is resting after being shot in the left shoulder. The projectile went clean through hitting no vital organs or doing any long term damage. He is expected to make a full recovery. Mr. Dawson, after two hours in surgery with damage only to his spleen, which was removed and a minor flesh wound to his right thigh is expected also to make a full recovery." After answering a few questions the doctor left the podium.

An hour later the president told the world that ISIL had made claim to the malicious attack on American youth. In responses to the ongoing threats to Mr. Chris and MR Dawson that he is sending Secret Service and also United States marines to make sure this does not happen again. He also told the public at first he wanted to have Jason Chris cancel the remaining concerts. However, by doing this he admitted that Mr. Chris would not have done so. If he does decide to so, he will have complete protection from the United States government against any legal actions.

Of course Jason Chris didn't cancel any concerts. He had two concerts to do Mumbai, India. Then a week break before the final concert outside of the United States. London, England which was three concerts.

Cody Insisted on leaving the hospital to join Jason in Mumbai. The doctors agreed only because there was a medic with the marines accompanying them. The flight to Mumbai was a little over eight hours Both Jason and Cody slept the whole time there. Cody because of the pain medication made him sleep and Jason because he hadn't slept since the attack.

In route to Mumbai, India.

"I am not taking orders from secret service goons." Tony Martinez grumbled. As he helped me get Cody into the bed on the jet.

I started laughing. Which earned me a nasty look for Tony. "Think of it this way Tony Cody and I get to drive them nuts for a while and give you a break."

"That's the bright side. If you need anything give me a call. Oh and remember to come out clothed guys we are not alone." Tony said before he left the cabin.

They curled up Cody laying on his left side his leg raised up as ordered by the doctor on top of Jason's butt. Normally Jason's private 747 would be quiet. But it had a platoon of twenty-two men and women accompanying them. Jason was informed by the Whitehouse that they would be joined in Mumbai by eight secret service personnel.

Jason giggled when he thought about Tony Martinez taking offence at the secret service. Cody Giggled too at the same thing "Secret service goons." He whispered and kissed Jason good night. They slept most of the flight there waking up in the last hour and half of it.

Jason walked out to use the head in his boxer briefs forgetting about the marines. After realizing it he shrugged in off too late now and went into the head to piss. He stripped and stepped into the small single shower. It felt weird showering alone. Even in this tiny shower Jason and Cody found a way to shower.

Usually it meant Cody's dick planted inside his ass not that Jason complained. By the time Cody would have Jason's front and back clean, Jason would be spun around lifted up against the wall and Cody would be back inside. While Jason would wash Cody's back while his ass was pumped. Once Jason and Cody both unloaded their seed, Jason would wash Cody's chest. By the time he was done, Cody's dick was sliding out. th9is was their normal inflight shower routine.

Jason finished his shower grabbed the towel and walked out the little bath room wrapping the towel around his waist. He smiled at the gawking marines and waved. He headed back to the cabin to see a navy medic (cores man) changing Cody's bandages. I had given him a sponge bath and a wank earlier.

The concerts in Mumbai went well there were a few little scuffles between Tony and the Secret service. I called them pissing matches. Cody referred to it his own particular Codyisms.

"They like two old coon hounds sniffing and spraying to see who piss is the strongest smelling."

I had to laugh at that. Mostly because Cody was pretty much on target with that. I had never been to Mumbai before. I have to admit I didn't want to see it either. The city though looked clean smelled and felt dirty. I couldn't wait to get out of here. I made sure I kissed not women while I was here. I think it's the only place I ever been that you can in deep shit for kissing a woman but not for kissing a guy in public well sort of like that. Either way we are leaving Mumbai for a nine-hour flight to London.

Thanks Rick for being a good editor.

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Next: Chapter 10

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