Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Apr 19, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 8


From the twitters and comments we saw tweet from Bear that morning, 'Big news from J. Chris camp. Will tell more in two days on show. May get that interview from him in Venice. Look for it guys.' It was plain to see he was still going with his story. Jason was pretty upset. I wasn't all that happy either. I knew eventually we were going to have to tell the world I was more than just a bodyguard or buddyguard, I Just wasn't expecting it to happen on someone else's terms. I figured I might as well get used to it now.

"Jason There's only one way to stop that rabid fox from raiding your hen house and that's to get rid of the hens." I had told him in the shower, while he washed my back.

"Ok say that in city boy talk."

"Heh, I mean you have to give him nothing worth reporting that they don't know."

"Well, I don't see how we can do that except tell we're a couple."


"You sure you're ready to outed like that. I thought we decided to wait till you were ready." He said rinsing the soap off of my back.

"Either way, I am going to be outed. I rather do it myself." I said turning around and holding him to me.

Jason looked up at me and gave me a mischievous smile. "Ok city boy what you plannin' on?"

"Well we got two days to fuck up his plan. We'll give him an interview. He just won't be doing it."

"Oh fuck dude, I am rooster I need to do my cock-a -doodle-do and let it everyone know it's wake up time."

"Again, City boy here."

"Dang city boy doesn't you understand nuffin? Let's do it in a big way." Cody said in his best redneck twang.

"What do you have in mind?"

"We'll, you could always sing to I on stage and then just give you a big tongue filled kiss on stage."

"Heh, yeah that would work but it still might look staged."

"You said something about an interview. We could do it after the concert. We could completely out ourselves then as a couple then." Cody suggested.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's get some pictures and video of us though." He said as we dried off from the shower.

They spent that morning and the next taking pictures around Venice and elsewhere. They added picture that were taken by staff from various concert venues. The first concert went off as normal.


Second Udine, Italy concert

Jason did the meet and greet like nothing was bothering him. Those of us who knew him and what was going on knew better though. The idea was to keep the fans and the media from getting wind of our plans. So we kept it to just Kathy, Martinez, the band and me. It's is a good thing that Jason was a good actor too.


"One hour Mr. Chris. They need you in make-up. I was told to remind you that you have the interview after the concert." Came a knock and voice through the dressing room door.

"Are you sure you want to do this? It's a big step for you. I mean you were basically straight before you met me." Jason asked.

"I love you JC. I don't care who knows." I said pulling him into my arms and kissing him.

"Well let's get to makeup then."

"I don't understand why I have to put makeup on." Cody grumbled but followed Jason.

"Those lights are harsh Cody. I don't want the world to see my boyfriend for the first time looking all ashy and pale."

Cody grunted and sat down in the chair next to Jason. The makeup artist pinned back his blonde hair and went to work. O0nce she was done the hairdresser went to work and styled and cut his hair. Cody watched as he clipped and styled his hair. He watched as Jason went through the same treatment minus the cutting of hair.

Once they were done Cody admitted he liked the style. It was thick on top and shorter on the sides, but not too short. The hairdresser also highlighted his hair. Wardrobe had him wear his old ripped jeans and a form fitting button up shirt. Cody couldn't help but smile when Jason gave him a wolf whistle. That was all he needed to be sure that he looked good.


"Ten minutes." We heard. I kissed Jason and then went to the VIP seats and sat next the college guys we had met earlier. I listen to the last song the warm-up act did. They were pretty good. They were a mix of pop and rock. Much like Jason's music. Though Jason's geared more towards pop.

"This band is good. though I don't understand a word they are saying." Noah said to TJ and Cody.

"They're an Italian band. Jason likes to promote local talent when he can." Cody informed them.

"You know I don't think that Bear guy is going to let it drop about you two." Said TJ.

TJ laughed at the look on Cody's face. He had that I don't know what you're talking about look. He would have played it off if it wasn't for the way they looked at each other in Harvey's. They both looked at the other like they heaven sent. They were definitely in love.

"Relax, we know what two people in love look like. Your secret is safe with us." Said Noah.

"Well not for long. That Twat-fart is twittering but then with him it would be twattering, somethin' fierce all day about big news from Jason tomorrow." Growled Cody.

"I can think of things than be called Jason Chris's lover. The guy is definitely hot." Tj said.

"It ain't so much as that. It's just that I am not out. I really don't consider myself gay or bi. I ain't turned on by any other guy except him." Cody informed them.

The MC announced Jason. The crowd went wild. The lights dimmed and the theme from Hazard started to play. The 63,000 people in the audience screamed. I watched from where I knew Jason was standing. When he started to sing he seemed just appear out of nowhere.

The first half the concert was the same as the rest so far. It wasn't until the second half that things would be different. They had planned that the second song would be the one that Cody was going to be pulled out of the closet. When the second part started. Cody started getting a bit nervous.


The first half went off without any problems. The dancers and Jason were in perfect sync with each and the music. Jason was in his element. He made eye contact with the people in the VIP sections. He smiled at Cody and gave a wink. When the twenty-minute break between sets came up Jason smiled and left the stage.

He didn't want to leave the stage he could play right through the whole concert but he knew the band needed the break. He sat back. he instinctively looked for Cody but remembered he was in the VIP section waiting for the first part of their plan they had nicked named 'Bear shit'.

When I got the 1 minute warning I peeked out at Cody in the VIP section. He looked on edge but was smiling. I hope he doesn't freak out. I was prepared to go on international TV and deny what bear was going to say. I didn't care for me I was worried about Cody. No one deserves to be outed that way. I heard the band start playing Damaged prelude. I got on to my spot and signaled I was ready the music blared out and I was off.


I watched as Jason song damaged. I knew the background of that song but I I also knew it had no relevance now. The man that I saw for the first time in the lobby was no longer just existing off stage and becoming alive only when on stage. He was just as alive both on and off. I couldn't help but it but I started to get turned on. The man can do some moves and make you feel a song.

When the song ended Jason waited for the crowd to calm down a bit before talking. He tried several times but had to stop because the crowd would start screaming again. Finally, they calmed down enough for him to talk.

"One of the hardest things about being a celebrity is that your life is open for the whole to see. Whether it's heartbreak or joy they see it and some go through it with you and some could care less. Either way I went through some hella heartbreak last February. I learned about the end of a five-year relationship the same way everyone else did on TMZ. Yeah it sucked but I had my fans. As much as I love my fans it's not enough. I got lucky though and found someone. Someone who helped me not only get through the heart ache but also showed me what real love is. This next song I would like to dedicate to that person and just maybe I can convince him to come up on stage with your help."

He looked directly at me as he sung Now and Forever. I knew the cameras weren't on me until I gave the signal which I did. They panned on to me and my face went up onto the huge view screen on stage and elsewhere in the stadium. It eventually switched to different pics we had taken. Some were canid ones that were taken while we sleeping by the crew.

I smiled and stood up and walked towards the stage in the VIP box. The VIP boxes were surrounded by a two foot walk so that Jason could walk out on to it. He reached down and took my hand and helped pull me up with him. The crowd started screaming as he led me back to the main stage.

The stage was hot as the devil's balls but I didn't care. I was with the only person I ever fell in love with. I was letting the world know he was mine and I was his. He held my hand as he sung and would rest his forehead against my chest periodically. We walked from one end to the other end of the stage. All the while the crowd was cheering and screaming for us to kiss. The song ended and Jason turned towards me and we shared one deep somewhat chaste kiss. Meaning no tongue.

I went back stage and sat down. It dawned on me what just happened. Jason would pull me back out three more times. Two ti8mes while he sung and we danced together. It got a little raunchy the way we were dancing. Somewhere our shirts had come off and thrown into the crowd. I was drenched in sweat at the end.

The last time I was pulled out on stage was for an encore song. He always saved a special song for that. Some People, a remix of the cliff Richards song. We just stood there and held hands as he sung. By the time he was done the stadium was glittering like stars from lighters being held up. It was a beautiful sight. I knew what Jason felt now when he was on stage. It was a different world.

They took a quick shower and went back out to the dressing room to dressed for the interview with Ellen Lee DeGeneres. We walked out of the bathroom and stopped in our tracks. We both forgot that Noah and TJ Mac Daniels were there waiting for us to finish up.

"I guess this is bad time to ask for a pic with you guys huh?" TJ said flatly. If there wasn't a twinkle in his eye, I would have thought he was serious.

I don't mind if you take one of me. God knows there's probably enough out there of me already." I laughed as Jason and I quickly got dressed. Jason took a little longer. He still insisted on underwear.

"If you guys want to wait for another half hour, you can join us for a late dinner or early breakfast." Jason said after we talked with them until we were told they were ready for us. They excepted our invitation which made Jason smile. I knew he was hoping they could be regular friends, other than the celebrity type friend.

We walked onto the stage. There was still three hundred people there. Sixty from the VIP sections and then there were various other people from the audience. You know the winners of this or that contest and the ones who paid extra for the taping of the talk show.

Ellen smiled when she saw us. I was introduced and walked out on stage to a screaming audience. I waved and smiled as walked towards the only person I trusted to interview me. I done a total of dozen or more interviews with her starting when I was twelve. It was her show I came out on. I felt safe with Ellen. Not to mention she was a friend. She was a really cool person on and off camera. She had a warped sense of humor but it wasn't a malleolus one. She had pulled a few pranks on me. that were hilarious. The main reason though is we both had a dislike for Michael Bear. We stood off stage as Ellen did her opening monolog.

"So here I am in Udine, Italy. "The past two days I been finding out that I say the wrong things. Yesterday I got a call from Jason Chris's manager Kathy asking me if I wanted to do an on tour interview with him tomorrow after the concert. Of course I said the wrong thing. I said who in their right mind would say no. I was told they'd have a private plane ready for me to take me to Udine. I said great and we hung up. The next thing was I did was ask Porsha was where is Udine. So of course she had no idea so we googled it Italy. Four-teen hours on plane. Porsha looked at me and sad couldn't you have asked where Udine was first? They are sending us a private plane I told her like that will cut the trip down. Needless to say after fourteen-hours on the plane we arrive just in time to be whisked to the hotel. I happened to ask the driver if we would see any of the concert. He said we're here to just drop off your bags and then go to the stadium to catch the concert. At the break I said the wrong thing again. I never seen him in concert he is great. (screams from audience) Porsha just looked at me if you wanted to see him in concert, all you had to do was wait and we could have gotten tickets in LA instead of traveling fourteen hours. All I can say is the concert was great and to see one of the hottest performances live was worth it. The best part is though that I am doing this live and I get to interview my favorite guest, Jason Chris." "Jason get out here before they rip my clothes off." Ellen said after the screams and applause died down.

I gave Ellen a big hug and kiss on the cheek. There were screams from the girls and a few guys in the audience. I smiled and waved and took a seat after Ellen took hers.

"Wow, I was scared they were gonna strip me on stage if you didn't come out when you did."

"And that would be a bad thing?" Jason joked.

"You never seen with my clothes off."

"You were able to land a hot babe like Porsha so it can't be that bad."

"She closes her eyes and stop kissing up to Porsha."

"Heh got to she might kick my ass for that fourteen-hour flight for a concert."

"Probably both our butts."

"Yeah but I got bodyguards to protect me so your out of luck."

"You're such a brat."

"I know, you tell me every time I come on your show, at the Oscars and I think you've called me up a few times in the middle of the night to tell me." Jason laughed.

"You basically grew up on my show so I feel like a mother so I can invoke the mother clause."

"Yeah I think I was eleven the first time I appeared on the show."

"Who would of thought that such a brat would grow up to be such a handsome talented stud."

"I don't know about the stud part but I know I must have a little talent to have such great fans."

"I pay them." joked Ellen.

"So let's see you have done one hundred and ninety concerts. In three months and have twenty more to go. You must be exhausted."

"Yeah It's tiring. I either catch sleep on the tour bus or get a few hours in the hotel." "I read somewhere that you couldn't sleep in hotels."

"Well I do have a hard time sleeping in a strange bed but it hasn't been that bad lately."

We'll be right back after this message to talk more with Jason Chris.

They turned off the mic's and Ellen asked about bear's comments. Jason told her what he wanted to do. Ellen loved it.


Cody watched from off stage as Ellen and Jason talked. He had the audience eating out of the palm of his hand. He knew how to play them and so did Ellen. When the Mic went off for the commercial break they talked briefly on how Jason wanted to handle it. Ellen would take the lead.

"Now I read somewhere that your concerts at times are edited. After seeing tonight's performance, I believe it."

"Well I get pretty much into performing. I don't do nudity or moon anyone but I don't see why they edit it."

"Well after I saw you dancing with that hot stud you pulled onto stage I believe it. Is there a story there?"

"Yeah there is but It's not just mine to tell." Jason said shyly. Damn he is a good ass actor Cody thought.

I decided now or never and walked out on stage. Jason's back was to me so he didn't see me coming up behind him. Ellen did though. When Jason saw her expression he turned. Ellen and Jason both stood up as I walked up to them. I shook Ellen's hand and got a hug too. I turned and smile at Jason and planted A big kiss on his sweet lips. I made sure no tongue but it lasted a good fifteen seconds.

The audience hooted and hollered the whole time. I got lost in the kiss like I usually do when I kiss him. Jason broke off the kiss and I was rudely brought back to reality. I just kissed Jason Chris on live TV.

"Well if that don't bring my ratings up nothing will. I think we need a commercial break. Well maybe I need one after that heated hello."

A Producer from her show came up and they talked briefly. I figured the kiss was a bit too much for the show or TV. When Ellen came back she told us that the network was allowing the show to preempt the next show if it was needed. We waited till Ellen sat before we sat on the love seat that was brought out and waited for the countdown from the commercial. "If you just tuned in I am here live in Udine, Italy with Jason Chris and Cody. I can also say it sucks to be you be you because you missed the hottest kiss ever."

"It wasn't that hot. He's kissed better." Jason joked while I blushed.

"Oh really now." Ellen said.

"Oh look we made him blush." Ellen added turning toward me.

"That's not an easy thing to do either." Jason added. I sat there looking from one to the other making comical gestures when moving my head back and forth as they joked back and forth.

"Ok now that we bored Cody let's talk. So when and how did all this happen?"

"I was hired as a private body guard for Jason two months ago. So that he wouldn't have to have a huge entourage of men in suits following everywhere. I guess I became more of a Buddy guard."

"If I knew it was that easy I would have hired a buddy guard myself but then there's the problem of Porsha trying to off him."

"It was weird for me because I wasn't attracted to guys before Jason. I know that sounds hokey and all but Jason is so open, honest, accepting and loving way about him. The fact the he is on sexy ass SOB doesn't help either. I think he could turn Bible thumped gay with his charm.

"We hit it right off. I don't mean it was, let's jump in bed fast but over a short period of time we became close." Jason added.

"As close as the paparazzi follows you I can't see how you kept it a secret for this long."

"It's not that we were trying to keep our relationship a secret. Ok we were, it's just that It was new and we wanted some privacy to learn and grow into it. The paparazzi can really screw up relationship. One in particular." Jason said.

"There have been a lot of tweets from a certain gossip show host regarding news from the 'Jason Chris camp', does this have anything to with that?" Ellen asked finger quoting.

"Sure does. That dude is worse than a tick on baby pig's ass." I said. Which made Jason giggle. "Wow, he must be really bad then."

"Yeah, we figured we'd tell it on our terms. Not because some nit wit paparazzi outs our relationship and Cody at the same time." Jason stated.

"Yep that's right babe. Tomorrow when that dirt ole bear sitting in his den waiting to scoop the story he gonna find he only got yesterday crap to scoop up." I said smirking. Satisfied I let them know who the shit head was.

The rest of the interview went along great. Jason answered a few questions from fans and sung a song for them. All in all, it was a good show. It only went over thirty minutes. I was happy it was over with and I even got to meet Ellen DeGeneres. I always thought she was funny and nice. Now I know she is just as nice in person as she seemed on the TV.

We had an early breakfast back at the hotel. Noah and TJ ended up staying in the suite with us as it was too late to drive to Venice. We were both so exhausted we just yanked off our clothes and fell asleep. This time though I cuddled up against Jason's chest and fell asleep after a long goodnight kiss.

Thanks Rick for being a good editor.

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If this story gets your interest read Hazard in the high school or rural sections.

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Next: Chapter 9

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