Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Apr 5, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 7


In Udine Italy we pulled into the Friuli Stadium where the concert was being held, early that morning. I checked out the stadium while JC did the sound check. A few hours later satisfied he jumped down off the stage and joined me on the grass. He rested his head on my abs. We just laid there until everyone was ready to go to the hotel.

I was amazed at how much I loved this guy. On the bus we had talked about after the tour. What I wanted to do. I told him that after my little tour in Iraq I wanted to help vets. he thought about it and suggested I become a physical therapist. I loved the idea.

"You guys ready to head to the hotel?" Kathy said standing over us.

"Yeah, let's hit the road." JC said as he stood up.

A blue Lamborghini Aventador convertible and a minivan pulled into the stadium. I watched as Kathy walked over to them. The guy that was in Lamborghini got into the minivan and waited. The band and dancers got into the tour bus I went to follow them but JC held my arm.

"We're going to Venice babe."

Kathy handed the keys to JC. I was shocked when JC tossed the keys to me. We got in and waited as the bus and all the vans left save for us and a security van. Tony tapped on the window. "They went for it, coast is clear. Let's roll before they figure it out."

I was scared shitless driving the Lamborghini this was almost a four hundred-thousand-dollar car. I drove out of the stadium and followed the directions the GPS gave me. I must have been going way to slow as I watched people pass me or honk.

"Dude, you're driving like an old lady. Gun it I want to be in Venice before midnight."" He laughed at me.

I hit the pedal and followed the GPS. JC had asked for a scenic route so it took about four hours winding down the country roads. Once I relaxed driving the car, I was able to enjoy the country side. At tiles I was in awe of the fact that some of building and walls were hundreds of years old. We stopped at and old castle that looked more like a palace but then what do I know.

Once we hit Venice JC directed me to a parking garage. From there we went by foot to the Centurion Palace hotel. I enjoyed the fact that we could walk hand in hand. It was a twenty-minute walk to the hotel which ended up taking forty-five minutes.

Surprisingly we weren't mobbed by fans. Some did recognize Jason and asked for his autograph for the most part though they left us alone as stopped into shops along the way to the hotel. Tony at one point called JC to see if he was ok. He just explained we were just sightseeing a bit. I giggled as I heard tony scolding him over the phone.

"I think we better get to the hotel before Tony has a baby." He laughed.

Ten minutes later we were walking into the Palazzo Giordano. The lobby was old world classic meets modern. Somehow it worked. Tony was at the desk talking with an older gentleman. Jason walked right up to them and listened. The manager turned to the clerk next to him. "Strano americani pensano denaro compra loro rispettabilità." He said. (Queer Americans think money buys respectability.)

"Ah Signore Chris. I was just telling Signore Martinez that your room has been booked and my will make sure you have everything you need. I will personally show you to your room Signore Chris

" Non necessario. Non voglio stare in un hotel che impiega i manager che fanno commenti bigotti ignoranti." ("Not necessary. I won't stay in a hotel that employs managers that make ignorant bigoted comments.") Jason smiled sweetly. The look on the manager's face was worth million bucks.

"Si parlo italiano. Anche greco, francese, spagnolo, tedesco e russiani. Ho anche un lavoro di comprensione ebraico e l'arabo." (Yes, I speak Italian. Also Greek, Spanish, French, German and Russian. I also have a working understanding of Hebrew and Arabic.)

"Let's get the fuck out of here. I rather stay in a stable than a place with people make bigoted comments about Americans behind their backs." Jason said loudly.

I had to laugh when a kid broke loose from his parents and ran up to Jason. "Are you staying here too." He asked as his parents walked up. They were definitely English.

"No, I decided to seek more hospitable accommodations. That don't discriminate." Jason said smiling.

"Can I have your autograph." The kid asked. Jason quickly signed the flyer that was provided.

"That was very kind of you, your highness." Said the boy's father.

"Please It's Jason I am an American citizen. I don't use the title. Though, your more than welcome." Jason, said then they left the hotel.

"What's up with the, your highness shit." Cody asked.

"My Grandfather was the bastard son of Prince Christopher of Greece. So that makes King George I my Great-great grandfather. Prince Phillip 's Grandfather. My grandfather was legitimized two years ago after a DNA test proved they shared the same bloodline." Jason said quietly. "It's not a state secret but I don't go around saying it either."

By the time we left the hotel it was getting dark. We made our way down a few alleys. Jason quickly pulled me into the Baglioni Hotel. It wasn't grand but it was clean and had a charm to it. We quickly booked our room for ourselves, Tony and the other security guy.

We sat in the room. Tony had yelled like a mad man at us, especially me for disappearing act like we did for the extra 40 minutes.

"How can I do my job if you disappear Jason? You have had more than a few threats against you. You Dawson was hired to keep him safe. Since you rather play than do that I am talking to Kathy about replacing you."

That set Jason off. "Let me tell you something Martinez before Cody is replaced you and Kathy will be. I am the fucking boss here not you, not her. I agree that maybe we should have told where we were but for the first time during this tour I was actually enjoying myself and that's because of Cody. So here's the deal get your ass out of my suite and don't come in unless you're invited."

I stood there with my mouth open as Martinez and the other guy left the suite. Jason stood there staring at the door as if he was going to blow it up. I didn't know what to do. Jason turned towards me and before I knew he had moved he had his head buried in my chest.

Jason Chris:

It was so cool to not only be in Venice but for the first time I enjoyed being able to walk around without being mobbed by paparazzi and fans. I was able to walk into shops handing my guys hand, give him hugs and kisses. I felt like a normal person. I felt like Jason Christos not Jason Chris. That hotel crap didn't bother me. Tony had to go remind me that my life is not mine. I just wanted to be free for a little while. I looked at Cody and buried my head in his chest. I felt his arms wrap around me. We stood there like that.

"He was right baby. We should have told him where we were." Cody said as he cradled me.

"I know. It's just that for the first time I felt like a regular guy not Jason Chris Superstar. With men in black suits following me everywhere." I whimpered. I know I sounded like a spoiled little kid right then but I didn't care.

Cody held me back and kissed me sweetly. "Stay right here baby."

"Where the fuck can I go with Serpico one and two out there."

Cody came back in a few minutes later and started going through our bags toss clothes on the bed. He hadn't said a word yet. He then went into the bathroom. The he came back out and pulled me into the bathroom and started stripping me then himself. He pushed me into the shower.

I moaned as he washed my back. I felt him pull me back against him. I felt his erection against my back. I reached behind me and slid his dick between my butt cheeks as he washed the front of me. I pushed my ass against the head of it trying to push inside of me.

"No time for that right now, you little sex fiend." He giggled at my moan of frustration.

I wasn't a sex fiend, well maybe a little bit of one. It was just that when he was inside of me I felt like he was part of me. I have even fallen asleep with him inside of me. It wasn't just the sex. When he was inside of me I felt safe, secure and loved.

I turned around and washed him. I wanted him so bad. He knew it too. I lovingly washed or stroked his dick. He giggled and turned around. I washed his back. I felt him shudder a bit as washed his butt cheeks. He grunted.

Before I knew what was happening hi had turned around and lifted me up. My legs went instantly around his waist as he pushed me against the shower wall. He mouths attacked mine. I moaned as I felt him enter me. He thrusted into me, never once did his mouth leave mine. I moaned as my own cock erupted from being massaged between us. He broke the kiss and threw his head back as grunted and emptied his ball juice in me.

I rested my head on shoulder. My legs were still wrapped around him and his dick softening dick was still inside me. I whimpered when it finally slipped out. Cody unwrapped my legs from around his waist and caressed my cheek with his fingertips.

He pulled me away from the wall and pulled me against him. Then did something he never did before. He grabbed my butt cheeks and spread them wide enough that my hole opened a little. I felt my hole letting out of his cum onto the shower floor. I looked up at him in disbelief. He knew I liked keeping his seed in me.

"I dumped allot in the sweet ass babe. Can't have you oozing it out later." He goggled. He quickly washed me off and then dried me.

"Where we going?" I asked as we both walked into the bedroom.

"Harry's bar."

Harry's bar is like an iconic place in Venice. It had people such as kings and queens Writers such as Hemmingway, Truman Capote directors like Orson Wells. I was excited. I also knew that in a place like that I can get away with dressing down.

I his saw favorite jeans on the bed. The ones with all the holes in all the right places. I grabbed them. I went to slip them on commando but he stopped me. I frowned. He giggled and pulled out a thong and threw it at me. "No need to show trouser snake." He giggled.

I pulled on the thong and then pulled on the jeans. I was the first time I wore them. I couldn't help but get a bit aroused at the thought of wearing Cody's jeans. Especially since I knew he always went commando in them. Once we were dressing and after I spent five minutes looking in the mirror.

I wasn't being a narcissist or anything. It was the first time I ever dressed like this. I always dressed like the good boy next door. Except on stage and even then it was always somewhat the boy next door look. Well as much as I can look like one shirtless and in tight pants.

"Ready?" Cody asked me. I nodded yes.

He opened the door and there stood Tony in jeans and a tee shirt waiting for us. My mouth dropped open. I had only seen Tony in a suite or some other sexless black clothes. Cody laughed at my expression.

We made our way around the block from the hotel. By now word had gotten out that I was in Venice and not Udine. So people already knew I was there. The paparazzi knew too they just didn't know what hotel. I was sure it wouldn't take long before they did.

We made our way literally around the block. I signed a few autographs and posed for a few pictures. Before we actually made it to Harry's. I smiled as we found a table in the somewhat crowded bar. As usual we were fawned over a little bit but it was still nice. When a paparazzi got in and started taking pictures, I knew it was time to go.

I looked around at the patrons and frown slightly. As saw a familiar face in the corner. It wasn't one I expected to see. It wasn't a person I wanted to talk to either. So much for be able to have a quiet night out with Cody.

"Just what I fucking need." I asked nodding towards the opposite corner. I sunk down in my seat a bit.

They looked over and saw whom I was looking at. Unfortunately, it was a little late as he looked over. I saw a smile, though it looked more like a sneer. I watched as he said something to the woman with him. She looked over and stated squirming in her seat.

We watched as got up and walked towards us with a giggle bimbo on his arm. She couldn't have been more than twenty-two to his forty-one years. I visibly frowned letting him know I really didn't want him near me.

"Jason so nice to see you. I heard you got kicked out of the Palazzo Giordano." Michael bear said while offering his hand to shake.

"Nope I left before I even checked in to avoid the paparazzi." I said while staring at his hand like it hand some pussy sores on it. When I didn't take it he chuckled.

"So which one is the prostitute.?" He asked loudly while still smiling. He succeeded in getting the attention of people near us.

I stood up fast and got right in his face. "If you say one more fucking word I'll have my bodyguard's beat you until you pass out and dump you in the Grand Canal." I whispered.

"Are you threatening me Mr. Chris." he said loudly.

"Damn right I am. You say one more word about my employees or myself that's not true, I will sue you and the network. You won't be able to get a job selling movie tickets. Now if you don't leave me alone, I will call the police." I said in the same tone he did.

"Your rent boys too?" Said the dark haired girl asked in a thick Venetian accent.

I started to laugh. I just realized that Michael Bears date isn't a woman in the physical sense. I fell back in the chair. I was laughing so hard I had a hard time stopping. Bear just stood there looking at me like I needed a strait jacket.

"Signora, if you're going to wear a dress, I think you refrain from getting an erection. Especially, in a tight dress like that. It's called tuck not fuck" Cody said as politely as he could.

I looked over at Cody and busted out laughing again. The 'girl' was standing right in front of him. Her dress was tenting, six inches from his face. The red faced look on Michael Bear made me laugh all the harder.

I saw a few flashes from the table beside me. I looked around and saw a group of college guys aiming their phones and camera's at the couple. I had the fucker. Now maybe he will stop. I knew that was wishful thinking. Michael Bear is one of the bastards that think they are untouchable.

"Sir, I regret to have to ask you to leave. You are disturbing the other patrons." Said a middle age gentleman.

I watched as Michael bear and his 'lady' friend leave. I smiled to myself. I knew it will be a long time before he bothered me again. This incident was going to go viral. If he tried to blast me again it would look like a petty attempt at revenge.

I turned to guys beside me and thanked them and thanked them. "I want to thank you for your help. I have a concert tomorrow in Udine. I would like to invite you as my personal guests."

I watched as the two handsome college jocks looked at each other. Just by looking at the way they looked at each other you could see the love they have for each other. I smiled and looked at Cody. He smiled and nodded, letting me know he saw it too.

The Bigger one smiled. "You don't have to that but we'd definitely like take your offer."

"Great guys, what's your names? Just show your I.D. and you'll get passed."

"I am TJ and this Is Noah." Said the bigger jock.

"Great but I'll need last names."

The smaller jock looked down at his glass. While his jock boyfriend smiled. "It's ok Noah." Then to me he said; "Macadamias."

I wrote it down then and read what I wrote. My head snapped up and looked at them. I squinted my eyes. I watched as the one who called himself TJ pulled out his passport and handed it to me. I read it. Place of birth, Hazard, Kentucky, United states of America.

My jaw must have hit the table. Because I heard TJ giggle. I shook my head in disbelief. I am actually meeting the real hazard guys. I knew the story was based on Noah's Journal or book had asked to meet him so I could get a feel for the character I had to play. I talked to him several times on the phone though he didn't want to meet in person which I respected.

"I am speechless guys. Please join us." I said looking from one to the other.

Cody moved his chair closer to mine. As the two jocks pulled chairs to the table. I looked at Cody and Tony and laughed. They had no idea who these jocks were. "Cody, Tony, this is Noah mac Daniels, the man I had the honor or portraying in Hazard." It dawned on them who they were and both stood up to shake their hands.

After some idol talk to get to know each other I decided to fill my own curiosity. "I hope my portrayal didn't of you wasn't offensive."

"Are you kidding? You did Noah so well it was like watching the real person except you're not as good looking as him.' Said TJ.

We talked about the movie until Tony announced we had to go. I needed my sleep so I could be in top form for the performance. We said our good nights and left the bar. I wasn't too surprised to see paparazzi and fans outside waiting. I signed a few auto graphs and we made our way back to the hotel.

As soon as we got into the room Cody and I stripped and headed to the shower. Needless to say we both were horny. We washed each other. I ended up being pinned against the wall with my legs wrapped around Cody's waist.

I moaned loudly as he thrusted inside of me. I heard him grunt> I knew he was close. I felt his dick engorged with blood then felt his sperm hit the insides of my anal cavity. I was still hard as he pulled out.

He stepped back and smiled. "That was a quick fuck babe. Let's dry off so I can make proper love to you in that bed."

I watched his face as he lowered himself down on top of me on the bed. His thighs at the same time parted my legs and he entered me without any hesitation or pain. He kissed me and whispered the sweetest things as he slowly thrusted into me.

He would hit my button and bring to the brink of an orgasm only to stop deep inside of me and tell me how much he loved me. He would repeat this over and over until I was begging him to finish me off. "please make me cum Cody. I can't take it anymore."

He smiled and kissed me, then put my legs on his shoulders. He pushed my ass up towards the ceiling, never pulling out of me. I groaned as he started to pound into me. My dick was dangling down over my face dripping precum. I was beyond speech. All I could to do was making squeaking noise. He bent forward and his lips met mine Sat the same time he hit that spot full force as he pounded into me.

I grabbed onto his shoulders as he pulled back and pushed my ass up even higher. I was bent so that my feet were touching the head board behind me. My cock was inches away from my face. I squealed as felt my cock erupt. I shot load after load into my face. It felt as if I would never stop coming I opened my eyes and saw he was about to cum too.

I felt him thrust deeper inside of me and felt his big cock twitch and expel his sermon deep inside. I listen to his grunts and moan and I came again. Once his orgasm subsided he lowered my legs down and laid on top of me.

Resting on his arms he started to like my seed off my face. Which ended in a passionate kiss. I could taste my own seed in his mouth as our tongues explored each other mouths. When his dick deflated completely he pulled his soft cock out the rest of the way. My ass felt empty.

Cody reached over and wiped the remaining cum from my face then pulled me into his arms. We both drifted off into an emotional and sexual satisfied sleep. The last words we said to each other that night we I love you and I love mores.

We woke up the next morning in the same position that we fell asleep in. arms and legs wrapped around each other. To our surprise neither one of us had morning wood. Even though we both had to pee like race horses.

I had a lot to do that day. the meet and greet and an interview, along with the concert that night. Normally I would be apprehensive over it but today I was relaxed. I figured it was because Cody thoroughly made love to me last night.

"Ready JC?" Cody asked once we both were dressed.

"Yep." I said giving him a passionate kiss.

Thanks Rick for being a good editor.

For any comments please contact me at:

If this story gets your interest read Hazard in the high school or rural sections.

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Next: Chapter 8

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