Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Mar 1, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 6


I watched Jason perform on stage in what seemed almost every night. I learned that he had two identical stages and two work crews. While performing on one stage the other was being set up at the next location. It was an idea of Jason's. They thought it would be too expensive to do but in the long run it became cost effective.

Jason, I could tell was exhausted. He slept, I made sure of that. I wasn't sure that was enough though. Most nights by the time we hit the bus or hotel I was carrying him to bed. He would insist on working out every other day with me. Several times we would go out sightseeing but the paparazzi would make the experience a little hard to enjoy.

The Fans would follow us too but this didn't bother Jason. I grew accustomed to them myself. Though intrusive at times they meant no harm. At times it was funny. In Athens we were visiting the Acropolis. Jason had to take a piss he had to go bad so we went to the restrooms. He almost dancing as we pushed our way through the crowd of teen age girls and some boys. When we finally got in Jason had his pants undone before he got to the urinal.

I stood guard as he did. I heard a few giggles from the guys standing next to him. I was used to that. People always giggled when JC was around. I watched as one guy blatantly looked over to see Jason's dick and pulled out his camera. Apparently this annoyed Jason. Not that I blamed him for being annoyed.

"Thélete mia kalýteri matiá?" Translated: Want a better look? JC said and turned still peeing and pissed on the guy's pants and shoes. I busted out laughing when the guy stared at him in shock. I stepped forward and turned JC around. He was mumbling about not being able to piss without being photographed.

I admit I was trying not to laugh as I asked for the camera. The guy gave it to me. I deleted the pics of JC's dick.

We had a four-day break between concerts. Jason did the sound check. Instead of going back to the hotel we hung out at the Panetheniac Stadium. Jason told me the history of the stadium which amazed me. It didn't surprise me that he knew the history though. JC, I had learned, was highly intelligent. He pretty much managed his own finances.

I had no idea how wealthy he was. I didn't care either. Though I know that the tour was netting an astronomical amount. Mostly though merchandise, which Jason would get all the profits. I also learned that a lot of the clothing he was wearing on stage was his own designs and would go into a personal clothing line.

Through working out JC was getting larger. He had to buy a new wardrobe because the pants and shirts became tight around the thighs, chest and arms. He was now hotter than fuck when he took off his clothes. I had to admit I loved taking showers with him which I did every time he took one. I loved washing him and I think he felt the same way.

Our sex life was still limited to jerking each other off and an occasional blow job. I knew I loved him. I was pretty sure he felt the same. I was waiting though. I had too. When it came to sex I was more experienced in some ways. Well as experienced as you can be with a guy who only had sex with women. It was the emotional part he had experience with.

I had never been in love before. This was new territory for me. I wasn't afraid of it. I was being cautious. I just wanted him to lead me in that direction. I wanted to make love to him completely but I knew If I did I would be committing my heart completely to him. As it is now I can still pull away without being completely fucked up over it. I wanted him to let go of Michael Tyska. If that fucking reporter Michael Bear will let him.

I was the only one allowed to enter his dressing room without knocking. His new Personal assistant, Mary Cortez had arrived last week. JC made sure she had a cell phone without a camera. Some people would say he was being paranoid. I'd say he was being smart.

We had five hours until concert time. He was wound up as usual. He couldn't relax or sleep. I used to try and get him to take a nap but I finally gave up trying after the third week of touring with him. He would at times sleep soundly after the concert.

Unfortunately, Michael Bear has been hounding him. Making it hard for him to relax. Everything JC does is put under a microscope with the asshole. JC and I had been careful when we were out in public. We don't hold hands or show any type of affection. The only time was when we saw a dog get hit by a car. JC buried his head against my chest and cried over it.

I watched as Jason Chris came on stage. With him being Greek this was a big thing in Greece. Last night's concert was huge he had sold out crowds of fifty-five thousand. The stadium opened up to allow up to sixty thousand for tonight because of the demand for more seats. Once again it was sold out. MTV was showing this concert live too.

I was a bit worried he was looking so tired. I watched as me missed a few steps. He would cover them easily but to the people who knew, it was a mistake. Jason Chris was a perfectionist when it came to performing. He didn't make mistakes. He worked those on stage hard but he worked himself harder. To see him miss step had me worried.

By the time the last song was coming up I knew he was in trouble. He was staggering a bit. I don't think the audience knew it. he would cover it up by a quick movement or turn. I was just off stage out of eye sight when he started his last song. It was a new one this was the introduction of it. I hadn't heard it yet.

He started singing. His movements were sluggish. He looked over at me. he knew he was in trouble. To make it worse was it was an upbeat song. So he had to move. His legs weren't co-operating that well. I closed my eyes and went out on stage. I was terrified of being there. I was more terrified that Jason Chris was going to get hurt. He smiled as I came out on stage. He sung the song to me. I felt his hands touch my chest.

It was more for support than anything else. Luckily the song fit the touch and the movements covered it. I pulled turned him around and held my hands on his waist. I moved with him as if we were dancing. This covered the fact that at this point I was pretty much holding him up. At the songs end the stage exploded with lights and confetti.

Jason slumped backwards. He was dead weight I hadn't expected it but I was able to lower him to the stage.

Chaos erupted. People in the audience were screaming. I check Jason over there was no blood so I knew he had passed out. Within seconds there were paramedics on stage. I pulled out of the way so they can do their job. They had him on oxygen and inserted an IV. I heard them say something in Greek. Jason had been teaching me a little but they talked to fast I wasn't able to get what they were saying. So it was literally Greek to me.

As they moved him to a stretcher over the sound system. I heard someone talking. Saying that "Jason Chris was you harmed". The Medic told Mary "Jason was just suffering from heat exhaustion but was be taken to the hospital for observation". I followed them out but when I went to get in the ambulance they denied me access. Martinez told them, threw a fan interpreting for her, "that I was his body guard and must stay with him".

I stayed with JC the whole time he was in the hospital. Which was two days. He was physically exhausted. Even for someone as young as him the pace of the tour was too demanding. He had another concert in three days in Bucharest Romania a two concert series. Jason was adamant on making those concert dates. He was released the day of the concert and we flew to Bucharest on a small rented jet. Jason's manager Kathy had rented.


Kathy, Cody and I watched TV in our hotel room. We were tipped off to watch the Michael Bear's Celebrity Truth Revealed show. I usually don't watch Michael Bear. I can't stand that asshole Michael had been stalking me since I made my first album that hit the top ten charts. Michael did his best to make me look bad. Usually failing. We were down too the last three weeks of the tour which meant only sixteen more concerts left.

When Mike Tyska cheated on me, Bear was on it like a fly on shit. Bear interviewed him and allowed my EX to trash me. The unfortunate thing is that he didn't say anything I could shoot down. It was basically all true but leaving out the parts that caused things. Like his shit. He made himself out as the poor victim.

"Rumors surrounding Jason Chris's collapse on stage have been circulating. At first I didn't believe this to be true. Jason Chris as we know is above reproach in his personal matters. However, with the shocking evidence I am about to reveal will shock as it did me." Dramatic pause. They broke for a commercial break.

"Jason Chris's toxicology report indicated that he had high levels of what on the streets is known as bennies." He went on to make several other comments about possible drug over dose and alcohol abuse. Throwing tantrums and firing people for making comments about my drug abuse issues. This came from an interview with Wolcott and Michael Tyska

Even though I was pissed off to the extreme, I remained calm on the surface. Cody however, flew into a rage. "What the fuck. If I get my hands on that fucker I'm gonna pond his head so hard he gonna be able to lick his own asshole." We had to laugh at Cody's comment.

"Kathy contact the lawyers and sue that fucker. I am tired of his shit." My toxicology report did come back positive for bennies but the bastard omitted the fact that I was prescribed Oxazepam for a sleep aid and anxiety attacks caused by the stress of the tour and PTSD from Michael's betrayal. The alcohol abuse is a complete fabrication.

"Yeah sue him after I beat the fucker so bad he looks like a cow plop." Cody mumbled.

"Cody calm down Kathy's got this." I said as Kathy went to her room to talk with the lawyers.

"I can't help it." he said through gritted teeth.

"Cody he has been trying to get dirt on me since I was fifteen. This is part of being Jason Chris. It sucks but I have him in a corner now."

"It may be part of being Jason Chris but I don't like people talking shit about you." Cody said slumping into a chair.

"I don't like it either. It's frustrating sometimes to be constantly watched. Sometimes I wish I could be just Jason Christos again." I said sitting across from him.

He leaned forward and buried his face in his hands. I watched as he tried to calm himself. I saw his shoulders start to shake. I realized he wasn't trying to calm down. I moved to kneel in front of him. I pulled his hands away from his face. Cody hung his head lower, refusing to let me see his face.

"Cody look at me." I whispered as I lifted his chin up.

He looked up at me. I saw tears running down his face. I watched as wiped the tears away only to be replaced by more. "It's not that bad Cody."

This set Cody off again. He started ranting again. It was line that made me smile though. "If they knew you like I do, they'd be in love with you like I am!" I heard nothing after that.

He was in "love with me" he said it. Those magic words. He said it while he was angry, not me but I knew enough that more truths about your feelings are said in anger and under the influence of alcohol than at any other time. Your inhibitions are broken. You say what's in your heart and Cody was in love with me.

I stood there and stared at him. I was going through a range of emotions right now. I knew I was in love with him too. I was scared though. I wanted to yell at him I was crazy about him. That he made me feel safe, protected and loved for me not a celebrity. I felt I could trust him. I was also remembering that I felt the same way about Michael Tyska and how he had betrayed me and my trust. I didn't know if I was ready or if I ever could take that risk again.

"Cody, shut the fuck up!" I yelled. The look on his face was one of shock. I never yelled at him before.

"Good now that I have your attention." I said walking up to him and taking his hand.

"I want you to know that I am scared out of wits right now." I said leading him to the bedroom by his hand.

"Don't be JC. Kathy will sue them and I will beat his ass to a."

"Shhh. Not about that." I said interrupting him.

"Why?" he said giving me his worried look.

"Because I am in love with you too. I am scared of it."

Cody's face went from shock to confusion than understanding. He stepped closer and held me. I felt so safe at that moment. I felt all my caution go out the window. I looked up at him and gave him the most passionate kiss I could. I poured every ounce of my being into that kiss. All the love I felt for him came out. he kissed me back with the same amount of passion.

I felt an emotion I never felt before in my life. I felt like I was part of him. That I could feel every bit of his love. I was part of him now. We broke the kiss. We looked into each others eyes. I could see into his soul as if it was my own. I smiled and watched a tear escape his eye.

"Make love to me Cody. Make Me yours."

"You already are mine. Now, let me show some lovin on you" Cody whispered and pushed me down on the bed and laid on top of me. He gave me kiss that so full of love and passion that I could taste it with my soul.

Cody broke the kiss and went out of the room. I heard the door open and close then a click. I watched as he came back into the bedroom. The only thing he had on were his opened jeans. I watched as they slid off his body. I stared at the beauty that was Cody.

I laid there on the bed as Cody took off my shoes and socks. He ran his hands up my legs to my waist as he climbed on to the bed. He never took his eyes off mine. He then straddled me as he ran his hands up under my shirt, pulling it up in the process. He then ripped it off my body.

Cody looked at my exposed chest and abs. he traced every part of them with his fingertips. I didn't say anything and neither did he. I watched as he leaned forward and kissed and licked at each nipple as his fingers caressed the rest of my exposed torso. I gasped as he nipped a nipple with his teeth gently.

He then traced my abs with his tongue. Every so often I'd hear him whisper to himself. "So beautiful." I moaned as he hit my belly button and licked and sucked on the hair of my treasure trail all the way down to where it disappeared in to my jeans.

He looked up at me and smiled slightly. He blinked away the tears in his eyes as he undid my belt. He undid the first button and leaned down and kissed the spot he just exposed. As he undid each button he kissed it. he un fasten the last button and my pubic hair came into view. My erection was off to the side and still partially covered.

He leaned down and kissed the pubic hair just above my cock. Making it twitch as he ran his hands up my body. I felt him pull and suck on the hair. I moaned at the feel of his lips. Touching me. his tongue caressed the area he kissed and sucked on. If this was what Cody meant about `lovin on me', it was worth waiting for.

He sat back and pulled my jeans down. I lifted my ass to help him a bit. My dick sprang up towards the ceiling. I looked up at Cody as slid off the bottom of the bed and pulled my jeans the rest of the way off. He stood there and stared for a few seconds then knelt at the foot of the bed. He kissed my calves and worked his way up to my thighs, crawling on to the bed as he moved upward. I felt him kiss the sides of my cock making it twitch.

He kissed my treasure trial and then moved up wards. He kissed and licked my bellybutton, my abs, my pecs and in between them. I know felt his cock lightly brushing against mine. It was seeping a massive amount of Cody juice. He leaned back on his arms and looked into my eyes. He seemed like in he was in trance as leaned back down and kissed my lips lightly.

I felt him press his dick against mine as he alternated between kissing, sucking and nibbling on my neck. He started to grind his dick against mine. I could hear soft moans coming from both of us. I realized at that moment that my arms had been laying still beside me. I wrapped them around his shoulders.

He gently spread my legs with his. He looked at me as he moved his lips down ward again. I gasped as felt his tongue touch the head of my cock. I watched as he licked the precum from the tip. He looked at me and smiled as before he engulfed my cock into his mouth.

I watched as this strong masculine man sucked my dick and balls. His hands caressed my sides as he would lick and suck. I was so turned on I knew I wouldn't last. Watching him suck cock for the first time was beyond imagination. Even better was the fact that it was mine. It was if he was making love to my dick with his mouth.

"I am about to come." I moaned-.

He kept going. I felt my toes curl as I erupted it his mouth. He swallowed every drop. He sucked out the last drops of my juice and then moved his head down ward towards my taint. I grabbed his head and pushed his face into my ass as I felt his tongue flicker over my hole.

Cody lifted my legs up so high my as was off the bed. He buried his face between my cheeks and tongue fuck my hole. I was now withering in agony from need. I was rock hard again. I grasped my cock and started to stroke it was he ate out my ass. He pulled my hands away and broke the suction his mouths had on my ass long enough to say "Mine." He then when back to eating my ass with his tongue.

He pulled away from my ass only to insert a finger, then two more. He worked my prostate and my opening for a minute the added a third finger. Just when I thought I was about to cum, he stopped and let go of my legs. He locked them around his waist as he moved up towards my head.

I felt the head of his cock touch my hole. I moaned. He smiled. He leaned down to kiss me. As his lips touched mine I moaned I felt the pressure of the head against my hole. His tongue parted my tips as he entered me. I felt little resistance as cock slid inside of me. between his massive amounts of precum and his preparing of my hole I easily accepted him inside me.

I felt him keep going inside. I felt him hit the inner ring and push through gently. My hands had moved down and were on his butt cheeks pulling him in deeper. I felt his balls hit my butt cheeks. I still wanted more. When I felt his pubes firmly against my nuts I knew I had every inch of him in me. I pushed myself up against him and he started to move in and out.

I was in heaven. I felt not only his thrusts and him hitting button every time. I felt his heart beating through his dick. It was like a vibrator but only it was warm and attached to the most perfect man in the world.

He made love to me slowly. The only sounds where our moans. We had stopped kissing as he moved in and out of me. Our eye's where fixed on the others. We were connected. Our souls have become one. Cody put my legs on his shoulder as he his pushed my ass higher into the air. My dick was now dripping precum onto my face. Our eye's never left the others.

I could feel my balls tighten up a I opened my mouth but nothing came out as I exploded into my face. Cody groaned as my ass clenched around his cock. I felt him expand and get larger. He screamed out. "Oh sweet heaven, yes." I felt him depositing what must have been a gallon of his semen in me. I felt every twitch of his cock as shot out each load deep inside me.

He let my legs off his shoulders and lowered my ass down to the bed. He laid down on top of me. I realized I had been holding my breath. I started crying. It was the most beautiful thing I ever experienced in my life. I felt that I had finally experienced what it meant to be made love to.

"Baby. I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." Cody said moving to get off me.

I held him there by locking my legs around his.

"Omorfi agápi mou, gia próti forá sti zoí mou écho kánei érota me. Gi 'aftó fonázo."

"That's all Greek to me baby." He giggled.

"My beautiful love. It's the first time I ever been made love to. That's why I cry." I translated.

"If I'm beautiful. It's because of all the love I feel for you right now."

"Oi psychés mas eínai tóra éna." Our souls are now one." I whispered. In his ear as he started to move inside me again.

"My soul was always yours." He whispered as me moved deep inside of me.

I may not be a rock star or a genius among the greatest minds of the world. What I is the best person I can be. For that I am grateful.

Thanks Rick for editing

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Next: Chapter 7

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