Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 17, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story. IF IT IS NOT LEAGAL FOR YOU TO READ THIS STORY DO NOT DO SO.

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Among the Stars

Chapter 4

Learn Your place.

I stepped out of the plane and walked down the steps with my bag over my shoulder. Jason's Personal Assistant. Danial, told me just to bring a few days' worth of clothing. I would be getting a new wardrobe. I The air was a little cooler that in topsail but then I am in the mountains too. I saw a silver G-class Mercedes SUV drive up. It stopped a few yards from the bottom of the steps. I chucky guy with green hair step of the back and waited as I walked down the rest of the way.

I began to get nervous. I thought Jason would have stepped out of the car too. Maybe he was worried about being mobbed by fans or something. Which was a bit ridiculous. It was just after 6 in the morning and the only people that were around where the baggage handlers.

"Hello sir, I'm Danial P. Wolcott the third." The guy said reaching forward to shake my hand. He had thick nasally Boston accent.

"Cody Dawson. how-do." I said giving him my best smile and putting forth my best southern charm. Something pinged about this guy. I am not sure what it was.

"Yes of course you are. If you would like to get in the cah we will be on our way." I followed him into the back seat. There was no Jason Chris.

"I though Jason would be here when y'all picked me up?"

"Mr. Chris has more pressing matters than greeting new employees." He emphasized Mr. Chris and employees. Ok that goes that ping again. This Yankee's accent is bringing out my southern one.

I decided to just ignore him. He went on and on about the do's and don'ts in dealing with Mr. Chris. I figure JC will tell me as Granny would say this boy was high cotton. I watch the scenery go by. Germany was beautiful. I had wanted to be stationed here unfortunately I got stuck in South Korea. Nothing against the country. It was just we were in the middle of nowhere so. Ya it sucked. We pulled up to the front of the hotel the big circle at the end of the drive was a bit impressive but it was crowded with what I figured to be fans.

"Gawd I hawt this. The drawl back of work for Jason. Is the fans." He said emphasizing the fact that he can call him Jason. That was almost annoying as his accent and uppity attitude.

I thought Jason loved his fans." I said. I emphasized Jason too. The way I figured this was that he was trying to put me in my place. As far I was concerned that was Jason's job.

"You need refer to him as Mr. Chris until he informs you otherwise." He said as we pushed our way through the crowd to the main doors.

"I have no problem with that." I smiled. Ok I'll play his game. For now, at least.

We walked into the lobby and Jason was there. He didn't look happy when Mr. Danial Wolcott the third pushed forward. "Jason Oh your awake."

"I believe I asked you to wake me up when it was time to pick up Cody? I even woke up Martinez to confirm that I did."

"Yes well I think you needed more sleep so I." Jason cut him off.

"Don't think again Danial, when it concerns Cody. Or you'll be thinking why you're on plane heading back to Boston." Jason yelled.

"Yes of course Jason. I over stepped my bounds. I do need to remind you though Jason than Doddy wouldn't be pleased." Wolcott said. He was red faced. I felt bad for him. He was publicly dressed down.

"I don't give fucking rats balls who your daddy is. He could Steven fucking Spielberg and I'd still fire your ass if you do not do as I ask. I wanted to be there to pick up Cody. Go find something to do." Jason hissed.

He turned towards me I was a bit scared to honest. I didn't think he was the type to throw a hissy fit. I guess growing up as child star it is bound to happen. I hope I didn't make a huge mistake.

"I sorry about that. I don't normally go off like that. He's just thinks because his Doddy is a director he can't be fired."

I nodded. I was still a bit skeptical though. "I just don't want you to get in trouble with a director on my account."

"Oh man. Cody chill. I hired him as a favor to his dad. No other reason. He told me from the beginning if he gets to be too much. I can send him packing."

"Oh." I said smiling hoping I am covering up my nervousness.

"Damn you don't believe me."

"Yeah I do. It just that, well. Never mind. It ain't nuffin not ma place." Damn that southernism is coming out again. I could feel myself blushing.

"Come on let's get out of the lobby. So we can talk." Jason pulled me along to the elevator. Fuck. shit. I could feel my pants tighten up. Dang nabbit I ain't wearin no drawers and my jeans got holes in what normally would be all the right places but right now they were in the wrong ones.

We stood in the elevator I hid behind the body guard that was with JC. I tried to will my dick to go down. Fuck man as soon as he touched my dick went hard. I wish these fuckers weren't so damn tight.

The doors opened I dropped my bag in front of me to hide my throbber. Damn was that fucker earning that name too. He led me down the hallway where there were two guards blocking the rest of the hallway. There were at least twenty rooms there.

We went to the end of the hallway and went in. the room was huge. There were blue and white stripes everywhere. On the wall bed curtains and even the loveseat. It was a little too much for my taste. I had to blink a few times to clear my vision.

"I had the same reaction when I walked in." JC said he grabbed my bag and put it down on the bed.

"Let's talk Cody.' I knew damn well he saw my wood. Fuck I can feel it beating with in time with my heart beat. he didn't say anything though and didn't stare at it.

He sat down on the loveseat. His eyes were eye level with my dick. I knew damn well that he saw it. Fuck he could even see skin because there was hole right there. The question was to I adjust or ignore the fact that I was poppin a massive bone that was seeping juice.

"Your choice sit on the bed facing me or sit here beside me. I'd prefer to talk without the distraction though." He pointedly looked my dick.

I blushed and moved to the bed and sat.

"Cody, I love the fact that your blushing and all shows you're a genuine. You got to remember this though. I already seen what's in your pants and more but you sitting there is a distraction."

I moved over to the love seat. I tried to cross my legs to hide it a bit. Stupid considering, he knows a got bone. I shifted. Oh fuck no, no don't, shit, damn "UGH uhg HMMPH."

I couldn't believe that just fucking happened. I was mortified. I could feel my whole body heat up. I was afraid to look but I did. Not only was the left leg of my jeans drenched with my jizz but the head of cock popped out. I shot globs of my cream on my jeans and JC's pant leg.

I tried to stammer an apology but when I looked at JC he had his eyes closed. When he opened them up he looked at me and blushed. I felt like shit. I just embarrassed myself and him.

He looked down at his crotch. My eyes followed. This pants were drenched. Damn man that's hot. He shot off too. I wanted to touch the wet spot. Whoa dude I told myself your straight. Well your supposed to be straight. I was beginning to wonder. I was fucking so confused.

"Calm down Cody. It's not the first time a straight guy got wood when they meet me. It's the celebrity effect. Don't read into it."

I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm myself. I relaxed a little. "I guess this isn't the first time this happen then huh?"

"Yes and no. Not the first time a straight guy got wood around me. First time he came though. Also the first time it happened to me though."

"You don't get wood around hot straight guys?"

"Fuck yeah. First time I came without any touching though.'

"Never had a wet dream?"

"Wet dreams don't count." "I can't believe I did that though. I'm sorry though that I shot my jizz on your pants JC. I'll replace them."

"Ha-ha. What do you think made me shoot?"

"My jizz on y'all jeans made you jizz?"

"Well more like the idea of Cody jizz hitting my jeans made me jizz in my jeans." He said mimicking my accent.

"Y'all making jest of ma accent?" I said letting the good old southern boy accent flow. I couldn't help smile.

"Not fun of it. just loving it. It's hot. Like an Aussie accent is hot."

"I don't know about that." I said teasing him more with the accent.

"Asshole. I don't know what hotter right now. Your accent, the smell of cum in the room or the fact that your still hard?"

"I ain't the only one."

"Yeah well I ain't had sex in months so I have an excuse. Yours is just that you're a pussy hound who needs three time a week." He said laughing.

"True that."

"Well I think we need to wash up and change clothes." He said.

"Well you lead the way buddy." I said.

"Bathrooms through there. You can go first Cody."

I pulled out some sweat pant with Property of the US Marines on them and a clean t-shirt. I walked into the bathroom. I toed off my sneaks, pulled off my shirt and then undid and pulled off my jizz soaked jeans. The shower was huge. I turned on the water. It was one of jobs that sprayed down from the top. Fuck why not.

I poked my head into the bedroom. JC was laying on the bed still in his jeans. "Hey JC, there's enough room for both of us come on."

"I can wait bro. You probably need to um, take care of personal things." JC said. Dam he blushing. This guy's so cute. Damn did I just say a guy's cute?

"Damn dude I do but hell you done seen that before. Hell babe I just y'all just saw me jizz in ma jeans." I don't know why I was doing this. I was straight, I think.

"Okay, okay." He said. Awe he is blushing he is so cute. I watched him take off his shirt. Daaamn dude got a fucking 8 pack. He looked up at me.

"What?" he said confused


"You staring with your mouth open. You expect me to shower in my clothes?"

"Oh sorry. No not that. You got fucking eight pack and fucking hella atlas bro."

"I do? What's an atlas?" he asked looking at his abs.

"Atlas belt bro." He still looked at me confused.

"I'll show ya." I walked out from behind the door naked as the day I was born. With cock pointing the way. Ah fuck who cares too late to be shying now. He gonna see it anways.

I traced his eight pack lines then I then traced his atlas belt to where it went down into his low rise jeans. I looked up at his face and smiled. He looked up at the same time.

Fuck. Fuck. It was hard as fuck to fight the urge to kiss those lips. The smell of his jizz added to his sexy musky scent. I stepped back. "Ok bud shower time."

"Are you sure about this?" He asked as I pulled him into the bathroom.

"Yep. If I am to be your buddy guard. The way I see it I am gonna be around you 24/7. I eat, sleep and shower when you do."

"Okay so when do I get to wank?" he asked standing there with a smirk.

"Y'all still in the jeans JC."

I watched as he opened his jeans. I saw his pale blue Andrew Christian briefs. What the fuck is with me.

He dropped his jeans. And stood there in his still cum soaked briefs. I looked up at his face. He was smiling. I watched as he bit his bottom lip. As he pulled his briefs all the way down.

I took in every part of him in one quick look down than up. I memorized every inch. The thick trimmer black pubic hair that surrounded what I figured to a seven in cock that had a slight upward bend. It rested above two egg shaped balls with no a lick of hair on them. His abs like I said were a perfect 8 pack. His atlas belt was beautiful his pecs well defined but not overly muscular.

I heard a whimper leave my mouth. He smiled. He knew he was turning me on. The fucker. I was done. I knew it too.

I stepped up to him and looked into his eyes. They were purplish. I lower my eyes to his lips. Those kissable, sexy lips.

"JC what are you doing to me?"

His lips moved. I saw tears in his eyes. I didn't think about it; I just did it. I pulled his body against mine. I felt his body shacking. I felt his tears on my chest. My heart was breaking for him. I think this is the first time he grieved over what the shit head did to him.

When he was done crying I stepped back and smiled. I think you needed that. He nodded. I smiled. It's ok now your buddy guard is here to take care of ya. I said and gave him a kiss without thinking.

I recovered quickly though. "Don't get used to those." I said winking. I saw a genuine I' am happy smile' cross his face. It was the first time I seen that smile. I liked it. I liked it even better that I made him smile.

"You still didn't answer my question."

"What question?"

"If you're going to be around every single second. When do I get to jerk off?"

"Oh that's easy, when I do." I smiled innocently.

"So I can jerk like ten times a day?" he said trying to be funny

"Dern tootin. Ain't nuffin wrong with polish the carrot." I said relaxing my accent.

"Polishing the carrot?" he laughed

"Yup. Now come on stud." I said pushing him into the shower.

"First thing to clean the list and make sure that's clean as a virgin's pussy" I said

He laughed. "How clean is a virgin's pussy?"

"No fucking idea. Virgins are extinct after 12 where I come from." I said sounding serious.

Which broke him up I had worked up a nice lather of soap suds in my hands. I reached out and grabbed his hard cock he moaned. He stood there and stared at me. I took his right hand and placed it on my cock. that's all I had to do instinct took over. I was horned up beyond belief. I always get that when I experience something new in sex. This is the first gay sex I ever had so it was new and exciting. More so because I was so into JC. Fuck man. this felt so good so right. I had his cock in my hand and mine was in his.

He leaned forward and rested his check against my shoulder. I turned my head to look at him. I couldn't stop it. My lips touched his. I parted his lips with my tongue. As soon as it entered his mouth it felt like electricity going through me. I moaned. My cock grew. I felt my goo shootout between us. We were so tight together now water didn't get between us. It felt as if I would never stop coming. When I did I realized he had shot his wad too. I was holding him up now.

I stepped back a little. "Hey Babyboy you okay?"

"I don't know. Are you?"

"Fuck no, I am all fucked in the head right now."


That's was the first time I ever touched another dude. I thought I was straight."

"Just because we did that doesn't mean your gay."

"No that don't. The fact that all I could think about for the last week was, kissin', touchin' and lovin' on you. That is what got me fucked in the head. Don't say it's the celebrity factor either because I don't care about that."

I didn't realize that while I was talking he was washing me. he had turned me around and was washing my back while I was talking. The stinker. I knew what it was now. I was in love with the fucker. Me Cody lee Dawson was in love with another man. Granny was right.

"You're a stinker Mr. Jason Chris. Ya know that?" I said with a grin.

"Why am I a stinker?" he asked as his hand washed my cock.

I pulled his hand off my semi hard cock and leaned forward. "Don't start nuffin you ain't prepared to finish."

"I more the prepared to finish it off." He said reaching for my dick again. I held his hand in mine.

"Plenty time for that some other time. I need to say this before I lose the balls to say it."

"Okay." he said. I took the soap and turned him around and started washing his back.

"My granny always said, we all have soul mates. When we find that soul mate our souls become only half of one because those two souls join and make a new soul."


"Let me finish now."

I knelt and started wash the back of his legs. And worked my way up to the prettiest butt I ever seen and that include men and women. Not that I looked a men's butts. I washed each cheek. There was a slight trace of black hair between them. fuck it's perfect.


"Sorry got to thinking."

"Yeah, I wonder what about." I heard him giggle.

"Hush you. Turn around." I said giving his purty butt a light slap.

He turned around giggling. I washed his chest, arms and pits. I saved the best for last his abs.

"You gonna finish what you were saying?"

"Finish what you're doing then I can say what I need to say."

"So demanding." He said with an eye brow raised.

"Naw, your just distractin' me." I smiled.

I leaned against the shower wall and enjoyed myself. His touch was magic to me. I loved the feel of his hands as they washed every part of me. I opened my eyes and looked down at him when I felt his hands on my legs.

"Turn around." I obeyed. I felt his hand was my back and under my arms. I felt his hands wash my butt, he went between my cheeks and washed between them.

"Turn around again" I did as I was told like a good marine.


I opened my eyes at this request. He smiled and held up a bottle of Redkin shampoo. Oh that shits expensive. I knelt down. I felt his hands massage my scalp. Work the shampoo in with his fingers. I rested my forehead against his abs. I felt t so good. No has washed my hair since I but tick on a dog's ass. He tilted my head back and rinsed my hair and washed it again. Once it was rinsed out he pulled me upwards.

I opened my eyes and saw those lips. I gave him a gentle kiss and pulled back.

"Thank you. That was. Oh man I got no words for it."

We dried off with the softest and thickest towels. I walked into the bedroom after I was dried off. JC was right behind me. I stopped and turned and pulled him into my arms. It just acquired to me at that moment as our bodies meshed tight against each other. I wasn't hard.

I was aroused as ever but I think I was satisfied sexually for the first time in my life. I was perfectly content and sexually satisfied. This what love is like? What the fuck I am straight. No. I already admitted I attracted to JC in so many different ways.

I pulled away and we laid on the bed. Time to talk this out bro. I said to myself. I looked up at the ceiling the only thing in the room that didn't make me dizzy and that includes JC. I took a breath and began

"Okay it's like this. I always thought I was straight. I think I am still am. The thing is I can't get you out of my head. It's not because you're the Jason Chris megastar. It because you're Jason Chris. The sweetest, smartest, most lovable, and beautiful guy I know."

"Wow that's the."

"Ain't done yet. Like was saying or trying to say is this. I ain't never looked at guy before you and not alone be wantin' to be lovin' on you. like I do. I ain't ever looked at no woman and felt like I am feelin' on you. JC I ain't after money of fame fuck dude I rather not be anywhere near them fuckers. I do know this though as long as you want to be around I will be your buddy guard and more if you want it. Y'all know what I am sayin'?"

"Are you done?"

"I think so. Hells fire I hope so."

"Cody now my turn to say what I need to say." He said. Oh fuck I fucked up. I said everything to fast. I should have waited.

"Okay shoot." I held my breath.

"I think I love you too. Just not ready to be out there in public with it."

I let out my breath out.

"Yeah man. Y'all just made my dick go wiggly."

"I did what?" he said sitting up looking at my softy.

"Sorry baby boy that means Y'all made my day."

JC crawled over on top of me. His body felt perfect on top of mine. I felt as if I don't know it felt good is all.

"Your body feels perfect under me. like it was an extension of my own"

"That's it!" I shouted.

"What?" he laughed.

"When you laid on top of me I was trying to think of way to describe the feeling. You just said you're like a part on me. Our souls feel like they belong side by side.

"Like your granny said our souls are one.?"

"They ain't yet. We to join in other ways first." I said wiggling my eye brows.

"Oh well if we need to um join together in other ways we better get to joinin' then." He said in a perfect southern accent.

"I'd like nuffin better babe but I am tired as fuck."

I had to admit I was really tired. Laying on the bed and all the emotional jazz is just exhausted me. that and I didn't sleep a lick on the plane.

"can't sleep on a plane?"

"Naw not that. I sKurred that lil carrot top was gonna rape lil ole me if I fell asleep."

"Ha-ha. Though I wouldn't put it passed him to try. I doubt he be much of threat."

"Yeah I know I was just nervous about meeting you and all that confusing shit was hurting my head somethin' awful."

He =crawled off me and we snuggled together. He kissed my fore head.

"There. Hope that helps take the hurt away."

"Hurts here too." I said pointing my lips. A kiss.

"Here." Shoulder kiss, bicep, several kisses, must be bruised to get that many kisses. I giggled at that.

"Anywhere else?" he said raising an eyebrow.

I can think of several more spots that need your kisses but they gonna have to wait." I said yawning.

He cuddled up against my chest. I can't believe this fucking shit I am in love with a dude. I fell asleep listening JC's soft snores.

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Next: Chapter 5

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