Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Aug 18, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


This story is protected by copyright. None of this story from the first chapter to the last may be copied, printed or used in any part without permission of the writer, Randy Wade.

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Among the Stars

Chapter 37


May 27th, 2016

The last nine weeks went by fast. Memorial Day was just a few days away. I was asked to perform in Washington, DC by President Obama. So here we are sitting on the gulf stream G650 waiting to take off for the thirteen plus hour flight to Washington DC. Billy, Granny Mae, and the twins would be meeting us there.

I was very proud of the twins. They accepted to do a project for school to help a charity. Then after some campaigning they got other students to support the idea. A special performance to help raise money to purchase a building for a shelter for homeless teens. I told them that I will add three zeros to the amount they raise and donate that amount. Hence if they put up five thousand, I will give five million.

The movie was moving to the sound stage in Philadelphia. The rest of the crew was already there. Building interior sets and sets on the backlots. We were happily about three weeks ahead of schedule. We also shifted the locale of the filming, we wouldn't have to go abroad. We'd use the Death Valley for the desert scenes. Jackson said the Saudi desert was too dead for him and that for only a few days shooting it wasn't cost effective. For the other castles needed, we would use three American castles.

Cody and I dozed we played some cards and generally amused ourselves for the trip flight. We stopped in Tucson for refueling. A three-hour layover between landing and the allotted time we can take off once more. Cody and I decided to stretch our legs. So we took a stroll through the airport.

Though I imagine a few people might have recognized me, they were not certain. What would Jason Dawson-Chris be doing in Tucson right? We found a place called Arizona Sports Bar. Though we got a few stares still no one bothered us. We sat at the bar and ordered a beer. I wasn't easily recognized because they placed extensions in my hair to make it longer.

"Excuse Is this seat taken?" said a muscular guy my age wearing a red Wildcats jersey. He had a southern accent.

"Nope. Have a seat." I said smiling. I looked down and saw three others in the same jersey. They were all equally big.

"Seems like we are among some college football players," I whispered to Cody.

"Looks that way, but you're still better looking and hotter." Said Cody as he grabbed my leg.

"You're only saying that because your horny," I said laughing.

"When ain't I horny for your hot body?" he said as he kissed me.

"I knew it! Your Jason Chris!" said a black guy sitting on the other side of the guy to my left.

"Yes, I am but can you hold it down. We want to just relax without a lot of commotion if you get my drift." I laughed.

"No problem bro."

There were eight of them, the black guy, Darren, told me that they were waiting with their teammate Vadim Wilcox, said like Vadeem, who was sitting next to me. He was heading back to Quantico, Virginia for a family emergency. He was on a standby seat, hoping for a cancellation.

"I hope it's nothing too serious?" Cody said.

"Doesn't get much worse, my dad was killed in an accident. Now I have to take care of my little brother. I only hope I can catch this flight."

Cody looked at me with that question. I smiled sadly and nodded. "Where are your bags bro?" asked Cody.

"Right there. Why?" he said, pointing to an overnight sports bag.

"We can give you a lift to Washington, DC," Cody grinned.

"You sure? I don't want to cause you any trouble," he stated. The relief on his face was unmistakable.

"Positive. It's no problem, we have plenty of room. Grab your bag." I smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Cody made a quick call to the pilot to let him know we had an another person on the jet. We kept strict records on who was on the jet just in case of any in-flight accident. The guys followed us through the airport and along the covered walk to the executive section of the airport. I could tell Vadim was barely keeping himself together.

"His mom died two years ago of cancer. So it's just him and his bro now. I truly appreciate you helping him out." said Darren. I was introduced to all of them, but I forgot them entirely. Primarily because they actually didn't speak to us, but where there to support their team mate.

"It's no big thing. I am just glad we were at the right spot at the right time." I said as we walked into the terminal. I thought about all the guys there and how they were showing support for their teammate. "Listen, we have plenty of room if you guys want to go to. I think he needs his friend's." I said to Darren.

"That's cool of you Mr. Chris, but we don't have a change of clothes and as you can see we don't exactly wear the same size." Said Darren.

"It's Jason and Cody. Listen, if you really want to go with him, I can take care of the clothing part. Since it's Quantico I am taking his father is a Marine. It's the least we can do for you. I am in the reserves, and we take care of our fellow Marine brothers and sisters." Said Cody. I could hear the emotion in his voice.

"Let me ask my team mates." Cody and I stood to the side as he talked to them. The huddled like they were on the field. I watched as Vadim broke from the group and walked over to us. He pulled both Cody and me into a hug. I felt his big shoulders shaking.

"Thank you so much. You don't know what this means to me," Vadim said as he buried his head into our shoulders.

He gathered himself together, and we went to an area designated for our flight. They gave their names to the pilot so they can be registered for the flight. While they did that, we joined Jacobs and our sleeping kids. We sat back on the sofa in the executive lounge and were joined by the Wildcats. JC woke up and started fussing. Luckily, Riley stayed asleep. She could sleep through a storm.

I tried giving JC his bottle. He pushed it away with a loud "No" and kept crying. I tried singing his favorite song, but he wouldn't give up. JC had crying fits regularly, we were told that he may be autistic, but they needed to do more tests when he got older.

"May I.," said Darren as I held a crying JC. I handed him JC. JC looked at him and sniffled as he listened to Darren talking to him. I looked on as Darren bounced him on his leg JC eventually calmed down and began to giggle. Darren looked back up at me.t me. "My little brother is autistic. He does the same thing. I found out how to quieten him down. I can still do that too. Just not as easy on face time."

I smiled and told him that The doctors think he may be slightly autistic, but we had to wait to do more tests when he is two. The pilot came out and told us it was that time to board the jet. Darren held on to JC as we boarded. Cody took a sleeping Riley. We all assembled and took our seats. Darren strapped JC in the seat beside him in a chair designed especially for him and Riley.

It was a very enjoyable flight. The Wildcats enjoyed the luxury of the six-hour flight and ate up the food and had several drinks that were provided by my flight crew. Even Vadim seemed to perk up a bit. After the fourth hour, the co-pilot came out. "Jason we are being directed to Andrews."

"OK, can you make a call to Billy and tell him we will meet them at the Hotel then?" I took him.

"Sure will." He said before going back to the cockpit.

"I wonder what's that all about," I said to Cody, referring to the plane, jet being directed to Andrews Joint Force Base.

"No Idea. I am sure we will be told, though. At least I hope so." Cody said as he downed his beer.

"Don't be getting a beer belly babe. I don't want your dick shrinking up on me." I giggled as he grabbed another.

"No worries baby. Between the workouts in the gym and bedroom, I burn it up fast."

"Let's hope the bedroom workouts don't slow down."

"Do you have any complaints." He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I do. You won't let me get a breather between workout sets in the bedroom or anywhere else we work out."

"Well, I will just pop a load, then roll over." He grinned.

"Don't you dare. I'll simply have to recuperate faster." I said, grabbing his crotch. I felt some movement under his shorts. I started stroking his thigh where I felt his dick going down. It didn't take long for it to harden.

"You're an asshole sometimes," I smiled and got up. I had to adjust myself too. I peeked into the lounge area before grabbing a blanket out of the cupboard. The guys were playing with Riley and JC. I told the attendant that Cody and I were going to take a nap.

I then went and sat back down. I covered Cody and me with the blanket. I reached under the blankets and opened his shorts. I pulled out his Big cock and started to stroke it as I began to make out with him. Cody groaned as I was running my thumb over the tip. It was covered in precum. I immediately broke the kiss.

I smiled at him before going under the blanket and sucking the perfect cock into my mouth. Cody juice is not to be wasted. He reached under and freed my cock and started stroking it as I deep throated him. "Oh yeah babe make love to my cock." he moaned. As he twirled his fingers into my long hair.

I smiled smugly to myself. I wasn't sucking Cody off, I was orally making love to him, and he recognized the difference. I enjoyed making him feel safe. I also loved the taste of his precum almost as much as I love the taste of his cum. It was more than just swallowing his load when he came. It was definitely a spiritual thing. He was placing his love in me. I felt the same way when he came in my ass. It didn't matter if we were making love or fucking like we did in the woods in Hawaii it was still depositing his love in me.

I pushed his boxers down to his ankles. I loved playing with his balls and caressing his hairy thighs as I sucked on that pole between his legs. I pulled back and ran my tongue of the slit in his head. He moaned and forced my head downward on his cock. I felt his leg muscles tensing. I pulled back slightly so I could taste his load as he came. I felt his cock pulse in my mouth, then the first spurts of his cum hit the back of my throat as he shoved my head down on him. I was able to pull back slightly to taste some of his juice in my mouth.

I sucked out the last of his cum. Like usual, I didn't leave a drop as I let his cock go from between my lips. I licked the last drop from the tip. He pulled me up and back against the seat. He had smiled at me before he went down on me. For a guy who has only sucked off two guys, Harry and me, he was an expert. He sucked and licked at my balls while he stroked my cock. He would then deep throat me. It didn't take long before I was dumping my load into his throat and mouth.

I was in paradise when I felt his lips on mine. His tongue crept into my mouth and explored everywhere. "I don't know what I ever did to get you and those two brats of ours, but I am the luckiest man on earth." He whispered to me as laid my head on his shoulder after he broke the kiss.

"I was thinking the same thing babe. You're perfect to me." I whispered back. I felt tears of joy at the corner of my eyes. That's why he is perfect for me. Sure I knew he was overprotective and sometimes had a temper, but to me he was perfect. I overlooked his few flaws as I am sure he overlooked my many flaws.

I saw the red light go on telling us the flight was nearing the landing field. Cody pulled up his shorts and buttoned them up as I did the same. We were just in time as the Wildcats came back and took their seats.

"I recognize that smell bro. Joining the mile-high club, huh." Said Darren leaning forward in his seat facing us.

"Dude we joined that club a couple dozen times ago." Cody laughed.

"Someday bro, I'll join you in that club. Just got to find Mr. Right." Said Vadim next to him. I was surprised, but not shocked at the comment. Cody looked back and winked.

"You will bro. I never believed I'd find a Mr. Right, but then I was looking for Mrs. Right."

"So you say that you were straight before you met Jason?" said Darren.

"I don't know if I was exactly straight, but I know I never thought about a guy before him. I just knew from the moment we physically met I was in love. He has the most beautiful soul I ever met." Cody said.

"I may be straight, but I don't guess I have ever seen two people that love each other more. I am a bit envious." Said Darren grinning.

"Me too, but then I guessed when the team found I was gay they'd cause a problem. A few did, but these guys set them straight on the matter. Watching you two guys make me confident that love is out there for me." said Vadim.

"I don't believe you'll have much of a problem with those green eyes and black hair bro. I am sure you have a bunch of guys wanting you." Cody said smiling.

"I had someone in high school. I fucked that up, though. No one seemed right since Aaron."

"Well, all I can tell you is hope for the best and don't miss the opportunity in dismissing that someone special. Maybe Aaron feels the same way." I said.

"I doubt it. I really fucked it up between us. Aaron said he hated me and never wanted to see me again." He said. I watched a tear leave the corner of his eye.

"Well, just remember not to follow your head when your heart tells your head to shut the fuck up," Cody said. I had to think about what he was saying.

"Babe, what does that mean?" I asked.

"It means that if my heart hadn't told my brain to shut up, we wouldn't be together." He said grinning. I got what it meant now.


The plane landed at Andrews. We were told to stay on board. A Marine lieutenant came on board with a Secret Service agent and explained the situation. It seems they intercepted a terrorist threat against Jason. We hadn't realized until the pilot told us that for the last hour we were escorted by two F-15's. He said there was a possible link between the murder and this threat.

Jason introduced the Wildcats and explained their presence. The Marine lieutenant smiled and shook Vadim's hand. He said he would arrange for them to be transported down to Quantico Bay. Jason told the officer to charge everything to him that they may need such as clothing, lodging and food and anything else. The officer nodded and thanked him for making sure that Vadim could be here for his Marine father's funeral.

I smiled when we debarked from the Gulf stream and saw three black Suburbans with NASSA security there. I wasn't completely surprised, though. After they had helped with the investigation with Kimmy's murder, the secret service was impressed with their ability. They had signed a contract with NASSA to help with special security for lower level persons and dignitaries. They even contacted us for some surveillance. We even received a contract to support the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia. We submitted one of the Republican Convention but got a big fuck you from Trump.

We said our goodbyes to the Wildcats. Jason and I both gave our personal numbers to Vadim in case he needed anything. We arrived at the hotel and we were barraged with questions and hugs from everyone. We settled in and went down to get something to eat at the restaurant. Though this wasn't a Chris hotel, we were treated and catered to. The Chis hotel here was still being renovated to fit the Chris hotel standards.

The twins wanted to go see the sights so with four agents they went off. Granny took Jason by the hand and took him to a private talk. I had no idea what this was about. I did know that they spoke several times on the phone. I saw Jason was barely making headway in getting her to move to Philadelphia. I turned on the TV and watched a movie. It didn't take long before my eyelids got heavy.


"Granny, we need to tell them about what is going on. I don't like keeping this from them, especially Cody."

"I know sweetie, but it's just a hip replacement. Ain't nothing serious."

"You're eighty years old. Any operation is seriously at that age. If anything occurred to you and Cody wasn't there he'd be devastated and knowing I knew about it might never forgive me." I had practiced this line several times on her over the phone.

I watched as she stared at me. "Let's go tell the boy." She said, pushing herself up on the cane.

We walked out to the living room of the suite. The TV was on, and Cody was asleep. I hated to wake him, but I had little option. "Hey, babe," I said, shaking his broad shoulder. He opened his eyes up and smiled, then looked over at Granny. He must have read our facial expressions.

"What's the matter." he stated and quickly setting up.

We explained the operation, and he looked between both of us. He had an angry look on his face when he looked at me. "Don't get mad boy. I made him promise not to tell you. I even threaten the boy, and you know Granny's threats are carried out." I sighed when I his face soften and then smile.

"Yeah, I know them threats. My butt really remembers them too." He giggled. "Will you move to Philly with us and no arguments." He added.

"You push a hard bargain boy." She said smiling.

"You two already worked it out didn't you?" he said looking at me.

"Took me two weeks to convince her. I had to use the puppy dog eyes on her." I laughed.

"Thats a mean thing to do to a defenseless old lady like me." smirked Granny.

"Old yeah, but you are a hardly defenseless granny." laughed Cody.

I laughed when she hit him in the thigh with his cane making Cody jump out of the way before she could hit him again. I smiled as she sat there giving him the evil eye. "Boy, you need to start wearing drawers. Your hung like your Grandpa." I fell on the floor laughing as Cody turned ten shades of red.

Then next day we took a tour of Washington DC. Granny reluctantly was in a wheelchair. I smiled at the twins who argued whether or not I looked good with the long hair going down slightly passed my shoulders. Today Granny had put it in a ponytail Duke liked it, and Luke said it looked ok, but said it hid my eyes. I knew Cody liked it. Last night he held it while he fucked me from behind.

The Monday was Memorial Day, and I had a concert. I was going to be accompanied by the Navy and Marine bands. I went to the Hall to practice with them that Saturday afternoon while the rest went to the Smithsonian Museum. I was left satisfied that they not only knew the songs, but they played it perfectly. Loud enough to be heard, but not too loud that they drowned me out.

Cody and I decided to do a club that night. We decided on a gay nightclub called The Fireplace. It hadn't been opened long. With two agents, we took off. When we got there, I was expecting a bit more, but then can't judge from the outside. It was a large two-story brick building. We found a parking spot just up the street across from the bar. Cody and I walked in front of the agents. They were all dressed in casual civilian clothes. So they wouldn't stand out.

We followed them in. Cody and I didn't cause a stir. Well, not right away, anyway. We entered and had a seat at the bar. I bartender wearing a high and tight style hair cut took our orders. When I ordered a Long Island iced tea Cody's eyebrow went up. "Plan on having some fun tonight babe?" he smirked as he took a swig of his beer.

"Maybe babe, but then you know what happens when I get a buzz on." I giggled thinking about the woods in Hawaii. I had a buzz that night.

"Glad I didn't fuck that ass yet today." He leered at me.

"Here you go, lads. From the guy at the end." Said the barman as he put an upturned shot glass in front of both of us.

"Tell him thanks, but we can't accept. We're married." Said Cody smiling.

"Everyone knows who you guys are. They only wanted to say hi." He said frowning lightly.

"How about we buy the bar a drink instead," I said quickly.

He just nodded and smiled. "Hey, guys they turned down your drinks." There was a boo. "They did, however, say they are buying a round for everyone."

"Anything they want bartender," Cody shouted out.

He nodded as he took Cody's Visa black card. "Scott." He stated, holding out his hand.

"Cody and Jason, no misters please," Cody said as we shook his hand.

We talked to the other patrons before heading upstairs. We set off dancing the music was old school Diva style. I loved watching Cody dance. He moved pretty well for a big jarhead. After three hours of drinking and dancing, we decided we had enough. Though I consumed three long islands. I had danced away a bunch of them. We gave some of the guys a hug good-bye and handed Scott a hug and kiss on the neck. We took a photo for them to frame and place on the wall. He said he would get it developed tomorrow. I told him to drop by the hotel, and we'd would sign it.

Sunday went on uneventfully. My ass was sore from the night before of Cody's and my fuck sessions, and I was a bit hung over. The twins wanted to do something so they decided to check out a mall. Armed with credit cards they left with six agents. Teens were fast so they decided the boys needed six of them to keep them in line. Cody and I received a visit from Scott. We signed the picture and talked for a bit before he had to leave for the bar and work. Cody and I went to bed early the next day. We had a busy day planned for tomorrow.


We worked our way towards the stage area in front of the Lincoln Memorial. The president is speaking now. Jason was frowning at the tablet. He was listening to Trump making a speech. He closed it down immediately. "The man has no class. This is not a day to make campaign speeches, but yet he is." He growled.

"As we honor those who have fallen, I would like to honor several men and women of our military and civilian for their sacrifice and heroic patronage of the American people and military." We watched from the side as men and women in uniform were given awards and medals.

"For outstanding service to his country and the troops of this country, while serving overseas, I would like to present The Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction to Jason Dawson-Chris." Jason stood there not moving. I gathered some courage and gave him a nudge. He walked out onto the stage.

Jason Thanked the president "One more thing Jason." The President said.

Commandant of the Marines Corps, General Robert Neller stepped out beside the President. "Jason Dawson-Chris. On behalf of the United States Marines, I am honored to make you an honorary Marine." I smiled when the general placed the medal and insignia on Jason's chest. Jason smiled and thank him and shook hands.

The concert itself was short and held after dark. Security was on high alert. Secret Service, military, and NASSA were present. When Jason has sung his rendition of I am Proud to be an American the fireworks began. Jason when he has sung that song he stirred up a great deal of emotion. He was one of those performers that made you feel the music not just hear it.

Later that night I read some of Trump's tweets one really pissed me off. `@therealdonaldtrump: @reallyJasonchris may have passed on AIDS to his kids from servicing all those marines.'

Jason got even more pissed he grabbed the tablet and sent a Twitter to the slit. `@reallyJasonchris get your facts right you $#@% pig. Say what you want about me, but leave my kids out of this. It's on scum bag.' He hit send.

"It's on that scumbag is going to wish he was never born by the time I am done with him," Jason growled.

Thanks for Editing Rick

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