Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Aug 9, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 34

We awoke the next day to a pair of hung over twins. I also got a message from my attorney to check Trump's Twitter. `Chris's performance at Grammy's disgusting he should be arrested for perversion of minors and Grammy's need to be fined.'

`Jason Chris needs to worry about his own party and crazy Bernie and corrupt Hilary like them he is a loser.'

I just laughed. "Dump never ceases to astound me. Dump really likes to show off everything, even his ignorance." I said showing it to Cody. "I am registered, Independent."

Tony grabbed the tablet `He is registered Independent. Can't you say anything more than 124 characters?' little did Tony know this would be a catch phrase.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

I was scheduled to be at the Ellen DeGeneres taping at 2:30 that afternoon. That morning I had to finalize my contract with my new manager Bryon Lourd. He would get the standard ten percent. He also agreed to use my lawyers and NASSA for security. As far as the corporate part he had nothing to do with. Though if you brought clients to my studio, he would get a finders fee. There were more details involved, but that was the basis of our contract.

I drove to the NBC Burbank studios. Cody stayed home with a sick JC. It was only me and Tony in the 2016 Lamborghini Ankonian I just bought. "This thing seems like something that's out of Star Wars." Tony teased me.

"Precisely. I really like that. I also like the idea that I got the first one." I laughed.

"I am afraid to ask the price tag," Tony said.

"You really don't want to know. Since I purchased it when they haven't even released it yet, cost me more."

"I intended to ask you if we can buy another of those smaller jets for NASSA?" asked Tony.

I smiled to myself. That actually gives me an idea. "Let's buy a small fleet instead of larger and smaller jets. Might as well expand out my investments." I said.

I pulled up to the gate, and the guard stared at the car as Tony rolled down the window. "Welcome to NBC Mr. Chris." He stated I didn't bother correcting his use of the mis-stating of my name, and he waved us in.

Byron Lourd and an assistant were already there as we pulled up to Ellen's studio stage. We stepped out of the automobile. After the introductions had been done, we headed inside where we were greeted by an intern. He took us to make up. Byron asked me what topics are untouchable. Since there was really any, he laughed and went off to get some coffee.

"All done Jason." said the makeup artist, Lisa.

"Thanks, Lisa but can you work my eyes up a little? They have a tendency to come off, washed out with stage lights."

Byron and I sat in the green room and talked about the upcoming movie, Pangea, I was producing and starring in. It would be filmed in different locations, United Kingdom, Italy, Saudi Arabia and the United States, which also included a location in Hawaii. I had gotten Peter Jackson to direct. Which will start in three weeks? His wife Fran Walsh was giving the screenplay a tune up. Finally, the time came to make my appearance.

I stood off stage as Ellen talked to the young man, Grier Haywood, who started an organization for teens who were homeless, called T4t or Teens for Teens. He was the primary reason I was here. He was a fan, and I was going to donate some money and a Tahoe SUV to help with his charity work. Ellen had given him a check for ten-thousand-dollars to help in his work with homeless or needy teens and kids.

"So I hear you're a big fan of Jason Dawson-Chris."

"Yeah. I really am. I really love Jason's song Some People."

"Did you go to watch him perform?"

"Not in person. But I did put together a video of all the clips I could find on the internet."

"I believe I learned that someplace. So I got something for you." Ellen said, reaching behind her and giving him a copy of the video of the Damaged tour.

"Oh wow thanks. I don't know what to say."

"Jason's a good friend of mine and has been on the show a lot. So when I found out you were a fan, I asked him if he had one lying around and so he made sure I got this. I don't know why he didn't autograph it, though."

"That's ok. I am just thrilled to have this."

"That's very sweet of you, but I am going to have to get him to autograph that. So let's do that now. Jason get out here and sign this."

I walked out on stage to screaming fans. I don't know what I expected, but the young man looked like a linebacker. I shook his hand and gave him a bro hug, then gave Ellen her hug and kiss. After signing the DVD for Grier, I gave him twenty thousand and a Tahoe SUV to help his cause. I also performed Some People for the audience and Grier.

I also brought out copies of all my CD's and signed them after the show. It was the easiest interview I have done in a long while. Mainly because we just talked with Grier about his cause. Afterward, I did the regular meet and greet with the audience. Privately Ellen and I caught up for a few minutes before she had to start the taping of Monday's show, which she did on Thursday after taping the Friday show.

I got home around seven to find just Cody and security. The twins and had gone to Disneyland along with Billy, Billy Jr., Mae and their surfing buddies. JC and Riley were down for the night. We both knew exactly what we wanted.


The Oscars were pretty much the same as the Grammy's Jason won the Best Actor and Best Musical Score. The Movie itself won another two Oscars. We sent the rest of the family home on the 747, we decide to stay for a few days, so it was just Jason four security guy's the toddlers and myself. We decided to take a commercial flight to Hawaii since that was where the first filming would start in three weeks. Jason was after a four to five-month filming schedule due mostly to Peter Jackson being a perfectionist. Byron had said he join us in two weeks for a few days.

To say my brothers were pissed off that they had to go back to Philadelphia was an understatement. The thing is the school was great at letting them go to Los Angeles for the Awards shows, though they did need to put in the hours at school. Jason always says it best. `The way to stay grounded is to have a somewhat normal high school experience.' It worked for him. They grudgingly agreed and with little fight and big hugs they flew away.

Jason, Our entourage of security, toddlers and I, bordered our plane to Hawaii and hour later. The toddlers were were asleep within an hour of the five-and-a-half-hour flight. Jason had fallen asleep curled up against my chest. I had a hard time sleeping so I read the script for Pangea. The movie is going to be a hit.

The cast is already set. It featured an all-star cast. It included Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, Zoey Saldana, Helen Mirren, Chris Hemsworth and Chris Pine to name a few. Though I wouldn't be with him during the whole filming, I will there as much as I could. I can't stand being away from him for long. So I knew I'd be flying a lot

Jason had bought a decent home on Kauai where about half the film would be shot. I really was looking forward to it. I would spend two weeks here, then fly back to Philly, then fly back here when I couldn't take not being near him any longer. Jason moved and ended up with his head in my lap. He had goose bumps on his arms.

I asked for a blanket to cover him. For someone who grew up in an area with the extreme weather during the summer and winter. Winter and fall being the longer of the two, he got cold fast. I smiled as I caressed and played with his hair. I almost laughed when I guy made a comment about the superstar fag, and the stewardess removed him from first class after he refused to be quiet.

When the seat belt sign went on I woke Jason up. I blushed when I realized I had my normal hard on that I always got whenever I am around my super sexy star, not alone have his head in my lap. Jason smiled and put the blanket across our laps. Twenty minutes later the pilot announced we were making our final approach.

We disembarked and were met by two marines waiting. Jason had called in for a favor with Col. Sean Killeen commanding officer of Marine Corps Base, Kaneohe Bay for a flight to Kauai. In return, he would perform for the base. Something Jason would have done anyway. We grabbed our bags and followed them out to two waiting Humvees. Forty minutes later we being escorted into a helicopter and transported to the island. We set down in an open field beside our newest home.

That night Jason and I went into the shower. We washed each other like we usually did. I smiled as he leaned back against me and pulled my arms around him. I rocked him back and forth holding him tight. He turned around and pulled us against the wall. "I need you in me, Cody. I just need you in me." he moaned as he nuzzled and kissed my neck.

I lifted him up, and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I always loved it when he did that. With one hand he aimed my cock at his opening and pushed down on it. I could tell by the expression on his face that it hurt, but he didn't go. When his face relaxed, I started to go with him. He simply carried on with his legs around my waistline and his arms around my neck and gazed into my eyes. I felt him tighten around my cock and his cum hitting my body. I leaned forward as dumping my seed inside him.

This wasn't about sex or satisfying that need. We needed to be connected to each other physically and mentally. It was both of needing to feel not just mentally one person but also physically. For me, this was the most satisfying sex. It felt like our souls became one at moments like this.

We purchased two Jeep Wranglers and toured the island over the next two weeks. We stopped by the set to see the progress being made on its construction. The only thing that they will be filmed here were exterior filming as it was just a shell. But it looked real and fit in perfectly with the surrounding tropical look.

Eventually the day I dreaded came around. I had to get on a plane and go back to Philadelphia. I had called Kimmy, Riley's birth mother, earlier last week. We talked regularly once or twice a week. I planned on visiting her for two days before flying up to Philly. I called her three times this week and got no answer. I just put it up to her being busy.

Unfortunately, that was our last night together. We put on our watches that had locators and body pulse. We then without security went to Secret Beach. We walked down after parking we walked down the trail to the beach. No one was there as we walked hand in hand. We found a secluded spot and sat in the sand. And cuddled.


I hated the fact that Cody was going home tomorrow. I cuddled up next to him. The combination of the smell of Cody, the salty air and the smell of flowers when the breeze shifted ever so slightly was intoxicatingly arousing. I looked out to waves crash on the beach, it was calming. I felt myself start to doze.

I stood up and found I had sand all up my shorts and in the crack of my ass. Very uncomfortable feeling! I smiled and kicked off my flip flops, then my shirt, then facing back at Cody, who was eyeing my every move undid the bottom then dropped my shorts. He reached towards me, but I stepped back then turned tail and dove into the sea waves. I looked back and saw Cody tossing his shorts, then running towards me. His hard cock swaying as he went and dove in.

I giggled when I felt him move his fingers against my thighs and then came up right in front of me. "Not a sound idea to swim in salt water with your eyes open, mister," I said while I put my arms around his next and gave him a kiss.

"I didn't have them open I don't need to I can find you like a bloodhound." He laughed and kissed me back.

That lead to another and longer one I don't know when or how it came about, but we were then put on the beach making out with the waves crashing on us. It was like a scene from Here to Eternity. It has been just like an addiction my husband had on me. He is pretty much the perfect man. Loving quietly and subtly romantic. Sensual and sexual, loving, funny and the best fuck I will ever have. The most significant thing though was then he made me feel secure and complete.

We made beautiful love that night. Not on the beach, though, sand in my asshole was not something I would have loved. I didn't want to wake him up, but I had to. I leaned over him and looked at his peaceful face as he slept. "Kiss me fucker." He stated.

I laughed, swatted and kissed him. Which ended up with a quick round of morning blow jobs. It was hard watching him board our 737 jet at the Lihue airport. The jet had disembarked its tenants which were loaded with the crew and cast needed for filming here on the island. I greeted and introduced Cody to everyone else I met a few for the first time. I waited as the plane refueled with Cody. There were too many people so I agreed to drive someone back to the house where we would have a party to start it all off in style. Morgan Freeman and his son Alphonso, who was cast in a substantial supporting role.

I couldn't believe it, but he started to cry, which got me crying. We're still holding on to each other. "Baby I can't go. I can't be without you he cried."

I love you so much, Cody. This will the first time I have slept without you. You know you have to go through. Then came the time to say goodbye to my babies. I shed more tears and so did they. Riley was more emotional than JC. In fact, she is now passing him in emotions, but he was still learning intellectually faster. I gave my husband a long hug and kiss. I watched them board the jet and then take off.

"Never easy Jason." I nodded recognizing the Morgan Freeman's voice.

The party was going on when we got there. I had employed a local woman to be a housekeeper. She had her grandson help out once in a while so he took the Freeman's bags up to their room. The only other people actually staying in the house was Channing Tatum and family. I went out on deck, leaving the Freedman's to freshen up.

The luau was in beginning to get into full swing. The pigs were roasting Hawaiian style in the pits. I had hired a few locals to cater this party and was thrilled with what they were doing. I've really loved it here. The people were so accepting and caring it was relaxing. I had heard from Cody an hour ago to tell me he had landed in LA and was waiting for the plane to refuel.

I became a little teary-eyed talking to him. I sat down in a dark spot only to be found. "Aye mate, what's my guy doing here alone."

I turned around and saw Harry standing there. I stood up and held on to him and cried. "What the fuck you doing here?"

"You don't think Cody, and I are going to allow you to be alone with all these handsome blokes do you?"

I smiled at him and kissed him softly. "You two planned this didn't you."

"Of course, but sadly to say I have only a week to spend with your darling."

"That's ok can we sleep together?"

"I am already stowed in your bedroom. Now let's go join this luau."


I got off the plane I gave a call to Kimmy, still no answer. We rented a car and went to her condo. I banged on the door but got no answer. I went down to the desk and inquired only to find out that she hadn't been down to pick up her mail in over a week. I asked for a passkey at first, I was refused, but after passing the hundred dollars to him, he let me. I open the door, and her place was in shambles and looked extremely dangerous. NASSA agents then stopped me, they went into the apartment with guns drawn.

What they saw was unbelievable.

Thanks for Editing Rick!

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Next: Chapter 36

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