Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Aug 6, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 33


Jason was asked to perform so he had to go and rehearse for the Grammy's. I stayed home while Tony escorted along with Jacobs, who was glad to get away from the kids for a few hours. Though he loved the kids, every adult needed time away from little ones and be in the company of adults. Jason was up for ten Grammy Awards. Even though there was a significant amount of controversy over awards over the past few years, Jason took a stand. He thought that even though the fan awards were the most important awards, peer awards were merely as important. He felt that they reflect the talent of the artist. He especially was pissed over the Oscars when some artist brought race into it. He felt that artists were judged on their performance, not the color of their skin or any other reason. He believed being gay was proof of that it was unbiased.

Jason pulled on his tuxedo pants then went to shave off the five o'clock shadow. "Don't shave babe. It's sexy." I said, pulling him away from the bathroom sink. His dark hair made him shave in the evening if he accepted a special engagement otherwise it was at one time a day. It was sexy as hell.

"You sure?" he asked dubiously.

"Definitely babe. That shadow turns me on." I grinned.

"Oh, then I will only shave once a day. I want to keep you sexually interested."

You'd never have to worry about that. You will always turn me on." I whispered into his ear as I pulled him into my arms.

"I love you, but we need to finish getting dressed." He kissed me then moved to finish dressing.

Once we finished dressing, we went downstairs to join the already dressed teens. Tony and the three security guards were fitted out in simple tuxedos. Jason and I lead the three teens out to the rolls. Billy opened the doors. He had declined to let a chauffeur drive his baby. We kissed Riley and JC, held by Jacobs, goodbye and got in. Followed by the teens. Tony got in the front passenger seat.

We had followed the NASSA Escort to the Grammys. I had to laugh at Tony and Billy. Billy was going too slow, and Tony was telling him to keep up with the escort. They go back and forth with bantering and joking. Billy, in the end, does what was asked and went the maximum speed allowed by law.

We were next to last in a line of the celebrities getting in just after Bieber. We watched as Justin Bieber walked up the red carpet with his little brother. He neglected the fans for the most part. He was as arrogant acting as he normally was. Just as he was half way up the Red Carpet, we disembarked after our three brothers. The crowd cheered as Jason smiled and waved. He walked over and took a few selfies. I glanced to see Bieber staring at us as we greeted the fans. He was clearly not happy. He turned as we moved and met up with him inside the tent.

He posed and hammed it up for the cameras. The photographers had almost to drive him off. We posed and answered some questions. None mentioned Trump or anything controversial. Jason posed with the twins and his brother. We saw Kathy as we moved to enter the Staples Center. She was talking to Clive Davis. He looked over at Jason. Jason was never under the Columbia Records' Brand, but he held a lot of power.

I knew Jason saw her. I felt him tense as I held his hand. As we came up to the entrance Kathy Koto left. "Jason, so what's this I hear that Koto resigned as your manager?" Asked Clive.

"Is that what she told you.?" I said.

"I think her exact words were `I am bored of trying to clean up the Jason dirty laundry and perverted behaviors' she said was her reason for resigning." He informed us.

"I fired after she called my husband a few choice names. If perverted means I'm having sexual relations with the man I love, then I am guilty. She overstepped her bounds as a manager."

"I figured as much. Well, if you need a good manager Bryan Lourd is inside. I'd say good luck, but I don't think that luck will have anything to do with it. You're one of the most talented people that I have watched in recent years." Clive smiled and patted Jason's shoulder.

We walked into the center and made a beeline to Bryan Lourd. "You're going to ask him to manage you?" I asked him.

"Anyone who can manage Madonna has more than enough ability to manage me." he laughed.

"Mr. Lourd. May I have moments of your time?" Jason asked when the person excused himself.

"Of course Mr. Dawson-Chris. I was hoping we get a minute to speak. I heard that Koto resigned." He said, shaking both our hands.

"I fired her. So now I am looking for new management if you are interested in representing me." Jason asked.

"I'm honored, and I will be happy to represent you. Though I think you need representation right now as Kathy Koto is being very vocal about her resigning and making some very inflammatory comments. Whether they are true or not, I have no idea and don't care at this moment. I recommend you hire me at right now as interim management until we come up with a contract suitable for both of us. Give me a dollar." He said.

Jason asked the twins for a dollar they handed him a five. "He needs to represent us too. We ain't letting that cunt manage us. She might have us making lesbian porn." He smirked, which got Lourd laughing.

"I would be glad to represent you all." He said, holding the five bucks. He said his office would give us a call to set up an appointment. I handed him our lawyer's number and made sure he was invite to the after party. "I'm honored, but if I may bring a few quests that are not on the guest list." He said nodding towards Sean Penn.

"Of course," I said.

"Well, I better get moving and run interference with Koto and earn my pay." He shook all of our hands and walked off. I watched as he walked up to different people and then moved on after a few words.

We took all our seats except for Jason who went backstage. To my shock, Kathy, and her latest slut, and two assistants took the seats that were between Jason and the twins. I was about to say something when I saw Byron coming down with Event Security. They stopped right at the seats. "Excuse me Ms. Koto but I have to ask you to leave."

"Fuck you; this is my seat. I paid for it."

"Really, you purchased it to Jason's account he stopped payment on them after he Fired you. He then removed your name, you're date's name and your two assistants off the Guest List. Jason then repurchased those seats again because they were empty this morning. This all happening after you were FIRED and thrown off the property." I smirked.

"Do you mind if Sean Penn his date myself and my partner Bruce Bozzi take these seats?" asked Bryon while Kathy was crying and being escorted off. I nodded yes as I watched her being yanked up the aisle.

"Don't worry; she'll be handed a court order to be silent as she leaves. It will be both written and verbal."

"That was fast; you work quickly," I smiled.

"Have to in this business if you want to maintain a RHIP status." He laughed.

We quieted down as LL Cool J came out on the stage. "Welcome to the 58th Grammy Awards. I am honored to host for the fifth year." A few awards were given out only one of which Jason was nominated for, and that was the best dance performance which went to Bieber.

I smiled when Ellen DeGeneres came out on stage in a white tuxedo. "This is the best way to be on the Grammy's other than winning one. Somehow I don't see that happening anytime soon. It is my great honor to introduce my favorite as well as many of yours Jason Dawson-Chris performs the title song from his Some People album."

I had, absolutely, no idea what to expect. I did know that Jason had an artist license over the performance as long as it wasn't endorsing a candidate or political view. I smiled as I watched and listened. In a way it was, but it was subtle and backhanded and could be considered just Jason is explaining his song. I knew damn well that the powers that be silently agreed, so allowed him to do it this way.

The audience must have agreed one-hundred percent. Jason received a standing ovation and cheers. I heard a few you get'em Jason' Get that bastard' and `We're with you Jason' all from big celebrities. The best one was from Byron. "That young man has some big brass balls. I don't believe anyone else could come away with that. Though his outspokenness may be a challenge, I look forward to working with him."

Ten minutes later, Jason came back out and sat next to me. He shook a few hands as Before he got to his seat. As we approached the closing of the night, Jason took in four out of the twelve awards he was nominated for and had four remaining. Song of the year, an album of the year and Record of the year. He lost pop performance to Taylor Swift but won the best song of the year. He lost album of the year, but he won record of the year. I smiled as he gave his last thank-you for the night.

"Thank you once again. The only thing better than being known by your peers is being acknowledged by your fans' whom I am eternally grateful for and indebted to. Without them, none of us would be here. I want to thank my husband particularly Cody for putting up with me disappearing for hours in a studio, to Jake Grant who is the best mixer around. MY two brothers-laws, Duke and Luke, who are talented and will soon be knocking us all turned our high horses, my father Christof and last but not least my brother, Kristian. Mostly though I want to thank the Big Guy Up Stairs who blessed me with the chance to perform for the best audiences in the world. Thank you, God bless the World."

"Nice touch at the end." Said Sean Penn.

"Yes, it was, the best part is he was sincere, and everyone knows it." agreed Bryon.

"It was. Jason never says anything in public that he doesn't mean."

"Good to know."

We all went backstage. Jason was loaded with goody bags. "Wow, they gave you a gift too? I believed you just got the trophy." Said Luke.

"I am willing to wager that the contents of those bags are worth between forty to sixty thousand dollars." Said Byron.

"Can we go soon I am sweating my balls off. My fucn, oops shirt is freaking soaked." Duke said. The other two were nodding their agreement.

Jason and I burst out laughing at the three of them. "Not like we didn't warn you three idgits," I said.

"Nice attempted of language clean up Duke, but it doesn't work if you say the word afterward you stopped saying it the first time," Jason said giving him a playful swat on the back of the head.

"I was hoping you missed it," Duke said smiling.

"Bro, when are you getting to learn Jase does not miss shit." Said Kris, which gained him a swat too. "Oops, sorry."


I looked into the bag to see what was in it. Nothing that I wanted to keep other than the mahogany brush with gold inlay. I pulled it out and slipped the handle in my back pocket. I laughed when I heard Bieber telling people how he beat me in the dance performance category. I really didn't care. I wasn't a dancer as much as I was a singer, songwriter, and actor.

"Anyone else wants to slap that kid." I heard someone say behind me. I smiled at the origin.

"All the time, but I don't desire to seem like a sore loser," I said shaking LL Cool J's hand.

"You got some juice there, my man. Good job on that song and video."

"Thanks, but I can't take all the credit. Putin pissed me off enough to compose the song. So he deserves a tiny bit of credit."

"No man, don't give the haters any props. I'll catch you in a few hours at the after party. Maybe sooner if he is as obnoxious as he seems." He said nodding towards Bieber.

"Then I'll see you soon then. Unfortunately, I invited all nominees. So Bieber may be there."

We left the awards after a quick post-award interview and pictures. We made to the Chris Roosevelt Hotel in just under forty-five minutes Byron Lourd and Bruce Bozzi in the car with us Sean Penn saying he may show up afterward. We went up to our suite where I pulled out three sets of comfortable tuxedos and handed them to the three teens. The boys and I changed clothes. I had on a sleeveless shirt with a tone on tone Vest. I smiled as looked in the mirror my tat looked great. It was pretty much healed up being I am a quick healer.

The teens and I stepped out of the bedroom at the same time. I accepted a Margaretta from Cody and thanked him with a kiss. I talked briefly with Byron with what I was going on with the business side of my life, mostly just the entertainment side leaving the personal details for another time. When we finished our drinks, we took the elevator down. We stepped off to sound of a commotion off to the side.

I just rolled my eyes. I walked over to them. "What's the problem?"

"This ain't got nothing to do with you."

"In reality, it does since I am the one footing the bill and sponsoring this party."

"Now what's the problem?" I demanded again.

"They won't let my posse in."

"Sir they are armed. I informed them that they have to turn over their weapons or they have to leave the general area."

"Justin, you have choices. Enter by yourself, leave with your posse, (almost laughed at that) or they turn over all of their weapons." I said then turned around and nearly walked into Cody. Whom I kissed and smiled.

"Fucking fags." I heard someone say from his posse. I turned around as Justin Bieber said

"Yo man that is not cool. You need to apologize or step back." His back was to me, so he had no idea I was still there.

"Fuck that yo."

"Get to steppin man. I don't hang with homophobes or Nigots."

"What the fuck is a niget?" said the kid

"A black bigot."

"That's racist man." said the second one

"No man it ain't. It say's your hypocritical bastard. You want respect; then you have to give it."

"He kissed a man." The third one said.

"If showing respect means I hang with a Fag. Then I guess I am. Get lost you losers."

He turned around and saw me standing there. His face quickly turned red. "Maybe there's hope for you yet, dickwad," I said, throwing an arm over his shoulder.

Justin and I got to know each other a bit better. He admitted that he liked my music and realized he wanted to make a movie, but he couldn't get a good script. I told him I liked some of his music and then laughed saying I didn't even like all my music. I left Bieber to his own devices and presented him with an NASSA card.

Throughout the next four hours, I talked to different people as did Cody. Also we took away drinks the twins had snuck from the Bar. They did get on a bit of a buzz on. I had an NASSA Agent take them up to the suite and then had him lock up the bar. I laughed with Cody as Bieber tried to do karaoke with one of my songs. We had banned Paparazzi and Media from the hotel. So the only thing you got was selfies and photos posted by the guests. I took one of Justin Bieber doing me and posted it with the caption he, not me, but then I ain't him either'. I managed one of his songs which he tweeted see what Dawson-Chris said, great time' and retweeted my comment.

Cody and I finally hit the bed. We passed out half dressed.

Thanks for Editing Rick!

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Next: Chapter 35

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