Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Aug 4, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 32


January 2016

After New Year's, I talked to Cody about my concerns about Riley. To my relief, he was thinking the same thing. We made an appointment with the pediatrician Dr. Jeff Barron. We were lucky that he could take us the next day. He examined her physically, her hearing, eye examination. He didn't say anything until he was done.

"Riley's problem is she has hyperopia." Cody and I looked at him worried.

"How do we treat it?" I asked.

"With glasses. In laymen's term, she is farsighted. I give you the name of a good optometrist. I can have my office make an appointment if you like?" We both nodded yes. We all felt a bit relieved.

We went out with the doctor and he had his office manager make an appointment. Once she mentioned our names, we were in luck, he could take us right away. We took her down the hall and down the elevator to the optometrist. An hour later we had Riley hooked up with glasses held on by a strap. We both thought she would object to them, but once she was able to navigate around with them she was fine. JC looked at her strangely at first but soon forgot about them.

The following few weeks I juggled multiple projects. JC Entertainment finished phase II. Phase I being the recording studio and label. Phase II was the sound stages, lots, mixing and editing facilities. For my first film production. I found a story I like called Pangea. Stage III was a music hall that will be stadium-sized.

I was also finishing up my fifth album. I was working two days a week in my home studio and would spend one in the JCE studio. I was also working with the Los Angeles hotel on a Grammy after party. Not to mention being a parent of toddlers and twin teenagers and of course my hubby. Soon, though the day was coming to leave for LA.


Our entourage, of which included, Six NASSA agents, Tony, Jacobs with Riley and JC, Kris, the twins, Jason and myself. We stepped into the Agusta Helicopter. We had resolved to travel lightly and buy any additional clothing in LA to limit the quantity of luggage fifteen people would need. We took off and head towards the Philadelphia International Airport.

"I wonder if Billy is there yet. I mentioned as we headed towards the airport in South Philadelphia.

"He should be he left like six this morning. Giggled Duke.

"True, but you know how he is when it comes to his babies. Especially when it cost $550,000."

"Whoa, that's a lot for and old car bro." Luke's eyes open wide. "I can understand if it's like fast or something, my Honda goes faster."

"It's very rare, only nineteen Rolls-Royce Phantom II Continental Fixed-Head Coupe Fixed-Head Coupes were made with a left hand drive chassis were made and this is one of two left. This car had only three owners. Me being the third." Said Jason as the Agusta lowered to land as close as it could to the 747 waiting.

We all quickly grabbed our own suitcases and carried them the four hundred feet to the awaiting airplane. "We have twelve minutes to get on and start taxing to our takeoff time slot." Said Tony listening to his earpiece. He was in direct contact with the pilots.

We made it out to our takeoff time slot and took off. The flight was our normal controlled chaos. Billy was wanting to sit with the rolls, but it is in the storage area was not allowed being that it was not pressurized to the same extent as the passenger cabin was.

When the plane landed six and half hours later. During the next hour, we circled overhead. LA international was known for waiting for lines, even in the air. We waited on the tarmac as they unloaded our luggage and the 1934 Rolls Royce Phantom II Continental Fixed-Head Coupe. Which we would use for our entrance to the Grammys and then a week or so later the Academy Awards. So we would be here for three weeks. The twins and Kris were given their homework assignments and would email them in every two days.

While the rest of the crew got into the waiting Limousine and the Two Chevy Suburbans. Jason, the twins and I got into the Rolls with Tony driving. We drove the near thirty miles to our Malibu home on Greyfox street. We hit some traffic but we did eventually make the trip in about two hours.

The twins quickly unpacked and put on the board shorts and hit the beach. Jason and Cody eventually joined them. They dove into the waves and came out. They stood at the edge of the water, watching two surfboarders navigate the waves. When the two surfboarders came out. The twins went up to them and started talking.

I looked over at my husband lying on his back getting some sun. He was wearing a Speedo that didn't leave much to the imagination and sunglasses. I leaned back and admired my gorgeous hubby. He appeared like he belonged on some Greek beach. I remembered back to Greece. I felt myself getting a chubby in the speedos I was wearing they wouldn't contain my woody. I turned my attention back to my little brothers.

I watched as they walked towards us with one of the surfers. The other was heading upward to the dunes where there was a parking area. "Hey, Cody this Josh. He said he'd teach me and Luke how to surf."

"Luke and I, " Jason stated. Sitting up straight.

"Whatever," Duke stated.

"Pardon.?" Jason stated. He detested the term whatever. His grandpop had taught him with a light swat on the head when he said. Explaining it was dismissive and disrespectful. Both twins knew this as well.

"Sorry, Jase."

"So can we?"

Jason took off his glasses and looked at me and said; "Up to you and Tony babe."

I just smiled. "Tony do your thing."

Tony got his name and went to run his name through the NASSA database, which rivaled Interpol's. I giggled as Jason put his glasses back on and laid back down. Josh hadn't taken his eyes off Jason. I heard him whisper if he was Jason Chris. Duke laughed. "No man, that's Jason Dawson-Chris."

I caught the corner of Jason's mouth go up in a slight smirk. The guys talked for a while until Tony had the info he required. I didn't know the guys had an arrest record. It's up to you guys, " he said, showing me. I struggled to suppress a smile. I showed it to Jason.

"Oh, no way bro."

"I'm sorry bro. I didn't believe it would be so important." Josh said Frowning and looking at the sand at his feet.

"Will you stop being dick heads." Said Jason. Showing me that I didn't read the whole thing on Tony's Laptop. I read it and frowned.

"I'm sorry, Josh. I should read the whole thing before I comment. If it's ok with Jason, it's ok with me."

"Just don't drown them. I need them to start recording next week." Jason said laughing.

"I can't believe that a school as exclusive as that would allow that kind of shit man. The kid was defending himself from a sexual predator." I sounded out when they were out of earshot.

"Private schools are the worse schools when it comes to discrimination. They don't have to stick to the same guidelines." Jason said with a disgust.


Cody and I quietly made love that night. Unlike the Compound, our master bedroom was not sound proof. Afterwords, we talked about what he and his team planned for NASSA. By creating what they termed SEAL Service plus training, they were already above other private agencies. Some of which asked if they could provide training for their employees, which of course they denied. I concurred with that if they developed them, they wouldn't have that advantage. They actually got their training book and course books copy written.

Since it was under JC Enterprises I was automatically CEO. Cody was President of NASSA. Tony as VP of Operations, Field, and tactics or OFT. Aaron was VP of Training, Advancement, and Communications. Or TAC. They worked so that they can work so that they could be interchangeable. Their first big job was my after-party at the Hotel. They used both field and third year and final term trainees in this operation. Which gave us sixty agents which included my own private guards.

Tony had them arrive on Monday to help set up the security for the hotel. Our tech team sets up a heavy blocking system into the hotel servers to block any hacking. They secured and did background checks on every employee and contractors and their employees. They actually set up metal detectors and security checks. I had at the request of NASSA instructed the hotel that unless they are a celebrity they had to cancel their reservations and to help those people find another room elsewhere, the latter being my idea.

The next morning, we had to go for a final fitting for our tuxes. We opted for the black band neck instead of ties. While Cody and I got traditional style tuxes for ourselves, the twins and Kris picked out leather for their Tuxes. I had tried to talk them out of it, but they refused. I smiled, knowing they would be sweating their balls off.

Next, we passed by the Jewelers to pick out about accessories like Diamond cufflinks, diamond ear studs, and diamond encrusted watches. I just bought them from him. It was midday by the time we came out of the store. Tony insisting on carrying the jewelry. I didn't complain there was about sixty grand in that suitcase. We stepped into the suburban

We drove north or Santa Monica Blvd. The traffic was bad, so Tony made a left, then a right and went north on Melrose. "Stop. Pull over I said." Tony pulled over just before the shop I saw. It was a very spur of the moment thing. It was something that Cody had said at one time and when I realized the shop it was settled for me.

I got out of the car and started walking up three shops Tony was right behind me. I got to the door and it stopped. I looked at Cody, who was looking at the sign. He just looked at me and smiled. "You're gonna get one?"

"Uh huh, let's go before I change my mind."

I opened the door and walked into the shop. I looked all around. "Welcome to Body Electric. I am Brian Keith Thompson. What can I do for you today Mr. Dawson-Chris?" The heavily tattooed guy said looking at Cody. Who pointed at me.

"I want an armband," I grinned.

"US too!" said Duke and Luke in unison.

"No!" Cody and I said in unison.

"Excellent, anything in mind?"

"Something that no one else has and will not be duplicated. Something that is unique to me."

"We can do that." He said and everyone watched.

"Guys, I think you actually need to go."

"I am definitely going." Said Tony. I would have expected nothing less from him.

"Me too." Said Cody. "You two behave." He said, pointing at the twins.

"I was introduced to `Tono' I told him what I wanted and he smiled as I looked at the drawing. He had on his table. It was a cross. "Does that belong to anyone.

"Nope, they refused it."

"If you can create a band with that, I'd would love it."

He smiled to himself as he thought about it. "Yeah, I can do that. Do you mind if a free hand that part?"

"Only if you don't fuck it up," I said grinning.

Cody went out and told the guys, it would be about two hours. They decided to go check out some shops. The other bodyguard following. Cody made a call to make my Tux shirt sleeveless. Two and half hours later my Tat was done. "Sorry it took so long bro, but I am a detailer." I looked in the mirror I loved it. He put on a bandage. After paying, we left. I discovered not one Paparazzi.

We found the twins and my brother in a café down the street. "Let me see." Duke jumped up from the table.

"You'll have to wait, buddy." This has to be covered for a few hours. I said, laughing at his enthusiasm.

We sat at a table and ordered some coffee. The twins discussed what Tats they were going to get when they turned eighteen. I had to laugh at some of their ideas. Kris was simply somewhat quiet, almost serene. He was facing me and looking out the window behind me. "I guess we better leave." He said looking out the window.

Cody slowly turned around. "Fuck, let's go." We quickly paid the bill and went out. There was some Paparazzi there taking pictures. I smiled and took a few selfies.

"Jason, how do you feel about Donald Trump's latest comment?" Called out a Paparazzi. With an audio recorder and no digital movie camera.

"No comment." No way you fuckers are going to misquote me. I thought to myself.

"I asked you a fucking question pansy, get some balls." He stated, taking hold of my sleeve and pulled me roughly

Tony reacted fast, but a fan reached faster and pushed the man away. "Who the fuck you calling pansy mother fucker. He has more balls than you will ever grow." He growled at the asshole. "Print that pussy."

We walked fast to the car as Paparazzi converged on the fan and surrounded him. We made it to the car. Once we got in we took off I told them to stop and get the guy. The guy and his girlfriend got into the suburban it was a tight fit but we did it.

"Thank you for that, but you took a risk. That's what those guys are for." I said pointing towards the front seats where Tony and what's his name was.

"I think it was sort of dumb, but no one owns the right to place their hands on you and call you names." Said the guy.

We introduced himself and his girlfriend whom I found out was his fiancé. His name was Nathan Stoltz and his lady was Jackie Robertson they were both UCLA students they had an apartment in Santa Monica. I invited them to dinner, which we had decided to just cook out.

Everyone sat around the pool as Cody manned the grill and grilled some shrimp and steaks. Also, there was corn on the cob and I made some Greek potato salad and Baklava for desert. We talked about their education, Jackie was getting ready to start pre-med she wanted to specialize in pediatrics, while Nate was going to start law school. He desired to be a civil rights attorney. They both were my age, but not big fans of my music, but they were more into rock and roll. I told them my next album was more rock than pop.

They both loved all my pictures, especially Hazard. In fact, they were part of the GAY advocacy organization called, Lavender Health Alliance at UCLA. They were actively fundraising for a project the group was working on. I smiled and excused myself. I came back with a check for ten thousand dollars and gave it to them. They objected at first, only at my assistance, they accepted it.

I also found out they had been apartment hunting because their landlord was not making repairs. That put a thought in my mind, but I needed to talk to Cody and we needed it to run it by security. They are so fun to be around. We encourage them to go for a swim! Jackie and Nate jumped at the idea.

We all got up to go change awhile Billy took over the grill. I tossed Nate a pair of board shorts and directed him to the bathroom. He shrugged it off and just stripped as Cody did the same. I couldn't swim with my new tat. He had a decent build. He wasn't muscular like Cody or me but had nice swimmers build. He was average in the lower regions. He had a light dusting of brown hair on his chest and a thick bush and hairy balls.

We walked down and found the twins already swimming. Josh had joined the twins and Kris. Jacob's brought down Riley and JC who were a big hit with Jackie, who was now in borrowed running shorts and her halter top. They set up a net and played some volleyball. It was the old folks against the teens with JR and Mae. The oldies beat them the first game they beat the second. When Cody was against the edge of the pool I leaned over the edge and kissed him. I saw Jackie and Nate smiling.

Cody and Jacob's pulled, picked up our little ones. They walked them into the water and let them go. They started to swim, though only basically floating. I took over the grilling. I finally called them to eat at six. I smiled as the boys made pigs of themselves, but in their defense, so did the adults, but not as obvious about it.

"Dude, I never had potato salad like this. This is delicious." Nate said going for more.

"It's Greek potato salad. I take it you like Greek food." I surmised.

"I don't think I ever had it." he answered.

I laughed as Kris brought out the baklava. "You'll love this." He said as he put them down on the table. The baklava was a big hit.

Needless to say, we invited them to stay the night because with the exception of the security guys, not including Tony, we were are tipsy. We enjoyed their company immensely. It was nice to have normal friends. By normal, I mean those that were not celebrities or some sort.


The next morning Jason and I were surprised when Tony came up to us a suggested that we offer Nate and Jackie to live in our Malibu home. He went on to say that they both were clean except for arrests for civil disobedience for protesting in San Francisco's Valentine's Day protest against gay marriage. Jason and I had talked about this last night after some passionate sex in the shower last night.

"We were going to ask you to check up on them because we wanted to propose that very thing," I smiled.

With that settled, Jason got up pulling me with him. We found Nate and Jackie sitting on the beach watching the twins, Kris and Josh. Josh was instructing them on how to stand and move on the surfboards, we had delivered that morning. We sat down and watched them with our guests.

"Jason and I were talking last night. We have decided to make you an offer. Since you are looking for an apartment, we were wondering if you would consider moving into here." I asked them.

"It's a great offer, but you guys did enough for us by giving that donation to Lavender." Said Jackie.

"It's doing us a favor as well. Since we spend most of our time on the east coast, this house remains empty. We have to pay to have it looked at when we are not here." Jason continued with the idea.

They both looked at each other. "What do we have to do?"

Jason said with a smile on his face. "Just living here and keeping the house occupied. Our bills are paid electronically and automatically. Then you'll solely be responsible for your food and personal material. You also will have the use of the Escalade."

They accepted and thanked us. We continued to watch the boys for a while. I pulled Jason and up and smiled. We walked down the beach for a full two miles. The ever present security was keeping a respectful distance while we walked hand in hand and talked.

Over the next two days, Jason and I had a lot of last minute things to do. The last being haircuts on Monday morning. When we arrived home at noon Kathy was there. She could be heard before we saw her which was the norm. She greeted us politely. She got one look at Jason and shook her head as she watched the fresh tattoo.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" she stated, aiming at his tattoo.

"I was thinking I wanted a tattoo." He answered as he poured himself a glass of wine from the bottle Kathy had all but finished.

"Well, it will have to be removed. I will set up an appointment," she informed him. I looked on as Jason turned around downed the wine in a single gulp. The expression on his face was one I have never seen directed towards Kathy.

"Excuse me?"

"Don't worry. I will fix this." She said not seeing the look he had on his face.

"There is nothing to fix." He said. I could hear the restraint in his voice.

"That tattoo has to be removed." She said, sitting down and finally looking at Jason.

"I will say this one time and one time only. Your job is to direct my career and to get me good contracts. It is not to tell me what to do in my personal life." He said looking at her.

"As your manager is it my job to point out when you have fucked up. I kept my mouth shut when you fucked up marrying that Fucking Porn Queer. I have to pull the line somewhere and marking your body up is that line." She stated.

"The person you are referring to is my husband and not a threat. Your job was like I said to manage my career, not my personal life. You insulted my husband and me. You fucking little hypocrite. If you don't comprehend what I am saying you're fired. Get the fuck out of my house and never come near me again. I will remind you signed the confidentiality agreement just like everyone else that works for me. If you say anything about me, my personal life you will be sued." Jason said just below the screaming level.

"Fucking faggot. We have a contract I will sue you for breach of contract."

"The contract states clearly that you will respect my personal life. You just broke it when you made the comment about my husband. Oh, and you will not be at the Grammy After party. Your invitation has been revoked." Jason grinned as she sat there in shock not moving.

"Remove her." He said to The NASSA agents. Which Tony quickly did with a smile. I knew he was not that big of a fan of Kathy's.

"Seems like I need a new manager. Oh, and I will have retrieved the car she is driving, it's in my name." Said Jason after Kathy was removed.

Thanks for editing Rick!

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If this story gets your interest read Hazard in the high school or rural sections.

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Next: Chapter 34

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