Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 31, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 30


July 28th, 2016

After the Academy Awards, in which Renegade came away with twelve awards, but I'll get back to that later. I started to really listen to the comments Donald Trump was making. When it came clear in April he was going to win the nomination and most Republicans were supporting him publicly, I couldn't sit back any longer.

The first thing I did was put two million into a group I called Americans for Republican Transparency or ART. Which basically put out the truth about Donald Trump and his fellow Republican supporters. Between myself and fellow entertainment industry people we raised twenty-two million dollars. I won't say who they are, not my place, but you have seen many of them showing their support for both Hillary and Bernie. Though, I was registered as an Independent and I never voted by party. As I watched the Republicans embrace Donald Trump it became apparent, to me, he was their nominee. I registered as a Democrat, Cody had registered as one a few months ago. Today we are merely showing OUR support for Hillary.

I was on the phone with Harry, waiting for the signal for the start of day three of the Democratic Convention. I was to perform the National Anthem, Speak, and then perform again. "Trump's having a bubble, if he thinks he is going to be President." Harry said. I laughed too.

"I hope he loses big. I am praying that Americans will see him for what he is a self-centered, egotistical twat." I laughed.

"Trust me mate, we are hoping the same thing here in the UK. Grandma thinks he is a bounder." Harry stated. There were words left unsaid between us. Harry was not alone, William, Kate, Prince Charles, Carmella and the Queen were there as we talked. Though he had told Kate about his true feelings, along with his grandmother, they both said the same thing. "Don't tell anyone else." I smiled when he told me he had a long talk about his new revelations about his desires and the Queen quietly supported him, but the need to keep the Paparazzi and others in the dark was necessary.

"Bro, I am SO fucking nervous about giving this speech." I said over the phone.

"You performed in front of millions of people, Jase just a few weeks ago why now?" he laughed.

"Not funny, Harry. This is different. I have to give a speech. In front of billions around the world. I am not performing on stage I can't just get into the speech like I get into my music."

"Jason, you have talked to crowds, dozens of times over the past few months. I see it on Telly. This is no difference. Just don't think about the Camera's or the people watching you. I know you will do great. Oh, one thing I need to ask is how did you get a cell phone in there? I would think that with security, they would not be allowed."

"RIP Really, though, I am not a security danger. Besides, NASSSA is providing a great deal of the security here."

"Excellent. Now give me to Cody. I want to say Hello."

I motioned for Cody, who was talking with someone in a suit. I recognized the face but couldn't place the name with the face. He smiled and excused himself from the guy. "Harry." I said and handed him the phone. They talked for a few minutes before Cody laughed and said "goodbye."

He pocketed my phone. I put my hand out for it and he shook his head. "Last thing you need is to have your cell phone ring while you're out there. Oh, and the Royals are watching you on CNN."

"Sir, it's that time." Said a young woman. I heard them, saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

"You'll do great babe." said Cody. I walked to the edge of the Stage and waited.

"Ladies and Gentlemen singing the National Anthem. Thirty-eight times award winning actor and singer and A Living American Treasure. Jason Dawson-Chris.". I walked out onto the stage I stepped up to the podium and sung. When I hit `and the rockets' red glare', I was no longer anxious. I heard the applause. When I finished, everyone was standing and shouting out their patriotism.


I watched as Jason walked out and stood at the podium. The music started and he started singing our National Anthem. I watched proudly as he sung. I had heard him sing the Anthem several times, but this was different. I saw tears on his cheeks as he sung. I looked out onto the Convention Floor. The emotion he was putting into the anthem was hitting the crowd. Many of them had tears on their faces. I saw what he was doing to the crowd. He unintentionally was making them proud of this countries heritage and history. He was making them proud and hopeful for the future in that song. Mostly through those words Jason was bringing out the love, they know, we had for our country, I had tears on my face too.

When he finished singing they kept standing and yelling USA as he walked off the stage. I pulled him into a tight hug. I had no words for him other than I love you. Several people came up and thanked him for what they called the most moving rendition of the Star Spangled Banner they ever heard. His next time on stage was just before Chelsey Clinton was to give her speech.


"At the top of the hour, Jason Dawson-Chris. He has been out on the road several times over the past few months rallying people to vote AGAINST Donald Trump. At times very critical and calling out Donald Trump" Said Carol Costello the host.

"Jason, has been waging the personal attacks on Donald Trump. He has attacked Donald Trump and his family personally. I don't believe he will say anything that will sway real Americans who want change from supporting Donald Trump. He has ties to foreign powers and traveled to Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other countries that have possible terrorist ties or have a very active terrorist activity. Many Americans wonder what his agenda was while there." Said the Trump supporter, Scottie Nell Hughes.

"Excuse me, but when Mr. Dawson-Chris, he is married now and took on his name. If you're going to call him out, and I am going to address that, use his legal married name as he does. In regards to his being in Afghanistan and Iraq he was there to support the Troops stationed there. It was well documented internationally on TV. Those other countries were visited during his record-breaking concert tour and for the record it was Dubai not Saudi Arabia where he performed. As far as personal attacks on Donald Trump he stated every time and I can quote it because he has said in every rally; `This is personal. As an American I cannot be quiet and allow someone who is full of hatred, be elected President of the United States of America'. He has never denied it was personal to him." Said Sally Koln.

"This dates back to legal issues and false charges pressed against Mr. Trump by Dawson-Chris." Defended Scottie Nell Hughes.

"In all fairness the Jury found in favor of Mr. Dawson-Chris and Mr. Trump was ordered to pay the full amount requested." Said Carol Costello.

"Tonight we will also hear from Chelsey Clinton, who will introduce her mother Hillary Clinton. Brook Baldwin sat down with Chelsey Clinton in this interview.


I looked at my speech, I was due to go on soon. This speech was now crap. I hated the fact that I had to read what someone else wrote or in this case heavily edited. I knew if I was going to do this I needed to speak from the heart and that meant no speech. I went in search for Hillary's Campaign Manager. I found out he wasn't present yet, but was in phone contact with the DNC interim chairwoman. I asked them to have him call me ASAP or I will not be speaking.

I got a call from Hillary herself. I explained what I wanted to do. She just laughed. "I was wondering when you would ask. I honestly thought it would have been a lot earlier. I will talk with Donna Brazile. I will be watching and listening Jason. I am sure you will do a fantastic job."

Ten minutes before I was to speak, after Pelosi, whom I was not a fan of personally, Donna Brazile came up to me and told me that they agreed to allow me to speak without a written speech but they will have a stenographer taking it down as I spoke.

I moved to the side of the stage and waited with Cody and listened to Pelosi give her address. I had to admit it was good, but she was not the attack dog. I had already put in my mind that's what I was going to be. I wasn't afraid of Donald Trump. I could out think, out buy and outmaneuver him. Besides, I was respected more as a businessman. As conceited as that sounds it was true, according to a poll that was taken. Mostly because I already had profit sharing in JC Enterprises and it was well documented. There were exceptions, though on the entertainment side. Contractors, whether outside or professional entertainers, were exempt they all had separate contracts.

I heard the applause for Nancy Pelosi, the individual who was to introduce me went on. The video of my life, career, business, philanthropy and my Anti-Trump rallies were seen. "Ladies and Gentlemen Mr. Jason Dawson-Chris."


"If you don't know me, I am Jason Dawson-Chris. THIS IS PERSONAL! As an American I cannot be quiet and allow someone who is full of hatred be elected president of the United States of America. My hubby and I were the victims of two terrorist attacks. Not just an Islamic terrorist, but also a so-called Christian terrorist group. Before that though were attacked with slanderous lies, not by a terrorist or an anti-American or anti-gay group. We were attacked by a man he says he alone can fix America. A man who thinks he has all the answers as a Presidential Candidate. We persevered. We stood up and did not cower nor back down. We fought back and we won.

You know a little over eight months ago, my hubby and I celebrated our annual anniversary. When president Obama signed the order recognizing and making same-sex marriage legal throughout the United States, approximately one year ago. Cody and I celebrated with our son and daughter, our brothers and in-laws. In the area of Civil Rights we have come farther in the past eight years than we have since the 80's, but still we have a long road to travel. I hope to see the day when all Americans, from all walks of life, are one hundred percent equally protected and have the same exact rights to housing, good paying jobs, and equal wages to just say a few.

Like I said in the beginning THIS IS PERSONAL FOR ME! So Donald get your fingers ready to start tweeting. As an American I don't like it when I am told my country's military is a disaster. I don't like it when someone insinuates that Americans need to be taken care of because we are helpless. I don't like it when someone tells me the he, and only he can fix my country. My country is not broken. It just needs to keep moving forward not backwards.

It turns personal when I hear racist and bigot comments come out the Donald Dump mouth. When he calls a Mexican a rapist, a murder and drug dealer. I look at our Latino-Mexican son, JC Dawson-Chris. I wonder how do I explain to him that a Presidential Candidate has categorized people like him in such a manner. How do I explain that because he is Mexican an elected Judge cannot do his job?

I can't tell you, I will explain it. The man who said is an ignorant, self-absorbed racist. He is a man that thinks that he is above reproach. He plays by rules that are questionable morally if not legally. He is a man that seeks only personal gain, regardless of whom he hurts to get it.

He is a man who lies and cheats. He believes that mocking Physically Disabled people are funny and so socially acceptable that he doesn't have to apologize for doing it. He is a man that calls persons of African descent thugs.

I look at our daughter Riley Dawson-Chris How do I explain to her that a Presidential Candidate puts women into a category, by how they looked. That he is the man that mocks and calls women derogatory names. He makes them sexual objects with no respect. I tell her simply that he is a man who needs to stop thinking in the era that existed over sixty years ago. That she is not to be judged by what she looks like. She is to be judged by what she does. That she needs to look no further for a role model than some of the greatest women in our history such as Susan B. Anthony, who fought tirelessly for women's right to vote, Amelia Earhart, who was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, Eleanor Roosevelt, who fought for civil rights in the south and became the United Nations, first chairperson for human rights, Sally Ride who was the first woman to walk in space. Lastly but no less important Hillary Rodham Clinton the first woman president of the United States of America who ran against and defeated the man in question.

Sadly, this is something I, and many other parents, will have to explain. We will have to explain how a man running for president of this GREAT, Yes Donald Dump. I said GREAT, how do I tell them that this Great Country allowed a man who thinks, it is acceptable to mock a person with a disability. How do we tell our children that it's okay to honor the second amendment and allow people who should not have guns and allows weapons that are made only to hunt and kill humans, but yet wants not honor the first amendment? The most import amendment that our nation was created for. The freedom of speech and religion.

How do we explain that the one-time liberal view of the party of Lincoln supported this man? That they too supported the hate filled words and actions by standing behind him so that he can just undo all the progress that has been made. How they mocked the only Republican to stand up against him, Senator Ted Cruz a man whose policies may align with many of the party but would not sacrifice his principles and family and put the party's hate filled agenda of Donald Trump. How do I explain to my children and grandchildren that our military was never weak. That since the very beginning of the Revolutionary War until the last battle the USA Military is the greatest fighting force in the world and in the World's History.

How do I tell my children that this man wanted to revoke MY citizenship in this country, that I was born in and deport one of their Daddies because he dared to challenge him? How do I explain that this same man picked a running mate that passed a law to make it legal to discriminate against LGBT sorry I don't like Q word.

I tell them nothing because this is one thing I don't understand. I find it confusing and I am at a loss for words. That anyone can attempt to pass a law to allow discrimination against anyone. I just wonder if it was passed what group would be next?

Now I want to talk directly to Trump. So I hope he didn't sprain his fingers with his tweeting. Now Donald Dump, I am calling you that because that's where your idea and hate fill words and name calling belong. It's time to start acting like a mature adult Donald. The name calling matures adults stopped doing this in grade school. You once called me a treacherous demonic traitor, among many other things and a danger to America. Well, here's the funny part is that you have done more Damage to America in this campaign than anyone in the history of the United States. In the past two weeks you have become the biggest threat to the United States Security than any emails. In the past week you have done something that I see as being a traitor to not only our country and our democratic election process by encouraging a foreign unfriendly power to meddle in our electoral process.

Donald Dump you're a disgrace. I am ashamed that you can call yourself an American after you have made a mockery of everything this country stands for. Before you I was an Independent. It was because of you that I am now registered as a Democrat. It's because of you I will vote straight Democrat for the first time in my life.

You know why I am with Hillary because she is everything you are not. She has honor, integrity, respect for others, she sees that this country is great but yet still can be better. She knows this country doesn't need to be fixed by one person. She knows it will take all of us. Not a man who is known for two things. Six bankruptcies and making money off them while giving his partners the shaft and not paying his debts. My GrandPOP was one of those people you shafted.

The other thing you're best known for is your ability to pull off a scam. I don't think I need to tell you we all know the scam of Trump University. As the man who lived in the home of the man who founded, the very business school that you brag about attending, would be ashamed of the fact that the Wharton School of Business named after him had graduated such a despicable person.

Look at the contrast between Donald Dump and Hillary Clinton. Donald Dump sees America in decline and divided. Hillary sees America with a brighter future and a country that when the call comes out a country United. Dump says our military is a disgrace, where Hillary thinks our military is strong and respected.

If you want a President, who puts himself first, Vote for Dump.

If you want a President That has put the needs of others first, Vote for Hillary

If you want a President who avoided the draft and thinks the United States military is a disgrace, Vote for Dump.

If you want a President who has dealt with military on the front line and home. One that thinks our military is strong and should be respected, Vote for Hillary.

If you want a President that has a history of denying fair housing for Americans of color and rates women on their abilities by how they look and wants to take a woman's right to make her medical decisions, elect Dump.

If you want a president who has fought beside people like Martin Luther king Jr. and believes that women should have equal pay, equal access to good paying jobs, family leave, and the right to make her own decisions regarding her body. Then Hillary is your President.

If you want someone who wants to protect murders and terrorist's rights to buy a gun. If you want a president that calls good, hard working Latino's and People of African descent, murders, rapists, thugs, and take away the hard earned rights of LGBT Americans, who knows what group rights are next. If you want a person who as president that wants to take away your freedom of speech and right to practice your faith. By all means elect Donald Dump.

Now if you want a President that celebrates and sees the diversity of The United States as its greatest asset the elect Hillary Clinton.

If you want a President that wants to build walls and not honor treaties with our allies, but admires dictators like Saddam Hussain and Vladimir Putin. A man that cannot admit he is wrong, has never apologized for his hate filled words and actions, if you want a self-centered, self-proclaimed demi-god. A man who thinks that he and he alone has the answers and fix our divided, declining nation. A man who thinks that the minimum wage, Medicare should be abolished. If you want a man who can only talk in 124 characters, and is provoked by a tweet. Please vote for Donald.

Do you want a President that will build roads and Bridges instead of walls? A President that embrace our allies and be there for them as they will be there for us. I want a President that will honor our treaties. I want a President that admits she is human and has made and apologized for their mistakes. One that will raise the minimum wage to a living wage and will expand Medicare. A President that this about all people not just how they will benefit. A president that is level headed and not provoked into irrational decisions and comments. A President who will not call people derogatory names because they have a different opinion or disagree with them. A president that has a record of reaching across the table to get things done. Then Hillary is the President for you.

So here we are, two choices. A presidential Candidate, Donald Dump, who sees our country as a dark, dreary place, where We as American citizens need saving. A man that has no idea how the political system works and I am not sure has ever read the United States Constitution. Or we can elect a candidate, Hillary Clinton that see's America in its best light, where a brighter day is ahead, where you can give a hand up instead of a handout, who's known that you take in the facts before acting and is level-headed in a crisis. A individual who treats all people of all backgrounds and nations with respect. She is a person that sits and listens to others opinions. Just ask Bernie Sanders, he knows.

So just ask yourself, do you what a President who say's "Your Fired" or one that's say's "You Hired". Do you want a President that thinks our nation is weak or one that knows we are strong? Do want a President that has shown her income taxes before and after the audit. Or do want a President that refuses to show his because he has something to hide. Do you want a President that has no respect for our military or allies, but has them for Dictators or a President that has respect for both our military and allies?

I'll be honest with you the very thought of Nuclear weapons in the hands of Donald Dump terrifies me.

Let me tell you something that's never been told outside of our home, but discussed regularly with us and some people present. On our first anniversary Cody and I decided to have a huge Christmas Ball. Both the Clintons and the Sanders and their families were invited and they accepted. Now this was during a heated democratic nominee campaign. To see them talking and laughing together, you would never know they were adversaries. When our children, Riley and JC made their short appearance I saw four people who smiled and gushed over two little one-year-olds. It was more than that, though. I remember Hillary say "this is what we want to protect Children." Bernie smiled and nodded So that means whoever wins, we have to defeat Donald. So let's make sure we do that.

I think at that moment they made a pact whoever won the Democratic Nomination. That they needed to put America first. So for the voters who supported the great man Senator Bernie Sanders and his movement. If you want to see your movement move forward if you want it to stay alive remember this; a vote for anyone other than Hillary Rodham Clinton is a vote for Donald Dump. With Donald Dump as President is the death to the movement and an end to what most Americans hold dear, Freedom.

I am with her. I will fight with her. I will keep fighting with her even though I will be proudly calling her Madam President. I encourage every American to do the same. We need to show The Donald that we are not a divided nation because Together We Are Stronger. The only way we are stronger Is with Hillary Rodham Clinton as President of the United States of America so that she can lead this nation and world to better peace and greater future for all and our children.

This I tell you Donald Dump will not be President of the United States of America because I think Americans are not as stupid, deaf and blind as he supposes we are. I won't even Talk about Mike Pence's backward homophobic ideals.

I am with her because she knows together we are stronger!

Thank You, and God Bless the USA and the World.

"A very strong and unscripted speech by Jason Dawson-Chris. We will be right back." said Anderson Cooper.


I stood in awe as Jason worked the crowd. They cheered and jeered at the right spots. He walked on the stage, he talked to them about Donald Dump. I read the comments, and all the tweets.

"I was skeptical about allowing him to speak unscripted. Hillary insisted he be allowed. He is amazing. A natural born politician." Donna Brazile said to me as we stood there watching and listen to his every word.

"He knows how to work an audience that's for sure, but he was terrified to do this. He is used to performing on stage, but where he is in his own world and loses himself in his music. Tonight he is not performing."

"I believe the Republicans would fear him more than anyone else if he goes on to do his No-trump Concerts. He is a powerful young man financially and still more as a speaker. He is not only challenging Trump head on but the whole Republican party."

"Yeah, he is and that's because he is not afraid of Donald Dump. He doesn't care what Donald Dump will say or do.

"The Republican party will lose bigger if they attack him and so will Trump."

I watched as Jason smiled and waved and walked off the stage. He went over by five minutes, but no one moved to stop him. He had the crowd whipped up into a frenzy. He had them shouting and chanting. NO DUMP! NO DUMP!

Jason stepped off stage He came directly towards and he put his arms around my neck, my arms went instinctively around his waist. He smiled tiredly and kissed me. It wasn't a romantic kiss. It was kiss telling me he needed reassurance. It was kiss saying I need your strength. I happily gave it to him.

"Damn you Jason, how am I ever going to top that speech?" We turned and saw Hillary Clinton smiling.

"I followed your No-Trump concerts. I knew you were a capable young man, but you just amazed me with that speech. I don't think anyone could do that with a scripted speech, not alone an unscripted one. You were like a Pitbull." She said hugging him.

"I don't know. In all honesty, I have no idea what I said."

"Well, let's just say that you tore Donald a new one." She said laughing.

"Excuse me, Mr. Chris but you're due to perform before General Allen and Military Veterans Speak." Said the DNC aid.

I smiled when I looked at Jason I could almost see the wheels turning in that mind. He walked away, after saying he will be right back. I watched as he went up to Donna Brazile where they spoke quietly. I watched as she smiled and patted Jason on the back. He listened to the speech being given by a Muslim couple talking about their son who served in Afghanistan and died saving his unit.

When they came off the stage. Jason came over and hugged both of them. He smiled, as he walked back towards me with Donna Brazile beside him with an aid. He was definitely up to something. Somehow I knew I was not going to like it and I didn't.

"Cody I have to ask you a big favor." He said to me.

"Okay, should I be nervous?"

"Well, that depends on you. I would love to have you introduce me when it comes to performing."

"Just to introduce you? What song are going to do. Somehow I think it's changed."

"Yes. You can do it and say whatever you want. As long as it's three minutes or under." Said Donna.


The look on Cody's face was priceless. "Babe, it's not like you have never been on stage before?" I said paraphrasing Harry earlier.

"You're right babe. I can do it."

We were to go on before General Allen I was to introduce him. I told the band what song I was going to do and they grinned. They are wholly anti-Trump and had been with me during all The No-Trump concerts. Some where Bernie Sanders supports and some were Hillary's. They were all now just anyone but Trump so all were now for Hillary.

We got the signal after the band had set up on the stage. We assumed our seats beside the stage as Cody was brought in. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Cody Dawson-Chris." Cody smiled at me before walking out on stage.

"Thank you, I have the honor of being married to one of the greatest Americans I have ever met. He is not only a talented actor, musician and performer. He is a great son, father and family man to our children and brothers and in-laws. He is a man who in a crisis, he doesn't panic, he gets a plan and takes action. He doesn't cower and hire from bullies like Donald Dump."

No DUMP! NO DUMP! People chanted.

"You know who else creates a plan, then takes action in a crisis?s? Who doesn't cower and hide from bullies? Hillary Rodham Clinton. She is the only person who can keep America great."

Hillary! Hillary!

"I have the great honor of saying Ladies and Gentlemen, Jason Dawson-Chris."

I stepped out on stage singing while behind me on the big screen pictures started to play. I threw my heart and soul into the song. I have sung this song many times. Tonight though it was different, so very different. For me it was about the future of our country, it was about the pain that our country feels and our heroes both military and civilian alive and dead. The audience agreed, spontaneously applauding. I looked out and like me they had tears, but showed pride.

When I finished and the crowd's applause and cheers died down. "I have the great privilege to introduce to a man who has been to Afghanistan, a man who unlike Donald Dump knows the enemy. Retired Marine General John R. Allen." I shook his hand while he pulled me into a hug. I smiled and walked off the stage.

I did what I wanted to do to address and show Americans and the world. That the only way this nation can heal and move forward was to not elect Donald Dump. I hugged Cody and told him how much I enjoyed his presentation and his beautiful words.

I looked over and saw that Donna Brazile and Hillary Clinton both had tears in their eyes. For a woman that's most see as cold and steely could see her right now they would know what she is. She loves her country and wants it to be greater than it already is.

Cody and I watched the rest of the convention sitting beside President Clinton. When it was done and we spoke with some of the delegates we went to the CNN grill and had a drink while we waited for NASSA to have our limousine come get us. We laughed and talked with the people there and watched the CNN group analyze the events of the DNC and tonight's speech by Hillary Clinton. Listening to the Republican speak made me wonder if he was actually voting for Donald Trump and not Hillary Clinton. He was praising more than criticizing. Normally I wanted to bitch slap the Trumpettes.

I was glad when our ride arrived. Cody and I sunk back into our seats as we rode to our Condo in Center city. My father was in Denmark and Kris was at the compound with Riley and JC. The twins were down in Orlando making a movie. So we would be alone. I talked briefly with Kris on the way to the condo. He assured me that everything was going well and that after I sung he helped Jacobs put the kids to bed and they went out right away.

"Hey babe." Cody said, looking at his Tablet. I lifted my head off of his shoulder and looked at what he was looking at.

I read Trumps latest tweet. @jasondawson-Chris4real is a nothing If he knows so much, why doesn't he run for president. Because he was not born in the US. @realdonaldtrump.

I laughed as Cody typed a reply. @realdonaldtrump. Apparently you know as much about the qualifications to be president as you do about the constitution. Nothing. @Codydawson-chris4real

I kissed his cheek as we made our way through the traffic. I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep. Cody nudged me affectionately. I looked out and realized we were at the Drake. We got out and walked through the door held open by an elderly doorman. We said hello to the security guard at the desk and went to the elevator. When the doors finally opened up we went up to the top floor penthouse.

I took a beeline to the master bathroom with Cody right behind me. He started undressing me once I was naked he bent forward and kissed me. He then turned on the shower. He stripped while I just leaned against the sink half asleep. He directed me to the shower and washed me and then himself. After drying both of us he led me to the bed.

I laid there thinking about the past eight months and how much my life has changed. I thought back to Christmas and my Father deciding that he had enough of Henrietta and the loveless marriage, about the abuse of my baby brother Kristen.

I laid there thinking about the other events that happen after....

Thanks for editing Rick!

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Next: Chapter 32

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