Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 30, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 28


The twins enjoyed a good sixteenth birthday party at Lynnwood. Being teens, they invited as many as they could, I had about seventy kids in the house. They stayed between the Pool House, Family Room and Game Room. For the most part they were pretty well behaved. I don't think any of them would have tried anything with security chaperoning the party anyway. I laughed when I saw one just look at a kid and the kid stopped whatever he was doing.

Luke and Duke now had separate rooms, but of course they were next to each other. Little did they know that there was a secret passageway between them. I thought about it and ended up showing to them. They of course thought it was awesome and I am sure they used it.

The Movie Premiere, for Mirror, Mirror was a success. The Movie was geared towards teenagers and younger. My family arrived in a limousine. We arrived with the twins, Magnus and Megan, Dukes date, whom I might say cost Duke and me, about twelve thousand dollars for a dress, shoes, handbag, hairdresser and so on. The Mirror, Mirror Soundtrack Album also went on sale. It was breaking all records for first-day sales. My personal album also went on sale. The coolest thing is though, That Renegade is nominated for 16 Academy Awards.

The best thing though is Riley and JC. Both were walking. JC was calling us Daddy. Riley was trying to talk too, though she could only say DA. Riley was now a little less needy for constant attention and was now sharing her toys though at times she showed frustration and anger still. We were happy for the most part. They were the most important thing in the world to us. We wanted them to grow up as normal as they could be considering who their parents were.

Tony assigned two security agents to the kids. They slept in the same room. It was funny watching two big tough guys dote on the kids. When they had their time off they were reluctant to leave them with the other agents. They would leave instructions and would call them to check up on the kids. The replacement agents complained to Tony and he just laughed and told them to deal with it because that's why they were chosen to be their guards.

Cody, Tony, and Aarons, NASSA, their Security Company were now in full swing. In addition to their North Philadelphia building they purchased twenty-two acres in Fort Washington for outdoor training. They gave me a tour of the facilities in North Philadelphia and made me take a few classes. They also had me up to their Fort Washington Grounds and had me watch their outdoor training methods.

Their training consisted of Customized Courses, Pre-Deployment Training, High-Risk LIVE Fire, Firearms Training, Counter-Terrorism Training, Force Protection Training, High-Threat Executive Awareness Training (HEAT), Basic and Advanced Driver Training, Off-Road Driver Training, Basic and Advanced Executive Protection, High-Threat Protection, Special Weapons and Tactics Training for Law Enforcement, Special Operations Training for Military and Support Units and Medical Training.

They rolled out their first graduates of twelve on after an eight-week course. They started with thirty applicants, the first class graduated December first. They decided that all Compound security would go through the training. They would send half of the current to School in they wanted to stay employed with us.

The IT part of NASSA found the DNC emails were being hacked. They alerted the FBI who reluctantly looked at their intel and they alerted the DNC. They even sent recommendations in regards to the US government's Cyber Security, but were told to mind their own business. They had purchased an old mansion nearby that would house their offices and IT Departments. I estimated that the company was now worth about thirty million in assets. Hopefully soon they will start making money.

Christmas we had decided to have a formal Christmas Ball on our anniversary, December 18 which this year was on a Friday. Though we many of the same people that were at our wedding. We decided to add more local people and politicians. The President regretfully declined. Though the Clintons accepted, as did the Sanders. Other political guests included the Governor of Pennsylvanis Tom Wolf and various senators and mayors of Philadelphia and Elkins Park. We also invited the Mayor Elect of Philadelphia, Jim Kenny. Magnus's and Megan's Parents were also invited and accepted.

I was mostly excited about Harry had accepted our invitation. It had been months since we had seen him. He had been busy with Invictus Games which I had agreed to support and perform for.

We rented twelve snow machines to keep a constant light snowfall over the compound. Of course we would have snow on the ground. The foyer tree was a twenty-four-foot spruce and was decorated as a children's tree. The ground where covered in lights and displays. My favorite one was in the Garden area. White lights created a corridor to a Miniature old city Philadelphia style village of shops and houses lit up for Christmas.


December 17th, 2015

Jason was beside himself with excitement. Harry was supposed to arrive at any time. When the limousine was five minutes away Jason had the servants outside waiting formally to meet Harry. This was more of a joke than protocol for the visiting Prince Harry, who hated the formality of this. Once the car passed through the gates Jason was walking so fast though the foyer he was almost jogging.

I smiled as I joined Jason at the bottom of the stairs as the car made its way down the quarter mile drive. I smiled at the love of my life. He admitted to me the other night that Harry was like a big brother to him and loved him as such. The confession confirmed what I already knew. I admire the prince just as much. He didn't throw airs or act like you would think a royal prince would act. He was just Harry to us.

The car pulled up and before Harry could open his door a temporary servant opened it. Prince Harry stepped out and looked at the twenty-six servants lined up in uniform. He frowned and shook his head. Jason snapped a picture.

"What the bloody hell is this mate. You have gone bonkers." He said, waving at the servants

"Just wanted to make you feel welcome, your highness." Jason said, barely containing his giggling but the mirth was apparent.

Harry walked over to Jason and bent him over and kissed him. "If you wanted to welcome me that would be the best way." He said laughing. "Let's get inside, it's bloody cold out here."

We walked inside as the servants follow us carrying Harry's luggage. "If you don't want the Royal treatment then carry your own fucking luggage, asshole." Jason said to him as the servants carried his bags to his room which as usual was next to ours.

"Come now. We don't need to be that informal do we." He laughed.

"I guess not." I said, looking at all the bags being carried upstairs.

"You got that right Cody. Besides, I wouldn't have time to visit with my favorite American mates. It would take me all night to carry them up, those stairs."

"Just your favorite American mates?" Jason said, giving a faux pout.

"Jason, you and Cody are than mates to me. Your family, I love both with all my heart." I watched as Jason teared up at Harry's sentimental comment. I admit I felt a little choked up too.

"I think I speak for both of us Harry. We love you just as much. I know Jason see's you as his big brother." I said, putting an arm around his shoulder. Jason nodding with agreement.

"Oh bloody hell. I was hoping he'd see me a SEX GOD."

"Sometimes you're just too sexy and lovable for your own good." Jason said after he got his emotions under control.

The moment passed when two rambunctious sixteen-year-olds came in and tackled Harry to the floor. His soldiers, as he called his bodyguards, stepped forward. Harry laughed and wrestled with them. The soldiers stepped back into the shadows. I looked over and saw Magnus, standing quietly in the doorway. He was a little intimidated I think by the presence of royalty. "Magnus come here bro. Harry's just like us, just a straight version."

Luke broke free from the wrestling match and came over to Magnus and kissed his cheek. "It's cool Magnus. Harry is just a normal bloke." He said using an English accent.

Harry and Duke pulled apart after Harry pinned him. They stood up and Harry laughed. "I guess you two twats are happy to see me."

"We sure are. Harry, I want you to meet my boyfriend Magnus." Smiled Luke proudly at the handsome Magnus.

"Magnus this This is Prince Harry or as he likes to call himself Harry Wales." said Luke, I noticed his accent was gone as was Dukes. I smiled as Harry gave Magnus a handshake and then a hug. Harry was a hugger. It seemed to put Magnus at ease a bit.

The twins visited us with Harry and asked questions about the upcoming Invictus Games in Orlando in June next year. Harry talked at length about how he became involved. Being an Afghanistan War Veteran he felt he needed to do something to show the world that are permanently injured veterans were still able and ready to live full lives. I admired that.

The twins excused themselves and went down to the game room. "Mates, if you have the time I need to talk to you privately before I leave." Harry said, looking over at his Soldiers and our security agents.

"No problem. When do you plan on leaving?" asked Jason

"Depends on when I can talk with you two blokes but definitely before Christmas. My father would blow a gasket if I wasn't present."

"Well, we can talk anytime you want bro." I said.


"Harry I know that you have to have security with you, but the security here is tighter than The Whitehouse. Your men can relax."

"I heard that you started an agency. From what I hear it's intense training."

I reached over and pushed a button on the bar "Jacobs, can you come into the family room, please." two minutes later and twenty-four year old six foot two man in a black suit stepped into the room.

"Jacobs, can you explain to Prince Harry your history and training and then our training."

Yes Sir." He said smiling. He explained that he was a trained Navy seal. He explained the training that he received with the Navy seals. Then NASSA training.

"I can tell you your Highness that the train I received at NASSA was more intense than the SEAL training."

"If you like I can have Tony show your men our security process, procedures and IT for Lynnwood Hall." I said. I had noticed the guards stepped close enough to hear Jacobs description of our training.

I watched as the guards looked at Harry pleadingly. "Would you mates like to see what's up here? Stupid question, go ahead. I think you blokes can take it easy while we are here."


"Now is there someplace more private that we can talk without ears? I need to talk with you both." He asked us. Harry was looking a bit nervous and somewhat sheepish. Something he never was this must be important.

"Sure, Why don't you get cleaned up and comfortable? We can talk in our bedroom. We can control anything that happens in there and it can't be bypassed." I said smiling.

Cody and I cuddled on the sofa in our suite's sitting area. I smiled at the room I had it redone in a more Royal style pretty much a less Disney version of Cinderella's castle. Cody had balked at the idea, but agreed to it. He had told me if he didn't like it, he would take the other suite. I knew better than that. Neither one of us could sleep without the other. He liked it though. I could tell if he didn't.

We started making out, it didn't take long before I was straddling Cody's lap kissing his perfect lips. I could feel how hard he was under my ass. I was just as hard. I grinded my ass against the hardness in his sweat pants as I also grinded my cock against his bare washboard abs. My cock throbbed in my sweat pants.

I was so into the moment I hadn't heard the door open. "Ahem." I looked up as I kissed and grinded Cody and saw Prince Harry standing there in his Pajama bottoms and Tee shirt. There was no hiding that he was hard. I broke our kiss and Cody looked at me then following my eyes he turned and laughed.

"Don't stop my account. Believe me, I know what it's like to be horned up." said Harry laughing. He didn't bother to cover up his erection in his bottoms as he came into the room "I, knocked, but I didn't get an answer so I just came on in."

"So what's up." I asked Harry as he sat down.

"This is a bit hard to talk about." He's said as he shifted his boner having gone down slightly was still very visible in his thin bottoms. I refrained from making a joke. He seemed serious.

"Listen Harry. The best way is to just say what's on your mind. We're your brothers from different mothers." Cody said. I smiled at him like his brothers, his accent was almost gone.

Taking a deep breath, Harry started. "It's just that after dating Cressenda and Chelsey with all that talk about being afraid of relationship commitment had me thinking. I don't know why, but I can't find a girl that just satisfies me. Not meaning just sexually, but intellectually, emotionally and in a sorts physically."

"Maybe you're just looking to hard bro or in the wrong places." Said Cody.

"Maybe so, but I want someone who loves me for me not because I am a prince. I want someone who doesn't bulk at being in the public Paparazzi chaos that happens." He went on. I noticed his choice of words.

He looked down at his feet. "I guess I have been thinking that maybe I have been looking at this the wrong way?"

"How so?"

"I was thinking maybe I should look at something different than thin pretty girls." He said looking up at us. I could see he was hoping we were getting his message. I was but I wanted him to say it. I looked at Cody he got it too.

"So you want to date some fat, ugly one's bro?" Cody said smiling. I elbowed him for being a dick. He did the over dramatic OUCH.

"Just say what you mean Harry." I said.

"I have been thinking about trying something with a guy." He said not looking up.

"Bro, are you sure? I am sure we can hook you up with a HOT guy." Said Cody.

"No. I don't want it to be with just anyone. I was hoping?."

"Us." I said.

"Yes." he said, looking up at us with a weary smile.

"Bro, I am flattered and I know Jason is but that's something we just can't say yes too. Don't get me wrong, I ain't saying NO I just ain't saying YES. I mean you're hot as fuck. And we both love you but our relationship is important to us. We can't just say yes and risk losing US." Cody said.

"Harry, let us talk about it. Okay, either way, I want you to know, I agree with Cody. If we ever did anything with someone outside of our relationship, you'd be the top pick."

We hugged Harry and kissed him good night. I watched as he left our room. We looked at each other. We had talked about this thing before. The thing is we never perused it because one, we were both well known. Two, because we both didn't like to share each other's attention in bed and lastly, we both knew the emotion played a big factor in sex. We couldn't be with another person if it was just sexual.

We talked about it. We weighed the PRO and CONS. They ended up tied. "Why don't we just invite him to take a shower with us and see where it goes. If both of us are not comfortable with it, we can just jerk off with him." I volunteered.

"So, if we don't want to do anything more we just tell him that's it? Dude, if it was me with that hot ass of yours I'd be depressed at not getting it." Cody said semi-seriously."

"Yeah, how about we just suggest the shower and go from there. He may not want to after we do that much."

"Sounds good."

Cody stepped back and flipped the latch. He swung open the hidden door. He stepped into Harry's room. I stepped in behind him. He was awake and I could see the sheet moving at his crotch. Harry stopped what he was doing when he saw Cody and me. He grinned.

"This house is full of surprises."

"Listen bro, like I said we love you. Though, we are still not sure about this. We both agreed that maybe we can indulge your curiosity somewhat with taking a shower with us." Cody said.

Harry smiled and swung out until he was sitting on the side of the bed the sheet still covering him. "You guys sure about this." He said looking at Cody and then to me. He was waiting for my confirmation.

"I stepped forward and took his hand. "Come on, your Royal Studness." He let me pull him up. The sheet fell away and he was exposed in all his nakedness.

He smiled as Cody and I led him through the secret door hidden in our closet. We lead him through our suite to the bathroom. Cody started the shower and adjusted the water temperature. I looked at Harry as he stood there watching Cody.

Harry was one sexy ginger. His chest was well formed and muscular, but not overly or like Cody's and mine, he had red hair on his pecs and ABS. He had thick red bush which surrounded a nice uncut eight or more inch cock. He had nice balls with just a little bit of hair. I could see the outline of his butt by the way he stood. It looked well rounded. He was sexy. I still thought that Cody was sexier though.

Cody turned to me and kissed me. His hands went to my bottoms and pulled them below my butt until they just fell. I stepped out of them. I broke the kiss and I looked at Harry, who was stroking his cock as he watched us.

Cody turned towards him and kissed him. He directed Harry's hand to his sweat pants. Harry caught on and pulled them down. They got caught on Cody's thick thighs. I knelt down and pulled them the rest of the way down. I stared at the sight of their cocks next to each other.

Cody was larger, but only by what I estimated an inch. So Harry had to be eight plus inches. I stood up and Cody broke the kiss with Harry. I leaned in and kissed him. I reached down and grabbed both cocks in my hand and gave three strokes.


We stepped into the shower. We lathered each other up I watched as Harry lathered up Jase's body. He paid attention to every detail, he knelt and washed his feet then calves. He worked his way up his thighs and then gently turned him around. I watched as he repeated the process. I smiled as Harry gently washed Jason's HOT ass.

My cock was bobbing up and down. This sight just made me lust more for my man. I thought I would be jealous, but I wasn't. I had a love for both of these men. Though one I was in love with. My cock was dripping precum and ached. I didn't touch it because I knew after a few strokes I'd would shoot my load.

Jason rinsed off and step up to me. He started washing my chest as Harry repeated to me what he did to Jason. I was getting hotter by the second as these two men caressed me. Jason leaned forward and he kissed me. I pulled him against me. I heard Jason moan.

We broke the kiss and We pulled Harry up. We took turns kissing him. I reached down and turned on more jets. WE broke the kiss and started washing him. Jason knelt down and washed his feet, calves and thighs, while I washed his hair chest and ABS. I looked down at Jase and he was staring at Harry's cock. I had to admit it was a nice cock. I smile and nodded and kissed Harry as Jason took Harry's cock into his mouth.


As I washed Harry's thighs, I could not help but stare at his cock. I saw a little bead of precum at the tip. I wanted so much to taste it. I looked up and saw Cody staring at me he smiled and nodded. I leaned forward and took Harrys cock into my mouth. It tasted great and his precum had a salty sweaty taste. I heard his muffled moan. I looked up and saw him in a deep kiss with Cody.

I pulled my lips back. And went down deep again. I swallowed his cock and took his cock into my throat. I then pulled back out again. I had never sucked an uncut cock before. The foreskin was different, but not unpleasant. I reached up and grabbed the shaft and stroked it a few times watching the foreskin go over the head. I saw the bead of precum turn into a drool of it. I licked it as it came out of the hole. I leaned forward and sucked it all the way down into my throat.

I felt two hands on my head. I looked up and saw Harry looking down at me with lust and need. He pushed me back off his cock. He directed my head to Cody's cock, which had a thick string of precum extend from its head. I slurped it up, then deep throated his cock. I loved his taste. It was different than Harrys. It had thicker texture, but like his it was a sweet and salty.

Cody moved against the wall and slid down. My mouth never leaving his cock. I proceed to suck and deep throat, his beautiful cock. I was kneeling between Cody outstretched legs. I felt Harry caressing my ass I felt him kissing my butt cheeks. I then felt him kissing closer to my hole, but only to work back out again. "Eat That hot ass Bro. You know you want it." Cody said, watching Harry kissing my ass.

Harry didn't need any urging. He buried his face between my ass cheeks. I felt his tongue licking and probing my hole. I felt Cody's cock get harder and thicker. I pulled off his cock.

Cody moved until he was under me. He engulfed my cock I was in heaven. I moaned as Harry stuck his tongue deep inside my hole. "Oh fuck that feels so good babe." I groaned. I leaned forward and sucked Cody's cock in my mouth. I moaned again humming on Cody's cock at the same time as Harry tongue hit the edge of my prostate.

Cody pulled me off his cock as he deep throated me. I felt my cock starting to tingle. I grunted and groaned as I started spewing my load into Cody's mouth. When I shot my last load of jizz I fell to side of Cody and Harry. I watched as Cody shared my cum with Harry in a deep kiss.

"Let's get to bed." Cody said in a sexy heated voice.

Harry and I didn't need urging. We went to the bed, Cody directed me to the middle. He got Harry positioned so that his cock was at my face. Cody got in behind me and rubbed his precum covered cock all over my hole lubing it with his juices, not that I think it needed.

Harry's masterful tongue had me already for Cody's Cock. Harry guided Cody's cock as he entered me. I moaned. Cody started moving inside me slowly. I watched Harry's cock dripping precum as it twitched. I leaned forward a sucked it into my mouth, I savored the juices and flicked my tongue over the tip I deep throated him and buried my nose in his balls. I moaned as if felt Harry take my once HARD COCK again into his mouth.

"Watch the teeth." I said when I felt his teeth on my cock. He nodded and I went back to his cock. Between Cody slowly fucking me, Harry's dick in my mouth and mine in his I was beyond thinking. I felt a Harrys cock shiver a bit. He pulled out of my mouth and rolled over on his back. Cody pulled his cock out and positioned me over Harry with my knees placed on either side of his pecs. Cody pushed me down until my ass was up and Harry's cock was at my lips. I felt Harry take my cock in his mouth again as Cody entered me again. I leaned forward and sucked Harry's cock into my mouth. as Cody pounded into my ass and Harry sucked my pole.

I felt Cody's cock grow larger inside my hole. Harry's was fidgeting now. Cody hits my prostate I groaned onto Harry's cock. I pulled off and groaned. Fuck me Cody. Fuck my ass." Harry groaned. I watched as his cock started pumping out thick white jizz. I leaned forward and took the rest of that load.

"Yeah baby. Eat that Royal load." Cody Groaned and pulled out and then he shot three heavy loads on my hole before shoving it back in and then he shot the rest of it in me. I shot my load, as he entered me, all over Harry's face, he leaned up and took the last two loads in his mouth.

Prince Harry

We all laid there. It took some effort, but I got myself in the same direction as my bed mates. I Looked over them and smiled. They were two big, hot, sexy lads. I don't know if this will ever happen again, but this was the best sex I ever had. I loved these two with all my heart and soul. I was more sure now more than ever that this was what I had been missing. I thought back over the whole experience and giggled at a memory.

"Eat that royal load? Seriously mate." I laughed. They joined me laughing at that statement..

"So bro. How do you feel?" Cody asked me as he looked at Jason's still on his back.

"Excellent. I never experienced anything so perfect. Other than that my face feels sticky, I need to go wash up."

"Fuck that bro. that's celebrity jizz man." He said and crawled on top of Jason and started to lick Jason's baby batter off my face. He smiled and gave me a kiss. "No wasting that jizz man." He laughed as he laid his head on Jason's stomach.

"Any regrets, Harry?" Jason asked as he stroked Cody's hair.

"Only that I wasted all this time and didn't do this earlier with you sexy blokes."

"Don't know if we would have done it before now." Jason said with a grunt in agreement from Cody.

"I better get back to my room and let you guys get to sleep."

"Nope, stay here. You belong here with us right now." Said Cody. He looked at Jason who smiled. "We love you, bro. You're welcome in our bed and lives any time."

They both kissed me with more love than Cressenda, Chelsey, or any other girls I have known. I felt tears in my eyes, "I love you both more than you'll ever know."

Thanks for editing Rick!

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Next: Chapter 30

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