Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 27, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the stars

Among the Stars

Chapter 27

"We just received more information regarding the Jason Chris incident earlier today. According to sources Aryan Republican Army has taken responsibility for the attack. Pennsylvania state police have verified that homeland security has taken over the case along with the FBI."


"Anderson Cooper reporting from Philadelphia. We have just been informed that Jason Chris has passed at 10:40 this evening do his injuries. His family has asked that we respect the family's privacy at this time. We here at CNN will respect that request. This has been a very emotional time as I consider Jason Chris as good friend. So back to you Wolf as I take some time to deal with my own loss of a friend."

The screen changed to Wolf Blitzer. "That was Anderson Cooper in Philadelphia. Reporting on the death of American Pop star Jason Chris. On to the Republican candidates for president. Donald trump is in ."


"How was that?" Asked Anderson.

"Good." said Tony.

"I hate do that." Anderson frowned.

"I know sir. I hate the fact that you had to do it." Said Tony.

"How long do I have to play dead?" Jason asked

"I hope not long babe. I don't want to be arrested for necrophilia." I said to my baby with a kiss.

"Not funny Cody." Jason said hitting me then pulling me back for another kiss.

The door to the morgue opened up and Homeland security Philadelphia director came in. I watched as Tony and the Secret Service agent went over to him. They all came over to us. "Mr. Chris I want to thank you for your co-operation in this. We believe that this will lead to the arrest of a major cell of the Aryan Republican Army. Believe me when I say they are just as dangerous as any Islamic terrorist that maybe in the United States today."

"It's not me you have to thank sir. It Mr. Cooper. He is the one who just lied to the world." Jason told him. I could hear the agitation in his voice.

"Your right sir. Mr. Cooper we owe you a great deal of thanks." "sir I may be a journalist but I am also and American and a friend of Jason's. Though I didn't like doing it, I agree with the outcome may be beneficial."

I could hear Wolf Blitzer in the background talking about Donald Trump. 'Jason's Chris death sad but good for Cody he gets it all. Hell' party tonight.'

"What the fuck that guy is an asshole scum." I yelled.

"We'll get him later baby." Jason said pulling to sit between his legs as he sat on the stainless steel operating table.

"How long do we have to stay here?" Jason asked.

Just then the Chief of police barged in through the doors." Director Jerkewitz, I have two hysterical boys out in the waiting area."

"Wait a minute you didn't tell them?" I yelled and charged towards the older man. I didn't give a fuck if he was homeland security or not I was going to kick his ass. I would have If Tony and Aaron didn't hold me back.

"Sir, we needed them to react as they should have." The Director explained.

"Get the asshole out of here now." Jason yelled.

"Sir you have no standing to order me out of here. Unless you co-operate I will have you arrested."

"You are playing with kids minds. I like to see you fucking arrest me."

"I answer the Secretary of Homeland Security. Not to a little cock sucker."

Jason stood up and walked over to the man. I thought he was going to tear that bastard another asshole verbally. I didn't see what he did coming. Jason hit him hard in the stomach the hit him square in the eye. The director fell back and hit the floor. "Arrest him now." He yelled holding his eye.

The Secret Service agent stared at him. "Give me your phone." Jason said to the agent.

The agent handed him his cell phone. "Are you kidding me. I gave you an order." Said the Director standing up and storming towards Jason. Who was dialing a number. I was sure I knew who it was too. Tony and Aaron stepped forward and kept the man away from Jason.

"Security code jas7451." He said into the phone. "Sir let me put you on load speaker." Jason put it on load speaker and turned up the volume.

"Sir, I am sorry to bother you but something has arisen to complicate this plan." Jason went on to explain the situation. To say that President Obama was pissed off would be an understatement.

Director you will finish this job. I cannot fire you or demote you. That's the Secretary of Homeland Securities job. I will be making recommendations though. That being said. Mr. Chris is a personal friend of the presidency and of my family. You will treat him nothing but respect. I suggest in regards to those two boys you find some way to get them into the fold now. You do not play with the minds and emotions of children. Who's brainfart was this?"

"Mr. President I want authenticity. I made the decision to do this. I resent that you are even questioning the decision as this is a national security issue."

"Director Jerkewitz I need to remind you with whom you are addressing. I want you in my office tomorrow morning ay eight am."

"I will try to be there sir." He answered but the president already hung up.

"Sir, that was a direct order from the President of the United States of America. Failure to obey his orders will result in your arrest." Said the Agent.

The Director turned around and stormed out the Chief of Police followed him. Two minutes later my brothers came in with their friend Magnus. I watched as they saw Jason standing there smiling at them. They fell to the floor crying. Jason walked over to them and knelt in front of them. They grabbed him and clung to him.


Once we calmed the boys down we looked for a way to get out of there without the media and people outside of the hospital seeing me. We decided to use a helicopter. We snuck up to the roof. The police and secret service cleared the way.

I ran to the waiting helicopter and got in. I slid over and waited. I watched as a Homeland security agent came running up to the S.S. agents. Then one ran towards me in the helicopter. "Sir we have four groups surrounded in their compounds by the ATF. They also arrested a Reverend Poultry outside of your home sir. He was trying to climb the walls."

I thanked the man and followed him back to the group. "Can someone get Anderson up here. I don't want my husband arrested for necrophilia." I said smiling at Cody.

"tony waved off the helicopter. Then we made our way down. There were a lot of shocked faces from the medical and visitors that were in the halls. We met Anderson in a hospital room.

"Are you ready?" asked Anderson. I nodded yes.

We watched as Wolf Blitzer reported the news of the four ATF surrounded compounds. "He's waving me off. Cut in."

I watched as the screen changed to Anderson Coopers face appeared. "sorry to interrupt you Wolf. I have updated news. First off I want to apologize for my report earlier. Though as this story unfolds you will understand the reason why I made that report. Earlier tonight. It was discovered that the Aryan Republican Army was behind the attack Jason Chris. In order to locate these groups, the police asked myself and Jason Chris to report his death. This caused several known Aryan Republican Army agents that were under surveillance to make calls once those calls were made they were traced to other know agents and finally to what is un folding in four different locations."

"So are you telling me that Jason Chris faked his death and is a fraud?" said Wolf.

"I wouldn't say fraud. It was a means to end a terrorist group here in the United States but yes Jason Chris is alive and well. I see him as true patriot."

Anderson brought me into the picture. After a grilling from Wolf Blitzer. His questions and comments were a bit angry. I answered them as best as could. Once the camera was off I turned to Anderson and said. "What a pompous ass." Anderson smiled at my comment but remained silent.

"That assfuck don't know when to shut up. He got as much substance as fart in the wind>" Cody growled looking at his smart phone.

"What now babe?" I asked. He handed me his phone and I read. Jason Chris publicity whore needs attention so fakes death. big L."

"That's okay babe we go to court next week."

"He should have just apologized." Cody said.

"Dude Donald Trump wouldn't apologize for pissing in someone's soup. I knew he wasn't going to do it. His ego won't let it."

We avoided the media and the crowd outside. I was tired. Though I didn't have a concussion and just a few stitches on my arm where Al my security guy with the help of a truck driver broke my window open. Just in time too as the car exploded a minute later. I had passed out from the gas fumes. So after eight hours stuck in here and two teens hanging on to me I was tired.

In the limousine. I looked at the tweets. Most were good except for a few Trumpets. I looked across the seat at the twins and their friend. Interesting night huh?" I said to Magnus.

"This is big goof here is Cody and I guess you know who I am." I said smiling and shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Chris." He said politely.

"Wow polite but call me Jason, Jase or Jas. Mr. Chris makes me feel old like I am twenty-six or something."

"Hey am twenty-six." Cody said nudging me and grinning.

"I rest my case old man." I said laughing

"Ok no nookie for you youngin'. Until I get my Geritol."

"I am surprised you stayed the whole time Magnus. Most guys your age would have gone home. I'm glad you stayed though and supported these big babies." I commend him and teased the twins.

"Your welcome but I can't tell a lie." He started.

"What you channeling Abe Lincoln?" Duke said

"George Washington asshole now shut up. Go on Magnus." Luke said.

"Thanks Luke. Any way my parents are on London right now and the staff took off for the weekend except Mary and she can't drive after dark."

We bantered back and forth while we drove with state police escort. The twins started in on both of us. We arrived at the gates there where massive amounts of media One was hanging from a tree peering over the wall. Tony made a call and before we made it through the crowd to the gates they had the guy that was in the tree in handcuffs.

"Wow you guys don't play. You really got juice man." Said Magnus.

"They are technically trespassing bro." Duke passed on.

When we pulled up in front of the house the door flew open and I was pulled out of the car. Billy wrapped his arms around me and cried. "I thought I lost you boy. Don't ever do that to me again."

Eventually the media coverage died down. Except Trump and Trumpets no one said a word about the incident. There was now a new development. Westboro church had decided to picket my gate. After a dozen arrests for trespassing and eventually The neighbors' complaints they gave up. It was quiet again.

We had to go to court today. We finally settle for five hundred million in the lawsuit plus attorney and court costs. Trumps attorney's tried to stay it this morning because he is not present. The Judger just asked if Mr. Trump knew this was the court date. When they answered yes but was in Florida on a private issue. The Judge denied him." Since Mr. Trump has decided to not make an appearance to defend his actions we will start this trial without him."

"Your honor I object Mr. Trump is not here."

"Objection noted and denied. Proceed ywith your opening statements.

The defense attorney stood up and looked at the jJury. "AS I will show you during this ridiculous trial."

"I object your honor. Defense is ridiculing the judicial court system."

"Note and sustained. Also I find the defense in contempt with a warning one more such comment and I will throw the book at you."

"As I was going to say. I will show you that Mr. Trump was voicing an opinion and not stating facts." He went on about how the media miss quoted him and how it was a political movement against his client top dis credit him.

My attorney. "The defense wants to paint Mr. Trump as miss understood. He said he voiced opinions not facts. I will show you where he stated these are facts. Mr. Trump up two weeks ago was making derogatory and disparaging comments towards Jason and Cody Dawson-Chris. I will prove to you beyond a reasonable doubt that these comments were disparaging and malleolus and meant to discredit my clients for no ther reason than they dared to disagree with him. At no time did they make any remarks stated as facts. Thank you."

Our attorney showed the facts. The video the tweets all the way up to two weeks ago. "As you can see that Mr. Trump stated that these were facts not an opinion. Your honor the plaintiff rests it case."

I looked at my watch. 11:30 am. "Courts adjourned until 1 pm." The judge said with a hit of his gravel.

Cody and ate lunch that was brought in. We knew better than to go out in the media to eat. We finished and returned to the court room and sat and waited for the Judge. The jury was ushered in. AL rise the Honorable Lillian Beach presiding."

"Be seated. Is the defense ready to present witnesses?"

"Your honor we ask the court to indulge us until Friday so that Mr. Trump can be present."

"Friday? It's Monday Counsel. Mr. Trump cannot be present until then?"

"Your honor as I informed you this morning. Mr. trump has import personal business. That he feels is more important."

"I see. Denied. He will be tried in absentia. Do you have any other witnesses?"

"No your honor. I would like to make a statement on Mr. trumps behalf."

"That's what closing statements are for counselor Is that what your prepared to do?"

"Closing statement your honor."

"As you heard Mr. Trump speak you heard him state his opinions on the Dawson-Chris. You would think that someone who is constantly in the media should have a thicker skin and not take things so personally and them bring it to this fake trial."

There was a sound of the judge's gavel. "I warned you councilor. You are in contempt of this court. I do not take kindly to my court room being called fake. I fine you twenty-five thousand dollars and a ten day stay in our fine jail system. When the trial is finished take him into custody."

For another thirty minutes the lawyer made his plea and thanked the jury for understanding that Donald Trump is the victim of a rigged political system. I watched as the attorney sat down. You could tell he was pissed at whom I didn't know.

"I will make this short so we all can go home to dinner and spend time with our families. You have seen the evidence. You saw and heard Mr. Trump say I know this these are facts I have proof. Where was the proof. It doesn't exist or the defense would have provided it. Mr. Trump doesn't even feel he needs to be here. Why is that? Is it because he knows it's a waste of time to defend something he knows he will lose? Maybe. So when you go back to deliberate. Think about what you heard and witnessed here. That Jason and Cody Dawson-Chris were the victims of malleolus ugly lies. By a man who in my opinion thinks that courts are beneath him. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your time."

It was thirty minutes later that the jury found in favor of the plaintiff. The judge also gave the defense councilor another fine and five more days for cursing in the court room. I smiled and told our attorney to set up a fund for Latino men and women seeking to be US citizens. And make it public that's what I used Donald's money for.

Thanksgiving came and went. My father and his family were coming again for Christmas. So with three weeks until that day we had the house being decorated along with the grounds. Cody and I spent lots on money for presents. We would buy and wrap. We also sent a total of one million dollars to different hospitals for Christmas. not to mention the same toward different Homeless shelters.

Magnus was a regular fixture around the house now. Like and him became an item which made us happy Duke was dating several girls. He refused to acknowledge the girl Kelly when he found out she was using him to get to me. I apologized for that but he just hugged me and said "Hey, hope they do that to get to me someday."

The premiere of the Disney movie was on the fiftieth of December. The finished title was Mirror, Mirror. They decided to premiere it here in Philadelphia and the Kimmel Center. The best thing is my whole family will be there for the premiere. By family I include the Kane's They are no longer hired help to us they are family.

Thanks for editing Rick!

Though I will miss Sam.

For any comments please contact me at:

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Next: Chapter 27

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