Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 24, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the stars

Among the Stars.

Chapter 25


Cody and I jumped into the shower to wash off our love smells or sex smells, whatever you want to call it. We washed each other in between kisses. After drying off, we dressed in jeans and polo's and went out into the suites parlor. The twins were watching CNN, I was surprised.

"Since when do you two airheads watch CNN," I said joking.

"Shhh." I heard in unison.

Cody pointed to the TV. I listened as Trump started talking about Megyn Kelly. "I just don't respect her as a journalist," Trump said of Kelly. "I have no respect for her. I don't think she's very good. I think she's highly overrated. She gets out and starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions," Trump said in the CNN interview. "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. In my opinion, she was off base."

"What a dick. Turn that pig shit off" Cody said.

"Let's get going guys. I`ve worked up an appetite." I said when they turned off the TV.

We went downstairs with Tony and Aaron. We decided to walk the block to Lawry's Prime Rib. "Don't we need to make reservations or something?" Cody asked.

"Again BRO, Jason Chris Reservations? Yeah, funny." Said Duke.

As we walked down La Cienega Boulevard we turned a lot of heads, had a few pictures taken. We crossed the street at Clifton Way and proceeded down the boulevard to Lawry's. There was the normal Friday Paparazzi there.

I was taken back when a reporter from Access Hollywood shove a mic in my face and asked me "Jason, what do you think about Donald Trump's latest comments?"

"His comments are crude and childish. I can't believe anyone running for president would say things like that. Though with Trump, I believe it, with past meetings with him, I know he can be pretty ignorant." I said.

"If he won the Republican primary would you consider voting for him?"


I said as Aaron and Tony moved us into the restaurant. As Duke said my face and name got us a seat fast. The waiter took our orders and we ate peacefully. There was a ruckus near the door and I watched as the Bieber came in with his posse.

"Aw man, there goes the neighborhood," I mumbled.

He was seated across from us. He was his normal loud and foul-mouthed self. There were fuck dat's, Yo bro's and dis is the sheot's. Then he saw Me sitting over here. "Yo man look who over dare man. It's dat pretty Mary boy trying to play family man."

"If that ghetto rat doesn't watch his mouth around our kids I am gonna go over there and punch it closed ," Cody growled loud enough for him to hear. I smiled as Cody subtly flexed his bicep which was probably the size of Bieber's thigh.

"Bro, he ain't from no ghetto he from Canada. He's a poser bro." Luke laughed.

One of Bieber's posse stood up and stepped over to Luke. "Bitch, you better watch what the fuck you say or I'll. He didn't get a chance to finish the threat because Aaron was there in front of him.

"Sir, I recommend you go back to your table. I also recommend gentlemen that you please keep your voice level down to a minimum so that the other patrons can enjoy their meals."

" No wanna be cop gonna fucking tell me to do." Said Bieber standing up.

"Actually SIR, I'm a Secret Service Agent. I can arrest you for just thinking. So sit down please." Aaron said with a smile showing his weapon in his shoulder holster. He sat down.

I almost fell out of chair when the Manager came over to Bieber's table. "Gentlemen, I am going to have to ask you to leave."

"Why just because the fucking princess over there can't take a joke?"

"Sir, I have received several complaints from other guests. Once again I will ask you to leave peacefully."

"The is bullshit bro. You're the man." Said one of his posse.

The Manager made a motion and a police officer came to the table. I had to laugh at that because any fool knows that there will a cop nearby a restaurant that was frequented by Celebrities and Paparazzi.

I shook my head as the cop escorted them out of the restaurant. "More bad publicity for Da Man." I laughed at my own joke. Which got eye rolls from the rest of the table.

We ate our steaks and joked. We left the restaurant and jumped into a limo that Cody had called the hotel to send, while we ate. The Paparazzi had increased two-fold. I'd like to say it wasn't because of me, but the fact that Tom Cruise was there, but I knew different. Sometimes they come in handy for publicity. This was not one of those times.

We made it back to the hotel and got to our room without any problems. We got to the hotel at eight. The twins made a beeline to the TV. The last channel being CNN was what came on. Cody went to take a wiz.

I checked the kids diapers and put them down for the night. I kissed them good night and was about to call Cody to come say goodnight to our little ones when I heard him yell "That fucking cum stain. I'll shoot the bitch."

I walked out and saw Trumps face on the TV. "Listen I really don't care what the Princess says. Everyone knows he murdered those fine journalists."

"Excuse me Mr. Trump but witnesses and the Gibraltar police have all stated that it was the Van carrying the paparazzi that caused the accident."

"It's a cover up money talks I know I have more of it. I know these things I have my sources. He is a murderer and is a child molester. Why else would him and that guy adopt teenagers? I was invited to that sham of a wedding. I refused to go. I heard they had orgies. I am glad my wife and I didn't go."

"That are some serious accusations, Mr. Trump. Do you have facts to back them up?"

"Listen, I don't say this stuff unless I know it's true." Said Trump on the phone to the CNN commentator.

" We have to go to a break. We'll be back with more news." Said the reporter.

I picked up my phone and called my lawyers. I got an answer on the second ring. "Jason Chris, can I speak to."

"Just a moment Mr. Chris I will connect you right away." Said Danny Gold's ,Secretary of Gold, Gold, and Morgan Law Firm.

"Jason, I was expecting your call. I`m working on it now. I'll have Trump's ass nailed to the wall. He will be served before the end of tomorrow. How much you want?"

"Five hundred million dollars. I want that put into an anti-Trump fund use only. Don't let that bitch stall it either. Grease palms if you have too.

"Now I see how pissed the fuck you are saying to grease palms if I have to but I won't have too. He'll settle out of court."

"I don't care if he does. I won't settle for anything less. If he tries to put a GAG Order on it, I want it known that it's a NO, unless he will apologize publically for every word on national TV."

"Jason we both know he won't apologize. Trump doesn't apologize for anything."

"Then the settlement will be public." "Ok, I am on it. I need to gather facts and have it ready for you to sign first thing tomorrow. I take it you're at the Chris Hotel in LA."

"Ok, I will send someone over from our office there." He said before hanging up.

I smiled at Cody, "Oh, man baby that's an evil smile." He said to me as he pulled me into a hug. "I love it when you get that look. Especially when I am not the cause of it."

We settle down for the night leaving the twins to shout at the TV, "Got to love them." Tony laughed while I listened, though trying to ignore the CNN news.

"What's not to love about us?" said Duke grinning at Tony.

"Want me to list them? Let's see there's the replacing of my toothpaste with diaper cream. Oh, let's not forget when you starched my socks so much they stood up straight."

"Hey, we didn't do that they just needed to be washed. Maybe you should wash them more than once a month." Luke said looking so totally innocent and angelic we had to laugh.

"I need a fucking strong drink." Said Tony.

"Makes two of us. Anyone else?" chimed in Aaron.

Cody and I both laughed and said we wanted one as Aaron went over to the bar.

"No way man we don't want two drunk bodyguards protecting us." Said Duke.

"We're off duty little man. That's why there are two guys outside the door."

We all had our drinks. We allowed the twins a beer each before we sent them off to bed. Cody and I went off to bed not too long after them. We stripped and curled into bed. We cuddled up facing each other. We kissed and said our good nights before falling asleep.

We came out the next morning completely refreshed from a shower and yes a good fuck in the shower. The twins were sitting in front of the TV. Again they had on CNN. "What's up, guys? You becoming CNN junkies?" I asked.

"Shhh you guys." Said Luke. We turned our attention to the TV.

"We're back. I have with me now Holly Little, for the Trump campaign, Senator Ted Cruz, and CNN Legal commentator Joyce Tarski.

"Joyce, Donald Trump made some serious accusations about Jason Chris yesterday. What are the legal ramifications?"

"Anderson, Donald Trump has put in himself in a tough position legally. He can easily be found liable. If he can't prove any of these accusations he could be in a world of trouble. I would be surprised if this went unanswered by the Chris camp."

"Senator Cruz, what are your thoughts on Mr. Trump's comments last night here on CNN?"

"I have to say when this was brought to my attention, I had to see it. I was a taken back by the comments Mr. Trump made. I have met Mr. Chris in Dallas while he was finishing his world tour. I found him to be a very much a considerate and likable man." I also like many Americans watched CNN for updates on the Gibraltar accident. My wife and I prayed for him and his family's safety. It was stated in the very beginning of the broadcast that the news van was in the wrong lane that caused the accident. I think Mr. Trump is way off base. In regard to the other accusations. I think is inflammatory and biased against the LGBT community."

"Holly, what is being said in the Trump campaign in regards to these comments? Does Mr. Trump have any proof of his accusations?"

Once again Mr. Trump has been misquoted on several points. Mr. Trump supports the LGBT community and they support his candidacy for the Republican Candidate. As far as his statements, he is just repeating what most of the media have reported. This is just another attempt to discredit and twist Mr. Trumps words by his opponents."

"Turn that shit off please," I asked the twins. They sighed but changed the channel.

I ordered breakfast and sat back and sipped some coffee Cody handed me. I wasn't in the mood for that crap first thing in the morning. Trump was a piece of shit. "I prayed that he is shot down again for the candidate spot. He was a self-centered glory hound and fucking prick." I said to no one in particular.

The food came and we helped ourselves to the eggs, bacon, sausage, toast and other breakfast items. I sat down and ate, there was a knock on the door. I watched as Tony walked over and opened the door a crack leaving his foot at the base of the door and his right hand on his weapon and the left one on the door.

I heard Tony say "Yeah? Who and what do want." In a gruff and have admit scary voice. I didn't hear what was said but he let the person in.

I laughed when I saw a scared skinny messenger holding a brown manila envelope. He was shaking and kept looking at Tony who was standing there in a menacing way and glaring at him. I think if Tony said "Boo" the guy would shit his pants.

"Tony stop messing with the guy," I said with authority but my smile betraying me. With a laugh, Tony patted the guy on the back and then he sat down.

"Sorry buddy. I just couldn't resist doing that." He said to kid.

I took the envelope and opened it. I signed all the papers that were tagged with red sticky arrows. I checked over to make sure I got them all and placed it back in the envelope. I signed the envelope and put on the second seal gluing it shut. I handed it back to him. He smiled.

"Mr. Chris I know I am not supposed to ask this but can I get a?."

"Got your cell ready?"

"Yes, sir."

"Duke and Luke get over here." I called "They just completed their first movie,and did an album with me for a movie. Tomorrow's future stars." I said to the kid.

We took a few selfies with him. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. I, take more selfies than I, sign autographs. At one time I heard my autograph was worth about twenty-five dollars. I know not much but considering I'm alive and young, so that's something and considering that Bieber's is only worth three dollars.

We took the boys down to Malibu. We came to a beach front house and pulled into the drive. I parked the rental car and tossed the keys to the Security Guard. I drove because I didn't need directions. I walked to the door and entered a code and went in the door and the group followed me.

"Wow, awesome house man. Who's is it?" asked Luke.

"Ours." Said Cody. I smiled, he was getting used to the idea of things being ours and not mine. He had gotten it thru the Security Company , Tony and Aaron. I fronted the money.

"Then why are we staying in the fucking hotel?" asked Duke.

"Guys if you're going to be a Celebrity you're going to have to watch your language. To answer the question, though, it's more convenient right now to be closer for the premiere."

"Okay cool that reasonable," Duke said ignoring the first part.

"Yo guys, did you hear the first part of what Jason said?" Cody asked a bit perturbed.

"HUH, Yeah I heard. Watch my language. Can we go swimming?" Duke said. Luke, who didn't use too many foul words, just shook his head at his brother.

I just rolled my eyes. "Board shorts are upstairs in the Master Bedroom, help yourselves" Duke ran up the steps while Luke just walked following him up the stairs. I could hear the doors opening and slamming shut until he found the Master Bedroom. Cody and I just looked at each other and laughed.

Cody, the twins and I splashed, dunked and threw each other in the Pacific Ocean. Tony and Aaron were in board shorts too. They looked a little out of place wearing their shoulder holsters. It was a good thing, though. We laid out on the blanket on the beach no one came near us. So it was a Paparazzi and fan free day at the beach.

Around three we decided we were hungry, I suggested we go to the Amusement Pier in Santa Monica and eat there. Duke being all excited ran up the stairs to change. It took some convincing on Luke's part but we all took showers first.

I dressed in board shorts as did Cody. I walked down to the boy's room to see if they were ready. I glanced in and saw Tony. He was naked it was the first time I ever saw him nude. He was pretty chiseled and was well hung with big low hang balls. I whistled and he smiled as I walked on. Cody still had a better body.

"I opened the door. You guys ready?" I asked as I watched them sharing a mirror to comb their hair.

"Yeah' let's boogie, as you old folks say," Duke said grinning and getting a swat from me he as he passed by.

I asked Cody to pull out the Tahoe Hybrid out of the garage. I rode shotgun and the boys goofed off in the back seat. Cody followed Tony's Black Tahoe Hybrid and there was another one behind us. We found three parking spots close to each other on the pier.

The guys went on every ride. Cody and I went on all of them with them until the last one. I looked up at the Ferris Wheel. I don't know why but they terrified me. I can do roller coasters and parachute drops but those were not something I could do without peeing myself.

"You guys go. I am gonna sit this one out." I said. Yeah, I was playing it off.

"AW come on Jas. Cody will have to ride with some hot big titted chick and he might like that." Cajoled Duke.

Cody laughed at that. He also saw the look on my face when I looked up at the big wheel. "You know guys, I think I'm gonna sit this one out too," Cody said and sat down on a bench and patted the seat next to him for me to sit.

"Party poopers man. See what happens when you get old." Duke said to his brother.

"Yep shoot me if I get that old." Returned Luke.

"Smart asses." Said Cody.

"Language Cody. Watch the Language." Duke said smiling at him.

Cody jumped up and Duke took off with Luke right behind him. Both were laughing as were Cody and me. Aaron took off behind them. Tony leaned back against a pole as Cody and I enjoyed a little amenity that we were getting. When our teens came back we went to get some burgers and fries.

I watched the crowd and thought I saw a familiar figure but he disappeared. I just shrugged it off. I was glad though when we headed back to the hotel. I dozed as Cody drove us. I was started awake as I felt the car jolt and Cody let out stream of curse words that would make a sailor shocked.

I looked out and saw Paparazzi all over the place. They were leaning in trying to get pictures through the darkened windows. I knew from experience they would only get shadows but that didn't matter. The parking area was blocked by news vans and throngs of Paparazzi, news cameras and fans were keeping us from moving closer to the front doors which were about twenty yards away.

"I guess the news broke about the lawsuit," I said blankly.

"You think?" said Cody sarcastically. I looked at him. He was annoyed but gratefully not at me.

"Well, the good thing is we left Riley and JC at the hotel with the security woman," I said

"Yeah, I was a little hesitant to do that but I am glad we did that now."

"So what do we do now." Asked Luke. I could hear the stress in his voice at the situation.

"Hey, babe switch seats with me," I said. Cody looked at me then nodded.

Once we switched seats I turned the cars wheels left towards the sidewalk. I switched into drive and moved forward slowly. Sometimes pushing people out of the way with the Tahoe. When we came to where I thought the curb was I turned the Tahoe a sharp right. I saw the Black Tahoe that was in front doing the same as was the black one behind us.

I felt us go up on the curb and drove down towards the doors of the hotel. I watched as the first Tahoe moved closer to the wall. I followed suit as did the one behind. I continued forward. I watched as the first Tahoe got to the doors. The bodyguards got out and someone got in. The car started moving forward again. I drove closer to the wall to keep anyone from getting between us and the hotel.

We made to the hotel doors. They swung open. I open the car door and got out. I was followed by the twins as Cody made them climb over the seats. Finally, Cody got out. I watched as a bellboy got into the Tahoe and drove forward. Once the other car was emptied out We all plopped down in the lobby sofa's.

A few minutes later I heard a familiar voice. "Get that camera out of my face before I shove it up your ass." I saw Kathy yelling at a cameraman. I smiled. "Ask me another question bitch and I will give you something to think about. My foot up your cooch." I burst out laughing as Kathy said that in the open door.

"Okay, BITCHES let's talk somewhere more private." She said heading towards the elevator. I had to laugh. She was dressed to the nines, three-inch heels and all. She strode to the elevator as if she had on sneakers. "Hurry the fuck up. I had to leave a pretty little piece of ass at the restaurant. You fucked up some good pussy for me."

"How come she can curse and I can't," Duke mumbled.

"Because I am not in front of the camera and if don't those swinging dicks won't take me seriously." Said Kathy.

I watched the guys smile at that. Kathy was rough and could be foul-mouthed but when it came to push or shove she didn't play around and would get what she wanted for her clients. She also had a soft spot for some of her clients too and could show compassion when it was needed. She was small and very delicate looking. Looks were deceiving. No one would expect a tiny Japanese lady be such a bitch when she needed to be. Fortunately, her reputation in the music and film industry preceded her.

She kicked off her shoes and sat down. She pulled out some papers out of her bag. "Cody sign this." She said handing him the paperwork.

"What is it?"

"My contracts with those two horny dicks." She said waving towards the teens.

"Hey. That's not nice. We aren't horny dicks." Whined Duke. Amazingly neither twin was intimidated by Kathy from the first second.

"You're, what sixteen?"

"Fifteen almost sixteen in in eight months." Said Dike.

"Then you're a horny dick. All teen-age boys are horny dicks. Fuck, Jason is still a horny dick and that one is worse." She said pointing at Cody reading the contracts.

"For Fucks sake, Cody sign the fucking things. It the same contract I have with Jason with a few minor changes he asked for regarding them going to school shit." She said.

I laughed as Cody jumped. He was intimidated by her that was for sure. He looked at me and I nodded my head. He signed both of them. he handed them back to Kathy. "Ok, you twinks get over here and sign these things." She snapped.

With contracts signed, she shoved them back into her oversized Gucci bag. "Ok, have you picked a candidate yet Cody and Jason?" We both nodded yes.

"Good, same one?" We shook our heads no.

"I am Clinton and he is Sanders," I said.

"Is there a Republican Candidate you like at all?"

Cody and I looked at each other and said in unison." Ted Cruz."

"Ok, here's what I want to do. I want you to give money to your candidates publically. I then want you both to give money to Cruz the same way. I want you to make statements at different times your feelings about Trump. Doing it nicely, though. We don't want him to have valid reason to attack you."

"He'll attack no matter what we say."

"Exactly, and in the end, it will play out against him. Tony make me a fucking drink while I go piss."

"Always a class act, Kathy" Tony said as he moved to the bar.

"Glad someone sees it." she said as she walked to the powder room off the foyer.


Jason and I were staring at each other in our tuxes. We were wearing bow tieless shirts. The collars had black bands around them. The twins came in and looked at us and whistled. "If was gay I'd be on either of you quicker than a cur on a bitch in heat." Said Duke.

"Thanks, Duke. You guys look studly yourselves." I said. I was now immune and could understand the southern slang and Codyisms.

I laughed when Duke grabbed his crotch and said; "Yeah, I should be able to get me some young starlet tonight." I watched as he started to get a prominent chubby.

"Duke, go put on underwear," I said. He did an about face and went out.

"Babe, you got him trained." Cody laughed after Luke followed Duke out.

"Just took a few swats of rolled up newspaper to house break him." I joked.

"I hear you!" we heard Duke calling back to us.


We waited as the other limousines dropped off their celebrities. Ours and Mylie Cyrus's were last in line, mine just before hers, with us being the stars of the film. When ours pulled up the doorman opened the door. Cody stepped out and there were some screams and yells, then I followed. I smiled as people screamed for Cody and me. We walked up the red carpet. Stopping to shake hands and take some selfies.

The twins did the same Disney was promoting them in little snippets of the movie on their channel so they were also known. As we agreed with the twins we met up at the Extra mic with Mario Lopez.

"Hey, guys do you have few words for the fan's" Mario asked.

"Sure. Always have time for the fan I wouldn't be here without them." I said.

"Great. So you have any words for Donald Trump?" "Not really. I'll let my lawyers and courts do the talking. I smiled.

"He's been tweeting that he saw a preview of Renegade and thinks it will bomb at the box office."

"Well, he is entitled to his opinions. Though I know the movie hasn't been shown to anyone yet. Not even the cast, including Jason. Like I said though he's entitled to his opinion." Cody smiled away and we went inside.

"I think someone needs to castrate Trump. He shouldn't be allowed to breed." Said Mylie as she came up to us.

"Too late he already bred his cabinet. If he is lucky and makes it out of the primary and with a miracle becomes president." Cody laughed.

"If that happens I will spend the next four years in the United Kingdom."

"What if he wins a second term?" Duke asked me.

"Then it doesn't matter. There won't be anywhere safe in the world then."

"Bro, you should run for president." Said Duke

"Can't. I am only 22 need to be 35 to run for president."

"That's a dumb rule," Duke said. As we walked into the theater and took our seats.

The Theme music started after a ten-minute speech from the producer. The scenery that was shot for the opening credits was beautiful. I was asked if I wanted to see the daily's as it was being made but I declined. I watched a few of Hazard then stopped. I wanted to see the finished product. With Renegade and Little Bastard, which I filmed right before the tour, I refused to see the daily's.

When Cody's scene came up I smiled, he looked hot as fuck in his costume. He looked every bit of a cowboy. "Those pants flatter that hot ass of yours. I can't wait to get you home so I can bury my face in between those butt cheeks.

When the credits came up there was a loud applause. I watched as people filled out the premier cards that were handed out. I laughed as Duke and Luke checked off and wrote on their cards. Cody and I, of course, didn't get cards being part of the film.

The Premiere Party was held at The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel across the street. LAPD had blocked off the street to traffic and limited the Paparazzi to a few. They didn't want a repeat of last night. That being done we decided to just walk across to the opposite corner of the hotel. I smiled, when most of the premiere guests did the same.

We mingled among the many celebrities present. Many I have never met. I gushed over Johnny Depp and pretty much ignored Tom Cruise, the later I categorized as a fake. The twins gave the bodyguards a work out as they moved around the ballroom. Cody laughed when Tony whispered in his ear in a stage whisper. "I remember when a certain young actor was just like them. I am just glad he is married and settled down a tiny bit."

On that comment, I smirked and took off. Time for a workout Tony. I moved from table to table. When Tony approached I went off to the other side to say Hello to other Celebrities, Directors, Writers or Critics, the later "I really had no use for." As Kathy would say. Those who can become stars. Those who can't become critics. I guess there was some truth to that.

I ended up back beside Cody a half hour later. "You're a little asshole when you want to be," he said planting a kiss on my lips.

"Tony was getting a bit thick around the waist he needed a workout," I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'll give you a work out smart ass." I heard Tony say from behind me. I could hear the mirth in his voice.

"Sorry bro I am the only one who give Jas a workout, preferably in bed." Cody said.

"TMI bro."


By four in the morning, the party was winding down except for the diehard partiers. The twins were asleep at the table. "Let's get back to the hotel fuckers. I have every paper in the area being delivered there." Said Kathy beside us. For a little woman, she could put away some booze.

"Why all the papers?" so we can get the reviews

"To see the movie reviews." mumbled Luke.

Forty-five minutes later there were twelve papers in the room. Duke's was laying down on the sofa with his head in Jason's lap. "I hate this part." Jason moaned.

"Honey, you haven't had one fucking bad review for a movie yet. So stop fucking whining." Kathy dismissed.

"Hey, impressionable ears here." Piped up Duke.

"I'll impress your ears with a fucking iron." She said laughing. Duke and her had been trading barbs back and forth all night and they both seemed to enjoy it.

"Ok, here we go LA Times, Jason Chris has done it again and picked a good roll. Chris does a great job in portraying a misunderstood Billy the Kid." Kathy read.

"Daily News, Jason Chris is riding a Golden horse in Renegade." Read Cody.

"Looks like Jason Chris will get another Oscar. I predict Renegade will break records." Read Kathy.

"First A huge record breaking top rated World Concert tour. Now Renegade. Jason Chris keeps outdoing himself." read Tony.

"And the Oscar goes to Renegade!" read Luke from his laptop.

As they read on the only one. That really made us laugh was the one Luke read from his laptop. "I don't know what movie the Donald watched but it wasn't Renegade. Trump, should do us a favor and refrain from critiquing movies. Jason Chris proves that he is a world class star. Philadelphia Inquirer."

Thanks for editing Rick!

Though I will miss Sam.

For any comments please contact me at:

If this story gets your interest read Hazard in the high school or rural sections.

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Next: Chapter 26

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