Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 23, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the stars

Among the Stars

Chapter 24


Cody and I stood looking out over the of crowd of cameras and people as the sun rose creating a red burst of color in the sky. Though we could be spotted by them we didn't care. It was early in the morning we had found out just a half hour ago that Riley and JC where in Custody of the police as was the Moore's unfortunately for them they would stay in custody. Emily and Poultry were still not caught but they were close to being captured. We though were being moved to a safer area inside the Park. Cinderella's Castle to be exact.

A little known fact that in the castle is an exclusive suite. It was by invitation only. Though only one bedroom it would fit us all for the time being. We waited for the private monorail that would take us. From there, there would be a Golf carts to take our luggage and us to the park they wanted us in before eight. Once we got the word we crossed over to the monorail station and boarded. Our bags being carried by several bellhops.

The trip to the castle took a little over twenty minutes. We settled in and waited. Tony did a sweep and the only ways in were the emergency exit and the elevator. The emergency exit though was only a one way open though. Satisfied he settled down. I looked at him and sat down beside him. He looked exhausted.

"Tony get some sleep." I said to him.

"Not Until those kids are back. It's my fault they were taken." He said quietly. I could hear the emotion pent up in his voice.

"It's in no way your fault Tony. You were ambushed. Not to mention none of expected my sister would do anything like this. I do understand your wanting to wait for them to get back to us though I feel the same way." Said Cody who was standing behind us.

Billy came into the sitting room. His face was said it all while we were waiting for our little ones to returned to us in a short few hours. The hunt was still on for his. I elbowed Cody and nodded towards Billy. Cody got up and put his arms over Billy's shoulder. Billy gave him a weary smile.

"We are not going to stop until we get Jr. and Mae back, Billy." Cody said.

"I know but Emily smarter than me and knows better how's to hide." Billy mumble.

"Whoa, Billy. Your pretty smart." Cody said trying to comfort him.

"I ain't got book learning like her and you folks."

"Billy listen to me right now. You are part of my family. You may not have the education that some of us have but your smarter than a lot of people I know. You can take apart and put together any car you see. You take care of my cars like they are your children. You also have more common sense than most people and see the world through your heart." I said to him.

I watched as the big man started to cry. Cody and I pulled him into a hug. Granny came in and saw us. She joined us and eventually pulled Billy into her arms. My heart broke at the sight and it also warmed it. To see this strong man crying, understandably so. Then seeing the mother of his estranged wife holding and comforting him was the warming part of it all.

I went and checked on the twins who had went and curled up in the other bed in the suite. I had to smile at them. both boys were stripped down to their boxer briefs. I thought back to when they first came to Lynnwood or the Compound in Philly.

They both somewhat subdued in their behavior. Luke more so. He was quiet and moody. Duke had showed little affection. They both had blossomed. Luke was more outgoing and seemed to be happy for the most part. Duke was now quick to show his love for everyone.

Seeing them curled up together was a beautiful sight. Luke was spooning Duke with his arm around his brother's waist. I could see the love they had for each other in that moment. I smiled to myself. I could feel the love in the suite. I guess this is the magic of the Magic Kingdom.

I turned around and walked into Cody's chest. I felt his arms around me. I looked up in his eyes he was tired. Through all this he was a rock. He was strong. I am sure though that at some point he had to get alone and let it out though when I don't know. Cody for all his strength, mentally and physically, he held his emotions behind a damn. I knew from experience that eventually that damn would break. His damn broke already or he would be more on edge.

I smiled and gave him a deep love filled kiss. "I loved you so much big-guy. You're my rock and hero."

"You're my rock and hero too baby. I couldn't have gotten through this without all your love." He said as he held me while we rocked back and forth. I watched from where my head rested Granny smile at us. Billy smiled too. He looked a little better.


We Stared out the window of Cinderella's Castle. I don't know if people saw us but I don't think Jason cared. I know I didn't while we were waiting for them to bring the kids. It's been three hours since they had been located and taken into custody. I had argued to go to them but they advised that it would safer to just bring them here.

They had said they were unharmed though scared. At Tony's recommendation we decided to hire more bodyguards just for the kids when we couldn't be there. Tony himself was devastated. I knew he still blamed himself. No matter how much Jason and I told him we were all fooled by my sister, he still took the burden of the responsibility upon himself.

"Look babe." Jason called out and pointing to several golf carts coming towards the castle. As they grew closer we could see they held Cinderella with our children in the middle cart. Behind it held The head of security and Igers. The first one Held Agent Ward and a man in a police uniform. I watched as they came to a stop at the base of the Castle The kids were picked up and carried into the castle.

We ran towards the elevator and waited. I few minutes later the whine of it could be heard. To me took an hour but in reality only maybe a few seconds. When the doors opened Jason and bum rushed Cinderella and Detective Ward. Who were holding our kids. We grabbed one each and kissed and held them we switched kids and repeated it. We had tears of joy running down our faces.

I passed JC to Tony who was standing there behind us and shook all their hands. I offered them all drinks to celebrate the return of our babies. I turned and saw Tony was hold both kids. And he was showering them with kisses too. The big tough guy had tears of joy on his face too.

Over the next few days Jason went back to work. This time though I would watch him through the window when I could. Tony had hired a few former Secret Service friends of his. So now we had four security men and woman one of them being Aaron Ward. At Jason's suggestion they were developing a top security company. They would use everything they learned from the secret service and add on to that.

Four days later Emily was found with the kids. She had been spotted at my mother's house the police raided the house and arrested her. The tip off was that the house was for sale and when the Real estate agent checked on the house she saw Emily there. She immediately called the police. Billy had flown to get Jr. and Mae and would then go back to the Compound. Poultry was still on the loose.


I was really getting annoyed with the director. He hired two actors that couldn't dance of sing. Sofia and I were both baffled by this. "I could understand if they were big names like you but they are newbies. They can't sing or dance and though can act I have seen better." Said Sofia to me after the tenth take when one of them miss stepped and knocked into the water at Tom Sawyers Island.

"I can't take this yesterday we had to just skip because they couldn't do a simple hop on a wall and a spin and jump off in unison." I said mumbling.

"It helps when you're the director's nephews." Said a crew member behind us. We turned and stared. He smiled and set up the camera shades.

Other than directing a few animated cartoons on the disne6y channel, George Plant had no directing background. "Time to pull some star weight." I said to Sofia. I saw the crew member grin at the comment.

I strode over to George who was barking orders at his assistant. "George, I need to talk with you please."

"I am busy don't bother me." he growled.

"Ok well here's the deal. It's either me or those two you hired." I said pointing over at the two pushing each other playfully."

His head snapped around. "Don't threaten me mother fucker. I am the director. I hire who I want."

"Fine hire someone to take my place I am out." I turned to go.

"Fine by me. I can anyone to lip sync those songs."

I stopped and smiled to myself I have him now, I thought to myself. "Nope sorry I own the rights to the music so it all goes with me." I gave him a smirk and left. I went up the castle suite and chilled and waited.

Thirty minutes later there was a ding on the elevator. I looked and saw it was the producer and George. I let them up. I went over and made myself a drink and sat down. I smiled when they came into the living area. I shook the producers hand and ignored George.

"So what's going on Jason?" asked Mike Hunt, the producer.

"simple the guys he hired for my dance and singing buddies can't dance. I heard them sing too and I have heard better sounds out a cat that had tail stepped on. Their acting is ok but they need to much direction. In short I can't work with people that are making me look like a fool."

"I admit they are not the best dancers but I have a weeks' worth of film on them so it would be a waste of time to find and replace them. Not alone reshoot those scenes."

"Look George, I Have worked with Jason on other projects. I trust his judgement. Honestly we have more invested in Jason on the film than those two. He also has more scenes shot with Kushner on the animated parts. We can't replace him and reshoot. The project will shut down."

"I quit then." Yelled George and threw his drink at me. The only thing I thought of was he should be glad Cody wasn't here. He'd be a spot on the wall.

We started passing names back and forth as to who will replace the two. It was already decided that Kushner will do the whole movie. All of the sudden the elevator doors dinged and Duke came running through to the bathroom. Luke strolled in and plopped down next to me. "You done shooting already Jas?' Oh fuck I should have thought of that already.

"Well here's an idea. How about the guys who recorded the songs with me?" I asked Mike. Duke plopped down on the other side of me.

"Are they available?" he asked.

"I don't know. Are you available to make a movie with me guys?" I asked the twins.

"what movie when." Duke and asked grabbing my drink to take a sip. I grabbed it out of his hand.

"Nice try Duke."

"I'm Luke." He said smiling.

"Sorry I know the difference between you guys bro."

"What movie though?"

"This one."

"When can we start?" asked Luke.

"Once we get you a contract we can get started." Said Luke.

"Give them the Standard contract at seventy-five thousand each. Put Kathy down as their manager. Once it's done I sign their contract as legal guardian." I said.

"Ok I'll have it to you by four." Mike said shaking our hands then seeing himself out.

After much hoopla and a text to Cody who was playing golf. The kids were with Granny and Tony at SeaWorld. Cody thought it was great. I called Kathy and after much growling as she usually does she said ok to managing the twins. When the contract came I signed it as did the twins.

"Let's go celebrate guys." I gave Sofia a call and let her know what was going on and she asked to join us in our celebration.

By the end of the next week we were caught up with the filming. The twins were a hit with Kushner who took over the directing. The choreographer praised them for learning the steps so easily. I praised them for their commitment. In truth I think they fell in love with acting. Duke more so, him being more outgoing.

By the first of August we were winding up the movie. I had to admit that it was fun working with the twins. They constantly played pranks on everyone including Kushner our director. We all took it as fun. I think they actually made the shoot go faster and smoother with their enthusiastic energy and of course their pranks.

The best prank they pulled on anyone was on Kushner. He had these glasses that had thick sun shields all around the inside of them. they looked more like goggles than glasses. He would put them on whenever he checked the script. The twins did the old shoe polish thing. So throughout the day he had black smudges around his eyes. By noon he looked like a raccoon. The boys started calling him Rocket raccoon which was picked up by the rest of the cast and at times the crew. He had no idea why until he went home. Duke and Luke each got texts. 'Funny guys. Oldie but goodie. Beware."

The last day of shooting came. Kushner came on the set Listen guys I need to do an extra scene but it can wait will take only one shoot hopefully. We were on the jungle cruise. It was the last dance and song we had to do for the movie. Though in the film it was midway in the film.

We used some extras and also some park visitors. Once we finished the scene after only five takes, it wasn't easy to dance on a boat, Kushner called it a take. Ok guys here what I need. As we pass that bend where the alligators are I need you to act as if you fall off the boat. Then I need you to swim ashore.

"Whoa man no way, there are real gators here." said Luke.

"No they are all mechanical here. I had it checked for real ones." Said our director.

He went over the scene in detail. They were to argue and then push each other so they both end up falling off the boat then swim to the shore. They executed the scene and started to swim towards the shore. Someone yelled Gator. Duke stopped and turned and saw a gator move forward from where there where three gators. Earlier there had only been two. Duke screamed they both started swimming like mad man.

They made it to the other side and stood up as the gator came out of the water and stood on its hind legs. Duke and Luke looked at him and stood frozen as it came up and went Boo. I busted out laughing as Luke and duke fell on their asses. To their credit they started laughing with everyone.

Back at the dock they congratulated Kushner on a good joke. "Hey guys you should congratulate Jason he came up with it." I just leaned against a mooring post and grinned.

I threw the tins some dry shorts out of my bag. Kushner and held up a towel in front of them as they put on the dry shorts. I gave them flip-flops with a big Mickey house on them and tossed them pink tee shirts with mini mouse on them with the words 'Girls Strike a Pose.' They threw the flip-flops and tee shirts back at me and laughed.

The twins and I headed back. them with only shorts on carrying their drenched swamp smelling clothing. When we reached the Adventureland bridge they stopped. They grabbed my shirt and ripped it off of me. This was to the delight of a few fans passing by. They tossed the shirt to a girl whom asked me sign it. Laughing I did.

So here were three young guys walking through Disney world with no shirts, some even less. I had to admit though that the twins were built. They had been working out with Cody and me twice a week and sometimes on their own. They had nice six pack abs with treasure trails leading down into their low hanging shorts and nice pecs. I figured they would end up like Cody soon with a perfect body.

By the time Duke and Luke had numbers from a few girls. Luke passed his on to Duke. I watched though as duke talked to one cute guy. He was a little geeky looking but was cute. We got back to the palace and took our showers mine of course was with Cody.

Needless to say we had some hot passionate sex in the shower. I got pounded three times once from behind while standing once on the floor of the shower the last one which we didn't finish off with but still was great was with me straddling him and riding him.

We all got dressed for the cast party that night. Granny declined to go saying she would babysit. Cody having learned about the prank teased the twins all the way to the monorail that would take us to the contemporary resort to get the Limousine to the All-Star Resort area of Disney world.

"I have to tell you two, I am really proud of you guys. I hope you enjoyed making the movie."

"It was cool." Luke said

"Yeah I liked doing it. I wouldn't mind making another one if you need help again. Duke said smiling.

"Think you guys might want to do it professionally?" asked Cody.

"Would you let us?" they asked in unison.

"As long as your grades are good and you stay grounded. I don't want you turning into a Bieber."

"They could always go to the School of the arts in Philly?" I said.

"Cool think we can get in?" Luke asked.

"Douche look who your talking too. It Jason Chris. All got to say is put my bro's in there and we in." Duke said swatting Luke's head.

"Well not as easy as that but I can get you in. with a few recommendations from me and Mark Kushner." I said as the car pulled up in front of the food court that was housing the cast party. It was an open party for park guests staying in this resort cast and selected media. We stepped out of the car when the chauffer opened the door.

The twins stepped out first looking hot in their tuxes. Then Cody then me. The camera flashed. This was a bit unusual for a cast party but I knew that this was a big project for Disney. It was the first big major musical film since the High school musicals. So Disney was doing all the bells and whistles. We smiled at the cameras as they took pictures and signed autographs. I laughed at the faces of the twins when they were asked to sign a few autographs.

"That was so cool. They asked for my autograph." Squealed Duke when went inside.

"A star is born!" Cody chuckled softly.

"Twin stars." I said as I took his hand and walked in the crowd of people.

I was surprised to see some of the people present. Some old Disney stars. Well old to me. Zac Efron, Christina Aguilera, Demi Lovato, Justin Timberlake, JC Chavez, Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus. The last four having met before and Cody of course has met Justin and JC. Selena I never could warm up to though, but Mylie though was my girl.

We mingled and joked with Justin and JC the later wondering how his godson was doing. I told him to stop by and see for himself. Justin was his normal smart assed self. Loveable but a comic. Mylie though I hadn't talked to in a while and we did a quick catch up.

I was asked to sing one of the songs from the movie. I knew it was coming but I grabbed the twins and we went up and did Hurricane. The song was a hit. It was a little more teen pop than my normal stuff but this was Disney so that was the crowd we looked for w2ith the film and music.

There was a toast from the producer to the director. Then the stars. Then a special toast to the twins. Which made both of them blush but I knew they loved the attention. Cody and I both agreed they could each have two glasses of champagne. And a glass of wine with dinner. Over all it was a nice night.

We stayed until the following week. The premier of Renegade was the following Sunday at the old famed Chinese Theater. So we all caught a commercial flight out to LA. The flight was un remarkable. The other passengers pretty much left us alone. Once we were off the plane and though the VIP lounge and into the limousine we were at my newly purchased hotel We pulled up and I smiled at the Chris Hotel and the JC logo though out the hotel lobby.

Once in out four-bedroom penthouse suit. We unpacked and chilled. The twins went down for a swim. Cody and I put the kids down for noon time nap. Thanking jet lag for that. I smiled at them as they curled up together. They still wanted to sleep in the same crib.

I felt Cody's arms around my waist. I smiled and leaned back against his broad chest. I felt my pants fall to the floor. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

"Who me? I just thought you'd be more comfortable without your jeans. That's all, no motive." He said as he sucked on my ear.

"I see." I said as moved my ass against his hard cock stuffed tightly in his jeans. My favorite jeans too. The ones with all the holes in all the right places and a new one in his left pocket.

I turned around and stuck my hands in his back and front pockets. I felt the tip of his cock. It was oozing his juices. I tilted my head up and smiled. I leaned forward and kissed him as I toed off my sneakers and stepped out of my pants.

I broke the kiss and knelt down in front of him. I licked the spot of precum that's was showing through his jeans. His moans urging me on. I unbuttoned his jeans and opened them the head still inside but the long thick shaft was exposed. I licked and sucked on it. He was running his fingers through my hair and groaning as I licked and sucked on the beauty that was his cock.

I wanted to taste his juices so bad I was refraining from rushing but I wanted and needed it so bad. I put my hands on his tight bubble butt and caressed each globe. My hands went up the top of his pants and pulled them down while moving my head back. His cock snapped out of his jeans and landed right where I wanted it to land. My mouth.

I sucked on the flow of precum. His moans were loud and inconsistent. I went down on his cock and buried my nose in his pubic bush and his cock in my throat. He grunted and felt his hot jizz hitting the back of my throat. After four volleys of cum in my throat I pulled back and took the rest of his cream in my mouth. I loved the taste of him. I loved everything about him.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth. I was sucking and savoring his cum that I hadn't realized he had stopped shooting. He pulled me up and kissed me. I felt his tongue in my mouth he could taste his own juice in my mouth. I greedily swallowed as much as I could. I didn't want to share any not even with him. He walked me backwards to the bed and pulled off my underwear he licked my shaft and sucked on the head for a minute. He pushed me back further on the bed.

He laid down on top of me. His hard cock grinding against my now precum covered cock. He then pulled up and straddled me. He smiled down at me as he reached back and directed my cock to his hole. He pushed downwards on it. there was some resistance at first but once the head was in, he bared down on it and it was all the way in.

I watched his face the whole time. I saw the pain in in it. he sat there with my dick buried deep inside him. I watched as his face eased up and started to rise up and down on my pole. He leaned forward and I started to pump up into him as he moved down. We had perfect rhythm in fucking.

I shifted slightly and watched as his face went wow. I knew then that I had hit his prostate. I started moving fast as he did too. His big cock was swinging up and down and his big balls where bouncing into my bush. I drooled when I saw a thick string of precum ooze out of his cock. I watched as it came closer to my belly button. I reached up and caressed his large pecs, running my thumbs across his hard nipples. This incited another moan.

He bounced deep down on to my cock. His breath was getting quicker. His eyes were glazed as he looked at me. I felt his hole tighten around my cock. He groaned as thick ropes of his cum hit my face. I felt myself shooting deep inside him. He kept shooting I counted twelve shots of hit me eight of which were on my face. the rest on my chest.

He sat back my cock still buried inside of him. He reached down and scooped up his cum and fed it to me. what he couldn't scoop up he leaned forward and licked off. I felt my soft cock slip out of him as he licked the rest of the cum off my face then my chest. He laid out on top of me and kissed me with all the passion he could muster up and it was a lot. That kiss said it all to me.

He rolled over onto his back dragging me on top of him. I could feel his semi hard cock between us. "I need a nap but I need to be in you too." I smiled and rolled over on my side he spooned up behind me. I directed his harder but not stiff cock against my hole. I felt him enter me. I moaned as he filled me up. He pulled the blankets over us.

We woke up two hours later with the twins bouncing on the bed. I smiled because Cody's cock was now hard and still in me. Cody moaned and felt his cock twitch with made me gasp. "hey guys give us another hour and we'll do Sunset Boulevard." I said. They grinned and left the room.

"Shut the door fuckers!" Cody called after them and then Bam! They shut the door."

Cody started moving in and out of me. I moaned softly as he went in deeper and deeper with each slow stroke. His cock was like a magic wand inside of me. It made me feel like there was magic in my hole. As slowly pumped in and out of me his hand reached around and stroked my cock. His lips were sucking on my ear which drove me crazy with lust and need.

"We know what you're doing in there." We heard Duke yell from the hallway.

"Good then maybe when I beat your ass you'll know why." Cody yelled never missing a beat or stroke.

I twisted so I could have his kisses on my lips. He moved too. Somehow he was down on top of me and my legs were locked around his waist. He started moving faster. My hand reached down and started to pump my cock. I was close. I knew from experience that me shooting would get Cody coming too.

I grunted and my cum shot out. it wasn't much but what I did shoot out got Cody coming too. Like me he didn't shoot much but it didn't matter. This wasn't about sex it was about love. This was one of those times when he needed to be in me and I needed him in me. This was when it was more of being connected than the sex. I pulled his face down and kissed him.

"I love you so much Cody." I whispered.

Oh babe I love you too. I'd be lost without you."

"Same here Cuddle bear."

Thanks for editing Sam!

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Next: Chapter 25

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