Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 21, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Among the stars

Chapter 23


The so called happiest place on earth promotes Fagotry and ritual idol worship of mystical witchcraft and other heathen things. It offended me so badly that I couldn't leave my hotel room. I told Billy I was tired and had a headache so I could stay.

I called my grandfather and told him we had to move the time line up a few days. He told me to stay in the room tomorrow and keep the children with me. I told him that the wetback body guard would be here. I was assured that he wouldn't be an issue and was told what to do.

When Tony went into the bathroom I made my call. They had the suite next to ours. When the light knock on the door came I opened it. Grandfather kissed me a hello. I didn't mind the little tongue he slipped into my mouth. When he loved me it felt like the holy spirit was in me.

"Emily, my beautiful angel. I am joyous that the devil hasn't corrupted your soul. I shall fill your spirit with the holy word to night."

"They tried to convert me but I remembered the light of God. I just want to the children to be raised in the word of God and in his light among the chosen before they are made into the devil's spawn like that fag did to my brother." I noticed the man behind him.

"'This is Brother Hanes. We have to work quickly. Grab the children." Said the Reverend.

Reverend picked up Riley and I grabbed the spic baby. He started crying and screaming and swing at my face. "Shut that kid up before that guard comes out" hissed Brother Hanes

Just as we were going out the door he came out of the bathroom. I watched as he moved to pull his gun out of the shoulder holster he wore. I saw Brother Hanes raise his gun and shoot. I expected blood but I saw a dart sticking out of side. He pulled it out and turned only to be hit again with a dart. When he fell to the ground I was relieved.

Since we had more time I packed all four the children's clothing. I grabbed JC again and tool Jr. by the hand. Reverend Poultry took Riley and pulled Mae behind him while Brother Hanes grabbed the bags. We rushed down the hall and into the elevator. I was scared and worried we be stopped. I didn't relax until we were out this heathen place.

I felt a pang of sadness about leaving my husband behind but he had fallen into the devil's spider web. He had been bribed by money and cars. The devil knew how to tempt men's hearts. I couldn't be tempted. I just had to wait and play along. I knew God would find a way to get the children away from the sins of these devil people. Even their church was like that papal demon worshiper in Rome.

I didn't relax until we got to the Denny's in Ocala two and half hours later. We took back roads the whole way. The reverend wanted to make sure the devil didn't send his uniformed minions after us. I grabbed the boy and Reverend grabbed the girl. Jr. and Mae were asleep so we left them in the van.


I watched the older kids playing with JC and Riley. Emily though was on edge. She couldn't sit still. She was always an odd duck though so I didn't put much into here behavior. She was a good mother and very devoted to her religious beliefs. We had talked several times about that and I got the general feeling that she believed we were all God's children no matter what or who we love.

"I'll be right back I have to use the bathroom." I told her. She smiled wearily and nodded.

Being kind of regular I knew it wouldn't be long in the bathroom maybe five minutes at the most. I heard JC start crying, she knew not to open the door so it was all good, I figured Riley hit him again. It must have been hard this time though. It took a lot to make the little guy cry. When I came out wasn't expecting it. I saw Reverend Poultry standing there holding Riley. In Emily's arms was a hysterical JC.

What I didn't see though was the other guys. I heard a whoosh sound and felt a sting in my side. I instinctively felt the area and pulled out a dart. I turned pulling my weapon and was hit again in the chest. Before I could take aim everything went blurry than dark.

I woke in the closet. Jason was standing over me. Even in my foggy state I could see the panic in his face. I ignored the fact that I was drenched from neck up and moved to stand up. I heard him telling Cody to get home. I grabbed the phone and called the hotel security. Then called 911. In ten minutes the suit was full of uniforms. Hotel park local and state. The FBI was called and an Amber alert was sent out.

Jason though was quietly sitting on the bed and staring. He didn't move or make a sound. I started towards him when Cody, Billy and the twins came into the suite. Cody hit me squarely in the face. I went into defensive mode. He started screaming at me. For my part I just stood there and waited. I tried to tell him what was going on. He was beyond hearing. He was going into panic mode too.

When Duke yelled for Cody he stopped and looked towards Jason. His face softened. He went to him and knelt and they just held each other. I knew then that I had failed them. I knew then that after we got those children back I needed to resign as their bodyguard. I had gotten to close to the family. Until then I will move heaven and earth to get those children back.

Within an hour the suite looked like it was in chaos. There is Disney security, local police, state police FBI and soon there will be secret service present. Also there was the hotel manager, the CEO of Disney and a doctor who had tranquilized JC after he had gone into a rant. He offered one billion to anyone who killed the reverend and Emily. No one took it seriously. At least I hope not.

When the phone rang the Lead FBI agent took the call. He put his hand over the phone. "It's the Whitehouse. The President wants to talk to Mr. Dawson-Chris."

Cody stepped forward and took the phone. "Hello? No this is Cody Dawson-Chris. Yes, I will hold."


When Jason called me at first I just thought he was panicking for nothing. When he told me our kids clothing was gone I knew he wasn't imagining things. I told him I'd be there as soon as could. I told Granny, Billy and the twins what was going on. We still had a few minutes to get back to the dock. When we reached the dock, we were greeted by park security. We were rushed over to the hotel.

The whole time I kept thinking about how Tony fucked up. It was his fault. Someone was gonna pay for allowing my children get stolen. When I finally got into the suite I saw Tony. I want and hit the bastard. I yelled all the obscene things I could think of. I was held back but if I could get lose I was going to kill the fucker.

"Stop you two. Cody, Jason needs you and you need him." I heard Duke yell. I turned and saw Jason sitting on the bed staring blankly. All the fight went out of me. I relaxed and whomever was holding me let go. I went to my husband. I knelt and held him.

Jason shook his head and stood up and started to rant about killing the bastards who took his children. he offered a billion dollars to anyone who killed them. If it was under different circumstances it would have been comical. He started hitting the walls and throwing things. It took Billy, the twins and myself to get him on the bed and pinned down so that a doctor can tranquilize him. It took longer than normal so he was given another shot.

I wasn't in much better shape mentally inside my head than Jason was but I was keeping that under control. I saw granny staring at me. "Cody bathroom." Was al she said. I followed her into the large bathroom. She kicked out the people in there nicely but with that authority old ladies always have.

"Come her boy." She said with her arms open. I stepped into her arms and the tears started to flow. I bent down half way and cried into her shoulder. I don't know how long we were in there maybe three or five-minutes when there was a knock on the door.

"Just a minute." Granny called out.

"I know your hurting baby but you have to be strong for both you and Jason. He is strong but he needs you to be stronger. Can you do that, at least until this is over and the sweetlings are back?"

"I have to be. Thank you Granny. I needed to let that out." I said leaning against the sink counter.

"What you think Granny's are for boy?" she said patting my cheek. "wash your face and come out.

When I came out there were more people in the suite it was wall to wall uniforms and black suits. I saw Tony leaning against the wall looking lost. I walked over to him. "Listen I am sorry for blaming and hitting you Tony. I know you'd do anything to protect us."

"I am sorry I failed you and Jason. Once those babies are back I will resign." He said.

"Okay but just so you know it won't be accepted by either of us. You love this family too much." I told him.

"That may be the problem. I am not objective when it comes to security for everyone. Look how I was fooled by Emily. My instincts told me one thing but I let my emotions say another."

"We will just have to redesign your job description. Either way this family needs you and I think you need the family. We'll talk about it later bro." He nodded his agreement to what I didn't find out because we were interrupted by the phone ringing.

An FBI agent answered the phone. "Agent Barns. Just a moment please. It's the Whitehouse. The President wants to talk to Mr. Dawson-Chris."

Cody stepped forward and took the phone. "Hello? No this is Cody Dawson-Chris. Yes, I will hold."

I heard a click and three seconds later. "Cody, I would like you know that the Whitehouse is going to throw all its weight and resources behind the safe return of yours and Jason's children. I also want you to know that Michelle and I are praying for the safe return of JC and Riley. Our hearts and prayers are with you and your family."

"Thank you Mr. President. Your words and any help you can give is appreciated."

"If it is not too much trouble may I speak with Jason so that Michelle and I can give him our support?"

"Unfortunately sir he had to be tranquilized."

"I understand. He has been through a lot in his life for someone so young. Please pass on our prayers to him."

"Of course sir and thank you again for calling."

"If you could may I speak with FBI director Makes please."

"Yes sir."

"Agent makes the president wishes to speak with you." I said to the other man in a black suit only to have a woman come towards me and take the phone. After a few yes sirs she hung up.

"Sorry I just assumed." I started to say to her.

She just waved her hand. "Not an issue. Woman don't normally make it this far so your assumption would normally be right."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the President is send Secret Service to aid and secure the area. I need you to clear out of all non-essential personnel, with exception of the lead of every department. I want the Hotel secured. No one comes or leaves that is not a guest of the hotel. Get it done."

Agent Makes

Every call that came in and out of the hotel. This of course didn't apply to cell phones. The hotel was secured by the time Secret service arrived. SS agent Ward introduced himself and shook hands with Mr. Dawson-Chris.

"How is Jason Cody?" he asked.


"Okay. Well that might make my job easier. He is an escape artist. The tour proved that." He said with a solemn smile.

"I see you already know the Dawson-chis family." I said after their conversation seemed to end.

"I was detailed with them while they were over see's during his concert tour." Ward informed me.

"We are not here to do the investigation. That's up to your department. Our main function is to help secure the Hotel and general area to protect the Dawson-Chris's. We also are instructed to give you any assistance resources you may need." He nodded his head and gave his orders to his agents in the room.

I watched as they went to secure the floor. He also talked on his secured phone and gave his orders. I had my office and agents following and looking for anything that might be a lead. I stepped into the master bedroom and saw twin boys lying next to Jason. I had to admit it was loving picture, the twins lying next to him with their arms across his chest and abs in a protective way. They all were asleep.

I interviewed Emily Crudle's husband Billy. I surmised that he nothing to do with the abduction. He had many praises for Jason Chris. I could see he was sincere in his concern for his own children and was barely holding himself together over there disappearance with the Dawson-Chris children. So now it is wait and see and follow up on leads.

"Maits." I said answering my phone just before five that night. "Did they get a license plate? Ok call and find out where they rented the car and who rented it. Call me when you have more information."

I looked over towards the Agent Ward. "They were spotted in Ocala an hour ago at a Denny's. They gave the two infants to another couple. A teen age boy recognized the infant boy as Jason Chris's son. We are following up on the leads of the rental car used by the couple who took the children."


It was dark when I woke up. my mind was foggy. I had a nightmare that my children were kidnapped and found later and were dead. I felt arms across my chest and abs. I looked left then right and saw the boys lying beside me. My mind started to clear up. I looked over at the clock it was eleven ten.

I sat up straight in bed. It came to focus that that Riley and JC were indeed kidnapped. By Riley and that prick preacher. I ignored the twins as they sat up. I got out of bed and walked towards the bedroom door. I saw Uniforms and two agents. One female and the other I knew. Agent Ward. He saw me and stood up.

"Did you find them?" I pleaded more than asked.

"We are zeroing in on them as we speak." Said the female, I am taking as another agent.

"Special Agent Maits. FBI Mr. Dawson-Chris." She said stepping forward to shake my hand which I ignored.

"Where's Cody?" I asked. I didn't care who answered.

"They are in the other bedroom right now." Ward answered.

"I'll get him." Luke said and went to get Cody.

I stood there and waited. I wanted to go to Cody but my legs were not wanting me to leave the area where the information would come to. My heart was breaking but my mind was numb. I just wanted facts and to hear them say they hand my babies. I felt Cody's arms around me and laid my head on his shoulder. I don't know what my expression was but I saw the reactions of it on others faces.

Cody led me over to the love seat that was vacated by a few older guys in uniform. I sat down and leaned forward. "Okay tell me everything you know."

The female agent started telling me the facts I needed to know. Reverend poultry, Emily and an unidentified man had taken my children. They were spotted about three hours ago at a Denny's in Ocala Florida where they handed over the children to an unknown couple. The couple in a rented car then headed north. The rental car is equipped with lojack and has been located in Pensacola, Florida near the Louisiana and Florida state boarder where they rented a room at a western inn. They had notified local police who were watching the building without being seen until They had the area secured with agents and state police back up.

I moved to the sofa where Cody and were surrounded by our family. I saw Billy come out of the bedroom. He looked tired and older. He looked at me with remorse. I stood up and crossed over to him and hugged him. No words were needed. I know where his heart his. With his children. his were taken also. I led him buy the hand to the sofa where he sat on the other side of me, with Cody on the other. The twins were at our feet on the floor. Duke in front of me. He had become very protective. For a macho straight teen, he held deep emotions for those he loved. I felt glad I was one those.

We sat and waited for some word that they have our children. When the word came that they slipped past the net of cops and agents. Our hearts fell. I would have gone off but Agent Maits did it for us. She was about five six slim and by my judgment late thirties or early forties. They alerted the state police of Louisiana and Georgia whom had all the points of entry into their states covered.

I turned on the TV. I put on CNN and a commercial was on. I watched as Anderson Cooper came on. I wasn't surprised to see the Kidnapping was being covered. I sat back into Cody's arms and listened to what Anderson was going to say.

"Ok we are back. For those of you are just tuning in. The Children of Cody Dawson-Chris and musician and actor, Jason Dawson-Chris's children have been kidnapped earlier today from Disney World Resorts. According to sources, the Children were taken by Cody Dawson-Chris's sister and a reverend or grandfather there are conflicting reports there. They were tracked to a Denny's restaurant in Ocala, Florida. Where they passed the children to another couple. A witness saw this and recognizing the children from amber alerts called in giving a license plate to authorities. They were later tracked to Pensacola Florida. We have Liz Mason in Pensacola, Florida reporting."

The screen split to show a blonde woman in her early thirties. "Liz, tell us what is happening in Pensacola?"

"Well, Anderson, we know that Authorizes have tracked the suspects with the children to this Western Inn behind me. We have reports that they used another car to escape with the children."

"Do they have names of the suspects yet?" asked Anderson.

"They haven't revealed any names yet Anderson though, I would be surprised if they didn't have them?"

I turned from the TV "Do you have names?" I asked Agent Maits.

"Yes, we have the suspects names."

"Then why haven't you released them?" I asked with a lot of edge to my voice.

"It would not be in the best interest of the children." she said.

"Are you fucking serious? I think that it would be. If they tried to contact anyone they may turn them in." I yelled at her.

"I understand you're under a lot of stress Mr. Chris but you need to step back and let me do my job. I know what to do you do not." She said yelling back at me.

"Ward call her fucking boss I want some else here." I said to the secret service agent sitting across from me.

"Mr. Chris you do not have any say in who runs this case. So please sit down and shut the fuck up." Maits yelled at me.

"I suggest you get the fuck out my sight bitch before your next job is guarding public toilets."" I yelled at her.

When she didn't move I smiled. I stood up and went to get my cell phone and made a call to private number only a few had. I heard Agent ward comment. "You just ended your career Maits."

"Hello Michelle this Jason Chris. Is the President available?"

"Of course honey hold on."

"Thank you Mrs. Obama." I said staring at Maits who was now fidgeting in her seat and turning white.

"Jason any word?" I heard the President say.

"No sir. The reason being is because the agent down here I think is mishandling the case."

"How so?"

"Sir first off they let them slip by what was supposed to be a blockade around a hotel in Pensacola. They have the names of the suspects and haven't released them to the media I may not be a FBI agent or policemen even but it seems to logic that if they have the names they would release them as persons of interest."

"I understand that Agent Ward is with you. May I speak with him please?"

"Of course sir." I said. I pointed and motioned to Agent Ward.

I handed him the phone. "Mr. President, Agent Ward here."

"Yes sir I agree with that."

"Yes sir I will wait until I Agent Maits hears from the director."

"I will do my best sir but Mt. Chris is pretty strong willed."

"Good night sir I will tell him."

The president sends his and Mrs. Obama send their prayers." He said to us as he sat in his seat. I looked at him questionably. He just smiled and nodded his head.

A minute later Agent Maits dell phone rang. "Maits. Yes, sir. I understand sir. Immediately. I will be on the next flight sir." She closed her phone and glared at me.

"The case is yours ward." She stood up and walked over to me. "I'll get you for this." She said loud enough for ward to hear.

"Townsend inside now." He yelled.

The door opened and a dark skinned woman came in. "Arrest agent Maits." He said.

"Arrest me for what?" She said shrugging off the woman, Townsend.

"I heard you make a threat to Mr. Dawson-Chris that could be determined to mean physical harm." Ward said smiling. "I told you two years ago that your biased attitude would be your ruin. You should have listened."

After they escorted her out he turned towards me. "Do happen to know the number to CNN?"

"I do." said a woman behind him. I gave a wary smile to see Kathy there. She gave him the number and gave all of hugs except granny who had dozed off.

"This hotel is locked up tighter than the nun's twat. I didn't get frisked though. Even when I begged to be." She said as she kicked off her shoes.

"So what do we know?" she said sitting in a seat across from us. We filled her in on everything. Okay time for publicity to get to work offer a reward for any information leading to the arrest and recovery of the children. By arrest I mean everyone. Are you ok with this Billy?" she asked referring to his wife Emily.

"Yes. I want my kids back I will offer a reward for them too. Though it won't be that big they can have every penny I have, I just want my kids back." he said. His voice straining to keep his cool. The redneck macho kicking in.

"I'll put up two million for their capture and another four for each of our children which includes Billy's. Also another five million each for Poultry and Emily's capture." I said.

"That's a total of twenty-eight million?" she asked not blinking.

"Yes." Cody said.

"You get that Aaron?" she called over to Ward. In all the time I spent with him I never knew his first name. Aaron Ward nodded. He hung up the phone and made the Call to CNN.


Jason was calm appearing. Though under that calm wasn't a storm waiting to be released it was a hurricane. When Maits said those words I thought all hell would break loose. It did to some degree but not nearly as bad as I thought. Jason was on edge. I was too but took everything to heart and though he was calm under fire when it came to himself when it involved his family it was different.

Kathy seemed to have calmed him down with her take charge attitude. Jason relaxed a bit. She had been his manager for twelve years now and knew what, when and how to say things regarding Jason. The main thing is Jason trusted her. I did too. I knew she would move heaven and earth to get those kids back.

She wasn't matronly towards people or even a mother figure. If you ever saw Mame. The one with Lucile Ball she was like Vera Charles played by Bea Arthur. She looked similar to Bea Arthur too. She thing is though that she had a soft spot for Jason, our children and myself by association.

Jason had turned up the TV again and CNN's Anderson Cooper was still on. "we have an up dated report on the Dawson-Chris children kidnapping. According to a repressive from the Secret Service whom has taken over the lead of this case, we have the following names. The Children were originally taken by Reverend Nathanial Poultry of the Church of Christ Pentecostal Church or Union springs Alabama and Emily Crudle also of Union springs. They gave the Dawson-Chris children to Margret and David Moore of Pearl River Louisiana at a Denny's restaurant in Ocala, Florida. They were last seen at a motel in Pensacola, Florida. The following rewards have been offered by the Dawson-Chris family."

I watched as the pictures appeared and the rewards were put under their names along with a number to call. I stared at the TV and barely listened. I don't think I even saw the picture. I just kept praying for my kids to be found safe. I huddled into Cody. His arm tightens around me. I turned and kissed his lips. I need ed to feel his love right now.

I knew he was hurting too. I could feel the pent up tension in his body. Granny was moving around in the kitchen now after she had dozed for short hour. She was making coffee and had ordered room service to bring up varied lunch meats. I looked over at the clock on the wall, thee am. I stared at it.

I don't know when I fell asleep but I did. I was awoken by those words I wanted to here. "They have them." Yelled Agent Ward.

Thanks for editing Sam!

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Next: Chapter 24

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