Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 15, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Chapter 21

June 24th 2015

The day was Sunny and warm but we didn't really notice it. We were standing at the grave sites of my father and mother. The twins and I were beside ourselves with grief over the tragic death of our father. With our mother's death we had mixed feelings for obvious reasons. I honestly didn't want a funeral for her but Jason had said even though she wasn't what most people would consider a model mother, she deserved a funeral. He also reminded me that down the line we might regret not doing so. So I consented to the double funeral and mass at St. Timothy's and burial at West Laurel Hill Cemetery

I listened to the minister's words at interment. Dad was interred in the Christo Family Crypt that Jason had built for his Grandfather. I objected at first that my dad wasn't a Christos but he said he was still family so I agreed to that. I thought it was a beautiful thought. I couldn't tell you what he said as he said prayers over my father's casket. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as I looked at the flower covered casket. The twins were huddled close to Jason and me. Emily was being held by Billy.

When it came to my mother's burial we had to force the twins to stay. Jason whispered something to them about not to do anything you might regret later. They stood there staring with little emotion next to Granny Mae. She openly cried as she held her grandsons. I was holding back at letting loose other than the tears on my face.

There were not a lot of mourners there it was a private family and close friends thing. Prince Harry though wanting to be there couldn't make it but he sent large bouquets on behalf of the Royal family. Jason's Dad Prince Christof though was there along with the Vice President on behalf of the President. Grandpa Joe who was mother's dad was very negative towards Jason and myself. Being an evangelist preacher it wasn't much of a surprise. He didn't say anything but the look of disapproval was enough. There were also a few family friends of my parents present also.

My mother however wasn't interred in the crypt. We buried her in a plot near the crypt though. It took Jason and Granny a lot of convincing to get the twins to be present at her burial. The Priest said a few words and prayers and it was over.

The forty or so people present went back to the house minus the Vice President. Grandpa Joe among them. We used the extra-large foyer and formal living room for the after reception. Most guests were talking quietly and giving the family condolences to myself and my siblings. Like I said most. Grandpa Joe and his other children were looking at Jason, myself and Luke like we had leprosy. They did how ever make sure to talk to Emily and Duke. The later walked away from them as they said their words.

I saw Jason's head snap around when Grandpa Joe said; "So this is what you get when you're in league with the devil. "I growled and Jason to my surprise ignored him. Granny Mae didn't though.

"Coming from a man with three bastard children from three different women, I wouldn't cast stones Joe Poultry. Look to yourself old man." Granny said just as loud. I heard Duke giggling as he walked over to us.

Duke hugged Jason and kissed his cheek. "He is the devil look he turned another into a fag. He is gathering his flock." Called out Joe as he dropped to his knees and began to pray.

Emily went over to him and smacked his face. To say I was shocked is an understatement. Emily by nature is a timid woman. "You're such a hypocrite. You talk about the sinners when your one yourself. Have you forgotten what you did to me when I was sixteen? I remember it clearly. Because of you I couldn't go to my marriage bed as a virgin." She told him.

I wanted as Billy stepped forward only to be blocked by Jason. "I got this." He said. He motioned and security literally dragged him out of the house. His other children following him quietly. Billy by now was holding a crying Emily. This was something none of us knew.

I walked over to Emily. "I didn't know Emily. I am sure if Mother and Daddy knew they'd have done something." I said as I held her with Billy.

"Momma knew. She said it was to make sure I knew what to expect from my husband. She said not to tell Daddy because he wouldn't understand and would lock me up." She said between grasps and cries.

I had to run to a bathroom. I started puking. I couldn't believe the sickness of that whole thing. I couldn't believe even my mother allowed not alone agreed to it. After I stopped emptying my stomach I stood up and splashed water on my face. I stood up and stepped out of the bathroom to see my father-in-law leaning against the wall next to the bathroom door. He opened his arms and hugged me.

"I am so embarrassed. I knew my family was a little redneck but that made me sick to my stomach. To think that my mother would allow and condone that." I said to Christof.

"Believe when I say this Cody. Your family is no different from mine. If you know your history, all the royal families are related by blood." I looked at him a bit confused.

"Jason is a prime example. He comes from three different Royal families and is a product of all three. He can take his linage all the way back to William I of England as can most of the European royals. There was a time when royals can only marry among their peers. So thus the in time we all became related."

"That was a long time ago though. this is modern times. I don't think grandparents fucked their grandkids and children." I said to him as we walked back to the reception.

"I don't know there have been rumors about throughout Europe about incest. Look at Queen Victoria for example. He was married to her first cousin and married off her children and grandchildren to other royal families many of whom were first cousins. So don't think that what your grandfather did was anything to be ashamed of. He needs to ashamed of it not you. He will answer for it if not by law but at the day of Judgement." Christof said quietly. I couldn't help hug him again.

"That's Dad." I said smiling. He smiled too. I think mostly because it was the first time I called him Dad." He was just that by marriage.


I watched Cody go pale and run off to the bathroom off the ballroom. I went to follow him. "Jason stay with the guests. I will look after your husband." My father said and walked towards Cody's retreat.

I don't think any of the other people felt anything about the Reverend Poultry's, I use reverend loosely, out bursts nor Emily's confession other than empathy for her. Father Keven, the rector from Saint Timothy's consoled Emily and took her to the library after asking for a private place to talk.

Billy concerned about his wife went to follow but I held him back explaining that she needed someone outside of the family to talk to. From what I had learned from Emily she had been a regular at Saint Timothy's. I believed mostly because of Father Keven's sermons or homilies. She had also become friends with his wife. Billy reluctantly agreed.

I was talking to Mayor Nutter, not really a favorite of mine politically but he was a sincere person. I saw Cody and my father come out from the hallway leading back to the ballroom bathroom. Cody seemed a little better his color had returned. My father was talking and Cody was listening intently. Cody hugged my dad and said something that made my dad smile.

That night we made love. It was passionate and sweet. We showered afterwards. Gently washing each other. No words were said once we had entered the bedroom. No words were needed. Cody just needed to be loved and held. I did to. I had grown to love his father but in truth I was not as close as he was.

"Thank you for everything Jas. I don't think I would have gotten through with this without you. I know the twins wouldn't have either."

"No thanks needed. You're my family as is the rest of your family. We don't need to thank family babe." I said kissing him as we walked into the bedroom naked.

We heard an ahem and turned to see the Twins sitting there on the bed. Mine and Cody's eyes both looked at them questionably. They were both dressed in Tee shirts and Pajama bottoms. We both quickly put on our Pajama bottoms. Which we don't normally wear to bed preferring to be naked.

"Ok guys what's up?" Cody asked them.

"We were wondering if we could sleep with you guys." Said Luke. He looked bashfully down.

"We don't want to be alone right now." Said the other.

Cody and I looked at each other and shrugged. The boys took that as a cue and got into the big supersized king-sized bed. We got in Cody on one side of the twins me on the other. Duke was closest to me. To my surprise he buried his head against my chest and started to cry which set of Luke who cried into Cody's chest. They cried themselves to sleep.

Since Cody's parent's death he and I had taken on custody of the twins. Sometimes with those two I wondered about the logic of that we were not that much older, well I wasn't at twenty-two. Being teenagers they could try an angel's patience at times. Cody lost his temper when they had gone down to wine cellar in the sub-basement of the house and got drunk on some semi expensive wine. I had to remind Cody that like him they lost two parents and were acting out they were just not old enough to know how to deal with it. Either way we did ground them.


July 2nd 2015

I felt like a kid in Disney World, mainly because I was in Disney World. We arrived yesterday around noon. Much to the disappointment of the twins and Billy Jr. and Mae we didn't go into the park. Jason had gotten two deluxe bungalows at the Contemporary Resort. The twins want the Animal Kingdom resort but they were just happy to be there.

Jason explained that he chose this because of the nearness of to the Magic Kingdom, where a good part of the shoots would be done and also the convenience of the monorail. The cost per room was astronomical. Ours was paid for by Disney but not Granny's, Billy's and Em's. The twins were in the second room in our villa. Billy and their kids were in the second one next door. They would only be here for two weeks. The twins were coping better now and to be honest I think that Jason's movie filming at Disney World was great timing. It was a great distraction for them. For me too if I was to be honest about it. They no sooner un packed than were in board shorts and heading down to the pool with Billy Jr., Mae and Granny. The later saying 'those boys have the attention span of a fly on shit.'

Jason's movie was filmed around his scenes. Disney was very amicable about giving him time to heal and deal with the funerals. He also agreed on the fourth to be in the parades at noon and ten that night. He would also perform a forty-five-minute concert at the Castle Stage at one thirty. Knowing Jason, it would be an hour.

While the twins did their thing with the kids by the pool Jason and I went over lines for his part in the script for the first day of shooting which was to start on the sixth. The schedule was tight. At times it was odd because he was going to be talking to animated characters at times. They had already done the animation.

There wasn't much animation from what I understood but there was enough. Most of the scenes were human. Jason was more nervous about the animated scenes than the human scenes. As he put it I can see the people I am talking to I can't see the animated ones.

We also played with our little ones. JC was developing faster than Riley. I don't know if was that he was smarter or that she was just lazy. JC was now beginning to crawl short distances. Riley would demand that we pick her up and then place her near JC.

"Maybe if we didn't give into her and move her after JC crawled to a spot she would decide to do it herself." Jason said.

"I guess." I answered him

"Hun, we can't give into her whims every time. I love her too and it breaks my heart to hear her crying but sometimes we have to just let her cry it out. She will eventually learn that she just has to do it herself." Jason said. He had way to bring logic to anything. Annoying sometimes but it can't be denied that there's truth in it.

"I'm sorry babe you might have a point. We can try it." I said.

We watched as JC would crawl around the room a few feet then end up on his belly. Riley would scream and scream. She would point to JC and cry but wouldn't make a move towards him. When JC was across the room he turned around and looked at Riley. We watched as he seemed to be bouncing on his knees like he was trying to encourage her to come to him.

After ten minutes she decided she wasn't getting anywhere with us so she tried to crawl towards him. She got a few feet then plopped down on her belly. JC was crawling towards her. She got up and again a crawled again towards JC. After another five minutes they met somewhere near the middle. Why does Jason always seem to be right.

Jason We put the Riley and JC to bed and told the twins we would get an early start on Disney the next morning so they needed to get to bed early. They grinned and took their showers and were soon in bed. "You gonna tuck us in?" Duke called out from the other bedroom.

"The only thing I will tuck in is with Jason." Said Cody as he leaned into the room, making the twins giggle and call out TMI.

I grabbed a bottle of wine and went to the master bathroom. I filled up the large tub with bubbles. I then put on some soft music and stripped and got in. "Cody can you come here please."

Cody walked into the bathroom and smiled when he saw me in the bubble bath. I watched as he slowly stripped seductively. I watched as he kicked off his shoes. Then slowly pulled off his socks. He grinned at me as he pulled his White tee shirt up over his head. I drooled as his abs came into view. The sexy thick treasure trail that lead down to where his exposed pubes from his shorts dropping as he stretched to pull the shirt off. I loved that he rarely wore underwear more so now than ever. I was drooling and hard.

He tossed the shirt to the floor and gave me a sexy smile. He pushed downward on the front of his camo cargo shorts with the palm of his hand and licked his lips at the same time. He pulled the belt off. The only thing that was holding up his shorts now was the big hard dick in his shorts. I let out a soft moan of anguish and desire for more.

Being the ultimate tease that he can be. He smiled as picked up the wine the ice bucket and filled the two wine glasses. He stepped forward and placed the glasses and ice bucket with the wine on the far end of the tub away from me. He then walked seductively over to my end.

I watched as his hand went up the treasure trail to his chest and started back downwards. I couldn't take any more. I reached up and undid the button on his shorts and pulled the zipper down. His shorts fell to his ankles revealing his perfect cock and balls. I caressed his silky balls. I saw a pearl drop of precum at the tip of his cock. I reached up with my other hand and grabbed the base of his shaft. I gave a slow stroke up wards toward the head, squeezing out more precum.

I kept that slow stroke until there was a long stream of precum hanging from the head. I smiled as looked up at him as he intently watched me. I leaned forward and caught the cum drooling from his dick. I the licked the tip before I wrapped my lips around his cockhead before pulling back to look up at him.

He moaned and gently pulled my head towards his cock with a hand on the back of my head. I moaned to at the taste and feel of him in my mouth as sucked and bobbed on my man's cock. He moaned softly between telling me how good it felt. He encouraged me to take more. I felt the thick long shaft go down my throat. He started to gently thrust in my mouth.

I could tell he wasn't far off. Instead of Cumming he pulled his cock out of my mouth. He knelt down and kissed me as he reached into the bubbles and grabbed my cock. He gave it a few strokes. I hadn't realized I was so turned on. By the fifth stroke I was shooting my load into the bubbly water.

He smiled at me as he sat back and looked at me. he got up and stepped into the tub sitting at the far end. I felt this rather than saw it. I had closed my eyes. When I opened them again I looked over and saw him smiling and holding two filled wine glasses. He handed me one. We talked for a little bit in hushed tones about nothing important other. We talked softly not because we were afraid we would be heard but because it was the mood we were in.

He refilled our glasses with the rest of the wine. I leaned back and smiled as I looked at my handsome husband. I giggled as his toes started to play with my balls. I did the same. I then started to caress his hard cock with my foot and he did the same with mine. We both downed the rest of our wine and then placed our glasses on the sides of the tub. Cody reached up and turned on the whirlpool.

We slid toward the middle and met each other with a deep tongue spit swapping kiss. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled myself closer and tighter against him. Our cocks were pressed so tightly against his that I could feel his pulse through it with mine. He moaned deeply as his hands went down to my butt and lifted me upwards. His one hand moved towards the middle where a finger started probing my hole. I groaned as I felt his thick finger enter me.

He probed my hole as his lips devoured mine. His tongue was exploring every part of my mouth. I was now just receiving no longer an active participant but I was willing. He had my body and mind out of sync. I moaned loader into his mouth as he added another finger to hole. He pushed them in deep and against my button inside me. When a third finger inside me I almost came.

I broke the kiss and panted against his neck My arms where wrapped around him just like my legs as he pulled out his fingers and lifted me up higher. I felt the head of his cock against my opening. I pushed down on him hard. I felt the whole thing enter me I felt the pain of the entry. I didn't care as I pushed down on it until all but the last inch was in me.

He held me tight and didn't move. He Knew it hurt and just held me close whispering how much he loved me. I moaned in his ear. Not from the feeling but mostly by my minds overload of love for him and his for me. his words were more stimulating at the point than having his cock inside me.

The pain had subsided. He must have felt my body relax because he maneuvered himself to a kneeling position. My legs and arms still wrapped around him and his cock was still in me. He stood up with me still impaled on him. He walked us towards the bed room and lowered me down onto my back. I moaned as his cock slipped out.

"You're so beautiful baby." he said as he leaned over me with my legs hooked against his arms. I was about to say the same as he entered me again. He slid his cock all the way in. I grabbed his tight ass and pulled him in deeper until I felt his balls against my ass. He pushed himself up on his arms and he went in deeper. He started to slowly move in and out of me.

He never took his eyes off mine nor I off his has he trusted in and out of me. He mixed Long thrust in-between the small deeper thrust. I was beyond thinking. I was working on pure sensation. My eyes fixed on his face. He picked up pace and shifted his entry so that he was hitting prostate with every thrust. He was now long stroking inside me. I knew I was about to cum. I also knew he was holding back but finding it hard.

When I knew I was coming I reached up and pulled his mouth down to mine while thrusting my ass against his cock. This happened at the same time I came. I heard him moaning as his cock thrusted and twitched inside my hole as it clutched his cock tighter as I came. I felt each load as his cock spewed its juice into. This made cum again. Our lips never broke apart.

His weight on me like always felt perfect. I heard a soft snore come out of him. I giggled a bit. His cock was still hard and inside of me. As he laid there on top of me seemingly asleep. I felt his cock twitching inside me again. I smiled and turned my head and saw his eyes fixated on my face. He smiled.

He rolled over as he lifted my left leg so he was no spooning me. his cock never leaving my ass. He reached down and pulled the sheets over us as he kept thrusting slowly in me. My ass was well lubed now by his cum. I could hear and feel each thrust inside me. He reached around grasped my cock as he trusted inside me.

I felt myself getting close but he apparently was closer as he grunted and came inside me again. The knowledge rather the feeling of him coming inside me made me start to shoot my load all over the sheets. It didn't take long for his cock to deflate and pop out. I felt his cum dripping out of my freshly fucked hole. I was too tired to move.

He smiled at me and laid me on my back. he lifted my legs up and turned into a sixty-nine position and stated to eat the cum out my hole. I was surprised for a second but I quickly got over it as his tongue soothed and lapped at the hole. His cock was semi hard again. I shifted so I could suck on it as he sucked on my asshole.

It didn't take long before he got rock hard and started to shoot another load into my throat and mouth. It was nowhere near a big load. Not even a stud like my husband can make three huge loads like that with in an hour. I didn't care though. I just loved the taste of his cum.

He rolled over and flipped so his head was beside mine on the pillows. "I love you so much baby. I know I am not very good at expressing it in words sometimes but I hoped I just proved it to you."

"Cody bear, you prove it to me every day when you look at me." He smiled at me.

"Cody bear? "he asked.

"Just came to me." I said.

"OK. Well then I can call sweet cheeks then." He said looking at me with that negotiating looking of his.

I smiled and nodded affirmative. "Only in private though."

"Same for Cody bear."

"Agreed." We cuddled up and fell asleep.

The twins came into out room and jumped on the bed. "Come on wake up guys let's get a move on." Said one "Yeah you said we are going to start early." said the other. I opened an eye and saw the sky beginning to lighten. I then looked over at the clock on the night table, five in the morning.

"Come on guys, the park doesn't open until eight. Go back to sleep for another hour." I moaned.

"Okay." They both said unanimously and crawled into bed between Cody and me.

I groaned and then remembered that Cody and I were both naked and had some raunchy sex the night before. I knew the sheets were probably a bit crunchy. I started counting in my head 1, 2, 3, 4. "Why are there stiff and crusty spots on the sheets?" said Luke.

Then I heard a stereo of ewes and gross. I heard Cody giggling. The funniest part was neither one of the twins got out of then bed.

Thanks for editing Sam!

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Next: Chapter 22

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