Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 11, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 20


The Kane's, Em and me sat watched the news. There were reporters at the gate. Em was in tears. I gots to admit I was close to bawling myself. I looked over to the older butler he had tears on his face. "We gotta be there." I said to no one in particular.

Ten minutes later Mr. Kane was tellin Em and me to get bags packed we was goin ta Gibraltar. Em went up and packed our suit cases she told me to put on the suit Jason and Co0dy got me. Em changed into the pretty black dress that was made for her. Since moving here we really came up.

Jason treated us real good. He said we were family and we deserved to be treated like it so he bought us lots of nice clothes along with brad new Dodge ram. It was loaded with great stuff. I still liked to drive the Old Packard. I don't know why but I loved the older cars. I took good care of them. They were like children to me.

We carried our bags down stairs. They were loaded up into a big silver limousine. We were off the airport. When we got there we were escorted to a waiting little jet. Our bags were loaded up and we were on our way. I wasn't really think about the fact that I was gonna be in a foreign country not alone flying across the ocean. My mind was on my brothers.

I always thought of Cody and the twins as my brothers, I now ad Jason to that list. I was an orphan and no idea if I had any. They always treated me with respect. Even though I knew they thought I was dumb. I admit in book learning I am stupid but I knew a lot of other stuff.


It had been three days since the accident. Jason had some serious wounds. A few broken ribs. I punched lung. Other than that and a concussion and cuts on his head there was no other damage. Charles and Carmella had left two days ago but kept in touch. Harry stayed behind. I could see he had grown attached to these two guys.

Harry had a big heart. He was a joker and happy go lucky bloke as they say. The truth is Harry felt deeply about family. He was staying at the house with Cody's brothers and my grandchildren. Tony was there also but he was pretty much confined to bed, the young boy Jordon was also there with them.

Jordon was the hero of the day. His heroic efforts in getting them out of the auto was well recorded and retold. He was idolizing Prince Harry and I think Harry was doing the same in return. The twins though were a different story. They had taken over the twins. They were mom, dad and nurse made.

Cody was doing well. He had several broken ribs, dislocated shoulder and a piece of metal that was lodged in his side. There was no internal organ damage. The hard thing was to keep the man in bed. I appreciated that. He wanted to be near Jason. There was no doubt how much he loved my son. I will defend that to the day I die about how much Cody loves Jason.

I had them move Cody to Jason's room. The hard part was to keep Cody in bed. Harry and I had decided to take turns along with the twins on staying in the room. We had to of Cody would hurt himself to be near Jason. He would cry and plead I moved his bed closer so he could touch his husbands hand. That seemed to calm him down.

A young marine came into the room and motioned for me. I followed him out into the hallway after making Cody promise to stay in bed. "Your highness, there seems to a gentleman and lady down stairs that say they are related. A Mr. and Mrs. William Crudle."

"Let them through." I said and went back into the room. The security now at the Royal naval hospital was un believable. Three nations are providing security with United Kingdom's authorization. The president had sent four secret serve. The royal navy and marines and Queen Margret II sent some security too. I was surprise that the Crudle's made it close to the gate.

I walked back into the room and Cody was laying in Jason's bed. He was asleep. I smiled. I didn't want to make him get into his own bed. "I know get back in my bed." He said as he moved. I helped him get of the bed and into his own.

"I just needed to hold him." He said as he closed his eyes. He was sound asleep in a matter of seconds. It was the first time he actually slept. He would doze but never sleep. I knew he was asleep because I heard the soft snores. I smiled to myself. That's all the boy needed was to hold his love.

I sat back in the chair. I heard the door open and Billy and Emily walked in. I knew Billy was smarted than he portrayed. Anyone who could do what he did with those cars was a genius. I had visited the house last month while in the States. I saw what he was did with the old Willy's jeep. I had to admit making the monstrosity of a vehicle look good was a miracle. Billy was a happy man but the look on his face now was not the same one I have ever seen.

I stood up and shook his hand. "Cody just fell asleep soundly for the first time."

"Billy agreed to stay there for a while. I had the British marine corporal Drive us to the house. They had booted out most paparazzi from the Rock. Only BBC and CNN were permitted to stay with the agreement that they stay away from the house. Once inside the house I walked over picked up a grandchild. Luke the one holding Riley cried in Emily's arms.


I know they all see me as the tough guy. The truth is Luke is the tough one. Over the past few days I have been holding back. I held back crying for Luke sake. He needed me to be strong but mostly I pulled from him. He was calming me He was being logical. Telling Jason was going to be okay because God had plans for him. Cody we knew was okay. We took turns keeping him in bed and staying in the room they shared.

I was terrified when the accident happened. When the car blew up I pissed myself. No one noticed that. Yeah by the time my shorts dried I smelled like piss but no one noticed that either. We were all checked out several hours later at the hospital.

We all wanted to hear about Jason. He was hurt bad. After four hours in surgery he was said to be in stable condition. Cody was too. He was beaten up but It was his heart that was taking the beating. We told him that Riley and JC were ok. Though shaken up. They were being cared for by prince Charles and Lady Carmella. Harry was there two. I could see the relief when he found out that both Cody and Jason were going to be okay. Though they had put Jason into a drug induced coma so he heals better without the discomfort. We took the kids home.

Several hours later Jason's dad Prince Christof along with Prince Harry came into the house. we were told that Cody was being hard to handle. They had given him sedatives to get him to sleep but it was fitful and he be awake after only thirty minutes. They didn't want to give him more.

I knew my brother. It broke my heart. I knew how much he loved Jason. Jason was his world as were the Riley and JC. I think he could take the loss of one the kids better than he could Jason. We took turns sitting with Cody after Christof had Cody moved to Jason's room. Cody was an emotional mess it made me an emotional mess.

I watched as Emily held a crying Luke. I stared at them. I went to pick up JC to see he was being held by the kid Jordon from next door. The kid was a hero to me. he was holding up better than me. considering he lost his mother just like we lost our dad and mother. Though the latter was not as heart breaking as losing my dad. Emily though, we were constantly at odds because she kissed Moms ass.

I felt the tears starting to build up. I walked out to the pool. I stood there. I walked over toward the other side past the town house and looked out over the cliffs at sea. I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned and saw Harry standing there, I broke.

I bawled my eyes out as Prince Harry held me. The tears just kept coming. Over the past few days all I could think about was losing Cody and Jason. I loved Billy but Emily I didn't know. I would try and be a man around Billy and strong for Luke. I couldn't do it anymore. I was at the end of what I could take. For some reason Harry was the one that I grabbed onto to cry my heart out to.

He made a motion and he pulled me along with him. Behind us were to armed British marines. We walked down to the light house. the whole time we didn't say anything. We stood there and looked out over the Strait 0f Gibraltar. It was dusk and the light house came to life.

I couldn't hold on any more. It caught up to me. I feel so weak crying like that." I said.

"I have seen my mates cry at the loss of dog in Afghanistan. You're a strong man. You have nothing to ashamed of." He said softly.


Jason had been in here almost a week. Jason was coming out of that drug induced coma. I was released yesterday. I went home for a few hours spend time with Riley and JC. JC clung to me. Riley though happy to see me was happy to be held. Harry had spent the past five days with us at the hospital and with the family at the house. Christof and I have grown closer. He was my biggest advocate now with the media. I was told he had put out a statement which I was about to watch on YouTube.

On behalf of Jason and Cody, their family including myself and extended family, I want to thank the media for giving us all the privacy we needed to deal with this crisis. I also want to that the many people, dignitaries and world leaders for their kind words and prayers. We also want to thank tie Governor and the United Kingdom for all their support. Also a very heartfelt thanks to all those who helped in getting Jason and Cody Dawson-Chris to safety. The British and Danish Royal families. Also for Tony Martinez for his devotion in the safety for the family as their Chief of Security and friend.

Mostly though I want to thank Jordon McCormick. This young man is a true hero. If not for his breaking the window and getting the people in the auto to safety they would not be here today. This young man is a true hero.

There are many more that we are grateful too. If we have not mentioned, you by name please let me make sure it is not by slight but only by the emotion of the moment that you have not been thanked by name. Thank you.

I watched two more times. Christof was cool calm and collected when he spoke. I knew though that he was anything but. He wasn't a man that enjoyed being in the spot light. he was a private person. He loved his son though. In the few months he Jason had to get to know each other they had gotten close. I had gotten close to him over the past few days. I wiped away a tear.

I had lost my Dad and mother. They waited until yesterday to tell me. I was angry at first that held back that information. Harry calmed me down telling me that I was still in recovery and they didn't want to do anything to make it worse. I agreed eventually that they were probably right.

I went down and spent time with our kids. Riley seemed to be just wanting attention. JC though just kept touching my face. They both just turned seven months. Though JC was a day younger. He just looked at me and smiled and babbled "Da, da, da." While he patted my face. He had a serious look on his own face.

"Bro, he 's tryin to call you dada. He knows your sad." Duke said to me. i8 looked at JC. His eyes were bright golden brown.

"Dada." and pats on my face.

I gave the little guy a hug and kiss. Riley objected. And wanted her kiss. I laughed and gave her one.


My mind was in a fog. I remembered the accident. I remembered looking at the kids and seeing them safe. I then remembered smelling gas. I fought to open my eyes. They finally opened I looked around until I saw Cody. I tried to say the kids but it came out in a croak.

"Everyone made out babe. Everyone's safe." He said as he held my hand and caressed my cheek. I think I smiled before I could no longer keep my eyes open.


Jason was released last week we spent another week in Gibraltar. He took the deaths hard. He knew he wasn't to blame but I think he took a lot of them on himself. I looked over at him as the plane crossed the ocean. The 747 could hold thirty people comfortably in the way it was set up. We had eighteen people not including the crew and attendants.

Besides Jason and myself we had the twins and our kids. There was Billy and Em., tony and two other body guards. Also there was Kathy his manager, two secret service agents whom were hitching a ride and the four surviving McCormick's. All but Jordon who was not a McCormick I had learned where not very good quests. They made constant complaints. The older McCormick was being a jack ass. I understand he has a few broken bones and all that but if he didn't stop saying Fag one of us were going to toss him out of the plane.

Finally, someone had enough. "Excuse me sir. I think I heard enough. These Folks have been kind enough to give free passage. I would think that you and these young ladies would show some gratitude or at least some curtesy." Said the Secret Service agent.

"It's their fault I am in this fucking body cast." He yelled

"No sir according to what we uncovered you're the one who tipped of the paparazzi about a possible scandal requiring these young gentlemen here. So sir in all actuality you're to blame for the death of nine people the injury of many others including yourself." Said the female Secret Service agent.

"Are you fucking serious?" I yelled standing up. Jason grabbed me. I stopped.

"This was all because of you? You fucking scum bag. You almost killed my whole fucking family. Your fucking lucky there are witnesses right now or I would throw you out of the plane right now." I screamed. The worse part of it all was I was dead serious.


I listened to Cody rant at the man. I held his arm. The truth of it is I wanted to do it myself. I pushed the button on the side and the steward came in. "Can you take Mr. McCormick to place where he will be safe from Mr. Dawson-Chris from throwing him out of the plane, maybe that little side room." I said very calmly.

Cody turned to me to say something then smiled. he figured out what the side room was. it was where we stored the band equipment. It was dark and had no windows. Though did have air circulation. I was being an asshole.

Once he was gone we only had to listen to the demands of his two daughters. "fuck, you two put a new meaning to evil step-sisters. Ain't no way I am going to put up with this shit for next five years. So will you two shut the fuck up?" yelled Jordon.

I was shocked at his outburst. Over the time I have spent around him he was never loud, angry or said a single curse. I guess everyone has reached that point where they can't take any more. I smirked in spite of myself as did Cody. I looked around and everyone had a grin. Jordon was about to apologize until he saw all our smiles. thankfully the girls didn't say another word the rest of the flight.

We landed in Philadelphia, where we taxied to the airport terminal. Normally we would just use steps but considering that some of couldn't handle them we taken to a terminal passage disembark area. The airport paramedics came in and got Todd McCormick out of the storage area. We got a few looks from them until he started his bitching. I saw a look of understanding.

We disembarked after the girls did. Jordon asked to leave with us. He had asked if I knew a good lawyer. I told him I would get him in contact with mine. It seems that the bulk of the money was his mother's and he got it all. The unfortunate thing is his Step-father was the one in control.

We left the plane and went through to the area outside the secure area to be greeted by paparazzi. The secret Service agents pushe4d us through they threatened anyone who tried to push I micro phone near anyone. We made quick passage to the waiting limousines. Jordon with us. We drove up interstate 95 and the crossed over and went up Broad street.

It would have taken longer but the Governor had ordered State police escort. They would be a constant state police officer around the compound until the paparazzi died down.


The next few weeks while we all recovered from our emotional and physical bruises Jason went down to the studio and worked on the music for the movie. Luke and I got to hang out. He even used us for back up in a few songs. I was awesome. I loved every second of it.

Luke and Jordon were becoming a thing. I don't think they did anything but they we're hanging out a lot. Luke though would get this distant look every once in a while. He would see me looking at him and smile then shrug it off.

The night before we were to Leave for Disney World I finally asked what he was thinking about when he stared off like that.

"Just think about all that has happened in the past eight months. Some bad like dad being killed, Mom too but her hitting me in the head doesn't make it as bad as dad dyeing. I know that sounds bad huh?"

"No not really. I don't if can forgive her for that either." I said as moved over and got in bed with him.

"The good things are that we have Cody, Jason the four little ones Billy and Emily. That we get to live here and I know they love us."

"Yeah they do. I love you bro." I said kissing his cheek.

"Love you too, dork breath." Said Luke.

"What's a dork smell like.?" I was picture some asswipe kid back in our old school.

"A dork is big ole whale dick. So your breath smells like a big ole dick." Said Luke giggling.

"Bro you're the gay guy. It's breath that smells like dick."

"Not yet it doesn't."

"Oh man. Fuck Luke go to sleep."

"You started it."

"Whatever dude. I going to sleep so shut up."

"Night Duke."


Thanks for editing Sam!

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Next: Chapter 21

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