Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 10, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 19 11 June, 2015

Prince Harry

I woke up ready to start the day. I had the unveiling of the Bastion Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire. As I dressed I turned on the Telly to get the latest news. I preferred CNN to BBC news.

"Once again though we don't have a complete report. We can tell you that in the auto crash involving Jason Chris. There were fatalities. We have yet to find out any information as to who was killed. We do know that two vehicles went over the side of the cliff and dropped at least sixty feet to the road below. Whether it was Jason Chris's car we haven't yet been informed."

I stood there staring at the Telly. I was praying that my young friend was okay. I also prayed that Cody and the kids were too. I don't think Jason would survive if something happened to any of them. "Your Highness we have to get going." My valet interrupts my thoughts.

I nodded and grabbed my laptop. I followed in a daze out to the waiting car. Once in it I pulled out the celli. "Buckingham Palace."

"This Is Harry Wales. Is my grandmother available?" usually I would have said her majesty but I didn't want the queen I wanted my grandmother.

"I will see if Her Majesty is available Your Highness." Said the voice on the other end.

"Harry, what's the matter son." Said my father on the line.

"Hi Dad. I take Grands is busy?"

"She is with the PM at the moment. She will be done in a few short. From what the answering service said you sounded distressed."

I told him about the accident. Both our thoughts went back to that day but we didn't talk about it. "I'll find out what I can harry. I do have pull there as it part of the United Kingdom."

I thanked him and hung up. My father was alright. I know a lot of people saw him as a stuffed shirt but he was really fun and understanding. He spent a lot of time Wills and me when he didn't have duties to perform. I smiled at the thought of my Mum, Dad, Wills and myself at Disney World.

"Your highness?" I heard as my door was opened. I went through the duties of the ceremony. I did the meet and greet. I was distracted though. my mind was on what was happening in Gibraltar. I was just doing the smiles and greeting different people. Taking a few pictures. Asa soon as could I excused myself and got into the waiting car.


I was rare when I got a call from Buckingham Palace. Even more rare from one the royal family. I took the phone from my aid." Christof here."

"Christof. Charles Windsor here. Have you seen the news yet?"

"No, it gets to repetitive lately."

"I suggest you turn it on. It has to do with your son."

I turned on the news. I flipped through different news channels until I came to the BBC. "No news yet as to whom was killed in the Jason Chris accident. We do know that two autos have gone over the cliff. We have yet to learn whom was in those vehicles. Again we do not know whether or not pop star Jason Chris or his family was in one of those vehicles. As to the cause of the accident no one yet has informed the media. The accident which occurred approximately twenty minutes ago."

"Christof are you a there?"

"Yes Your Highness."

"Disregard the formalities. This is a family matter. Harry is quite upset as you know they have become fast friends. We are two fathers concerned about our children."

"Thank you Charles. I have to get down there."

"Yes I understand I think I shall head there also. I am sure Harry will be heading there if he isn't already."

"We shall see each other then."

It didn't take long to get a flight Gibraltar it just bothered me that it would be until late. I called the Christiansburg Palace to inform them that due to the accident in Gibraltar I wouldn't be able to attend the state dinner. I waited to hear the acceptance of my request to be dismissed. I didn't care if it was accepted or not. I was going.

"Christof, I just was brought up to date on the circumstances. Of course you are excused. I will send a helicopter to take you there." Said Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II.

"Thank you your Majesty. Your gracious is much appreciated."

"Think nothing of it. family must be there for each other. You will keep us informed of course."

"Of course your Majesty."

I sat back and told my aid to have a bag packed. I poured myself a stiff drink and sat down in the old but comfortable chair.


I didn't have time to think. Jason was a bloody mess the kids were screaming the twins had blank looks on their faces. I couldn't open my door. I reached over and felt Jason's pulse is slow but strong. I tried to open his door. It too was not budging. I looked at the window. It was covered in blood. I felt myself choke. I knew it was Jason's. I could see movement outside the window.

I heard the window in the back being hit as the someone started hitting on with something. I breathed in deep. I started to panic. I could smell gas. They banged on the glass for a few minutes until it started to give. I didn't know at the time that twenty minutes have gone by already as they started pulling us out of what was left of the pathfinder. The twins handed out Riley and JC. I told the twins to get out.

I knew my shoulder was dislocated as I pulled Jason between the front seats and through the ruined interior of the Pathfinder. I groaned in agony as I tried to pull him through to opened back. I felt someone push me aside and started pulling him out. I saw the light brown hair but didn't make out who it was. I follow them out.

I flowed him as he pulled Jason clear of the car where others were waiting. We were a good thirty yards away. My brothers had blank looks on their faces as they held their niece and nephew. They looked down at Jason and then at me. they were about to say something when we heard an explosion behind us.


In the car I got into my laptop and caught up with what was happening. I signed into CNN.

"We still are sketchy on the fatal accident in Gibraltar involving Jason Chris. We do have reports that the Vehicle that exploded was a Pathfinder. It is believed to have been rented Jason and Cody Dawson-Chris. It is not yet known if they were in the vehicle at the time. Due to the traffic and the width of the road emergency vehicles have not been able to reach the upper road. We understand that they have dropped paramedics down from a military helicopter.

I felt the tears running down my face as the car drove onward. I paid little attention as to where the auto drove. We came to a stop and I looked out the rear passenger window. I saw a Vickers VC-10 With her engines going. A royal marine opened the door. I quickly wiped my face and got out. I followed the two Royal maries to the waiting jet.

I walked into the jet. I was surprised to see my Father, Carmella. My Dad stood up and pulled into a hug. Carmella then hugged me. "Don't be shocked Harry. Your Father was quit taken with Jason too." Said Carmella.

"That and the fact Mum is making me." My father joked.

I sat as the royal jet took off. It would take a little over an hour for the jet to cover the distance. It would seem like hours though. The three of us talked about anything but the reason for the flight. I was still amazed that my father would do this. He barely knew Jason Chris. I understood that we were distant cousins but I was still surprised. The hardest part was the lack of news.

My father's cell phone rang. I didn't pay much attention. I closed my eyes. I could hear him talking. Then it went quite. Harry I have a little good news. Jason's car didn't go over the side and they were able to pull him and the rest of the family out of the car before it exploded. Jason though I understand is seriously hurt. They can't get an emergency to him so they are going to try airlift him out. There are medicals attending on the site."

"He's still at the site? It's been five fucking hours Daddy."

"Harry language please it is just not us men."

"Charles that's alright and I second his comment. They should have done that a while ago." Said Carmella.

"From what I understand there is a high wind that's making a problem with getting the aircraft there."

"Fuck I wish Wills was there he would get in." I moaned

"Your brother is already there and is going to do just that."

Tony Martinez

I did all I could do. I tried to get to Jason and Cody. I crawled out my car I saw the Pathfinder smashed up against the wall barely still standing. The roof was crushed in as was the sides. I could feel the blood pouring down my face. I felt a burning in my side. All I could think of was to get to Jason. I made it a few steps before it all went dark.


I was in the back seat of my sister's convertible. I was scared shitless as usual when she drove so at points I would close my eyes as I did now. I heard her scream and felt the breaks push me forward against the seatbelt. I heard the sounds of crashing and grinding of metal. I opened my eyes in time to see the Pathfinder I knew to belong to Jason and Cody get hit three times as it spun around and jump the wall as it was hit again and fall to the road.

My sister was in shock I hadn't seen my Step-father's car go over the side. I had refused to ride with them because of what my step father was doing. It was just wrong. I jumped out of the car and ran to the pathfinder. I had to weave through the vehicles that were not in the main accident. They were too busy yelling at each other to care about the pathfinder and main car in the accident.

I could smell gas. I looked into the blood covered window. I could see Cody moving. Jason was still. I could hear Riley and JC crying. I looked around. I found a rock. I rand to the back of the car and started hitting the back window with the rock. I was finally able to break away all the glass. I saw a blanket inside the back of the car I put over Jagged edge. The Handsome twins passed out the babies. I heard Cody tell them to get out and they followed the babies out of the broken back window.

We watched as Cody tried to pull Jason towards the back. the smell of gas was getting stronger. I looked and saw the stream of gas on the road making its way towards a burning car. "Get them away." I said to the twins and pointed to gas slowly making it way to the burning car. They seemed to wake up and nodded and ran towards where I came from.

I climbed into the car. I told Cody to get out of the way as I pulled Jason out of the car. I dragged him towards the twins. Cody was a mess also His arm was hanging useless to his side. There was also blood coming from his side. I jumped when there was an explosion behind us.

All the arguing stops around us. We all stared at the burning car. It hit us all what had happened. People came over when The saw the bloodied up person that was Jason Chris. They had no idea as to who was but they all started to help take care of him. Cody was now kneeling and crying. To my surprise my ice hearted step sister was holding him.

CNN news

Special report.

"We have an update from Gibraltar. Jason Chris and one other person has been airlifted to the Royal Naval Hospital. Though the Hospital does not have a helipad. It landed in a nearby parking lot where and ambulance was waiting. There Is no word on Jason Chris's condition. High winds prevented earlier at air lifting were aborted because of high winds. The use RAF helicopter was reported to have been used.

According to reports we have been told by those on the scene that six people two are infants we're pulled from the vehicle before it exploded. Also we have to report that three vehicles that went over the side of cliff road there is one survivor. No reports on how many deaths.

They held all landing of planes or diverted them elsewhere until the Royal Jet landed. Harry just followed the escort provided. He didn't think. He just moved. he had heard that got Jason and one other out. As to his condition they have not heard. He was in the Royal Naval Hospital. We were hurried to waiting transports provided by the base. We drove through the Rock up to the hospital. They had cleared out the vehicles and closed off the road.

I was numb as I sat in the waiting area. It had now eight hours since the accident occurred. Jason was in surgery. The other person airlifted was Jason's body guard Tony. I remembered him. He was very devoted to Jason. Wills was now sitting with me in the w3aiting area. Dad and Carmella were in the hospital commander's office with the Governor.

I heard a bustle of activity as Cody was demanding to see Jason before he got any treatment. I could see he was hurt bad. His should was definitely dislocated. There was a nice gash on his left side. He was fighting with the security and winning despite his condition. I stood up and walked over.

"Cody!" I yelled.

He stopped and turned to me. he looked at me and saw the man break. He fell to his knees and cried. It broke me too. I knelt with him and well held on to each other. To see this big marine break was the end of my resolve. I didn't care if people saw me crying. I may be a Royal prince, but I was human. I glanced up and saw there wasn't a dry eye in the emergency waiting room. I gather myself together

"Cody, you need to let them treat you. Jason is in excellent hands." I said to him as my head was pressed against his.

He looked into my eyes and I felt him nod his head agreeing to be treated. His eyes were full of so much pain mental and physical it was hard to see. The lifted him up as easy as they could and took him to through the doors. I sat down and watched as they brought others in through the area. Nine which were covered completely, the dead.


We now have updates from yesterday report on the accident in Gibraltar involving Jason Chris Two days ago. According to authorities. The cause of the accident was a vehicle containing paparazzi, predominately Michael Bear. We're diving alongside of the Chris vehicle oblivious to oncoming traffic. It was being determined that the driver Cody Dawson-Chris, Jason Chris's husband. Is in no way responsible. The cause is the vehicle containing the paparazzi and Jason bear.

Kason Bear and the five others in the vehicle are dead. In the two other automobiles. One was driven by the father of Cody Dawson-Chris, Martin Dawson. Also killed were Mrs. Karen McCormick and Mrs. Mary Dawson. The only survivor of those vehicles is Todd McCormick a Canadian real estate tycoon.

Thanks for editing Sam!

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Next: Chapter 20

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