Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 10, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 18


Luke was a hot mess. He was scared of dad knowing he was gay. I tried to calm him told that he was cool with Cody and Jason he'd be cool him. He understood that but he was still pacing the game room. I found a cool game Bloodhome. I know it sucks that I am playing a game while Luke is freaking but I told myself he is just going to freak no matter what I do. At least that's what I tell myself.

I hate to say it but I was right. Dad didn't freak. Well didn't freak out on Luke and me. he freaked out over Mom hitting Luke in the head with the iron. He was even more pissed off over that she had the police at the gate. The security led by a secret service guy wouldn't allow them to pass.

After a few phone calls that night, the next day we were in a helicopter taking us the Philadelphia international airport. We landed and were ushered to Jason's Private 747. It was awesome. It was like a flying house. Luke and I played games watched movies during the nine-hour flight.

The weirdest thing though about the whole flight was landing at the airport in Gibraltar. I thought at first we were going to land in the water but when the wheels hit ground I breathed. I hadn't even realized I was holding my breath. We disembarked. From the plane and went into the terminal.

"You think Dad told him and Cody?" Luke whispered as we walked in the doors.

"Naw." I said I walked Up to Jason and gave him a hug. Luke did the same.


The boys had grown. When I hugged Luke and ruffled his hair, there was a definite lump there. His dad told Cody and me that his mother had hit him with an iron but didn't elaborate. Though Cody and I didn't know the details I had my suspicions.

"So guys you ready to spend the rest of the summer here and at Disney World?"

"Disney World?" Luke asked.

"Yeah I am making movie for Disney. They actually settled on a title. Disney World (After Dark)."

"Cool how long will take?" Duke jumped in with great enthusiasm.

"Well could take up to three months. For me to film and record the music. Then they have to edit."

"Didn't know it would take that long." Luke said

"Regular movies don't but musicals always take longer."

"Thing we can get a part?" Duked asked.

"I am sure I can get you guys can get a small part but I want something in return."

"Sorry bro you can't have any of this." Duke said smirking.

"I don't want something that don't exist." I retorted back

"BURN." Luke said laughing.

"Burn on you too bro. we identical in every way." Duke said punching his brother.

"Ok Guys. Your dad didn't go into details but I have my suspicions. Luke you want to talk about it."

"I, well, I don't know. Billy said you probably knew." Luke said sullenly.

"Just say it Luke. Jason and Cody are cool." Duke urged him

"Okay but can we wait till they are together?"

"I agree with Luke easier to say to two than one at a time." I said as pulled into the garage.


I heard Jason and my little brothers come in through the kitchen. I had JC and Riley in my arms when they came barreling into the living room. They each grabbed a kid. I looked over at Jason and he was smiling. "I see where I stand." I said.

"Big bro you stand as our idol." Said Duke. I could hear his voice choke up as he said it.

"Yeah what he said we just need to hold our niece and nephew." Luke said as the switched kids.

The guys played with the kids they made them feel special. Riley didn't show an ounce of that jealousy streak when she didn't have all the attention. Jason and I just chilled. Well sort of, I helped him go over the Disney musical score at the piano. For us though that was chilling out. Duke tussled with JC. I saw his nose wrinkle up. He lifted him up and carried him, holding out ward from his body. I pointed up stairs. Duke grinned and started up the steps. Riley not wanting to be left out started to crawl towards the steps. Luke laughed and picked he up and carried her up. "Have to be part of it all huh little girl." He said to her. The look she gave him was perfect. It said it all. Duh.

Jason and I followed them up the stairs. It wasn't that we didn't trust them. It was mostly because We knew the odor and the evident Hosing JC would give Duke. JC had his Jason had his phone ready to take the picture. To my surprise Duke was ready for it. He held up the diaper in front of him as JC let out a little hosing.

"Damn Cody, even Duke was prepared for the JC fire hose." Jason Laughed as he took pictures.

"Shut up Jas." I said with a smile.

"You get caught with the pee bro?" asked Duke.

"A few times." I mumbled.

"Yeah a few times. Like this morning." Jason laughed.

"Dude, come-on after six months you still get hit? I mean for fucking sake man when the air hit's his ding a ling it makes him pee." Luke added to the conversation as he expertly was changing and cleaning Riley up.

They boys put the little ones down for their nap. They both were asleep almost immediately. They were a little past their nap time due to Duke and Luke playing with them. The twins followed us down stairs to living room. I gave both boys a beer and got one both Jason and myself it was time to find out what was going on. We went out by the pool and we all sat down.

"Guys I want you to know we both love having you here." I started off. "That said I want to know what's going on?" I said in the most confrontational way I could think of.

Duke looked at Luke. "It's ok Buddy. You know they won't freak." Luke smiled but looked a bit nervous. I had to admit I was baffled as to what happened.

"How about I start the conversation?" Jason said looking past me to Luke. Luke looked at him and smiled and nodded yes.

"You're uncomfortable with your sexual desires aren't you Luke?" Jason asked. I looked over at Luke and he bowed his head. I saw a tear run down his cheek. I dawned on me just then what the issue was. My jaw dropped. I recovered quickly. I placed my beer down on the ground and got up and knelt beside Luke. I pulled him into a hug.

Luke cried a little. It was more I think in relief than sorrow. Duke and Jason joined us in the hug. "Lil bro, we don't care if you suck dick or eat pussy. You're our brother we love you no matter what." I said for us all.

I looked over at Duke. For confirmation of what I said. I didn't need to for Jason, I already knew how he felt. Duke had big tears running down his face. That was all I needed. It took a lot to make Duke cry. He was the tough jock type. I was even more surprised when he buried his head into Jason shoulder and really started to cry hard. By now Luke was calm.


When Luke sat there not talking I knew he needed help. So I jumped in. "How about I start the conversation? You're uncomfortable with your sexual desires aren't you Luke?" it took a second but Cody figured it out. I love Cody with all my heart but sometimes he was slow to pick up things.

He held Luke as he cried Duke and joined the hug for a moment. It was when Duke really started to shake I pulled him away. He started crying hard and buried his head into my chest. I looked over at Cody and Luke. Luke was gathering himself up but Cody was looking at Duke crying like he was. he was confused as to why. I admit I wasn't sure why either.

I pulled Duke away from the others. He had his emotions under control but I could tell he was still on the edge. "Go wash your face then we can go for a walk just you and me. Well sort of alone." I said nodding to ever present security outside. Since the paparazzi showed up we had to increase security.

Duke came back from the little bathroom off the kitchen. He looked a little bit more in control but I still think he needed to talk about something that was on his mind. We walked out and down Europa Road to Europa Road. I never understood why they named both streets the same, though my street was shorter.

The two body guards that followed us kept back a little way they also kept the paparazzi back. though they couldn't keep them from snapping away with their cameras. I was glad none where aggressive. We didn't talk until we reached the playground near Europa Point. We sat down on the bench.

"I was so scared when she hit him. I thought she killed him. When she left to get that crazy preacher I knew I had to get him out before they fucked with his head." He said as we sat watching children climbing and play with each other in the park. I just nodded as I listened to him talk.

"I grabbed our bags and got some cash and bought train tickets to Philadelphia." He went on to explain how they turned off their cell phones so they couldn't be tracked. How they held up in a chicken coop at friend's house until their train departed. How they were scared they would be caught every stop the train made. How they almost got caught when they got Billy to pick them up at the train station.

He sighed. "I guess it all just caught up to me. I was being strong for both Luke and me. I don't know why I was crying though." he finished up the story.

"Easy to figure out Duke. It was depressurizing from all the tension. Being able to just relax that it is over with and that you and Luke are safe now." I said giving him a bro hug as we sat there. I am sure paparazzi took a few pictures but since they had children in front of us they couldn't use them. Unwritten rule among reputable mags. No Children that are no celebrity.

"Ready to head back?" I asked.

"Yeah, lets go. Thanks Jason."

"No Thanks needed Buddy. We're family."


Jason had taken a few pictures of the twins with Riley and JC. I asked if anyone minded if I posted them on my Blog. No one had any objections. I wasn't going to mention anything about Luke's revelation to us. That's was up to him to tell whom he wanted. I sat do0wn and started to write the daily Blog.

Cody's blog:

Today was a blast. My little twin brothers Duke and Luke came to stay with us for the rest of the summer. Okay may be they are not so little at fifteen but to me they will always be my little brothers. It had been awhile since we had spent time together.

I know over the past week I didn't tell you were Jason and I are but since the cats out of the bag with the paparazzi stationed as close to the house as they can get. We are in Gibraltar. I can tell you this is an awesome place. They literally built this place into a rock. There are tunnels drilled through the middle and edges. It's amazing.

So when my brothers Duke and Luke came barging into the house with Jason and had Riley and JC each tucked under an arm. The guys didn't bother saying Hi to me or anything they each just grabbed a kid and started swinging them around. It was cool though.

Jason and I worked on a project while my brothers played and amused to little ones. Jason snapped a few pictures of them playing. Like I have said before Jason is camera happy when it comes to kids and other cool fun stuff.

The coolest thing was when They changed the kids diapers without complaint. Duke changed JC. I have to admit I was annoyed when Duke knew better than I did to watch that little hose down baby boys do when there little winky is exposed to air. I so wanted him to get hosed down. I had forgotten the hose down this morning. Jason was camera ready and got the picture of JC hosing down my Tee shirt. So anyway we had a great day relaxing with family. My brothers had grown up a bit and were now fine looking men. Both are single so if see these hunk guys you may be surprised.

Not really much to talk about so I am Just adding pictures. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Blog you again soon.

Cody Dawson-Chris.

I posted my blog and went to find the twins putting the little ones down. They were singing to them. I was shocked. They had great voices and perfect harmony. I texted Jason to come up. he was there in a few seconds. We both listened. The twins turned around and saw us and stopped singing.

"Snooping much?" said Duke as his face started getting red.

We smiled and left them to finish tucking in their niece and nephew. We walked down stairs. Jason went to make us each a drink as went outside to sit around the pool. He came out handed me a scotch on the rocks and sat down between my legs on the lounge chair.

"Those guys sounded great. Perfect harmony." He said as he laid back against my chest.

"Yeah they did. I wasn't surprised they are my brothers. It's in the family." I said putting free arm around my husband's waist.

"Uh huh, must have by passed you. You can't sing at all babe." He said.

"I resent that. It maybe be true but I still resent it." I said laughing. I really couldn't carry a tune at all.

"Besides you don't have to be able to sing. You just so sexy no one hears what you actually sound like." He said. Though I couldn't see his face I knew he was smiling.

"I think you married me just for my looks didn't you." I said joking.

"Duh. That and that big dick of yours and that hot load you shoot." He said. I loved it when we could joke with each other like this. It showed how much we were more than just husbands and lovers. We were also friends.

"Whoa, man that's way too much info for our innocent ears." We heard Luke say as he and Duke came out to join us. They plopped down on either side of. Each had a beer. I frowned. "Listen guys. You can have a beer once in a while but I want you to ask first. I also don't want you guys drinking without us around as long as you're staying with us. Do we have a deal?"

"Dang Cody you act like a Rent." Quipped Duke.

"I am a rent. I am going to practice on you two for the inevitable teenage years of Riley and JC." I said smiling. "Seriously though. Can you guys follow those few rules?"

"Yeah. We can Cody." Said Luke. He gave his brother a look. "Yeah Cody." Duke said seeing Luke's look.

"I think one more rule is important. WE need to know where you are at all times." Jason said.

"We're not babies bro." said Luke.

"We aren't babies Luke but Jason's right. Who know what can happen. Someone may try and kidnap us for ransom or something." Said Duke in a serous voice.

"That and the paparazzi can get a little pushy at times." Jason added.

We chilled for a bit. The guys jumped into the pool while Jason and cuddled and made out PG style. Around ten the twins were fighting sleep and said good night. To my shock they each hugged and kissed Jason Good night.


Around ten the next morning the land line phone rang. I answered the phone. I wasn't concerned about it considering very few people had the number. "Hello?"

"Jason, This Dad Dawson. I need the exact address where you guys are I am in Gibraltar."

I gave him the address. Cody and the twins were out exploring the beach on the east side of the rock. I text him. 'Dad D on rock.' He messaged back fast 'Seriously? B home soon I will leave Tony with Twins'.

Cody got to the house just before dad Dawson drove up. After a few hugs he filled us in after we told him the twins were at the beach. He took a flight to Madrid later yesterday then one down to Seville. He then drove from Seville to here.

Dad got to spend some time with his Grandkids. They loved their Grandpop Dawson. We put them down for their naps. We made some drinks and chilled out by the pool catching up with the happenings. He told us how Mary had brought that state police to the house and tried to gain access to the estate. The secret service guy that was still assigned to us blocked it. By the time they did get the warrant the boys were on the way across the Atlantic.

She tried to have martin arrested for kidnapping but because he had legal custody rights to the twins and the fact that they ran away they couldn't do damn thing. She huffed and yelled. He did have to legally tell them that the boys were with us.

We knew it was matter of time before the paparazzi doubled in size. This will be big news for the paparazzi. I called Tony to get the boys home ASAP and informed him in short version why. Cody and I joked about the possible headlines as we waited for the twins and Tony. 'Jason Chris kidnaps husband's brothers.' Twins show up on Jason Chris's doorstep'. We came up with some good ones.

The twins in and saw their dad and hugged him. We filled them in on what was going on. We expected the increase in paparazzi. Especially the more aggressive ones. We also expected that Mary might show up. Cody

We packed up the cars and pulled out. There was one security car in front along with a police car in front of them. then came our pathfinder renal. Then Dad Dawson's. Behind them was Tony. As predicted the paparazzi were out in full force. Especially the more aggressive ones. The main one being Michael Bear. He had lost his show but he still worked for some crap show.

Our parade of cars took off. We pulled out onto the main Europa Road and went right. I saw The paparazzi racing to their cars to follow us. One took off from a side road and came up beside us into the oncoming traffic lane. I looked over at the car and saw Bear. I hated that fucker. I turned and looked forward when I heard a horn blaring. Bear's driver swerved as he tried to avoid the oncoming car. He slammed into our car.

Cody tried to gain control as the Pathfinder spun. We were hit again and again as our car spun on the small road. The scariest part was there was a cliff rising up the right side and one dropping on the other. Bears car hit us again. I saw the other car hitting the small wall that prevented cars going off the side. I then saw Pop Dawson's car hit it and flip over the car and over the side. We too hit the wall and went up and started to go o0ver but Tony's SUV hit out rear and knocked up back down on the road.

This all happened in a matter of thirty seconds or less. I had hit my head as did Cody. I instinctively as did Cody look in the back and saw that the babies we're scared and crying but were secure in their car seats. The twins were shaken and staring at us they undid their seat belts and leaned forward to check the twins. That was the last thing I remembered.

Thanks for editing Sam!

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Next: Chapter 19

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