Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 9, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 17


I have 4 weeks before I have to start work on the Disney movie. Cody and have yet had our honey moon. The kids are now six months old give or take a few days. We decided to take our honeymoon with the kids. I wanted someplace different. A place I wanted to see and also that Cody wanted to see. A place that's not a paparazzi place. We decided on Gibraltar.

We wanted to rent a house but instead I bout a townhouse condo complex. We're not bringing the Nanny's this time. It was just us, Tony, Riley and JC. So here we are circling in the private jet waiting to land. Considering the fact that we had a private jet and that commercial jets are also waiting it's not that bad that they estimated a ninety-minute holding period. Since the kids were asleep and since there was no flight crew other than the pilot and co-pilot we were alone.

Tony was up in the cock pit, I took advantage of that and gave Cody one hell of a blow job. He returned the favor. It's not anything to really get into detail it was a blowjob. Cody had just pulled up from swallowing my load and cleaning my dick with his tongue when it was announced that we were going to land. We checked the kids and fastened our seat belts.

Once we landed we disembarked. The kids in our arms we walked down the steps. Much to my joy no paparazzi. Our luggage was removed from the plane by the time we were in the airport building. The jet itself was now waiting to leave the airport for Rota Naval Air Base. We had to pay for the right to land and store the jet there. The fact that my pilots were former naval pilots helped getting permission from the United States department of defense. I made sure this was documented. I don't know why I did it but something told me to do it.

We of course were recognized as we went through the airport and across to the boarder to the car rental. Cody almost as much as me, thanks to his daily blog. We each had a child in their arms, myself I had Riley. For some reason she was more wanting me and JC was like whom ever. After a few selfies we got to the car rental.

We got the keys to the Nissan Pathfinder. We got the kids strapped in the back seat in car seats. I got into the driver's seat and took to the road. After forty-five minutes we were opening the door to the rental. It was sweet. It was modern style and a bit to white for me but it was nice.

We put the sleeping kids in the crib we had asked for in a bedroom that was next to ours. We then unpacked our clothing and our kids. Once put away we went down and hung out around the common pool. Cody remembered the baby monitor as we sat beside the pool to just relax.


Sitting beside the pool with Jason was perfect. No problems, no issues, no paparazzi and most of all no movie for the moment. I sipped my ginger ale and just soaked up afternoon sun. Jason was asleep almost as soon as his hot ass hit the chair. I on the other hand was awake. I wanted to see this big rock as ready to go almost as soon as we landed to investigate.

"Excuse me sir. Are Cody and Jason?" said a teenage boy with a definite British accent.

"Yes we are. We are hoping for a vacation away from the paparazzi." I said and added hoping he got the hint. Him being a teenager you never know though. I decided to handle fans just like Jason did, never deny, be nice but ask for privacy.

"Excellent. I am not going to post that. I just wanted to meet you and maybe ask for an autograph from both of you."

"Well Jase in asleep but I am sure we'll see each other again. I'll make sure you can get an autograph."

"Excellent. I won't bother you about it please though do not forget. I live right over there." He said pointing to a townhouse on the other side of the pool area. I heard I little gurgle on the baby monitor.

I smiled at the young man I judged to be around thirteen and then looked at an exhausted Jason. I stood up and walked towards the door when the wailing started from Riley which got the gurgling JC wailing. Jason was still out like a light though. I was debating waking him up when the young teen asked if he may help me with the little ones. I deliberated for a few seconds before saying yes.

"My name is Jordon Howell by the way." He said as he followed me up the stairs to the little nursery.

"Nice to meet you Jordon Howell." I said reaching down to shake his hand before entering what was now a room filled with screaming wailing banshees that are my children.

I picked up a thrashing JC in one arm. Before I could calm him down Jordon had Riley in his arms. She stopped wailing but the look on her face was one that asked if she should stop or start again. She started again. JC had stopped. He looked at Riley screaming. The look was somewhat comical. It was a baffled look.

Riley kept try to push away from Jordon. I shifted JC in my arms. We switched kids. Riley automatically stopped crying. JC just starred at Jordon. Jason and I already figured out the two JC was laid back while Riley was going to be intense. I changed Riley's diaper.

Yeah it was a mess. I would have laughed at Jordon's face if I wasn't holding back gagging at it. I cleaned her up powdered her and diapered her. I handed her to Jordon whom had placed JC on the changing table. He had a bottle ready for her. She got what she wanted so she was quiet for the moment.

JC's diaper was bad too. Smartly, I held the diaper up as I opened it. I had gotten the stream to many times not to learn what happens. Seriously, I don't mind a golden shower. Jason gave me a few while we were showering. Though form a baby, no way. I changed him quickly.

Bottle in hand Jordon and I switched kids. JC was more patient. He would wait for a reasonable time before getting his bottle. Riley wanted it now. I picked up Riley, not letting any break with the bottle and her mouth. Jordon picked up JC and the bottle and we made our way down to the pool side.

I hit the bottom of the steps to see Jason at the counter pouring a drink. "Dude did you hear them screaming?" I asked.

"I sure did but figured you had help so I decided to many hands wouldn't help."

"Uh huh." I said giving him the eye.

"Seriously Jordon had your back." he said as he carried a tray of drinks out towards the pool side.

"You knew my name?" asked the surprised teen.

"Not until you said it going up the stairs."


I heard a bit of the conversation between Cody and the teen. It was sweet the way he handled it. I then heard the babbling that was JC. I waited though for the wail from Riley. Then bam there it is. I kept my eyes closed for second longer. I heard the conversation and Cody agreeing to the teens help.

I may be exhausted but I am a parent too so I got up and went in. I heard the exchange of names as they climbed the staircase. I followed them quietly up the peeked into the room. I almost gave myself away as Cody opened up Riley's diaper. His face said it all. When he switched over to JC I knew that then that Jordon was ok.

I went down stairs and saw Tony out by the pool. Yeah I know we said we were alone but in actuality we are never really alone. Tony was now living in the house. His wife decided that she wanted another guy while he was working. Luckily no kids were involved. I waved at him before I poured myself a drink.

I glanced up and saw Cody giving me that eye. "Dude did you hear them screaming?"

"I sure did but figured you had help so I decided to many hands wouldn't help."

"Uh huh." Damn I loved it when he gave me that look.

"Seriously, Jordon had your back." he said as he carried a tray of drinks out towards the pool side.

"You knew my name?" asked the surprised teen.

"Not until you said it going up the stairs."

"Bro you were awake?"

"I heard the JC babbling in my dreams but when Riley did her thing I had no choice to wake up. My eyes were sort of glued shut though."

"I hear that Babe." Cody said as I followed him out with four glasses and a picture of Iced tea on a tray.

I set the Tray down on the table and Grabbed Riley from Cody. I handed her to Tony or Uncle Tony as we called him. Let's face it Tony was like big brother watching over us. I had caught him several times in the Nursery with the kids playing. Big tough Tony was real but he is more of a big pussy cat with claws.

I sat in the double wide lounge chair with Cody. We watched JC as he smiled and grabbed at Jordon as he sucked on his bottle. The one thing I knew was JC an easy going kid. Riley was an impatient at times but she would calm down if JC did. This was true in all respect except for dirty diaper and food. JC was like yeah dude when you get to it.

"Jordon are you bothering these gentlemen?" said a female voice. I opened my eyes. I hadn't realized I closed them. I saw a twenty something girl walking towards us.

"He's fine. He has been a great help." Said Cody.

"Oh your Jason Chris and you're his boyfriend." She said.

"Husband." Jordon said correcting her before we could say anything.

"Something." She said. Her accent was very close to American though different. Either way it wasn't British.

"No it isn't They are married legally all of the America's. You have to excuse my step sister she is Canadian." He said to her than us. I kind of smiled at the Canadian comment. He used it as reason for her mental slip.

"No problem." I said.

Then she did the thing that pissed me off. She pulled out her phone and started to take pictures. Tony was up in a flash. Riley in one arm the other blocking her phone. she jerked her arm and her phone flew out of her hand and into the pool.

She screamed bloody hell at that she went to hit Tony while he had Riley in his arms. I was up in a flash. I grabbed Riley who was now screaming in outrage at the contentment of Uncle Tony chillness being disturbed.

"What's going on here." Said a distinctive male voice. I knew the voice. I pulled down my glasses and saw the older man storming around the pool. I recognized him immediately Todd McCormick. He was a Canadian business man whom was a notorious asshole. Though I never had any face to face dealings with him I had a few business ones. I beat him out. lucky me he didn't know it though.

Tony stepped forward. Even in flower printed swim tucks and a tea he was an opposing figure. Even more so imposing was when Cody stood up. the man stopped.

"Daddy he attacked me. I was just trying to get a picture on Jason Chris and his boyfriend." Said the girl.

"I'll sue your faggot ass boy."

"Oh damn here we go again." I said very loudly too.

"Don't you talk." He said pointing at me.

That was all I needed to here. I can take the F word but to tell me not to talk. That was a no, no. I am American after all we have freedom of speech. "Let me tell you something mister. I will speak when I want. I will choose to have my picture taken when I want while I am home on my property which This happens to be. So I suggest sir that you back the fuck up and get the facts before you go off halfcocked.

"Do you know who I am boy?" he yelled.

"I'll tell you who is. He is Prince Jason Alexander of the house of Christos and Gl?cksburg. Also know Jason Chris, actor, singer, American Living treasure, who also happens to be the fortieth wealthiest man in the world. He also happens to my friend sir." Said the voice from the door. I turned and grinned at the bright red head who looked like he was ready for a fight.

McCormick looked at him and his jaw dropped. He turned and looked at his daughter and then at Jordon, whom was grinning ear to ear. There was a story there. I'll get it later I thought to myself. He glared then at his daughter. You can tell he was now really pissed at her for getting him in middle of the problem that is not coming upon him.

"Your highness. I didn't realize That these were your friends." He said to Harry.

"Did that matter sir. Also may ask what you meant when you said these.? As I said you are talking about a prince of two houses and two countries and is considered a National Treasure of another. I might also add that he is also a going to honorary knight of England soon. So you might know he is a favorite of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II."

"I stand corrected your highness. I apologize to you." McCormick said.

"In the words of my buddy Jazzy Chris. Whatever." Harry totally dismissed him.

McCormick looked over at me as I went over to give Harry a hug. Instead he grabbed Riley from me. "How's my god daughter doing today?" he said to a wide eyed Riley. Riley being happy to see that she had total attention was all talk.

"I see your doing wonderful. Other than needing a nappy change." He said wrinkling his nose and trying to hand him off to Cody then me, then to Tony.

"We have a rule first to notice is the first to change." Said Cody, making Tony and I laugh. I heard Jordon giggle over by the chairs.

"Well, I see. I am caught deep in shit." He said in his most serious tone.

Cody directed harry up to the makeshift nursery. I smiled. I wondered how many diapers he had changed. I strolled to the chairs and sat down. Tony sat down with a napping JC. I glanced over at Jordon who smiled but was somewhat less relaxed. It was if he had a bomb attached to him in the middle of a mall.

"Jordon! My dad says to get your fucking ass home right now." Came the screech from his stepsister. I looked over and it was a slightly younger version of her. Another version.

He smiled sheepishly at me and slowly walked over to the sliding doors. As he enters they were shut and the curtains drawn. I could hear yelling but couldn't make it out. I looked over at Tony and he was watching the door across the pool too.


Our first full day at Gibraltar. Harry had left that night after delivering personally the offer of honorary knighthood by Her Majesty. We prepared a basket lunch and put it in the cooler along with baby formula and some soft baby food. We loaded the car with umbrella's coolers and a bag of diapers and loads of sunscreen.

We drove to the beach on the opposite side of the rock. Personally I think we could have walked it faster. Though with the kids and all the stuff we had to carry we'd be exhausted by the time we got there.

I got behind the wheel after we had the kids strapped in. Tony followed behind us closely. The Governor, Sir James Dutton also assigned a police guard. Jason asked to be sent a bill for their service. I understood the reasoning. It's for our safety as well as other people. Paparazzi and all that.

We hung on the beach for 3 hours. Jason wore a speedo that just accented every inch of his hotness. He tried to get me to wear speedos I did but I still have my board shorts on. Jason was immediately recognized but except for a few people we were left alone. By two we were heading home.

The next few days we just did some sightseeing. The third day we strolled and did some shopping. The kids need new clothes they are growing faster than a weed. At almost six months riley was becoming pretty dominate over JC who was still smaller. JC would take her hits in the head in stride. Jason and I spent a lot of time with both kids. Riley though wanted all the time from both of us.

We talked later that night about what to do about Riley's need for all the attention. We decided that the only thing we could do was to be firm in our equal attention. If she threw a fit, let her. I was awakened by my cellphone ringing.

"Hello." I said glancing over at Jason who was knuckling sleep out of his eyes.

"Cody, this is Dad. I need yours and Jason's help."

"What's up Dad?"

"I have to get the twins out of her reach."

"Dad I am putting you on speaker phone so Jas can here you. Ok dad on speaker repeat that."

"I have to get the twins out of that psycho bitches reach. Oops hope they not bugging this phone."

"Impossible Dad. That has the same system used in government only better." Said Jason.

Listen Dad. I'll have two plane tickets ready for them at PHL." I told him.

"Fuck that I send the plane. Faster and more secure." Jason said. He then Grabbed his phone and made a call. It was set the plane would be there about nine hours from now at PHL airport.

We talked for a little bit longer. It was late for us but early still for him. After he promised to have my brothers there by nine am the next morning we bid our good nights and curled up. Jason was asleep with five minutes. It took me a lot longer.


Cody stayed home with our cranky kids. The paparazzi had found us so we decided on keeping the kids home and tomorrow we would pack up and head off too my Dads home in Denmark. So here I was waiting for the plane to land. I had obtained a temporary spot for the plane for forty-eight hours. Not that we need that much time.

I watched the plane land. I don't think anywhere in the world that auto traffic gets stope Plane crossing than here. It's an amusing sight. The plane taxied back towards the terminal. Five minutes after the plane landed. I watched two fifteen year boys walking towards me and Tony.

Luke Three days ago I didn't know what to expect. I don't know what Dad told Cody and Jason about Mom's flipping out on me. If it wasn't for Duke, I don't know what would have happened. Duke and me came home from goofing around with our friends. We both ran up to our room we shared.

Mom was sitting on my bed. On the desk was my lap top. On the screen was my porn. Gay porn. She turned and looked at me and said I don't want another faggot for a son. She stood up and walked over like she was going to pass by me. instead she hit me with an iron on the side of the head. It all went black.

I woke to Duke washing my face with tears in his eyes. " Can you stand?" I nodded and stood up with his help.

"Where is she?" I asked Duke. My head was pounding.

"she went to get Reverend Poultry. We need to get out of here." He said as he sat me down on his bed.

He grabbed two overnight bags and started filling them with our clothes. I watched. I was trying to make sense of everything that happened and what was happening. "Duke You mad at me for being gay?"

He stopped filling the bags and kneeled in front of me. "You my brother. I love you. It doesn't matter. Besides I already knew. I got your back bro."

"You knew? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I figured when you were ready you be tellin' me."

I left it at that. I didn't ask any more questions. Duke finished packing our bags he threw min at me. I looked in it. Dumb ass packed for me like it was him. He don't wear underwear I do. I went to my dresser and shoved half a dozen pairs in the bag. I zipped it up and turned and saw him staring at me.


"I though queers go commando to show their wares bro." he said laughing.

"Jason wears Undies." I said as I waited to find out his plan. He was the one who did the planning. I was the one that laughed when they went screwy.

"True but Jason has too. He can't afford to get dick pics on the internet."

"true. So what's the plan?"

"We get our cash and buy some train tickets to Philly. Let's go be the holy one shows up with herself."

We shouldered our bags and snuck out the back door. We jumped the neighbor behind our house's fence and snuck around their house in the thick bushes to the street behind ours. We ran down State road. We turned on Evan's street. We walked across the Hospital parking lot. We figured we were somewhat safe right at that point. We also needed to catch our breath. When we got to Griffin street we ran the short distance to the train station. WE stopped and looked at each other.

"Money." We said in unison. We both laughed We hadn't done that in a long time said shit together without think of it. We jogged down to the Wells Fargo atm. Even though we had a few thousand dollars each in accounts, it would only allow us to with draw four hundred each. We took that out.

We walked back to the train station where we bought tickets to Philadelphia. The only ones available were coach seats at three hundred and forty each. We got them. The only thing is the next train leaves at eleven thirty the next morning. It was now almost midnight. We Mom was looking for us by now or hopefully waiting for us to come home.

We went to our friend Steve's house. we Knocked on the door and when he saw he came out fast and pulled us around the side. "Your mom's pissed dudes. She was here looking for you with the Reverend. Kentucky fried." Which was what a lot of non-religious crazy kids called Reverend Poultry.

Duke and I looked at each other wondering what she said. "So is it true bro about you being you know?" he asked me. Question answered.

"It's not you know bro, it's gay if that's a problem we can take care of it and leave." Duke said flexing a little.

"Not a problem my cousin is gay."

"Cool, listen man, we need a place to hide until ten tomorrow morning."

He stood there for a second thinking. "You can't stay in the house my mom would dime you but I have an idea."

We followed him around the back it was dark the trees blocked the street lights so we were able to get to a small shack behind the garage. It was an old chicken coop we used to use as a fort as kids. That was actually last month. Don't judge bro.

We climbed in and closed the widow shutters before turning on the bare bulb light hanging down. There were to large car seats we used as couches against the wall. The was a table a few penthouse mags and an old TV.

"Listen bro's I'll try and sneak you out some food." He said before flipping off the light and left. Once the door was shut we turned on the lights. We plugged in our lap tops and watched an old TV show on I don't know why but as we watched major dad I started crying.

Duke pulled me over and I cried into his lap. I awoke the next morning cuddled up with my brother. When we were little we'd always cuddle up in one of our twin beds. Somewhere along the line it had stopped. I hadn't realized how much I missed cuddling up with Duke. He was like a security blanket.

I woke up and opened the little door that was the chicken door and later became our piss door. I felt Duke shove me to the side and he pissed too. "Damn dude I ain't seen your dick in a while. Even our dicks are the same." He giggled.

We checked our watches seven thirty. I plugged in my charger for my laptop once it was charged Duke did the same. By nine Steve came out.

"Sorry rents being a bitch last night. Here are some PBJ's best I could do sorry>"

We thanked Steve and bumped fists. We headed towards an ATM and withdrew another four hundred each. We then made to the train station a few minutes before the train was leaving. We boarded the train.

I heard the all aboard call. I panicked though when I saw my mother and the Reverend talking to the ticket girl. I was glad we bought our tickets last night. She wouldn't be able to say she saw us. The train pulled out.

The ride up to Philadelphia was long. Each stop along the way a panicked. Duke laughed when I did but I knew he was a bit concerned each time. Our Mother was wacko religious and would follow us if had any idea we were on the train.

We pulled into Penn Central station in Philadelphia. Though both have been in the city a few months ago. And were given the tour as Jason called it we really didn't know shit. As to where we are compared to where the Compound was. We stepped off the train and followed the crowd upwards to the above ground.

The station was massive. It looked like something I seen in a movie once. Duke pulled me over to the pay phone. we had turned off our cell phones so they can't be tracked. Between the two of us we could only remember Billy's cell phone. he refused to change cell numbers. Good thing to he wouldn't know his number if he did. The thing that was changed though was the area code so I dialed the number 267 555 5555.

"What you need?" Billy answered.

"Billy this is Duke. Luke and need you to pick us up." I looked around and almost shit my pants. I saw my Mom. I tugged on Duke he turned and saw what I was looking at.

"UM ok I can start out later tomorrow. Little bro."

"No Now."

"Bro I can't be driving the far without no proper restin."

Duke hit his head. "Sorry Billy. We're in Philly at the big train station. You know where I am talking about?"

"You the Penn Station at thirtieth street." He said over the phone that duke and I Had at our ears. Another passion of Billy's was trains.

"Yeah that's the one near the river. Big old thing looks like the Compounds foyer. Hurry bro." I said panicking now so bad I was about to pee myself.

"Ok you boys wait out near the big columns near the city."

"We can't. How long will it take you to get here?"

"bout three quarter bro."

"Ok I will turn my phone on at that time. Please hurry Billy."

"Bro what trouble you in?"

"Tell you when You pick us up."

"OK bro. I gots a feeling yer momma went over the deep end. She finds out you queer Luke?"

"Just get here Billy please."

"On the round now. Look fer the Packard."

We turned to see her coming towards us. I looked around and pulled Duke with us. We ducked into the men's room. We sat down in a corner against the wall in a clean spot. We rested our heads against each other's head. We got a few strange looks and a proposition from some old fat dude in a suit. Ay the forty-five-minute mark I turned on my phone. I called Billy.

"Almost ther little bro's."

We took a deep breath and step out of the restroom. Her back was back to us talking to some guy in a uniform. We slipped past and ran towards the doors. We ran out the doors. Fuck man on the wrong side. We started to run around the building it was huge. We saw the Packard near the columns. We ran to the car and dived through the open windows. Just as momma came running out with the cop. "Nice moves lil bros. So I guess she knows your queer Luke?"

"What the fuck man does everyone know?"

"Em don't know. Don't know if yer Dad knows but I think Jason knows but he didn't say. He just pretty smart when it comes to people and other things."

"How did you know?' I asked.

"Just figured it out. You're into sports and all like yer are Duke but you didn't look at girls like him."

"That don't mean anything." I said still not believing he figured it out by himself. I mean I love Billy and all he is cool for a brother-in-law but he not the brightest star in the sky.

"Bro I ain't as dull as people thing I am. I don't read good and that but I knows stuff. Mr. Kane say's I got street smarts."

We talked for a while as we were followed by cop car for about twenty minutes as we weaved through the streets towards Lynnwood. Eventually the cop car pulled off our tail. We reached the gates to the compound. There were no paparazzi there.

Mr. Kane greeted us and said our Dad was in the city staying at Jason's condo for the night because he was doing some business for Cody and Jason. He said our room was ready but to go out to the kitchen because Mrs. Kane had something to fill us up with.

Thanks for editing Sam!

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Next: Chapter 18

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