Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 8, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 16


I was thrilled that they decided to start shooting the movie on April 18, They would also be filming entirely in the United States. I was thrilled because I could take Cody and the kids with me. Instead of me taking my private jet I took them up on the commercial flight tickets. First class of course. It had been a while since I had been on a commercial flight.

During the tour it had been my private jet. It was cost effective then but wasn't cost effective now. It was the difference of hundreds of thousands of dollars. So here we are Cody, the nanny and an assistant for her, the kids and me. We didn't go unnoticed though I signed a few autographs after we took off.

I sat back holding a fidgeting JC. He didn't want to sleep. Cody smiled at me as he held a sleeping Riley. Nanny was just relieved that we were holding the kids. I felt for her as JC had become more vocal and excitable over the past month. It's not that we didn't spend a lot of time with them. When it was feeding time we fed them. We called that Daddy time. She of course did the night feeding.

We hired her an assistant just so she could have some private time. We let her interview and hire the young man she decided on. I have to admit I like the guy. He was twenty-two and was going to start teaching elementary school come September. He was a good looking guy in a scrawny way. But Joey was good with the kids. He though had to do his interview for his teaching job. He would join us in two days.

I tried to read the script. It was hard to concentrate with JC grabbing the script and pulling on some part of my head. Like an ear, nose or hair. The teenage girl took pity me on me while Cody laughed at my predicament.

"Mr. Chris can I hold him while you try to read that? I promise not to drop him I baby sit all the time."

"Thanks. I'd appreciate it. my husband seems to think it's funny. What's your name?" I said handing over a restless JC.

"Erica." She said smiling as JC couldn't decide to be pissed that I dumped him on Erica or to be curious about the new lap he was on.

She started talking to JC, who seemed to forget about me for now. I started reading the script. It was a hard script because of the slang used. I didn't have a chance to go over it as much as I wanted to with Cody as I wanted to. I just needed to mesmerize the lines for the first scene we were doing.


I had never been seen a movie made not alone been on a set. When Jason came out of wardrobe. I felt my dick twitch. He looked hot in his cowboy type clothes. The movie was about a Billy the Kid and called Renegade. The twist was that they weren't making Billy the kid as a bad boy.

I watched as Jason ran and jumped on a horse. The first time he didn't quite make it. he did the scene again and did it perfectly. The horse took off down the street in the old western town. The town was fake of course. This was the second week of the filming. They were actually on schedule.

Lea Michele was playing the female lead which as actually more supporting role to Jason who was Billy the Kid. She would constantly grand stand her roll and try to make every scene they did about her. All her scenes had to retook at least a dozen times. Jason though did all his scenes in one take if she wasn't there.

Well that was if it wasn't a horse trick scene that is. Jason could ride very well We had taken the horses and round them around the track when we needed to get out of the house. The hottest ride we had was when we shared a horse. We ended up fucking against a tree with the Paparazzi a few yards away from us. We were well hidden by the tall hedges so it was safe but hot.

Jason was getting a cool fifty million do the film. As the director said his last film was a box office phenomenon. His concert tour was being called the record highest in the century. He was hot as far as celebrities go. Jason was on a natural high after the days shooting despite Lea's primo donna attitude. Seriously, she famous for Glee for Christ's sake I thought to myself.

"Jason Lea come over here please." said the director, Duncan Jones.

"I am going to save yours and Jason's scenes last. I want to do Jason's first." He told Lea. I knew first hand that he was getting annoyed with her slowing them down. He and the Assistant Director had talked it over and decided that if they did Jason's first without her they might finish on time.

"That doesn't work for me. I was told I would be done in four weeks. So I need to do mine first. It's not my fault he can't do a scene with a woman." She said.

"Actually this is not up for vote. We are doing Jason's scenes first." said Duncan. Anyone with a brain could tell that this was not up for negotiation.

"No. I refuse. I have to be somewhere in two weeks." She said, crossing her arms.

"Either way we won't be done in two weeks. You were told this would take six weeks to film. So we do it my way." He said to her through gritted teeth. Duncan Jones seemed to an easy going guy. The thing is that she had a way of pissing people off.

"Either we do it my scenes first or I walk." She said.

"I'll inform the producer that you have quit." He said walking away.

"Go suck a dick bitch." She yelled after him.

"He may not suck on tonight but I am. I need to celebrate that I will actually have someone that can act better than a blind pig." Said Jason and walked towards me leaving a Lea with her mouth wide open.

He smiled and kissed me. "Gi8ve me your phone babe." I handed him my phone. he punched in my code and dialed a number. While it was ringing he looked over at the storming and totally pissed Lea. I don't know who he called but he left a message for them to call him on my phone or his.

We went to our trailer. The kids were asleep. They would sleep through the night now. Jason and I curled up on the sofa while I went over lines with him. Thirty minutes later there was a soft knock on the door. I answered it. Duncan smiled and asked to come in. I stepped back and let him pass. I excused myself. I was only across the room. So I could hear the conversation. I had started a blog two months ago about my life with Jason. I had over a million fans. It wasn't anything detailed just our normal happenings door the Day. like Prince Harry's joke On Justin Timberlake. I always got Jason's approval or anyone else's before I submitted it. harry and Justin both said to submit it that night. It boosted my fan base drastically.

"Jason lea has agreed to do it my way. So she will be staying." He told Jason.

What Jason said surprised the fuck out of me. "Then you'll have to find another Billy the kid. I won't work with her any longer."

"Jason you can't be serious. We have spent close to twenty hours filming your scenes. That and the facts that your perfect for the part and your name will help sell the film. There's too much invested. If you don't do the part, they will shut it down."

"Then I suggest you replace her. She can't act and she sucks as a person. In other words, the movie or her."

Just then there was a loud pounding on the door. JC who was light sleeper woke up and started wailing waking up his sister who joined in. I frowned and went to get the kids while Jason went to the door.


What the fuck I thought as I went to answer r the door. "I am doing the movie. I decided that you need me." said Lea pushing her way in.

"My God how can you stand that crying." She said sitting down on the sofa throwing the script on the floor. She then noticed Duncan standing by the kitchen table. "Oh you told him the good news?"

"He told you decided to stay. I told him if you stay I walk." I said standing at the door.

"Well, to be honest you're not too believable as Billy the Kid. you should stick to movies for your people." She said smiling.

"Actually I agreed to Jason's request just now. If it comes between Jason and you I chose Jason. Actually it's a no brainer as the backers are backing Jason more than the movie."

"You can't do that. I have a contract."

"You broke that contract when you quit." Said Duncan.

"You said you'd forget that. So I am still under that contract. If you don't honor it, I will sue you both." She was screaming like a banshee.

"No I said I will talk to Jason first. If he agreed I will keep you. Since he evidently doesn't agree you're not hired back." he said to her. I just stood there and smiled and waited for the inevitable next comment.

"I'll go to the producer and he will agree with me." and there it was.

I picked up my cell and speed dialed the number. After the third ring it was answered. "Hey Chan, where are you right now? Really cool see you then." I said into the phone.

He is on his way he'll be here in twenty minutes. In the mean time I ask that your lea please keep your voice down. My kids need to sleep. Second I now need a drink, does anyone else want one?"

I fixed everyone a drink. Duncan and enjoyed a stiff Grey Goose on the rocks. Lea drank the same with seven up. Duncan and both flinched at that. Don't mix the goose we both had talked about on a few nights he had come over to play with e kids. He was a good guy. Even though he was tough on the set and considered a bit off in his directing.

While I waited for Chan to get here the nanny and Joey came in and picked up the kids and took them to their trailer. Cody sat down next to me as they took the kids from our arms. My cell phone rang. I looked at the number and stood up as I answered it. "Hold on second." I said and stepped out into the humid air of Southern California.

"Hey girl, are you doing anything for the next month or so? Cool. How would like a nice part in the movie I am doing? Well she quit and then tried to get back in. The truth is she can't act worth a damn and is a total cunt. I don't know, I'll have the producer of Director call your manager. Ok cool yeah you'll have to be out here ASAP. Bye Smylie. See you soon." I hung up the phone.

I saw head lights in the distance so I waited. I was rewarded for my foresight. The car pulled up and Channing Tatum stepped out of the Dodge Ram. He walked over and gave me a hug. I hadn't seen him since the wedding. Before that since we started White Flag Productions and then it was on the set of Hazard, where he played Jared.

"So how bad is it?" he asked me.

"bad enough that I decided it's me or her."

"Fuck dude that's bad then. You get along with most people or just ignore them at best." He said as we walked into the trailer.

"So Duncan what's the problem?" He said as he stepped inside.

"Well first she quit then wants back in. I said let me talk to Jason he said him or her."

"Like I said what's the Problem? The film isn't worth shit without Jason. She quit. Find a replacement."

"I will sue you." She yelled as she stood up and threw a glass at me hitting me in the head. Channing grabbed Cody before he was able to get to her.

"I think you better get out my set. As far as suing me it's the other way around little girl you quit. I am going to sue for the cost of the wasted film." Said Channing still holding to Cody.

"So let's Find someone to replace asap." He said as she left the trailer. Duncan was on his phone calling security to get her around until she was off the set.

"I have someone in mind. I talked to her. She waiting for someone to call her manager."

"Who?" the three said in unison. I laughed at the fact that Cody said it.

"Mylie Cyrus."

"Are you serious?" Channing said looking at me.

"I sure am. I have worked with at Disney if you remember." I said.

"That would be awesome." Said Duncan. "She has the added edge we need."

"Who's her manager." Channing asked.

I dialed my cell phone and handed it to him. "Hello. This Channing Tatum. No I don't need to be represented." Chan said looking at me with a smirk and mouthing asshole to me. Cody and looked at me too.

"We have the same manager." I said.

Well I am calling for a part for large part Mylie Cyrus in a movie I am producing. Renegade. Yeah he recommended her. She quit and Jason refused to work with her when tried to come back. Yes, I agree that is odd for him to do that. Great let me know I'll have someone get her as soon as she can get here."

Channing sat down and took my drink and downed it. He handed me the glass and I refilled it. I then reached into his pocket and took his keys and tossed them to Duncan. As great a guy as Channing Tatum is when he started drinking he didn't stop. He wasn't a big drinker just when he let lose he let lose. I took his pho0ne and called his wife. I told her what was up. She laughed and thanked me.

Cody the next morning I padded to the only bathroom naked as I always in the morning. I peeked into the living room to see Channing Tatum still asleep on the couch. After Duncan left the night before saying no filming today. We stripped down a passed out Channing down to his undies and left him of the couch snoring away. I had to admit it was kind of hot stripping him down but stripping down a passed out Jason a few minutes later was hotter.

The rest of the day Jason and I spent the day with the kids giving the nanny's the day off. I talked to my dad who was now living at the compound along with Billy and Emily. He was fighting for the twins. He was down in the dumps. He was working on the grounds and fixing little things around the house.

I talked to Jason about it later that night in bed about my dad and the twins. He said not to worry the lawyers were some of the best in the country. They will think of something and get the boys away from her. Jason was an angel about it all.

My mother had gone public making false accusations about Jason. The paparazzi ate it up. Jason in turn sued her for defamation of character. They also put a restraining order on her. If it was me I would have hired someone to off her. Ok maybe a bit extreme. Especially when I am talking about my mother. I don't care though. Either way Jason agreed to stop the lawsuit if she stayed quite.

Growing up with her was pure hell. She was why I joined the marines when I turned eight-teen. I never moved back after I got out either. I never talked her. I called my dad at work and he would give the phone to the twins to call me when she went out. Emily had always been intimidated by her. Billy well you know about him Dufus with anything but cars.

Miley appeared on set the next day. Within a week they were only a week behind schedule. This mainly due to the fact that they had to reshoot all the previous scenes done with Lea. By the end of the next week they were back on schedule. They had a week to go.

The chemistry between Mylie and Jason was great. They wo0rked and hung out and went over the lines they did together. I admit I was a bit jealous at first but Jason still needed to go over lines for other scenes. Especially the ones he did with Kellen Lutz who was playing the friend of Billy the Kid, Pat Garret.

During the last week the movie was on schedule and the unthinkable happened. The guy who was to play Dick Brewer was sent to the hospital with appendicitis. Jason came over to me and asked me what I feared he was gonna do.

"Cody, can you play the part of Dick Brewer?'

"Ah Jason you know how I get."

"I know but I'll be there the whole time like when we were on stage."

After a minute of pleading and giving his sweet begging me look I gave in. I was sent to make-up. No big thing I was used to that after being on stage with him during the tour. Wardrobe though was torture. I am a private person and to have strange hands groping and pulling things that I thought of as Jason's was a bit embarrassing.

I knew the lines as I did them over and over and again last night with Jason. I must have been convincing because after the second take I heard Duncan say, print. Over the next three days I did my part. I glad though when I was done my scenes. By the end of the week the movie was done. We ended one day past schedule and a just slightly over the budget.

Thanks for editing Sam!

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If this story gets your interest read Hazard in the high school or rural sections.

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Next: Chapter 17

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