Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 4, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 14


I woke up with Cody spooning me. He was holding me tight against his body. It was the greatest feeling in the world. I looked at how he held his hand over mine. I could see our wedding rings in our entwined fingers. I smiled at the knowledge that I had the best guy in the world married to me. I left out a sigh of contentment. I dozen back off.

I woke to Cody sliding his cock into me. I was surprised it went in so easily. Then I remembered the amount of cum he had dumped into me last night. I was pre-lubed with Cody lubrication. I Moaned when I felt the head slip inside past the outer ring of my hole. He pulled me tight against his chest as he trusted in deeper.

"Oh damn Baby you feel so good. Your ass was made for my cock." He whispered into my ear as started to rhythmically thrusted in and out of me. He hit my button every time he thrusted.

" Shut up and Fuck me Cody." I moaned and pushed back against his pole trying to get more in me.

Cody complied to me demand. He lifted my left leg up and moved so that he was kneeling between my legs as he slid his cock deeper inside of me. I could feel his balls bouncing on my right thigh as he pumped. He once again shifted our position. He was now on top. I looked up as his face as he started to move slower but deeper inside of me. we just stared at each other. The fact that he was no longer hitting my prostate didn't matter. Just staring at each other's face while we made love was a turn on.

I warped my legs around his waist as he leaned in closer. He just stared into my eyes as he moved deeply into me. The look on his face was beautiful. It was a look of love and devotion. I reached up and touched his cheek. He leaned forward and kissed me. I felt myself coming as his kissed me. I moan and felt my cock erupt between us. I also felt his cock expand, then pump out his own jizz into me.

We just laid there with him on top of me his cock stayed inside of me until it softened and popped out. I Felt so empty all of the sudden. It wasn't like I could feel him in me like when he was hard. It was more like he wasn't connected physically anymore. He moaned as he nuzzled my neck.

"I want to stay inside you forever babe." He said mirroring my thoughts.

"I do too. Somehow I don't think the world is ready to see me on the screen or stage while your dick is in my ass." I giggled.

" Fuck them."

"Sorry, I can't I am a married man." I said pushing Cody off me and rolling out of bed.

I walked slowly into the bathroom and started to empty my bladder. Cody stepped up beside me and did the same. We of course did the kid/man thing and crossed swords as we peed. We then without words walked to the shower and washed each other up. I loved the feeling of have his strong hands on my body and feeling his strong muscles undermine.

We rinsed off and kissed. I have to say we find more reasons to kiss. We just finished showering, kiss. He walked into the room after being gone ten seconds, kiss. He smiled at me, kiss. You get the picture. We really didn't need a reason other than we loved each other.


Jason and walked into the kitchen around ten that morning. Poor Jason though. I could tell by the way he is walking he was a bit sore. Not that he was complaining. Three of the seven times we went at it he initiated it. That doesn't include the first time when I rode his dick. We grabbed some Danish and coffee, then went across the hallway to the parlor.

"There you blokes are." Piped Harry as we walked into the room.

"Yep here are. Would have been up earlier but we wanted to extend our alone time" I said.

"Quite alright. Just as long as you consummated your marriage." Harry grinned and wiggled his eye brows.

"Oh we consummated it. Did a half a dozen consummations to make sure we did it right too." I said.

"I accepted that you're going to live this perverted sinful life but I refuse to listen to it." I heard the woman say from behind me.

"Why are you here, Mother." Jason said before I could react. I don't care if she is Jason's mother or not I refuse to let anyone dis my husband.

"To be with the son I love." She said.

"Yeah, sure." Jason said. The tone basically said fucking liar.

I sat down on the old style settee across from Harry. Jason sat beside me and pulled my arm around his shoulders. I think he did this for two reasons One he loved me but mostly to piss off his mother. I squeezed his shoulder and leaned over and kissed his cheek. Might as well turn the thumb screws as my granny would say.

Jason and I giggled at the look on her face. If she could she'd probably be throwing holy water on us right now. I looked over at Harry and he had that amused look on his face. He also looked like he was about to pull some prank.

Before Jason or I could react. Harry bolted up and planted a kiss on Jason and then on me. "Sorry blokes but you two are just to forking sexy to resist." he said straddling our laps.

"OH my lord, your faggot too?" I heard Jason's mom blurted out.

"Excuse me?" said another female voice from the entryway to the parlor.

We all looked over to see Kate and William standing there both hold hot cups of coffee and some Danish.

"I didn't know that the prince was a faggot." Said Lydia, Jason's mother.

"If I ever hear you say that word again I will though you out on your hypocritical ass." Jason said softly through gritted teeth.

"It's just a word to describe your kind of people." She said defending herself.

"Harry, William and Kate I am so sorry for her ignorant comments." Jason said turning to the others.

"Where's Christof?" I asked to change the topic.

"Oh he is making a few business calls. I told him to use your study. I hope that is alright." Said Harry.

"Tell me about him Harry." Jason asked. Glad for the subject change.

"He seems like a nice enough bloke. Gramps seems to think he is the only one that's human on that side of the family."

"I remember him saying once that Christof is the only one of those Glucksbergs that has enough brain cells to have a stable thought." Piped in William.

"Why are my ears ringing?" said an accented voice from the doorway.

"Because we are talking about you>" said Harry.

"Don't believe everything this imp tells you." Said Christof. "The butler asked me to inform you that brunch will be ready at eleven." He added.

"I'll have to talk to him about that. He shouldn't have quests pass on information like that." Said Jason.

"Entirely my fault. I took a wrong turn and ended up in the kitchen. He said he would show me the way back as he wanted to pass on that information. I told him to just point me in the right direction and I would gladly pass it on." Said Christof.


I had some mixed feelings about Christof aka my father. I also had a lot of questions. I wanted to know more I looked at the clock, Ten fifteen. I looked at Cody who was bantering back and forth with Harry. William and Kate would join in once in a while. It amazed me sometimes how down to earth they were sometimes.

"I think we need to talk don't we Jason." Said Christof.

I nodded my agreement and rose. I told Cody I'll see him at brunch. Christof rose too as we walked out of the room followed by my mother. "I think this should be just a conversation for Jason and myself Lydia." Said Christof. I watched as she turned and walked back to the parlor. I could tell she was unhappy about it.

"I heard you have quite a car collection.? How about you show me it?"

W gathered out coats and walked out the side door. We strolled down towards the garage. We didn't say anything other than talk about my car collection. M I was proud of it I started when I was sixteen. One o0f the few thing Pops indulged me. By indulge I mean he was in control of my money. I got an allowance. Yeah it was nice sized but it was still under his control. He invested it though.

"How did you get involved into collecting cars?"

"I always had a thing for older cars. Back in the day they hard personality and flair. Today most look like cousins with just a few different features."

"How many do you have?"

"Forty-two. I am going to expand the garage come spring." I said smiling as we entered the large garage. I had hired an engineer to make the plans for a three level addition with a car elevator. An architect will fix the exterior to match the rest of the garage. Like I said, I was proud my collection.

"Amazing collection. Do have any favorites?" He said as we stood at the far end of the fifty-six by forty-foot garage.

"Do you have a favorite?" he asked as he started to walk down the center.

"I love them all but I have to admit I have a thing for the 32 Bugatti, the 36' Auburn, that was nick names the car of the stars, and the 49 Talbot Lago T26 Grand Sports car." I answered.

We stopped at each of them. I watched as he looked them over closely. "They are beautiful cars." he said as looked over the Lago.

Jason, I want you to know that I didn't know about you until you were ten. I saw you in a movie my nephews were watching. My sister commented that you looked just like me when I was ten. After seeing the credits and the name Jason Chris I did some investigating and got you birth date. After adding up the months I then contacted your mother. She told me to contact your grandfather."

"Are you going to say Pops wouldn't let you see me?"

"Not at all. That was my decision. I figured you were happy and I wasn't ready to be a father. I was a bit of a playboy at the time. I asked you Pops not to tell you about me. I would check in though and see how things are going though. I figured if you were ready you'd come find me and hopefully I would be mature enough to handle the idea of being a father."

"You did though come to find me."

"Only to keep an eye on your mother. When I found out you were marrying Cody, I called her to get more information on Cody to make sure he wasn't pulling some scam. When she said her anti-gay sentiments. I knew I had to come if anything to try and keep her from ruining the ceremony."

"I see." Was all I could think to say.

"It does not matter to me that you are gay. What matters is that your happy. We may never have a father and son relationship but I hope we can have some type of relationship."

"I'd like that."

"So would I. I also need to tell you I have been giving her an allowance for the past five years. I think it is near equal to what you give her yearly."

"Oddly I am not surprised. With all her religious holier than thou crap she is still a heartless cold woman. Nothing compared to what I would Christian like."

"I can see that. I think we better get back. From what I saw and smelled in that kitchen, brunch is something we don't want to miss."


Jason and Christof entered the dining room as I sat down at the end of the table. I was relieved. His mother was about to be punched out. Not by, me by Kate Windsor. Her remarks about Jason and me were way out of line. I almost fell on the floor when Kate finally said. "Madam, as a mother I am more concerned about my daughter's happiness, safety than I am about whom she may love in the future. I always thought that it would be a universal ideal among mothers." Lydia didn't say another word.

Jason and Christof came into the large formal dining room. He looked over at me and smiled as he and Christof filled their plates from the sideboard. Mrs. Kane went all out with the brunch. There was every breakfast food imaginable there. Scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon something called scrapple, I learned that's a Philadelphia thing. The also was pancakes, French toast, kippers and other foods that I had no idea existed. I pigged out. I waited for Jason to finish filling his plate before taking a seat.

I watched as Jason piled up his plate with eggs, sausages, bacon and scrapple. He avoided the pancakes and French toast, he wasn't much for sweet stuff. He walked over to towards the table and we sat down near the end. Christof took the seat on my right side while Jason was on my left. We all dug into our food.

I looked around at all the quests that were still there at the house. Brad and Angela, all the former members of Nsync minus Lance Bass and his Husband and their spouses with the exception of Josh who came dateless. Princes Harry and William along with Princess Kate, Ellen and Porsha, and Kathy and her husband, were seated down at the other end of the long table. There were a total of twenty people at the table. Jason had told me the table can be enlarged to seat forty people. TMZ was there filming it all.

Lydia looked very uncomfortable seated next to Brad and Angela who were talking about how beautiful the wedding was and how they were waiting for the day when gay people can be married in every state. Harry almost choked when Angela said to Lydia "You must be thrilled to see your son happily married to such a good man."

Lydia looked across at Jason and me. "I rather him have a real marriage as God intended between a man and woman. Fagotry is a sin against God and that man has corrupted my son."

Jason placed his napkin onto his plate and stood up. Though his actions were calm the look on his face was anything but calm. "I would like to speak with you, Lydia along with my father, Kathy and Cody in the study after brunch. I apologize for her ignorance." He said to people at the table before he turned and went of the dining room. I assumed to the library. From experience on dealing with Jason when he was angry like this was to leave him alone to calm down.

After brunch Christof Lydia and I went to the library. I went in first and saw Jason on the phone. he looked at up at us as we entered. "Just get it done please. I don't pay that amount of money to lawyers to hear them say it will take time. I want it done today. Just find a judge to sign off on it." he said and hung up the phone.

"Please sit down dad and Lydia." He said gesturing towards two chairs. Jason pulled me close and sat down on the matching leather loveseat. He grabbed my hand and smiled at me before kissing my cheek. His face was relaxed now. He actually looked like he was about to jump up and sing.


I couldn't believe she actually said that. She had been told by Pops and the lawyers that she was to keep her feels about my sexuality silent and away from the media. I wasn't worried about TMZ airing the brunch. Harvey was doing the filming for me as a favor for allowing and exclusive to the wedding. As he put it was his wedding gift since he couldn't attend and a thank you.

To say I was pissed was an understatement. It took every ounce of my being to not reach across the table and drag her by her hair through the house and throw her out the door. Instead I stood up calmly and asked that the three people that this affected meet me in the library after brunch. I went directly to the Library and called my lawyers. I figured I pay them enough to be there they better do what I want right away.

I had just finished up the call when Cody followed by Kathy, my father and her. I can no longer call her my mother. Fuck I can't even bare to look at her not alone to have to say her name. Calling her my mother was out of the question. When we were all seated. I smiled at Cody and took his hand.

" I have come to a decision. First off Lydia." I was interrupted by her.

"I am your mother. I did not give you permission to address me by my given name. I did not raise you to be a disrespectful not alone a fag." She said angrily.

"Let's get one thing clear. You did not raise me, my Grandfather did. You were too busy drinking and drugging since I was six. Secondly be glad I am calling you Lydia and not what I really want to call you. Thirdly, you don't know what it is to be a mother. A mother does not black mail their child." Jason said smiling the whole time.

"I have talked to my lawyers and waiting to hear back from them. As soon as I do you will have twenty-four hours to vacate the house. You will take nothing but your clothing and any personal belongs. The furniture and art work will remain. If anything is damaged or taken I will have you arrested for larceny. You will not take any vehicles as they are in my name." I said looking at Lydia directly in the eye.

"Kathy if could have a statement stating all the facts leading up to this moment. Regarding her abandonment and resurfacing when I went to work for Disney. How she blackmailed my Pops and me over the years with lies. Also be sure to let them know her drug and alcohol abuse history."

"If you come near or call me I will have you arrested. If you speak about me, you better make sure you are telling the truth. If you lie I have you in court for slander."

"You can't do that." She yelled at me just as I got a text message saying it was done.

"Well I apparently can because it's done. Now you have ten minutes to get off my property. I will have security escort you to pack your belongings."

Kathy was on her phone talking away in the corner. I smiled as she told the publicity department what to release. This was to cut off any attempt from Lydia to start any trouble. My mother was being escorted to her room to get her belongings. Christof, my father was on the phone talking to lawyers to cut off Lydia also. I was cuddling up to Cody.

"We need to get going so we can see the baby and Kimmy." Cody whispered.

"I know, I just needed a little cuddling from my husband." I smiled.

"I am always willing to give you those cuddles too."

"We're going to go see the baby. After we say good bye to our guests." I announced to Christof and Kathy.

Kathy nodded and waved. Christof smiled and nodded. We left them in the library as we made our way to the entry hall. We sat down in one of the sofas and waited to greet and thank each of our guests as they came down to get into one of the waiting limousines. Within an hour only guests left were Harry, JC Chasez and Christof.

They all wanted to see the baby Riley. Ewe decide3d to take two cars. Mostly because Cody wanted to drive every one of the cars. He picked the 49 Talbot Lago, Harry would drive the others in the Hudson. We pulled out and went out the back gate and headed to the hospital.


I was in heaven. I was driving a car that at one time was the ultimate sign of luxury. The care drove smoothly. I loved the feeling of the power in my hands. I was also going to see my little girl. The twenty-five-minute drive to the hospital was one of pleasure, excitement and anticipation. Through some luck we avoided the paparazzi. The only ones we saw we to slow to get to the vehicles. By the time they did we were down and around some back streets. They apparently followed Tony who brought up the rear at a slower pace and turned right while we had turn left. We made it to the hospital in no time.

When we walked into the hospital it was a sight. Two princes, well technically three if you count Jason. Jason himself and JC Chasez. I smiled when the male receptionist saw us walking in. He was immediately on the phone. A few others people in the lobby recognized Jason and Harry. JC much to his delight wasn't recognized. When I gave my name I was informed only two were allowed to go up at a time.

"Come on now can't you bend the rules a bit." Said Jason

"Of course we can Mr. Chris. We don't want a stampede of reporters in the lobby now do we." Said a voice from behind us.

"David Fields. Hospital administrator." Said the forty something man.

We followed him up to the maternity ward of the hospital. We were escorted to a waiting room. A few minutes later a nurse brought in my little Riley. Holding her was the most wonderful thing in my life. I didn't want to but I eventually gave her up to let Jason hold her. I loved the sight of Jason holding her. They just stared at each other. The love I saw in Jason's eyes and the smile on his face was all I needed to see.

"So Grandpa, do you want to hold your granddaughter?" he asked Christof. He smiled and took her from Jason. He was grinning ear to ear.

"I missed seeing my son grow up. I am definitely not going to miss seeing my granddaughter grow up." he said to no one in particular.

Riley was passed around so each of the guys could hold her. She seemed to love the attention from the men. Harry in particular she seemed to enjoy. She kicked and swung her arms as best as she could while he held her. Harry had a grin on his face. I couldn't help think what a good father he'll make someday.

The nurse came back to get Riley. She had tears in her eyes like she had been crying. Jason noticed it too.

"Is something wrong Nurse?" Jason asked.

"I'm sorry we just a mother while giving birth."

"I am sorry to hear that. Please give our condolences to the family." Jason said.

"Thank you for caring Mr. Chris but sadly she doesn't have a family other than a foster family."

"How is the baby."

"He is beautiful and healthy." She said.

I watched her walk away with Riley. We then went to see Kimmy. They had moved her to a private room. There was a guard outside of her door. I looked at Jason and he just smiled. "Don't want to take chances now do we. There's also one down by Riley."

I have to admit Jason was right. Paparazzi I have learned from experience really don't know boundaries. They wouldn't hesitate to harass Kimmy or the staff at the hospital to get an exclusive comment or picture. They as a majority were assholes when it came to privacy. They had that mentality that if your famous you don't deserve privacy.

I visited with Kimmy for a while. Christof harry and JC had left the hospital. Jason excused himself and went off somewhere. Two hours later, after visiting with Kimmy and feeding Riley I left to let Kimmy get some rest. I eventually found Jason.

I was surprised at first but after I thought about I wasn't surprised at the sight of Jason hold a bundle wrapped in a blue baby blanket. He was singing softly to the little guy. I knew who the baby belonged too. No one. I sat down next to him. He leaned against me as he held and sung to the little boy.


Holding Riley was perfect. But I couldn't get the little orphaned baby out of mind. I had to go see if there was something I could do. I excused myself using the excuse to give Cody and Kimmy time to talk and be with Riley.

I found the nurse. I walked over towards her as she was talking to a young nursing aid. The younger girl almost squealed as she saw me approach. The Nurse shushed her and sent her off to do some duty. "I was wondering if there is something I can do for the little one who lost his mother.?"

"Well the only time he gets held is by the nurses during feeding. If you could just hold him for a while I think that would be good for him. Even at that age they need to be held and feel they matter."

"I can do that."

She handed me the baby boy. He was a beautiful little guy with a coffee colored complexion. I could tell he had Latino ancestry.

A little while later she came out with a bottle. She showed me how to hold it and I fed the baby. The nurse came back and handed me a cloth and showed me how to hold and burp the little guy. I was mesmerized by him. I held him and sung to him as he watched me and fell asleep. I stopped sing and he woke up and let out a little cry as if saying don't stop please. I continued to sing.

Cody sat down next to me I looked at him from the corner of my eye as I kept singing softly to the little bundle in my arms. I leaned against Cody. I felt his arm go around me. I felt him kiss my forehead. I signed as I finished my song. This time the little guy stayed asleep.

"I wish I could keep this little guy. He is such a sweet little baby." I said.

Thanks for editing Sam!

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Next: Chapter 15

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