Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jun 29, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 13


The church was decorated beautifully. The main alter was covered in draping blue, white tiger lilies and orchards. At the end of each pew were smaller bouquets of the same. Draped from the pitched ceiling was thick strands of garland. The pitched roof itself was gold leafed adding to the effect. The polished terracotta tiles of the floor were old and slightly worn but that to added to the overall beauty of the church.

When I arrived the media was waiting. We entered through the back part of the drive of the church. As the old Bugatti stopped near the entrance to the parish hall. I stepped out of the car and was greeting but a young man about sixteen at the door. The paparazzi's view was blocked by a hill the rose up from the drive to chapel part of the church.

"Mr. Chris, I am supposed to meet you and take you to were you'll be waiting until the ceremony begins."

"Thank-you. It's David right?""

"Yes sir."

"Lose the sir crap. I remember you from when we were kids. If I remember right, you have an older sister and brother."

"Yeah my brother is in the marines."

I smiled and turned around and yelled into the car. "Hey ya wanker, you get your ass on the move."

Prince Harry popped his head out and gave me the bird and smiled. He stepped out of the car. "That was the most comfortable ride I ever had." I smiled when I saw David's jaw drop as Harry stepped over to him and held out his hand to him.

After shaking Harry's hand, he led us through the doors and up a stair case. It had been almost a year since I been in this church. I grew up here. My grandfather brought me here every Sunday until I had become a Disney kid. When I wasn't on the set or doing Disney appearances he still brought me. It was the one thing in my life I never changed. The Sunday before I left for last world tour I came to the late service. That was the last service I had been to.

At the top of the stairs We were guided into a room. The room was divided into two parts. The other part would be where Cody would be led to. I had been told he wanted to stop at the hospital to see Kimmy and the baby before the wedding. We had agreed that we would both walk down the aisle together from the back of the church.

I watched out the window as the 1932 Packard came around the back of the church. We still had twenty minutes. I listened to them come up the stairs. Cody was nervous. He was babbling like he always did when he was nervous. I wasn't nervous, I was scared shitless. I hated being the focus of attention in my personal life.

Cody and I both agreed to let People magazine photograph the wedding. They in turn, at our request, will donate five hundred thousand dollars for childhood cancer to Children's hospital in Philadelphia. We agreed to also add one million to that.

That of course did not keep the paparazzi away. That was left to security. Between my security and the secret service they were kept away from the church. Limited to only the corners of the block. I no longer used the secret service. I paid back the United States government the six million plus dollars it cost them to assign them to me.

The music we picked for our precession to the alter was an orchestral remix of Beethoven's Ode to Joy. We also picked Distance by local artist Christina Perri. Unknown to Cody she was performing the song. The recession song was going to be again an orchestral remix of Handel's hallelujah chorus. I hired an orchestra which was stationed in choir area.

We could hear Cody through the divider. He was still babbling. Ellen was trying to keep him calm. I could tell though that his nervousness was beginning to get her nervous. We had only five minutes left. Hopefully Cody could hold it together. Finally, after what seemed like forever there was a knock on the door. I heard another knock on Cody's door.

There was an enclosed walkway from the parish hall to the church. Below it was an arched drive through that opened into a small court yard. I saw Cody standing there at the top of the short flight of steps that lead down the crossover. Harry and Ellen got in front of us. In front of them was The Kane's kids. The boy was fourteen the girl was ten and flower child. The boy Joe was going to pull down the satin runner first then she Jill would following with the blue and white rose petals. I felt a tear as I thought about my grandpops. He'd be there smiling ear to ear.

We heard the orchestra tune up then start playing softly as Joe went through the now open doors. The wedding coordinator then let Jill go. When Jill reached half way, the dross aisle. She motioned for Ellen and Prince Harry to go. Now if you think Ellen DeGeneres was in a dress wrong she was wearing a white tux.

I smiled at Cody. I looked him up and down. "Cody adjust yourself., you perv." I whispered. I giggled as he reached into his pants and pulled his erection upwards.

"Better?" he asked

"Damn right. Don't want everyone to see what your giving me for my wedding present." I said flatly

"Who's says you'll get it tonight."

"Yeah right. You've been a walking talking hard on for two weeks now."

"I ain't the only one."


Beethoven's Ode to Joy started. Cody took my hand and we slowly walked down the aisle. Though we did the rehearsal at the house we had no problem walking down the aisle. I made almost to the cross aisle when I saw someone I had hoped I would never see. I stopped briefly. I moved again as I felt a tug from Cody. Even though I sent her an invitation. I hadn't expected her to come. She didn't respond to the invite. I was unnerved now. I didn't know what to expect. She made it pretty clear how she felt about me being gay. I looked over at security who were watching for a sign from me to get her out. I almost did that but decided not to for some reason. Probably a mistake. Time will tell.

We stopped before we reached the alter. Beyond us was the choir loft which now house the orchestra. The minister was standing there smiling at us. He looked out at the congregation and smiled. the man was about fortyish and looked more like a hippy than a man of the cloth. I loved the guy. He was a very open and down to earth man.

"We are here to join these to people in holy matrimony." He began. He went through the service. We had decided on full mass ceremony. Cody and I had agreed to use to the regular vows. We also decided we wanted to add our own.

When it came to say our personal vows Cody began. "Jason the first time I talked to you and as those guys waiting outside already told everyone was on the internet. I didn't know who you were. I knew though that you were special. I knew that I felt something. I thought I was straight. Maybe I still am. Though I know one thing and that is that I love you. I can't be without you. I want to do nothing more than love and protect you the rest of my life. From this day forward I will be a better man because I know I have the one person I am meant to love the rest of my life beside me."

"Cody, I thought of so many things I wanted to say. You'd think being song writer It would come easy. It doesn't. How do you explain an emotion that's beyond words and comprehension? How do you tell the person you love much they mean to you? There are no words to tell you how much I love you. It's more than words. It's in my very being and existence. I can only show you the rest of my life how much I do."

Since Cody was Catholic he could take communion in the episcopal church. After our communion was given. We sat in a corner between the church organ and the nave, as the congregation came up to receive communion or a blessing. While that was going on, Christina Perri sung Distance. She was done long before communion was done. The orchestra kept playing. I held my breath as She walked up. she looked over at me. our eyes met. I felt a chill. I felt Cody take my hand.

"Who is that?" he whispered.

"My mother."

Cody squeezed my hand. I never really talked to him about my mother. I never talked about her at all to the media. I did tell him though that when I came out of the closet it wasn't pretty when she found out. That, the fact she was a drunk and very hostile towards me made me pay her to stay out of the media's sight. If they contacted her she would have no comment. With a contract if she opened her mouth she would have to pay back every penny and move out of the house I provided for her. That would be by now about twelve million dollars.

Once communion was done we returned to the alter. Where we exchanged rings and received the blessings.

"what God has joined together let no one put asunder. I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now seal your union with a kiss."

Cody smiled and leaned down and kissed me. His left hand went to my waist; my left hand went to his neck. We broke the kiss. It was the sweetest and most important kiss of my life. "Ladies and Gentlemen I know give you Mr. Jason Dawson-Christos and My Cody Dawson-Christos." Said the minister.

We turned and walked down the towards the congregation. Followed by the rest of the wedding party. The music played (remix of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus). When we reached my mother Cody was weary but allowed her to take his hand and give him a kiss on the cheek.

The reception line was inside in the cross over area. We smiled and shook hands with celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Angela Jolie, Lady Gaga, all the members of what was once Nsync to name a few. Dignitaries included President and Mrs. Obama, a few senators and congressmen both republican and democrat. There were a few representatives from world leaders that hadn't been able to be present. Much to my surprise Prince William and Kate represented the House of Windsor. I was led to believe that would be Harry.

"You don't think that we'd let him out alone do you?" he said to me as he nodded towards Harry. We all laughed. Even Harry after a mock scow at his brother.

My mother brought up the end of the line." I hope we can take some time to talk." She said. I noticed a tall dark haired guy next to her. He looked familiar but I couldn't place him.

"You can come to the reception at the house." Cody said before I could say anything. I gave him a quick look. He smiled.

"You'll have to give us directions. I don't know where it is." Said the man. He had a definite accent. I frowned slightly.

"You can ride with us." Cody said again before I could say anything.

"Yeah just leave your car here. I'll have someone pick it up." I said adding. Finally, glad to get to say something before Cody.

"I didn't expect to see you here cousin." Said Harry.

"I could say the same Harry." He said shaking Harrys hand after letting go of mine.

I think we need to save this conversation for later." He said cutting off Harry.

We all went down the stairs and out of the parish hall exit that was our entrance. The Rolls Royce silver ghost was waiting. We all got into the old car. Harry, Ellen and Porsha took the Bugatti. I didn't say a word as the Bugatti took the lead out through the front and though a Lynch gate into the empty street. We had decided to go to Valley Green in Fairmount park for a few pictures before returning the house or compound as Cody referred to it. This also gave the guests time to get to the house. We had forgone the traditional throwing of rice at the church. We decide at the "compound would be wiser.

We rode in silence. I kept looking at Harry's cousin and mother's escort. I was curious to this grouping but I refused to ask. I was still not happy with her being there. The memories of her and the comments and other issues were still pretty vivid. I was a bit annoyed with Cody about them being here right now but I wasn't enough to say or do anything about it. it was trivial and I wasn't going to let her ruin my wedding day.

We stepped out of the car. The photographer from People took a few pictures of us on the bridge. Alone and with the others present, including my mother and her escort. I had learned his name was Christof. The name didn't mean anything to me. I did place his accent as Danish.

We also took pictures near the Inn and along the Wissahickon Creek. We were getting a crowd and decided to make our way back to the cars. Which pulled up to the Inn. Normally this was not allowed but the police recommended it. That being said the crowd had gathered and took us a minute of two to walk the fifty yards to the cars. We signed a lot of autographs and we took a few selfies with fans.

The ride back to the compound was unnerving for me. I couldn't take it. "You exactly are you and how does a cousin of Harry's know my mother.?' I said a little rudely I guessed from the look Cody gave me.

To his credit Christof wasn't fazed. "I don't blame you for being annoyed at my presence. I came here to try and talk your mother out of coming here like this."

"You still haven't answered my question though" I said more calmly and I guess a little less annoyed.

"I realize that. I don't know if this is the right time." "Though if you truly wish to know." He added quickly when my face showed my annoyance. I nodded yes.

"I am your father." He said.

I just stared at him. I had never met my father. I was told he was dead by my mother and grandpops. I looked into his face. I turned and looked at Cody who was looking back and forth between us. I looked back and saw my face in his. That's why he looked familiar to me. I was looking at someone who pretty much looked like me with a few exceptions.

I didn't say a word as the car pulled in threw the Gates of Lynnwood Hall. The paparazzi was there full force. Then something hit the car. I screamed for the driver to stop. I pushed open the door and looked at the side of the car where a photographer was on the hood of the car.

The photographer didn't seem to care he kept taking pictures. I pulled him off the car. I saw the dent in the hood and turned to see him still taking pictures. I was facing the gates. I could see security racing down towards us. The car was completely surrounded. I grabbed for the photographer's camera. He pulled it away. He started to curse a swear he sue." Do that. That way I will know who to fucking sue for the thousands of dollars done to the rolls."

"That's just a fucking little dent." He yelled back. by now security was pushing through the media and paparazzi. My manager Kathy was with them.

She stopped when she saw the photographer. "Tony get the camera and fil from his camera." Tony walked over an d picked up the camera.

"Still at it are you Giles?"

"Free world." Said Giles Harrison.

"Yes it is." She said as a few state police cars pulled up.

"The unfortunate thing is your on private property. Officer can you please start arresting these people." Said Tony Mendez.

Cody pulled me back into the car. I opened the window and yelled out. "Have that Giles guy charged with damages to the rolls too." I rolled the window back up. "He's almost as bad as Bear." I said to Cody. We had a few run ins with him in the past.

"Is it always like this?" asked Christof.

"No. Most are somewhat respectful. We allowed People Magazine to photograph the wedding and also granted limited access to TMZ." Said Cody.

"So are you going to living off of Jason now that your married?" accused my mother.

"Like you do, mother? Have you forgot that I own the house you live in and you get an allowance one million a year? That I pay all utility bills and insurance. That I bought your Car and anew one each year? Who the fuck does you think you are to even ask anyone what they get not alone say that shit? Your life the past ten years have been a free ride."

I was pissed. How fucking dare, she. Cody was looking amused. Christof had a baffled look on his face. I didn't care. I looked at Cody and he grabbed my face and kissed me. I felt his tongue caress my lips. His kiss quickly calmed me down. By the time we broke the kiss I was back to normal. I looked over at Christof and my mother. Christof was smiling. My mother though had a look of disgust. Instead of reacting I filed it way for later.


The door opened and we stepped out of the care. There was a rain of seeds on us as people tossed the bird seed. We made our way into the grand foyer. I loved the room. It was two stories high. All around the foyer were columns that led up to large mural on the ceiling. It was the original mural though retouched. The second floor was open.

All around the room were floors like at the church. In the middle was a huge Christmas tree. I was almost eight-teen feet tall and eight feet around. I was beautifully decorated. Under were presents. Not for us but for the quests. We walked through to the parlor and relaxed. The quests were filtering into the ballroom opposite from the parlor.

We could hear the music playing lightly through the open doors as quest made their way into the room. Harry stood up and went to the bar set into the wall and made us all drinks. There were seven of us we all had a drink except for JC's mother. She said she didn't drink any more. I doubted that. I could have sworn I smelled it on her. Though I also realized it could be from her perfume too. She did though eye us drinking.

The butler whom a teasingly referred to as Jeeves, he was pretty cool old guy. He took it as joke and felt free to give a few back. he told us everyone was seated and present. Jason at one point asked Christof if he wanted to be announced as the father of a groom. He said he would like that.

Jeeves or Davis as was his real name, was to announce us. Christof gave him his title. We waited in the short hallway leading back to the ballroom. He opened the door and cleared his throat. He got everyone's attention easily. Though a butler he was one to command attention when needed.

Ladies and gentlemen Lords and ladies. I present to you the parents of Mr. Jason Christos, Ms. Lydia Christos and His Royal Highness Prince Christof, House of Gl?cksburg." There was an applause. Harry Gave Jason a strange look than smiled.

"The best man of Jason Christos. His Royal Highness Prince Harry of the House of Windsor."

"The matron from Mr. Cody Dawson. Ms. Ellen DeGeneres."

"I am Honored to present for the first time in public. Mr. Cody and Jason Dawson-Christos." I smiled at the old butler. You could hear the emotion in his voice. Jason touched his arm as we passed. The guest were on their feet clapping. We headed to the head table which would also hold The president and Mrs. Obama. Also would have Former President and Mrs. Clinton.

We sat down as we were all served appetizers and champagne. When Jason told me the cost of each bottle I almost told him to go buy some cheap wine and seltzer and I'd make my own. The wedding party slipped out with the photographer for a few minutes for more pictures. The snow machine had made more sow. Plus, Mother nature decided to put out some real stuff. Inside we took pictures around the tree in front of the fireplace we took some outside. Harry decided to pet me Jason with a snow ball. Which ended up in bother of them in a snow ball fight. TMZ was there to film it. We went back in. It had been only ten minutes.

"If I may have your attention please." Said Harry. Everyone got quiet. "Miss DeGeneres and I have switched our toasts as know Cody much better than her. Actually if knew what then what I knew now I would have warned Jason to run." After a few laughs. Harry joke was funny but his delivery was top notch as those English would say. "In all serious though, as a soldier I know better man for Jason Chris than a fellow soldier or in his case a United States marine. From what I have learned from Cody again too much, after he was held prisoner in St James Palace to recuperate, we had long talks. I knew right there what Jason saw. He is a strong man with dreams. Some I thought were as odd as his accent. One though I envied. To work with injured men and women of the armed services. That is the man whom Jason got lucky enough to marry. A man who thinks more about other than himself. To Cody and Jason. May they have a long and Happy Life together on earth and in heaven."

"When I first met Jason who was a happy ten-year child star. He was one of the most popular Disney child actors. It didn't matter to him though. He didn't see himself any different than any other kid. Today he really doesn't see himself any different than anyone else. The thing though Jason Chris is different. He is not only a talented musician and actor. He also a superstar in a way we all want to be. Like Prince Harry said about Cody, Jason is one of those people who think of others first. I'd say they are the perfect match. Jason and Cody may you always smile and be able to keep your hearts open enough so that that love can spread to us all." "Oh and to make a correction from my introduction I am Ellen DeGeneres of the House of Weirdness." We all laughed.

After dinner we danced our first dance. I insisted on one of Jason's songs. Jason made sure they announced was my request, 'Something worth living for'. While we danced we just looked into each other's eyes. I started sing with the song. I didn't realize that I could be heard.

"Sure glad Jason's the one who gets paid to sing. If it was you you'd starve." Yelled Harry, when the song ended. I could feel myself blush.

"I have to admit Cody's voice is almost as bad as yours, your Highness." Jason yelled back at him.

"His voice is nowhere near as bad Harry's. I have heard frogs that sound better." Yelled out Prince William.

"BOOM." Said Jason. And high fived Prince William. The other guests seemed to enjoy the joking between the princely bothers and Jason. Who I just realized was a prince himself.

It was time to cut the cake. Which was rolled out. It was twelve inches from the floor a total of four feet square at the base. It was tiered and staked to what looked like random Christmas gifts. Each gift a different cake and a different flavor. There were different types of photo wrappings on each gift, no two looked alike. The top was different there was a winter wonderland scene of snow and snowflakes made out of sugar. In the middle was two grooms kissing in what looked like and ice gazebo.

Jason and I both promised to be nice about feeding each other the cake. We held up our promises. Harry and William had different ideas though as we fed each other the second bites they both pushed h=our hands into each other's faces. This led to us chasing them around the ballroom. This of course was to the laughter of the quests and to the delight of TMZ. Jason had to talk to The younger Levine into not showing it. They can talk about it but no video. Thanks to Harvey, they knew they were getting an exclusive so they wouldn't abuse that privilege.

We made our way around the room and greeted the quests. I was amazed at some of the people present. I was taken back by Angela Jolie's and Brad Pitt's friendliness. They were very down to earth people.

The Nsync guys. Lance Bass was a little to self-promoting but he seemed nice enough. Josh Chasez was funny and seemed to genuinely be happy for us. Joey Fantone was like a big teddy bear and that's what Jason referred to him as, T-bear. Justin well he was a big kid. He was just plain fun to be around. The one that surprised me though was Chris Kirkpatrick. Jason referred to him Poppa Bear. You could tell they were close. Chris pulled me aside later.

"I just want you8 to know that I think your perfect for him but if you hurt him I will hurt you. As Michael if you doubt that. I have known that kid since he started with Disney he is a top song writer and musician. He wrote a song for Nsync when he was only eight years old. We all are protective of him. Well most of us are." He said. At last sentence he glanced over at Lance Bass.

"If you need to talk or need help with anything when it comes to Jason here's my card. My cell phone along with joey's JC's and Justin's are on the back." I turned it over. I noticed Lance's wasn't there. I looked up at him. "Some people are there but only when it's to their benefit." Joey said behind me.

"Ask Jason someday. He'll explain." Said Chris.

A secret serve agent came up behind me. it took me a second but I smiled. I shook his hand. It was the agent that was assigned to us on tour. He congratulated me and informed me that President wanted to say a few words before leaving. I made my way up to the head table where Jason was already standing. He smiled as I joined him. He took my hand.

The President was near the DJ with a micro phone I his hand. The music stopped at the end of a song. Everyone quieted down and waited for the president to speak.

"This has been a momentous day. I have witnessed quite a few weddings in my day. This one however has a special impact on me. I got to see that equality is still alive. To have two young men that show love for each other and to be able to wed both in the church and be recognized by the State of Pennsylvania is beautiful. Hopefully within the next year it will that way for everyone American, Jason, Cody. I proud to have been invited to your wedding. As I said before you are a national treasure. On behalf of Michelle and myself we wish you both a long and happy marriage. I also need to let you know that we have to very angry girls at home for not being able to be here."

We talked with the President and Michelle for a few minutes before he had to be whisked away to the waiting helicopter. President and Hillary Clinton were charming. Bill Clinton could tell some good jokes. Jason asked if she as going to run for president in two years. She refused to say yes or no. Bill whispered she probably will, it all depends on the opponents.

Soon we were saying good night to most of the quests. We were not taking our honeymoon until late February. Jason was scheduled to make a movie called Renegade after Christmas. Some was going to be filmed in the United States. Most though would be done in Australia and New Zealand. We would leave just after New Year's.

Those staying at the house were the Nsync guys Brad and Angela. Harry of course along with William and Kate. Jason's parents also were staying in separate rooms. I know that Jason was still at odds with his mother. Especially with the face she made when we kissed in the car. I knew that he just ignored it like I did. The father stuff also threw him off. Jason just had a way of putting things away to deal with later. I admired that about him.

My own parents though saying they were ok with me marrying Jason said they couldn't make the wedding. I knew it was crap and it hurt. Granny though wanted to come. She was just too old to make the trip alone. Jason offered to buy her a plane ticket but she didn't like planes. They made her sick when they landed. The fact that the last time she rode on a plane was in 1966 and it was a little prop plane and took the elevator method of landing made no difference. She would just say It all the same.

Jason asked security to be on top alert throughout the night. If they had any concerns to let him know. I knew it was him mother he was referring too. Tony knew also as he and I exchanged glances. Tony I had found out was originally hire by Jason's grandpops six years ago when Jason turned sixteen. Tony knew Jason better than anyone. We had talked about Jason a lot. He didn't really reveal anything he knew about him just facts about Michael and how hard he took his grandpops death.

Jason and I slipped away into the master suite. It didn't take long before we were ripping the clothes off of each other. Two weeks of no sex was more than either one of us could take. When I say ripped that was literal, my shirt was in strips, as was Jason's. Alongside of the shirts where our pants that had ripped inseams or broken zippers, Jackets were flung somewhere. The only thing left on us were our bow ties.

I shoved Jason back onto the huge custom made bed. It was larger than any king size bed but looked like it was an antique. I looked down at my husband. I smiled at that. My husband. He looked hot with nothing on but the bow tie and one sock. I pulled the sock off. I stared at the sight before me. he was beautiful.

His legs were thick and muscular with dark hair over his tanned legs. His pecs were larger than when I first met him. The last time we measured he was a forty-four inches. Just two inches smaller than me. his abs were hot perfectly defined. My baby was ripped. The thing though that really set off his ripped body was the light dusting of dark hair over his torso. I looked up at the more than handsome face. He was beautiful. The purple eyes against the black hair. The naturally red kiss able lips. The perfectly shaped nose that had a slight upward turn at the tip.

I hadn't realized I was lying beside him. I hadn't realized I had moved. My body moved without the knowledge of my brain. My right hand was caressing his body while my left was running though his hair. I leaned forward and kissed those most kissable lips. His hand pulled my lips tight against his. Our tongues didn't battle each other. Instead they were caressing the others. It was almost as if they had a mind of their own.

I reluctantly broke the kiss and started kissing my way down his body licking and teasing each nipple. I made way lower. I looked at his twitching cock. I smiled as I looked up at him and then engulfed his cock. It didn't take long until he was pulling me around and wrapping his mouth around my precum covered dick. I moaned as he took the whole thing down his throat. He was the only one who could ever do that. I moaned again as he kept taking my cock down his throat. I sucked on his cock for a while but as the sensation became more intense his cock was just in my mouth. I no longer was sucking on it.


I loved the feeling of Cody sucking my cock. It wasn't something he did a lot. I didn't gripe about that I knew he was basically straight. I was the only guy he was attracted to. I better be the only person he is now; I giggle inside my head. I pulled him around and took the big beautiful precum slimy dick into my mouth. I loved the taste of his juices. I loved the feel of him in my mouth and throat. What I loved most though was making him moan in pleasure. I knew He was going to cum soon as he now was just hold my dick in his mouth. I felt his large balls pull up into his body. I felt his dick grow thicker. His legs muscles tightened as did his abs that my hand was caressing. I knew when I did that he went in overdrive. He moaned loudly.

"OH Baby" he cried out as dick exploded load after load. For once I couldn't take it all. I pulled back off his cock at he kept shooting his load filling up my mouth faster than I could swallow. Cum was spilling out the side of my mouth. After what seemed like minutes but probably less than one minute, his cock stopped spewing the thick ropes of Cody juice. I licked around my mouth to get the spilled out juices.

Cody turned around and covered his body with mine. He looked into eyes as he leaned down and kissed me. his cock though no longer still was still lust engorged. I warped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and shoulders. I felt him reach for the lube on the night stand. I heard rather than saw him squirt lube onto his finger. He reached between us. I waited for him to start inserting a finger but he didn't he started kissing me again.

He kissed me on the lips, neck rears nose and back to my lips. By now he had me to a point where I didn't know if I was coming or going. His cock was rubbing against mine. I was precumming profusely. I could feel the juices lubricating our dicks as he grinded against me. he pulled up ward onto his Knees on either side of my waist. What he did next shocked and excited me.


I knew what I was going to do tonight. I t was ok if I came first. Because what I planned was to make myself belong to my husband. I was nervous and scared but excited. I got the lube and lubed myself up. I worked it around and in to the hole. Jason was groaning from the pleasure of our cocks rubbing together. He was precumming like I had never seen him before. I just kept going and kissing him as I inserted and second finger as soon a third. Jason was moaning loudly now.

I smile as I lifted myself up and planted my knees on either side of his waist. I felt his cock spring straight up against my taint. I raised upward and then reached backwards and grabbed the hard dock and held it. I took a breath and sat back onto his cock. I felt the head penetrate my hole. I gasped at the pain. I remember what I read and pushed like I need to take a dump. It went in easier. The pain was still there but not as bad.

I opened my eyes and looked down at Jason I could see the surprise on his face and the pleasure. He reached up ward and pulled me forward until I was close enough to where he could lift up and kiss me. "You belong to me now. I making you mine." He whispered

"Yes baby. I now belong to you completely."

I Then realized the pain was no longer there. My ass felt full. I moved up and down on his cock. It felt good but I didn't see what drove him crazy and to the point where he came without touching himself. I rode him for a while but Jason decided he wanted a different position.

He pushed off his cock and onto my back. He put more lube on his dick and slowly inserted dick inside my ass. I felt a slight pain as he slowly entered me. I knew he was seven inches but at that moment it felt as if he had my thick nine. HE bottomed out and stayed still. Once he saw the discomfort leave my face he started pumping inside of me. He sifted upwards and started fucking my hole. I moaned. "Oh fuck. That's amazing." I moaned

It truly was amazing he was hitting my prostate with every in and out stroke of his cock. I felt my own dick grow hard. It didn't take long before I felt my balls tighten up against me. I felt the pleasure of the ejaculation building up. Jason kept pumping in me slowly. "Fuck me hard baby. Harder pound my ass."


At his request I started pounding into Cody's tight ass. He was going crazy every time my dick rubbed against his prostate. I leaned forward and held his hands above his side. He was moaning loudly and thrashing in pleasure. He screamed out in pleasure as six huge ropes of cum erupted out of his cock, His tight hole tightened up around my own cock so tight as I pounded into I couldn't hold back I gasped and Cried out his name as short what seemed like a gallon of cum into his ass.

I relaxed and tried to pull out but his hole was still holding onto my cock. I laid on top of him still inside of him and waited for him to relax. His face was a mask of orgasmic confusion. He was a beautiful site. The soft blonde hair plastered against his fore head. He opened his eyes and looked at me and smiled the sexiest smile. "I love you babe."

"I Love you too." I said back and kissed him as I felt my dick slip out of his ass. He held me for a few minutes like that. It felt so good to be held by Cody. It was a feeling I never wanted to be without. He was now my life as was our daughter.

"Babe I think I have to take a dump." Cody said to me as I dozed on top of him.

I giggled. "That's my cum trying to seep out of that tight hole."

" Heh, I ain't never gonna have a tight hole again." He said as I rolled off him and he stood up. I giggled more as I saw the cum seeping out down his leg. I watched as he walked towards the bathroom. He had the hottest ass. The light blonde hairs seemed like corn silk and made his but look hotter as the hair stood out under the light.

I followed after I heard the shower start. We both stepped in under the water and let the water run down over us. We held onto each other my head nestled on his shoulder and nuzzled against his neck. He rested the side of his head against the top on my head. His arms wrapped around my waist and mine around his back. We didn't say anything we just stood there.

It was the most perfect moment. It defined us as a couple. WE knew and felt the others thoughts and emotions. No words were needed. We were content and happy to just soak up the water and each other's love. As if on cue he turned his head as I was lifting mine. Our lips met. They caressed and tasted each other's lips. His lips were soft I let my tongues caress them. He didn't open at first. It was if he knew I didn't want that yet. Then again as if read my mind and heart, which he did, he opened his mouth. Again our tongues caressed each other's. They didn't battle.

After I washed him, his bruised pucker and he washed me, we dried each other off. He then picked me up and carried me to the bed where he made long tender love to me. This is the way it should be him inside of me. I loved knowing that he was inside of me. though I admit it was hot fucking him just not all the time. He seemed to prefer I this way too. We fell asleep after he came inside me. His dick was still in me when I fell off into dream land.

Thanks for editing Sam!

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Next: Chapter 14

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