Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jun 26, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 12

This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 12


It was hard not to laugh at Cody. I knew I should have told him that I was pregnant with his child, but I knew he was happy. I didn't want to ruin that. I have known Cody for a long time. I knew things he didn't know I knew about him. I had seen the tabloid picture of them in Greece and in Italy. I knew from the look Cody gave Jason Chris that Cody was in love. I just didn't know if he knew it. Cody could be a suborn ass.

The cab driver set my bags down after I paid him, then he took off. With some effort, I sat down on the steps and elbowed Cody. It seemed to stop him from sayin 'Oh fuck' over and over again. He looked at me. "How do I tell Jason?" he whined.

"Tell me what?' I heard a voice say from the top of the steps.

Cody jumped up and I turned around. I looked back to see the look on Cody's face. He looked close to tears. I felt bad for him but I had no intention of breaking them up. One, I didn't whan to break Cody's heart and two, I really wanted him and Jason to raise the baby. I knew I wasn't ready.

Before I could say anything, Cody blurted out; "I can't marry you. I am going to be a father. I have to marry Kimmy."

"Whoa Cody. I am not marrying you." I said after the initial shock.

To his credit, Jason was calm. I think if it was me I would be livid. He just calmly motioned us inside while some guy grabbed my bags. We followed him through a huge two story foyer that could be a hotel lobby. We went through a hall, behind the stairs and entered into a comfortable modern room. He got us all drinks. A coke for me, for them, a scotch on the rocks. Which Cody downed and refilled.

"Cody I am not going to marry you. I am not in love with you. I mean you're a great fuck and a good friend, and I love you. But not that way. Not like Jason does. Not like you love Jason." I said after a minute.

"I want my kid to be raised with a daddy there. Not a part time daddy like mine is." Cody said in a broken voice.

"He will sweetie. I want you guys to raise him." I said resting my hand on his leg. "That is, if Jason agrees to it." I added looking at him. He nodded.

As I looked at Jason Chris, I began to see he wasn't shocked surprised or worried. "You knew didn't you?"

"I knew you were pregnant. I suspected it was Cody's, but I didn't know for sure." He answered.

"You knew she was pregnant and didn't tell me?" Cody exclaimed. He was a bit pissed off.

"Yes. It's not my place to tell you. It was Kimmy's place to tell you." He said. I heard a bit of fear in his voice, when he answered Cody.

"I am glad he didn't tell you. I could tell you were happy for the first time. You always had a sad way about you Cody, even now I can see it's gone." I jumped in. "I agree it was my place to tell you. So I am telling you now you're gonna be Daddy." I added nudging Cody in the side again.

Cody didn't say anything. He just looked at me then at Jason Chris. I could tell he was still a bit pissed off that he was kept in the dark. "Look I want you to talk to Jason. Don't be mad with him. Like he said, it wasn't for him to tell you. I need to lay down though."


To see the anger in Cody's eyes directed towards me was unnerving. I had Karl take Kimmy up to her room. I waited for Cody to unleash all the anger at me for not telling him. I fixed myself another scotch on the rocks and sat down and waited. Cody just stared out the large French doors that led to the outdoor pool area.

His shoulders slumped. Then stood up abruptly and came over to me. At first I expected him to hit me or scream but he knelt down and buried his head in my lap. I felt his body convulse and saw his shoulders shaking. I knew he was crying but heard no sound. I put my hand on his back and caressed it. After a few minutes he sat back on his heels and looked up at me with a tear stained face.

"I am sorry baby. I didn't mean to be angry at you. I know it was up to Kimmy to tell me. I have to admit, it shocked and pissed me off that you knew. But I understand why you didn't tell me. It wasn't your place to." He said. His voice was soft and still hurting though.

"I almost did twice. I have to tell you though, it was a bit for selfish reasons I didn't." I said. "Do you forgive me?"

"Nothing to forgive. I should be pissed at Kimmy not you but I can't be." He said.

I looked at him a bit confused. Honestly, if a girl showed up two days before my wedding day pregnant with my child, I'd be pissed off to no end. I'd be pissed off at me too. Cody was better than me in that way. He had a forgiving heart.

"I was going to ask you someday if we can get a surrogate mother for a kid but this just fixes that." He said to me as he crawled up next to me on to the big leather sofa. I smiled as he put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.

"Are you sure you want a kid?" Cody asked me after a minute of us sitting there being quiet.

"As long as he isn't as wild and annoying as you are, sure." I smirked.

Cody grabbed me and threw me to the floor. We wrestled around. He tried to pin me but I would break loose. I may be smaller than him but I was now almost as muscular as him. Thanks to working out with him. I was wirier than him though and faster. In the end though, he had me pinned. He sat on me and held my arms above my heard.

We stared at each other. Our eyes were fixed on each other's. He leaned forward and kissed me. It wasn't with tongue, but it was long and passionate. He laid out on top of me as the kiss became more passionate. I felt his erection and knew he felt mine. I spread my legs as he deepened the kiss.

I felt his tongue caress my lips, but did not try to penetrate my mouth. He grinded into me. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I felt him grind harder as we kissed. I felt him shiver and heard that grunt. The one that told me he was coming. I felt myself start to cum.

He nuzzled my neck as we both came down from our climaxes. He pushed himself onto his elbows and looked down at me. His eyes were full of so much emotion. I wanted to pull him back down, but I was still recovering from the climax. I smiled. God I love this man so much. The look in his eyes said the same.

"I love you so much baby." He said looking deep inside of me through my eyes. At that moment I knew he saw my hopes and dreams. He also saw my fears and my woes. I was okay with that. I felt safe with him like I have never felt with anyone else. Even Michael.


Over the next twenty-four hours, the house was in controlled chaos. Guests who were staying at the house arrived. I was pretty star struck at times, but I played it cool. I think after meeting Harry Wales, I was used to it. Speaking of which, he arrived the night Kimmy arrived. He was of course Jason's best man and Kimmy was my, well, whatever you called her. Best lady?

The house was also full of secret service men, as the president was attending the wedding along with the first lady and the girls. There were also members of different royal families in Europe. One being a queen. No, not Elizabeth. The house was decorated for Christmas. Jason also had snow machines working outside, covering the ground in snow. It was a winter wonderland out there.

I just sat back and welcomed the guests with Jason. We had told the wedding coordinator what we wanted and left it between the housekeeper, who is also the butler, organize it all. We just enjoyed our guests that wedding eve.

I have to admit though, I was more comfortable with Brad Pitt, Angela Jolie, and Harry than the rest. They were more relaxed and laid back than most of the others. The total number of guests was forty staying at the house. At one point though, there was a call. I ended up taking the call, rather than pissing off Jason.

"Hello?" I said taking the phone from Keith, the butler.

"This is Donald. I think our invitation was miss mailed." Said the person on the other end of the line.

"Donald who?" I asked knowing exactly who it was. I just wanted to piss him off.

"Trump. As I said our invitation was misplaced."

"Oh. No, it wasn't misplaced. It wasn't sent." I said quickly.

"Well it should have been."

"Why should it have been? You are not invited." I said and hung up. I heard the phone ringing again, as I walked away smiling to myself. As I got back beside Jason, I had a big grin. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Trump." Was all I said.

He laughed.

The wedding was being more talked about than Kim Kardasian's wedding. It was the wedding event of the year. It had top 'A' list celebrities, and dignitaries from around the world and in the United States coming. A total of six hundred people. All of which would be at the reception, which was being held at the house, though most were not going to be staying long.

At eleven, we excused ourselves and headed to our rooms. Jason and I took rooms at opposite ends of the house. We would arrive in separate cars to the church tomorrow. Jason would be in a limousine with Harry. And Kimmy with myself.

I couldn't sleep. I decided to take a walk on the grounds. I knew where I was going to end up though. The garage. Jason loved old or unique autos. His collection, though not as big as Jay Leno's, was still large. I had heard that Leno envied some of Jason's cars in his collection. He owned an assortment, from a 32 Roll Royce Silver Ghost, 32 Bugatti Royal, and a 1930 Packard Roadster. He also owned older Ford, Chrysler, Cadillac and Chevy trucks and cars among others. My favorite though, was the 61 Caddy. There were also the newer cars like Bugatti, Lamborghini, and Maserati. In total he had thirty-three cars.

I loved walking through the massive garage. It had enough space for double the amount. I was told that they all were in top condition. There were two cars he bought that needed restoration. A 1958 Jeep Willys and a 1948 Jeep Jeepster. The Jeepster was cool looking, but the Willys looked like a box on wheels. There was a mechanic that worked full time on the various vehicles, and was also restoring the vehicles Jason bought. At the far end of the garage was the huge two decker tour bus Jason used on North American tours.

I heard someone enter the garage behind me. I smiled when I saw Ellen DeGeneres enter. She smiled as she came up to me. "I saw you come out. Porsha and I were sitting in the greenhouse. Nervous?"

"Not really. Can't sleep."

"I see, so maybe just the jitters."

"Maybe. I just don't want people to think that I am marrying him because he is famous or has money, I guess."

"Does it matter what other people think? I have known Jason Chris since he was a nine-year-old Disney cast actor. I can tell you I have never seen him so relaxed and happy. He loves you and I can tell by the way you look at him you love him just as much. Fuck the media or what anyone says."

"You're right. I can see why Jason adores you. You are one classy lady, Ellen."

"Thanks! And you and Jason are two very lucky men." She said as we stopped in front of the 1932 Bugatti. It was polished and shining. The black and yellow was almost like looking in a mirror. Next to it was the Rolls Royce Silver Ghost. It too was polished to a mirror like shine as well.

The door banged open and in rushed Porsha. She all but screams that Kimmy is in labor. I almost passed out, but kept my senses and ran out with Ellen and Porsha not far behind me. I made it to the house in just over a minute. Considering the garage was about a hundred yards away from the house, that was a feat.

I ran across the foyer and up the marble staircase. I ran down the hall to her room. There was a doctor there. Jason was standing outside the room. "We need to get her to the hospital." I yelled trying to push my way into the room.


I heard banging on my bedroom door. I looked at the clock and saw it was just after one in the morning. I called them to enter. When Mark, the butler's assistant and son entered, he looked frazzled. I waited until he spoke. "Miss Kim is having her baby."

I jumped out of bed and ran to her bedroom forgetting I was naked. I got there only to have Mark hand me my robe. "Where is Cody?" I asked Mark. "He's not in his room sir."

After a moment Dr. Colby Came out of her room. Dr. Colby was the attending doctor for us in the United Kingdom. Out of gratitude, and a built up friendship, we both agreed to invite him. Lucky for us right now that he accepted.

"Mr. Chris, I'd say we have thirty minutes left before she gives birth. Apparently, she was in labor when she came up here on the train."

"I'll have them ready the helicopter to transport her."

"No. I don't believe she will be able to make it. I recommend you call for medical assistance and allow the child to be birthed here." Said the doctor.

I heard a load scream from the room and a few choice words. One basically threatening to cut off a body part belonging to Cody. I couldn't help giggle, as did Dr. Colby. "That's tame compared to what I heard Princess Kate say." He said leaving me to go back into the bedroom. Mrs. Kane, the cook and daughter-in-law of the butler, popped her head out to say the baby was coming. Yeah, I like to hire families. Makes life easier for them and me.

She ran down the hall and pulled out some packaged sheets. I send them out to have them laundered, along with most of our clothing. The only thing that gets washed in the house are underwear, socks and other smaller stuff. She ran back into the room and slammed the door shut just as Cody came running up.

The look on his face was comical. Under the circumstances though, I didn't laugh or even giggle. I knew my nerves were on the edge so that meant Cody's were over the edge. "Baby come yet?" He said pushing his way past and threw the door open. A second later I heard Kimmy screaming and Cody coming out pale.

Cody leaned against the wall. His eyes rolled up before he slid down passing out. Ellen and Porsha had just come up. Harry was walking down the hall in his PJ bottoms. We laid Cody out on the floor. We didn't try to wake him up. Cody though, used to blood and gore never witnessed the gore that came with birth. I had the displeasure or pleasure of seeing it once. Wasn't really a beautiful sight.

A few minutes later Cody was coming around. In the bedroom it was quiet. I knelt down beside Cody and took his hand. He looked up at me and gave a weak smile. "Tell me I didn't pass out."

"You didn't pass out."

"You're lying, aren't you?"


"Fuck dude? That's was the grossest thing I've ever seen." He whispered.

"Yeah, not a pretty sight."

I helped Cody up. We turned as the door opened. Mrs. Kane came out of the room and smiled. "She is asking for both of you. It's a healthy baby girl."

We walked into the room. In the corner were the dirty sheets. Cody looked at them and paled. I giggled a bit as I directed his head towards the bed. Kimmy was looking pale and tired, but otherwise looked fine which was confirmed by Dr. Colby.

"Hey dad's" she said weakly. Cody smiled and looked around for the baby.

"Mrs. Kane took him to the bathroom to wash him up. We are lucky that she is a certified mid-wife." Said the doctor.

He stepped aside as Cody and I both bent down to kiss her cheeks. "Sorry guys. I won't be able to stand up for you at the wedding."

"Why didn't you tell me you were in labor?" Asked Cody.

"Honestly, I really didn't have labor pains. I felt a few cramps but that was it."

"That happens Mr. Dawson." Said the doctor.

"So what do we name her?" Cody asked her.

"That's up to you two. I told you that I want you two to raise her. I am not really the mother type. I do want to be part of her life though."

"Riley Alanna Dawson-Christos." Cody whispered to me.

"Sounds good to me."

We looked at Kimmy, only to see she was asleep. At that moment, the paramedics entered the room. They conferred with the doctor. They then helped Kimmy onto a gurney. The baby they placed into an incubator, more for protection from germs than any other reason. This of course, after Cody and I both held the little one for a few seconds.

Needless to say we both knew that we wouldn't sleep. Between the birth and our wedding tomorrow we were wide awake. Harry joined us, as did Ellen and Porsha. Cody smiled as he asked Ellen to stand up for him at the altar. Thankfully she agreed.

At 6 AM, we all got some coffee and a light breakfast. We then retired to our rooms, mine on the south wing, Cody's temporarily on the North wing. I stood in the shower, turning it to cool so as to refresh me and wake me up. Martin, the butler, came in with a pot of coffee and laid out my tux. He stood by and helped when needed while I drank my fourth cup of coffee.

I only assumed Cody was on the other end of the house doing the same, being assisted by Mark. As Martin adjusted my tie, Harry popped into the room. He was in a tux as well. Mine being silver tails and black and silver tie. Cody's was black tails and a silver and black tie. Cody was to leave first. He was to be driven in the Packard. I would leave a few minutes later in the 32 Bugatti. The Rolls would also leave. That would be the car we returned in.

I watched as Cody walked out to the waiting car with Ellen and Porsha. He looked so handsome. I couldn't help but thank God for giving me not only someone who was caring, smart, and loving but also a down right hunk.

"You ready, my friend?" Asked Harry, as he laid his arm across my shoulders.

"Fuck yeah." I said and lead the way through the house and out to the waiting car.

Thanks for editing Sam!

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Next: Chapter 13

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