Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Apr 30, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 10


"Fuck, I hate this circling in the air waiting to land." I growled to no one in particular.

The plane was packed with twenty-two marines, two pilots, two attendants, my manager Kathy, eight secret service personnel, Tony Martinez, Cody and myself. It was too crowded for my taste. Especially when I am pissed off.

I wasn't pissed off at the amount of people on the plane nor the waiting to land. I was pissed off because the Italian government was demanding I return to Italy so they can arrest me for lewd behavior. All because I danced with Cody. Granted we grinded each other and yeah we took off each other's shirts and touched each other's bodies above the waist and that was it.

We kissed too and was a long kiss but it was movie kiss. In other words, closed mouth kiss, no tongue. Open mouth kiss makes it porno graphic in the censor's eyes. I don't get that but hey, I had enough experience in front of the camera to know how to make a movie kiss look passionate. That and the touching and dancing was what they called lewd behavior.

Usually I wo0uldn't be bothered but they were freezing the money from the concerts. That's close to seventy-eight million in net profits. All because some homophobic senator has the pull to further his anti-gay agenda. What really pisses me off is the fact that he has the nads to try and have me extradited. So here I am wondering if the United Kingdom is going to honor their request when we land.

"This fucking bull shit. I can't believe this shit. I get shot and my boyfriend almost gets killed, my life is invaded by marines and the secret service, sorry no offence meant people. Then some homophobic cumstain wants to have me arrested for lewd behavior. What the Fuck Kind of shit is that Kathy?" I yelled while pacing the length of the cabin.

"Calm Down Jason." Kathy said trying to get me to sit down.

"Calm down? Are you fucking serious? They are holding a hundred and fifty million, equipment, my car and seized the castle I bought last year. I put close to a million into that to restore it and they want me return to Italy to face charges. Yeah great incentive cost me close to two-hundred million and get arrested."

"Mr. Chris I am sure with a little added incentive from someone that has major influence around the world can help if he was asked." Said the head of the secret service personnel.

I looked at him like he was talking in some alien language. I didn't get what he meant. I was beyond thinking, or reasoning and definitely didn't what to try and comprehend what some glorified bodyguard was rambling about in some secret agent code.


I sat in the seat. I was too drugged up to be upset but not enough to no0t know what was going on. Jason paced from one end of the lounge to the other. Ranting and cussing up a storm. Kathy had tried to calm him down only to piss him off more. I can't say I blame him. I was pissed too. The stress of the past week was getting to him. The shooting the concerts and now the Italy crap. It was beyond belief.

"Jase, He trying to tell you to put a call into the President." I said to him.

He looked at me for second. I realized that he was barely holding it together. He was an emotional and mental wreck. The past few days have taken their toll on him. Yeah me too but Jason has a tendency to take it all on himself. He holds himself accountable for all that happened in South Korea. We had talked about that endlessly over the past two days.

I thought we had settled on the fact that he was not blame. I* know he still took on some of the blame but I can see it in his eyes that he was still holding on to it. In the Mumbai concerts he couldn't get off stage fast enough. His performance was not the same. I couldn't put my finger on it until now. Jason Chris was scared. I had never seen him scared before.

We had heard that there was a ten-million-dollar reward for his death. He knew he was a marked man. I don't see what they think they will gain from killing Jason Chris. I understand he is known around the world and is easily one of the most popular celebrities. The thing is Jason never said of did anything to provoke this shit. Other than being, gay, and talented and wealthy he is a normal guy.

"Jase come here sit down beside me. Your making everyone nervous. Including me bro." I said patting the seat next to mine.

He nodded and came over silently, his head hanging low. He plopped down in the seat and buried his head in my lap. He wasn't crying. He was tense and needed some comfort which I was happy to give. I ran my fingers through his hair. And caressed this back and side. He curled up and sighed.

"Someone call Obama and get me out of this mess please. I am to pretty to be some one's bitch in an Italian jail." He said. I had to laugh. Seeing it was meant to be a joke the others in the cabin started to laugh too.

I whispered to Jason about how much I love him, how I won't let anyone hurt him. I even joked about I already took a bullet for him to prove how much I love him. He laughed a little at that which was a sign he was calming down.

His hand found the spot where the bandage was on my thigh from the bullet wound. He turned his head and kissed the spot. He looked up at me and smiled "marry me."

I looked at him for a moment pounder if he was serious. The look in his eyes said he was. I loved the fuck out of Jason Christos not Jason Chris the celebrity. I knew that. I know he knew that too. There was a lot to consider though. Mainly the money. More accurately his money. I wasn't worried about being seen as a gold digger or anything. It was just that I brought nothing to this other than myself. I had no idea what I wanted to do with myself beyond being his body guard.

I knew I wasn't really even being that anymore. Tony had bodyguards on both of us know. I was a celebrity by being Jason's boyfriend. I was mobbed too if I went out. I had my own fan base too. Jason asked me if I wanted the site taken down. I figured it was for the better. He had them clean the web of the site and any porn. He told me he saved all the porn I made on a flash drive for himself and me.

Beyond that, the marines and the body guarding, I had no clear picture of what I wanted to do. I loved him so much though. I knew if I had a future other than him I would say yes faster than a dog to a bitch in heat. I didn't care about what other people thought. I just didn't want to be kept and dependent on him.

"Cody?" he whispered.

"Babe, I want to say yes but I need to be something other than your husband."

He nodded that he understood. I watched his face he was thinking. I could almost see the wheels turning in that brilliant mind of his. He smiled. "Well think what it is you want to do. I will send you to college or help you set up whatever it is you want to do."

"I applicate the offer but I can't take your money like that. I want to do it on my own. If I fail, I want to lose my money not yours."

"Who said I was giving it to you. It would be an investment or I could make it a loan."

I thought about it. It sounded like a plan but I didn't want to commit to that right now. There's was more at stake than me right now with all that has been going on. "Let's talk about this after your done the tour."

He gave me that look that always gets me horny. I was already boarding on being horny but that look was sending me over the top. That and the fact that the only sex I had in a week was Jason beating me off a few times. I felt myself getting hard. He moved his head a few times letting me know he felt it too.

He pulled himself up into a sitting position. He glanced back at the staircase going up to the upper level of the 747. I knew what he had in mind. I smiled. the trick was getting to staircase without everyone seeing the pole going down my leg. I wasn't particularly embarrassed by the thought of them seeing it. I was more or less thinking of being discrete for Jason's sake.

"Mr. Chris, I talked with the President. He is working with the Italian government on the matter. The unfortunate thing is that United Kingdom is bound by the extradition treaty with Italy. They will take you into custody as soon as you disembark from the plane. You have two options leave the plane and be taken into custody for extradition to Italy or stay on the plane and wait for them to get a court order to come on to the plane and take you into custody."

"Okay there's a third option." Jason said as he grabbed me and we went up to the cock pit. He tried to pull me along but I can only move so fast.

"How long can we stay in the air?" he asked as soon as we entered the cockpit. "

"About two hours then enough for a safe landing." Said the co-pilot.

Jason pulled out his cell phone after a few seconds he hit speed dial. "Hey buddy what's happening?" I had no idea who he was talking to since it was one sided for my hearing.

"Yeah, I figured you heard about that. He did wow that's a surprise. I didn't think he liked me much. I guess Carmella loosened him up a bit."

"Yeah I am stuck 9in the air flying around London. I need a safe way to get to the American Embassy."

"Yeah your right. They probably will be waiting there for me. he's right beside. We're in the cockpit. Will do." Jason said as he laid the phone down after putting it on speaker.

"So what do you suggest?"

"You tosser don't you have manners? Introduce me first to your mate." Said the familiar voice. I couldn't exactly place it. I t was there but the meds were making me a bit foggy

"Cody say hi to Harry." Jason said.

"Nice to meet ya'll." I said my southernism coming out more with the meds. It dawned on me who Harry was just then.

"Nice accent. It'll be a pleasure I am sure. When it came over the Telly what was going on I figured I'd get a ring. Here's what I have in mind. You can't go to the American embassy. That would be ideal since it's considered foreign territory. The other place that could be considered would be royal property."

"Somehow I don't think Queen Elizabeth will put me up at Buckingham or Windsor to get around being arrested."

"Well from what I understand you won't be arrested just detained for extradition."

"Semantics Harry."

"Good enough. Land in Cambridge international. I will call ahead and tell them I am expecting an aircraft. I have a mate that will cover. Just don't land for an hour. Don't get off the plane until I am there."

"I don't want you to get into trouble."

"After Los Vegas, how much more trouble can I get into. See in Cambridge Jazzy Jase"

An hour later we were landing in Cambridge. The pilot used the excuse of being low on fuel and timed it so that Cambridge was the closest airport safe to land.

We taxied to the north end of the airport were a black Audi RS3 hatchback was parked. The pilot ordered the ladder be used so we didn't have to waste time waiting the stairs. It was a little slow for me but I painfully made it down the collapsible latter. Harry told the marine officer in charge that he will have his unit put them up. The officer and I exchanged numbers before we got into Harry's car.

Now I am not saying prince harry is a bad driver but let's just say I was glad I was in the back seat. The man likes to go fast. Wed passed several police wagons heading into the airport. "I bet they will be happy the plane will be minus you two." HRH said.

"Why would they be since we're not there. I think they'd madder than a fox caught in and empty chicken coop."

After laughing for a minute or two Prince Harry was able to talk. "From what I heard over the band wave they didn't want to take Jason into custody. I am very sure they knew you were leaving the plane."

I watched out the window and listened to Jason and the prince talk. I was pretty drugged up at that point. I fell asleep somewhere along the way. The last thing I remembered was seeing a small stone church and thinking that it's probably older than anything in America.


"I think your man's asleep." Harry said looking at rear view mirror.

"Good he needs the rest. He should still be in the hospital." I answered.

"Why isn't he?"

"Stubborn ass refused to be left in Seoul until he's recovered."

"Where you recovered when you went Mumbai?"

"I think so."

"Did the doctors thinks so?"

"That's beside the point. I had two concerts to do. It was my job."

"I think he feels his job is besides you. He needs to his job too"

"Since when did you get all philosophical."

"Since I found myself saving you arse from being prison bate mate."

We bantered back and forth until we reached London. The city amazed me. the buildings and streets were a maze. Somehow harry knew all the back streets. I was really surprised about it though. At some point Cody had woken up. I glanced back and smiled. He looked a little pale.

"Are we almost there?" I asked.

"Ok you tosser we are not doing the are we there yet games are we?"

"No just wondering because Cody looks a little pale."

"Ah I see." He said looking back at Cody in mirror.

He grabbed his cell and speed dialed someone.

"Hello gorgeous."

"No not yet about twenty minutes away."

"No. Jason's mate is not doing well. He's looking a bit pale."

"You're a Queen in my book. Love you."

"Medical attention for Cody will meet up with us and St. James Palace." He said turning down streets that in most places in America would be considered allies

"St. James Palace? You may be a prince and all that but I don't want you to get into trouble. Especially with your grandmother." I told him. I figured he called in a favor from one of his nurse lady friends.

"No worries my friend. Who do you think is the master mind behind the escape plan?"

"Your joking."

"When it comes to Granny there's some things you don't joke about. She actually thinks you're an angel. Personally I think she is bonkers, your definitively an undercover demon."

We pulled into The entrance of St. James Palace. Typical of what you would think too. All it needed was a drawbridge. As we pulled into the courtyard a middle-aged gentle man and two guards pulling a gurney met the car. The guards helped a weak Cody onto the gurney and they wheeled him in before us.

I didn't make it far. I sat down on the steps. My head was spinning and my shoulder was throbbing. Harry bent over me and asked if I was okay. It was then that I realized I had a ringing in my ears. I smiled and stood up. I felt Harry grab my arm. He looked at my left shoulder and frowned. "What?" I remember asking before I passed out.

Thanks Rick for being a good editor.

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Next: Chapter 11

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