Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 13, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story. IF IT IS NOT LEAGAL FOR YOU TO READ THIS STORY DO NOT DO SO.

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Chapter 1 Private chatroom

JC: I wasn't you average eighteen-year-old guy. Though, sometimes I wish I was. Since the age of nine my life has been a whirlwind. I never really had any real friends. It wasn't because I was unpopular, poor, ugly or fat. It isn't even because I am openly gay. Not to brag but I am rich and very popular.

Cody: So you're the cute geeky type?

JC: As far as looks, well let me describe myself. I have jet black hair, purple eyes, like Elizabeth Taylor. I am five foot ten. I work out regularly so I have very defined build. I am especially proud of my six pack abs and pecs. My arms and legs are pretty good too though not overly muscular. I need to work on them a bit.

Cody: I can give you some tips. I don't get why you don't have any real friends then. Do play sports? To smart or mean to people and puppy dogs? Ha-ha.

JC: I like to think I am a nice guy. I have a high IQ of 142. Not Mensa or anything but hey, I am far from dumb. I never played on any sport teams but I play when I can. I love football and cheer for my home team even when they suck which is most of the time. I give to charity and always smile when people say hello. It didn't matter if I know them or not. They all Know me though.

Cody: So why don't you have any real friends. You must have an idea?

JC: Well why Ii don't I have any real friends it's simple. My names, Jason Chris.

Cody: Jason Chris, like, The Jason Chris?

JC: Yeah, The Jason Chris.

Cody: Not to call you a liar but I don't find it hard to believe that.

JC: Well that's basically calling me a liar but I understand. If you promise to be quiet about this. I will turn on my cam.

Cody: I promise but you're taking a chance if you are him. I could still tell though I won't.

JC: True but I have you saying you won't on here and that's a legal agreement.

Cody: I'll be damned if I am not talking to The Jason Chris. Dude I may not be gay but I got to tell you; you are one hot dude.

JC: Thanks

Cody: If you don't mind me asking how did you get into the entertainment business?

JC: Normal way. I tried out for a part. How did you get into doing these Cam shows?

Cody: I needed the money. Marines don't pay enough. So give me the details.

JC: 'Sigh' lol. Okay. Don't frown and give me that pouty face. Though it's cute.

Cody: : )

JC: At the age of nine I was discovered by some agent in my Grandpa's or as I call him Pops, Greek restaurant, Christo's. The one down the Jersey shore not the one in Philly. Though that's his too. He convinced Pops to let me audition for a part. The rest is history. I became a Disney kid at the age of twelve and I had my own show. I sang I danced I could act. I was the complete package.

They loved me. By the age of sixteen I was considered too old to be a Disney kid so they let me go. It wasn't a bad thing. I was already lined up for a movie part. I just released an album that hit the top ten. Had two songs that where one and two on the charts. I also came out as gay the year before. Though Disney isn't anti-gay and didn't discourage me from coming out that was my former manager.

Cody: so you should have lots have friends be a big celebrity and all.

JC: When you're at the top of the ladder you really don't know who to trust. You have to understand that when you're a celerity you wonder if they like you or the fact that you are famous.

Cody: So no boyfriends after Michael Tyska?

JC: Nope and no prospects either.

Cody: Your hot man. Even a straight guy like me sees that. There must be a line of them trying to get your attention.

JC: Coming from a hot straight guy jerking off on cam for gay guys. lol.

Cody: Awe you think I hot huh.

JC: I watched you jerking off didn't I?

Cody: True. I am a little embarrassed right now knowing you did. I wish you would have not mentioned it.

JC: Sorry Cody but I have to tell you it was hot. And your cute when blush. Sorry forgot your straight. Ha-ha.

Cody: Thanks. So why aren't you interested in a boyfriend?

JC: I already had one boyfriend who screwed me over. Although I want someone to hold and snuggle with like any gay guy. I have to careful. I haven't been with anyone since Michael. I am not looking but yet I am. I figure if it happens it happens but it's hard when you're a celebrity.

Cody: I thought it would be easier. All you have to do is go out and they flock to you. JC: I don't go out much. When I do go hang with 'friends' which, are usually celebrities, like myself. The media is right there.

Cody: Media and fans are a pain in the ass I bet.

JC: Don't get me wrong I love the media to a point. The thing is when I go somewhere with a male friend it's always are they dating? By the time we leave whatever place we go to the fans are mobbing us. Again I don't mind the fans. I love my fans. They are the reason I am where I am today.

Cody: Yeah I guess there is no mystery there for them since your whole life is out there.

JC: Most of it is speculation or press releases. Most of that is half truths., even the press releases. Cody: Like what? JC: well I don't care if people know the truth now but when I was a Disney kid it mattered. You have to be squeaky clean. One thing is my mother left me with POPs not because she was ill at the time. Though I guess being druggie and drunk could be considered an illness by most standards.

Cody: just another type of illness but I see what you're saying. One that you can avoid.

JC: Another one is my father wasn't a soldier who was killed in Afghanistan. Truthfully, I have no idea who he is other than he is some guy who knocked up my mom when she was in Greece. I think he was Greek too. Who knows right. I'd be surprised if she even remembers having sex with him.

Cody: I wish I could say something to make feel better Jason. I am looking at your cam and see really good looking guy who seems nice but seems lonely too. Makes me sad.

JC: I didn't mean to tell you all that it's just that. Honestly I don't know why I am telling you this. I mean I never watched one of these Cam shows before.

Cody: because you were horny lol.

JC: yeah but there's more to it. I just don't know what. I just felt I could talk to you.

Cody: You can bro. Any time you need to talk send me a text at 910-555-1212. If you really need to talk call me.

JC: thanks I will do that. I have to go I have a sound check.

Cody: Where are you?

JC: Bonn Germany.

Cody: Wow cool shit must be nice.

JC: Wouldn't know. I don't get much chance to sight see. I really gotta go. Bye stud.

Cody: Bye, hot stuff.

JC: Now I am blushing. Bye.

Jason turned off his cam. He saw Cody or whatever his real name is wave at his cam he smiled to himself. Fuck he is hot. He blew two loads in his dressing room waiting for them to adjust the sound equipment. He didn't know what got into him to do that. He was openly gay but he was squeaky clean. He was America's poster child as President Obama had described.

He knew that media would love to get their hands on the fact that he was watching a live cam show of a guy jerking off and beating off himself. Though he just had his cam showing shoulders up. he quickly pulled up his pants after wiping himself off with a towel that he through in clothes bag.

Ever since Michael had cheated on him the media and tabloids have been stalking him. Begging for a statement on it. It had been three months. He still wouldn't give a statement other than the standard press release. He rarely gave interviews to begin with.

Ever since the Interview with Good Morning America when he asked if he thought being gay was good image for impressionable children. He limited his interviews to Ellen and The Tonight shows. They never crossed the line and kept with boundaries they were given.

"Jason, they are waiting to do the sound check." his road manager, Greg Callahan called through the door.

"Yeah coming be there when I am done on the toilet." Jason yelled back. He didn't really like the guy he was always so proper. Though his voice was hot with that English accent. Jason washed his crotch quickly sprayed some cologne there and closed up his pant. He flushed the toilet. He knew Greg was right outside the door waiting.

He opened the door and bam, Greg was there rushing him to the stage. "Stop pushing Greg. It's a sound check, not a performance."

"Yes but as we both know adjusting the sound takes time."

Jason picked up the mic. "Ready guys when you are." He said to the back-up band.

Even though he could play the piano, guitar and several other instruments he preferred not to. He preferred singing. It was his passion. He loved being on stage and pouring his heart out in his music. The band played the opening cords. He as usual didn't miss his mark. Even when he was doing a sound check he put hi all into it.

Critics have been raving about this tour. Not only because of the great performances but also because of the size of it. One hundred and twelve cities in five moths that's includes the forty-two cities he already did in North and South America. That make a total of seventy-eight concerts already done.

That means 138 more to go. The last concert being in the place he started. Philadelphia. He always started and finished in Philly. It was his home town. The people there didn't fawn over him. Well the tourist did. But he could walk down Chestnut or Walnut streets and for the most part just get a hi. Or someone asking for an autograph. He could even get into the clubs in the Gayborhood around 13th Streets. He didn't drink though. No need to get the good boy image tarnished by boozing it up in public.

The sound checks went great. The crew was well seasoned form the last world tour he took two years ago. Though smaller it went off well. Made money and made him known for giving a great performance. He done a tour in just North America last year just a small twenty city promo tour.

Jason walked off the stage. He wanted to go back to the hotel and take a nap. There was little chance of that though. The fans were already gather outside the stadium. He had six hours until he had to be back. He stopped trying long ago to sneak out in disguise. It never worked for long. He'd just go lay down in the dressing room. The dressing rooms are in reality a locker room. His dressing room is the coach's office. But it had its own bathroom and bed and couch so it was cool.

Jason laid down on the single bed. It wasn't the most comfortable but it did the job. He closed his eyes and thought about Cody. He was so fucking hot. Dirty blonde hair. Blue eyes. Muscular with a few tats. He also was big in the down below. He had a slight southern accent which was sexy as hell. He seemed genuinely nice too. He just wishes he wasn't straight.

Jason pulled out his cell. He looked up the number. He debated whether or not to text him. He wanted to talk to someone normal well ok Cody was a cam boy. But that was more normal than him.

Jason: Hey. Finished the sound check.

Cody: JC text me I feel special. :) lol how did it go.

Jason: Went great but they are seasoned pros. So, it was fast and easy.

Cody: I talked to you 2 hours ago how long did it take?

Jason: about 2 hours.

Cody: you call three hours fast?

Jason: Yeah but I only sung two songs. They just had to adjust in-between the songs. First time performing here. So we didn't have anything to go by.

Jason: Can I call? I hate texting other than a short message?

Cody; Well normally I would say yes but waiting on my girl.

Jason: Oh didn't know you had a girlfriend. Does she know about the cam?

Cody: Well there's a story there. I'll tell you later bro. Can I call you when I drop her off?

Jason: Sure but I have to be on stage at 8pm my time.

Cody: What time is that in Jacksonville NC

Jason: 2pm.

Cody: Call you around noon bro.

Jason: :)

He searched through his phone and went to Cody's pics. He got instantly hard. Even though he had dick pics up on his profile. It was the ones that showed his abs, butt, chest, face and arm that turned him on. Even his arm pits were fucking hot.

His ass though was hottest ass he had ever seen. Michael had a hot ass too but his was fuzzy, boarding on hairy. Cody's was smooth with just hair in the crack. He stroked his hard-on faster. He wasn't as big as Cody's dick and balls, but he wasn't small either. He had a good seven- incher and nice sized balls. That would slap against his abs if he let go. He was a heavy precomer. One thing that his ex. hated It., but made great lube.

Jason moved my finger down to his hole. He imagined it was Cody's figures probing his hole. he closed my eyes and thought about his kisses and his sexy voice telling he how he wanted him. He imagined how his cock tasted and him shooting into his mouth. He moaned as He came all over himself for the third time that day. His phone rang just as the last shot his oozed down into his pubes.

Jason laid still with his eyes closed. He had locked the door and told his manager he wanted to nap before he went to into his dressing room. Unless the building was on fire or something like that he would be bothered. Jason had had much sleep since Michel cheated on him.

Is wasn't just that he cheated. It was the way he found out. The same way the rest of the world did. TMZ. They gave him a thirty minutes heads up about it but they knew they had an exclusive.

The camera panned in on Michael and Gloria Tines from that reality show Life of Gloria. They were walking out of Roberto Cavalli's shop on Rodeo making out in front of it.

"Michael does Jason know about you and Gloria?"

"I guess he does now." Michael laughed.

"So you guys broke up?"

"I guess so."


"My guess as soon as he sees this." Michael and Gloria started laughing.

"How long have you and Gloria been seeing each other?"

"Almost a year. We just got engaged like two minutes ago." Gloria said showing off a huge diamond on her finger.

I stared at the TV. I couldn't believe it. Gloria Tines? Ok she was a dog by any means. She was slutty pretty. You know big fake tits in a too small top. Green leopard prints. That way. If he was going to cheat and dump me at least do it with a hottie like Alex Pettyford. I'd say Liam Hemsworth but I can't do that to my girl. If it had to a be a chick at least someone who isn't slutty.

After that they had the usual jokes and comments. He reacted quickly. He called his P.A. and had him quickly cancel his visa and any get back any money he spent on them for women's clothing and jewelry. No way was I going to pay for the slut's engagement ring for the other slut to give her. He thought to himself

I hung up. Damn did I just call him babe? Maybe he missed that. A few seconds later I got a text:

'First I am beautiful and now I am babe. Awe cute. Teasing you sorry, couldn't resist. Can't wait till you're on the tour.'

Fucking dick is hard. I started to stroke it was get a bit sore. It only took me about a dozen strokes but I shot my load. It wasn't much more than a dribble but it felt good.

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Also if this story gets your interest read Hazard in the high school or rural sections.

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Next: Chapter 2

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