American Idol 2007

By story guy

Published on Apr 3, 2007


American Idol is property of the FOX network, and is copyrighted material. This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexual preference of any of the actors involved and this story is pure fiction. Do not read this story if you are under 18, and all of the material in it is purely fictional.

Please e-mail me if you would like to make any comments. I will take all suggestions and comments under consideration. If you would like to tell me how you would like the story to continue, please let me know.

AMERICAN IDOL 2007 -- Part 2

Phil woke up the next morning and looked over and saw that Kendra was not up yet. He decided to just quietly get up and leave. He jumped in the shower, got changed and got out the door without disrupting his wife. He was truthfully happy that he did not wake her.

He went down to breakfast and sat with LaKisha, Hailey, and Gina. Phil said, "Good morning girls. How are you guys doing?" LaKisha said, "Well I am doing well, but a little tired today." Phil said, "Yea, I am pretty tired myself, but at least we have a short day today." Hailey said, "We are going out tonight so I can use the extra time to get ready." Gina said, "Oh yea. We are going to rock out tonight." LaKisha said, "Knock your selves out. I don't go out much anymore." Phil said, "I typically don't either, but last night for the first time I did go out and had a blast. I went with Blake and Chris and we had a fun time." Gina said, "Phil it is good to see you having some fun." LaKisha said, "Oh so you left your wife home with the kids?" Phil said, "Yes I did, but I don't do that often." LaKisha said, "Well than tonight is your wife's turn to go out then. Right?" Hailey said, "Oh come on Phil. I like Kendra. You should let her go out." Phil said, "Well I was going to go out with the guys again, but if you can talk Kendra into going out then I will watch the kids." Gina said, "We can convince her no problem." Phil rolled his eyes and said, "Yea right." Gina said, "Well leave it to Hailey and me." Phil said, "Hey go for it. I hope she goes out. She has been under stress lately and pretty mean to me." LaKisha said, "Alright I guess I am in the charitable mood today, so what I will propose is that Kendra can go out with the girls if she wants to and Phil you can go out with the guys. I will baby sit the two kids. My little girl will love that so it will be a win- win for everyone." Phil said, "Oh LaKisha. I love you!" LaKisha said, "Don't push it." Phil laughed and said, "Thank you so much." He looked at Hailey and Gina and said, "I think you have your work cut out today." Gina said, "No problem. This will be easy." Phil said, "Alright I guess this could be a fun night for all." Everyone finished their breakfast because they had twenty minutes to get to practice.

Phil had another kickass job singing his song today and was happy that he was done for the day. He did not get to talk to Blake or Chris yet because of everyone being really busy. He went outside for some air and saw Blake and Chris out smoking. Phil walked over and said, "Hello you guys." Blake looked over and saw Phil and smiled and said, "Hey what's up stud?" Phil embarrassed said, "Not much. I am just glad that we are almost done with practice today." Chris said, "Me too. So are you still going out with us tonight?" Phil said, "Well I have not talked to Kendra yet, but I am going.

Actually Gina and Hailey are trying to get Kendra to go with them. That is going to be interesting, but I hope it works out. Kendra definitely needs a night out. LaKisha said she would watch the kids so everything is worked out except for Kendra accepting the invitation. I think Gina is going to ask her after practice. Cross your fingers." Chris said, "Oh I am crossing fingers and toes." Blake said, "Well let's get back in so that we can finish up for the day." The guys walk back in and join the others.

After practice, Phil went to the flower shop to pick up some flowers for Kendra. He was hoping that not only does Kendra like flowers; it gave Hailey and Gina time to speak with Kendra about tonight. Phil did not know how that would work out especially leaving the baby for the first time, but Gina seemed pretty convinced that she could talk her into it. Phil shrugged his shoulders and thought time will tell.

Phil was walking out of the shop and ran into Blake. Blake said, "Hey dude. Come up to my room around 3:00 so I can give you the clothes I picked out for you for tonight." Phil said, "Ok sure. That sounds great. What time are we leaving anyway?" Blake said, "Chris wants to leave at 7:00. Is that good for you?" Phil said, "Sure. No problem."

Phil walked into the room. Kendra was sitting on the bed deep in thought. Phil went over to her and kissed her on the cheek and gave her the flowers. Phil said, "What is wrong Kendra?" Kendra said, "Phil, I know I was a jerk last night. I am sorry. I know this is going to sound completely hypocritical, but Haley and Gina came over and invited me out for the night and I said yes. I am sorry Phil. I should have said no, but they were so excited that I just had to accept. LaKisha is going to watch the kids. Are you ok with this?" Phil hugged his wife and said, "Honey, I love you and want you to enjoy life and I support you 100 percent. You were just being protective last night and I appreciate it. I love you with my whole heart and soul." Kendra hugged and kissed Phil and said, "Thank you so much. I am actually excited about tonight, but I would love and stay with you right now Phil, but I have to go to the bathroom and pump some bottles for tonight. After I am done with that I am going to take the kids to LaKisha's room and then going to Haley's room where the girls are going to help me get ready for tonight. Are you ok with this?" Phil beemed at his wife and said, "Hell yes. Go have a great time tonight sweetheart. You are going to be so happy that you went out." Kendra kissed Phil one more time and then ran in the bathroom. Phil raised his hands in victory. He definitely will have to thank the girls when he sees them.

Phil took a nap and woke up and saw that it was about 15 minutes until he had to be in Blake's room. He went into the bathroom and splashed some water on his face and brushed his teeth and then walked out the door.

Phil knocked on Blake's door and waited. Blake opened the door and told Phil to come on in. Phil walked in and gave Blake a hug and said, "How are you doing Blake?" Blake said, "Well I am doing great. I am glad you came up because I have your clothes for tonight." Phil said, "Alright let's see them. Blake went over to his bed and grabbed the clothes and gave them to Phil. He set them down and lifted up the shirt. Phil said, "Wow this is really nice. I love to wear white and I see you got me a tee shirt to wear with it. That is a good thing." They both laughed knowing what happened to Phil on one of the performance nights. The lights were very hot and Phil was sweating through his shirt. That made for some jokes on the blogs so Blake wanted to ensure that didn't happen tonight especially with all the dancing they would be doing. Phil lifted up the jeans and said, "These are really cool." Blake said, "Phil they are a bit tighter than you normally wear, but I think it will show off your ass and crotch a bit more. Nothing too gross or anything. I hope you don't mind." Phil said, "Well I don't think I will mind, but when I try them on I will have to see for myself before I wear them out." Blake said, "No problem. That is fair." Phil said, "Thank you so much for these clothes. I am going to look fucking good tonight." Blake said, "You are looking good right now. How about a quick blow job before you leave?" Phil said, "You know. I am going to take you up on that offer."

Blake grabbed Phil and threw him on the bed and then got on top of him. He snuggled Phil's neck and started to kiss all over his neck. Phil put his hands behind his head and just enjoyed the feeling. Blake started to pull up Phil's shirt and had him lift his upper body. Blake was now sitting on Phil's crotch and slowly bouncing up and down. Blake threw the shirt on the floor and then went to Phil's shoulders and started to kiss and lightly bite them. He threw Phil back down on the bed and went for Phil's pecks. Man he had some pencil sized nipples and Blake was just sucking on them like a baby. He really enjoyed both of Phil's tits. Blake started to kiss down Phil's abs. His abs were very developed and he took his hand and just started to feel up and down the ridges. Blake thought it was like a mountain going into a valley. Blake continued down Phil's body to his bellybutton and kissed around there for awhile. He loved the patch of hair that went into Phil's jeans. It was so sexy how the hair makes a trail so you don't get lost going to heaven. Blake started to grope Phil's crotch through his jeans. Blake said, "It sure seems like Phil is ready to pop." Phil groaned and said, "Fuck ya. Please take out my cock and suck it." Blake went to Phil's button fly and ripped it open. He took down both the jeans and boxers. Phil's dick bounced up and was ready to go. Blake took Phil's dick and licked the head. He kept licking around it and sucking on the tip. Blake spit on the cock head and started to take it down his throat. Man Phil's dick was pretty thick, but a perfect size for length. Blake took Phil's cock all the way down to his balls. His hands were playing with his balls like he plays dice. Blake got down between Phil's legs and started to take the balls in his mouth. He just sucked on them and passed them back and forth in his mouth. Blake asked Phil if he wanted him to put his legs on his shoulders again. Phil said, "Oh hell yes." Blake said, "Are you sure?" Phil said, "Damn it Blake. Eat my fucking ass now." Blake snickers and lifted Phil's legs and saw Phil's beautiful butt hole. Blake spit in Phil's ass and started to tongue out his ass. It tasted so good to Blake. He just dived in as much as he could and ate the hell out of Phil's ass. Phil was wiggling all around. Blake knew that Phil loved getting his ass eaten and Blake loved eating ass so it was perfect for both of them. Blake stopped a minute and put a finger up Phil's ass. Phil didn't react. Blake thought he probably did not realize he had done that. Phil was in a very erotic state. Blake pulled out his finger and went back to sucking Phil's dick. Phil was really starting to feel really good. Phil said, "I am about to blow!" Blake said, "I am ready for you." Blake put his finger back in Phil's ass and started to suck faster. In a minute, Phil started to fire six full shots of cum down Blake's throat. Blake always loved the taste of cum, but Phil's was so good. Probably because he has a lot reserved since he has not had much of a sexual history. A few times with his wife and that was it. Phil was breathing very heavy and said, "Dude. That was the best. I am afraid that I am getting used to these." Blake said, "Hey buddy. No problem I have all summer to help you out."

Phil said, "Man I can't believe I waited so long to have that incredible feeling. I love blow jobs dude." Blake said, "I am glad. It is getting late and you need to go get ready. We only have an hour before we are scheduled to leave."

Phil got up and gave Blake a kiss on the lips, smiled and said, "Thank you Blake. See you soon." Blake said, "Definitely looking forward to seeing you in an hour."

Phil walked into his room. It was dark and for the first time nobody was there. He decided to take a shower and get ready. He turned on the shower and started to take off his clothes. He had his shirt off, when the door opened and Kendra was standing there. Kendra was dressed in a short mini shirt, fishnet stockings, a pink tee shirt, a pair of black stilettos, and more make up than Phil had even seen on Kendra. He walked over to her and put his arms around her and said, "You look beautiful." Kendra said, "Oh Phil. I am glad that you think so. I was so nervous that you were going to go off and start calling me a big slut sinner." Phil kissed her on the lips and said, "Heck no Kendra. You are finally going to go out and have a great time and I want you to do whatever you want to." Kendra said, "Are you sure Phil?" Phil said, "Absolutely. I love you and will be waiting to hear about the fun you had. You are free to have the best fun of your life." Kendra said, "Well Phil. I think that Hailey and Gina are taking me to a lipstick lesbian bar." Phil laughed and said, "Wow. Kendra this is going to be an experience you are never going to forget. Just enjoy yourself. You have been through a lot the last couple months. You have delivered our baby, put your life on hold for me with Idol, have been a great assistant pastor's wife, and been the best, most perfect wife in the World. You have been a great Christian and no matter what you do tonight. You will continue to be a great Christian. Phil said because you love God with you whole heart and soul. So you go out and give those lesbians a run for their money." Kendra laughed and said, "Oh Phil. You sure do support me with everything I do. Thank you so much. If you think I look hot, you should see Hailey and Gina. My God. It is going to be hard to keep my hands off those hot looking chicks." Phil laughed and said, "Hey you just go after them and make sure that you get your groove on. If you feel like you want to get in their skirts, go for it, but give me a play by play." Kendra laughed and said, "Will do Phil. Now what are you guys doing tonight." Phil laughed and said, "Well Kendra. This is going to be funny, but we are going to a gay bar tonight." Kendra started cracking up and said, "Wow! Are you going to star in "Brokeback Mountain"? Phil said, "Well I don't know about that, but I might do some experimenting if that is ok with you. Kendra said, "You better. I want you to tell me how those cute guys are like in bed." Phil started laughing and said, "Kendra, can you believe we are acting like this? Feel pretty good doesn't it?" Kendra said, Fuck ya it does Phil." Phil said, "wooh Kendra. Did you just curse?"

Kendra said, "What me?" and just smiled. Kendra went up to Phil and gave him a big kiss on the lips and they went into a French kiss. Kendra lowered her hand and started to play with Phil's dick through his jeans and said, "Well make sure this cock of yours gets a good workout tonight." Phil said, "Oh I think it will don't worry." Kendra said, I love you Phil so much. I hope you have the best time tonight." Phil said, "I love you more than life and I am so thrilled that you are going out and having a good time." Kendra said, "I will see you tomorrow." Phil said, "Yep. See ya later." Kendra walked out the door.

Phil was beside himself with the conversation that he just had with his wife. He could not believe it and actually pinched himself. Phil was so happy. He looked at the watch and saw that he had about forty minutes left. He tore off his jeans and boxers and went into the bathroom. He turned on the water and just stood their feeling the spray going all over his body. He grabbed the soap and started to lather his body. He started to clean his dick and balls. After what Kendra did, it did not take long to harden. He put his dick in his fist and for the first time started to stroke up and down. It felt unbelievable. He took his balls in his hands and started to play with them. His dick was so hard that he thought it could break off. He remembered about Blake putting his finger in his ass even though he did not say anything to him and liked it. He took his finger and started to push it into his ass. Man that is strange, but good. He began to push his finger in and out of his butt while stroking his cock. Phil started to feel something in his feet that was heading up his legs. It was so amazing that his legs began to give out some. The feeling traveled all the way up to his nuts and then bam, he started to squirt and squirt all over the place. He had to cum at least a gallon or so he thought. Man all these years that I did not even touch my dick was just stupid. That was such a fantastic experience. Phil went back to taking a shower and finished up.

Phil got out of the shower and started to dry himself. He walked out of the bathroom into his room and walked over to the clothes that Blake picked out for him. He put some deodorant on his pits and then put the tee shirt on. You could see the abs which was unusual for him. He put on the oxford white button down shirt but only buttoned three lower buttons. He then picked up the jeans and put them on. Blake was right. They were much tighter than he normally wore, but very comfortable. He tucked the front portion of the shirt into his jeans and then buttoned them up.

He walked over to the mirror and checked himself out. Phil was shocked at how hot he looked. His crotch was huge in these jeans. He turned around and saw that his ass had two perfect mounds. Phil was so glad that Blake picked these out for him. He might have millions of guys all over him tonight. He threw on a necklace and put on some shoes and socks. He looked at his watch and saw that he needed to leave right now.

Phil knocked on Blake's door and noticed it was open. He walked in and saw that Chris and Blake were having sex. Blake said, "Oh Phil. Sorry about this. We are just finishing up." Chris cummed in Blake's mouth and Blake grabbed Chris' cock and started to stroke it fast. In a few minutes, Chris said, "Blake I am cumming." Blake lowered his head and put his mouth over the cock and just drank in the cream. Chris was breathing hard as he was finishing. Phil was playing with his cock some, but knew that there would be plenty of time for sex later. Chris and Blake looked up and started laughing. Chris said, "Sorry about that Phil. We will take a shower together so we won't have you waiting too long." Phil said, "Hey don't worry about me. We have all night." Blake walked over to Phil and kissed his lips. Phil kissed back and actually got a little of the reminisce of Chris' cum on his lips. He licked it off his lips and tasted cum for the first time in his life. Phil thought it tasted interesting. He kinda liked it, but really did not get enough to be sure. Blake said, "We will be out in ten minutes." Phil said, "No problem." Phil noticed the cigarettes on the table and grabbed one. Phil did not smoke too much, but need one at the moment.

Chris and Blake finished their shower and came out and started to get dressed. They had the same clothes as Phil but different colors. Blake and Chris both said that Phil looked sexy and hot. Phil thanked them and said they looked like studs.

Finally Chris and Blake were done and they went out to the car and went to the club. When they arrived at the club, the three of them walked in and saw that it was crowded for a Saturday night. Phil asked the guys if they wanted a drink. They all agreed and Phil went and got three beers. They drank them pretty quickly, but Phil said, that he wanted another one so they had another beer right away. Phil wanted to relax. They all talked about the girls going out while drinking the second beer. Once they were done, Blake asked the guys if they were ready to go out. Everyone said sure.

On the dance floor, the guys were dancing to the house music. Phil was so much more comfortable than last night. It helped that Kendra was ok for Phil to be here. Blake danced over to Phil and grabbed his hands and raised them up and brought his body to Phil's. They danced that way while having their bodies grind to the music. Phil felt Blake's dick going against his and was starting to rise. Phil smiled and leaned in to give Blake a kiss. Blake kissed Phil back and put his tongue to the entry of Phil's lips. Phil opened his mouth and accepted Blake's tongue and they went into French kiss.

Phil brought Blake even closer to him and he put his arms around Blake and just stood there and enjoyed the kiss. Phil was lost in this lustful kiss. He was hitting his dick against Blake's and feeling up Blake's back. Blake lowered his hands and put them on Phil's ass, but this time, Phil didn't mind and in fact, welcomed his hands. Phil said, "Blake you are so great. You have taught me so much the last couple days about relaxing and having some fun. I thank you." Blake said, "I am glad that I was able to help you out. You were a bundle of nerves and it was affecting your competition in my opinion." Phil said, "You are right. I was so unhappy that I did not even realize it. I think that both Kendra and I needed this." Blake said, "Oh yea. I think that Kendra, no offense, had a big stick up her ass." Phil said, "Well she certainly was miserable that is for sure." Phil went and kissed Blake again and took the initiative to French kiss him. He could get used to this he thought. After awhile, Blake stopped the kiss and moved away from Phil so he could get back to dancing. Phil smiled his gorgeous big smile and started dancing again.

Phil looked over at Chris and saw that he was in the middle of some guys and really enjoyed it. Phil told Blake to turn around and he just started cracking up.

Blake told Phil that Chris was a big slut. Phil said, "Well I might be one too." Blake said, "Let's hope so Phil." Blake asked Phil if he wanted another drink. Phil said, "Absolutely. I could use one." They walked over to the bar and bought a beer and a shot of Jameson Whisky. Phil and Blake drank the shot and put down their glass. Phil said, "Holy shit. That was smooth and pretty damn good." Blake said, "Oh yea. My opinion it is the best. They make it in Dublin, Ireland." Phil said, "Do you want another?" Blake said, "Hell yes." Phil bought two more and then drank them down.

Blake and Phil grabbed their beers and started to drink. Blake asked Phil if he was truly happy. Phil said, "Yes I am. I am seriously happy. I know that I am a Christian and Assistant Pastor, but I have to have a life too." Blake said, "You know Phil, you really do. Your life was really not too much of a life." Phil laughed and said, "Boy you could say that again."

Chris came over to the guys and bought a beer. He came over and talked with the guys. Chris asked what they wanted to do. Phil said, "Well it is still early. We can hang out here another hour before going back to Blake's room." Chris said, "Hey that is cool with me." Blake said, "Do you guys want to step outside and have a smoke." The guys all agreed and walked outside.

They all light up and Phil squeezed his crotch and said, "Damn, this cock has not been awake in years. At least not like this. It is funny that I have had two kids, but it's as if I have never had sex before." Blake said, "Well dude, when you only have sex twice in your life, what do you expect?" Chris said, "Yea you have had more sex since yesterday than your entire life." Phil laughed and said, "Alright guys. Let's not get crazy. I had it five times in my life and I have not had sex five times in the last 24 hours." Blake and Chris looked at him and at the same time they said, "Five times?" Phil laughed and said, "Sadly yes. Thank God we did not get pregnant the first time on both kids or it would have been twice." Blake came over and patted Phil on the head and said, "You poor baby. We are going to have to help you raise those numbers." Chris said, "Damn, I think I had sex one hundred times by the time I was 20." Phil said, "Well you are a fucking hunk, so I don't blame anyone wanting to get in your pants." Chris smiled and said, "Well thanks bud. I hope you are going to try tonight." Phil said, "Count on it." The three were done with their cigarettes and went back inside.

Chris grabbed Phil's arm and took him out to the dance floor. He started to dance around Phil and settled in back of Phil. He held Phil's shoulders and began humping Phil's ass. Phil was getting into it by leaning into Chris and hitting Chris' dick with his ass to the beat. Chris started to move around Phil and ended up in front of him. He moved close into him and started to kiss Phil. Phil's tongue entered Chris' mouth and they ended up into a French kiss. Phil was really into it and took his hand and started to play with Chris' dick in his jeans. Chris said, "Phil that feels so good. I love that." Phil said, "You have a great dick." Chris said, "Just a normal one that's all." Phil laughed and said, "Yea right. That doesn't feel normal to me."

Blake came over to them and started dancing. Chris started to move around to the back of Phil and Blake stayed in the front of him. Blake leaned against Phil and grabbed Chris. They were now together dancing. Phil was in the best position. He had a dick hitting his ass and a dick hitting his cock. Man this is absolutely fucking hot! Phil said, "Alright you guys. We better stop this or we are going to have sex right here on the dance floor." Chris said, "Well it has happened before." Blake laughed and said, "That is true." Phil said, "Well for my second evening out. I don't want to be showing my ass to everyone in the club." Blake said, "Well it is a great looking ass." Phil said, "Truthfully, I only want to show my ass to you guys tonight." Blake said, "Alright. Do you guys want to go back to the hotel now?" Chris and Phil said yes at the same time. Blake laughed and said, "Alright let's get out of here." They found the driver and left the club.

The guys all ran into Blake's room and stood around a minute while Blake grabbed a beer for each of them.

That is it for right now, but I am working really quickly on the next part. Hopefully everyone is enjoying the story and will be sending me some suggestions on where to go now.

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