American Idol 2007

By story guy

Published on Apr 1, 2007


American Idol is property of the FOX network, and is copyrighted material. This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexual preference of any of the actors involved and this story is pure fiction. Do not read this story if you are under 18, and all of the material in it is purely fictional.

Please e-mail me if you would like to make any comments. I will take all suggestions and comments under consideration. If you would like to tell me how you would like the story to continue, please let me know.

AMERICAN IDOL 2007 -- Part 1

Blake was thrilled that Phil was safe this week even though he ended up being in the bottom three. Phil actually was the one who ended up being considered "safe" with Chris Sligh, and Hailey being the bottom two. Blake met Phil on his way back to sit down and said, "Oh damn Phil, you had me worried." Phil said, "No kidding. I am definitely going to have to change my shorts after that." They both hugged each other and Phil returned to his chair. Just for information, Chris Sligh ended up being voted out. As always, no matter how much you liked or did not like Chris, it was always sad to see an idol's journey end. Anyway, Chris Sligh was singing his final song and decided to walk to each idol and give a quick goodbye hug. When he got to Phil, Chris said, "You owe me 50 bucks." Phil just gave one of his big trademark smiles and gave him a hug. The two of them had bet each other over who would be voted off this week. Phil thought his time on Idol was over even though he had his best week of singing so far. Luckily for his fans, that was not the case and 50 dollars was worth the extra week or more he will ultimately last. The show ended with the final 9 being named. The idols were excited about making it through to the next week.

Blake and Chris Richardson turned out to be pretty great friends and went out every Thursday to celebrate their successful week. This week was no exception, but Blake asked Chris if it would be cool to have Phil go with them. Chris did not have a problem with it, but he did not think that Phil would be willing to leave his wife for the evening. Blake said, "Let's just see if he wants to go out for awhile. He might surprise us." Blake and Chris walked up to Phil who was beaming from having another safe week. Blake walked up to Phil and gave him a high five. Phil grabbed Blake's arm and brought him into a friendly hug and said, "Thank you so much for your support today and actually all week. I really appreciate that you helped me pick out my clothes last night and the clothes I have on now too. I think that especially with last night's clothes you picked out for me might have gotten me a few extra votes. And, because of all that, you really made me feel confident even though I was in the bottom three." Blake said, "Hey no problem you look fucking hot. You are a great friend and I am relieved to have you for at least another week." Chris said, "Yea Phil. I am glad that we will be able to hang out for at least another week. Speaking of hanging out, Blake and I are going out for a few beers later tonight and want you to join us." Phil said, "Man that sounds fun, but I think I better just stay with Kendra tonight." Blake said, "Dude, you have not been out with us at all since the show started. We are starting to feel neglected." Phil started cracking up and said, "Alright listen. Let me stay with my wife tonight and I will talk to her and see if I can go out with you guys on Friday night. How does that sound?" Chris said, "Well I guess we don't have any choice, but she better say you can go out or were going to kidnap your ass." Phil said, "Well that could be interesting." Blake said, "Phil don't give us a reason to do it." Phil laughed and said, "Alright I will do my best to get a liberty chit for Friday night." Blake said, "Damn Phil are you using that Navy lingo again. Remember you are free from the Navy until at least the end of summer when the tour is over." Phil said, "Well it is tough to forget being in the Navy since I have been in for quite a few years." Chris said, "Well for God's sake Phil, please give it a try." Phil said, "Alright I will give it a shot, but you guys are being awful demanding tonight." Blake and Chris laughed and gave Phil one last quick hug and went on their way.

Phil was a little disappointed about not going out with the guys tonight, but with a little new born baby at home he didn't think it was a good idea. Phil walked up to his hotel room where his wife and two children were staying. He walked into the room and was attacked by his wife. She just put her arms around him and said, "I am so proud of you Phil. You are a wonderful husband and father and are doing such a great job." She kissed him and they begin to french kiss. Phil stopped the kiss and said, "Honey, I am glad to be doing well and glad that you are proud of me. I love you too." Mrs. Stacey let's go to bed. I would like to be with you tonight. Kendra said, "Oh Phil you are always ready for sex aren't you?" Phil said, "Well ya." And laughed. Kendra said, "I am sorry Phil, but I have been dealing with the kids all day and really I am just too exhausted. I just want to go to bed. You are not too upset are you?" Phil said, "Well I am sorta disappointed. I have been under such pressure and we have not had sex in quite awhile. I will support you, but it has been so long." Kendra said, "And Phil. Do you want another baby right now?" Phil said, "No not right now." Kendra said, "Then we are definitely not having sex. You know we only have sex when we are going to procreate." Phil said, "Oh Kendra then how about a blow job?" Kendra slapped Phil and said, "Phil you know I hate that. It is completely disgusting." Phil said, "I know you think that Kendra. Trust me I know." Phil smiled and rolled his eyes at Kendra and said, "Alright let's go to bed. I love you." Kendra said, "I love you too Phil."

They both gave each other a quick kiss and got ready for bed.

Phil got up the next morning at around 0900 and went and took a shower and got changed into clean clothes. He decided to go down to breakfast at the restaurant down in the hotel lobby area. When he walked in, he saw Blake and Chris sitting down eating their breakfast. Phil walked up to them and asked if he could sit with them. They both looked up and Blake pointed his hand to the chair giving permission. Phil asked them how their night went. Chris said, "Man Phil you missed a great night. We went to a couple clubs and just danced our asses off." Phil said, "That sounds great.

I kinda wished I would have gone now." Blake asked Phil what was wrong. Phil said, "Nothing. I am fine." Both Chris and Blake put up the bullshit flag and told Phil that there is no way they believed him. Phil said, "Well you are right guys. I had a bad night. I am ok now. Kendra and I just had a little fight. Nothing too dramatic. Just normal husband and wife stuff." Blake asked Phil if he asked his wife if he could go out tonight. Phil said, "Oh darn. I forgot to ask her. I will ask her when she wakes up." Chris said, "Phil we really want you to go out with us." Phil said, "No problem. After breakfast I will go up and see what she says." Blake said, "Well we better get out of here. We have practice at 10 o'clock. Phil you better hurry so you will be on time."

Phil went up to his room to get ready to leave for the show's practice. He walked into the room and saw Kendra folding some clothes. Phil walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Kendra said, "Good morning Phil. How are you feeling?" Phil said, "Oh I am feeling great. I just had a great breakfast and spoke with Blake and Chris." Kendra said, "Well I am glad to hear you had a good breakfast. You will need it with the practice going on all day." Phil said, "Yes and Blake and Chris are going out tonight and asked me to go along." Kendra said, "Phil you know that you should not be out gallivanting around. You know that all it will bring is trouble." Phil said, "Look Kendra. I have been trusting and I want to go out for some fun." Kendra said, "Well it looks like your mind is made up. I can't believe that you are going against God's teachings. What would our Pastor say about this?" Phil said, "Well I don't know, but I don't think going out for a drink is going to guarantee my soul to eternal fire." Kendra said, "Drink? You better not have any alcohol." Phil said, "Well I don't know. I might have a beer or two." Kendra said, "Phil what has gotten into you? This is not your behavior I am used to. I think this Hollywood place is bringing you down." Phil said, "Kendra. You are not being reasonable." Kendra said, "Well Phil. I will pray for you and your soul. I can't stop you from going, but if you do, you better remember to put God first." Phil said, "Kendra I will don't worry. I am an assistant Pastor after all. I know my responsibilities to God and the church." Kendra said, "Alright. When will I expect you?" Phil said, "Well I guess when I walk through the door." Kendra said, "Man Phil you are really making me angry. Why don't you just leave and go to your practice. I will see you when you decide to come back." Phil walked up to Kendra and tried to give her a kiss on the cheek, but she turned her head away. Phil just gave up and walked out the door.

Phil was fuming during rehearsals and Tony Bennett was getting impatient with him. He said, "Phil. I think that you are not into this practice at all. I am not one to waste my time. Are you ready to take this seriously?" Phil said, "I am just having a bad morning. I am sorry. I will do better." Tony said, "Alright let's give it another try." Phil did a better job this time around, and Tony was ecstatic. He ran up to Phil and gave him a hug and said, "You finally got it. I am so proud of you." Phil smiled and said "Well thank you for your help and support." Tony said, "See you at the show. You are ready." Phil said, "Thanks again and good bye." Tony looked at his list and noticed that it was time for Sanjaya to practice. The musician was shaking his head and whispered, "Why me God? Why?" Sanjaya said hello to Phil who gave Sanjaya a short nod and walked out.

Phil walked out to where the other idols were hanging out and saw that Chris and Blake were there waiting. Phil walked up to them. Blake said, "So how was your practice?" Phil said, "Well it wasn't great, but it ended up being ok." They both started to crack up. Chris said, "Ya mine was not great at all. I am just glad that it is over." Blake asked, "So Phil did you get permission to go out tonight?" Phil said, "Yea sorta. She is furious, but I am going anyway." Both Chris and Blake yelled "Hell yes!" Phil looked at them and just thought dang it is just a night out for a couple of beers.

All the idols had to practice for the Ford commercial that will be played next week. It went pretty smooth, but it took all day and finally at seven o'clock, the producers called it a wrap. Everyone was pretty tired and hungry.

Blake walked up to Phil and asked if he was going to get ready to go. Phil said, "Yea I will run up to the room and meet you down in the lobby in 30 minutes." Blake said, "That is perfect. I will go and let Chris know the plan." Phil said, "Alright. See ya later." Blake said, "See ya in a few."

Phil got up to the room and saw Kendra lying in bed. She said, "So you decided not to go out tonight and be a good husband and father?" Phil sighed and said, "Kendra I am a good father and husband. I am just going out with a couple friends for the night." Kendra said, "I can't believe that you are doing this. You know that the Bible does not allow for drinking and carousing." Phil said, "Gosh Kendra. You act like I am going to a strip club or something. We are going to get a bit to eat and have a few drinks. I am sure I will be fine. I wish you would stop worrying." Kendra said, "Alright Phil. I will see you in the morning."

Phil striped out of his clothes and jumped in the shower. He was so confused with Kendra's behavior. She was never like this. I mean granted he didn't go out at home, but this is a completely different situation. Sometimes he wished she had just stayed in Jacksonville. He felt guilty saying that, but man sometimes she just pissed him off. Phil was washing his dick and balls and he started to get hard. Man he was so horny. He had not had sex in close to ten months or so and it was getting on his nerves. Knowing that God would not be happy with him jerking off, he let go of his dick and just let the water wash away the soap. He finished his shower and got out. Phil quickly got dressed in a pair of jeans that Blake helped him pick out and a nice sweater with tee shirt underneath. He definitely wore a hat and a necklace and went down to meet the guys.

Phil made it down to the lobby and didn't see the guys yet, but he was about five minutes early so he just sat down on the couch and waited for them to come down.

The guys finally arrived at the lobby. Phil got up and met them and gave Blake a hug and then went to Chris and gave him a hug. Blake and Chris were dressed pretty much the same as Phil was, but without a hat. Chris asked Phil if he was ready to go. Phil said, "Sure am. I want to have a great time tonight." Blake said, "Oh we are going to show you a good time." Phil said, "Alright let's get going."

The guys went to a place that served Italian food, which Phil loved. They ordered three beers and started to talk. Blake asked Phil what he did for fun. Phil said, "Well I am in the Navy as a musician so I have many functions to attend and I am also an Assistant Pastor at my church in Jacksonville. It keeps me busy that is for sure and not too much time for actual fun." Chris said, "Wow. A pastor. That must be interesting, but man it must be a hard life." Phil said, "Well anything that is worth doing is hard, but with God in charge, anything and everything is possible."

Blake said, "I guess you are right. I am working really hard to get in the music business. I have a few gigs every now and then, but want to make it big time." Chris said, "I think you're awesome. That beat box that you do is so fucking cool." Phil said, "I have no doubt that both of you will make it big." Blake said, "Well I hope you guys are right." The beers arrived and the three took them and started drinking.

Phil said, "Man I have not had a beer since I married Kendra." Blake looked at Phil like he was crazy and said, "What the hell Phil." Phil said, "Well we decided to live our lives pure and follow the Bible in our life. It is more Kendra's idea than mine, but I feel that it makes life much smoother and easier."

Chris said, "Well even in the Bible, people drank wine." Phil said, "Yes, but our church frowns on drinking." Blake said, "Well Phil I think that you should just enjoy yourself tonight." Phil said, "I am. You guys are cool." Chris asked Phil how long he has been married. Phil said, "I have been married for 11 years. I got married the week after high school." Blake said, "Damn Phil. That is crazy. So you never just went crazy and fucked many different people?" Phil said, "Oh no. Kendra is my one and only." Chris said, "Wow! Phil I could not imagine having sex with just one person my entire life. I feel I would miss out on so much." Phil said, "Well I don't think that I am missing out on much besides the Bible says not to have premarital sex or sex with anyone other than your spouse."

Chris said, "Wow Phil you really take the Bible seriously." Blake said, "I don't think I could be that perfect." Phil said, "Well I am not perfect, but I do try to do what is right. It is hard sometimes." Chris said, "At least you can have sex everyday with Kendra." Phil laughed and said, "Well actually we only have sex when we have decided to have a baby. Sex is only for procreation." Both Chris and Blake looked up at Phil with there mouths open in shock. Phil said, "Yes I know everyone gives us that same look when we tell them. Kendra really thinks this is the right thing to do. I don't like it so much, but what can I do. She seriously believes it." Blake said, "Phil that is so wrong." Phil said, "Well it can be tough when you don't have sex for ten months." Chris said, "Phil you have not had sex for ten months?" Phil said, "Yep. No sex, blow jobs or even jacking off." Chris yelled out "Get out of here." Phil laughed and said, "It is true." Blake said, "Phil your crazy. Life is way to short to be deprived of some good sex." Phil said, "Well I will be rewarded in Heaven." Blake said, "Heaven? Man you need to live now Phil." Blake said, "Yes Phil. Just be yourself tonight. You need to seriously have some fun." Phil said, "Well that is why I am out with you guys right now. To have a few beers, some good grub and good friendship." Chris said, "No Phil. We need to take you out dancing to some clubs." Phil said, "Oh I don't think so. Dancing is definitely not allowed with our religious beliefs." Blake said, "Come on Phil. You need some relief from the stress of the show and...Blake started cracking up... and the lack of sex." Phil just playfully hit Blake and said, "Fuck you Blake." Phil put his hand over his mouth and said, "Shoot. I can't believe that I just cursed. I have not said a swear word in over 15 years or so." Chris just laughed and said, "Well hell. I guess I have not cursed in about twenty minutes." Blake said, "Yes and fucking shit. I curse all the time."

Phil said, "Well I guess it has been a minute for me." The three of them just continued to drink their beers and ordered another one.

Phil said, "I am glad that you guys invited me out tonight. I guess you are right. I am stressed to the max and needed a fun night." Blake said, "Hey this is cool.

You seem so perfect, but I want you to just forget your stress tonight and just relax and have a good time." Chris said, "Yes Phil. Come with us to a club tonight. You will have fun. Just have one night of fun." Phil said, "Alright. I kind of want to anyway." Blake and Chris both smiled. The guys had a few more beers and decided that they would leave and go to one of the clubs that Blake and Chris have already went to.

Phil was feeling pretty good as they walked out to the car. Blake asked Phil how he was doing. Phil said, "I am feeling great. These beers are relaxing me." Chris said, "Good. This is a great thing Phil. Blake said, "Well the driver is waiting for us so we better hurry."

The guys arrived at club and got out of the car. Phil was apprehensive, but went in with the guys. Phil walked in and was amazed at how crowed the place was. He had never been in a club before so he was not used to this environment. The music was house music, which is much different than the Christian music that he normally listened to. He looked at the dance floor and everyone was dancing. It looked like people were just dancing together. It was strange to him. He had seen ballroom dancing before, but this was nothing like that. Phil just stared at the action going on. He was mesmerized by the energy and excitement.

Chris asked the guys if they wanted another beer. They all agreed and Chris went to grab them. Blake asked Phil how he was doing. Phil said, "Wow. This is incredible. People are having a great time." Blake said, "Yes Phil you should have had this kind of fun before you got married." Phil said, "I guess your right." Chris came back with the beers and they all drank them down. Blake asked the guys if they wanted to go out and dance. Phil said, "I am not sure I should be going out there." Chris said, "Oh come on Phil. Give it a shot for a while." Phil said, "Alright for awhile." The three went out to the dance floor and Phil started to sway with the music, but he could not believe that he was here. He felt like he was in a dream. Blake and Chris were really getting into it and started to get close together. Blake grabbed Chris and brought his body to his and they just danced that way for a while. Phil was confused as to why they were dancing together, but just continued to dance by himself.

Phil started to remember Kendra and the fighting they had earlier today.

He was starting to feel really guilty that he drank and now he was at this club, which would definitely not be looked at positively in God's eyes. Chris looked up and noticed that Phil did not look happy. Chris asked Phil if he was all right. Phil said, "No I am not," and just ran off. Blake and Chris both started to run after him, but Blake said, "Chris I will go get him." Chris said, "Alright no problem. I am going back to the dance floor."

Blake was looking around the club and saw Phil over in the corner sitting in one of the booths. Blake walked up to Phil and slid into the booth. Blake put his arm around Phil and asked him what was wrong. Phil said, "Dude. I can't be here. This is a horrible sin. I drank those drinks and Kendra and I are not talking. What have I done?" Blake started to run his hand along Phil's upper back and said, "Phil come on. You have not done anything wrong. You have been so deprived of fun for so long that you can't handle it." Phil said, "Blake I do have fun, but just a different kind of fun. I like playing with the kids and hanging out with my wife." Blake said, "Phil you can still do that. But tonight you are just going to be free. Give yourself one night Phil. That is it. You deserve it. Come on Phil." Phil was going through all kinds of emotions and was so confused. Phil said, "You just don't understand. For so long, I was told that having fun was wrong and I believed it. I am just so scared to let myself go." Blake brought his arm around Phil and brought his body to him and just said, "Look buddy. Chris and I love you and just want you to relax and give yourself this one night of fun." Phil said, "I know and I am glad that you care. I just don't know how I can do this." Blake said, "Alright Phil stand up." They both stood up and Blake gave Phil a hug and said; "Now Phil you are an adult let's stop this nonsense and start having a good time. Your pity party is over. There is nothing wrong with having fun and you deserve it." Phil started cracking up and said, "Fuck it. You are right. I can do this. I deserve it." Phil gave Blake a hug and said, "Alright let's go out to the dance floor." Blake said, "Let's go."

Blake and Phil went out to the dance floor and started to dance with the others. Phil was feeling good. He was getting into the grove. He was always a great dancer so he had no problem with that. Blake started to come over to Phil in a playful way and took his finger and ran it under his chin. Phil smiled and patted Blake on the head.

A slow song came on and the people all began dancing with their partners. Phil looked around and saw guys dancing with other guys, girls dancing with other girls and some girl/guy couples dancing together. He thought it was strange, but everyone looked happy so he just shrugged his shoulders. Blake walked up to Phil and put out his hand. Phil looked at Blake with his large eyes and just started laughing. He thought what the hell and took Blake's hand. Blake brought Phil to him and they started to dance to the music. Blake told Phil that he was proud of him and glad that he was having a good time. Phil said, "Thank you for having more faith in me than I did myself." Blake said, "Hey no problem. That is what friends are for." Another song started and it was a sexier song. Blake brought Phil's body even closer to his and put his head on his shoulder. Blake's hands were all along his back and even teased him by placing his hands on his ass. Phil laughed and took Blake's hands and put them back on his back. Blake began to grind his body against Phil. Phil just looked at Blake confused wondering why he was doing that. Then all of a sudden, he felt Blake's dick against his and was wigged out. He stepped back and looked at Blake who was laughing. Phil looked at him and mouthed the words "be good." Blake whispered in Phil's ear, "You have not had sex in ten months and I want to make you feel good." Phil said, "And how do you suppose you are going to do that?" Blake took his hand and squeezed Phil's crotch. Phil jumped and said, "What the hell are you doing?" Blake said, "Giving you what you need Phil." Phil said, "I don't need some guy touching my dick." Blake said, "Some guy? I am you friend and you are in need and your dick is hot man." Phil said, "You should not be touching me like that." Blake said, "Oh really." Phil said, "Yes really." Blake said, "Why not?" Phil said, "Because it is not right. It is a sin, and you are a guy." Blake said, "So what. I am horny, you are horny. What is the harm?" Phil said, "Well it is disgusting." Blake said, "No it is not. You should just enjoy it and tell me it is disgusting after it is over." Phil said, "That is not going to happen." Blake said, "Alright Phil. You just continue to be miserable with your sex life. Don't let me stop you and you can't tell me that you are loving the way your situation is now." Phil thought about it and knew Blake was right, but to have fun with a guy is just not possible. Phil said, "I will deal with my sex life. Don't worry about me." Blake said, "Ok. No problem with me. Let's just continue to have fun." Phil said, "Actually Blake. Let's go home now. It is getting late." Blake said, "Alright. Let me go find Chris."

Phil tried to forget Blake's words. But it was difficult and he had a hard-on that would not quit. After the night he had and his wife not allowing sex anymore until it is time to have another kid, Phil is really in a bad situation. He thought of Blake and thought could I really have another guy give me pleasure? Am I desperate? He laughed to himself saying he is definitely desperate, but with a guy?

Blake came back with Chris and said, "Ready?" Phil said, "Yes I am. Let's go." Chris said, "It is still pretty early." Phil said, "Yes, but I have had enough for tonight." Blake said, "Yea, let's go home. I am tired anyway."

The car was waiting and the driver had the car warmed up. The drive back was quiet with Phil continuing to think about sex. That has been on his mind since Blake grabbed his crotch. Phil thought about what Blake would do to him. He wondered if Blake would give him a blowjob. Man that would be nice he thought. Man is that ever a sin though. But I could risk the sin for a good relief, which he really needed. Ten months is a long time to go without sex especially when you are married.

Phil finally broke the silence and asked the guys if they wanted to hang out some more back at the hotel. Blake said, "Sure. We can go up to my room since your wife is in your room." Chris said, "That is cool with me." Phil said, "Great."

They arrived back at the hotel and were now in Blake's room. Blake turned on some music and gave everyone a beer. Phil started to apologize to Chris and Blake for ruining their evening. Blake said, "Forget it. We went out for you and I think for the most part you had a good time." Phil said, "I did, believe me, I did." Chris said, "Then that is what counts." Phil said, "I was just acting so silly. You guys are so right. I have not had any fun in my life for so long and I forgot how." Chris said, "Well you are starting to and hopefully you will continue to calm down and just enjoy life and what it offers." Blake said, "Hey you are a special guy and we want you to have a great life and I have a feeling this summer is going to be a blast." Chris said, "Damn right it is."

Phil asked Blake what he had in mind when you were talking on the dance floor. Blake said, "Well I think that we just want you to feel good and if you would allow us to show you, I think that you will be very happy you did." Phil said, Wow." Chris said, "What is the harm. The worst will be that you don't like it and never do it again." Phil said, "Well that is true." Phil began wondering to himself if he could really mess around with guys. Man his dick was sure hard and has been for an hour. He could really use some relief. Phil made up his mind. He was going to go for it.

Phil stood up and went over to Blake and took his hand and took him over to the bed. Phil said, "I think I want to have some fun tonight." Blake said, "Alright Phil that sounds great. Are you sure?" Phil said, "I am." Blake hugged Phil and kissed him on the cheek. Blake called Chris over and told him that he was not only going to watch. Chris was all about sex so he started to walk over.

Blake had Phil get on the bed in the middle and had Chris on one side of Phil while Blake was on the other. Blake whispered into Phil's ear to just enjoy what is about to happen. Phil just gave one of his trademark smiles and said, "Give it to me guys."

Phil stretched out and put his hands behind his head. He thought this was the craziest thing he has ever done. He was nervous and excited at the same time. His mind went to Kendra and felt bad, but convinced himself that if she had only given him a blowjob last night, he would not be in this situation right now. He began to think about his pastor and how disappointed he would be in Phil. He laughed and thought to himself that he hoped he did not end up being the "Ted Haggard of American Idol." Phil did not care for any of it right now. He needed this and was looking forward to seeing what will happen and how it would feel.

Chris started to lightly kiss Phil along his neck while his hand was feeling Phil's chest. He went along his neck and ended up kissing his ear. He put Phil's earlobe in his mouth and sucked on it for awhile.

Blake was down at Phil's feet taking off his shoes and socks. He took Phil's feet and started to give him a massage. He took his thumbs and went from sole to upper foot with his thumbs a few times. He took his toes and started to lightly crack them.

Phil was wiggling around while he was doing this. Phil said, "Ah that is ticklish." Blake said, "So you like this." Phil said, "Yes." Blake took Phil's toes in his mouth and started to suck each one. Phil was really loving this feeling. Blake pulled Phil's jeans up a bit to have access to Phil's ankle's and gave them a rub down for a bit. Blake went back to the toes for awhile.

Chris was licking around the inside of Phil's ear. He was taking the tip of his tongue and poking around every crevice. He went back to kissing along the neck.

Chris decided to take Phil's shirt off and had Phil sit up for a minute and lifted the shirt and pulled it off. Chris whistled when he saw Phil's smooth torso and started to rub all around his stomach and chest. Chris bent down and started to suck on Phil's nipples going back and forth between the two.

Blake when up to Phil's upper body and said, "I want some Phil tit too."

He started to bit on his nipple. Phil was tossing and turning a bit while they were doing this. Phil reached down with one of his hands and started to rub his crotch. Blake slapped Phil's hand and said, "Oh no. We will take care of that." Phil said, "Well hurry up. My dick is about to explode." Chris cracked up and said, "Hey we are in charge here so shut up." Phil put his hand back behind his head and pushed his head as far down into the pillow as it would go.

Chris took Blake's head and went into a French kiss. They were really getting into it pretty hot. Phil said, "Oh come on guys. You are supposed to be working on me." The guys smiled while still kissing and broke away. Blake said, "Oh poor Phil is not getting enough attention and kissed Phil on the lips." Phil was shocked but just let it happen.

Chris and Blake went back to sucking on Phil's pecs and then started to kiss down Phil's stomach. Chris got to Phil's bellybutton and started to lick around it and then stuck his tongue into the bellybutton hole. He finished and continued to kiss down the path of hair that disappeared into Phil's jeans. Chris took his hand and put it on Phil's jean covered mound and said, "Oh Blake you got to get down here and feel this." Blake said, "Alright." Blake started to kneed his cock through the jeans and said, "I think someone is excited." Phil started laughing and said, "Fuck yea I am." Blake bent down and started to lick and suck on the mound. Man Blake could not wait to get his hands on that cock. Chris started to open the buttons of Phil's jeans and then just pulled them open. Both Blake and Chris pulled down the jeans. Phil now just had on some boxers and his dick was hard against the fabric. Blake started to play with Phil's dick in his boxers. He opened the slit and pulled out Phil's 71/2-inch cock and started licking on it like an ice cream cone. Chris came over and started to lick on the cock too. Their tongues would hit each other every now and then and ended up in another French kiss. Phil said, "Hey no way. You can do that later." Blake said, "What do you want us to do." Phil said, "Oh now you guys are being smart asses." Chris said, "No we just want to hear from you what you want us to do." Phil said, "I want you to give me a blow job." Chris said, "What was that? What is a blow job?" Phil said, "Damn you. I want you to suck my dick!" Blake said, "What? A dick?" Phil said, "You fuckers. I want to suck my cock now!!!" With that both guys went back to Phil's cock and started to suck on it. Phil had never had a blowjob before even though he begged Kendra for one all the time. He was just hoping one day that she may give him one. Blake went and stared to suck on Phil's nuts while Chris was deep throating Phil's dick. Phil was in heaven.

He had never had a better pleasure in his life. He was moving all over the place.

Blake moved down to Phil's legs and put them over his shoulders. Phil asked "What are you doing?" Blake said don't worry about it. You will love it." Phil said, "My ass is off limits." Blake said, "Nothing is going in your ass right now. I am just going to lick around it." Phil leaned back again and just waited to see what would happen.

Blake started to poke around Phil's asshole with his finger. He spread it open as much as he could and spit on it. He bent down and put his face in Phil's ass and then started to lick around Phil's ass. Phil was bouncing up and down out of control. Blake said, "Come on Phil sit still." Phil said, "Oh yea right. Aah!" Blake continued to eat out Phil's ass.

Chris was now deep throating Phil and doing a great job. He was able to get the entire dick down his throat and was hitting Phil's nuts along the way. Chris would like down on the shaft and then take the whole dick into his mouth. Phil was yelling and breathing hard. He was shifting all over the place. Phil began to feel absolute pleasure all through his body until he could not handle it anymore and began to cum down Chris' mouth. Chris swallowed some and then got off Phil's cock and yelled for Blake to get over here and eat some of Phil's seed. Blake put Phil's legs down and went for Chris' dick and started to taste his savory virgin sauce. Man it was so creamy and sweet and a touch of salty. It was pure delicious and Blake loved every morsel of it. Phil was spent and just collapsed on the bed. He was sweating all over the place.

Blake asked Phil what he thought. Phil said that was the best experience of my entire life. I loved it. Damn you guys are fucking great at sucking cock. My entire body is tingling right now. I have never felt anything like that before in my life.

Chris said, "That is great to hear. I am glad that you enjoyed yourself." Blake asked Phil if he wanted to go out tomorrow night. Phil said, "Fuck yes. Let's do it. I want to go back to the club and just have a hell of a good time and then come back to the room here." Chris said, "Alright. Hopefully Kendra will let you." Phil said, "Don't worry about Kendra. I am going out with you for sure." Blake said, "Man Phil I can see the change in you already." Phil said, "You guys have unleashed a mad man." Chris said, "Well we accomplished making you feel good and that is what is important." Phil said, "Thank you guys so much." Blake said, "No problem."

Phil got up and got dressed and then went and kissed Chris on the lips and then went over to Blake and kissed him. Phil said, "See you in the morning."

Phil got up to his room and took a quick shower and fell in bed and felt the best he has ever felt in his life. He was truly happy.

That is it for right now, but I am working really quickly on the next part. Hopefully everyone is enjoying the story and will be sending me some suggestions on where to go now.

Next: Chapter 2

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