American Idol 2006

By story guy

Published on Apr 12, 2006


American Idol is property of the FOX network, and is copyrighted material. This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexual preference of any of the actors involved and is pure fiction. Do not read this story if you are under 18, and all of the material in it is purely fictional.

Please e-mail me if you would like to make any comments. I will take all suggestions and comments under consideration. If you would like to tell me how you would like the story to continue, please let me know.

AMERICAN IDOL 2006 -- Part 6

Elliott and Will made their way down to the hotel lobby when Elliott suddenly told Will to wait here for a minute while he had to go check on something.

Will said, "Alright Elliott, but please hurry. I am starving like an orphan." Elliott said, "Ya, ya, I will be right back."

Elliott made his way into the party room and saw everyone standing around with a cocktail. There was a band that was playing top music that coincidentally was playing a Kelly Clarkston song. Elliott laughed to himself thinking that it was just too "UFO" for him. Everyone seemed to be having a good time just socializing and bullshitting.

Elliott scanned the room and noticed that all the guys looked hot. In fact, there were some guys who came that really were not on the guest list, but seeing how they were having a good time made Elliott ok with it. One of the guests was Bucky's brother Rocky, another was Ace's brother, Ryan who showed up, Constantine was in the area to see this week's shows and ended up joining the party (he was from American Idol 2005), and Josh Gracin (the hunky Marine) and Jon Peter Lewis (a past Idol contestant who would make a spectacle of himself dancing, but was really cute) came in for the show and was invited. Those were the only "outsiders who as far as Elliott could tell were here.

He was pissed at first, but thought fuck it, this is for Will and I guess the more the merrier. Plus, all five were pretty hot. He snickered again thinking about what this place was going to look like in a few hours. Everybody looks so refined and handsome. Man, Elliott was getting excited.

Ace came running up to Elliott and said, "Hey there you are. What took you so long?" Elliott said, "I told you I was going to be twenty minutes. Besides how did the five losers get in here?" Ace looked at Elliott and said "Huh?" Elliott said, "Geeze Ace, the five guys not part of this year's idol." Ace said, "Oh, them, well come on Elliott I saw them the other day at the show and just invited them. Sorry I did not mention it but really didn't think it would be a big deal." Elliott said, "It's not, I was just curious. I guess that there will be more dicks to go around." Ace laughed and said, "Well I don't think my brother will be one of them. He is as straight as an arrow. He has been married for fifteen years and has three kids. Elliott said, "Well tonight you never can tell what will happen." Ace then took his hand and ran it along his stomach saying "I can't wait for some cock Elliott. Elliott said, "Man Ace, your always are thinking sex." Ace said, "Damn right. I have only had one dick today. That is way below quota."

Elliott said, "Well you will soon make up for your short comings." Ace laughed and said, "Speaking of short, where is Will?" Elliott stopped and said, "Oh shit, I have to go get him, but I wanted to talk with everyone first."

Elliott went on stage and grabbed a microphone and started speaking to the crowd. Elliott told everyone to listen up for a minute. Elliott said, "Hey guys. I just wanted to thank you for coming to Will's party tonight. I know that some of you have traveled some distance to get here and it is appreciated. My goal tonight is for every one of you to have a great and memorable time at this party. I am going to go get Will and once he walks through the door if you could give him great accolades and cheers that would be great. From there we will spend the next hour socializing with a toast at about the 30-minute mark. A dinner will be served and then a gift presentation will be given to Will. After that we will have dancing and anything else you guys can think of. We have this room the entire night so don't worry about rushing. The kitchen will be open all night and the alcohol will never stop. So just enjoy yourselves and I will make my way around to see everyone throughout the next hour. Thanks again. Now I will leave to go get Will."

Elliott left the stage and went towards the door to get Will. Chris stopped Elliott and asked him "What his plan was for the fun?" Elliott told Chris, "Trust me dude, you are going to have a great time tonight. By the way, you look hot. Man I am glad that I thought of those jeans for you. They practically can't handle your cock. I mean it looks like your crotch is about to split." Chris said, "Dude it is because I am so excited to get some dick later." Elliott said, "Come with me Chris." Chris said, "Sure."

Elliott and Chris left the party room and went into the men's restroom. Elliott shut the door and locked it and then got down on his knees in front of Chris and started to play with Chris' dick. Chris fucking said, "Fuck Yes!" a little too loud and Elliott looked up at him and said, "Chris shut up. Man I know you need relief, but damn. Let's not let the whole world know that we fucking love dick." Chris laughed and said sorry.

Elliott went back to playing with Chris' growing mound and then opened up his jeans. Elliott took Chris' dick in his mouth and started to blow Chris. Man, Chris was so hard that Elliott had to stretch his mouth in order to take all of him. Chris was definitely in heat. Elliott went down to Chris' balls and started to suck on them. Chris said, "Dude, I know this is crazy, but I am going to explode." Elliott went back up to Chris' dick and took it back in his mouth and while he sucked on it he started to stare into Chris' eyes. They definitely were connecting and Chris started to buck back and forth. Chris said, "Elliott I am going to start spilling my guts here in a minute." A short time later, he just started cumming down Elliott's throat by the truckload. Elliott absolutely loved Chris' dick and cum. After Elliott was done swallowing all the cum, he stood up and gave Chris a quick peck on the lips and then told Chris he needed to get Will before he puts an APB out on me. Chris laughed and said, "Oh Elliott thanks. Now I should be able to get through for a couple hours." Elliott laughed and said, "Chris, I doubt it. I believe that you will be hard within the hour." Chris said, "Hey man that sounds like a deal." Elliott said, "See ya in a few minutes." And left the restroom.

Elliott finally made his way back to the lobby where Will was sitting on one of the chairs. He looked up and shrugged "where were you?" Elliott said, "Well Will, I want to take you to look at one of the rooms that they are going to use for practice on Monday. It is a cool looking room and I want you to experience what we Idols will even though you won't be with us." Will looked at Elliott and said, "Now? Can't we look at it tomorrow?" Then Will said sarcastically, "I mean I appreciate seeing something that I won't be part of, but damn I am still starving." Elliott said, "Oh come on Will, humor me for a minute." Will said, "Alright, but this will mean you owe me another date tomorrow night." Elliott said, "Deal." Elliott grabbed Will by the shoulders and led him down the hall and came to a door right outside the party room.

Elliott said, "OK this is the room. Ready to go in?" Will said, "Yes I mean it is just a stupid room. Let's go in Elliott so we can leave."

Elliott opened the door and everyone yelled, "Surprise Will." Will just stood there in disbelief. He was shocked seeing all the people in there. Will asked Elliott what was going on. Elliott said, "Well Will this is your night. We have been planning this party for you for some time and want you to have a special time." Will was speechless.

He had tears streaming down his face. Will finally said, "You mean all these people are here to party with me?" Elliott smiled and said, "Yes that is right." Will hugged Elliott and kissed him on the lips." Everybody cheered, but Taylor said, "Damn Will. What are you doing? It just a fucking party. I don't think you need to be kissing Elliott. That is completely gross." Will just gave Taylor the finger and everybody applauded. Taylor just went with the jeers, kinda laughed, and twitched a bit and just acted like he did not find it embarrassing.

Will started to walk towards all the guests and shook hands with all of them and gave welcomes to them. Will came up to Ace and gave him a big hug.

Followed by Chris who also gave him a hug. Chris said, "See why we could not talk to you the other night." Will said, "God damn, I am such a fuck. Why do I have to act like such a spoiled brat sometimes." Chris said, "Hey man, we all act like that sometimes."

Will hugged Chris and brought his body against Chris and just said, "I love you Chris.

I really do."

Chris said, "I love you too bud." Will knew he shouldn't but just had to show Chris his appreciation. He grabbed Chris and brought his mouth to his and kissed him.

He then took his hand and tweaked Chris' nipple. Chris whispered to Will, "Dude, I can't wait to get with you again. I absolutely love you and your fucking hot body." Will said, "Same here. Hopefully after the party we can get together." Chris said, "Absolutely bud."

Chris gave Will another kiss on the lips and the Will walked away.

Will walked up to David and thanked him for coming. David said, "Dude you are a great friend and I am glad to be here to celebrate with you." Will said, "Happy birthday David. How does it feel to be 18 now? You know I turned 18 last week and man what a difference my life has been. I hope that you will feel that way soon."

David said, "Well since it has only been two days since I turned 18, I guess I will have to wait a while."

Will said, "David you look good. Man I never saw you in clothes like these and man you have a great body. Will started to squeeze David's shoulders and said, "I bet if you had worn these clothes on stage, you would have been the American Idol. I mean look at your crotch man. It is full and ready for some action huh?" David blushed and said, "Well Will, you know I am always ready for action." David looked around and didn't see any women so he thought, so much for action tonight. He continued on saying "And as far as looking hot, back at you. I mean you look like a stud in your fucking tight ass clothes too." Will hugged David and whispered into David's ear, "Man two single hunks at a great party. I wonder what kind of trouble we can get into?" David said, "Well I guess we could get drunk." Will said, "Oh man, that is just one of many sins we can commit." David looked at Will and said, "I guess..." Will took his hand and followed David's stomach line that was exposed from the tee shirt and said, "Well David, I will catch you later save a dance for me. Keep drinking and having fun." David said, "Oh I will definitely be drinking more and I will save a dance for you too."

David was extremely aroused by Will's actions and wondered what was going on.

Will continued walking along and noticed Bucky and his brother Rocky. Will said, "Hey studs I love that you guys are dressed alike tonight. Two tight tee shirts and jeans with cowboy boots and of course your signature hat on. What is going on with you guys"? Bucky just said, "Hey man we are here to celebrate your night."

Will said, "Man with two hunks like you here it should be a hot night." Bucky and his brother just looked at each other, shrugged and looked back at Will and said naively, "What do you mean?"

Will did not say anything, but continued to walk on through the crowd.

Will bumped into Constantine and said, "I have been a fan of yours since you were on Idol. Thank you for coming to the party." Constantine said, "Hey man, I am glad to be here and I want to help you with your career if you will allow me. I know many people in the industry now and I can hook you up. I especially think that you would do well on Broadway so if you need any assistance let me know. I told David that as well and he is going to get with me later to talk about it so if you want to join in the conversation you are welcome." Will said, Hay, thanks I probably will take you up on your offer. I really want to make it big in the entertainment industry.

When do you think you will be talking with David? We are having lunch tomorrow at 1200 in the restaurant here." Will said, "Alright, I will see if I can make it. Thanks Constantine. See you later."

Will continued to casually walk along the group and Taylor walked up to Will and congratulated him on the party, but asked Will where all the ladies were.

Will said, "Hell if I know. I guess they did not want to celebrate tonight." Taylor said, "Well it sure would have been nice to have that little Kelley here tonight. I would really like to know that trailer trash scank better." Will laughed and said, "Well, I guess she is busy. See ya later Tayler."

Will was all excited to see all these hunks here for him. He looked over and saw Justin Gracin and went running up to him. Will said, "Man Justin, how are you? I just loved you as the Hunky Country Marine." Justin said, "Thanks Will. Sorry you were not able to stay on the show longer. I think you did a great job." Will said, "So are you done with the Marines now?" Justin said, "Oh ya, I was honorably discharged last year and now I am living in Nashville. I have another CD coming out this summer."

Will said, "Man I can't wait until I am as popular and well known as you are." Justin said, "Oh with the exposure you just got, you will do fine. All the producers and recording agents are going to want you on their covers because you will sell to all the teens." Will said, "Actually, I would rather sell to older people." Justin said, "You got to go where the bucks are Will." Will said, "Well maybe you are right." Justin said, "Trust me. You are going to sell many CD's, posters, books, etc. I can see many people running out and buying your merchandise. Hell, I would even run right now and buy a poster right now with your sweet little ass on it." Will laughed and said, "Ya right Justin.

Your fucking around with me." Justin took will and hugged him and then played with his ass awhile.

Justin said, "Dude, you have a fucking perfect ass. I loved it from the first time I laid eyes on it. Marines love assess, Will." Will said, "Wow Justin. I am so glad because I think you have a hot ass too." Justin said, "We might have to get together later and I will show you how much I think of that little hot ass of yours." Will said, "Deal Justin." Will had to go on to other guests, but told Justin that he would see him later.

Justin said, "You better."

Will could not believe the conversation he just had with Justin. He was happily married with kids and was telling me he found my ass hot. I am so lucky to be amongst such a huge supply of hunky guys. Tonight is certainly going to be fun.

Will bumped into Kevin and thanked him for coming to the party. Kevin said, "Hey I don't get to attend many parties so when I am asked, I will usually go for sure."

Will said, "Well I am glad that you were asked then." Gideon walked up and joined Will and Kevin and said, "Hey Will, this is some party you have going on here."

Will said, "Yes and we all owe it to Chris, Elliott and Ace. They planed the entire thing." Gideon said, "Damn they are great friends huh?" Will said, "Oh yea, for life."

Gideon said, "Well I am glad to partake in the fun." Sway came over and hugged Will and said, "Good luck to you out there. I know that you will make it." Will said, "Thanks. I am hoping to become famous." Kevin said, "Will you will make it for sure. You have the personality and looks to succeed." Will smiled and didn't say anything.

Patrick came over and said, "Hey man. What's going on with this party. No women and you guys are bouncing around here like little fags. What gives? Gideon said, "It is a party for Will and we are happy for him." Patrick said, "Well shit, nobody gave me a party when I left." Kevin said, "Well you were not around long enough for us to get to know you.

Plus the way you are dissing us. Why would we?" Patrick just smiled and said, "Shit, all I want is some pussy here. Is that a crime?" Sway said, "Well you'll just have to go and get a hooker later after the party." Patrick said, "Well Sway, you might be right. Do any of you guys want to go?" Will said, "I plan on staying at the party all night so I don't think so." Sway said, "Maybe depending on how the party is going later."

Gideon said, "That might be possible." Kevin said, "Well I better go with you guys since I am the Idol Hunk." All the guys started laughing and Will walked away.

Ace comes running up to Will and brought his brother Ryan. Ace says, "Will this is Ryan, my brother. Ryan this is Will." Will sticks out his hand to shake with Ryan.

Will said, "Ace it is pretty obvious that he is your brother. He looks just like you." Ace puts his face against his brothers and says, "Oh you can tell?" Will said, "Yes duphus, you can tell." Will said, "It was very nice meeting you. I hope to see you later on during the party. Ryan said, "Later."

Will was slowly walking to the back of the hall and ran into Jon Peter Lewis.

Will said, "Hey Jon, how's it hanging?" Jon quipped, "Well everything is where it should be. Jon continued to thank Will for the awesome party and wished him well on his endeavors." Will said, "I guess your CD comes out soon, huh?" Jon said, "This summer. I can't wait. This could be what gets me into the big leagues."

Will said, "Well good luck to you. You did a great job on Idol so I don't see you having a problem." Jon said, "Hey thanks Will. What are your plans?" Will said, "Well tomorrow I am talking with Constantine and seeing what my options are." Jon said, "Smart move. Constantine has been involved in the entertainment business for a long time so that should help you out." Will said, "Jon tonight I can't wait to see you dance. I love your moves on TV. Speaking of moves, how is your Dad?" Jon said, "Dad is doing fine. Everyone in town has begged him for lessons and now he is giving weekly lessons to half the town. He is enjoying it." Will said, "See what opportunities bring just being on a TV show. We are so lucky." Jon said, "Oh yes. I thank God everyday."

Will said, "Yes me too." Jon said, "Well I am going for another drink. It was good to see you and if you need any help just let me know." Will said, "Thanks Jon." As he was walking away, Will was thinking to himself that he needed help with his hard dick after talking with you. Why don't you help me by sticking it down your fucking throat? Will decided he needed a drink and walked up to the bar and asked for a shot of tequila and a bud light. Jon was standing there and just got a rum and coke. Will took the shot and drank it and then drank the beer down. Jon said, "Hey man, be careful with those shots." Will said, "I got it. Don't worry about me." Jon said, "Alright.

Later." and walked off.

Elliott got up on stage and grabbed the microphone. "Listen up. It is time for our toast. We have five servers coming around with trays of Champaign. Please grab a glass." A shirtless guy with tight jeans came over to Will and offered a glass to him.

Will looked at him and smiled. The guy gave him his glass and smiled back.

Will drank it quickly and then grabbed another. Elliott continued, "Alright. This night is for our very dear friend Will. May you have all the best of luck and fortunes in the future."

Everyone raised their glasses and yelled, "To Will." Everyone started to drink their glass of Champaign. The guys with trays continued to make their rounds getting empty glasses and giving another glass to people. Everyone found the taste of the Champaign very intriguing. Elliott looked out to the crowd and just smiled. In his mind, he was hoping his plan worked. In the Champaign there was just the viagra. The worst that will happen right now is that everyone will get a hard on, but by the time it kicks in everyone should be eating their dinner which will have the additional special erotic power which will make everyone horny, but also have deep sexual feelings for member's of the same sex.

Elliott was thinking what a genius he was. This night is about to get hot.

He just looked out again and noticed people continuing to run for more Champaign. The potion will wear off in 48 hours with no side effects what so ever. Elliott got off the stage and ran for a glass for himself.

Elliott found the bubbles and sweat taste of the drink very welcoming and it went down his pallet easily. Once he finished his first glass, he immediately took another. He ran into Ace and asked him what he thought of the drink. Ace said, "It was really good, but went to my head immediately. I drank three glasses of the stuff. I guess I am feeling tipsy a bit. Elliott said, "Hey I have to tell you I put viagra in the drink so you will be feeling it in your other head real soon." Ace said, "You didn't. That is too funny. You have all the guys at this party and giving them Viagra with no women. This is going to be priceless. What until everyone has hardons. What are they going to do then? I can't wait to make fun of Taylor, that pompous ass." Elliott said, "Oh dude, I am not done.

You know our meal that we are going to eat soon. I ordered this potion off the internet that is going to make everyone here lust after one another." Ace laughed and said, "No may. This is too much. Elliott you are fucking great. When do we eat?"

Elliott started laughing and said, "Real soon Ace, Real soon." Ace said, "I am going to find Chris and let him know. He is going to get a kick out of this." Elliott said, "No problem telling Chris, but don't let anybody else know." Ace said, "No problemo."

The main chef came out to Elliott and told him that dinner was ready at his convenience. Elliott said, "Thank you. Please give me five minutes to let everyone know and then serving can begin."

Elliott walked back to the microphone and announced dinner. Everyone started to congregate over to the long table that had seventeen settings (they will put the judges out when and if they arrive). Elliott had Will sit at the head of the table and Elliott took the other side. On the right side of will sat Chris, Justin, Kevin, Sway, Bobby, Bucky, Constantine, and Ace. On the left side of Will are David, Gideon, Patrick, Taylor, Rocky, Jon, and Ryan. Everyone was all excited to be eating a great meal.

The servers began bringing out plates of steak, mashed potatoes smothered with gravy, green bean almandine, and bread and butter. All the guys were devouring the dish. All of them went on for at least seconds. There was silence as everyone was enjoying their meal. Finally everyone was pretty much done and ready for a desert of raspberry tart.

People were finishing and getting some coffee. Elliott stood up and said he had a presentation to make. He called Will over to join him at the far side of the table and he started talking about how much Will meant to everyone at American Idol. He said, "Will this is a small token of appreciation for your friendship, support and love you have shown all the Idols during your stay." He handed a plaque that said, "Number 1 Idol" and everyone's name from the original 24 were listed on it. Will looked at it and said, "Guys you have no idea what this means to me. I thank you all very much and love each one of you."

Will said, "Well let's all go over to the bar and have another drink one me." Everyone started to laugh and began to head over to the bar area.

As people were drinking and shooting the shit with each other, a strange sensation was beginning to occur among the guys. Patrick who absolutely hated Bobby started to see him in a new light. Sway was looking into Taylor's eyes and was lost in there beauty.

Sway who always felt like Kevin was his younger brother was now the Hunk Idol that became the joke during the show. Sway said, "I think I love Chicken Little."

Constantine gave his famous "look" to Jon and went over to him and started to nibble on his neck. Jon was beside himself because he was giving him more access to do it.

Gideon was noticing Patrick's ass and moved in to get a better look at it.

Gideon was thinking to himself maybe getting a hooker tonight is a good idea, but when he looked again at Patrick's ass, he could not take his eyes off the perfectly shaped mounds he had.

Justin and Chris were already all over each other kissing and feeling each other up. Ryan walked up to Ace and said, "Brother you are one hot mother fucker." Ace just looked at his brother stunned and was speechless. Bucky said, "Hey bro you want to lasso me in because I want to be caught?" Rocky said, "Yahoo brother. I am coming for ya." Elliott walked over to Will and David who were talking and just grabbed their heads and brought them against his chest and said, "I love you guys." Will and David just looked at Elliott and said, "Damn Elliott was has gotten into you." Elliott was concerned that maybe the potion had not worked on these two yet. He just was patient and talked to them until he could see the potion taking effect. No sooner did Elliott stop worrying; David was starting to rub his crotch. Elliott asked David what was wrong? David said, "Man Elliott I fucking love dick and I want some right now." Will looked at Elliott and was like what the fuck. Elliott said, "Will, don't worry about it. Let's introduce David to what you learned the other night. Will said, "Fuck yes."

That is all for part 6. I am working quickly on part 7. Hopefully everyone is enjoying the story and will be sending me some suggestions on where to go now. Thank you for all the e-mails of support.

Next: Chapter 7

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