American Idol 2006

By story guy

Published on Mar 6, 2006


American Idol is property of the FOX network, and is copyrighted material. This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexual preference of any of the actors involved and is pure fiction. Do not read this story if you are under 18, and all of the material in it is purely fictional.

Please e-mail me if you would like to make any comments. I will take all suggestions and comments under consideration. If you would like to tell me how you would like the story to continue, please let me know.

AMERICAN IDOL 2006 -- Part 2

The guys returned back to the hotel and all went into Ace's room. Elliott asked Will how he was feeling. Will said, "He was fine. It was the best birthday I have ever had." Ace said, "That is great Will, but the birthday is not over. We have not even given you a gift yet." Chris said, "Ya Will, we have much more celebrating to do." Ace went to the cabinet and took out the tequila and four shot glasses. He poured everyone a drink and handed one to each guy. Chris said, "Yes, I love tequila. I haven't had any in awhile."

Will said, "I definitely never had any. Tonight was the first time I ever had an alcoholic beverage." Elliott said, "Damn Will you never did live before Idol did you?

You never went to any parties in high school?" Will said, "Well, I was into sports and hanging out with friends who never drank. I never felt like I missed it, but I did enjoy the beers."

Ace said, "Ya, Will it is odd that you never drank before, but you smoke. What is up with that?" Will said, "Ya, I smoke but not often just when I am stressed out. Like right now. Will took out a Marlboro light and asked if anybody else wanted one."

Ace said, "Ya I understand that because I only smoke when I drink so you sound like you only occasionally smoke." Elliott said, "Actually I started smoking when I was in the military. Everyone smokes there." Chris said, "Yes, I am another social smoker."

Elliott said, "Alright. Now that we have talked smoking to death, how about we drink our shots. Will just drink it quick and don't think about it." Will said, "This smells really strong."

Ace said, "Alright Will." All the guys just drank down their shot. Will started coughing when he finished. He said, "Wow, that was intense." Chris said, "I want another. Anybody want to join me?" All the guys decided to have another shot. Will's went down much easier this time. Will asked if there was any beer. Ace went to the refrigerator and found some beers and handed them out to all the guys. Elliott asked Will how he was doing. Will said he was having a great time. I am just going with the flow. This adult thing is fun. Ace said, "Yes, you have much more freedom and much more chance of having fun." Ace went over to Will and put his arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. Will actually went right into a French kiss. Will started to feel Ace's ass and lower back. Elliott went over to Chris and they started making out. After a few minutes, everyone was done kissing. Elliott asked Will what he thought about sex. Will said, "Well, I never had sex fully." Chris said, "Will are you a virgin?" Will said, "Unfortunately, I still wear the title." Ace said, "Oh Will, we cannot let you go another day as a virgin. That is just against God's plan." All the guys started cracking up. Will said, "Guys, where are you going to find any women around here? I mean do you have some ladies in your closet somewhere? Ace laughed and said, "No Will, you can lose your virginity in other ways." Will said, "What are you talking about?" Chris said, "Well dude, many guys help each other out and ultimately lose their virginity to the guys." Will said, "Oh, no way, I am straight as an arrow. 100 percent heterosexual." Elliott said, "Oh really, you never thought about having sex with a guy ever?" Will said, "Never!" Chris said, "Oh really Will? Aren't you the one who was playing with my dick earlier this evening and you seemed to be enjoying yourself." Will embarrassed said, "Well, actually I did enjoy it at the club and to be honest I never thought about sex with a guy But, I really don't think I could really do it."

Elliott said, "Look remember what you were told tonight that you only do what you want to do. You don't have to do anything that you don't want to do." Chris said, "Yes, just continue with what you have already learned. Just go with it and see what you like and what you don't. You are doing well with being an adult. Don't start acting like a baby now." Ace said, "Will, you are in control of your body and your life. So just do what makes you feel comfortable. You are in charge." Will said, "Well ya, you are right and I am not acting like a baby. I am just trying to figure all this out."

Elliott asked Will what have you liked doing so far?" Will said, "Well, I did like the kissing and I did like feeling up Chris' crotch earlier and I fucking love Ace's ass." Elliott said, "Hey Will, that is a start. Now just go with that and see what else happens. Maybe nothing will but just take it as it comes. Will said, "Oh alright. That seems fair enough."

Ace walked over to Will and turned around bending over for Will to look at his ass. Will laughed and smacked Ace in the ass. Ace got up and said, "Hey that hurt asshole." Will said, "Hey, it is not my fault that you don't have any fat to soften the pain." Ace smiled and said, "Ya, I do work my ass quite a bit in order to keep it this perfect." Chris came over and put his hands on his hips and put his crotch out for Will to take a look. Chris was obviously very big because the mound was huge. Will took his hand and started feeling around Chris' crotch. He felt Chris' dick getting large in his hand. Damn it felt so good Will thought. Elliott came over and gave Will a kiss and they went into a French kiss. Will especially like French kissing. He loved the way the tongues went into battle so to speak. After Elliott and Will finished, Ace said, "Will this is everything that you learned tonight and guess what you are still alive. Nothing happened. You did not have a heart attack or get struck by lightening right?" Will said, "Yes. You are right. I enjoyed all of it." Chris said, "You have much more to learn and I have a feeling that you may like everything. Will said, "I hope so." Elliott walked over to Will and started to play with his dick though his jeans. Will started to moan and started to move his crotch with his hand movements. God, he loved this. Damn, nobody had ever touched his dick before besides himself and it felt great." Every time he tried to get a girl to touch his dick they refused. Now he had a guy, a friend who was giving him the best pleasure that he ever had. He never would have thought that he could let a guy touch his dick much less pleasuring him, but he thought to himself fuck it. This felt too good to worry about what he thought about it. Ace went over to Will and started feeling up his pecks. He started to bite his nipples through his shirt. Will started to take big breaths. His body was tingling all over. He never felt the feeling of the nipple being sucked before and he could have kept that up forever. Will didn't know what to do so he just continued to stand there and get the best pleasure of his life. Elliott stopped playing with his crotch and went up for another kiss. Will devoured Elliott's mouth and gave him the best French kiss he knew how to give. After fifteen minutes, Elliott went over to take a swig from his beer and Ace stopped sucking on his nipples and asked Will how he was doing. Will said, "Damn!!!! I am speechless. That is a first for me too." All the guys were laughing. Will said, "You know I can't believe that another guy can give so much pleasure to another guy." Chris said, "Well dude, it is because we know what we like so it works." Elliott said, "Yes the problem with a lot of guys is they get the wrong vision in their minds and can't get past it." Will said, "I can understand why they would feel that way, but what a bunch of fools they are." Will said, "I still feel sorta weirded out, but in a good way."

The guys all went out to the balcony and had a cigarette and continued to drink their beer. Chris asked Will how he was doing. Will said, "Well, I have to admit that I have liked everything that I have been through tonight, but I think that will be as far as I can go."

Elliott said, "Will, what do you mean? You have not even touched the surface of how much fun you can have tonight." Will said, "I am sure that is true, but I am not like you guys. I am not gay." Chris said, "Dude, what are you talking about? I am not gay. I love women. I think that they are the most beautiful creatures that I have ever laid my eyes on." Will said, "I think so also which is why I think that I have had all the fill I can already." Ace said, "Willie, you are a great guy, but obviously you are not the adult you claim to be." Will said, "On the contrary, I am making a decision that I feel is right for me and I am sticking with it." Chris said, "Ok man, but we are not calling it a night. This is your day and we are here to celebrate your birthday so at the very least let's keep celebrating." Will said, "Oh yeah, I have no desire to end this awesome night. You have made my year and I appreciate it. I still want to hang out with you guys for sure." Elliott said, "Good because it would be disappointing if you went to bed now." Will said, "Your right. I could not imagine ending the night now. Don't worry about that. I am here until the party ends." Ace said, "Good now how about another shot." Will said, "Fuck yes, and let's have another shot." Chris went in and got four shots ready and brought them out to the balcony. Chris handed one to each guy and then raised his shot and said, "To Will for his great learning skills and the fun that he has had." They all raised their shots and then drank them. Will said, "Man those shots are sure going down much smoother now." Chris said, "Oh yeah, the more the better. I love no other drink more than tequila." Ace said, "Yeah, I am really feeling pretty good." Elliott said, "How about another shot just for the hell of it." Everyone agreed that another shot would be a good plan. Chris went back and got the bottle and poured everyone another shot. Will said, "The toast this time is to you guys. To Chris, Elliott, and Ace. To the best guys in the world." They all laughed and said "Will that is a bit much but thinks for the toast."

Everybody drank down their shot. Will took out another cigarette for everyone and lit his cigarette on the wrong side. He said laughing, "Look everyone I lit the wrong side of the cigarette." Will started to pretend to smoke it like it was right, but could not smoke it. Will said, "This cigarette is fucked up." Chris said, "Come on Will your acting crazy. Just light another one and behave." Will turned to Ace and said, "Chris just scolded me. I think I need to be punished." Ace said, "This is going to hurt me more than it is you Will." Then he slapped Will on the ass hard. Will squealed and started to sooth his unconfortable ass. Will said, "Damn Ace I am glad I had my pants on. I could not imagine how much that would hurt with my jeans off." Elliott said, "Man you have no idea how much that feels good without pants on." Will said, "That may be but I better wait cause my ass is still stinging." Chris said, "Come on guys ready for another shot!!!"

Will said, "Ya, filler up." All the guys got their shots and this time Elliott said, "Let's toast to the Tequila." They all lifted their shot and yelled, "To Tequila."

Chris drank the shot and then kissed the bottle and said, "I love you." Will started cracking up and said, "I have never done that before." Chris said, "Well I love it so be it."

Will was beginning to feel the affects of the drinks he had all night. He could tell he was getting a little light headed and giggly. Will looked down at his jeans and noticed his pubic hair sticking out and started laughing saying "I see my pubbies. Look guys my pubbies." And then he started cracking up even harder. Ace said, "Will your pubbies look hot man. Why not show us more of your pubbies?" Will said, "Well alright." And started to pull the top of his jeans down so more of his pubes showed. He was giggling and saying look guys there is much more showing. All the guys were clapping and yelling. Ya Will look at all the pubes you have. How much more do you have? Will said, "oh, I have much more". Will unbuttoned the first button and opened his pants up and lowered the pants down some more so more pubes showed. Will laughing said "Oh yeah here are some more."

Ace said, "Looking pretty good buddy, how about some more?" Will said, "Well alright here it goes and unbuttoned another button and lowered the flaps down so that more pubes were shown. Elliott said, "Wow Will they look beautiful. I think that your pubes are just hot. Will said, "Really?" All three guys said, "Yes, you are hot!" Will said, "Well hell, I will just show them all to you. I have seen them all after all. Will opened the rest of his buttons and pulled down his jeans so that all the pubes were showing. Will looked down and noticed his dick was out and started cracking up. He said, "Oh well you are seeing my dick too." Elliott said, "Will your dick looks fucking hot. How big is it?" Will said, "Oh it is about six inches soft." Ace said, "Ya, but how big is it when you are hard?"

Will said, "About eight and a half inches." Chris said, "Damn Will, you do have a big dick". Elliott walked over to Will and picked up his dick and started inspecting it. He lifted it and looked at the backside of it. Elliott said, "Yum Will. I could do some damage to this piece of meat." Will asked, "What do you mean damage it? Are you going to hurt me?" Elliott said, "Oh no Will. I am going to give you a pleasure that you never had before." Will said, "Oh, ok Elliott go ahead." Elliott got down on his knees and started stroking Will's dick. He spit on his fingers and soaked up Will's dick while stroking it up and down. After awhile Will's dick started to rise and Elliott took it in his mouth. Will gasped and his legs started to buckle a bit. Will breathed in and out in heavy spurts. Will looked over to Chris and Ace with a look of horror on his face. Ace asked Will if he was enjoying it. Will looked down at Elliott's head going up and down and looked back up at Ace and said, "Fuck yes. I love it." Chris and Ace both gave a high five to each other. Ace said, "Will, I am so glad that you are loving it. I love it too." Will looked up at Ace again and said you do? Ace said, "Fuck ya dude. It is one of the best pleasures you can get." Chris said, "Yes getting a blow job is fucking great."

Ace said, Will, just enjoy it. You look like you are having fun. Just relax and have fun."

Will looked down at Elliott and placed his hands behind Elliotts head and pushed his head back and forth in a faster speed. Elliott picked up speed and Will's breathing sped up. After about ten minutes, Elliott stopped and took Will's balls into his mouth and sucked on them for a while. Will's knees buckled and he leaned back and closed his eyes. The feeling was priceless. Ace came up behind Will and started to massage Will's shoulders. Will learned back against Ace to give better access to Ace. Chris came over to Will and took his hand and placed it on his crotch. Will started feeling Chris' dick though his jeans. He was getting so much attention and loved it. Will felt Chris' dick growing in his hand and asked Chris to take it out of his pants. Chris said, "Will, I want you to take it out for me." Will said, "Oh, ok I will." Will took his hands and started to unbutton Chris' jeans and then unzipped his pants. He felt Chris' dick in through his boxers and then took down Chris' jeans and underwear down to his knees. Will looked at Chris' dick and tentatively picked up the dick and sorta just felt around it. He touched the head and felt the smooth skin and then put his hand around the base of the dick and started to stroke up and down. Will said, "Chris, this is the first dick I have ever felt in my life except for my own." Chris said, "Well I am honored to be your first." He quipped. Will was getting a blowjob, a massage and now jacking off another buddy. This was so surreal for Will that he was thinking he was dreaming. Ace started to massage the rest of Will's back and got to his ass. Will was really digging his ass being felt. He could not keep still between his dick being sucked and his ass being massaged. Ace got down on his knees and spread Will's ass cheeks and took his fingertip and rotated his finger in Will's asshole. Will jumped from the intense feeling and asked Ace what the hell he was doing. Ace said, "Don't worry about it. This is going to feel good. Trust me." Will said, "Oh yeah, famous last words." Ace just continued to poke around the hole making it convulse. He continued for a few minutes and then put his face in Will's ass and licked Will's asshole. Will jumped and screeched. Will said, "Shit that felt weird." Ace ignored Will and just kept tonguing Will's asshole. He stuck more of his face in and started eating out his asshole. Will was flinching and was practically spastic while this was happening. His dick was getting bigger and harder. Finally Elliott stood up and took off Will's shirt and started sucking on Will's nipples. Meanwhile, Chris had Will let go of his dick and moved around to the front of Will and took off his pants and stroked his dick for a minute and then took Will's head and gently moved it towards his dick. Will looked up at Chris with his eyes worried. Chris softly rubbed Will's head and said, "I really want you to give it a try." Will looked into Chris' pleading eyes and knew that he was serious and was showing a tenderness that Will hadn't felt before. Will took his hands and put both of them around Chris' dick and started to rub up and down. Will then tentatively licked the head of the dick. He continued to slowly lick all around the head and then licked the top base of the dick. Will was thinking to himself that it was not too bad and actually had an interesting taste. Will continued to lick all around the dick and even licked Chris' ballsack. Will then went back to the top of the dick and put the head in his mouth and sucked on it for a while. Chris was steadily breathing heavier and heavier. He was coaching Will on his great sucking skills. Will looked up at Chris with the dick in his mouth and through his eyes; Chris knew that Will was enjoying himself. Will got the positive reaction he needed to try and get more down. He was a little to fast and started to choke a bit. Chris said, "Buddy, just take your time. We have all night. Relax your throat. It will go down naturally just be patient." Will heard him and slowed down and just naturally let Chris' dick go back and forth in his mouth. Somehow unbeknownst to Will his throat did open and he was actually able to get the entire dick down his throat. Will was amazed and now was able to speed up. Chris was going crazy. He was shaking all over. Chris told Will that he was going to cum in a minute. Will looked up to Chris and with his eyes just gave him permission to do what comes naturally. Chris started to take Will's head and speed up the sucking to a rapid speed. Chris' body started to stiffen and he went up on his tippy toes and locked his knees. He put his head back and closed his eyes. Chris began to feel a rush of feeling throughout his entire body. Finally, Chris yelled out "Will I am Cumming!!!! Aagh!!!!! Will started to taste something creamy with a soft salty taste. It was delicious. Will loved the taste of the fruit from Chris as he was gulping down the hot, creamy load. He felt a special love for him at that moment. Finally when Chris was spent, he just brought Will up to eye level and kissed Will. Chris put his tongue into Will's mouth and tasted his own cum mixed with Will's saliva. Both Will and Chris kissed for a bit longer and were extremely happy. Elliott and Ace clapped and patted both Will and Chris on the back for the fucking awesome scene they had just witnessed. Will said, "Damn...that was so great. I am shocked that I could actually suck a dick!" Chris said, "And you suck a dick perfectly."

Will asked the guys to have a beer and a cigarette out on the balcony. Both Chris and Will threw on a pair of boxers so the neighbors did not see them necked outside. The guys walked outside and Will gave out the cigarettes to everyone and Chris gave everyone a beer. Elliott asked Will how he felt. Will said, "Man I am happy. That is about the only thing I can say. I feel very calm right now." Chris said, "Oh man, believe it or not but I actually never got a blowjob from a guy before and Will made me want to have one everyday." Elliott said, "Chris the night is just beginning. We have plenty of time for you to have a few more blowjobs." Chris just smiled an evil smile and then said, "Yes!!!" Ace said, "Oh Will, I am so proud of you." Will said, "Thank you.

I am thankful to you guys for helping me out." Will asked Ace if he ever gave a blowjob."

Ace said he has and enjoyed it. Elliott said, "There is not much of anything better that giving and receiving a good blowjob." Will said, "I can't believe I am asking this, but I definitely want to continue the evening. Earlier tonight when I said I did not want to continue. I was serious, but I am glad that you guys supported me in allowing me to change my thinking."

Ace asked Will if he was ready to continue the evening. Will said "Hell yes, let's get in there and suck some dick." All the guys started laughing and said all right Will let's get inside. Sorry guys, but you will have to see what happens next in part 3, which will be ready soon.

Next: Chapter 3

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