American Idol 2006

By story guy

Published on Mar 5, 2006


American Idol is property of the FOX network, and is copyrighted material. This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexual preference of any of the actors involved and is pure fiction. Do not read this story if you are under 18, and all of the material in it is purely fictional.

Please e-mail me if you would like to make any comments. I will take all suggestions and comments under consideration. If you would like to tell me how you would like the story to continue, please let me know.

American Idol 2006 -- PART 1

Will was turning 18 today and was very excited to be on American Idol and doing pretty well so far. He is currently in the top 16 and hoped to do well enough to be in the top 12.

He knows it will be tough with all the great singers amongst the other guys.

Well, he has finally become an adult and was so glad to get rid of the little kid image that seemed to be expressed amongst the other idols. Will always wanted to be older and was embarrassed that the judges were trying to make him change his look to a younger kid.

He will follow their advice in order to get the votes from the American population, but he really liked acting and dressing older. His feeling about this comes from the fact that his parents have always treated him like a little kid and he resented it. He had brothers and sisters that have left for college so his parents wanted to keep Will as young as possible.

Will found it so funny that when Ryan Seacrest was "undressing" him on national TV on the second night he sang. He did not mind, but was so amused when the judges told Will to run off the stage fast. I guess they must think Ryan is gay and was just joshing him about it. It was such a funny experience for Will that he got a kick out of it.

The guys have known about Will's birthday for a while now and decided to help Will celebrate his birthday in style. Ace, Chris, and Elliott were taking Will out to dinner and then off to go clubbing. Yes, Will was not 21 yet, but they were going to be able to get him into the bars and hoped that he would be able to drink. Will has never had alcohol so it should be an interesting night.

Will walked into the Ace's room and saw the guys standing around discussing tonight's plans. They asked Will if he was ok with the plans. Will said, "hell yes, let's go for it. I think it will be a great time." Ace told Will to dress like an 18 year old not a 40 year old that he tended to do. Chris came over and said "hey Will, why don't you shave your head like mine. I bet you would look pretty good. Elliott said "Ya right Chris, only you can pull off that look." Will rolled his eyes and laughed and said "Alright, I will dress appropriately for a fun night for an 18 year old, but I am not going to shave my head. But guys, you have no idea how great it is to be 18 years old." Elliott punched Will in the arm and said "Alright Will, get out of here and go get dressed so we can go before you turn 19. Everyone started to laugh and Will walked out.

Will walked back to his room and looked at his watch. They decided to leave at 6 o'clock and it was now 4 o'clock so he needed to get moving. First thing Will did was to try and find something to wear. He started going through his clothes and took out some pants, looked at them and threw them on the floor saying, "no this isn't going to work".

He continued to search through the pants and finally found a pair of low riding levy's that were to be worn so low that it actually showed some of his pubic hair. Will secretly bought them with his money he saved up for months ago but never had the guts to wear them. Tonight he decided would be the perfect time to finally wear them.

He looked for a shirt and found an Abercrombie and Fitch tee shirt that was just a tad too small but looked good on him. He found a hemp necklace that would work well and some shoes.

It was California so he did not need a jacket.

Will grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom to take a shower. He started to take off all his clothes and when he was naked, he looked at himself in the mirror.

Wow, he thought he looked different. He felt older and his body showed it. He had a very light dusting of hair going from his bellybutton down to his crotch. His abs were a tight six- pack but nobody could tell because of the loose clothes he normally wore and his pecks were looking pretty good with his pencil eraser nipples. His chest was smooth without any hair. His dick was six inches soft with a big helmet and two big balls that hung down his legs.

Will had never had sex, but hoped tonight that he would finally lose the virgin title. He dated many women, but just never went all the way. He has felt up some boobs, and once felt a women's crotch though her underwear, but besides that he has never had any other sex with the exception of his own masturbation.

Will turned on the shower making sure it was hot. Will loved to take showers with hot water. He felt the water heat up and decided it was good enough to step in.

He got under the water and just stood they're for a while feeling how nice the water was cascading down his body. He took the soap and started to rub it all over his body.

He washed his pits, his chest, his legs and arms and finally started to wash his dick. It felt good to have the soap rubbing against his dick. Will started to bone up and put the soap back in the dish and then grabbed his dick and started rubbing up and down. It felt so good. He reached and started to feel his balls. He started to rub his buttocks and went between them and started to rub up and down the crack. God, he was in heaven. He rubbed his asshole and stared to slowly put his finger inside. When he was able to get the finger all the way in he started to push in and out. He was going at a rapid pace while still rubbing his dick up and down. He was in heaven. His thoughts led to the excitement of tonight and what would happen. He knew it would be a great time and could not wait for the night to start. He started to think about Elliott, Chris and Ace. He thought they looked pretty good for guys. Will thought it was strange to think about them, but thought it was normal because he looked up to them and knew that he would have some fun tonight going to some bars and going to dinner. He suddenly saw them naked in his mind and started to have a nut. His body was in ecstasy. He never felt so good and wondered why he visioned the guy's nude. Well, he enjoyed jacking off and thought that if it felt good then he loved it even if he was having thoughts of naked guys. Will finished his shower and got out to get ready.

Will dried himself off and put on his deodorant, some powder and some cologne. He went into the bedroom area and put on his shirt and then put on the jeans.

He went without underwear because it always looked silly to him to have underwear sticking out of his pants. He buttoned the button fly and then put on some shoes and socks. Will went back into the bathroom to look in the mirror and could not believe how hot he looked. His shirt was a half inch above the jeans and the jeans were showing some of his pubic hair. Will was a bit nervous about his outfit, but decided he didn't care. If he was going to be 18 he needed to act like it. He looked again and noticed that his dick was making quite a bulge in his jeans. Oh well, hopefully this look will make all the girls interested in him and want to fuck him. Will looked at his watch and saw that he had fifteen minutes to meet the guys back in the room. Will bushed his teeth, gargled and then took one more look in the mirror. "Damn, do I look hot!!!" Will walked out of the bathroom and remembered the necklace. He quickly put it on, grabbed his wallet and walked out of the room.

Will got to Ace's room and knocked on the door. Chris opened the door and his mouth dropped open. He was amazed to see Will. Chris said "Dude, you look awesome. You actually look like a normal guy. How did that happen?" Will laughed and said get out of my way Chris. When Will walked through the door, both Elliott and Ace looked up and were shocked. Elliott whistled and then said "Wow Will you look hot." Ace said, "Damn you are a studly mother fucker." Will said, "Thanks guys. I guess I found something to wear huh?" Chris came over to Will and gave him a hug and said, "I am glad to be able to celebrate your birthday". All the guys looked good to Will. They all had on jeans and tee shirts.

Ace said "Lets go guys. Let's celebrate Will's birthday with style."

Elliott said, "Ya, I am glad to go out with Will." Chris walked by and slapped Will on the ass and said, "Let's go dude."

The guys ate at the Outback. The guy who was the waiter was definitely interested in Will and kept coming by to make sure that everything was ok. Elliott asked Will if he was ok with the waiter and Will said "Ya, it is cool. I am flattered that he seems to like me." Ace said, "Will you are a cool guy. I am glad that you are enjoying yourself." Will said, "I am definitely having a great time."

Ace said, "Well want to go clubbing?" Everyone said, "Let's go." Elliott asked what club were they going to? Ace said there is a place about three miles from here that he had gone to when he first came to Los Angeles during tryouts. Chris said "Man you should have asked us to go." Ace said "Well I just met you guys and was not sure if you would want to go." Chris said "Well we hit it off right away." Ace said "Ya, but still not sure if you would be up to going and now we are going."

Ace pulled up to the parking lot and parked. The guys got in line to go into the bar.

After fifteen minutes they finally were able to go in and once inside they were shocked.

It was a gay bar. Chris said, "Ace what kinda place did you bring us too?"

Ace said "Ya I know it is a gay bar, but they have the best dancing and you need to practice your dancing for the show. This will help you out plus look at all the women in here and not all of them are gay." Elliott said, "Ace your right. Let's go in. We can practice our moves for Idol." Will said, "Damn, this is the first bar I have ever been in and it is a gay bar. How funny is that?" Ace asked Will if he was ok with it. Will said "Ya, it should be fun. Let's get a beer." Chris said he would buy the first round and went to the bar.

Elliott just looked around to see what was going on and Ace and Will just sorta stood their talking amongst each other.

Chris brought the beers and gave each one a bottle. Elliot raised his drink for a toast and said "To Will on his 18th birthday." They all said "To Will" and then they all gave Will a bear hug. Will said "thank you guys for making my birthday one to remember." Ace asked the guys if they wanted to go out and dance. They all said sure and went out to dance. Ace and Elliott were really getting into it and then went into some dirty dancing.

Chris and Will just watched the action. Ace was all over Elliott and turned him around and started to dance from behind. He put his arms around Elliott and started to feel Elliott's abs and chest. They continue to dance and then Elliott turned his head around and gave Ace a big kiss on his lips. He stopped and looked over at Chris and Will who were shocked and Will said, "Holy shit Elliott what are you doing?" Elliott told Will to come over to him. Will walked over and then Elliott brought Will to his body and hugged him tight. Elliott started dancing again and started to feel up Wills body. Will didn't know what to do so he put his arms around Elliott and just danced along with Elliott and Ace. Will started to feel Elliott's dick rubbing against his.

Will had never felt anything like this, but just kept dancing. Elliott took Will by the head and stared at Will.

Will's eyes grew wide and he kinda got scared. Will said "What are you doing Elliott?"

Elliott said to Will "How about your first kiss?" Will said "Hey, I have already had my first kiss when I was eleven years old." Elliott said "Ya but with a guy?"

Will said "Elliott I don't know if I could do that." Elliott said "Alright Will, how about just a kiss on the lips? Will said "Alright just one kiss on the lips." Elliott moved towards Will.

Will closed his eyes and just waited for the lips to land on his lips.

Finally, he felt Elliott's lips on his and a bolt of electricity went through his body. Will never felt anything like it. Will pulled back and just stood there for a moment.

Elliott looked at Will and asked him what he thought. Will said it was the weirdest thing that he ever felt.

Elliott looked down at Will's crotch and saw that it was huge. Elliott told Will that his dick liked it. Will looked down and then back up to Elliott embarrassed and knew that Elliott was right he did enjoy it. What is happening to me Will asked himself.

Chris came over to Will and asked him if he was all right. Will said, "Ya I am fine just a little wigged out." Chris said, "Hay man that is cool, just relax. You are an adult now and just do what is comfortable and that you enjoy. Don't do anything that you don't want to do." Will said, "Thanks, I am cool. I always wanted to be treated as an adult and I am glad that you guys are treating me that way." Chris gave Will a hug and said "Glad you are doing ok." Will said, "Hey guys let's go out and have a smoke.

Elliott said, "Ok, let's go out for awhile." The four walked out and smoked a cigarette.

Ace asked Will what he was thinking about. Will said "I am just trying to take all this in.

I am doing great, just feeling crazy right now." Elliott said, "Ya I felt the same way. It is all about growing up. Sometimes it takes time to learn everything you need to know about being an adult. You'll get it though sometime." Will said, "Ya, I guess I need to learn about adult situations. I enjoyed the kiss Elliott and can't believe that I enjoyed it so much. My body was feeling so good." Chris said, "It is supposed to feel good. Will if I was you I would just enjoy the evening and just do what you want. Fuck it. Your 18 now. Just enjoy life. You only live once. Soon you will be old and in a wheelchair eating your meals through a straw and wearing a diaper again." The guys all start laughing again. Will makes himself old and says "Ya I need my diaper changed" Ace gave Will a hug and said you will be fine. Just enjoy yourself. Will said, "I am. Let's go dance again."

Will ran out to the dance floor and started dancing. The other guys all went out and surrounded Will and started dancing around him. Will started to dance towards Elliott and started to feel him up with his hands going all over his body. Will pulled his face to Elliott's and kissed him hard. He put his hands behind his head and just continued to kiss. Elliott opened his mouth and took his tongue and put it against Will's lips for entry.

Will thought about it and decided to open his mouth and accepted Elliott's tongue. Will and Elliott French kissed for a couple minutes and when they were done Chris and Ace both clapped. Will said, "Damn! That was great. I never thought that kissing a guy would be so awesome." Will went back to dancing and went up to Ace and kissed him.

They frenched for a while until Will broke off the kiss and went over to Chris. Chris was the only one that was nervous, but had to go along with it because he is the one who told Will to just live his life and have fun. So when Will kissed Chris he got into it and actually thought it was not so bad. Chris' dick was hard now and he adjusted his dick in his jeans. Will looked down and couldn't believe how big Chris' bulge was.

Will took his hand and felt his bulge through Chris' jeans. Chris moaned and told Will to stop for now. Will walked back over to Ace and they started to kiss. Will brought Ace's body against his and they dirty danced for a while. Will put his hands on Ace's ass and just kneaded his ass for a while. Elliott went up to Will from behind and started to hump Will from the back and they continued to dance in a three way until Chris went behind Ace and started to feel Ace's back and ass. He started dancing against Ace.

The four of them were having a lot of fun. Elliott's dick was hard against Will's ass and Will began to push his ass against Elliott's dick. Will loved this newfound freedom and was glad to finally be an adult. Will asked the guys if they could go home now and continue this in the hotel room. All the guys said "Hell yes let's go home."

To be continued in the hotel room.

Next: Chapter 2

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